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Modelagem da dinâmica espacial das mudanças na cobertura da terra na região portuária da Baixada Santista. / Spatial dynamics modeling of changes in land cover in port region of Baixada Santista.Kawashima, Renata Sayuri 08 December 2014 (has links)
Os padrões espaciais das alterações da cobertura da terra podem ser analisados a partir de modelagens da sua dinâmica espacial. Essas modelagens são capazes de descrever possíveis fatores responsáveis pelas mudanças territoriais, bem como viabilizar a estimativa de impactos futuros sobre o ambiente simulado. Considerando as pressões do setor de infraestrutura portuária sobre as configurações da forma de uso e planejamento do espaço na região portuária da Baixada Santista, tais como o aporte por áreas de retroporto, o armazenamento e o transporte de cargas, este estudo buscou desenvolver modelos dinâmicos da paisagem e investigar a relação entre as alterações na cobertura da terra e a infraestrutura de transportes na região portuária da Baixada Santista. A partir de produtos de sensoriamento remoto e da metodologia de modelagem dinâmica espacial baseada em autômatos celulares, foram gerados mapas simulados e cenários de prognósticos, com e sem projetos de expansão portuária para o ano de 2024. Os mapas simulados do ano de 1995 e 2005 foram semelhantes aos mapeamentos temáticos de cobertura da terra reais e apresentaram boa avaliação. Importante ressaltar que, apenas o mapa simulado de 2013 não previu as novas instalações portuárias, mesmo com a simulação rodando com a variável de novos empreendimentos operacionais em curto intervalo de tempo. O modelo estacionário em 2024 mostrou a expansão de áreas construídas em substituição, sobretudo, às áreas de campo. Não houve expansão de novas manchas de áreas construídas e isso condiz com a tendência de expansão de áreas urbanas seguindo as áreas já consolidadas e com infraestrutura implantada. Com relação à geração de modelos com os projetos de expansão portuária, tem-se a implantação de diversos empreendimentos ocupando parte da margem esquerda do estuário e áreas de retroporto próximas do arco viário da Baixada Santista. / Spatial patterns of change in land cover can be analyzed with spatial dynamic models. This modeling can indicate the driving factors of territorial changes as well as assess future impacts over the simulated environment. Considering the pressures of the port infrastructure sector over the land use and physical planning in the region of Baixada Santista, such as the demand for backport areas as well as for loads storage and transport, this study aims to develop dynamic models of the landscape and investigate the relationship between land cover change and the transport infrastructure in the port area of Santos. With the aid of remote sensing products and cellular automata based models, simulated maps of past landscapes and maps of future landscape scenarios were generated, both considering and disregarding port expansion projects for the year 2024.The simulated landscape maps of 1995 and 2005 were similar to the real ones, and hence, presented high fitness indices. It is important to mention that only the simulated map of 2013, could not foresee the new port facilities, even when the runs took into account the variables associated with the new operational ventures in a short period of time. The stationary model showed an expansion of built-up areas, mainly replacing former field areas. There was no occurrence of new patches of built-up areas and this trend is consistent with the expansion of urban areas nearby the already consolidated and established areas disposing of infrastructure facilities. Regarding the generation of future simulated scenarios taking into account the port expansion projects, they could well reproduce the implementation of several projects along part of the left bank of the estuary and nearby areas of the road ring of Baixada Santista.
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Développement d'une loi de commande avancée pour la maitrise des vibrations des robots sériels à liaisons flexibles / Development of an advanced control law for vibration control of flexible link serial robotsFarah, Jacques 29 January 2019 (has links)
De nos jours, les exigences en productivité dans le monde industriel imposent aux robots un comportement optimal en termes de précision géométrique et dynamique, et en termes de temps de réponse. Ainsi, la présence des flexibilités dans les liaisons pivots des structures mécaniques légères se déplaçant à grande vitesse et sous charges importantes peut limiter dynamiquement la précision et le temps de stabilisation sur la pose finale du robot. La problématique traitée dans ces travaux concerne la maîtrise des vibrations des robots sériels à liaisons flexibles durant les opérations de prise et dépose (Pick and Place).Dans ces travaux, nous effectuons une modélisation et une identification expérimentale des paramètres géométriques et dynamique d’un robot à liaisons flexible. Ce modèle sera utilisé dans la synthèse d’une loi de commande basée modèle dédiée aux robots à flexibilité articulaire. Cette stratégie permet de réduire les vibrations lors des phases exigeantes dynamiquement. Des simulations sur un robot Scara sont alors conduites pour valider la pertinence de cette loi de commande qui intègre un modèle des flexibilités présentes dans les liaisons pivots dans le schéma de commande. Nous appliquons sur le même simulateur du robot à liaisons flexibles trois autres stratégies de commande afin de faire une comparaison (commande PD, commande dédiée aux robots rigides et commande ne considérant pas les amortissements). Le schéma de la loi de commande basée modèle permet de respecter la précision de pose finale avec une diminution du temps de stabilisation. Finalement, Le calcul de l’erreur d’asservissement nous a permis de constater l’influence des erreurs de modélisation de la flexibilité sur la précision de la tâche. Dans ce contexte, une analyse de sensibilité aux paramètres influents est établie. / Nowadays, the demand of productivity in the industrial world of robotics require robots to behave optimally in terms of geometric and dynamic accuracy and response time. Thus, the presence of flexibilities in rotational joints can dynamically limit the position control of manipulators having lighter arms, higher payload-to-weight ratio and doing tasks at high speed. The problem addressed in this work concerns the vibration control of serial robots with flexible joints performing Pick and Place tasks. In this work, we carry out modelling and experimental identification of the geometric and dynamic parameters of a robot with flexible joints. This model is then used in the synthesis of a model-based control law dedicated to manipulators with flexible joints. This strategy reduces vibrations resulting from joints sensitivity during dynamically demanding phases. Simulations on a Scara robot are then conducted to validate the relevance of the proposed control law which integrates joint flexibilities in the form of a feedback loop in the control diagram. To this end, three other control strategies (PD control, control dedicated to rigid structures and control not considering damping) are applied to the same simulator in order to make a comparative analysis. The diagram of the model-based control law allows to respect the set point with a reduction in the stabilization time.Finally, the calculation of the servo error allowed us to see the influence of flexibility modeling errors on the accuracy of the task. In this context, the sensitivity of this control law is evaluated through a sensitivity analysis.
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Hybrid modular models for the dynamic study of high-speed thin -rimmed/-webbed gears / Modèles modulaires hybrides pour l'étude dynamique à haute-vitesse des engrenages à voile-mincesGuilbert, Bérengère 08 December 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse ont été réalisés grâce à une collaboration entre Safran Helicopter Engines (anciennement Turbomeca) et le Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures (LaMCoS) de l’INSA de Lyon (UMR CNRS 5259). Les boîtes de transmission par engrenages des moteurs d’hélicoptères convoient la puissance mécanique du turbomoteur aux accessoires (pompes, démarreur) et au rotor. Leur conception dépend des nécessités des équipements embarqués, en particulier l’allègement pour réduire la consommation en carburant. Les engrenages haute vitesse de la transmission sont allégés grâce à des enlèvements de matière dans les corps sous la denture, les voiles-minces. Un modèle dynamique d’engrenages a été développé pendant ce projet de recherche. Son approche modulaire permet l’inclusion conjointe des sollicitations dues aux vibrations de l’engrenage et de la nouvelle flexibilité des voiles-minces. Il dérive d’un modèle à paramètres concentrés, comprenant des arbres en poutre, des paliers et carters sous forme de raideurs additionnelles et un élément d’engrenage rigide inclus par son nœud central. Hypothèse est faite que tous les contacts sont situés sur les lignes de contact du plan d’action. Ces lignes sont discrétisées selon des tranches-minces dans les dents et la déviation normale des cellules est recalculée à chaque pas de temps selon la déflexion de la denture. Le nouveau modèle remplace l’engrenage rigide par une modélisation EF du pignon et/ou de la roue condensée sur les nœuds de jante. Une interface lie les raideurs du plan d’action discrétisé aux éléments finis du corps d’engrenage. L’élément prend donc en compte à la fois les sollicitations de l’engrenage et le comportement statique et modal des corps flexibles en dynamique. Des comparaisons sont faites avec des données numériques et expérimentales. Elles attestent de la capacité du nouveau modèle à prédire le comportement dynamique des engrenages flexibles à hauts régimes de rotation. Ces résultats intègrent entre autres des données locales et globales en dynamique. Finalement, le modèle est utilisé sur les deux cas académiques validés pour visualiser les effets des corps flexibles plus en détails. Un premier focus sera fait sur la déflexion statique due aux charges d’engrènement et sur l’optimisation sur le fonctionnement dynamique possible. Puis, les impacts des sollicitations de l’engrènement sur le voile en rotation seront étudiés. Enfin, le pignon et la roue seront affinés, afin de visualiser l’optimisation massique possible et son impact sur la dynamique de l’engrenage. / The research work presented in this manuscript was conducted in the Contact and Structural Mechanics Laboratory (LaMCoS) at INSA Lyon, in partnership with Safran Helicopter Engines (formerly-Turbomeca). In helicopters, the power from the turboshaft is transmitted to the rotor and the various accessories (pumps, starters etc…) via transmission gearboxes. In the context of high-speed, light-weight aeronautical applications, mechanical parts such as gears have to meet somehow contradictory design requirements in terms of reliability and mass reduction thus justifying precise dynamic simulations. The present work focuses on the definition of modular gear dynamic models, capable of integrating both the local phenomena associated with the instant contact conditions between the tooth flanks and the more global aspects related to shafts, bearings and particularly the contributions of light thin-rimmed /-webbed gear bodies. The proposed models rely on combinations of condensed sub-structures, lumped parameter and beam elements to simulate a pinion-gear pair, shafts, bearings and housing. Mesh elasticity is time-varying, possibly non-linear and is accounted for by Winkler foundations derived from a classic thin-slice model. The contact lines in the base plane are therefore discretised into elemental segments which are all attributed a mesh stiffness function and a normal deviation which are updated depending on the pinion and gear angular positions. The main originality in this PhD consists in inserting condensed finite elements models to simulate flexible gear bodies while keeping the simple and faster rigid-body approach for solid gears. To this end, a specific interface has been developed to connect the discretised tooth contact lines to the continuous finite element gear body models and avoid numerical spikes in the tooth load distributions for example. A number of comparisons with numerical and experimental results show that the proposed modelling is sound and can capture most of the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of single stage reduction units with thin-webbed gears and/or pinions. The model is then applied to the analysis of academic and industrial gears with the objective of analysing the contributions of thin, flexible bodies. Results are presented which highlight the role of centrifugal effects and tooth shape modifications at high speeds. Finally, the possibility to further improve gear web design with regard to mass reduction is investigated and commented upon.
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Identification and Modeling of the Dynamic Behavior of the Direct Path Component in ToA-Based Indoor Localization SystemsHeidari, Mohammad 15 July 2008 (has links)
"A well-known challenge in estimating the distance of the antenna pair in time-of-arrival (ToA) based RF localization systems is the problem of obstruction of the direct path (DP) between transmitter and receiver. The absence of DP component in received channel profile creates undetected direct path (UDP) conditions. UDP condition, in turn, will cause occurrence of unexpected large ranging errors which pose serious challenge to precise indoor localization. Analysis of the behavior of the ranging error in such conditions is essential for the design of precise ToA-based indoor localization systems. This dissertation discusses two open problems in ToA-based indoor localization systems. The first contribution of this dissertation discusses the problem of modeling of dynamic behavior of ranging error. We propose a novel analytical framework for analysis of dynamic spatial variations of ranging error observed by a mobile user based on an application of Markov chain. The model relegates the behavior of ranging error into four main categories associated with four states of Markov process. Parameters of distributions of ranging error in each Markov state are extracted from empirical data collected from a measurement-calibrated ray tracing algorithm simulating a typical office environment. The analytical derivation of parameters of the Markov model employs the existing path-loss models for first detected path and total multipath received power in the same office environment. Results of simulated errors from the Markov model and actual errors from empirical data show close agreement. The second contribution of this dissertation discusses the problem of identification of UDP condition given an unknown channel profile. Existing of UDP condition in a channel profile poses serious degradation to ranging estimate process. Therefore, identification of occurrence of UDP condition is of our subsequent concern. After identification, the second step is to mitigate ranging errors in such conditions. In this dissertation we present two methodologies, based on binary hypothesis testing and an application of artificial neural network design, to identify UDP conditions and mitigate ranging error using statistics extracted from wideband frequency-domain indoor measurements conducted in typical office building. "
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Control-oriented modeling of discrete configuration molecular scale processes: Applications in polymer synthesis and thin film growthOguz, Cihan 08 November 2007 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to propose modeling techniques that enable the design and optimization of material systems which require descriptions via molecular simulations. These kinds of systems are quite common in materials and engineering research. The first step in performing design and optimization tasks on such systems is the development of accurate simulation models from experimental data. In the first part of this thesis, we present a novel simulation model for the hyperbranched polymerization process of difunctional A2 oligomers, and B3 monomers. Unlike the previous models developed by other groups, our model is able to simulate the evolution of the polymer structure development under a wide range of synthesis routes, and in the presence of cyclization and endcapping reactions. Furthermore, our results are in agreement with the experimental data, and add insight into the underlying kinetic mechanisms of this polymerization process. The second major step in our work is the development of reduced order process models that are suitable for design and optimization tasks, using simulation data. We illustrate our approach on a stochastic simulation model of epitaxial thin film deposition process. Compared to the widely used approach called equation-free modeling, our method requires fewer assumptions about the dynamic system. The assumptions required in equation-free modeling include a wide separation between the time scales of low and high order moments describing the system state, and the accuracy of the time derivatives of system properties computed from molecular simulation data, despite the potentially large amount of fluctuations in stochastic simulations. Unlike the recent similar studies, our study also includes the analysis of prediction error which is important to evaluate the predictions of the reduced order model, compared to the high dimensional molecular simulations. Hence, we address two major issues in this thesis: development of simulation models from molecular experimental data, and derivation of reduced order models from molecular simulation data. These two aspects of modeling are both necessary to design and optimize processing conditions of materials for which continuum level descriptions are not available or accurate enough.
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Modeling And Simulation Of A Maneuvering ShipPakkan, Sinan 01 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis documents the studies conducted in deriving a mathematical model representing the dynamics of a maneuvering ship to be implemented as part of an interactive real-time simulation system, as well as the details and results of the implementation process itself. Different effects on the dynamics of ship motions are discussed separately, meaning that the effects are considered to be applied to the system one at a time and they are included in the model simply by the principle of superposition. The model is intended to include the hydrodynamic interactions between the ship hull and the ocean via added mass (added inertia), damping and restoring force concepts. In addition to these effects, which are derived considering no incident waves are present on the ocean, the environmental disturbances, such as wind, wave and ocean current are also taken into account for proposing a mathematical model governing the dynamics of the ship. Since the ultimate product of this thesis work is a running computer code that can be integrated into an available simulation software, the algorithm development and code implementation processes are also covered. Improvements made on the implementation to achieve &ldquo / better&rdquo / real-time performance are evaluated comparatively in reference to original runs conducted before the application of improvement under consideration.
A new method to the computation of the wave model
that allows faster calculation in real-time is presented. A modular programming approach is followed in the overall algorithm development process in order to make the integration of new program components into the software, such as a new hull or propulsion model or a different integrator type possible, easily and quickly.
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Flexible Multibody Dynamic Modeling And Simulation Of Rhex Hexapod Robot With Half Circular Compliant LegsOral, Gokhan 01 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The focus of interest in this study is the RHex robot, which is a hexapod robot that is capable of locomotion over rugged, fractured terrain through statically and dynamically stable gaits while stability of locomotion is preserved. RHex is primarily a research platform that is based on over five years of previous research. The purpose of the study is to build a virtual prototype of RHex robot in order to simulate different behavior without manufacturing expensive prototypes. The virtual prototype is modeled in MSC ADAMS software which
is a very useful program to simulate flexible multibody dynamical systems.
The flexible half circular legs are modeled in a finite element program (MSC
NASTRAN) and are embedded in the main model. Finally a closed loop
control mechanism is built in MATLAB to be able to simulate real
autonomous RHex robot. The interaction of MATLAB and MSC ADAMS
softwares is studied.
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Modeling The Dynamics Of Creative Industries: The Case Of Film IndustriesOruc, Sercan 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dynamic complexity occurs in every social structure. Film industry, as a type of creative industries, constitutes a dynamic environment where uncertainty is at high levels. This complexity of the environment renders the more traditional operations research models somewhat ineffective, and thus, requires a dynamic analysis. In this study, a model showing the dynamics of film exhibition is given. The interactions within and between the theatrical and the DVD sales channels are implemented by the model. Later on, the possible effects of piracy to the model are discussed, using the inferences obtained by the created model. The model is examined with scenario and sensitivity analysis. All the modeling studies are done with a commercial dynamic systems modeling software. The model also can be extended for the whole film industry, or for some other creative industries like the publishing industry.
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Collective dynamics and control of a fleet of heterogeneous marine vehiclesWang, Chuanfeng 13 January 2014 (has links)
Cooperative control enables combinations of sensor data from multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) so that multiple AUVs can perform smarter behaviors than a single AUV. In addition, in some situations, a human-driven underwater vehicle (HUV) and a group of AUVs need to collaborate and preform formation behaviors. However, the collective dynamics of a fleet of heterogeneous underwater vehicles are more complex than the non-trivial single vehicle dynamics, resulting in challenges in analyzing the formation behaviors of a fleet of heterogeneous underwater vehicles. The research addressed in this dissertation investigates the collective dynamics and control of a fleet of heterogeneous underwater vehicles, including multi-AUV systems and systems comprised of an HUV and a group of AUVs (human-AUV systems). This investigation requires a mathematical motion model of an underwater vehicle. This dissertation presents a review of a six-degree-of-freedom (6DOF) motion model of a single AUV and proposes a method of identifying all parameters in the model based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations. Using the method, we build a 6DOF model of the EcoMapper and validate the model by field experiments. Based upon a generic 6DOF AUV model, we study the collective dynamics of a multi-AUV system and develop a method of decomposing the collective dynamics. After the collective dynamics decomposition, we propose a method of achieving orientation control for each AUV and formation control for the multi-AUV system. We extend the results and propose a cooperative control for a human-AUV system so that an HUV and a group of AUVs will form a desired formation while moving along a desired trajectory as a team. For the post-mission stage, we present a method of analyzing AUV survey data and apply this method to AUV measurement data collected from our field experiments carried out in Grand Isle, Louisiana in 2011, where AUVs were used to survey a lagoon, acquire bathymetric data, and measure the concentration of reminiscent crude oil in the water of the lagoon after the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.
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Architecting aircraft power distribution systems via redundancy allocationCampbell, Angela Mari 12 January 2015 (has links)
Recently, the environmental impact of aircraft and rising fuel prices have become an increasing concern in the aviation industry. To address these problems, organizations such as NASA have set demanding goals for reducing aircraft emissions, fuel burn, and noise. In an effort to reach the goals, a movement toward more-electric aircraft and electric propulsion has emerged. With this movement, the number of critical electrical loads on an aircraft is increasing causing power system reliability to be a point of concern.
Currently, power system reliability is maintained through the use of back-up power supplies such as batteries and ram-air-turbines (RATs). However, the increasing power requirements for critical loads will quickly outgrow the capacity of the emergency devices. Therefore, reliability needs to be addressed when designing the primary power distribution system.
Power system reliability is a function of component reliability and redundancy. Component reliability is often not determined until detailed component design has occurred; however, the amount of redundancy in the system is often set during the system architecting phase. In order to meet the capacity and reliability requirements of future power distribution systems, a method for redundancy allocation during the system architecting phase is needed.
This thesis presents an aircraft power system design methodology that is based upon the engineering decision process. The methodology provides a redundancy allocation strategy and quantitative trade-off environment to compare architecture and technology combinations based upon system capacity, weight, and reliability criteria.
The methodology is demonstrated by architecting the power distribution system of an aircraft using turboelectric propulsion. The first step in the process is determining the design criteria which includes a 40 MW capacity requirement, a 20 MW capacity requirement for the an engine-out scenario, and a maximum catastrophic failure rate of one failure per billion flight hours. The next step is determining gaps between the performance of current power distribution systems and the requirements of the turboelectric system. A baseline architecture is analyzed by sizing the system using the turboelectric system power requirements and by calculating reliability using a stochastic flow network. To overcome the deficiencies discovered, new technologies and architectures are considered. Global optimization methods are used to find technology and architecture combinations that meet the system objectives and requirements. Lastly, a dynamic modeling environment is constructed to study the performance and stability of the candidate architectures. The combination of the optimization process and dynamic modeling facilitates the selection of a power system architecture that meets the system requirements and objectives.
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