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Displacing the 'authentic account' : historical trauma, political subjectification and the overdetermination of Tibetan youth subjectivities and agenciesConnell, James Astley January 2017 (has links)
This thesis considers the reputedly constitutive effects of violence and (intergenerational) loss on youth political subjectivities and agencies, with specific regard for young Tibetans of the refugee-diaspora of Northern India. While the effects of violence on socialisation and agency are currently a significant concern, prevailing clinical, cultural, and even radical psychoanalytical explanations tend – in universalising the traumatic event – to advance underdetermined accounts of experience, subjectivity and agency, leading to depoliticisation of the young or overstatement of their agency. In contrast, this study draws on the Foucauldian concept of political subjectification to reflect on the displaced wider overdeterminative material-discursive field through which young subjects, their subjectivities, and agencies are constituted. Through an ethnographically-informed genealogical method I attempt to trace the signification and affective-internalisation of a specific masternarrative of (national) loss, and the displacements the advent of this account has caused –with specific regard for the displacement of classed, gendered and generational experiences of loss. Finally, drawing on Foucault’s parrhesia as a heuristic for decentred agency, I consider how far young people in exile are able to resist patrifilial hegemony through indexing alternative forms of loss.
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Rural land ownership and institutional change in ChinaMeng, Gaofeng January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this study is the property rights theories tested in the context of Modern China’s rural areas. It is divided into three parts: Part I presents the theoretical framework, concepts. These form the analytical tools. Part II briefly describes the three big transformation of rural arable land ownership in modern China. This is a particular case in which the theoretical framework can be tested. In Part III of this study I apply the analytical framework developed in part I to understand the puzzles and problems described in part II. This is the application of theory to the history and reality. In this research, I show that the change of property rights is central to political, economic and social change in that particular society. As a formal institution, property rights provide an incentive or disincentive structure for a particular economy. The contrasting economic performance in modern China’s agriculture can be well explained by the underlying force— the property rights institutional arrangement. The stagnation and decline of Chinese economy and universal poverty is conditioned by the disincentive structure of the Commune System. While the specular economic growth and its relief of poverty is driven by the incentive structure of the Household Responsibility System (HRS). The success of the HRS is in that it is not only a government institutional arrangement but also a communal institutional arrangement in its origin. The rules created by the peasants themselves are legitimized by the central government as property rights. It really matter who creates the property rights and for whom. This research attempts to enrich our knowledge in social science. It challenges the conventional and standard political and economic theory used to explain Chinese puzzles in its economic growth and social development. In the theoretical sphere, it contributes mainly to the literature of Marx’s theory of property, Honoré’s concept of ownership and Ostrom’s theory of common-pool resources and institutional change. In the practical sphere, it contributes to our understanding of the radical and complex change in Modern China’s rural areas.
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Topics on financial crises in emerging countries case of JordanAl-Tarawneh, Alaaeddin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the effect of monetary policy on financial stability and part of the real side of the Jordanian economy over the time period 1976-2009. It uses a number of empirical methodologies including: a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) to investigate the relationship between monetary policy and financial stability in Jordan; A Logit model and Markov switching model to study the currency crisis in Jordan; and an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) to estimate an investment function for the Jordanian economy. Findings of the VAR models confirmed the relationship between monetary policy and financial stability in Jordan. However, a number of indictors were found to have a significant effect on the currency crisis in Jordan. These indictors included the real exchange rate, money supply-reserves ratio, and growth rate of domestic credit. On the other hand, a stable long-run investment function exists. Real income and real credit were found to have a positive impact on real investment. However, the user cost of capital has had a negative impact on real investment.
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Ogitlighetsförklaring av offentliga kontrakt : En studie av undantag för tvingande hänsyn till allmänintresset / The sanction of ineffectiveness of public contracts : A study of exemptions due to overriding reasons in the general interestHagersten, Anna January 2010 (has links)
De primära rättskällorna på rättsområdet offentlig upphandling utgörs av gemenskapsrättsliga direktiv, vars huvudsakliga syfte är att främja den fria rörligheten inom unionen. Möjligheten att överpröva felaktiga upphandlingar regleras i två rättsmedelsdirektiv, utifrån vilka den processrättsliga delen av svensk upphandlingsrättslig lagstiftning har utformats. Direktiven har resulterat i att det i Sverige är möjligt överpröva felaktiga offentliga upphandlingar. Domstolen har vid överprövning möjlighet att besluta antingen att upphandlingen skall rättas eller att den skall göras om. Oberoende av domstolens beslut har ett ingånget offentligt kontrakt dock inte kunnat ogiltigförklaras i domstol. Rättsmedelsdirektiven har på senare år varit föremål för revideringar, vilket har resulterat i direktiv 2007/66/EG. I och med implementeringen av det nya direktivet införs nu i svensk upphandlingsrätt en ogiltighetssanktion, vilken innebär att domstol får behörighet att upphäva ett ingånget offentligt kontrakt. För att inte alltför problematiska och oproportionerliga konsekvenser skall uppstå till följd av ogiltighetsförklaringen lämnar direktivet dock ett visst utrymme för flexibilitet i tillämpningen av ogiltighetssanktionen: att hänvisa till att tvingande hänsyn till allmänintresset kräver att kontraktets verkan upprätthålls. Begreppet tvingande hänsyn till allmänintresset har sitt ursprung i gemenskapsrätten och utgör möjligt undantag från den gemenskapsrättsliga principen om fri rörlighet. Det handlar om de så kallade gemenskapsrättsliga rättfärdigandegrunderna, vilka återfinns dels i EG-fördragets artikel 30, dels i gemenskapsrättslig praxis. Avseende tillämpningen av den upphandlingsrättsliga undantagsgrunden hänvisar regeringen i ”Ds 2009:30” till dessa rättfärdigandegrunder. Uppsatsen visar att en dylik hänvisning inte fullt ut besvarar frågan hur undantagsgrunden skall tillämpas på upphandlingsområdet.
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Performance Comparison of Selective Rake Receivers with CLEAN Algorithms in UWB SystemsYang, Siang-Yu 26 July 2006 (has links)
The Ultra-Wideband (UWB) channel is a dense multipath channel. The system performance and design complexity issues of selective-Rake receiver (SRake) are studied. Rake receiver has difficulties achieving desired system performance in the dense multipath environment. The main ideas of SRake receiver are to obtain the SNR level on known multipath channel and determine the desired number of Rake fingers. In the implementation of the SRake, the CLEAN algorithm is used in selecting the paths with relatively high energy. We can improve the performance of SRake receiver by increasing the accuracy of path selection. By the property of local maximum peak within the smaller partition, Two-Stage CLEAN algorithm acquires the more accurate delay time of multipath. In order to mitigate the sidelobe effect and noise interference, the key assumption in the Deng¡¦s Modified CLEAN algorithm is that using average amplitude around the considered data change as the criterion to determine if the data value is a true path. In this thesis, we investigate CLEAN, Two-Stage CLEAN and Deng¡¦s Modified CLEAN algorithm in three different systems including UWB-Impulse Radio, Pulse Radar and DS-UWB. From the performance comparison, it can be seen that the Two-Stage CLEAN algorithm that has the highest accuracy of path selection in UWB system.
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Code Acquisition using Smart Antennas with Adaptive Filtering Scheme for DS-CDMA SystemsKuo, Sheng-hong 31 July 2006 (has links)
¡@¡@Pseudo-noise (PN) code synchronizer is an essential element of direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) system because data transmission is possible only after the receiver accurately synchronizes the locally generated PN code with the incoming PN code. The code synchronization is processed in two steps, acquisition and tracking, to estimate the delay offset between the two codes. Recently, the adaptive LMS filtering scheme has been proposed for performing both code acquisition and tracking with the identical structure, where the LMS algorithm is used to adjust the FIR filter taps to search for the value of delay-offset adaptively. A decision device is employed in the adaptive LMS filtering scheme as a decision variable to indicate code synchronization, hence it plays an important role for the performance of mean acquisition time (MAT). In this thesis, only code acquisition is considered.
¡@¡@In this thesis, a new decision device, referred to as the weight vector square norm (WVSN) test method, is devised associated with the adaptive LMS filtering scheme for code acquisition in DS-CDMA system. The system probabilities of the proposed scheme are derived for evaluating MAT. Numerical analyses and simulation results verify that the performance of the proposed scheme, in terms of detection probability and MAT, is superior to the conventional scheme with mean-squared error (MSE) test method, especially when the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is relatively low.
¡@¡@Furthermore, an efficient and joint-adaptation code acquisition scheme, i.e., a smart antenna coupled with the proposed adaptive LMS filtering scheme with the WVSN test method, is devised for applying to a base station, where all antenna elements are employed during PN code acquisition. This new scheme is a process of PN code acquisition and the weight coefficients of smart antenna jointly and adaptively. Numerical analyses and simulation results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed scheme with five antenna elements, in terms of the output SINR, the detection probability and the MAT, can be improved by around 7 dB, compared to the one with single antenna case.
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周波数選択性フェージング環境下における非同期MC-CDMA式のSNIR解析竹内, 裕志, 山里, 敬也, 岡田, 啓, 片山, 正昭 01 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Preparatory investigations for developing a transcript-based rotavirus reverse genetics system / Luwanika MleraMlera, Luwanika January 2012 (has links)
Reverse genetics systems that are based on either viral transcripts or cDNA genome
segments cloned in plasmids have recently been reported for some of the dsRNA
viruses of the Reoviridae family, namely African horsesickness virus, bluetongue
virus and orthoreovirus. For rotaviruses, three reverse genetics systems which only
allow the manipulation of a single genome segment have been described. These
rotavirus single genome segment reverse genetics systems are not true stand-alone
systems because they require a helper virus and a recombinant virus selection step.
A true selection-free, plasmid- only or transcript-based reverse genetics system for
rotaviruses is lacking.
This study sought to identify and characterise the factors that need to be understood
and overcome for the development of a rotavirus reverse genetics system using
mRNA derived from the in vitro transcription of a consensus nucleotide sequence as
well as from double-layered particles. The consensus whole genome sequence of
the prototype rotavirus DS-1 and SA11 strains was determined using sequenceindependent
whole genome amplification and 454® pyrosequencing. For the
rotavirus DS-1 strain, a novel isoleucine in a minor population variant was found at
position 397 in a hydrophobic region of VP4. NSP1 contained seven additional
amino acids MKSLVEA at the N-terminal end due to an insertion in the consensus
nucleotide sequence of genome segment 5. The first 34 nucleotides at the 5'-
terminus and last 30 nucleotides at the 3'-terminal end of genome segment 10
(NSP4) of the DS-1 strain were determined in this study. The consensus genome
segment 11 (NSP5/6) sequence was 821 bp in length, 148 bp longer than previously
reported. The 454® pyrosequence data for a rotavirus SA11 sample with no known
passage history revealed a mixed infection with two SA11 strains. One of the strains
was a reassortant which contained genome segment 8 (NSP2) from the bovine
rotavirus O agent. The other ten consensus genome segments of the two strains
could not be differentiated. Novel minor population variants of genome segments 4
(VP4), 9 (VP7) and 10 (NSP4) were identified. Molecular clock phylogenetic
analyses of the rotavirus SA11 genomes showed that the two SA11 strains were
closely related to the original SA11-H96 strain isolated in 1958. Plasmids containing inserts of the consensus cDNA of the rotavirus DS-1 strain were
purchased and used to generate exact capped transcripts by in vitro transcription
with a T7 polymerase. Wild-type transcripts of rotavirus SA11 were obtained from in
vitro transcription using purified rotavirus SA11 double-layered particles. The purified
rotavirus DS-1 and SA11 transcripts were transfected into BSR, COS-7 and MA104
cells. Work on MA104 cells was discontinued due their very low transfection efficacy.
In BSR and COS-7 cells, rotavirus DS-1 and SA11 transcripts induced cell death.
However, no viable rotavirus was recovered following attempts to infect MA104 cells
with the BSR and COS-7 transfected cell lysates. The cell death was determined to
be due to apoptotic cell death mechanisms. Immunostaining showed that the DS-1
genome segment 6 (VP6) and SA11 transcripts were translated in transfected BSR
and COS-7 cells. Based on visual inspection, the translation seemed to be higher in
the retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I) deficient BSR cells than in COS-7 cells.
This suggested that the transfection of rotavirus transcripts induced an innate
immune response which could lead to the development of an antiviral state.
Therefore, the innate immune response to rotavirus transcripts was investigated in
HEK 293H cells using qRT-PCR and western blot analyses. Results of this
investigation showed that RIG-I, but not MDA5 sensed rotavirus transcripts in
transfected HEK 293H cells. Furthermore, rotavirus transcripts induced high levels of
cellular mRNA encoding the cytokines IFN-1β, IFN-λ1, CXCL10 and TNF-α. Other
cytokines namely, IFN-α, IL-10, IL-12 p40 and the kinase RIP1 were not significantly
induced. Inhibiting the RNA-dependent protein kinase R (PKR) reduced the induction
of cytokines IFN-1β, IFN-λ1, CXCL10 and TNF-α, but the expression levels were not
abrogated. The importance of a consensus sequence and the insights gained in the
current study regarding the role of the innate immune response after transfection of
rotavirus transcripts into cells in culture, should aid the development of a true
rotavirus reverse genetics system. / Thesis (PhD (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Preparatory investigations for developing a transcript-based rotavirus reverse genetics system / Luwanika MleraMlera, Luwanika January 2012 (has links)
Reverse genetics systems that are based on either viral transcripts or cDNA genome
segments cloned in plasmids have recently been reported for some of the dsRNA
viruses of the Reoviridae family, namely African horsesickness virus, bluetongue
virus and orthoreovirus. For rotaviruses, three reverse genetics systems which only
allow the manipulation of a single genome segment have been described. These
rotavirus single genome segment reverse genetics systems are not true stand-alone
systems because they require a helper virus and a recombinant virus selection step.
A true selection-free, plasmid- only or transcript-based reverse genetics system for
rotaviruses is lacking.
This study sought to identify and characterise the factors that need to be understood
and overcome for the development of a rotavirus reverse genetics system using
mRNA derived from the in vitro transcription of a consensus nucleotide sequence as
well as from double-layered particles. The consensus whole genome sequence of
the prototype rotavirus DS-1 and SA11 strains was determined using sequenceindependent
whole genome amplification and 454® pyrosequencing. For the
rotavirus DS-1 strain, a novel isoleucine in a minor population variant was found at
position 397 in a hydrophobic region of VP4. NSP1 contained seven additional
amino acids MKSLVEA at the N-terminal end due to an insertion in the consensus
nucleotide sequence of genome segment 5. The first 34 nucleotides at the 5'-
terminus and last 30 nucleotides at the 3'-terminal end of genome segment 10
(NSP4) of the DS-1 strain were determined in this study. The consensus genome
segment 11 (NSP5/6) sequence was 821 bp in length, 148 bp longer than previously
reported. The 454® pyrosequence data for a rotavirus SA11 sample with no known
passage history revealed a mixed infection with two SA11 strains. One of the strains
was a reassortant which contained genome segment 8 (NSP2) from the bovine
rotavirus O agent. The other ten consensus genome segments of the two strains
could not be differentiated. Novel minor population variants of genome segments 4
(VP4), 9 (VP7) and 10 (NSP4) were identified. Molecular clock phylogenetic
analyses of the rotavirus SA11 genomes showed that the two SA11 strains were
closely related to the original SA11-H96 strain isolated in 1958. Plasmids containing inserts of the consensus cDNA of the rotavirus DS-1 strain were
purchased and used to generate exact capped transcripts by in vitro transcription
with a T7 polymerase. Wild-type transcripts of rotavirus SA11 were obtained from in
vitro transcription using purified rotavirus SA11 double-layered particles. The purified
rotavirus DS-1 and SA11 transcripts were transfected into BSR, COS-7 and MA104
cells. Work on MA104 cells was discontinued due their very low transfection efficacy.
In BSR and COS-7 cells, rotavirus DS-1 and SA11 transcripts induced cell death.
However, no viable rotavirus was recovered following attempts to infect MA104 cells
with the BSR and COS-7 transfected cell lysates. The cell death was determined to
be due to apoptotic cell death mechanisms. Immunostaining showed that the DS-1
genome segment 6 (VP6) and SA11 transcripts were translated in transfected BSR
and COS-7 cells. Based on visual inspection, the translation seemed to be higher in
the retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I) deficient BSR cells than in COS-7 cells.
This suggested that the transfection of rotavirus transcripts induced an innate
immune response which could lead to the development of an antiviral state.
Therefore, the innate immune response to rotavirus transcripts was investigated in
HEK 293H cells using qRT-PCR and western blot analyses. Results of this
investigation showed that RIG-I, but not MDA5 sensed rotavirus transcripts in
transfected HEK 293H cells. Furthermore, rotavirus transcripts induced high levels of
cellular mRNA encoding the cytokines IFN-1β, IFN-λ1, CXCL10 and TNF-α. Other
cytokines namely, IFN-α, IL-10, IL-12 p40 and the kinase RIP1 were not significantly
induced. Inhibiting the RNA-dependent protein kinase R (PKR) reduced the induction
of cytokines IFN-1β, IFN-λ1, CXCL10 and TNF-α, but the expression levels were not
abrogated. The importance of a consensus sequence and the insights gained in the
current study regarding the role of the innate immune response after transfection of
rotavirus transcripts into cells in culture, should aid the development of a true
rotavirus reverse genetics system. / Thesis (PhD (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Soil Salinity Abatement Following Hurricane IkeMueller, Ryan 2012 August 1900 (has links)
In September 2008 Hurricane Ike hit the Texas Gulf Coast with a force stronger than the category 2 storm at which it was rated. With a 3.8 m (12.5 ft) storm surge, the agricultural industry in the area was devastated. The goal of this research was to determine the length of time required to reduce the salt levels brought by the storm surge to near pre-hurricane levels. To do this, four sets of samples were taken across two years and analyzed for salinity using the saturated paste extract method.
The initial salt levels in November 2008 had an electrical conductivity (ECe) of the inundated soils as high as 26.7 dS/m. Fifty-four percent of the soils sampled in the 0-15 cm horizons and 9% in the 15-30 cm horizons of the edge area had an ECe >= 4 dS/m. In the surge area 79% of the soils sampled in the 0-15 cm horizons and 30% in the 15-30 cm horizons had an ECe >= 4 dS/m.
In April 2009, 38% of the soils sampled in the 0-15 cm horizons and 13% in the 15-30 cm horizons of the edge area had an ECe >= 4 dS/m. In the surge area 71% of the soils sampled in the 0-15 cm horizons and 39% in the 15-30 cm horizons had an ECe >= 4 dS/m.
By December 2009, none of the soils sampled in the edge area had an ECe >= 4 dS/m. In the surge area 21% of the soils sampled in the 0-15 cm horizons and 33% in the 15-30 cm horizons had an ECe >= 4 dS/m. By October 2010, all soils sampled had leached sufficient salts to be classified as non-saline to very slightly saline soils.
Utilizing the November 2008 data set, 28 random samples were selected for exchangeable Na percent (ESP) in order to develop the ESP-SAR (Na adsorption ratio) predictive equation, ESP= 1.19(SAR)^0.82. The SAR-ESP relationship is statistically significant (95% confidence level), with a correlation coefficient of 0.964 (df=26).
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