Spelling suggestions: "subject:"early adopter"" "subject:"early adopted""
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A Study of Early Adopters¡¦ Characteristics and Adoption Intention of Print Media Application -United Daily News iPad Application as an ExampleHuang, Wei-Ling 03 July 2012 (has links)
¡@In pace with the digital service development and technology expansion, the traditional media environment is in a transformation period. Along with the innovation of mobile reading, there is coming an emerging trend, digital mobile reading in the entire world. Therefore, it is clear that print media is toward to the digital convergence trend.
¡@It is iPad, first launch tablet in 2011. Apr., contributed to the highest tablet market share among all for Apple Inc. In the future, tablet is going to be a kind of innovative and leading media tools. For that reason, there are plenty of traditional print media companies plan to launch iPad applications. Then, print media not only becomes the potential novel media technology but also leads the trend of print media transformation. However, print media application at present is still in the primary stage. It is still waiting for market test that print media application could be the main stream or not, in the coming future.
¡@¡@This research, on the basis of Rogers¡¦ ¡§Diffusion of Innovations,¡¨ investigates and analyzes the print media applications. Also, setting United Daily News iPad Application as an example, it is focus on the relationship among the features of the early adopters, demographic variables, perceived characteristics of innovations, lifestyle and the willing of print media applications intension. Through the collaboration between academy and industry, UDN. COM, it is 396 effective samples after collecting that distributes to United Daily News iPad Application and UDN. COM. (digital information area)
¡@¡@The result shows that the profiles of the early adopters using United Daily News iPad Application are middle-aged males, well-educated and high income. It is demographic variables, perceived characteristics of innovations and media usage behavior that significantly impact on the willing of print media applications intension. Further, the lifestyle prototype, much closer to sophisticated and fashionable, life expansionists and preference for foreign products, owns superior adoption intensions to United Daily News iPad Application.
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A Study on the Diffusion of Innovation Characteristic in Digital Cable TV Early Adopters in Taiwan AreaWang, Guo-yuan 21 July 2004 (has links)
Since the merge of global media, the usage of digital cable is becoming popular in Taiwan. Even though the development of digital cable is difficult, the cable companies realize it is necessary to promote digital cable. Therefore, how do the companies meet the needs of the enormous cable consumers. The first steps are to understand the characteristics of earlier users, focus on target consumers and control and the opportunities of market are definitely becoming very popular topics.
This research is based on Rogers¡¦s ¡§Diffusion of Innovations Theory¡¨. It includes five types, profitability¡Bcompatibility¡Bcomplexity¡Busage¡Band observation. This research is to test whether the digital cable meets the characteristics of new technology media. It also discusses the characteristics of earlier adopters based on the change of population, socio-economic status, personality and the trend of media. At the same time, we also examine the difference of samples between 97 cable consumera and 198 non-cable consumers. This helps us to understand the innovation characteristics of earlier adopters.
From this research we will discover the similar characteristics of digital cable and other new media technologies. The early adopters except in the population variable of marriage and the personality characteristic embodiment ability, the fate idea, risk withstanding and so on three kind of special characteristics with the non- user, socio-economic status and I communication behavior special characteristic, the two has reveals the difference, therefore we can know sex, the age, the education level, the income condition and communication pathway, user level in digital cable TV uses or not the key aspect. Moreover, this study find out domestic digital cable TV or relative industry can be their promoting reference, at the same time the researcher also give them suggestion for their research and relative research in the future.
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The Power of Clothing Libraries : ANEMPIRICALSTUDYONMEMBERSOFACOLLABORATIVE CONSUMPTION BUSINESS WITHIN THE FASHION INDUSTRYDziubanowska, Beata Krystyna, Neumaier, Ramona January 2015 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to explore the early adopters of clothing libraries and find out why they become members of this new fashion business model within collaborative consumption. The study aims to obtain an evaluation of clothing library users and understand their motives and determinants for joining a clothing library. Methodology - The study pursues a quantitative approach. Firstly, the background research was conducted during which data were collected through open-ended interviews with managers of five clothing libraries in Sweden. This enabled the researchers to establish categories of determinants for clothing libraries which were then verified in the next part of the research: a survey filled out by clothing library members. The survey was distributed to members of five clothing libraries in Sweden and resulted in 30 responses from users from all five clothing libraries. Conclusions - The outcome of this study shows that clothing library members are not a new segment of collaborative consumption but rather they are already existing second-hand consumers. Joining clothing libraries merely adds another channel of consuming used clothing. Although the intentions to join a clothing library are mostly based on sustainable motives, style and design are still highly valued by the members.
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Digital inrapportering av årsredovisningar i mindre aktiebolag: motivation och drivkrafter : En studie på XBRLEllingsen, Fay January 2018 (has links)
The digitization’s advancement has been noticed by most people not least through applications"apps" which are often referred to as a more effective way of accessing information or makingpayments with. The method of presenting financial reports has also changed during the progressof digitization. From scanned paper copies to an increasingly more digital format throughongoing globalization. This year, the Swedish Companies Agency called Bolagsverket, withmore players, has opened up the possibility for companies to submit their annual report digitallyin Sweden. This possibility concerns the smaller companies that apply the K2 regulations. Theformat is determined to be a variant of the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)and will increase the comparability of the reports.This study investigates the motive in terms of motivational forces that are behind the choice tosubmit digitally. The study is based on hypotheses that were built using previous research inthe subject and positive accounting theory and the theory of innovation dissemination. Thestudy examines 31 companies through a survey conducted through both mail and telephoneinterviews. Complementary information has also been obtained from their annual reports tocomplete the study's purpose of describing and explaining the motives for the choice to submitdigitally.What has been found is that the surveyed companies' accounting consultants were largelybehind the choice to submit digitally. Furthermore, the study showed that companies that choseto submit digitally have similar incentives, as previous studies have shown. There appeared tobe connection between submitting digitally and wanting to signal a corporate image as a pioneerin new technology. There was also a correlation between sending digital and size of thecompany, the bigger the company, the greater the chance that they also report digitally. Thethird reason turned out that non-high tech companies are more likely to report digitally.The motives have been identified for a significance level around 10 %. Despite statisticalsupport and precious studies showing similar results, further research should be done on a largersample. Further research should also be done with the perspective for which motives that arebehind the choice to submit digitally for the audit companies, since they have been largelybehind the companies’ choice to report digitally or not.The motives and motivational forces have been identified for a significance level around 10%.Despite statistical support and previous studies showing similar results, further research shouldbe done on a larger sample. Further studies should also be made on the basis of which motivesthat are behind the choice for the audit companies to submit digitally, as they have largelydetermined whether the companies have reported digitally or not.In practice, these identified motivational forces can be used as identifiers for target groups whomay assume new phenomena even in future projects and new technical phenomena in theprogress of digitization - for this trip in an increasingly digitized world is hardly over. / Digitaliseringens framfart har de flesta människor lagt märkte till inte minst genomapplikationer ”appar” som ofta omnämns som ett mer effektivt sätt att komma åt informationeller utföra betalningar med. Sättet att presentera finansiella rapporter har också förändratsunder digitaliseringens framfart. Från inskannade papperskopior till ett allt mer digitalt formatgenom den pågående globaliseringen. I år har bolagsverket med fler aktörer öppnat uppmöjligheten för företag att skicka in sin årsredovisning digitalt i Sverige. Denna möjlighet berörde mindre aktiebolagen som tillämpar K2-regelverket. Formatet är bestämt till en variant aveXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) och ska öka jämförbarheten mellanrapporterna.I denna studie undersöks vilka motiv i form av drivkrafter som föreligger valet att skicka indigitalt. Studien bygger på hypoteser som byggts upp med hjälp av tidigare forskning inomämnet och positiv redovisningsteori samt innovationsspridningsteorin. I studien undersöks 31företag genom en enkätundersökning som skett både genom mail och telefonintervjuer.Kompletterande har även information hämtats från deras årsredovisningar för att fylla studienssyfte att beskriva och förklara motiven för valet att skicka in digitalt.Det som har framkommit är att de undersökta företagens redovisningskonsult i hög grad stodbakom valet att skicka in digitalt. Vidare framgick det av studien att företag som valt att skickain digitalt har liknande incitament med företag som undersökts i tidigare studier. Det visade sigfinnas samband mellan att skicka in digitalt och att vilja signalera en företagsbild som pionjärinom ny teknik. Det visade sig även finnas samband mellan att skicka in digitalt och storlekenpå företagen, ju större företag desto större chans är det att de också skickat in digitalt. Den tredjeorsaken visade sig vara att icke-högteknologiska företag är mer benägna att rapportera indigitalt.Motiven och drivkrafterna har identifierats för en signifikansnivå kring 10 %. Trots statistisktstöd och att tidigare studier påvisat liknande resultat bör vidare forskning göras med ett störreunderlag. Vidare studier bör även göras med utgångspunkten för vilka drivkrafter somföreligger revisionsbolagens val att skicka in digitalt, då dessa i hög grad har fått avgöra omföretagen rapporterat in digitalt eller inte.Rent praktiskt kan dessa identifierade drivkrafter nyttjas som kännetecken för målgrupper somkan tänkas anta nya företeelser även vid framtida projekt och nya tekniska fenomen idigitaliseringens framfart – för denna resa i en allt mer digitaliserad värld är knappast slut.
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An examination of the factors influencing the decision to adopt alternative fuel vehiclesCampbell, Amy R. January 2014 (has links)
Concerns over the environmental impacts of the transport sector have led to the United Kingdom (UK) Government establishing a legally binding commitment of an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (relative to the 1990 baseline) through the Climate Change Act 2008. The decarbonisation of the transport sector by 2050 will substantially contribute towards achieving this target. Technological innovations, therefore, have an important role in supporting policy objectives. One innovation that is being developed for this purpose in the transport sector is an alternative fuel vehicle. While there are several alternative fuel vehicle technologies, the only two with zero tailpipe (exhaust) emissions are battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Both of these technologies are not yet at a stage in their development where they can successfully compete with conventional fuel vehicles (internal combustion engine vehicles). They face a variety of technological hurdles that include range, performance, cost, and infrastructure. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are not commercially available, although battery electric vehicles have been on the commercial market for several years. Uptake of alternative fuel vehicles is occurring at a slower pace than hoped by policy makers and manufacturers. The aim of this thesis is to examine the factors influencing the decision to adopt an alternative fuel vehicle, and is underpinned by Rogers (2003) Diffusion of Innovations theory. The Innovation-Decision Process from this theory posits that an individual must first know about an innovation before forming an attitude about it. Innovativeness is instrumental in determining the knowledge an individual has of an innovation and how early in the diffusion process they are likely to become an adopter. Perceptions of the innovation are influential in forming an attitude towards it. The focus of the research is on Birmingham, the UK s second largest city. The first stage of the research involves establishing the locations of individuals across the city that possess socio-demographic characteristics associated with early adopters of alternative fuel vehicles. This is achieved by applying cluster analysis to Birmingham census data, which enabled the identification of a strong spatial cluster of potential early adopters in the suburb of Sutton Coldfield. In the second stage of the research, a household questionnaire was undertaken with 413 respondents in Sutton Coldfield. The analysis of the questionnaire data firstly involves the verification of the early adopter characteristics from stage one by examining the relationship of these characteristics with innovativeness. Analysis is then undertaken of the level of knowledge and the perceptions that the respondents have of alternative fuel vehicles. The final step in the analysis is an evaluation of the characteristics of current models of electric vehicles and how well aligned they are with the driving needs and vehicle expectations of respondents. The results confirm that the knowledge of alternative fuel vehicles is limited and individual perceptions have led to the development of negative attitudes towards them. Socio-demographic characteristics were significant in influencing these factors. There were 5% (21) of respondents who have previously considered the adoption of an electric vehicle but have not yet done so. There is evidence from the survey of active rejection among a small number of respondents. The reasons largely relate to three problems: purchase price, limited range, and poor infrastructure availability. However, the majority of respondents have passively rejected alternative fuel vehicles, such that they have never given consideration to the adoption of one. This confirms that a concerted effort is required to inform the general public about alternative fuel vehicles. Opportunities for increasing adoption have been identified for policy and marketing, including education and awareness-raising campaigns.
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Publish on-the-go : en studie av mobilt socialt nätverkande hos early adoptersWiberg, Olivia, Ström, Frida January 2010 (has links)
<p>Detta arbete undersöker mobilt socialt nätverkande med smartphones som verktyg och har som syfte att belysa subjektiva värden i användandet hos en grupp så kallade ”early adopters”. Vi tittar närmare på hur samhället förändras i takt med att tekniken utvecklas, och ser till vilka konsekvenser och behov denna utveckling skapar. Vidare analyserar vi en grupp yrkesverksamma personer inom IT – och Mediabranschen, som ligger i framkant vad gäller teknikanpassning. Vi studerar hur de använder det sociala mediet Facebook i kombination med produkten iPhone, och analyserar det resultat vi får fram från intervjuer och observationer mot den teoretiska modellen Theory of Consumption Values. Denna modell används för att reda ut olika typer av upplevda värden hos vår nämnda intressegrupp, såsom; funktionella värden, sociala värden, emotionella värden, epistemiska värden samt situationsberoende värden. Genom att göra en resultatanalys kommer vi fram till att de främsta värden som vår intressegrupp ser med det kombinerade användandet av Facebook och iPhone handlar om tillgänglighet och information. Vi ser också hur det sociala nätverkandet är fokuserat på den personliga framtoningen, dvs. det personliga varumärkets betydelse för dessa människor, samt att kunskap om ny teknik och trender är mycket viktigt för dessa i deras arbete.</p> / <p>This thesis analyzes mobile social networking, with the use of smartphones. The purpose is to illustrate what subjective user values there are for the user type known as "early adopters". We look deeper into how society is changing due to how technology is advancing, and what consequences these changes bring us. Furthermore, we study a specific group of people, professionally engaged within the IT and Media business and therefore progressive in adopting new technologies. We study their use of the social network Facebook combined with Apple’s iPhone, and analyze the result of interview research and observations, using the theoretical model Theory of Consumption Values. This model is used to clarify different types of user-experienced values, such as functional values, social values, emotional values, epistemic values and conditional values. By analyzing the result, we find that the prime values among our participants concern availability and information. Distinguishing how social networking among our participants focuses on personal approach, the value of the personal trademark, and how knowledge and accessibility with new technologies and trends come to be extremely important within their profession.</p>
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Diffusion du commerce électronique en Tunisie : une analyse et modélisation des comportements d’adoption de l’internet et des services marchands par les jeunes / Diffusion of e-commerce in Tunisia : an analysis and modeling of adoption behavior of the internet and market services by young peopleSebei, Mouna 18 December 2018 (has links)
A l’ère de la troisième révolution internet, celle de l’internet des objets (IoT), beaucoup d’espoir sont tournés vers les technologies numériques pour développer les économies et notamment dynamiser le commerce local. Dans les pays du Maghreb, en Tunisie notamment, ses espoirs sont tournés du côté de la demande. Plus précisément, à l’issu du printemps arabe, et en raison du rôle qu’ont joué les réseaux sociaux (Facebook notamment) pour mobiliser les jeunes à manifester dans les rues de Tunis, le nouveau ministère du commerce fonde ses espoirs dans cette population jeune pour développer le commerce électronique. Partant de ce constat, cette thèse propose d’étudier si les jeunes tunisiens sont les early adopters qui permettront de diffuser le commerce électronique en Tunisie. Pour cela, la problématique de recherche porte sur les facteurs d’adoption du commerce électronique par les jeunes en Tunisie. Pour répondre à cette question de recherche, la thèse propose dans un premier temps de dresser l’état des lieux de la diffusion de l’internet au sein d’un population de jeunes étudiants. Préalablement, elle propose dans la première partie de la thèse un état des lieux de la couverture du territoire en technologies d’accès aux services numériques. Cet état des lieux est discuté à l’appui d’une revue de la littérature sur la fracture numérique. Dans un deuxième temps, elle propose une analyse empirique et exploratoire menée auprès d’un échantillon de 400 étudiants tunisiens environ. Cette étude porte sur les facteurs d’adoption de l’internet et des services marchands (commerce électronique). Structurée en deux parties, le premier volet de l’enquête est exploité à l’aide de statistiques économétriques et le deuxième volet mobilise les méthodes d’analyse d’équations structurelles. Les résultats de la thèse montrent que si l’usage de l’internet est relativement bien diffusé auprès des jeunes tunisiens, la disposition à adopter le commerce électronique doit en revanche être encouragée. Pour cela, un modèle d’adoption est proposé en deuxième partie de la thèse. Il met en évidence quels facteurs favorisent ou inhibent l’adoption du commerce électronique en Tunisie. Les résultats de ce modèle et des travaux menés dans la partie 1 permettent dans la partie conclusive de la thèse de formuler différentes recommandations à l’égard des entreprises engagées dans un projet de mise en ligne de leur activité commerciale d’une part, et d’autre part envers les acteurs publics pour favoriser l’adoption des services internet marchands en Tunisie. / In the era of the third Internet revolution, that of the Internet of Things (IoT), a lot of hope is turned to digital technologies to develop economies and boost local trade. In the Maghreb countries, especially in Tunisia, those hope are turned on the demand side. More specifically, at the end of the Arab Spring, and because of the role played by social networks (Facebook in particular) to mobilize young people to demonstrate in the streets of Tunis, the new Ministry of Commerce hopes in this population young to develop e-commerce. Based on this observation, this thesis proposes to study whether young Tunisians are the early adopters who will disseminate e-commerce in Tunisia. For this, the research problematic focuses on the factors of adoption of e-commerce by young people in Tunisia. To answer this research question, the thesis proposes at first to draw up the inventory of the diffusion of the internet within a population of young students. Before doing so, we propose in the first part of the thesis an inventory of the technologies territory’s coverage of the access to digital services. This inventory is discussed in support of a review of the literature on the digital divide. In a second step, she proposes an empirical and exploratory analysis conducted with a sample of about 400 Tunisian students. This study focuses on the adoption factors of the Internet and market services (e-commerce). Structured in two parts, the first part of the survey is exploited using econometric statistics and the second part uses structural equation analysis methods. The results of the thesis show that while the use of the internet is relatively well distributed to young Tunisians, the willingness to adopt e-commerce should be encouraged. For this, an adoption model is proposed in the second part of the thesis. It highlights what factors encourages or inhibit the adoption of e-commerce in Tunisia. The results of this model and the work carried out in Part 1 allow in the concluding part of the thesis to make various recommendations to companies engaged in a project to put their commercial activity online on one hand, and on the other hand towards the public actors to encourage the adoption of the internet marketing services in Tunisia.
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Comparing high-end and low-end early adopters of battery electric vehiclesHardman, Scott, Shiu, Eric, Steinberger-Wilckens, Robert 18 November 2020 (has links)
Battery electric vehicle adoption research has been on going for two decades. The majority of data gathered thus far is taken from studies that sample members of the general population and not actual adopters of the vehicles. This paper presents findings from a study involving 340 adopters of battery electric vehicles. The data is used to corroborate some existing assumptions made about early adopters. The contribution of this paper, however, is the distinction between two groups of adopters. These are high-end adopters and low-end adopters. It is found that each group has a different socio-economic profile and there are also some psychographic differences. Further they have different opinions of their vehicles with high-end adopters viewing their vehicles more preferentially. The future purchase intentions of each group are explored and it is found that high-end adopters are more likely to continue with ownership of battery electric vehicles in subsequent purchases. Finally reasons for this are explored by comparing each adopter group’s opinions of their vehicles to their future purchase intentions. From this is it suggested that time to refuel and range for low-end battery electric vehicles should be improved in order to increase chances of drivers continuing with BEV ownership.
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Resan till konsumenters hjärtan : en studie om konsumenter som hyrt el-scooter och vad som kan förklara deras konsumentbeslutSundborg, Frida, Örtengren, Theo January 2020 (has links)
Då nya innovationer uppkommer följer frågorna om vilka som använder dessa och varför. Denna studie fokuserar på de som hyrt el-scooter, då de bedöms vara en del av the early market. Studien syftar till att undersöka denna grupps demografiska kännetecken och vad som förklara deras konsumentbeslutsfattande. Vidare undersöker studien sambanden mellan konsumenters demografi, motiv för konsumentbeslutsfattande och frekvensen i användning. Det empiriska underlaget har samlats in genom en webbenkät som besvarats av 191 respondenter. Resultatet visar att de som hyrt el-scooter är unga, men inga könsmässiga skillnader kan bevisas. Däremot visar studien att män använder sig av el-scooter mer frekvent än kvinnor. De som hyrt el-scooter har en hög utbildningsnivå och studerar som huvudsaklig sysselsättning. Emotionella motiv förklarar i högst utsträckning varför konsumenter hyrt el-scooter. Studien visar ett samband mellan att hyra el-scooter mer frekvent och i högre utsträckning motivera sitt konsumentbeslutsfattande med passiva motiv. Studien bidrar till kunskaper om vilka som tidigt tar till sig nya innovationer, samt en praktiskt relevans för aktörer som hyr el-scootrar.
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Insects as a Sustainable Food Ingredient – Utilization of Carrot Pomace, Identification of Early Adopters, and Evaluation of Mealworm AcceptabilityRovai, Dominic 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Insects have been proposed as a sustainable alternative to livestock to help feed the growing population. Edible insects such as mealworms require less land and resources and can utilize food by-products to grow. While insects are consumed by over 2 billion people worldwide, they are not widely accepted in developed countries like the United States because of their unfamiliarity and the perception of disgust associated with entomophagy. The objectives of this research are to 1) grow mealworms using carrot pomace and determine an optimum diet for growth and nutritional composition, 2) identify and classify early adopters of insects, and propose a product form, and 3) assess the acceptability of frozen, ready-to-cook mealworms with early adopters.
A response surface design was used to evaluate the use of carrot pomace in various percentages in the substrate and as the moisture source in a mealworm growing system. Mealworms were grown under controlled conditions in a climate chamber until they began to pupate, and statistical models were fitted to predict mealworm mortality, weight, days to pupation, protein content, fat content, and moisture content. An algorithm in Design Expert was used to optimize mealworm growth based on maximizing mealworm weight and minimizing mortality and days to pupation, and the optimum diet was found to be 36% carrot pomace in the substrate with carrot pomace as the moisture source.
Early adopters of insects were identified through a survey using Red Jade Sensory Software. Participants were segmented using partitioning around medoids clustering algorithm based on responses to questions on willingness to consume insects in a variety of forms. Four segments were identified: No-thank-you’s, Hideaways, Daredevils, and Peekaboo’s. Daredevils, Peekaboo’s, and Hideaways are early adopters of insects in the nonvisible form, and Daredevils and Peekaboo’s are also early adopters of insects in the visible form.
Based on these insights, frozen, ready-to-cook mealworms were selected to target Daredevils and Peekaboo’s as a product to serve as a sustainable alternative to traditional livestock protein. Participants from each of the four segments were shown a video of mealworm cooking and asked their willingness to buy the product and the motivation behind their response. The majority of respondents were unwilling to buy this product, driven by unfamiliarity and the perception of disgust. However, over half of Daredevils were willing to buy the product, driven by the novelty and ease of preparation. Marketing a product towards this group may be a feasible route for entry into the market and increase the familiarity of edible insects, thereby contributing to long-term acceptability.
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