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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de negócio para mobilidade e interatividade em ambientes convergentes heterogêneos. / Business model for mobility and interativity in heterogeneous convergent environment.

Dib Karam Junior 23 March 2006 (has links)
O mundo globalizado e o estado-da-arte dos desenvolvimentos nos remetem a um ambiente tecnologicamente complexo. Nos dias de hoje a convergência tecnológica é indiscutivelmente realidade. O usuário tem a necessidade de movimentar-se fisicamente dentro do meio em que vive e interagir com o aplicativo ou serviço que lhe é prestado. As novas gerações de sistemas de comunicação, que não mais utilizam fios em suas conexões, prevêem a integração de vários sistemas heterogêneos já existentes, unidos em uma infraestrutura capaz de, transparentemente, entregar a usuários móveis uma ampla gama de serviços com a finalidade de permitir sua comunicabilidade e acesso à informação. Com base nessas premissas, este trabalho apresenta um método para descrever um modelo de negócio para um usuário em movimento dentro de um ambiente convergente heterogêneo. O trânsito do usuário dentro das várias tecnologias de acesso para que esteja conectado a um determinado serviço é mostrado através de um framework de mobilidade e interatividade e, fundamentado nesse framework, é construído um modelo de negócio para a consecução da entrega desse serviço ao usuário. Este trabalho conceitua um modelo para um framework de mobilidade e interatividade aplicáveis a sistemas abertos; e um modelo de negócio voltado aos serviços num cenário com soluções tecnológicas interoperáveis. / The global world today and the state of the art of the technology send us to a very complex environment. Nowadays, the technological convergence a reality, where the users have the necessity of moving and where they need to interact with services and applications while moving on a wireless base. The new generations of wireless networks can integrate some existing heterogeneous systems providing a new infrastructure capable of delivering several services to moving users with transparency, allowing the communicability and the access to the users’ information. This work presents a method for the description of a generic business model for a moving user inside of a convergent heterogeneous environment. The user’s movement in this environment is modelled on a mobility and interactivity framework, where there has been built a business model to deliver services to the moving user. This thesis also presents the basic concepts of a business model for mobility and interactivity applicable to open systems.

What is the price of saving lives? : - A case-study on strategic pricing of fire safety products

Sjödahl, Elin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis regards pricing, more specifically how to price products no one wish to have use of, but that are invaluable once they come to use. This is a case study that investigates a specific product that is about to enter the market. The product is a fire safety product invented and patented by the company investigated, who also will sell the product. The product is a water-based fluid that due to a cooling effect and can extinguish and prevent fires. This thesis is looking into a product package developed by the company that includes the fluid mentioned above, namely the home defense kit.   Back in the days, pricing used to be a rather simple process where the price used to be based solely on costs. Nowadays, due to technological development, the process of pricing has become more complex.  Increased transparency and the ease to order products from anywhere in the world has developed the art of pricing, which now rarely is based only on costs but on the value which it creates for the customer. The research question of this thesis is as follows: What kind of price models can enable value capturing for products that no one wishes to use? To answer the research question of this thesis, existing theories on pricing and price models have been used as well as empirical data in the form of structured interviews with the company’s executive management team as well as with potential customers from the company’s customer segment. The result has shown that it is important to target the right group of customers and then develop a suitable price model for them. Not one single price model can be 100 percent right for all customers and/or environments. On the basis of Olve et.al’s (2013) Price Model Equalizer, the company’s price model has been identified as well as suggestions on alternative price models suitable for specific groups of customers.

O desenvolvimento de modelo de negócio em empresa startup brasileira de biotecnologia / The development of a business model in a Brazilian biotechnology startup

Katz, Alessandra Bizeray Benedito 28 March 2019 (has links)
As empresas startup na área de biotecnologia podem adotar um portfólio de modelo de negócios diversificado com o intuito de maximizar a captação de valor do know how e das atividades associadas à pesquisa e desenvolvimento. O equilíbrio entre esses modelos de negócios é determinante para a geração de receita para subsidiar o longo prazo intrínseco ao desenvolvimento do negócio derivado de pesquisa e desenvolvimento em biotecnologia. Nesse cenário, é relevante a análise e seleção do método apropriado de construção de modelos de negócios para empresas startup no setor de biotecnologia. O presente estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver o modelo de negócios de uma startup de biotecnologia de diagnóstico molecular no mercado brasileiro. O método de pesquisa adotado foi a pesquisa-ação que derivou na seleção do método de construção de modelo de negócios descrito por Pedroso, 2018. A autora demonstra que a aplicação desse método em uma startup brasileira de biotecnologia gerou 4 ciclos interativos de planejamento, ação, avaliação e diagnóstico. Ainda, a autora aponta sugestões para a aplicação desse método em empresas brasileiras startup de biotecnologia. / Startups in the biotechnology area may adopt a diversified business model portfolio that seek to maximize the value of know-how and activities associated with research and development. The balance between these business models is decisive for the generation of revenue to subsidize the long term intrinsic to the development of the business derived from research and development in biotechnology. In this scenario, it is relevant to analyze and select the appropriate method to construct business models for startup companies in the biotechnology sector. The present study aims to develop the business model of a biotechnology startup on the molecular diagnostic sector in the Brazilian market. The research method adopted was the action research that resulted on the selection of the method of business model construction described by Pedroso, 2018. The author shows that the application of said method in a Brazilian biotech startup generated 4 interactive cycles of planning, action, evaluation and diagnostic. In addition, the author gives some suggestions for applying this method on Brazilian startups

企業免費模式之研究 / A study on zero-pricing business model

王宛如 Unknown Date (has links)
天下沒有白吃的午餐,但免費產品卻大行其道。創新的免費營運模式佔據我們生活的同時,多數研究還是以探討生產面或技術面之創新為主。因此,本研究希望能夠分類免費營運模式、探討企業如何利用免費定價模式營運、並探討企業提供免費產品的主要目的。   本研究利用內容分析法,蒐集各產業共計六十三個案,並以自營運模式版圖(business model canvas)衍伸出的六大分類變數:產業資訊特性、交換產品特性、贈送的產品屬性、贈送的單位成本、收費對象、與贈送產品的目的,將免費模式歸納成七大免費營運模式:直接交叉補貼、三方或雙邊市場、免費增值、非金錢市場、對企業免費、一開始免費、及累積而成的免費。   實務上,免費的七大模式可以混合利用,為了使企業能夠有效率的做免費模式的運用,本研究利用兩大面向與九大問題,製作出免費模式決策流程圖,以利企業在實務上做免費模式的選擇。 / Free products have become very popular these days but it is common sense that there is no free lunch. Innovative zero-pricing business model is happening everywhere but the major innovation research is about production innovation or technical innovation. Therefore, this study is to classify types of zero-pricing business model, to find out how enterprise survive with zero-pricing, and to explore why companies offer products for free.   With content analysis method, this study collects 63 cases of various industries, analyze these cases with 6 variables come from business model canvas, industrial characteristics, attributes of free products, consumer, and purpose for free products, and group into seven major zero-pricing business mode: direct cross-subsidy, ad-supported, freemium, gift economy, free to enterprise, free at first, and accumulated free.   In practice, enterprise can run business with mixed method. In order to help enterprise to fasten the efficiency of free business model decision-making, this study present a decision-making flow chart with two major phases and nine questions.

Achieving Organisational Effectiveness with B2E E-business Model

Mootheril, Feeba, feeba.m@gmail.com January 2008 (has links)
This research is about understanding effectiveness achieved from B2E (Business-to-Employee) e-business model. Though many studies have been undertaken on B2B and B2C models; research on B2E is still at an infancy stage. This research addressed the identified niche with a focus on the factors that lead to organisational effectiveness from B2E e-business model in the Australian context. The research was guided by Resourced Based Theory and Competing Values Framework to understand the impact of the model on organizational effectiveness. Research methods adopted for this research are exploratory; so that the 'new' area can be investigated and emerging new concepts in the same phenomena can be examined. Analysis of the data is interpretive, which was collected via interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire. The findings reveal that the Australian organisations investigated regard B2E e-business to be a dynamic and evolving model for internal management and servi ce to employees. The findings also indicate that B2E model is adopted differently in different organizations. However, the general pattern or theme that the data revealed is that the B2E applications tend to follow a stream of electronic applications such as electronic news (e-news), electronic documents (e-documents), electronic information (e-information), electronic human resource (e-HR) applications and electronic business processes for the management of employees and their internal processes. The resulting outcomes include both internal and external effectiveness in organisations with B2E e-business models.

From closed to open : ICT as an Enabler for Creating Open Innovation Systems in  Industrial Settings

Nylén, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
<p>Most forestry machines being produced today include a PC that monitors and controls the harvester head, and an information system that stores data on every action the driver or the machine performs. ICT thus provides an opportunity to improve efficiency and competitiveness and possibly also opens up for new ways of working for actors in the forestry industry. The purpose of this study is to investigate how ICT can enable the transformation from selling products to selling services in the forestry industry. We investigate this through performing a Case Study including a number of actors from the Forestry industry in northern Sweden. First, we investigate the barriers for establishing an Open Innovation system in forestry. Then we describe the main steps to be taken and how the use of ICT can enable the establishment of such a system. The case study shows that the forestry industry is committed to working according to a traditional value chain and is committed to a closed innovation paradigm. We argue that the ICT component in Timbercut’s forestry machines constitutes a latent potential that cancaptured through changing the business model and setting up a joint venture with Rewire.</p>

Internationalizing to the UK : a resource based perspective

Vilsson, Carl-Johan, Geldard, Matthew January 2007 (has links)
A significant problem in the construction industry is the losses sustained as a result of the theft of tools and equipment from construction sites. The case study company, referred to as PSS, have successfully developed and commercialized a technological solution to prevent such theft within Sweden. The next step in the commercialization of PSS is to seek growth and leverage their investment and innovation. Our purpose is to undertake a UK market analysis, in order to investigate if PSS's business model has opportunities in the UK, and recommend how PSS might approach internationalization, using a resource based perspective. PSS’s existing business model has been developed to fit the Swedish market conditions, and has been demonstrated to perform. We find market conditions in the UK are similar, albeit in greater proportions. The nature of the problem, the industry structures, and the competitive environment is similar to the domestic conditions, and the competitive position of PSS is replicable, with a high level of strategic fit. We recommend PSS pursue its desire to internationalize to the UK based on similarity of the fit with the local market (which has been demonstrated to result in acceptable performance). We would recommend entry through a sales subsidiary to facilitate the establishment of customer relationships. In addition a possible license agreement with a partner may help to facilitate speedy access to UK distribution industry networks.

The Determinants of Competition Advantage For Hair Salon¡XThe Business Model of Regional Chain Store

Tsai, Lung-kun 05 September 2007 (has links)

Business model innovation : the case of Communication Ltd

Steen, Robin January 2013 (has links)
In today’s competitive market, a well-integrated business model can play an important role for a competitive advantage. One tool to create business models is the business model canvas. This method is used by many big organizations, and among these users is Communication Ltd. They are currently working on changing their focus from product to service. This change requires some big changes in the company´s business models, revenue streams and in their value proposition. The goal of this thesis is to analyse new possible revenue streams and also investigate if these could be of use for Communication Ltd. To reach this goal this thesis uses a theoretical base along with empirical data such as interviews, secondary data and a study of revenue streams in external markets. The conclusion reached in this thesis is that going from a product focus to a service focus requires structural changes in revenue streams, but also a clear communication of the value an organization is offering their customers. Furthermore for an organization to meet future customer needs, new types of revenue streams must be implemented. One solution to this could be for an organization to offer different types of memberships where different values are bundled together deepening on what the customers’ demands.

Entering the Chinese e-merging market : A single case study of buisness model adjustment

Byhlin, Hanna, Holm, Emma January 2012 (has links)
Business model is a concept that has gained increasing attention in recent years. It is seen as a firm’s ticket to success and has been studied by researchers and managers alike to find the ultimate template for prosperity. Little research has, however, been conducted on the necessary adjustments of a business model in the case of new market entry. Globalization has inspired companies to grow internationally, and firms increasingly look for new markets to capture, and China has become one of the most attractive markets for western firms. Existing theory claims that business model adjustment is necessary when expanding globally. Hence, our aim is to research how a firm’s business model adjusts when entering a new market. We also aim to further develop existing theory on the interrelation between business model elements, and see how change in one element influences other connected elements. We have conducted a qualitative exploratory case study using the business model of a European e-commerce company on the verge of entering China. To reach the purpose of the thesis we have conducted interviews with employees of the studied company to understand their current business model, previous changes when entering new markets and the expectations on China’s influence on the business model. We have also collected information on the Chinese market through interviews and secondary sources. The gathered data has been analyzed in accordance with theories concerning culture, consumer behavior and business model features. The results of the data gave us a foundation for researching the influences of culture on the business model. Through increased knowledge in the area of business models, information on the Chinese culture and market, and theoretical findings regarding e.g. culture and consumer behavior, we have been able to analyze how cultural aspects influence business model elements. We found potential links between cultural traits of the Chinese market and the market’s consumer behavior and preferences. The conclusion of the thesis states that the elements primarily affected by new market entry are target customer, relationships, partnerships and capabilities. The two first are influenced by the changing consumer preferences (culture) whereas the final two are operational and affected by the organizational changes necessary when entering a new market. We also found change in value configuration, distribution channel and cost structure as a result of the adjustments made in the previously mentioned elements. Due to the lack of information on other markets, apart from the European, it has, however, been difficult to draw generally applicable conclusions on cultural influence on the business model.

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