Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eexamination"" "subject:"examination""
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Visual Representation In Industrial Design Registration: A Proposed Guideline For Turkey Based On Legal Texts And Guidelines From Eight Different Jurisdictions, And Interviews With Turkish Patent Institute ExaminersYalciner, Irmak 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Visual representation is the most important element of a design registration in terms of scope of protection. This study examines national, regional and international design registration systems in terms of legal texts and guidelines related to visual representation, investigates problematic issues concerning the features and qualities of visual representation in industrial design registration applications in Turkey through the interviews conducted with the Turkish Patent Institute examiners, and proposes a guideline for Turkey which would assist applicants and attorneys in preparing visual representations.
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Säkrare sjöfart? : - en processanalys av föreskrifter omläkarundersökning för sjöfolk. / Safer shipping? : – a process analysis of medical examinations for seafarersEkberg Collin, Camilla, Essén, Cathrine January 2011 (has links)
Arbetsuppgifterna på ett fartyg kan innefatta hård fysisk påfrestning samt arbete i mörker, påhög höjd och i slutna utrymmen vilket betyder att sjöfolk måste vara lämpliga för tjänstgöringen.De nationella reglerna för medicinsk lämplighet för sjöfolk skiljer sig trots att deninternationella standarden är densamma för alla. Syftet med denna rapport är att åskådliggöraskillnaderna mellan regelverken om läkarintyg för sjöfolk i de skandinaviska länderna ochundersöka historien bakom de svenska föreskrifterna.Vår slutsats är att det skulle gagna Sverige att återinföra Sjömansläkare, som troligtvis är merkompetenta än en icke specialiserad läkare vad gäller tjänstbarhetsbedömning för sjömän.Systemet med sjömansläkare är fortfarande i bruk och fungerar väl i både Danmark ochNorge.Slutligen sammanfattas rapporten av författarnas egna reflektioner kring ämnet i relation tillresultatet. Förslag till vidare forskning återfinns i slutet. / The duties onboard any ship include moments of hard physical labour, work in darkness, aloftand within enclosed spaces which means that a seafarer must be fit for duty. The nationalrequirements for medical fitness of seafarers differ between countries, although they are allbased on the same international standard. The aim of this report is to compare the differencesbetween the regulations concerning medical certificates for seafarers in the Scandinaviancountries and to investigate the history of the Swedish regulations.We conclude that Sweden would benefit from the reintroduction of the old system ofSeaman’s Doctors, who presumably are more competent than a doctor not specialized injudging the fitness of a seafarer. This system is still in operation and working well in bothDenmark and Norway.Finally this report consists of the authors’ own reflexions regarding the medical examinationsand certificates for seafarers. We also include a few suggestions for further research.
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Cordon Sanitaire or Healthy Policy? How Prospective Immigrants with HIV are Organized by Canada’s Mandatory HIV Screening PolicyBisaillon, Laura 26 January 2012 (has links)
Since 2002, the Canadian state has mandatorily tested applicants for permanent residence for HIV (Human immune deficiency virus). The policy and practices associated with this screening have never been critically scrutinized. Authoritative claims about what happens in the conduct of the immigration medical examination are at odds with the experience of immigrant applicants living with HIV. This is the analytic entry point into this inquiry that is organized within the theoretical and methodological frame offered by institutional ethnography and political activist ethnography. Analysis is connected to broader research literatures and the historical record.
The goal of this study is to produce detailed, contextualized understandings of the social and ruling relations that organize the lives of immigrants to Canada living with HIV. These are generated from the material conditions of their lives. An assumption about how organization happens is the social and reflexive production of knowledge in people’s day-to-day lives through which connections between local and extra-local settings are empirically investigable. I investigate the organization of the Canadian immigration process. How is this institutional complex ordered and governed? How is immigration mandatory HIV testing organized, and with what consequences to HIV-positive applicants to Canada? This is a text-mediated organization where all the sites are connected by people’s work and the texts they circulate. The positive result of an immigration HIV test catalyzes the state’s collection of medical data about an applicant. These are entered into state decision-making about the person’s in/admissibility to Canada.
I focus on a key component of the immigration process, which is medical examination and HIV testing with this, along with the HIV test counselling practices that happen (or not) there. The reported absence of the latter form of care causes problems and contradictions for people. This investigation adopts the standpoint of these persons to investigate their problems associated with HIV testing. The main empirically supported argument I make is that the Canadian state’s ideological work related to the HIV policy and mandatory screening ushers in a set of institutional practices that are highly problematic for immigrants with HIV. This argument relies on data collected in interviews, focus groups, observations, and analysis of texts organized under Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C., 2001, c. 27) and textually mediated, discursively organized concepts that shape people’s practice. Canadian immigration medical policy makers should make use of these findings, as should civil society activists acting on behalf of immigrants to Canada living with HIV. I make nine specific recommendations for future action on HIV and immigration in Canada.
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Beginning and Intermediate Piano Students' Experiences Participating in Evaluative PerformancesMitchell, Nancy Eleanor Christel 18 December 2012 (has links)
Evaluative performances, such as festivals and conservatory examinations, frequently play a large role in formal piano study. Many teachers and parents assume that requiring students to participate in these evaluations will result in several benefits, including increased discipline and motivation, exposure to a balanced and rigorous music curriculum, and access to helpful feedback from expert adjudicators and examiners. However, not all students experience positive outcomes as a result of their participation in evaluative performances. Using a multi-method approach that incorporates grounded theory and narrative inquiry, this research provides insight into how beginning and intermediate piano students experience participating in festivals and examinations and what factors contribute to the quality of students’ experiences.
Positive experiences with evaluative performances are characterized by positive emotional outcomes, meaningful music learning, and the development of a strong musical identity. The theoretical model developed through this research presents several important contributors to students’ positive experiences with evaluative performances, including students’ understandings, values, and goals related to music learning, and their abilities and inclinations as performers. The entire learning process must take place within a supportive relational context. When students have positive experiences with evaluative performances, their self-efficacy is heightened. They also experience self-determination regarding their music studies and their involvement in evaluative performances. The self-efficacy and self-determination that follow students’ success and positive experiences motivate further involvement in music study.
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Cordon Sanitaire or Healthy Policy? How Prospective Immigrants with HIV are Organized by Canada’s Mandatory HIV Screening PolicyBisaillon, Laura 26 January 2012 (has links)
Since 2002, the Canadian state has mandatorily tested applicants for permanent residence for HIV (Human immune deficiency virus). The policy and practices associated with this screening have never been critically scrutinized. Authoritative claims about what happens in the conduct of the immigration medical examination are at odds with the experience of immigrant applicants living with HIV. This is the analytic entry point into this inquiry that is organized within the theoretical and methodological frame offered by institutional ethnography and political activist ethnography. Analysis is connected to broader research literatures and the historical record.
The goal of this study is to produce detailed, contextualized understandings of the social and ruling relations that organize the lives of immigrants to Canada living with HIV. These are generated from the material conditions of their lives. An assumption about how organization happens is the social and reflexive production of knowledge in people’s day-to-day lives through which connections between local and extra-local settings are empirically investigable. I investigate the organization of the Canadian immigration process. How is this institutional complex ordered and governed? How is immigration mandatory HIV testing organized, and with what consequences to HIV-positive applicants to Canada? This is a text-mediated organization where all the sites are connected by people’s work and the texts they circulate. The positive result of an immigration HIV test catalyzes the state’s collection of medical data about an applicant. These are entered into state decision-making about the person’s in/admissibility to Canada.
I focus on a key component of the immigration process, which is medical examination and HIV testing with this, along with the HIV test counselling practices that happen (or not) there. The reported absence of the latter form of care causes problems and contradictions for people. This investigation adopts the standpoint of these persons to investigate their problems associated with HIV testing. The main empirically supported argument I make is that the Canadian state’s ideological work related to the HIV policy and mandatory screening ushers in a set of institutional practices that are highly problematic for immigrants with HIV. This argument relies on data collected in interviews, focus groups, observations, and analysis of texts organized under Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C., 2001, c. 27) and textually mediated, discursively organized concepts that shape people’s practice. Canadian immigration medical policy makers should make use of these findings, as should civil society activists acting on behalf of immigrants to Canada living with HIV. I make nine specific recommendations for future action on HIV and immigration in Canada.
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Die Versorgungssituation psychischer Störungen in Deutschland / Met and Unmet Needs for Intervention. Clinical-Epidemiological Estimations for Mental Disorders in the German Health Interview and Examination Survey SupplementWittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Jacobi, Frank 06 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Nach Befunden des Bundes-Gesundheitssurveys 1998/99 (Zusatzsurvey „Psychische Störungen“) litten im Jahr der Erhebung 32% (=15,6 Millionen) der erwachsenen deutschen Bevölkerung im Alter von 18–65 unter einer oder mehreren psychischen Störungen. Jeder dritte Betroffene (36%) steht oder stand im Jahr vor der Erhebung wegen der psychischen Störung in Kontakt mit ambulanten oder stationären psychiatrisch/psychotherapeutischen Diensten oder seinem Hausarzt. Der Anteil von Betroffenen, die eine im weitesten Sinne adäquate Therapie nach modernen wissenschaftlichen Kriterien erhalten, kann konservativ auf ca.10% geschätzt werden. Die niedrige Versorgungsquote betrifft dabei nicht alle spezifischen Störungsgruppen in gleichem Ausmaß; niedrige Versorgungsraten ergaben sich insbesondere für somatoforme und Suchterkrankungen. Ferner ergaben sich zum Teil markante regionale Unterschiede (z.B. besonders schlechte Versorgungslage in Regionen, die weder über eine nahe Universität noch über psychotherapeutische Weiterbildungsinstitutionen verfügen).Ungeachtet unterschiedlich weiter oder enger Definitionen des Begriffs Behandlungsbedarf, zeigt sich eine gravierende Unterversorgung von Personen mit psychischen Erkrankungen. Quantitativ bedeutsame Hinweise auf eine Fehl- oder Überversorgung von Betroffenen lassen sich nicht aufzeigen. / Data from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey, Mental Health Supplement (N=4181) reveal that 32% (15,6 million people) of the adult population between 18 and 65 years of age suffer from one or more mental disorders. Among those only 36% receive treatment which also varies in type, duration, and adequacy. The proportion of cases receiving “adequate evidence- based treatments” was estimated to be about 10%.Lowest treatment rates were found for somatoform disorders and substance abuses, highest for psychotic disorders, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, and dysthymia. The data reveal substantial regional differences with regard to treatment rates (e.g. lower rates in regions without universities or institutions offering postgraduate mental health education).The paper concludes that, depending on the diagnosis, a considerable degree of unmet medical needs exist for the majority of people affected by mental disorders. No evidence was found for an excessive supply of health care for the patients suffering from mental disorders or for treatments without an existing clinical need.
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Feasibility study of comprehensive eye screening on low-risk persons for ocular abnormalities: contribution ofsocio-economic and demographic variables黃澤銘, Wong, Chak-ming, Albert. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medical Sciences / Master / Master of Medical Sciences
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Les marques de commerce au Canada : analyse de certains points de droit international et de droit comparéSt-Sauveur, Benoît 04 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire de maîtrise a pour objet l'analyse du droit international des marques de
commerce et du droit de certains pays industrialisés en comparaison avec la législation
canadienne sur les marques de commerce.
Il traite également des modifications qu'il serait nécessaire d'apporter à la loi canadienne en vue de l'adoption du Protocole de Madrid, du Traité sur le droit des marques et de
l'Arrangement de Nice, et de la mise en application de la Recommandation commune sur les
marques notoires. Le Canada devrait aussi modifier certaines dispositions de la loi sur les
marques de commerce pour la rendre plus conforme à l'Accord sur les ADPICs et à la
Convention de Paris.
Compte tenu des lacunes du droit international en ce qui a trait à l'utilisation de la marque, le
mémoire analyse et critique cette notion en droit canadien et la compare aux tendances
actuelles qui ont cours aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni. / The purpose of this thesis is to compare the Canadian legislation in trade-marks law with
international trade-marks law and the law of sorne industrialized countries.
It is also suggested that the implementation of the Madrid Protocol, of the Trademark Law
Treaty, of the Nice Arrangement and of the Joint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on
the Protection of Well-Known Marks would necessitate some amendments to the Canadian
Trade-Marks Act. Moreover, some sections of the Canadian Trade-Marks Act should be
amended so as to comply with the TRIPs Agreement and with the Paris Convention.
U.S. and UK. approaches regarding the use of a trade-mark are also analysed, since
international law does not appear to have fully addressed this issue. / "Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade LL.M. en droit des technologies de l'information"
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A Cross-national Comparison Study of Metabolic Syndrome among Canadian and Korean Older AdultsSong, Geum Ju 23 May 2014 (has links)
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a clustering of traditional cardiovascular risk factors including central obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and hypertension. The prevalence of MetS increases risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes and increases with age.
Purpose: To compare prevalence and correlates of MetS (and components) in Canadian and Korean older adults.
Methods: This study consisted of secondary data analysis, using data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) (cycle 1) and the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (cycle 4). The study sample included adults aged 60 to 79 years and who provided fasting blood samples. To compare prevalence of MetS between countries, the same diagnostic criteria (Harmonizing definition) were used. Similar measures of potential explanatory variables for MetS, such as physical activity, dietary patterns, comorbidity, gender, household income adequacy, education, marital status, alcohol consumption, smoking, psychological distress, and duration of sleep were also used where possible. Univariate and multiple logistic regression models were used to examine the cross-sectional relationship between these study variables and MetS. Principal component and cluster analyses were conducted to derive dietary patterns.
Results: Included were 550 (weighted N=4,886,039) and 3,040 (weighted N=4,267,182) Canadians and Koreans aged 60 to 79 years, respectively. The prevalence of MetS was 42.0% and 52.2% in the Canadian and Korean sample, respectively (p<.0001). The prevalence of MetS in Korean women was 60.5% and explained the overall increased prevalence in the Korean sample. Results of the descriptive analysis, as well as the univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses indicated that the prevalence and pattern or joint distribution of explanatory variables differed across the two populations. In the Canadian sample, the final multivariate model comprised household income, marital status, alcohol consumption and psychological distress, with evidence of an interaction between adequacy of household income and marital status. In the Korean sample, the final multivariate model comprised comorbidity, gender, education, marital status, physical activity, and dietary pattern, with evidence of an interaction between comorbidity and marital status and between gender and education.
Conclusions: Findings of this study provided insight into possible underlying mechanisms that might lead to between-country differences in prevalence of MetS and to inconsistent measures of association between MetS and an individual factor like physical activity or dietary intake across studies.
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Kognitiv svikt og sikkerhet i trafikken : vurdering av helsekrav og ergoterapeutens rolle / Cognitive impairment and road safety : Assessment of health requirements and the occupational therapists roleFleitscher, Hilde January 2012 (has links)
Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var todelt. Den ene delen tok sikte på å belyse hvordan manved screeningkunne finne ut om personer med kognitiv svikt oppfyller helsekravene for fortsatt å kunne kjøre bil. Den andre delen så på ergoterapeutens rolle og kunnskapsgrunnlag i slike førerkortvurderinger. Metode:Tverrsnittsstudie hvor den ene delen varbygd på data fra 99 pasientjournaler med fokus på to nevropsykologiske tester(NorSDSA og UFOV)og en praktisk kjøretest(P-Drive). Den andre delen varbygd på data fra en webbasert spørreundersøkelse sendt ut til 1857 norske ergoterapeuter. Resultat:UFOV hadde signifikant korrelasjon med utfall i praktisk kjøretest, høy sensitivitet og høy PPV, slik at ved en ikke-godkjent UFOV er det grunn til å fortsette med praktisk kjøretest. NorSDSA hadde lav sensitivitet, men høy spesifisitet som indikerer atde som får godkjent på NorSDSA bør fortsette med en praktisk kjøretest.I praktisk kjøretest var det skår på kjørehandlingene «Løser problem, «Reaksjon» og «Oppmerksomhet mot venstre» som hadde størst sammenheng med resultatet av førerkortvurderingen. Det varfå ergoterapeuter i Norge som haddeførerkortvurderinger som sittarbeidsområde. Informantene i undersøkelsen opplevde at de kunne haen sentral rolle i å vurdere helsekravene for førerkort, men at de mangletbåde kunnskap, gyldige og pålitelige metoder og nasjonale retningslinjer for slike vurderinger. Konklusjon:Fra et folkehelseperspektiv, er utfordringentidlig å identifisere sjåfører med økt risiko, uten unødig begrense andre. Studien viser at det er behov for både å gjennomføre nevropsykologiske tester samt praktisk kjøretesti vurdering av helsekrav for personer med kognitiv svikt.Det er behov for mer forskning på området, og dessutenbehov for å utarbeide nasjonale retningslinjer.Ergoterapeutene oppfattet sinrolle i førerkortvurderinger som sentral med spesielt praktisk kjøretestsom et viktig bidrag. / Aim: The aim of thestudy was dual. First, itsought to determine whether individuals with cognitive impairments meet health requirements fordrivingsafety. Second, itexaminedthe role of occupational therapists and their knowledge of driver assessments. Method:For part 1, across-sectional study was applied, based partly on data from 99 patient records,focusing on two neuropsychological tests (NorSDSA and UFOV) and on-roaddriver performancetest(P-Drive). The second part wasbased on data from an online survey sent to 1.857 Norwegian occupational therapists. Result:UFOV had significant correlation with outcome in P-Drive, high sensitivity, and high PPV. A failed UFOV indicates a reason to continue with an on-roadtest. NorSDSA had low sensitivity but high specificity and high PPV. Passing NorSDSA indicates a reason to continue with an on-road test. The items in P-Drive that had the highest correlation with the result of the driving assessment were problem solving,reaction, and attention to the left.Few occupational therapists in Norway were involved in driving assessment. Survey participants felt that they might play a central role in assessing the health requirements for driving but lacked the knowledge, valid and reliable methods, and national guidelines for driving assessments. Conclusion: From a public health perspective, the challenge is to identify at-risk drivers as early as possible, without unnecessarily restricting other drivers. This study shows a need for conducting neuropsychological tests and for a practical driving test to assess people with cognitive impairment. This area requires further study, just as there is a need for national guidelines.Occupational therapists perceived a central role for them in driving assessment. They believed they could contribute most effectively through a driving test. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-50-8</p>
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