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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hotelijerstvo u kontekstu razvoja odgovornog turizma / Hotel industry in the context of responsible tourism development

Bradić Milan 30 November 2011 (has links)
<p>Dru&scaron;tvena odgovornost u ugostiteljstvu, samim tim i hotelijerstvu, aktivnost je koja nije dovoljno zastupljena u Republici Srbiji. U svetu se velika pažnja poklanja ovoj problematici, dok u Srbiji ona &quot;čini svoje prve korake&quot;. Kako veliki globalni hotelijerski lanci, tako i mali nezavisni hoteli, prepoznali su važnost sprovođenja dru&scaron;tveno odgovornog poslovanja, ne samo zbog (diskutabilnog) dobročinstva, već pre svega zbog finansijskih i drugih dobiti koje im ona donosi. Cilj ove disertacije je da kod učesnika na turističkom (hotelijerskom) trži&scaron;tu pobolj&scaron;a razumevanje odnosa između životne sredine, dru&scaron;tvene odgovornosti i ekonomskog uspeha poslovanja. Namera je da se preporukama nastalim na osnovu rezultata ovog istraživanja utiče na formalne i neformalne institucije da uvedu ekolo&scaron;ke standarde u hotelijerstvo u Srbiji.</p> / <p> Social responsibility in the hospitality industry, therefore in hotel industry, is activity not sufficiently represented in the Republic of Serbia. In the world of the great attention paid to this issue, while in Serbia, it makes its &quot;first steps.&quot; As a major global hospitality chains and small independent hotels have recognized the importance of implementing corporate social responsibility, not only because of the (questionable) well-doing, but primarily because of financial and other benefits that it brings them. The aim of this thesis is that the participants in the tourism (hospitality) improve market understanding of the relationship between environment, social responsibility and economic success of business. It is intended that the recommendations arising from the results of this research affect the formal and informal institutions to introduce environmental standards in the hotel industry in Serbia.</p>

Оценка экологической ответственности предприятий металлургической отрасли : магистерская диссертация / Assessment of environmental responsibility of enterprises of the metallurgical industry

Ситкова, В. В., Sitkova, V. V. January 2017 (has links)
The paper identifies the main features of environmental responsibility of enterprises of the metallurgical industry based on the analysis of the evolution of the concept of environmental responsibility of metallurgical enterprises, as well as the analysis of the etymology of the term "environmental responsibility of an industrial enterprise". On the basis of the conducted research of existing methods of environmental responsibility assessment, their main shortcomings were revealed: the relative complexity in their application, the availability of a basis of the research that is not available to a wide range of information, the presence of some subjectivity (including, in determining the weights ). With a view to eliminating them, a methodology for assessing environmental responsibility has been developed, characterized primarily by a statistical approach to determining weights of indicators (the method of pairing preferences), and by determining the relationship between the level of environmental responsibility and the level of economic development. The developed methodology was tested on the data of social reporting of the largest metallurgical enterprises. Namely: Norilsk Nickel and Severstal. The data presented in the reporting for the period 2012-2016 were investigated. The results of the study made it possible to determine that the level of environmental responsibility and the level of economic development of the enterprises under study is low. The results of the correlation analysis of the two integral indicators: economic development and environmental responsibility made it possible to conclude that there is a close relationship between the enterprise of Norilsk Nickel and the Severstal's tendency towards a weak inverse relationship, but to unambiguously confirm this trend You need a larger data set. / В работе определены основные особенности экологической ответственности предприятий металлургической отрасли на основе анализа эволюции концепции экологической ответственности металлургических предприятий, а также анализа этимологии термина «экологическая ответственность промышленного предприятия». На основе проведенного исследования существующих методик оценки экологической ответственности, были выявлены их основные недостатки: относительная сложность в их применении, наличие в своей основе не доступной широкому кругу информационной составляющей, положенной в основе исследования, наличие некоторого субъективизма (в том числе, в определении весовых показателей). С целью их устранения разработана методика оценки экологической ответственности, отличающаяся, прежде всего, статистическим подходом к определению весов показателей (метод парных предпочтений), а также определением взаимосвязи между уровнем экологической ответственности и уровнем экономического развития. Разработанная методика была апробирована на данных социальной отчетности крупнейших металлургических предприятий. А именно: ПАО «ГМК «Норильский Никель» и ПАО «Северсталь». Исследовались данные, представленные в отчетности за период 2012–2016 гг. Результаты исследования позволили определить, что уровень экологической ответственности и уровень экономического развития исследуемых предприятий является низким. Результаты корреляционного анализа двух интегральных показателей: экономического развития и экологической ответственности позволили заключить, что по предприятию ПАО «ГМК «Норильский Никель» существует тесная взаимосвязь, а по предприятию ПАО «Северсталь» обозначена тенденция к слабой обратной зависимости, но для её однозначного подтверждения обозначенной тенденции нужен больший массив данных.

»Werte lehren« – Studierende übernehmen soziale und ökologische Verantwortung und lernen dabei Projektmanagement

Keil, Sophia, Winkler, Daniel 29 October 2020 (has links)
Dieser Beitrag gibt Antworten auf die Frage, wie sich neben dem Vermitteln von fachspezifischem Wissen auch Kompetenzen wie Werteorientierung, soziale, ökonomische und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit im Handeln und Entscheiden, Team- und Kooperationsfähigkeit, systematisch-methodisches Vorgehen und Planungsfähigkeit bei den Studierenden anregen lassen. Hierbei werden zum Beispiel die Methoden des „Service Learning“ und des „Lernens durch Lehren“ anhand einer beispielhaften Lehrveranstaltung angewendet. Diese verbindet in innovativer Weise die verschiedenen Themenschwerpunkte des Projektmanagements und des Blue Engineerings mit dem Verständnis für High-Tech-Technologien im Kontext der Industrie 4.0.

Ansvarens uttryck i VD-ordet / Expression of responsibility in CEO´s letter

Lejhage, Elin, Holmberg, Nora January 2020 (has links)
Idag står världen inför stora klimatförändringar där industribranschen står för cirka en tredjedel av växthusutsläppen. För att jorden ska vara bestående till kommande generationer krävs det hårt arbete kring hållbar utveckling, framförallt inom industrier. Stora industriföretag upprättar idag en hållbarhetsredovisning utefter de lagkrav som finns. Det arbetet företagen gör gällande hållbar utveckling återspeglas i hållbarhetsredovisningen. En del av hållbarhetsredovisningen benämns som VD:n har ordet, vilket är den del som står i fokus i denna studie. Studien grundas i hur ekonomiskt, socialt och ekologiskt ansvar uttrycks i VD-ordet utifrån medkänsla, plikt och fara. Studien kommer även att närmare studera varför stora industriföretag använder VD-ordet för att uttrycka dessa ansvar utifrån legitimitet och yttre tryck. En kvalitativ metod har använts där studien delas in i två olika steg. Det första steget är att en granskning av VD-ordet i sex stycken företags hållbarhetsredovisningar har genomförts. Detta för att få reda på hur ekonomiskt, socialt och ekologiskt ansvar uttrycks utifrån kategorierna medkänsla, plikt och fara i VD-orden. VD-orden har granskats från respektive företag mellan år 2016 - 2019 för att kunna jämföra mellan åren inom företag, mellan sektioner inom branschen samt mellan samtliga företag. Det andra steget bestod av intervjuer med tre av företagen. Detta gjordes för att ta reda på om legitimitet eller yttre tryck kan ha en påverkan på varför VD-ordet används för att uttrycka ansvaren. För att besvara frågan om varför stora industriföretag använder VD-ordet för att uttrycka ansvaren har två teorier använts, legitimitetsteorin och institutionella teorin. Detta för att få en överblick om företagen använder VD-ordet för att uttrycka ansvaren utifrån samhällets normer och värderingar eller om det förekommer något yttre tryck som påverkar. / Today, the world is facing major climate changes where the industrial sector stands for approximately a third of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions. In order for the earth to be able to last for generations to come, hard work in sustainable development is required, especially within industries. Nowadays, large industrial companies in Sweden prepare a sustainability report based on legal requirements. The work that the companies do on sustainable development is reflected in their sustainability report. The part of the sustainability report, called the CEO’s letter, is the part that this study has focused on. The study is based on how the financial, social and ecological responsibilities are expressed in the CEO’s letter and why large industrial companies use the CEO’s letter to express these responsibilities. The three responsibilities will be based on three categories: compassion, duty and danger. A qualitative method has been used and the study has been divided into two different steps. In the first step, we examined the CEO’s letter within six companies’ sustainability reports. This was done in order to find out how the financial, social and ecological responsibilities are expressed based on the categories compassion, duty and danger in the CEO’s letter. The CEO’s letter has been reviewed from the companies in the study, between the years 2016 to 2019. This is made in order to compare the companies between the years, between sections within the industry and between all the companies in the study. The second step consisted of interviews with three of the companies to find out if legitimacy or external pressure could be the reason why large industrial companies use the CEO’s letter to express the responsibilities. Legitimacy and external pressure can be explained by two theories, the legitimacy theory and the institutional theory. This was made to get an overview of whether the companies use the CEO’s letter to express responsibilities based on society’s norms and values or if an external pressure exists that can affect the companies.

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