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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions of the learning environment, attitudes towards science, and understandings of the nature of science among prospective elementary teachers in an innovative science course

Martin-Dunlop, Catherine S. January 2004 (has links)
The major purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of a science course for prospective elementary teachers on their perceptions of the learning environment, attitudes towards science, and understandings of the nature of science. The sample consisted of 525 female students enrolled in 27 classes of A Process Approach to Science (SCED 401) at a large urban university in Southern California. Also comparisons were made between SCED 401 and the students' previous laboratory course with regard to the learning environment and attitudes. Perceptions of the learning environment were measured using scales from the Science Laboratory Environment Inventory (Open-Endedness and Material Environment) and the What Is Happening In this Class? (Student Cohesiveness, Instructor Support, Cooperation, Investigation). Attitudes towards science were assessed using the Enjoyment of Science Lessons scale from the Test of Science-Related Attitudes (TOSRA). Students completed the Nature of Scientific Knowledge Survey (NSKS) based on their entire science education experience-not just the one laboratory class which they had taken previously. Comparisons were then made with their understandings after having completed SCED 401. Finally, associations between the learning environment and the student outcomes of attitudes and understandings of the nature of science were explored. This study embraced the current trend in classroom learning environments research of combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Qualitative components included items from the open-ended questionnaire, Views of Nature of Science, interviews with students, and an analysis of concept maps. The qualitative findings expanded and complemented the quantitative results and, in several cases, supported the construct validity of scales assessing the learning environment and attitudes. / Another purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using real research data for growth rates of four species of Antarctic seabirds (i.e., implementing an 'intervention') in six classes of SCED 401. The objective of the intervention was to increase the authenticity and quality of an experimental design project. In addition, the wildlife biologist who collected the data guided the students during the project. Although the intervention did not lead to an appreciable improvement in students' perceptions of the learning environment, differences between intervention and nonintervention classes were statistically significant for Enjoyment of Science Lessons from the TOSRA and for Creative from the NSKS (effect sues were 2.64 and 2.06 standard deviations, respectively). Results of this study indicated that during a factor analysis, the large majority of learning environment items belonged to their a priori scale (43 out of 46 items had factor loadings above 0.40) A valid instrument for use with prospective elementary teachers was produced by combining relevant scales from the Science . Laboratory Environment Inventory and the What Is Happening In this Class? A weaker factor structure was found for the Nature of Scientific Knowledge Survey. However, by moving close to half of the -faulty' items from the NSKS, the internal consistency reliability of scales improved considerably. This study also found large and statistically significant differences between students' previous laboratory class and SCED 401 for all six leaning environment scales. The largest difference was found for the level of Open-Endedness (effect size was 6.74 standard deviations). / A statistically significant difference also was found for Enjoyment of Science Lessons (effect size was 2.98 standard deviations). Differences were not as dramatic with regard to understandings of the nature of science, although differences for two scales (Creative and Unified) from the NSKS were positive and statistically significant. This study replicated past research by finding statistically significant positive correlations between all six learning environment scales and Enjoyment of Science Lessons. However, by far, Instructor Support had the largest independent association with enjoyment, using both the individual and class mean as the units of analysis. A positive link between a favorable leaning environment and the student outcome of understanding nature of science also was found. This research makes a distinctive contribution to the learning environments field because it is the first study to investigate laboratory classroom environments at the university level with prospective elementary teachers. The study is also the first to build a bridge between the classroom learning environment and the student outcome of understanding the nature of science. The study has implications for undergraduate laboratory course instructors, for science teacher educators who develop and instruct in elementary teacher preparation programs, and for future elementary teachers and the science learning of their future students.

Online Assessment System with Integrated Study (OASIS) to enhance the learning of Electrical Engineering students: an action research study

Smaill, Christopher Raymond January 2006 (has links)
World-wide, there has been a large increase in tertiary student numbers, not entirely matched by funding increases. Consequently, instructors are faced with large, diverse classes, and find themselves struggling to provide adequate assessment and prompt feedback, two quantities critical in an effective learning environment. Personal computers and the Internet can help solve this problem. The aim of this study was to develop, implement and validate a Web-based software package that, through providing practice and assessment opportunities, improved student learning and reduced marking and related mundane aspects of instructor workload. At the start of the study, such a package already existed in prototype form: OASIS (Online Assessment System with Integrated Study). As the study progressed, this software package was first fully rewritten and then repeatedly modified. OASIS delivers individualised tasks, marks student responses, supplies prompt feedback, and logs student activity. Staff can deliver sets of practice questions and assessments to students: assessments may involve different questions for different students, not just numerically different versions of the same questions. Given my role as teacher, the traditional research ideal of observing without affecting the research environment was both impossible and unconscionable. In particular, since preliminary evidence suggested that OASIS did enhance student learning, I could not adopt a ‘two groups’ approach to the research, with one group using OASIS while the other did not. Instead, an action research methodology was seen as most appropriate for my double role of teacher and researcher. / This methodology enabled me, in the light of my findings, to continuously modify the learning environment and enhance student learning. The action research proceeded through a spiral of one-semester cycles of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. To maximize rigour, the research ran through eight cycles over four years and involved considerable triangulation. OASIS itself collected much quantitative data. Further data were collected via interview, survey, email and informal discussion from three groups: current students, postgraduates and academics. My colleagues provided alternative perceptions and interpretations, as did Physics Department academics who were using OASIS, and an external academic who interviewed academics and investigated the implementation of OASIS. Perhaps surprisingly, academics had generally adopted OASIS to promote student learning rather than to decrease their own workloads. In some cases workloads were reduced; however, where OASIS assessments augmented rather than replaced existing traditional assessments, workloads actually went up slightly. All instructors who used OASIS reported enhanced student learning and wished to continue using it. Student surveys, interviews, focus-group discussions and informal feedback showed that students found the software easy to use and considered that it helped them improve their skills and understanding. OASIS questions were preferred over textbook questions. Students commonly requested OASIS to be available in more of their areas of study. In general students wanted hints or model answers though some argued against their provision. / The majority of students were enthusiastic about the use of OASIS for practice, and activity logs revealed that they did use OASIS extensively. These logs also revealed the motivating power of assessments: typically half the online practice activity took place in the last 36 hours prior to assessments. Interviews provided further interesting insights into the ways different students approached their studies and assessments. However, students did voice concerns about the validity of OASIS assignments, noting their peers could rely on the efforts of others to score highly in these. A number of steps were carried out in an attempt to defuse these concerns, including: disabling OASIS practice during assignments, basing assignments on previously unseen questions, and providing different assignment questions to different students. While this study has achieved the goal of developing, implementing and validating OASIS, many future opportunities exist. OASIS may be used in schools as well as universities. Non-numerical questions, where answers may be somewhere between right and wrong, are possible. OASIS can also be used to deliver concept inventories to students to support research into concept acquisition and retention.

Improving the process? A study of learner autonomy, interaction & technology-enhanced language-learning environments

Turk, Deborah, n/a January 2005 (has links)
Is it possible for technological �spaces� to be created that can provide a community atmosphere � one in which learners are not restrained by pre-determined syllabi and have the ability to direct their learning according to their own interests, pace and goals? If so, it would be notable to discover which kinds of interactions might be possible, or might eventuate, and how the participants in such a learning �space� would organize themselves. Also of interest would be the kinds of power structures that emerged through participant interaction, the direction/interactions undertaken by the participants and the improvements that could be made in order to respect and accommodate the differences between learners in a social online learning space. In order to further study this hypothesised need to investigate these questions, this researcher developed an online, English as a Second/Foreign Language learning environment for advanced adult learners of English. She reviewed the appropriate literature in order to theorise how to commence this research direction and investigated various learning platforms and software tools. The result was the development of a multiplatform environment which consisted of a content management system and a 3D microworld. Tools, exercises and content were developed and/or gathered as starting points for learners and the various software had to be learnt in order to orient others on their use. Finally, the environment was trialed over a four week duration with a group of advanced to native speakers of English (volunteers) and the results have been presented in this thesis for discussion. The trial, entitled the ILE Project, attempted to study the problems involved in the technical development of such spaces, to observe the interactions between the learners in a 3D microworld and uncover issues relating to its implementation. Some issues raised by the project concerned techno-literacy, personality-driven interaction differences and organizational power shifts within the 3D community. This thesis closes with an argument that redefines the notion of the learner autonomy, proposes certain modifications to both the pedagogic and technical structure of the online environment and discusses the issues raised in this research. The latter discussion would require further re-conceptualization of the spaces, stakes and support structures that educators can create/provide in an attempt to improve online language learning.

Electronic Classroom, Electronic Community: Virtual Social Networks and Student Learning.

Harris, Lisa, Lisa.Harris@rmit.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
The capacity for online learning environments to provide quality learning experiences for students has been the focus of much speculation and debate in the higher education sector from the late 1990s to the present day. In this area, 'quality' has become synonymous with engaging students in a learning community. This study reports on a qualitative research project designed to explore the significance of community for students when they study in online learning environments. This project used three case studies to explore tertiary students' thoughts and expectations about community in the online environment. The research was constructed iteratively. Data from the initial case suggested the need to explore the relationship between the constructed online learning environment and the development of learning communities or what I have termed Social Learning Support Networks (SLSN). To explore this issue further, the project was expanded and subsequent cases were chosen that included fundamentally different types of online learning environments. The project had two significant results. Firstly, students not only confirmed popular educational theories on the value of learning communities, but also described how this form of social connection might practically benefit their learning. Secondly, the project found that certain forms of synchronous online environments provided enhanced opportunities for students to form social connections that supported their learning. This project provides new evidence of the benefit of community for students studying online and argues that future online learning environments should be shaped by five key principles designed to foster a sense of social connection between students.

Eleven och Lärandemiljön : En studie av barns lärande med fokus på läsning och skrivning

Nyström, Ia January 2002 (has links)
The thesis describes what happens when twelve students learn to read and write. The main purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the learning process of the students, with respect to reading and writing, based on the specific learning environment. Special attention is given to the relationship between the individual and the environment. It is the author's strong belief that one needs to look at both these aspects together. Further, the intention of the thesis is not to compare different environments in terms of good or bad, but rather to use them as examples of situated social practices for reading. The investigation has an ethnographic approach and is based primarily on qualitative data collected by personal studies of the students' reading and writing processes in the classroom environment. Secondly, estimations of the students' reading abilities have been performed in order to validate various kinds of data. Twelve students have been studied from August 1998 when they started in first grade and until March 2001. The analysis derives from Vygotskij's theory, the sociocultural perspective, and to get a better understanding of differences and similarities between the environments, Bernstein's theory about the visible and invisible pedagogic was used. The result indicates that in a classroom, students show a variety of specific behaviours related to the setting in different ways. The conclusion of this thesis is that it is urgent to make teachers observe and pay attention to the behaviour pattern of each group of readers. Teachers hereby receive a tool that gives them a chance to identify students with negative patterns in purpose to make them choose a constructive way of learning. Through guidance the teacher may transfer successful strategies and/or design situations that make it possible for the students to discover an alternative way of learning.

Modularization of the Learning Architecture : Supporting Learning Theories by Learning Technologies

Paulsson, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of modularity for achieving a better adaptation of learning technology to pedagogical requirements. In order to examine the interrelations that occur between pedagogy and computer science, a theoretical framework rooted in both fields is applied. During the twentieth century, the focus of pedagogical research and practice has gone from behaviourism, via cognitivism, to learning theory based on constructivism. Changes in learning objectives and an increasing cognitive complexity of learning tasks are likely to have contributed to this evolvement. This puts new requirements on the design and implementation of pedagogical instruction (instructional design) and its application to learning technology. Using instructional design together with technology requires the pedagogical process to be predetermined, which is partly contradicted by the nature of constructivism. Many constructivist approaches require social interaction and dynamic learning environments that can adapt to changes that are required by different pedagogical approaches. Those requirements have been met using modular approaches for content, i.e., learning objects, implemented in non-modular web-based virtual learning environments (VLE), like learning management systems (LMS). This thesis argues that modularity promotes adaptability and adaptivity, but that the current practice of using learning objects and LMSes is too restricted to fulfill the increasing needs for flexibility. The reasons are that the learning object concept is still too ill-defined to function as a component framework, and there are complex and unsolved issues regarding the representation of pedagogical instructions. This is especially complicated from a constructivist perspective where pedagogical instructions cannot always be assumed to be predetermined, which needs to be encountered for by technology. This thesis contributes to the research field by suggesting a modular approach that includes both digital learning content and VLEs. This was accomplished by suggesting a taxonomy and an abstract model for learning objects, which address both functional and technical properties. Furthermore, six action areas are suggested in order to enhance the technical quality of learning objects. Using the abstract model as a basis, the software architecture of learning objects was addressed in order to separate data, logics and presentation – including the separation of the representation of pedagogical process from the components that implement it. This facilitates the combination of modularity and representation of pedagogical instruction that utilizes machine-processable semantics, enabling the utilization of modularity at composition time as well as at run-time. This approach has resulted in a SOA-based architecture framework that has been used as blueprint for implementing two prototypes of modular VLEs, using different technology platforms. The objective was to verify the taxonomy, the abstract model, and the architecture framework. The experiments have shown that it is possible to incorporate learning content and the VLE into the same modular framework in order to provide the flexibility needed for learning technology to better adapt to changing pedagogical requirements. The experiments have also shown how pedagogical processes benefit from being represented using machine-processable semantics in being able to better utilize the flexibility offered by modularity in keeping the components of the VLE together by representing context and structure. This has been illustrated by adding semantic annotations that were used to dynamically connect pedagogical instruction to annotated learning objects, using machine-processable semantics. / QC 20100903

An identity- and trust-based computational model for privacy

Anwar, Mohd M. 19 January 2009
<p>The seemingly contradictory need and want of online users for information sharing and privacy has inspired this thesis work. The crux of the problem lies in the fact that a user has inadequate control over the flow (with whom information to be shared), boundary (acceptable usage), and persistence (duration of use) of their personal information. This thesis has built a privacy-preserving information sharing model using context, identity, and trust to manage the flow, boundary, and persistence of disclosed information.</p> <p>In this vein, privacy is viewed as context-dependent selective disclosures of information. This thesis presents the design, implementation, and analysis of a five-layer Identity and Trust based Model for Privacy (ITMP). Context, trust, and identity are the main building blocks of this model. The application layer identifies the counterparts, the purpose of communication, and the information being sought. The context layer determines the context of a communication episode through identifying the role of a partner and assessing the relationship with the partner. The trust layer combines partner and purpose information with the respective context information to determine the trustworthiness of a purpose and a partner. Given that the purpose and the partner have a known level of trustworthiness, the identity layer constructs a contextual partial identity from the user's complete identity. The presentation layer facilitates in disclosing a set of information that is a subset of the respective partial identity. It also attaches expiration (time-to-live) and usage (purpose-to-live) tags into each piece of information before disclosure.</p> <p>In this model, roles and relationships are used to adequately capture the notion of context to address privacy. A role is a set of activities assigned to an actor or expected of an actor to perform. For example, an actor in a learner role is expected to be involved in various learning activities, such as attending lectures, participating in a course discussion, appearing in exams, etc. A relationship involves related entities performing activities involving one another. Interactions between actors can be heavily influenced by roles. For example, in a learning-teaching relationship, both the learner and the teacher are expected to perform their respective roles. The nuances of activities warranted by each role are dictated by individual relationships. For example, two learners seeking help from an instructor are going to present themselves differently.</p> <p>In this model, trust is realized in two forms: trust in partners and trust of purposes. The first form of trust assesses the trustworthiness of a partner in a given context. For example, a stranger may be considered untrustworthy to be given a home phone number. The second form of trust determines the relevance or justification of a purpose for seeking data in a given context. For example, seeking/providing a social insurance number for the purpose of a membership in a student organization is inappropriate. A known and tested trustee can understandably be re-trusted or re-evaluated based on the personal experience of a trustor. In online settings, however, a software manifestation of a trusted persistent public actor, namely a guarantor, is required to help find a trustee, because we interact with a myriad of actors in a large number of contexts, often with no prior relationships.</p> <p>The ITMP model is instantiated as a suite of Role- and Relationship-based Identity and Reputation Management (RRIRM) features in iHelp, an e-learning environment in use at the University of Saskatchewan. This thesis presents the results of a two-phase (pilot and larger-scale) user study that illustrates the effectiveness of the RRIRM features and thus the ITMP model in enhancing privacy through identity and trust management in the iHelp Discussion Forum. This research contributes to the understanding of privacy problems along with other competing interests in the online world, as well as to the development of privacy-enhanced communications through understanding context, negotiating identity, and using trust.</p>

An identity- and trust-based computational model for privacy

Anwar, Mohd M. 19 January 2009 (has links)
<p>The seemingly contradictory need and want of online users for information sharing and privacy has inspired this thesis work. The crux of the problem lies in the fact that a user has inadequate control over the flow (with whom information to be shared), boundary (acceptable usage), and persistence (duration of use) of their personal information. This thesis has built a privacy-preserving information sharing model using context, identity, and trust to manage the flow, boundary, and persistence of disclosed information.</p> <p>In this vein, privacy is viewed as context-dependent selective disclosures of information. This thesis presents the design, implementation, and analysis of a five-layer Identity and Trust based Model for Privacy (ITMP). Context, trust, and identity are the main building blocks of this model. The application layer identifies the counterparts, the purpose of communication, and the information being sought. The context layer determines the context of a communication episode through identifying the role of a partner and assessing the relationship with the partner. The trust layer combines partner and purpose information with the respective context information to determine the trustworthiness of a purpose and a partner. Given that the purpose and the partner have a known level of trustworthiness, the identity layer constructs a contextual partial identity from the user's complete identity. The presentation layer facilitates in disclosing a set of information that is a subset of the respective partial identity. It also attaches expiration (time-to-live) and usage (purpose-to-live) tags into each piece of information before disclosure.</p> <p>In this model, roles and relationships are used to adequately capture the notion of context to address privacy. A role is a set of activities assigned to an actor or expected of an actor to perform. For example, an actor in a learner role is expected to be involved in various learning activities, such as attending lectures, participating in a course discussion, appearing in exams, etc. A relationship involves related entities performing activities involving one another. Interactions between actors can be heavily influenced by roles. For example, in a learning-teaching relationship, both the learner and the teacher are expected to perform their respective roles. The nuances of activities warranted by each role are dictated by individual relationships. For example, two learners seeking help from an instructor are going to present themselves differently.</p> <p>In this model, trust is realized in two forms: trust in partners and trust of purposes. The first form of trust assesses the trustworthiness of a partner in a given context. For example, a stranger may be considered untrustworthy to be given a home phone number. The second form of trust determines the relevance or justification of a purpose for seeking data in a given context. For example, seeking/providing a social insurance number for the purpose of a membership in a student organization is inappropriate. A known and tested trustee can understandably be re-trusted or re-evaluated based on the personal experience of a trustor. In online settings, however, a software manifestation of a trusted persistent public actor, namely a guarantor, is required to help find a trustee, because we interact with a myriad of actors in a large number of contexts, often with no prior relationships.</p> <p>The ITMP model is instantiated as a suite of Role- and Relationship-based Identity and Reputation Management (RRIRM) features in iHelp, an e-learning environment in use at the University of Saskatchewan. This thesis presents the results of a two-phase (pilot and larger-scale) user study that illustrates the effectiveness of the RRIRM features and thus the ITMP model in enhancing privacy through identity and trust management in the iHelp Discussion Forum. This research contributes to the understanding of privacy problems along with other competing interests in the online world, as well as to the development of privacy-enhanced communications through understanding context, negotiating identity, and using trust.</p>

Scientific Epistemological Beliefs, Perceptions Of Constructivist Learning Environment And Attitude Towards Science As Determinants Of Students Approaches To Learning

Ozkal, Kudret 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate scientific epistemological beliefs, perceptions of constructivist learning environment, attitude towards science, prior knowledge and gender as determinants of students&rsquo / approaches to learning. This study was carried out in 2005-2006 Spring Semester. One thousand, one hundred and fifty two eighth grade students from seven public schools in &Ccedil / ankaya, a district of Ankara participated in this study. Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire, Constructivist Learning Environment Scale, Learning Approaches Questionnaire and Attitude towards Science Scale were administered to students in order to determine their scientific epistemological beliefs, their perceptions of constructivist learning environments, approaches to learning and attitudes towards science respectively. Descriptive statistics were used in order to explore the general characteristics of the sample. Paired samples t-test was used in order to evaluate the mean difference iv between the scales of the actual and preferred learning environments. Pearson Correlation Analyses and Multiple Regression Analyses were conducted to see the relationships among the variables and the variables that contribute to students&rsquo / meaningful and rote learning approaches. Results of the paired samples t-test showed that the actual learning environments of the students did not adapt their preferences. In fact, students preferred more constructivist learning environments where they have more opportunity to relate science with the real world, communicate in the classroom, take role in the decision making process of what will go on in the lesson to be more beneficial for them, question what is going on in the lesson freely and experience the formulation of scientific knowledge. Pearson correlation analyses, however, showed that students who had meaningful learning orientations had tentative views of scientific epistemological beliefs, positive attitudes towards science, high prior knowledge and perceived their learning environments as constructivist. On the other hand, students who had rote learning approaches had fixed views of scientific epistemological beliefs, positive attitudes towards science and low prior knowledge. In addition, the rote learners perceived their environments as constructivist in all scales except shared control scale. Multiple Regression Analyses by using actual learning environment showed that attitude towards science is the best predictor of both meaningful and rote learning approaches.

How A Computer Education Teacher Utilizes An Online Learning Environment

Durdu, Levent 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to examine in detail how a computer education teacher utilizes an online learning environment. The study tries to explore how a computer education teacher uses information technologies in classroom instruction, which methods s/he uses during integration process of the online learning environment, how s/he solves the problems s/he faced and his/her expectations from an online learning environment. Furthermore, based on the experiences of the computer education teacher use of online learning environments by other subject area teachers were pursued. In this study, within the framework of qualitative research paradigm a case study was conducted in the form of action research. Qualitative research methods were used. A computer education teacher formed the participant of the study with attributes of matching with the purpose and according to predetermined criteria. Results revealed that the teacher used the online learning environment to support his instruction. Implementation section of the online learning environment was preferred mostly. Use of online learning environment enabled the teacher to spare much time for dealing with students individually, providing other information source, and increasing students&rsquo / interest. The teacher utilized the online learning environment for preparing and supporting instruction: Preparing and providing alternative examples, supporting the evaluation process, and assigning homework. Integration of online learning environment is affected by content of lesson, content provided by the environment, and learning materials. The teacher perceived that his students became aware of responsibility of their own learning, become aware of information can be reached from other sources and were much active and participating more to the lessons. The computer teacher perceived that other subject teachers needed technical support, showed lack of access to technology resources, and lack of learning materials to enhance their classroom instruction with technology.

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