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Immigrant acculturation and mental health of Portuguese women living in South AfricaPereira, Jennavive Lagoa 02 1900 (has links)
This study aims to gain an understanding of the mental health and acculturative experiences of Portuguese women who immigrated to South Africa in the 1960s. A qualitative research design was utilised with semi-structured interviews to gain information from four Portuguese female immigrants. Thematic analysis reveals experiences of acculturative stress and a difficult assimilation process. The main difficulties were: poor proficiency in the host country’s local languages; availability of social and organisational support; access to medical services; and access to mental health services. These factors were linked to the occurrence of the mental health problems of: depression, isolation, and being actively discriminated against by the dominant Afrikaner community during the apartheid years. The respondents’ poor proficiency in English and their unwillingness to learn Afrikaans, combined with a fear of stigmatisation hampered their willingness to access psychological and mental health services. The negative factors were mitigated by the protective factors of: the traditional family structure, formal community organisations (societies and clubs), and the church. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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Self-forgiveness for women who terminated pregnancy in adolescenceSebola, Botshelo Rachel 01 1900 (has links)
Literature reveals that reproductive coercion is a major contributor to unwanted pregnancy and a factor that influences the choice to terminate pregnancy in many adolescents. Adolescents represent a population vulnerable to a number of physical and psychological problems.
The overall aim of this thesis was to develop a model of self-forgiveness for women who terminated pregnancy in adolescence.
The study objectives are aligned according to the phases of the study as follows:
Phase 1: Desk review
Explore what is already known about the topic and identify gaps.
Phase 2: Lived experiences of participants about TOP
Explore the lived experiences of participants who terminated pregnancy in adolescence.
Phase 3: Development of a model
Develop a model of self-forgiveness for women who terminated pregnancy in adolescence. The social-ecological model (Bronfenbrenner 1992), through which individuals are understood to influence and be influenced by people, organisations, institutions, societal norms, rules and beliefs with whom they interact, was followed. The model offered a holistic framework for exploring interrelationships related to TOP
A qualitative approach based on Heidegger (1962) interpretive phenomenological approach was used. The study was conducted at a Health Care Centre in Tshwane Municipality, Gauteng Province, South Africa. The population consisted of women, 20-35 years old, who terminated pregnancy in adolescence.
A purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used to recruit 30 participants who had terminated pregnancy in adolescence. An interview guide was used to solicit information from participants. Audiotaped interviews were held at the time, date and place agreed by participants. Colaizzi’s (1978) approach of data analysis was used.
Five major themes emerged, with 17 sub-themes as transgressing one of nature’s strongest instincts: the mother’s protection of her young; unplanned pregnancy; intra-and interpersonal relationships; experience of caring by health care professionals and a need for counselling. A model of self-forgiveness for women who did TOP in adolescence, based on the components of self-condemnation and self-blame, cultural and spiritual, as well as reproductive coercion, was developed.
Participants carried the burden of shame and guilt of having terminated pregnancy in adolescence. The influence of culture and religion were the major contributing factors to women failing to forgive themselves after termination of pregnancy. A model of self-forgiveness is needed to allow those who terminated pregnancy in adolescence to move on with their life. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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The impact of negative influences facing children with physical disabilities in rural areasBen-David, Brenda Margot 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of negative influences facing children with physical disabilities living in rural areas.
Children with physical disabilities living in rural areas of South Africa have to deal with many negative influences in addition to their disability. The main theme is that all children in rural areas face negative influences, but these are far worse for the children with physical disabilities. Societal and educational exclusion and poverty continue to place these children at a disadvantage despite South Africa’s policies that promote inclusion and equality. These rights are central to a meaningful democracy yet; research indicates that children with physical disabilities remain in a hopeless situation in the rural areas. To escape their plight inclusive education is pivotal. It is argued that the government’s capacity to deal with all the negative influences is limited and this therefore necessitates community involvement.
Bronfenbrenner’s Bio-ecological approach was used both to investigate the impact of the negative influences facing children with physical disabilities as well as providing a framework that tackles the barriers that prevent this marginalised group of children having an equal opportunity to education.
A qualitative and ethnographic study was undertaken to investigate these issues. This entailed the researcher living in four rural areas in KwaZulu-Natal, and collecting data through community participation, observations, questionnaires and interviews as well as photographs and drawings collected from the children. Data was analysed and poverty and exclusion clearly impacted not only on the children with physical disabilities, but their parents/caregivers.
It became clear to the researcher that unless this group of children received early intervention to prepare them for education they would not be able to be included in formal education from Grade 1 but would need to begin their schooling in a specialised and exclusive environment.
A framework for intervention based on Bronfenbrenner’s model was formulated that involved community involvement on the micro and mesosystemic levels. This framework is unique in that it will provide intensive early intervention for children with physical disabilities with the explicit aim of preparing them for inclusion and at the same time giving their parents/caregivers an opportunity to escape their plight of poverty.Every child in South Africa according to our Constitution and other policies is guaranteed equality. This equality needs to be provided to children with physical disabilities before they attend formal schooling and end up floundering never having had the opportunity to lift themselves out of the cycle of poverty that they face. Contemporary models for understanding these negative impacts and exclusion suggest that an important outcome of rehabilitation services is to optimise children with physical disabilities participation in the home, school and community life. Bronfenbrenner’s Model is based on the premise that disability involves an interaction between features of the child and features of the environment that can be adapted to promote educational inclusion and thus reduce the cycle of poverty. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Rol van die ouers by die kontinue insluiting van leerders met Downsindroom in inklusiewe onderwys in Gauteng / The role of the parents in the continuous inclusion of learners with Down’s syndrome in inclusive school within GautengJoubert, Karen 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The purpose of this study is to identify the role of the parents in the continuous inclusion of learners with Down’s syndrome in inclusive education. The study was conducted in the South African context with the parents of children with Down’s syndrome and who are currently included in inclusive education in Gauteng. The roles that these parents play in the inclusion of their children were identified by means of semi-structured interviews. This was done according to a qualitative phenomenological research design within the theoretical framework of the bio-ecological model of Brunfenbrenner. Results from this study indicated that parents will have to fulfil specific roles in a multi-faceted manner to ensure continuous inclusion for these learners with Down’s syndrome in inclusive education.
The primary contribution of this study is towards the expansion of the theoretical knowledge of the role of the parents in continuous inclusive education of learners with Down’s syndrome. / Die doel van hierdie studie is om die ouers se rol by die kontinue insluiting van leerders met Downsindroom in inklusieweonderwys te bepaal. Die studie is binne die Suid-Afrikaanse milieu onderneem met die ouers van leerders met Downsindroom wat tans gewone inklusieweonderwys in Gauteng ontvang. Semi-gestruktureerdeonderhoude is gebruik om die ouers se rol in die kontinue insluiting van hul kinders in gewone inklusiewe onderwys te identifiseer.
Hierdie studie is volgens’n kwantitatiewefenomenologiesenavorsingsontwerp binne die teoretiese raamwerk van die bio-ekosistemiesebenaderingsmodel van Bronfenbrenner uitgevoer.Die bevindings van hierdie studie toon dat ouers spesifieke rolle behoort te vervul om hierdie leerders se kontinue insluiting in inklusiewe onderwys te verseker.
Die primêre bydrae wat hierdie studie sal lewer, is tot die uitbreiding van teoretiese kennis aangaande die ouers se rol in die insluiting van leerders met Downsindroom in inklusiewe onderwys. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inklusiewe Onderwys)
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Situation analysis of perceptions on comprehensiveness of rape prevention interventions by implementing agencies in Addis AbabaDifabachew Setegn Hailegeorgis 02 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Afrikaans / The victimization of women and children represents one of the public health problems deserving urgent attention in Ethiopia, making the prevention of rape in all its forms a matter of vital importance.
The purpose of the study was mainly to describe the extent of rape prevention interventions in Addis Ababa and examine efforts to assist rape survivors based on the perceptions of professionals working for organizations operating in this context. The study had a further purpose of identifying difficulties faced by government institutions and making suitable recommendations for the improvement of rape prevention interventions and programs in the future.
A qualitative descriptive research approach was adopted mainly involving in-depth interviews for primary data collection. The study involved 14 research participants purposively selected from five government institutions.
The study findings indicated Gandhi Memorial Hospital to be the only institution in Ethiopia implementing an integrated rape prevention intervention. Efforts were directed largely at secondary prevention, with little attention being paid to primary prevention. Recommendations included tackling the multiple factors influencing rape at different levels of the social-ecological model simultaneously through the implementation, strengthening, and intensification of well-designed, comprehensive rape prevention interventions and programs. / Ukuxhatshazwa kwabafazi nabantwana e-Ethiopia kufana nenye yeengxaki zempilo kwaye kudinga ukuthathelwa ingqalelo ngokungxamisekileyo. Oku kwenza ukuba ukuthintela ukudlwengulwa ngazo zonke iindlela kube ngumbandela obaluleke kakhulu.
Injongo yesi sifundo ibikukucacisa iindlela zokuthintela ukudlwengulwa eAddis Ababa, nokuvavanya imizamo yokunceda abo bakhe badlwengulwa, ngokokubona kwabo basebenzela amaqumrhu aququzelela lo msebenzi. Enye injongo yesi sifundo ibikukuchonga ubunzima obufunyanwa ngamaziko aseburhulumenteni ajongene neli candelo ukuze kunikwe iingcebiso zokuphucula amacebo neenkqubo zokuthintela ukudlwengulwa.
Kuqhutywe uhlobo lophando lomgangatho nolucacisayo, apho kuqokelelwe iinkcukacha zolwazi ngokwenza udliwano ndlebe olunzulu. Kusetyenzwe nabathathi nxaxheba abali-14 abakhethwe ngobuchule kumaziko aseburhulumenteni ama-5.
Okufunyaniswe sesi sifundo kubonakalise ukuba isibhedlele esiyiGandhi Memorial siso sodwa esinenkqubo elungelelaniswe kakuhle yokuthintela ukudlwengulwa. Imigudu yokhukhusela ijoliswe ekuncedeni kwiziqhamo zodlwengulo nasekufundiseni ngodlwengulo (secondary prevention) hayi kudlwengulo ngqo (primary prevention). Amacebiso esifundo aquka ukulwa neemeko eziphembelela udlwengulo olwenzeka kumazinga ahlukeneyo oluntu, ngaxeshanye nokuqinisa ukusetyenziswa kweenkqubo eziqulunqwe kakuhle zokuthintela udlwengulo. / Die viktimisering van vroue en kinders is een van talle kwessies in die openbare gesondheid van Ethiopië wat dringend aandag vereis, aangesien die voorkoming van verkragting in enige vorm van die allergrootste belang is.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om die omvang te bepaal van intervensies om verkragting in Addis Abeba te voorkom, en om die hulp wat aan verkragtingslagoffers verleen word, te ondersoek op grond van die belewenisse van beroepslui wat in hierdie verband vir organisasies werk. Hierdie studie het dit verder ten doel gehad om die probleme aan te toon waarmee staatsinstellings in hierdie opsig te kampe het, en om beter intervensies en programme vir die voorkoming van verkragting aan te beveel.
ʼn Kwalitatiewe en deskriptiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg. Dit het omvattende onderhoude behels waartydens primêre data versamel is. Altesame 14 deelnemers by vyf staatsinstellings is vir hierdie doel gekies.
Volgens die bevindings is die Gandhi Gedenkhospitaal die enigste instelling in Ethiopië wat ʼn geïntegreerde program vir die voorkoming van verkragting ingestel het. Sekondêre voorkoming geniet voorrang, terwyl primêre voorkoming min aandag geniet. Daar word aanbeveel dat tegelykertyd werk gemaak word van die veelvuldige faktore wat verkragting op verskillende vlakke van die sosiaal-ekologiese model beïnvloed. Dit moet gedoen word deur deeglik ontwerpte, omvattende intervensies en programme om verkragting te voorkom in werking te stel, uit te bou en te verskerp. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)
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Mathematical models of social-ecological systems: Coupling human behavioural and environmental dynamicsSun, Tithnara Anthony 31 March 2020 (has links)
There is an increasing concern for the impact of humans on the environment.
Traditionally, ecological models consider human influence as a constant or linearly varying parameter, whereas socioeconomic models and frameworks tend to oversimplify the ecological system.
But tackling complex environmental challenges faced by our societies requires interdisciplinary approaches due to the intricate feedbacks between the socioeconomic and ecological systems involved.
Thus, models of social-ecological systems couple an ecological system with a socioeconomic system
to investigate their interaction in the integrated dynamical system.
We define this coupling formally and apply the social-ecological approach to three ecological cases.
Indeed, we focus on eutrophication in shallow freshwater lakes, which is a well-known system showing bistability between a clear water state and a turbid polluted state.
We also study a model accounting for an aquifer (water stock) and a model accounting for a biotic population exhibiting bistability through an Allee effect.
The socioeconomic dynamics is driven by the incentive that agents feel to act in a desirable or undesirable way.
This incentive can be represented by a difference in utility, or in payoff, between two strategies that each agent can adopt: agents can cooperate and act in an environment-friendly way, or they can defect and act in an ecologically undesirable way.
The agents' motivation includes such factors as the economic cost of their choice, the concern they feel for the environment and conformism to the collective attitude of the human group.
Thus, the incentive to cooperate responds to the state of the ecological system and to the agents' collective opinion, and this response can be linear, nonlinear and monotonic, or non-monotonic.
When investigating the mathematical form of this response, we find that monotonic non-linear responses may result in additional equilibria, cycles and basins of attraction compared to the linear case.
Non-monotonic responses, such as resignation effects, may produce much more complicated nullclines such as a closed nullcline and weaken our ability to anticipate the dynamics of a social-ecological system.
Regarding the modelling of the socioeconomic subsystem, the replicator dynamics and the logit best-response dynamics are widely used mathematical formulations from evolutionary game theory.
There seems to be little awareness about the impact of choosing one or the other.
The replicator dynamics assumes that the socioeconomic subsystem is stationary when all agents adopt the same behaviour, whereas the best-response dynamics assumes that this situation is not stationary.
The replicator dynamics has formal game theoretical foundations, whereas best-response dynamics comes from psychology.
Recent experiments found that the best-response dynamics explains empirical data better.
We find that the two dynamics can produce a different number of equilibria as well as differences in their stability.
The replicator dynamics is a limit case of the logit best-response dynamics when agents have an infinite rationality.
We show that even generic social-ecological models can show multistability.
In many cases, multistability allows for counterintuitive equilibria to emerge, where ecological desirability and socioeconomic desirability are not correlated.
This makes generic management recommendations difficult to find and several policies with and without socioeconomic impact should be considered.
Even in cases where there is a unique equilibrium, it can lose stability and give rise to sustained oscillations.
We can interpret these oscillations in a way similar to the cycles found in classical predator-prey systems.
In the lake pollution social-ecological model for instance, the agents' defection increases the lake pollution, which makes agents feel concerned and convince the majority to cooperate.
Then, the ecological concern decreases because the lake is not polluted and the incentive to cooperate plummets, so that it becomes more advantageous for the agents to defect again.
We show that the oscillations obtained when using the replicator dynamics tend to produce a make-or-break dynamics, where a random perturbation could shift the system to either full cooperation or full defection depending on its timing along the cycle.
Management measures may shift the location of the social-ecological system at equilibrium, but also make attractors appear or disappear in the phase plane or change the resilience of stable steady states.
The resilience of equilibria relates to basins of attraction and is especially important in the face of potential regime shifts.
Sources of uncertainty that should be taken into account for the management of social-ecological systems include
multistability and the possibility of counterintuitive equilibria,
the wide range of possible policy measures with or without socioeconomic interventions,
and the behaviour of human collectives involved, which may be described by different dynamics.
Yet, uncertainty coming from the collective behaviour of agents is mitigated if they do not give up or rely on the other agents' efforts, which allows modelling to better inform decision makers.
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Attune With Baby: An Innovative Attunement Program for Parents and Families With Integrated EvaluationLohre, Sara Beth 06 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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A tale of two community health facilities : exploring differencesMolefe, Nsizwa Robert Jonathan 06 1900 (has links)
This study looks at two community mental health facilities. The one setting is that of a state aided organisation, while the other is a non-government organisation (NGO). These two settings are contrasted in terms of how they conceptualise the concept 'community', their physical settings and facilities, and the activities and processes at each setting. The differences in the day-to-day operational processes, and activities according to their respective philosophies - psychiatric medical model and ecological model - are explored and captured from the participants through utilising qualitative data gathering methods such as
interviews, observations and the personal experiences of the researcher. The information obtained from each participant in both settings reflect how they think, feel and behave towards their work. This information contributes to an understanding of how community mental health clinics operate. Finally the recommendations are of how work could be done differently, making them both more community orientated. / M. A.(Clinical Psychology)
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The management of parent involvement at selected secondary schools in the Zeerust District, North West ProvinceCharamba, Madirayi 12 1900 (has links)
This research focuses on the issue of parent involvement at selected secondary schools in the Zeerust District of the North West Province in order to gain an understanding of relevant participants’ views on the following aspects that relate to the management of parent involvement: the concept of parent involvement, ways in which parent involvement should be realised, its benefits and challenges, as well as strategies to improve the management of parent involvement in the education of learner children. The theoretical frameworks that informed this study were Epstein’s theories of overlapping spheres and her typology of parent involvement, as well as Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model. These frameworks provided a meaningful lens for interpreting data and making recommendations in the final chapter. The researcher undertook an extensive literature study and conducted interviews with principals, SGB chairpersons, as well as selected SGB parent members and other active and inactive parents from the selected schools in the Zeerust district. The research shows, inter alia, that parent involvement has various benefits and that it faces several challenges which affect the management thereof. Benefits concern improvement in terms of academic performance of learners, provision of teaching and learning resources, relationships between parents and the school, learner motivation and school attendance. Challenges to parent involvement that were identified were time constraints of parents, poor communication between home and school, parents’ lack of interest and commitment, principals’ limitations in terms of the management of parent involvement, parents’ limited education, negative parental attitudes and negative teacher attitudes. Key recommendations were made in terms of Bronfenbrenner’s micro, exo- and macrosystem for addressing the management of parent involvement in a synergetic manner. They concerned, inter alia, the national Department of Basic Education in the macrosystem, provincial Departments of Basic Education in the exosystem and schools and parents in the microsystem. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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A tale of two community health facilities : exploring differencesMolefe, Nsizwa Robert Jonathan 06 1900 (has links)
This study looks at two community mental health facilities. The one setting is that of a state aided organisation, while the other is a non-government organisation (NGO). These two settings are contrasted in terms of how they conceptualise the concept 'community', their physical settings and facilities, and the activities and processes at each setting. The differences in the day-to-day operational processes, and activities according to their respective philosophies - psychiatric medical model and ecological model - are explored and captured from the participants through utilising qualitative data gathering methods such as
interviews, observations and the personal experiences of the researcher. The information obtained from each participant in both settings reflect how they think, feel and behave towards their work. This information contributes to an understanding of how community mental health clinics operate. Finally the recommendations are of how work could be done differently, making them both more community orientated. / M. A.(Clinical Psychology)
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