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Povrchové úpravy podlah z materiálu na bázi dřeva ve veřejném interiéruKroutilová, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of appropriate surface treatment for wooden floors in public interiors. The materials used in this thesis are coniferous (spruce) and foliate (beech and oak) types of wood which has been treated with four different kinds of transparent coating. The evaluation of the most appropriate coating for a particular kind of wood is based on laboratory experiments focused on physical-mechanical, chemical and microbiological properties.
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Vliv stanoviště a biotechniky sadby na odrůstání kultur založených krytokořenným sadebním materiálemNovák, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work was to find out how different planting biotechnique of the seed and different site have an impact on growth of container-grown planting material. It was planted norway spruce, european beech and sessile oak on SLT (czech typology system) 5K and 5G. Spruce and beech was planted with five different types of seedlings and oak with three different types. The influence of root ball overlap during planting was also investigated. Measurements took place in 2016, 2017 and 2018. In particular, the following parameters were investigated: the length of the aerial part, the increment, the thickness of the root neck, the length and width of the assimilation organs, the vitality, number of roots rooted in the root ball and the losses. The results show that, the growth of the container-grown planting material is influenced by different biotechnology of seedlings and sites. Planted plants grew better at 5K than at 5G. Best for norway spruce was planting cutter biotechnique for both sites. Best for european beech was center hole planting biotechnique, eventually planting thorn biotechnique. Best for sessisle oak was center hole planting biotechnique. The root pack is better to overlap with a layer of soil during planting.
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Hodnocení ekologických limitů a zdravotního stavu hlavních edifikátorů lesních ekosystémů v oblasti Přírodní lesní oblasti PolabíSoukup, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This thesis occupies with environmetal limits and the european beech and oak trees in natural forest area 17–Polabí. Forests, whose age was at least 100 years, were mostly selected for the evalution. Signs of tree growth of both species has been reported in forest stands. It was also evaluated the quality and even the shape of the crown and the quality of the trunk. Last but not least, the incidence of harmful agents has been assessed. Data collection took place in the summer of 2018. In consequence, it was found that there are not ecological limits of both species in this area. At the same time it was it was found that there is no statistically significant difference between first vegetation tiers and second vegetation tiers. The both species growth is very similar, if not the same. Moreover, as expected, the difference between the 2nd and 3rd vegetation tiers in both the total height and the deployment height was proved. At the same time there has been no cause significant damage. Only Lymatria dispar has been detected relatively abundant occurrence.
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Identification of Deubiquitinating Enzymes that Control the Cell Cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeMapa, Claudine E. 30 November 2018 (has links)
A large fraction of the proteome displays cell cycle-dependent expression, which is important for cells to accurately grow and divide. Cyclical protein expression requires protein degradation via the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS), and several ubiquitin ligases (E3) have established roles in this regulation. Less is understood about the roles of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUB), which antagonize E3 activity. A few DUBs have been shown to interact with and deubiquitinate cell cycle-regulatory E3s and their protein substrates, suggesting DUBs play key roles in cell cycle control. However, in vitro studies and characterization of individual DUB deletion strains in yeast suggest that these enzymes are highly redundant, making it difficult to identify their in vivo substrates and therefore fully understand their functions in the cell. To determine if DUBs play a role in the cell cycle, I performed a screen to identify specific DUB targets in vivo and then explored how these interactions contribute to cell cycle control.
I conducted an in vivo overexpression screen to identify specific substrates of DUBs from a sample of UPS-regulated proteins and I determined that DUBs regulate different subsets of targets, confirming they display specificity in vivo. Five DUBs regulated the largest number of substrates, with Ubp10 stabilizing 40% of the proteins tested. Deletion of Ubp10 delayed the G1-S transition and reduced expression of Dbf4, a regulatory subunit of Cdc7 kinase, demonstrating Ubp10 is important for progression into S-phase. We hypothesized that compound deletion strains of these five DUBs would be deficient in key cellular processes because they regulated the largest number of cell cycle proteins from our screen. I performed genetic analysis to determine if redundancies exist between these DUBs. Our results indicate that most individual and combination deletion strains do not have impaired proliferation, with the exception of cells lacking UBP10. However, I observed negative interactions in some combinations when cells were challenged by different stressors. This implies the DUB network may activate redundant pathways only upon certain environmental conditions. While deletion of UBP10 impaired proliferation under standard growth conditions, I discovered that deletion of the proteasome-regulatory DUBs Ubp6 or Ubp14 rescues the cell cycle defect inubp10∆ cells. This suggests in the absence of Ubp10 substrates such as Dbf4 are rapidly degraded by the proteasome, but deletion of proteasome-associated DUBs restores cell cycle progression. Our work demonstrates that in unperturbed cells DUBs display specificity for their substrates in vivo and that a coordination of DUB activities promotes cell cycle progression.
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Využití statistické provozní inventarizace jako základ monitoringu vývoje škod zvěří na ŠLP Křtiny, LÚ BorkyBrandejsová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work is to analyze data on the damage caused by game from the database Field-Map program of operational statistical inventory. This inventory was carried out in 280 inventory plots to forestry section Borky school forest enterprise Masaryk forest Křtiny, in 2003, 2008 and 2013. Another aim is a suggest a method and a method of long-term monitoring of game damage to forests. Information on damage by game were evaluate in the relevant graphs in relation to the type of stand (coniferous, broadleaf and mixture) edaphic categories and game evidence (above game hunting). Next, the data were compared based on the general linear models in statistics. At principal species and accessory species in relation to the growth was the considerable increase by game damage. Data of game damage depending on edaphic categories showed the greatest harm to the ecological variety of nutrients. After the use of SPI in this work (the evaluation) and keep to relenvat principle of this system, this method was recommend as flexible method for long-term monitoring of the development of game damage to LÚ Borky.
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Vliv biotechniky sadby na odrůstání krytokořenného sadebního materiáluNedomanský, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different plantation biotechnics on growth of Scots pine and pedunculate oak containerized planting stock. Both types of planting stock were grown to the same technology type used plantpot QUICK POT D 60 T/12 and 15. Monitoring was carried out by two research areas that have different soil conditions. It was a sandy soil and ground water affected. These areas were located in the Hradec Králové region. We tested following plantation biotechnics: hole planting, planting spade, planting fork, planting thorn and planting stick. It was also monitored overlaps the root ball of a layer of mineral soil. The evaluation was carried out by one growing season after planting. Plant mortality, parameters of above-ground plants part, damage of biotic and abiotic factors, plants vitality and especially root system were monitored. Based on the evaluation of these observations and measurements it has been found which plantation biotechnics are appropriate or not unsuitable for the growing of planting stocks, depending on site soil conditions. The outcome of this work is an overall assessment of individual planting biotechnics and recommendations that the most suitable planting biotechnics for reforestation from above-mentioned planting stock is planting hole.
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Die Funktionen des COP9 Signalosoms und des assoziierten USP15 im Ubiquitin-ProteasomsystemHetfeld, Bettina Kathrin Johanna 19 July 2006 (has links)
Das COP9 Signalosom (CSN) ist ein hoch konservierter Proteinkomplex, der an der Regulation des Ubiquitin (Ub)-26S Proteasomsystems (UPS) beteiligt ist. Das UPS ist die wichtigste Proteolysemaschinerie in eukaryotischen Zellen, bei der Proteine über eine dreistufige Kaskade der Enzyme E1-E3 mit einer Ub-Kette markiert werden, die als Erkennungssignal für den Abbau durch das 26S Proteasom dient. Das CSN gilt als Paralog zum Lid, einem Subkomplex des 26S Proteasoms, und interagiert mit einer Vielzahl von Proteinen, unter anderem mit E3-Ligasen und Kinasen. In dieser Arbeit konnte die direkte Bindung des CSN an das 26S Proteasom gezeigt werden, was zu einem Einfluss auf die Peptidaseaktivität des 26S Proteasoms in vitro führt. In Flag-Pulldown-Experimenten aus B8 Mausfibroblasten, die stabil mit Flag-CSN2 transfiziert waren, wurde ein vollständiger Flag-CSN-Komplex nachgewiesen, der mit dem 26S Proteasom assoziiert vorliegt. Co-Immunpräzipitationen beider Komplexe in vitro wiesen auf eine konzentrationsabhängige Verdrängung des Lid-Subkomplexes durch das CSN hin. Diese Interaktion führte zur Reduktion der proteolytischen Aktivität des 26S Proteasoms. Darüber hinaus wurde eine assoziierte deubiquitinierende Aktivität am CSN entdeckt und als USP15 identifiziert. Die Charakterisierung von USP15 zeigte, dass es durch die am CSN assoziierte Kinase CK2 phosphoryliert und stabilisiert wird. Erstmalig konnte durch Inhibitorstudien mit ortho-Phenanthrolin eine Metallabhängigkeit der Aktivität von USP15 nachgewiesen werden, die zur Identifizierung eines bisher unbekannten Zn-Fingers führte. Mutationsanalysen des Zn-Fingers zeigen, dass dieser für die Bindung und Spaltung von Ub-Ketten, nicht aber von linearen Ub-Konstrukten, notwendig ist. In Zellexperimenten konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass USP15 die E3 Ligase Rbx1 stabilisiert, was vermutlich auf eine Umkehr der Autoubiquitinierung zurückzuführen ist. Das CSN scheint somit sowohl das 26S Proteasom als auch die E3-Ligasen direkt zu beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit stellen eine Vertiefung der Erkenntnisse über das CSN als Regulator des UPS dar. / The COP9 signalosome (CSN) is a conserved protein complex that is involved in the regulation of the ubiquitin (Ub)/26S proteasome system (UPS). The UPS is the most important degradation machinery in eukaryotic cells. By the concerted action of three enzymes, E1-E3, proteins are labelled with a Ub-chain that serves as a recognition signal for the degradation by the 26S proteasome. The CSN is homologous to the lid, a subcomplex of the 26S proteasome, and interacts with numerous proteins, including E3 Ub ligases and kinases. In this study a direct interaction of the CSN with the 26S proteasome could be shown which has consequences for the peptidase activity of the 26S proteasome in vitro. In Flag-pull-down experiments from mouse B8 fibroblasts, that permanently expressed Flag-CSN2, an intact Flag-CSN complex was detected that is associated with the 26S proteasome. Co-immunoprecipitation of both complexes in vitro indicated a concentration-dependent replacement of the lid subcomplex by the CSN. This interaction led to a decrease of the proteolytic activity of the 26S proteasome. Moreover, a deubiquitinating activity associated with the CSN was discovered and identified as USP15. The USP15 was phosphorylated by the CSN-associated kinase CK2 that stabilised the enzyme. For the first time inhibitor studies with ortho-phenanthroline demonstrated a metal-dependency for the activity of USP15 that could be attributed to a formerly unidentified Zn-finger. Mutational analysis of the Zn-finger showed that it is necessary for the binding and cleavage of poly-Ub-chains but not for linear Ub-constructs. Cell culture experiments demonstrated a stabilisation of the E3 ligase Rbx1 by USP15 most likely by reversing its autoubiquitination. Therefore the CSN seems to directly influence the 26S proteasome as well as E3 ligases in their functions. These results expand the present knowledge on the CSN as a regulator of the UPS.
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Návrh dolní končetiny testovací figuríny pro nárazové zkoušky / Design of leg for crash test dummyMaršálek, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the design model of the lower limbs crash test dummies. It describes how the dummy developed historically, what are currently available for crash tests, what they are made and what their future will be. The main motive of the work is to design a model of lower limb for crash tests, with emphasis on the human anatomy. The work is characterized by how the figurine is produced using the form from material Thermolyne Clear, wood as a substitute human bones and the agar substitutes such as human muscle.
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Pařezová výmladnost jako základ obnovy a produkce nízkého lesa =:Stump sprouting as a basis for the regeneration and production of coppice /Uherková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
In 2008, a young coppice was established and studied in the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic. The main studied species Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl agg. and Carpinus betulus L. are typical species of Central European coppices. The aim of the dissertation thesis was to study the topic of re-sprouting, the process when the new regeneration of sprouts is created. Re-sprouting occurred after thinning carried out at the turn of the years 2014/2015. The number of live and dead new sprouts was recorded, and their heights were measured. Subsequently, the effects of the stump basal area before and after thinning, the thinning intensity, leaf area index and light conditions (gap fraction, openness, direct, indirect and total site factor) were studied on the newly established generation of sprouts. Another aim of the dissertation thesis was to find out the effect of thinning on the growth of the coppice in the current changing climate conditions. For three growing seasons (2015 –2017) after the thinning, the growth (diameter and height increments) and soil water content were observed. To study the effect of climatic conditions, a throughfall reduction was simulated by using drainage channels. Similar system of drainage channels was used in Spain, France and other countries. To address the topic of soil degradation, the impact of throughfall reduction and thinning on soil CO2 efflux was investigated. Comparison between subplots with and without thinning, subplots with and without throughfall reduction and coppice with false high forest (control area to the research area of coppice forest) were carried out. As far as the re-sprouting is concerned, the stump basal area before thinning and the thinning intensity statistically significantly influenced the number and height of the new sprouts. Among all factors of light condition, only the indirect site factor was statistically significant. Therefore, the thinning affected soil moisture and the amount of light in the coppice. In the first year after the thinning, the diameter increments of sessile oak and European hornbeam were positively influenced by thinning. In the following two growing seasons, thinning did not significantly influence the diameter increment. However, the height increment of both trees during the whole study period has not been positively affected by thinning. On the other hand, thinning significantly affected the soil moisture. During the three-year study period, soil moisture was higher on thinned plots. This finding is in coincidence with research experiments carried out in southern Europe. The second studied factor, which was the throughfall reduction, did not influence neither the diameter increment, nor the height increment and nor the soil moisture in both species for the entire period. Thinning did not affect soil CO2 efflux rates, whereas the throughfall reduction did. Coppice reached almost the same soil CO2 efflux rates as the false high forest. In conclusion, thinning in coppice leads to an increase of available soil water. The water availability will be very actual issue at lower altitudes – here the tree species are sensitive to high air temperatures and drought stress. It should be noted that the younger developmental stages of the forest stands show increased sensitivity to water deficit due to drought. Thanks to sprouting ability, coppicing can therefore be appropriate management in some deciduous stands at lower altitudes under changing climate conditions.
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Porovnání klasických a současných povrchových úprav stavebně-truhlářských výrobků v exteriéruLuňáček, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis compares the differences between the use of classical and contemporary treatment practices of woodwork surfaces in carpentry, focusing on wood products made of acacia, oak, and spruce. Ox blood and used automotive oil were used for classical surface treatment whereas water-soluable pigment paints were used for contemporary treatment practices; choices were based on various conditions, such as weather, wind, or cardinal directions. Changes of the surface conditions were monitored and form the basis of this thesis; experimental measurement of samples, which were exposed to exterior conditions for ten months, form the basis of research data. A set of samples which were kept under constant environmental conditions with no access to light were stored in a laboratory in order to provide a set of contrasting samples to samples exposed to exterior conditions.
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