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”Det börjar ju sällan med ett knytnävsslag” : Kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas upplevelser av riskfaktorer till mäns våld mot kvinnor utifrån den socio-ekologiska modellenEfraimsson, Pia, Mårtensson, Lina, Sigfridsson, Kajsa January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med följande studie var att undersöka yrkesverksammas upplevelser av möjliga riskfaktorer till mäns våld mot kvinnor i relation till den socio-ekologiska modellen. En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes och fem yrkesverksamma från relevanta organisationer deltog. Teman som identifierades i studien jämfördes med de olika nivåerna från den socio-ekologiska modellen och med tidigare forskning på området. I studien kunde tre av de fyra nivåerna från den socio-ekologiska modellen återfinnas som självständiga teman och den fjärde nivån återfanns som en underliggande faktor i samtliga teman. Resultatet visade även att de yrkesverksamma upplever att det finns personlighetsdrag som karaktäriserar män som utövar våld mot kvinnor men att männen ändå skiljer sig från varandra. Mäns våld mot kvinnor finns i alla samhällsklasser och miljöer vilket gör det svårt att identifiera vilka män som har denna typ av problematik. För att våldet ska minska krävs tidigt förebyggande arbete samt krafttag i hela samhället kring de rådande maskulinitetsnormerna. Vidare behövs mer forskning på hur de män som inte lagförs eller frivilligt söker behandling kan upptäckas samt motiveras till behandling för sin problematik. / The purpose of following study was to examine professional’s experiences of potential risk factors to men's violence against women in relation to the socio ecological model. A qualitative interview study was conducted and five professionals from different organizations participated. Themes identified in the study were compared with different levels from the socio-economic model and with previous research in the field. In the present study, three out of four levels from the socio-ecological model were found as independent themes and the fourth level was found as an underlying factor in all themes. The results also showed that the professionals found personality traits that characterize men who use violence against women, but that the men still differ from each other. Men's violence against women exists in all social classes and environments, which makes it difficult to identify which men that have this type of problem. For the violence to decrease, early preventive work and effort are required throughout society and the current masculinity standards. More research is needed about how men who are not prosecuted or voluntarily seeking treatment can be discovered and motivated to treat their problems.
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Risco e prote??o: busca por uma compreens?o n?o-linear desses constructos / Risk and protection: search about not linear understanding from these constructsMachado, Elisana Marta 17 June 2004 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2004-06-17 / In view of various contexts about the child development and about the need to investigate them, this study analysed the data processing of a preventive and interventive project in progress, it was achieved in popular communities, where the instrument data were ?Parent?s Appraisal of Child Early Development?(PACED). It was identified the frequency of the dimension itens ?Life experiences?, ranked like risk and protection factors, in a sample composed of 271 children from 0 to 12 years. The information was colected by trainees from 2000 to 2003, through interviews with parents or responsible who informed about their children. The data found suggest predomination about the protection factor (69.4%) and the risk one (26.4%), it has been more frequent the categories net social and emotional support (89.6%) and permanence, cohesion and familiar stability (73.6%). Categories called engajament in activities and interactions (53.5%) and life stressfull events (29.4%) were less frequents. The results are discussed, emphasizing interdependency between the individual and environment. / Em face da diversidade e adversidade dos contextos de desenvolvimento da crian?a e da necessidade de investig?-los, esse estudo analisou o banco de dados de um projeto preventivo e interventivo em andamento, realizado em comunidades populares de uma cidade do interior do estado de S?o Paulo, onde constavam os dados do instrumento Parent's Appraisal of Child Early Development (PACED). Objetivou-se verificar a freq??ncia dos itens da dimens?o ?Experi?ncias de vida?, categorizados como fatores de risco e de prote??o, em uma amostra composta por 271 crian?as de 0 a 12 anos. As informa??es foram coletadas por estagi?rios no per?odo de 2000 a 2003, mediante entrevistas com pais ou respons?veis que informaram sobre suas crian?as. Os dados sugerem predomin?ncia de fatores de prote??o (69.4%) em rela??o aos de risco (26.4%), tendo sido mais freq?ente a categoria rede de apoio social e afetivo (89.6%), seguida da denominada perman?ncia, coes?o e estabilidade familiar (73.6%). Foi encontrada uma freq??ncia de 53.5% da categoria denominada engajamento em atividades e intera??es entre ambientes e 29.4% da denominada eventos estressores ou traum?ticos de vida . Os resultados s?o discutidos a partir das contribui??es do modelo ecol?gico, enfatizando interdepend?ncia entre a pessoa e o ambiente.
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Assessing the Social and Ecological Factors that Influence Childhood Overweight and ObesityCallahan, Katie 01 December 2014 (has links)
The prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity is increasing at an alarming rate in the United States. Currently more than 1 in 3 children aged 2-19 are overweight or obese. This is of major concern because childhood overweight and obesity leads to chronic conditions such as type II diabetes and tracks into adulthood, where more severe adverse health outcomes arise. In this study I used the premise of the social ecological model (SEM) to analyze the common levels that a child is exposed to daily; the intrapersonal level, the interpersonal level, the school level, and the community level to better understand what risk factors are significantly associated with child weight status. Data came from the 2012 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) (n=41,361). Frequencies and confidence intervals were used to describe risk factors at each level. Bivariate analyses were conducted between each risk factor and the outcome variable. Using all risk factors that were significantly associated with overweight and obesity in the bivariate analyses, multinomial logistic regressions were performed for each SEM level. The 4 SEM levels were then analyzed together using stagewise multinomial logistic regression. A significance level cutoff of 0.05 was applied to all analyses. Thirty-three percent of participants were overweight or obese. Child sex, race, age, child physical activity participation, mother’s education and health, the child’s family structure, the child’s participation in extracurricular activities, frequency of family meals at home, safety and engagement in school, the number of amenities and the safety and support within their communities were found to be significantly associated with child weight status. The odds ratios of the covariates in the final stagewise model were similar to those in each individual model. Understanding both the risk factors associated with child overweight and obesity in each individual level and in the complete socio-ecological perspective is important when working toward more effective policy and program creation and the reduction of childhood obesity. Recognizing that all levels of a child's SEM influence his or her likelihood of being overweight or obese can lead to more effective strategies that tackle multiple SEM levels collectively instead of each level independently.
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“I Want Ketchup on my Rice”: The Role of Child Agency on Arab Migrant Families Food and FoodwaysAlkhuzaim, Faisal Kh. 05 July 2018 (has links)
This exploratory research study examines changes in food and foodways (food habits) among Arab migrant families in a small community in Tampa, Florida. It also explores how those families’ children may play a role in the process of change. Within this community, I conducted my research study at a private school, where I recruited families with children between the ages of eight and seventeen. In applying the ecological model of food and nutrition and the developmental niche theoretical framework, this research draws on qualitative methods, including structured interviews with parents; focus group discussion with parents; a food survey; and children’s focus groups that included engaging activities such as vignettes (role playing), free-listing and sorting, and one-day food menus. I used MAXQDA 18 software for qualitative data analysis, and the results show that the main factors aiding in post-migration food and foodways changes are time constraints (lifestyle), ingredients, and availability and accessibility of permissible food (halal). Parent did not mention their children as a main factor; however, they perceive influence of their children. Feeding practices such as rewarding, restriction, forcing, and family meals were emerging themes, and children express their agency around those practices. Children developed their own agency regarding food because of their social and physical environments. Older children perceived their influence on their families’ food and foodways by introducing food items to their own families.
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Assessing the Health-Related Outcomes and Correlates of Active Transportation in Children and YouthLarouche, Richard 19 September 2013 (has links)
Active school transport (AST; e.g. the use of non-motorized modes such as walking and cycling to travel to/from school) is an inexpensive, accessible and environmentally-friendly source of physical activity (PA). This dissertation addresses two overarching objectives: 1) to measure the relationships of AST with PA and health-related outcomes; and 2) to examine the correlates of AST immediately before and after the transition from primary to secondary school (the “school transition”). First, a systematic review revealed increasing evidence showing that AST is associated with greater daily PA levels, and that cycling to/from school is associated with higher cardiovascular fitness. Cycling for transportation (not only for school trips) was also associated with lower values for total cholesterol and total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio in the nationally-representative 2007-2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey. Moreover, the present dissertation provides preliminary evidence suggesting that AST may help attenuate the decline in PA across the school transition. However, the relationship between AST and body composition indicators remains unclear. With respect to the correlates of AST, distance was the strongest barrier to AST at both time points, but several road safety concerns, and the perception of having too much stuff to carry were also associated with engagement in motorized travel. At follow-up, AST was more common in children whose parents owned less than 2 cars. In contrast, children were more likely to engage in AST if their parents reported that they chose to live in their current neighbourhood so that their children could walk or bike to school. The associations of neighbourhood walkability (as measured with the Walk Score® application) with AST and PA were generally stronger after the school transition. While AST may improve health among children and youth, an ecological approach targeting multiple levels of influence will likely be needed to alleviate current barriers to AST.
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Modelling the relationship between the built environment and psychosocial correlates of physical activity behaviourMcCormack, Gavin Robert January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The main purpose of this research was to conduct a series of studies with the aim of contributing information about methods for measuring and analyzing physical environmental attributes of neighbourhoods and the influence of these attributes on specific types of physical activity behaviour. Furthermore, this research examined the moderating affect of the objective physical environment on the relationship between cognitions and physical activity behaviours and the mediating role of the cognitions on the associations between the objective physical environment and physical activity. The research included secondary analyses of data collected as part of the Studies of Environmental and Individual Determinants of Physical Activity (SEID1 and SEID2: Corti 1998; Pikora 2003) and the Physical Activity in Localities and Community Environments study (PLACE: Leslie et al. 2005a; Leslie et al. 2005b). Demographic, cognitive, social and behavioural data from the baseline and follow-up surveys from SEID1 (Corti 1998), and objectively measured built environmental data from SEID2 (Pikora 2003) were analyzed. ... A stronger association between frequency of past trying and recreational walking was also found for respondents residing in neighbourhoods with more recreational destinations (β = 0.11), compared with fewer destinations (β = 0.00). These findings show some evidence that the built environment can affect exercise-related cognitions, which in turn influence physical activity. Findings of this and other research (Owen et al. 2000; Humpel et al. 2002; Saelens et al. 2003b; Foster & Hillsdon 2004; McCormack et al. 2004; Owen et al. 2004; Badland & Schofield 2005; Duncan et al. 2005; Heath et al. 2006) support the need to create supportive environments that encourage both recreational and transport-related physical activity. Providing more opportunities and a greater variety of destinations close to home could encourage physical activity participation, and may even assist some individuals to achieve sufficient levels to accrue health benefits. However, additional research is necessary to understand how both the perceived and objectively measured built environment influences physical activity and to provide evidence of temporal causality between environments, cognitions, and physical activity behaviour.
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Systematisk litteraturöversikt över evidensbaserade suicidpreventionsmetoder : I förhållande till målgruppen Ungdomar mellan 16-29 år i Grums kommun utifrån en socialekologisk modellOrtiz Caro, Leonardo January 2018 (has links)
Introduktion: Suicid är ett folkhälsoproblem som ser olika ut på olika platser runt om i Sverige, vissa kommuner såsom Grums kommun har under en tid drabbats mycket och speciellt bland ungdomar. Ett samarbete i Grums har startats där deltagarna består av aktörer som arbetar med ungdomars hälsa i någon form. Syftet är att förbättra samarbetet och förbättra förutsättningarna för Grums ungdomar att leva ett liv med god hälsa. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga det suicidpreventiva arbetet som aktörerna gör i sina respektive verksamheter och utifrån en socialekologisk modell sätts dessa i relation till olika nivåer i samhället där verksamheten befinner sig i relation till ungdomarna. För att arbetet ska ge resultat måste de metoder och arbetssätt som används grundas i den evidensbaserade forskningen. Metod: En workshop hölls i Grums där aktörernas diverse roller fastslogs för en bättre förståelse över det stöd som erbjuds ungdomarna och hur målgruppen faktiskt upplever sin situation i Grums utifrån aktörernas erfarenheter. Telefonintervjuer av 3 aktörer om deras arbetssätt gentemot målgruppen i Grums kompletterade workshopen. Materialet analyserades utifrån en socialekologisk modell. En systematisk litteraturöversikt gjorde grundjobbet med att finna de metoder och arbetssätt som har visat sig ha evidens. Resultat: De olika aktörernas roller i det suicidpreventiva och hälsofrämjande arbetet med Grums ungdomar klargörs. Vidare påvisas hur de olika verksamheternas arbete i vissa fall sker flexibelt utanför de satta ramarna för den specifika aktören. Mycket av arbetet sker överlappande genom olika kategorier och faser i ungdomarnas liv. Risk- och skyddsfaktorer inom olika områden identifierades. Av de totalt 25 studierna som sållades fram blev det 9 som uppfyllde kriterierna. Slutsats: Det är inte enbart viktigt för de olika aktörerna att förstå inte sin egen verksamhet utan även vad andra aktörer gör och har för resurser. Även för målgruppen är det viktigt att veta vad som görs och hur det arbetas. Då individer slutligen själva väljer att söka och använda det stöd som finns är det viktigt att sänka de trösklar som finns. Det finns en rad olika evidensbaserade sätt att arbeta med suicidprevention utifrån Grums kommuns förutsättningar. / Introduction: Suicide is a public health problem with different characteristics in different places in Sweden, some municipalities like Grums have had some difficulties amongst their youth. Grums has started a cooperation with the organizations that works with the target groups health in some way with the aim to improve the collaboration between the organizations and also improve the conditions for teens. The purpose of the study is to map the participants work with suicide prevention and put them in relation to different levels in society and the target group in a socio-ecological model. For the work to give positive results the methods must be evidence-based. Method: A workshop in Grums was held where the different participants work was established and mapped to create a better mutual understanding over the services provided to the teens. Interviews over the phone with 3 of the participants about their work with teens In Grums was used to complement the workshop. The material was analyzed with a socio-ecological model. A systematic review did the groundwork in finding the evidence-based methods presented. Results: The role of the different organizations in the work with suicide prevention among teens in Grums is mapped. It shows that the work of the different organizations in some cases is flexible and extends outside of the borders of the specific organization. A lot of the work is overlapping through different categories and phases in a teens life. Risk factors and protective factors where identified. Of the 25 studies that where found it was merely 9 that fulfilled the criteria. Conclusion: It is not only important for the different organizations to understand not only their own operation but also the other work made by others and the resources they have but it is also important for the target group to know what is being done and how. Because individuals choose to seek help and to use the support that’s eligible it is important to lower the threshold to do so. There are some different evidence-based ways to work with suicide prevention with the conditions in Grums municipality.
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Réseaux trophiques des écosystèmes intertidaux : étude par les isotopes stables et l'analyse des réseaux / Food webs in intertidal ecosystems : a stable isotope approach and trophic network analysisBaptista Vicente Baeta, Alexandra 21 September 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse de Doctorat examine le réseau trophique estuarien lié aux herbiers à zostères, Zostera noltii et quantifie le rôle trophique des consommateurs de la macrofaune benthique, dans deux zones intertidales de l’estuaire du Mondego, à différentes périodes de 1993 à 2008. Elle s’intéresse spécifiquement (i) à l’incorporation de l’azote issu des activités humaines, en considérant l’assimilation d’azote comme un indicateur de l’eutrophication et (ii) au rôle des zostères dans le réseau trophique benthique. Six modèles ont été développés afin d’analyser les effets, (i) d’un enrichissement en nutriments, (ii) des mesures de mitigation, et (iii) d’une inondation centennale, sur les propriétés du réseau trophique benthique estuarien. La présence de Z. noltii change peu la structure du réseau trophique planctonique, soutenu en partie par la matière organique particulaire et supporte principalement des poissons comme prédateurs. Les autres consommateurs montrent une grande variabilité de signature isotopique, ce qui suggère qu’ils peuvent changer de régime alimentaire en fonction des changements de l’environnement. En revanche, les δ13C et δ15N des producteurs et consommateurs de l’estuaire du Mondego montrent très peu de variation saisonnière, malgré une saisonnalité météorologique marquée, ainsi qu’une forte variation saisonnière des paramètres de la colonne d’eau (apports en sels nutritifs et concentration en chlorophylle a). Les modèles à l’état stable montrent enfin que la structure trophique de la communauté benthique de l’estuaire du Mondego est affectée différemment par chacun des évènements particuliers étudiés. / This dissertation examines the estuarine food web related to the eelgrass Zostera noltii and quantifies the ecological trophic role of benthic macrofauna consumers, in intertidal areas of the Mondego estuary, covering different time periods from 1993 to 2008. It specifically focuses (i) on the incorporation of the nitrogen derived from human activities, considering the N uptake as an eutrophication index, and (ii) on the role of the eelgrass in the benthic food web. In addition, six mass-balanced models were developed to assess the effects of (i) a period of nutrient enrichment, (ii) the implementation of mitigation measures, and (iii) a centenary flood, on the benthic estuarine food web properties.
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Stillasittande hos högskoleanställda lärareGut, Mikael, Carlberg, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med studien var dels att kartlägga stillasittandet hos högskoleanställda lärare under arbetsdagen. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka faktorer som bidrog till att vara stillasittande. Metod I studien användes en blandad metodansats. Datainsamling genomfördes via 4 enskilda intervjuer samt en enkät med 49 lärare på Högskolan Dalarna. Resultat Medelvärdet för deltagarnas tid i stillasittande per arbetsdag var 6,62 (±1,97) timmar och antal avbrott i stillasittandet var i genomsnitt 1,6 (±0,89) per timme. Det fanns ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad i stillasittande tid ( p= 0,22) eller antal avbrott i stillasittandet (p= 0,21) under arbetsdagen mellan kvinnor och män. Relationsvärdet (r= -0,34) indikerade att det fanns ett svagt samband som visade att deltagare som var mer stillasittande också gjorde färre avbrott i sitt stillasittande. Den främsta anledning som angavs till att sitta ner var att stillasittandet förbättrade koncentrationsförmågan vid arbetsuppgifter som krävde mycket fokus. Andra framträdande faktorer som påverkade ett intagande av stillasittande var tidspress och hög arbetsbelastning. Individen själv uppgavs vara det största hindret för att minska sitt eget stillasittande, där det invanda beteendet att sitta vid vissa arbetsmoment hade stor påverkan. Deltagarnas kunskap kring stillasittandets konsekvenser var bristfällig och det var inte heller ett samtalsämne som diskuterades i större utsträckning på arbetsplatsen. Slutsatser Högskoleanställda lärare är en riskgrupp för stillasittandets negativa hälsoeffekter. Engagemang och ökad kunskap på individ-, interpersonell- och organisationsnivå krävs för att uppnå förändringar i det stillasittande beteendet. / Purpose The purpose of the study was to map the sedentary behavior of college-faculty teachers during the working day. Furthermore, the study aimed at investigating factors that contributed to being sedentary. Method The study used a mixed method approach. Data collection was conducted through 4 individual interviews and a questionnaire with 49 teachers at Högskolan Dalarna. Results The average of the participants' sedentary time per working day was 6,62 (±1.97) hours. The number of interruptions from being sedentary was in average 1,6 (±0.89) per hour. There was no statistically significant difference in sedentary time (p= 0,22) or number of interruptions (p= 0,21) during the working day between men and women. Relationship value (r= -0,34) indicated that there was a weak relationship that showed that participants who were more sedentary also made fewer interruptions in their sitting time. The main reason for being sedentary was that sitting improved the ability to concentrate on tasks requiring a lot of focus. Other prominent factors that affected the intake of sedentary behavior were time pressure and high workload. The individual himself was said to be the biggest obstacle to reducing his own sedentary behavior, where the habitual behavior of sitting when doing certain tasks in the workplace had a major impact. Participants' knowledge of sedentary behavior and consequences was inadequate, and it was not a discussion topic that was discussed in greater detail at the workplace. Conclusions Higher education teachers are a risk group for negative health effects caused by sedentary behavior. Engagement and increased knowledge at individual, interpersonal and organizational levels are required to achieve changes in sedentary behavior.
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Assessing the Health-Related Outcomes and Correlates of Active Transportation in Children and YouthLarouche, Richard January 2013 (has links)
Active school transport (AST; e.g. the use of non-motorized modes such as walking and cycling to travel to/from school) is an inexpensive, accessible and environmentally-friendly source of physical activity (PA). This dissertation addresses two overarching objectives: 1) to measure the relationships of AST with PA and health-related outcomes; and 2) to examine the correlates of AST immediately before and after the transition from primary to secondary school (the “school transition”). First, a systematic review revealed increasing evidence showing that AST is associated with greater daily PA levels, and that cycling to/from school is associated with higher cardiovascular fitness. Cycling for transportation (not only for school trips) was also associated with lower values for total cholesterol and total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio in the nationally-representative 2007-2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey. Moreover, the present dissertation provides preliminary evidence suggesting that AST may help attenuate the decline in PA across the school transition. However, the relationship between AST and body composition indicators remains unclear. With respect to the correlates of AST, distance was the strongest barrier to AST at both time points, but several road safety concerns, and the perception of having too much stuff to carry were also associated with engagement in motorized travel. At follow-up, AST was more common in children whose parents owned less than 2 cars. In contrast, children were more likely to engage in AST if their parents reported that they chose to live in their current neighbourhood so that their children could walk or bike to school. The associations of neighbourhood walkability (as measured with the Walk Score® application) with AST and PA were generally stronger after the school transition. While AST may improve health among children and youth, an ecological approach targeting multiple levels of influence will likely be needed to alleviate current barriers to AST.
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