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Chinese New Year pictures: the process of modernisation, 1842-1942McIntyre, Tanya January 1997 (has links)
The thesis is a study of a traditional popular art form of China known as New Year Pictures. Although the production of these woodblock printed images virtually ceased early this century, the relevance of this art form in contemporary China has continued. The New Year Picture is often hailed as a prototype for modern forms of visual expression. A renewed interest in this old art form has also prompted widespread conservation of the New Year Picture at the same time as making it the subject of scholarly pursuit. This study evaluates the relevance of New Year Pictures to contemporary art and society by focussing on prints produced in the period spanning the century from 1842 to 1942. This period is definitive of the changes that occurred within the popular art form. The year 1842 marks the end of the Opium War with Britain and the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing, permanently changing China’s international relationships. This, in turn, impacted greatly upon Chinese society and culture. The 1942 was the year of Mao’s “Talks at the Yan’an Conference on Literature and Art”. In mapping out strategies for artists to participate in the communist transformation of Chinese society, the “Talks” articulated an approach to Chinese art and culture that would permanently alter the way in which artistic traditions were to be utilised, both in a practical way and in the sense of how the past was to be perceived. Read more
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兩晉南北朝南北文化文流的途徑及其對文學的影響 = A study of cultural exchanges of the southern and northern culture during the two Jin, and the Southern and Northern dynastics and their influence in literature簡漢乾, 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Este trabalho pretende documentar o efeito de dinastias políticas em resultados
socioeconômicos e políticos entre municípios brasileiros. O exercício é relevante para entender
as consequências da concentração de poder político na sociedade, bem como para identificar
se os efeitos nocivos já documentados nas sucessões familiares de CEOs estão também
presentes na política. Com este intuito, a descontinuidade de eleições concorridas é usada
como um quase experimento. Os resultados sugerem que sucessões familiares aumentam a
probabilidade de o prefeito ser do sexo feminino, diminuem a idade média dos prefeitos e
aumentam seu apoio legislativo. Entretanto, dinastias não afetam a escolha de políticas ou o
bem-estar. / [en] This thesis aims to document the effect of political dynasties on socioeconomic and
political outcomes among Brazilian municipalities. This topic is relevant to understand the
consequences of the concentration of power in the society as well as identifying whether
harmful effects already documented in the family succession of CEOs are also present in
politics. For this purpose, the discontinuity of concurred electoral races is used as a quasiexperiment.
The results suggest that family successions increase the probability of electing a
woman, decrease the mayor s average age and increase mayors legislative support. However,
dynasties do not affect policy choices or welfare. Read more
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The eternally flourishing stronghold: an iconographic study of the Buddhist sculpture of the Fowan and related sites at Beishan, Dazu Ca. 892-1155Suchan, Thomas 01 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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元末明初吳中書法硏究. / A Study of Wuzhong calligraphy of late Yuan and early Ming / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Yuan mo Ming chu Wuzhong shu fa yan jiu.January 2000 (has links)
唐錦騰. / 論文(博士)--香港中文大學, 2000. / 附參考文獻. / 中英文摘要. / Available also through the Internet via Dissertations & theses @ Chinese University of Hong Kong. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Tang Jinteng. / Lun wen (bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2000. / Fu can kao wen xian. / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao.
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L'agence André au temps de Jacques et Michel (Nancy, 1929-1973) : architecture, réseaux et filiations / The André agency in the time of Jacques and Michel (Nancy, 1929-1973) : architecture, networks and filiationsBauer, Caroline 27 November 2015 (has links)
Notre étude s’intéresse à l’agence André entre 1929 et 1973, période d’activité des frères Jacques et Michel André, architecte et ingénieur. Nous interrogeons leur production dans son contexte spatial et historique, à la lumière des notions de filiations et de réseaux. Issus d’une importante dynastie d’architectes en Lorraine, ils bénéficient d’un héritage à la fois matériel et intellectuel. Cet ancrage, soutenu par la foisonnante École de Nancy du début du siècle, favorise les réseaux de proximité comme les échanges culturels internationaux. Les frères André prolongent ce dynamisme critique en s’impliquant dans le Comité Nancy-Paris,l’Union des artistes modernes et la revue L’Architecture d’aujourd’hui. Dans l’Entre-deux guerres,ils sont les premiers architectes à collaborer durablement avec Jean Prouvé, avant d’associer à l’agence Claude, le fils de ce dernier, dans les années 1960. Proche des entrepreneurs locaux, les deux frères questionnent la valeur constructive de l’architecture :ils s’attachent à atteindre la perfection technique et expérimentent les matériaux. Cette recherche traverse leur production, depuis leur première grande réalisation, l’Institut de zoologie, inspiré par les procédés de Frank Lloyd Wright, jusqu’au musée de l’Histoire du fer,symbole de gloire industrielle régionale. Tandis que les années 1930 constituent une période d’intense créativité, l’agence développe après-guerre les outils nécessaires pour faire face à une commande massive, notamment postale, et se met en quête de productivité. L’agence des frères André constitue ainsi un témoin privilégié des bouleversements de la production architecturale au cours du XXème siècle. / Our study focuses on the André agency between 1929 and 1973, period of activity of thebrothers Jacques and Michel André, architect and engineer. We question their production inits spatial and historical context, in the light of the notions of filiation and networks. Comingfrom a large dynasty of architects in Lorraine, they benefit from both material and intellectuallegacy. This rooting, supported by the teeming École de Nancy in the early century,promotes close networks as well as international cultural exchanges. The André brothersextend this critical dynamic by getting involved in the Comité Nancy-Paris, the Union desartistes modernes (UAM) and the L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui magazine. During the Interwarperiod, they were the first architects to work sustainably with Jean Prouvé, before associatingClaude, the son of the later, to the agency in the 1960s. Close to local building contractors,the two brothers question the constructive value of architecture: they focus on reaching ontechnical perfection and experimentation on materials. This research goes through theirproduction, since their first major achievement, the Institute of Zoology, inspired by FrankLloyd Wright’s processes, to the museum of iron history, symbol of the region's industrialglory. While the 1930s are a period of creativity, the agency develops postwar the toolsneeded to face intense order, in particular postal, and shifts toward a quest for productivity.The André agency thus constitutes a privileged witness to the upheavals of architecturalproduction during the 20th century. Read more
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從洛陽伽藍記硏究北魏後期(A.D. 493-534)的政治, 社會, 經濟與佛敎Yip, Wing-hang, Eric, 葉永恆 January 1991 (has links)
abstract / toc / Chinese / Master / Master of Philosophy
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The icon of gardens: how seventeenth-century women painters in Jiangnan constructed and developed their public personae and artistic identities. / 園中意: 論十七世紀的江南地區的女性畫家如何建立藝術家身份及公眾形象 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Yuan zhong yi: lun shi qi shi ji de Jiang nan di qu de nü xing hua jia ru he jian li yi shu jia shen fen ji gong zhong xing xiangJanuary 2011 (has links)
Lee, Wun Sze Sylvia. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 261-268). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.
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市場變遷中的瓷器生產: 澳門開埠前期(1553年-1600年)中葡貿易瓷器研究. / 澳門開埠前期(1553年-1600年)中葡貿易瓷器研究 / Shi chang bian qian zhong de ci qi sheng chan: Aomen kai bu qian qi (1553 nian-1600 nian) Zhong Pu mao yi ci qi yan jiu. / Aomen kai bu qian qi (1553 nian-1600 nian) Zhong Pu mao yi ci qi yan jiuJanuary 2015 (has links)
本文以早期中葡貿易瓷器為主要研究對象,具體時期為澳門開埠前期,即大約1553年至1600年之間。根據文獻記載,葡萄牙人於1514年首次到達中國,此後由於中葡關係一度交惡,未得官方許可的葡商遊走於中國海域的各個離島,與沿海商人暗中進行走私貿易。直到1553年(葡文獻記載為1557年),葡萄牙人佔據澳門,並逐漸將其發展成為葡萄牙對中及亞洲貿易的主要據點,中葡貿易的規模才迅速增長,並趨穩定,保持了隨後近一個世紀的繁盛。 / 澳門開埠,標誌著中葡貿易進入一個新的階段,這一變化亦清晰地反映在作為商品的瓷器之上,除數量的激增外,為了滿足歐洲市場的需要,一批具有全新風格及功能的外銷瓷器被生產出來,這類瓷器即是本文研究和討論的重點。以往由於實物資料的缺乏,以及對克拉克瓷研究的單一關注,學界對澳門開埠前期貿易瓷器面貌的認識長期不足。因此,本文將集中對此時期的貿易瓷器進行系統的整理和分析。 / 學界通常認為,十六、十七世紀之交流行的克拉克瓷器(Kraak Porcelain),是外銷青花瓷器專為歐洲市場創造的全新風格,然而筆者通過近年來對澳門及葡萄牙本土遺址出土瓷器材料的研究與考察,認為這種風格的創新,在澳門開埠不久(即十六世紀中期)已見端倪。因此,本文將選取葡萄牙內陸科英布拉市一處修道院遺址出土的中國瓷器,作為澳門開埠前期貿易瓷器的代表材料,與此前暢銷於東南亞及中東市場的中國瓷器、中葡貿易離島時期所交易的瓷器進行比對,由類型、紋樣及尺寸等方面入手,論證貿易瓷器品貌的巨大轉變發生在澳門開埠前期(1553-1600年)。並在此基礎上,結合文獻檔案及實物資料,進一步論證瓷器面貌發生轉變的原因,是對於歐洲市場審美與功能需要的契合,得出專供歐洲市場的中國外銷瓷產生於澳門開埠前期的結論,挑戰對於克拉克瓷器的傳統認知。 / 最後,本文對貿易瓷器生產的不同階段及其紋樣及類型的發展趨勢進行考證,與後期出現的克拉克瓷器進行比對,理解貿易瓷器的生產革新對於克拉克瓷的先導作用。研究結果亦可釐清十六世紀中後期外銷瓷器的類型與紋樣特徵,完善我們對明代瓷器風貌的認識。 / This thesis mainly focuses on the research of Sino-Portuguese trade porcelain during the early days of Macau’s colonization (between 1553 to 1600 AD). According to historical texts, the Portuguese first arrived in China in 1514 AD. However, because of poor diplomatic relations, the Portuguese resorted to smuggling along the Chinese coasts and neighbouring islands, since they were forbidden to trade near the mainland. It wasn’t until 1553 AD (1557 AD in Portuguese historical texts), the Portuguese occupied Macau and gradually developed it into a main stronghold of Sino-Portuguese maritime trade. Since then, the Sino-Portuguese trade rapidly grew and transitioned into a stable, prosperous business, which lasted almost a century. / Macau’s colonization signified a new stage in Sino-Portuguese trade, which was clearly reflected on porcelain goods. In addition to the increase of quantity, export porcelain with new styles and functions were produced to meet the European market’s demand. These products are the focus of this thesis. In the past, academic research on porcelain during the early period of Macau’s colonization was inadequate due to the lack of first-hand material and the sole focus of Kraak Porcelain. Therefore, this thesis will systematically analyze and categorize the export porcelain during this time period. / Academics generally believed that Kraak Porcelain between the 16th and 17th Centuries was a new trend for the European market. However, through the research and investigations of porcelains unearthed in Macau and Portuguese sites, the writer believes the trend already existed during the early period of Macau’s colonization (mid-16th Century). Therefore, this thesis will use the porcelains unearthed in a monastery site at Coimbra, Portugal as typical research materials, and compare them with the porcelains traded in the Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern markets, along with the early trade porcelains between Chinese and Portuguese merchants (before 1553). Thereby proving the transition and time period of the emergence of export porcelain through types, decoration and dimension. On this basis, combined with historical information and factual evidence, further discuss the change of export porcelain, and its correlation with the aesthetic and functional requirements of the European market. / Last but not least, this thesis will attempt to make the reader understand the transition and innovation of export porcelains may play a leading role to the development of Kraak Porcelain. This will be achieved through comparing the investigation of the different developmental stages of the types and decoration of export porcelains, with Kraak Porcelain, which appeared at a later time period. The research results can also clarify the characteristics of types and decorations of export porcelains during the mid and late 16th Century, which provides a holistic understanding of Ming Dynasty porcelain traits. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 王冠宇. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 254-270). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Wang Guanyu. Read more
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雅俗的流轉: 以顧曲齋刊《古雜劇・唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》為中心. / Change of elegance and commonplace: a study of woodblock illustrations for Rain on the phoenix tree in Guzaju published in the House of Guquzhai / 以顧曲齋刊《古雜劇・唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》為中心 / Ya su de liu zhuan: yi Gu qu zhai kan "Gu za ju, Tang Minghuang qiu ye wu tong yu" wei zhong xin. / Yi Gu qu zhai kan "Gu za ju, Tang Minghuang qiu ye wu tong yu" wei zhong xinJanuary 2013 (has links)
萬曆四十七年(1619),會稽文人王驥德(1540-1622)刊印出版了《元人古雜劇二十種》(或稱《古雜劇》),該書彙集元代雜劇20篇,并配有精美的版畫插圖,《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》即為其中的第17篇。 / 作為晚明徽派版畫風格的典型例證,顧曲齋所刊《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》中的4幅版畫插圖,可與明代中晚期蘇州地區職業畫家的人物故事畫作品進行比勘。筆者基於比對結果,運用圖像學理論,提出徽派版畫系仇英風格人物畫在版畫中餘續的假說。不僅如此,白樸(1226-1306後)《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》這一劇目本身即包含著明皇故事的文學創作傳統,且與之對應的明皇题材故事畫作亦廣受歡迎。尤其在明代,明皇題材故事畫與蘇州地區的商業創作緊密相關,為版畫的創稿提供了豐富的圖像資源。 / 最後,筆者通過對顧曲齋本《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》圖文關係及刊刻者王驥德個人經歷的考察,證實《古雜劇》的商品屬性及刊刻者所掌握的圖像資源。最終解答版畫史上關於徽派版畫風格來源問題:版畫繪刻者深受仇英人物畫風格的影響,或直接對部份畫作進行圖像挪用。同時亦說明在晚明江南,文人積極參與商業活動為文學與藝術兩個領域所帶來的雅俗標準的變更。 / In the 47th year of Wan-li, Wang Jide (1540-1622), a literatus in Guiji County, published the anthology of Yuan comedies named Guzaju in his personal printing house Guquzhai. In this book, he compiled 20 plays written in the Yuan dynasty with beautiful book illustrations. Rain on the Phoenix Tree was the 17th play in this book. / The illustrations for Rain on the Phoenix Tree in Guzaju were good examples for “Hui School of woodblock prints. Compared these woodcuts with those in the same style and paintings existing in the same period, I argued that the “Hui School of woodblock prints actually followed the style of narrative paintings made by Qiu Ying. Moreover, the story of the Tang emperor Minghuang has become a popular theme in the field of both Chinese literature and painting. Those traditions not only contributed to the birth of Bai Pu’s (1226-1306) comedy Rain on the Phoenix Tree, but also prided fruitful paintings as patterns for the professional painters like Qiu Ying. Since Qiu’s work prevailed the painting market in Jiangnan, thousands of narrative paintings including the theme of emperor Minghuang followed Qiu’s style. These paintings acted as commercial products as well as pictorial drafts for the engravers in late Ming. / Finally, the form of Guzaju and Wang Jide’s publication activities both showed that Wang, as owner of Guquzhai, aimed to use the illustrations to cater to the market and he did conversely get the pictorial resources from the market. Besides, the booming commercial trade of paintings in Jiangnan helped us finally get the answer for the origin of “Hui School of woodblock prints as well as showing the transformation of art criteria in the late Ming dynasty. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 賴妮. / "2013年7月". / "2013 nian 7 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 86-95). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Lai Ni. / 致謝 / 論文摘要 --- p.i / 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- 顧曲齋刊《古雜劇·唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》插圖的風格來源 --- p.6 / Chapter 第一節 --- 顧曲齋刊《古雜劇·唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》插圖的風格來源問題 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二節 --- 顧曲齋刊《古雜劇·唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》插圖風格來源試探 --- p.10 / 小結 --- p.25 / Chapter 第二章 --- 《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》的圖文傳統 --- p.27 / Chapter 第一節 --- 白樸《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》的故事來源 --- p.27 / Chapter 第二節 --- 明皇題材繪畫作品的特點 --- p.35 / Chapter 第三節 --- 人物故事畫傳統中的明皇故事圖 --- p.40 / Chapter 第四節 --- 明皇故事畫在明代江南地區的流傳與創作 --- p.47 / 小結 --- p.50 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《古雜劇·唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》的刊刻背景 --- p.53 / Chapter 第一節 --- 顧曲齋刊《古雜劇》的商品屬性 --- p.54 / Chapter 第二節 --- 流通的私藏·雅化的俗曲 --- p.59 / Chapter 第三節 --- “棄儒就賈與通俗文化生產 --- p.67 / 結論 --- p.74 / 附表1 --- p.77 / 附表2 --- p.82 / 附表3 --- p.83 / 附表4 --- p.85 / 參考書目 --- p.86 / 圖版目錄 --- p.95 / 圖版 --- p.105 Read more
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