Spelling suggestions: "subject:"economic book"" "subject:"economic bom""
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Irsko: faktory ekonomického růstu / Ireland: the causes of the economic boomBednaříková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the economic development of Ireland from the half of the 19th century till now. The main focus is on the development in 90's when Ireland experienced the economic boom. The main aim of the thesis is to find and analyse the causes of the boom. The favourable development passed with the end of the lending boom and the conjuncture on the real estate market. Now Ireland has to deal with the crisis which had a negative effect on the economy.
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Architectures religieuses en Lorraine durant les Trente Glorieuses : trois décennies d’expérimentations à l’épreuve de la modernité / Sacred Architecture in Lorraine during the Post-World War II Economic Boom : Three Decades of Experiments in the Face of ModernityPierron, Lucile 07 June 2019 (has links)
Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale émerge en France un mouvement de renouveau de l’architecture religieuse et de l’art sacré sous l’impulsion d’un clergé soucieux de repositionner l’Église au cœur de la création contemporaine. S’appuyant sur une liturgie réformée, la communauté religieuse s’engage dans l’édification de nouveaux lieux de culte, qui sont une occasion de mettre en œuvre des formes audacieuses par l’emploi de techniques constructives innovantes. Particulièrement meurtrie par la guerre, la Lorraine devient le site d’une modernité réinventée, un territoire riche d’expérimentations architecturales, formelles, constructives et typologiques, pour lesquelles les réalisations de l’entre-deux-guerres en Suisse et en Allemagne font figure d’avant-garde. Ce travail de thèse analyse les liens entre les aspirations de l’Église catholique, les contraintes imposées par le contexte de la Reconstruction et de l’urbanisation accélérée des territoires, et la réponse formelle et matérielle proposée par les concepteurs de l’époque. Le corpus général concerne la production de cent dix-sept projets et réalisations conçus en Lorraine entre 1945 et 1975. Il se concentre sur les architectures les plus novatrices, tout en répondant à la volonté de proposer une palette d’objets diversifiés, tant du point de vue de leur histoire que de celui de leur matérialité. Les églises du corpus sont l’œuvre d’architectes d’origines géographiques variées et à la notoriété multiple. En outre, ces réalisations, d’une envergure plus ou moins grande, s’inscrivent dans divers contextes géographiques : urbain, périurbain et rural. Croisant les approches quantitative et qualitative, ce travail s’articule autour de trois principaux champs de recherche :- les conditions de production de l’objet architectural : accès à la commande, financements, acteurs, etc. ;- les influences et la question de la réception, notamment au travers d’une étude des revues spécialisées et de la presse catholique ;- enfin, la matérialité de l’objet et sa réalité constructive. / In the aftermath of the Second World War in France, an iconic renewal of sacred art and religious architecture was triggered by the clergy being concerned to set the Church as the cornerstone of contemporary creation. Given the significant changes in religious rites at the time, the Christian community decided to build new places of worship giving them the opportunity to introduce bold designs based on innovative construction techniques. As one of the major battlegrounds of the Second World War, the Lorraine region then appeared to be the perfect field for rethinking modernity through a wealth of architectural, formal and building experiments inspired by groundbreaking creations made in Switzerland and Germany in the interwar period. Our research work analyses the links between the Catholic Church’s ambitions, the constraints resulting from the post-war Reconstruction and urban sprawl context, and both formal and material suggestions made by contemporary designers. The whole corpus includes one hundred and seventeen projects and productions created in Lorraine between 1945 and 1975. It focuses on the most pioneering buildings while offering a wide range of objects, be it for their historical background or their materiality. The selected churches were designed by architects from diverse regions and with variable fame. In addition, they differed in scopes and geographical contexts – urban, suburban and rural. Taking both quantity and quality perspectives into account, our study revolves around three main lines of research :– In which conditions were the architectural objects produced (ordering process, funding, stakeholders, etc.) ?– What influenced their production and how were they received ? This has been observed through the analysis of trade papers and the Catholic press.– Eventually, how to describe their material nature and their reality as construction products ?
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Rörelsekapitalets påverkan på svenska nyintroducerade företags finansiella prestation och värdeutveckling i tider av ekonomisk tillväxt / The effect of working capital management on performance and firm value for Swedish IPO companies during an economic boomAndersson, Daniel, Wittenby, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund Rörelsekapitalet är ett företags livsnerv, det kan öppna upp för nya affärsmöjligheter; upprätthålla och förbättra kundrelationer samt föra nya produkter och teknologi till marknaden. Samtidigt kan dess hantering vara avgörande för om företaget riskerar att bli insolvent och gå i konkurs. Hur rörelsekapitalet hanteras är därmed av yttersta vikt för ett företag, då det påverkar företagets lönsamhet, likviditet och risk. Detta borde vara av intresse för investerare som vill maximera sin avkastning och för företagsledare som önskar maximera verksamhetens genererade vinst. Syfte Studiens ämnar analysera vikten av rörelsekapitalets hantering för nyintroducerade svenska företag och hur det påverkar deras finansiella prestation och värdeutveckling i en tid av ekonomisk tillväxt. Metod Detta är en kvantitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats. Finansiella data kommer analyseras över en tidsperiod på fem, fyra eller tre år beroende på när företagen introduceras på börsen vilket gör det till en longitudinell studie. Vidare används korrelationsmatris och regressioner för att analysera variablernas samband och därmed besvara studiens syfte. Slutsats Resultatet pekar på ett negativt samband mellan rörelsekapitalshantering och lönsamhet, positivt samband mellan rörelsekapitalshantering och likviditet samt ett negativt samband mellan rörelsekapitalshantering och värdeutveckling. / Introduction Working capital is the life blood of a company. It is an enabler of business opportunities; a sustainer and improver of businessrelations and also an envoy of new products and technology. The management of working capital decides if a company might become insolvent or even file for bankrupcy. How the working capital is managed is therefore of utmost importancet to a company, since it detirmines the company's performance, liquidity and risk. Hence, it should be of import to prospect investors that want to maximize the return of the investment and also decision makers who wishes to maximize the operational profits. Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze the importance of efficient working capital management and its effect on financial performance and firm value for Swedish IPO companies during an economic boom. Methodology This is a quantiative study utilizing a deductive approach. Financial data is analysed over a period of five, four or three years depending on when the IPO occured, which classifies this as a longitudinal study. A correlation matrix and regressions will be used to establish the relationships between the variables and thereby fulfill the purpose of the study. Findings The resuslts indicate a negative correlation between CCC and profitability, a positive correlation between CCC and liquidity and a negative correlation between CCC and Tobin's Q.
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Investeringsstrategier under olika ekonomiska tillstånd : En kvantitativ studie på den svenska aktiemarknaden som undersöker hur Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, OMXS30 samt OMXSSCPI har presterat under hög-, lågkonjunktur och mellan 2007-2021.Lundh, Linus, Huzevka, Matej January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att förklara olika konjunkturlägens påverkan på totalavkastningen samt den riskjusterade avkastningen för tre olika investeringsstrategier. Dessa var Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor samt indexen OMX Stockholm 30 och OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index. Den förstnämnda strategin utgår ifrån det 14:e kapitlet i Benjamin Grahams bok, The Intelligent Investor. Genom att ställa höga krav på faktorer som lönsamhet, kontinuitet av utdelningar och låg värdering m.m. filtrerar denna aktiva investeringsstrategi bort många bolag och lämnar kvar stabilare bolag med lägre risk. OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index valdes eftersom det innehåller helt andra sorters bolag än Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, vilket är småbolag. OMX Stockholm 30 valdes i sin tur för att bolagen i detta index, likt de Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor väjer ut, är stora bolag som ofta associeras med lägre risk. Detta genomfördes med syftet att hitta större kontraster mellan strategierna. Dessa strategier undersöktes under lågkonjunkturen 2007-2011, högkonjunkturen 2016-2019 samt under 15-årsperioden 2007-2021. Avkastningarna mättes i totalavkastning och CAGR medan deriskjusterade avkastningarna mättes med hjälp av Sharpekvot, Treynorkvot samt Jensen’s Alpha. Denna studie kom fram till att totalavkastningen för de olika strategierna skiljer sig åt mellan de olika perioderna. OMXS30 genererade högst totalavkastning under lågkonjunkturen medan OMXSSCPI genererade högst avkastning under både högkonjunkturen och under 15-årsperioden. Resultaten för de riskjusterade måtten visade på att det inte fanns någon statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan strategierna, vilket indikerar att skillnaderna i totalavkastningen beror på den risk som tas. / This study aimed to explain the impact of different economic conditions on the total return and riskadjusted return of three investment strategies: Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, OMXStockholm 30, and OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index. The first strategy is based on the 14th chapter of Benjamin Graham's book, "The Intelligent Investor." By demanding high profitability, dividend continuity, low valuation, and other criteria, this active investment strategy filters out manycompanies and focuses on more stable companies with lower risk. OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index was chosen because it includes a different set of companies compared to Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, specifically small-cap companies. On the other hand, OMX Stockholm 30 was selected because the companies in this index, similar to those preferred by Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, are large companies often associated with lower risk. This was done in orderto identify more significant contrasts between the strategies. These strategies were examined during the recession 2007-2011, the economic boom 2016-2019, and a 15-year period 2007-2021. Returns were measured in terms of total return and compound annual growth rate (CAGR), while risk-adjusted returns were assessed using the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, and Jensen's Alpha. This study found that the total returns of the different strategies varied across the different periods. OMX Stockholm 30 generated the highest return during the low economic cycle, while OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index produced the highest return during both the high economic cycle and the 15-year period. The results for the risk-adjusted measures indicated no significant differences between the strategies, suggesting that the variations in total returns are attributable to the level of risk undertaken.
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