Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4digital table"" "subject:"4digital cable""
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An Extended Technology Acceptance Model for Analyzing Adoption Behavior of Digital Cable TelevisionYang, Tun-chih 21 June 2007 (has links)
At present, the pervasion of cable television (CATV) is over 85% in Taiwan, so that the digitalization of CATV has brought an important influence to the Taiwan television industry. The purposes of this study are to explore the key factors of influencing digital cable television (CDTV) user¡¦s adoptive behavior by technology acceptance model (TAM). An extended TAM incorporating the notion of compatibility, trialability, observability, habits and network externality. Collecting data form one CDTV operators by convenience sampling. This study found that compatibility, trialability, observability, habites are directly positive to the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, whereas, the network externality was negative to perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In addition, network externality, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were directly positive to the behavioral intention to use. This study suggest that CATV operators could especially regard for providing ample and quality digital content and beta test of CDTV and making the CDTV simple to manipulate, while promote CDTV.
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Study on Applying Enterprise Architecture to the Digital Cable TV Internal Marketing Management--The¡¨ C¡¨ Cable Company in KaohsiungTing, Chia-Yi 10 January 2011 (has links)
"Digitization" is the global economic policy and technology development trend of the times. Cable companies have begun the digital world layout a long time ago. This research aims at finding out what kind of role as enterprise architecture plays in the digital cable TV internal marketing management.
In this research, we select ¡§C¡¨ cable company in Kaohsiung as a case study, using both participant observation and secondary data analysis for data collection purpose, conducting semi-structured interviews for interviewing purpose, in order to find out how much benefit is generated by applying enterprise architecture to the digital cable TV internal marketing management.
We construct a digital cable TV enterprise architecture platform for the evaluation of marketing strategy. Through case study, comprehensive results shall provide digital cable TV industry some insight recommendations on the organization marketing management of promotion, the use of help, and marketing of reaching consensus and proper use of various marketing tools. This is the contribution of our research.
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A Study on the Diffusion of Innovation Characteristic in Digital Cable TV Early Adopters in Taiwan AreaWang, Guo-yuan 21 July 2004 (has links)
Since the merge of global media, the usage of digital cable is becoming popular in Taiwan. Even though the development of digital cable is difficult, the cable companies realize it is necessary to promote digital cable. Therefore, how do the companies meet the needs of the enormous cable consumers. The first steps are to understand the characteristics of earlier users, focus on target consumers and control and the opportunities of market are definitely becoming very popular topics.
This research is based on Rogers¡¦s ¡§Diffusion of Innovations Theory¡¨. It includes five types, profitability¡Bcompatibility¡Bcomplexity¡Busage¡Band observation. This research is to test whether the digital cable meets the characteristics of new technology media. It also discusses the characteristics of earlier adopters based on the change of population, socio-economic status, personality and the trend of media. At the same time, we also examine the difference of samples between 97 cable consumera and 198 non-cable consumers. This helps us to understand the innovation characteristics of earlier adopters.
From this research we will discover the similar characteristics of digital cable and other new media technologies. The early adopters except in the population variable of marriage and the personality characteristic embodiment ability, the fate idea, risk withstanding and so on three kind of special characteristics with the non- user, socio-economic status and I communication behavior special characteristic, the two has reveals the difference, therefore we can know sex, the age, the education level, the income condition and communication pathway, user level in digital cable TV uses or not the key aspect. Moreover, this study find out domestic digital cable TV or relative industry can be their promoting reference, at the same time the researcher also give them suggestion for their research and relative research in the future.
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有線電視業者在新收視率系統演變下之因應策略分析吳竹松 Unknown Date (has links)
同時,對於有線電視業者與新收視率系統公司的合作,或是現有有線電視產業中其他角色業者的合作關係改變,本研究也提出了可能性的分析與探討。 / In the development of digital cable television, the ratings system evolves from the statistical based approach into full audience based approach. So the new ratings system can be more precise. Cable system operators will have all subscribers’ detail viewing behavior information in the new rating collection process, thus they can have more applications accordingly.
The study suggests that the system operators could combine above information with other user information from their digital convergence business landscape to produce new advertising platform with personalized recommended capability. This new advertising model will be accepted and be used by existing advertising companies and advertisers.
Also the study has elaborated about the partnership possibility between system operators and the new ratings system company, as well as the possible relationship change among companies in existing cable industry.
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台、日數位電視發展之比較研究 / Comparative Study on the Development of DTV in Taiwan and Japan鄭偉慶, Cheng, Wei-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
一、 台灣政府可參考日本政府推動數位電視的方式加強積極度
二、 台灣應儘早建立「國家通信傳播委員會(NCC)」
三、 台灣可發展衛星電視,作為專門負責提供數位電視頻道之頭端
四、 本研究所提之數位電視播放的平台機制架構,可咨台灣數位電視未來發展參考
五、 台灣發展新衛星電視平台時,應參考日本之經驗,導入製播分離制度
六、 台灣應儘早建立數位電視之付費機制
關鍵字:數位電視、數位衛星電視、數位有線電視、數位廣播、鑽石模型 / The rapid rise and development of digital technologies have caused a major impact on the traditional television's value chain. The impact will compel the whole television industry to restructure and reconfigure their competition model.
Through the careful planning and strong initiatives of its Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Japanese government has been aggressively pushing for digital television broadcasting. Japan’s first digital TV platform, "narrow band area Communication Satellite (CS)," was already in service by 1996. Thus, progress in converting to digital television was quicker in Japan compared to Taiwan.
The premise of this research uses the Japanese development experience in digital TV as a reference point for the development direction for the future of digital TV in Taiwan. The research tries to apply Porter's diamond model to analyze the competitive advantages of the digital TV industries in Taiwan and Japan based on current development conditions. From the comparison of the competitive advantages, the research derives analytical suggestions for the future development of digital TV in Taiwan focused on the following three points:
1. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV platforms.
2. Revision direction of Taiwanese Broadcasting and Television Law.
3. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV operations.
The suggestions for the development direction of digital TV in Taiwan are as follows:
1. The Taiwanese government can consult the initiatives taken by the Japanese government in aggressively promoting digital TV.
2. Taiwan should create a National Communications Commission (NCC) as early as possible.
3. Taiwan can develop the satellite television; specifically as a site for providing digital TV channels.
4. Taiwan’s future development in digital TV should follow a design for the digital broadcasting platform mechanism provided by this report.
5. When Taiwan develops the new satellite television platform, they should consult the experience in Japan where they separate the institutions for production and broadcasting.
6. Taiwan should create a payment mechanism for digital TV as early as possible.
Keywords: Digital TV, Digital Satellite TV, Digital Cable TV, Digital Broadcasting, Diamond Model.
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從有線電視到數位寬頻—台灣有線電視數位化的競爭力分析 / From Cable to Digital Broadband—A Study on Strategic Analysis of Digitization in Taiwan Cable Industry劉嘉皓, Chia-Hao, Liu Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現雖然研究中所觸及的相關組織或單位都對數位化抱有很大的期望,但彼此對數位化的認知卻是存在不同的歧異,因此本研究的分析與建議正可答覆業者這方面的遲疑與卻步。以本研究所聚焦的有線電視頻道經營者與系統業者來看,對頻道業者而言,未來發展與其說是朝向「數位內容產業」,更確切地說應該是新興「文化創意產業」的數位化,應該加入更多對社會與文化的認同與規範,如果還是落在「產業」的概念來推動,過多的政經角力最後將又是另一個畸形的電視生態;對系統業者,市場的接受度是科技發展的根本問題,對消費者的重視畢竟才是長遠發展的基礎,就算免費推廣機上盒,裝到每個家戶中,但真正的內容與營利模式才是必須審慎評估的,不然最終消費者與業者還只是執著於前段免費頻道的多少與質量,並沒有感受數位化的好處。 / Although the government and private industry regards digital technologies as mainstream in the future and in both the developed and developing countries digital television have been spread by the promotion of the digital receiver and content, the success of new technologies depends on the adoption and response of the market. External environment and internal strategies related with market both affect the development of digital television value chain. Then we should not only put emphasis on the vision of DTV, but also dig out the impact and moment to the industry and find the solution during the digitalization process.
The analytic concept of this survey is based on Porter’s “industry value chain” and “five force analysis”, with which the framework of the dissertation combines cable digitalization. According to the framework, researcher searches and collects relevant data, sets up the questions and interviewees of in-depth interview, analyses the changes of cable television industry value chain and observes the transformation of competitive atmosphere.
In the conclusion, different managers and authorities that have had expectation towards DTV possess different perspectives in digitalization because of the lack of understanding. So the suggestion and analysis caused by dissertation responds to the doubt and hesitation of the industries. As the cable channel operators, they need to transform into digitalized “cultural creative industry”, not “digital content industry”. The difference between both industries is the addition of the culture that imports more identification and features from society. Moreover, the channel operators should redefined as content provider fitting in with all the channels, like MOD, DTTV, DBS and so on. From the point of view of cable distributors, customer relation management (CRM) will be the most important and difficult work. The distributors need to find out how to communicate with consumer what the benefit of digital television is as soon as possible.
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以SRI 情境預測分析法預測台灣有線數位式機上盒(Set-Top-Box)技術與市場之發展 / The Study of Digital Cable STB Technology and Market Development Trend in Taiwan by Using SRI Scenario Forecasting Methodology田興漢 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於台灣將於2006 年全面轉換現有類比電視系統,進入數位
討。故本研究藉由SRI 情境預測法,對台灣未來5 至10 年的有線數
位機上盒(Digital Cable STB)的功能、技術需求與市場狀況做分析預
市場導引、技術革命及夕陽餘暉)內容進行SWOT 及策略發展分析,
並發展出有線數位STB 供應商之市場及技術共通發展策略:
在市場發展策略方面,建議台灣數位有線STB 供應商考慮:
3.與TV 業者結盟,推廣HDTV 市場。
4.取得主要CA 供應商授權,共同開發高成長潛力市場。
5.與MSO 業者結盟,合力推動數位視訊市場發展。
1.核心技術之提昇,如CA,寬頻通訊及HDTV 技術。
2.多功能STB 之開發,如DVD, Home Theater, Cable Modem, VoIP
及PVR 等。
4.Open Cable 之開發,以因應不同CA 系統之需求。
5.XDSL STB 與無線寬頻技術之研究。 / Taiwan government has formally announced to switch to digital TV
program broadcasting from present analog TV program broadcasting
system starting year of 2006. At present, digital video service in Taiwan is
still in infant stage and with high uncertainty in future d evelopment trend.
Therefore, it provides the motivation of studying the market potential and
technological development of digital cable industry. This research is
based on SRI scenario forecasting methodology to predict future
functional, technological needs and the market status of digital cable
set-top-box (STB) industry in Taiwan in the coming 5 to 10 years period.
Then provide strategic directions to local digital cable STB manufacturers
as the reference of strategic decision making.
This research will go through a panel discussion with experts from
cable industry and with professors’ involvement. To find out the key
decision factors and driving forces, then select three uncertainty axes to
develop the scenario content. Based on the discussion and voting result to
pick up four most possible scenarios (Glory Day, Pull Enforce,
Technology Revolution and Beautiful Sunset) for SWOT analysis and
common strategies development from market and technology viewpoints.
On the market strategies, suggest local digital cable STB manufacturers
should consider:
1. Reach consensus with other digital cable STB manufacturers for
pricing strategy, in order to maintain reasonable business profit and
not fall into price-cutting competition.
2. Strategic alliance with other manufacturers to enlarge the business
scale and strengthen the bargain power to suppliers.
3. Allied with TV manufacturers to stimulate the market demand of
4. Authorized by major CA provider, co-develop the high potential
5. Allied with key MSOs to promote and accelerate digital video market
On the technological strategies, suggest local digital cable STB
manufacturers should consider:
1. Core technologies enhancement, such as CA, broadband
communication and HDTV technologies.
2. The development of multifunctional STB, such as DVD, home
theater, cable modem, VoIP and PVR function built in STB.
3. Co-develop the key components (asics) with local semiconductor
manufacturer to lower product cost and hold the key technology.
4. The development of open cable to meet different CA system’s
5. The research of XDSL STB and wireless broadband technology.
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