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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mega project analysis : a case study of the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project

Parrock, Philip 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mega projects have fascinated human beings for as long as history can remember. The urge to build something bigger and better than has ever been done before has always been a driving force behind the human race’s relentless pursuit of technological advancement. It is in this vein that mega projects have evolved over time, as methods of construction improved, so did the scale on which people could attempt new projects. The Channel Tunnel between England and France, the Hoover Dam in America and the Millau Viaduct in the French countryside are some of the biggest examples of infrastructure projects in the world and these are all unequivocally, mega projects. Costing at least $ 250 million and incorporating major technological challenges, mega projects continue to inspire and motivate artists and engineers alike. This thesis seeks to expand people’s understanding of the analysis of these mega projects. Mega project analysis is a field that has struggled to differentiate itself ordinary project analysis. The Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP) and the associated e-tolling mega project will be analysed in this thesis. The framework for analysis will be provided by the work of Flyvbjerg, Bruzelius and Rothengatter (2003), who seek to analyse mega project success or failure based on three key indicators of economic sustainability, environmental concerns and the effect of public support. This thesis will use the indicators of economic sustainability and the effect of public support to determine whether the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP) can be viewed as a failed mega project or not. After an in-depth study of the data and material available, this descriptive and explanatory study shows that the GFIP and associated e-tolling mega project is indeed a failed mega project. This is because it has failed the analysis in both categories of economic sustainability and the effect of public support. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Megaprojekte het al eeue lank die mens gefasineer. Die neiging van die mens om iets groter en beter te maak as wat al ooit gemaak was het nog altyd baie dryfkrag verskaf vir die mens se strewe na tegnologiese verbetering. Dit is met hierdie idee in gedagte dat megaprojekte met tyd verander het, soos wat boumetodes verbeter het, so ook het die grootte van projekte verander wat mense kon aanpak. Die Channel Tonnel tussen Engeland en Frankryk, die Hoover Dam in Amerika en die Millau Brug in die Franse platteland is voorbeelde van die grootste infrastruktuur projekte ter wêreld en hierdie is al drie, sonder enige twyfel, megaprojekte. Teen ‘n koste van ten minste $ 250 miljoen en met grootskaalse tegnologiese uitdaging, hou megaprojekte aan om vir beide kunstenaars en ingenieurs te motiveer en uit te daag. Hierdie tesis poog om mense se kennis van die analise van megaprojekte te verbreed. Megaprojek analise is ‘n veld wat al jare lank sukkel om verskille te bewerkstellig tussen homself en gewone projek analise. Die “Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project” (GFIP) en die verwante e-toll megaprojek sal geanaliseer word in hierdie tesis. Die raamwerk vir analise sal deur Flyvbjerg, Bruzelius en Rothengatter (2003) verskaf word, waar die outeurs poog om megaprojekte se sukses of mislukking te bepaal gebaseer op die sleutel aanwysers van ekonomiese volhoubaarheid, omgewingskwessies en die effek van openbare ondersteuning. Hierdie tesis sal gebruik maak van die ekonomiese volhoubaarheid en openbare ondersteuning aanwysers om te bepaal of die GFIP beskou kan word as a mislukte megaprojek of nie. Na ‘n in-diepte study van die data en materiaal beskikbaar, sal hierdie beskrywende en verduidelikende studie wys dat die GFIP en verwante e-toll megaprojek inderdaad ‘n mislukte megaprojek is, as gevolg daarvan dat die GFIP megaprojek analise aandui dat die megaprojek misluk het in beide die ekonomiese volhoubaarheid en publieke ondersteunings aanwysers.

Ensuring sufficient capacity of logistical infrastructure for future growth

Gebhardt, Albertus Johannes 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explore how forecasting techniques can be combined in linear programming (LP) as a tool to optimise the parameters of forecasting methods in order to ensure sufficient capacity of logistic infrastructure exist for future growth. This study will use greenfield and brownfield projects from Sasol, a petrochemical company from South Africa, to test the methodology on. The methodology followed in the study was to firstly look at previous literature studies on logistical infrastructure and how to create sufficient capacity. Secondly, understandings of supply chain planning principles in general as well as supply chain planning in context of Sasol were investigated. Thirdly, different forecasting methods like; qualitative include judgemental, life cycle, Delphi method, market research etc. and quantitative methods including time series and causal methodologies had been investigated. Fourthly, decision making tools to incorporate multiple forecasts were investigated to understand why Sasol decided to use i2. Fifthly, the current capital project approach in Sasol had been investigated to fully understand where room for improvements would be possible. Finally the theory from the study was applied on two different projects in Sasol, one greenfield and one brownfield project. The results found that by using sound supply chain planning methodologies, sound supply chain design principles and multiple forecasts being combined by using LP decision making tools a better decision can be made with regards to logistical infrastructure investment as well as ensuring sufficient logistical infrastructure capacity. The two case studies have shown that this approach is flexible enough, apart from a few minor changes and can be adopted for both scenarios and that great results can be achieved. Logistical infrastructure could be optimised due to collaboration and the overall costs and performance of a supply chain improved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek hoe lineêre programmering ( LP ), as n hulpmiddel, gebruik kan word om vooruitskattingstegnieke te kombineer om sodoende die vooruitskattingsmetodes te optimaliseer en te verseker dat voldoende kapasiteit van logistieke infrastruktuur bestaan vir toekomstige groei. Hierdie studie se metodes sal getoets word op groenveld- en bruinveldprojekte van Sasol , 'n petrochemiese maatskappy van Suid –Afrika. Die metode gevolg tydens die studie, was eerstens om te kyk na vorige literatuurstudies oor logistieke infrastruktuur en hoe om voldoende kapasiteit te skep. Tweedens, om ‘n breë oorsig van die beginsels van voorsieningsketting-beplanning te bekom sowel as voorsieningsketting-beplanning in die konteks van Sasol te ondersoek. Derdens, verskillende vootuitskattingsmetodes soos kwalitatiewe metodes (insluitend veroordelende-, lewensiklus- en Delphi-metode en marknavorsing) en kwantitatiewe metodes (insluitend die tydreeks- en oorsaaklike metodes) is geondersoek. In die vierde plek is besluitnemingshulpmiddels, wat verskeie vooruitskattings kombineer, geondersoek om te verstaan waarom Sasol besluit het om i2 aan te koop. In die vyfde plek is die metode van Sasol se kapitaalprojekte geondersoek om te verstaan of daar nie moontlik ruimte vir verbeterings sou wees nie. Laastens is die studie se metode op twee projekte van Sasol toegepas, een groenveld- en een bruinveldprojek. In die studie is gevind dat beter besluite geneem kan word aangaande beleggings in logistieke infrastruktuur en om te verskere daar is voldoende logistieke infrastruktuur kapasiteit - deur gebruik te maak van optimale metodes in voorsieningsketting-beplanning en voorsieningskettingontwerp. Die twee gevallestudies het getoon dat hierdie benadering buigsaam genoeg is, afgesien van 'n paar klein veranderinge, om vir beide moontlikhede gebruik te kan word en goeie resultate te behaal. Deur die samewerking van verskeie besigheidseenhede kon logistieke infrastruktuur geoptimaliseer word terwyl die kostes en algehele prestasie van voorsieningsketting verbeter kon word.

Global taxes and a more equitable global political economy : a feminist analysis

Ellis, Emily Melissa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Feminist international relations theories stress that global solutions to environmental, social and economic dilemmas will not be accurately diagnosed nor corrected until hierarchal social relations, including gender relations, intrinsic to the global economic and political framework are recognized and altered. How does a feminist interpretation of international relations aid in the adoption of global taxes to benefit women? This study explores the ways a mechanism such as global taxation could be utilized to create a more equitable global political economy. The study is exploratory making use of a qualitative methodology employing secondary data from industries such as tourism, toy production, and textiles. Feminist perspectives on environmental, social, and economic security, rational actor behavior and collectivism facilitate the dialogue which is essential for global tax implementation. The adoption of global taxes has the capability to better the lived experiences of women globally by minimizing poverty and strengthening the working conditions of women worldwide. Proposed carbon taxes and global commons taxes work to redefine environmental security by placing appropriate price indicators on the use of globally used resources. Proposed email taxes, world trade taxes, and currency exchange fee taxes grant the fiscal resources necessary to create greater economic and social security. Chapter One is an analysis of the global political economy. Chapter Two explains the controversial and progressive idea of a global tax administered by the United Nations to deal with the inequity of globalization. Chapter Three focuses on the linkages between the introduction of a global tax and the feminist perspective on the global political economy. Chapter Four summarizes the structural inadequacies of the current economic framework to address the economic and social grievances that global taxes combat. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Feministiese teorieë oor internasionale verhoudinge benadruk die feit dat wêreldwye oplossings vir omgewings-, maatskaplike en ekonomiese probleme nóg akkuraat gediagnoseer nóg reggestel kan word tensy hiërargiese sosiale verhoudinge (waaronder genderverhoudinge), wat onlosmaaklik deel van die wêreldwye ekonomiese en politieke raamwerk is, as sulks erken en verander word. Hoe dra die feministiese interpretasie van internasionale verhoudinge by tot die instelling van wêreldwye belasting wat vroue tot voordeel strek? Hierdie studie ondersoek maniere waarop 'n meganisme soos wêreldwye belasting benut kan word om 'n billiker wêreldwye politieke ekonomie daar te stel. Die studie is ondersoekend van aard en maak gebruik van kwalitatiewe metodes wat sekondêre data uit bedrywe soos toerisme, speelgoedproduksie en die tekstielbedryf gebruik. Feministiese standpunte oor omgewings-, maatskaplike en ekonomiese sekuriteit, rasionele optrede en kollektivisme dra by tot dialoog wat noodsaaklik is vir die instelling van wêreldwye belasting. Danksy die instelling van wêreldwye belasting kan die lewenservaring van vroue wêreldwyd verbeter word deur armoede te beperk en werkstoestande van vroue wêreldwyd te verbeter. Die voorgestelde koolstofbelasting en wêreldmeent-belasting sal bydra tot 'n nuwe benadering in omgewingsbeveiliging deurdat toepaslike prysaanwysers aan die gebruik van wêreldwyd benutte hulpbronne gekoppel word. Die voorgestelde e-posbelasting, wêreldhandelbelasting en belasting op valutagelde sal nodige fiskale middele bied vir die daarstelling van beter ekonomiese en maatskaplike sekuriteit. Hoofstuk 1 is 'n analise van die wêreldwye politieke ekonomie. Hoofstuk 2 is 'n uiteensetting wêreldwye belasting as kontroversiële en progressiewe konsep, wat deur die Verenigde Nasies geadministreer sou word om die wanbalans in globalisasie die hoof te bied. Hoofstuk 3 handel oor die raakpunte tussen die instelling van 'n wêreldwye belasting en die feministiese beskouing van die wêreldwye politieke ekonomie. Hoofstuk 4 bied 'n oorsig oor die strukturele ontoereikendheid van die huidige ekonomiese raamwerk met betrekking tot die ekonomiese en maatskaplike griewe wat wêreldwye belasting sou bekamp.

Infrastructure and its impact on economic development : the case of South Africa and Brazil

Lazarus, Hilton 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDevF (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study looks at South Africa and Brazil in a comparative sense to determine how infrastructure development and investment since 1970 to 2002 impacted not only on aggregate GDP but also on social indicators such as gross national income (GNI), infant mortality and literacy within these countries. Although Brazil is four times the size of South Africa, the two countries have political and economic situations that are similar. The more recent history of the two countries suggests that infrastructure development and investment have received priority. The research methodology was to review related literature, secondly to statistically measure the impact of infrastructure investment on the factors mentioned using a linear regression model and, thirdly to analyze and discuss the outcomes. The role of government in infrastructure development is argued to be one of limited capital investment and more of a regulatory one with the consequent result of crowding-in private sector investment. Brazil has in recent times followed a route of public-private partnerships with the South African government on the other hand being the principal investor for infrastructure. The magnitude of elasticity of the impact of infrastructure in both South Africa and Brazil was found to be unusually large implying an implausibly high marginal rate of productivity for capital investment. This could be because of the incompleteness of the data obtained. Furthermore, infrastructure investment in Brazil is found to have a larger social impact than in South Africa, except for aggregate GDP. In conclusion, the results of the statistical analysis corroborate the assertion of the various literatures surveyed. The main findings of the analysis in this study do not conclusively suggest that the path followed by Brazil through public-private partnerships has had a far better effect than in the case of South Africa utilizing substantial government investment to promote infrastructure development. Although the study was not geared towards the effect of policies on the impact of infrastructure, especially on the social fabric of developing countries, further research in this area could be undertaken. The impact of individual measures of economic infrastructure such as railways, roads, ports, air travel, telephones and electricity could also be researched to determine their economic impact in South Africa and Brazil. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie tref ‘n vergelyking tussen Suid-Afrika en Brasilië om vas te stel hoe die ontwikkeling van infrastruktuur en belegging sedert 1970 tot 2002 nie net op die totale bruto binnelandse produk, maar ook op die sosiale aanwysers soos die bruto nasionale inkomste, die sterftesyfers van babas en die geletterdheidsvlakke van die lande impak. Alhoewel Brasilië vier maal groter as Suid-Afrika is, het die twee lande soortgelyke politieke en ekonomiese situasies. Die meer onlangse geskiedenis van die twee lande toon ook dat infrastruktuur en belegging geprioritiseer is. Die navorsingsmetodologie wat gebruik is, is om eerstens die betrokke literatuur te hersien, tweedens om statisties die impak van infrastruktuurbelegging op die gemelde faktore te meet deur ‘n lineêre regressiemodel te gebruik en derdens om die uitkomste te analiseer en te bespreek. Die rol van die regering in infrastruktuurontwikkeling word beskou as een van beperkte kapitaalbelegging en ‘n meer regulerende een met die gevolglike resultaat van verdringing van privaatsektorbelegging. Brasilië het onlangs die weg van openbaarprivate vennootskappe begin volg terwyl die Suid-Afrikaanse regering andersyds die hoofbelegger in infrastruktuur is. Dit is bevind dat die omvang van die elastisiteit van die impak van die infrastruktuur op beide Suid-Afrika en Brasilië ongewoon groot was, wat impliseer dat daar ‘n ongewoon-hoë marginale produktiwiteitskoers vir kapitaalbelegging was. Dit kan as gevolg van die onvolledigheid van die data wees. Verder het infrastruktuurbelegging in Brasilië ‘n groter sosiale impak as in Suid-Afrika getoon, buiten vir die totale bruto binnelandse produk. Ten slotte bevestig die resultate van die statistiese analise die aannames van die verskeidenheid literatuur wat geraadpleeg is. Die hoofbevindings van die analise in hierdie studie bewys nie dat die weg wat deur Brasilië deur middel van openbaar-private vennootskappe gevolg is ‘n baie beter effek het as wat in Suid-Afrika tot stand gebring is deur die benutting van die omvattende regeringsbelegging om infrastruktuurontwikkeling te bevorder nie. Alhoewel die studie nie gefokus was op die uitwerking van die beleide op die impak van infrastruktuur nie, veral op die sosiale sy van ontwikkelende lande nie, behoort verdere studie op hierdie gebied onderneem te word. Die impak van individuele maatstawwe van ekonomiese infrastruktuur soos spoorweë, paaie, hawens, lugvaart, telefone en elektrisiteit kan ook nagevors word om die ekonomiese impak op Suid-Afrika en Brasilië te bepaal.

The scope for private sector involvement in infrastructure development and finance in South Africa

Barnard, Nico 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / The aim of the study is to provide a framework for effective private sector participation in infrastructure development and finance, not to provide a rigid structure to guide the participation. Thus the framework is a flexible guide to guide the relationship with local governments. The study will be limited to the following aspects: - projects commissioned and managed by the local sphere of government in South Africa; - projects financed by funding outside of the national treasury budget allocations; and - infrastructure projects that may include physical infrastructure (roads), social infrastructure (clinic) and economic infrastructure (electrical substation). Even though the scope of the study may be limited, the study can provide critical insight in terms of private sector participation possibilities in infrastructure development in South Africa.

Developing a structured professional development program for engineering professionals within the public sector environment

Nel, Coenraad Josephus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is currently experiencing a time in which existing infrastructure is reaching its design life end. With a growing economy and the increased level of social development, existing infrastructure is under extreme pressure. South Africa is also facing a challenge in which a need exists for engineering capabilities. These capabilities include engineering skills to maintain and manage existing infrastructure, plan for new infrastructure and construct new needed infrastructure. This study looks at a possible solution towards the above mentioned challenges. As a solution, the study proposes a professional development program to prepare engineers to work in the environment of infrastructure development. More specifically the program prepares civil engineers to work in public sector organisations responsible for basic service infrastructure. The research for the proposed professional development program is done by comparing literature with feedback received from various industry professionals. By doing this, the components for the proposed program were researched and identified. The components for the proposed program are professional work experience, professional training and structured mentorship. A further deliverable of the proposed program is to assist candidates taking part in the program to register as professional engineers on completion of the program. The study further showed the proposed program should be structured in such a way that all the components mentioned above work together interactively and should be centrally managed to ensure all the goals for the program are being reached. It is further stated that if the proposed program could successfully be implemented and if all the stakeholders commit towards the goal of the proposed program, the program could have a significant positive impact towards the challenges mentioned above. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika beleef tans 'n tyd waarin bestaande infrastruktuur besig is om hul ontwerp tydperk te bereik. Met 'n groeiende ekonomie en die verhoogde vlak van maatskaplike ontwikkeling is bestaande infrastruktuur onder geweldige druk. Suid- Afrika staar ook tans `n uitdaging in die gesig in verband met onvoldoende getalle professionele ingenieurs, veral in die omgewing van die instandhouding van bestaande infrastruktuur, die konstruksie van nuwe infrastruktuur, en die beplanning van verdere nodige infrastruktuur. Hierdie studie ondersoek dus 'n moontlike oplossing tot bogenoemde uitdagings. As 'n moonlike oplossing stel die studie voor dat `n professionele ontwikkelingsprogram vir ingenieurs saamgestel word. So `n program sal dus ingenieurs oplei en voorberei vir werk binne die openbare sektor wat verantwoordelik is vir die ontwikkeling en bestuur van basiese dienste infrastruktuur. Die navorsing vir die voorgestelde professionele ontwikkeling program is gedoen deur bestaande literatuur te vergelyk met inligting ontvang vanaf verskeie professionele ingenieurs in die praktyk. Deur dit te doen, is die komponente vir die voorgestelde program nagevors en geïdentifiseer. Die geïdentifiseerde komponente vir die voorgestelde program is dus soos volg: professionele werkservaring, opleiding en gestruktureerde mentorskap. 'n Verdere aflewering van die voorgestelde program is om kandidate te registreer as professionele ingenieurs teen voltooiing van die program. Die studie toon ook verder aan dat al die komponente, soos wat hierbo genoem is, geïntegreerd moet plaasvind en dat die program gestruktureerd bestuur moet word vanaf `n sentrale punt of organisasie. Dit word dan verder genoem dat indien die voorgestelde program suksesvol geïmplementeer kan word, en indien die verskeie belanghebbendes tot die program hulle self tot die program kan verbind, die program 'n beduidende positiewe impak op die uitdagings hierbo kan maak.

Factors impacting the adoption of an electronic payment solution in the South African taxi industry: a study of taxi owners in the Johannesburg metropolitan area

Tshambula, Asanda January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management specialising in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation / Resistance to technological innovation by its end users is a crucial indicator which highlights information which could be utilised for a successful implementation of an innovation. The adoption of a technological innovation puts in jeopardy the internal environment, culture, identity and traditional practices of an industry. End-users have been known to be receptive to innovations as long as they do not change industry practices and help improve industry performance. This research seeks to address how an industry in the second economy characterised by high poverty, less education and minimum skills adopts and diffuse technological innovations. A survey was conducted and responses from 182 taxi owners was analysed. The research has identified that education, technology experience, relative advantage and trialability influence the probability of adoption. The results indicated that due to the nature of a social system there are different results about innovation attributes and different adopter categories can be identified in different social systems. Education and knowledge need to be addressed in order to formalise and modernise the taxi industry not just taxi owners but for taxi drivers and other members of the social system. The results have indicated that most taxi owners have positive attitudes about the electronic fare collection system. This research can contribute to the actual adoption and diffusion of the electronic payment system in the south African taxi industry. The electronic fare collection system needs to be sold for its commercial benefit to the taxi industry instead of being presented as a regulatory case for change. / MT2017

Effects of the proposed Licensing of Businesses Bill on migrant traders in Soweto

Motsoeneng, Mbali January 2017 (has links)
Research presented for the degree of Master of Management in the field of Public and Development Management to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management of the University of Witwatersrand. March 2016 / As an economic hub of Africa, South Africa has been experiencing an influx of economic and political migrants leading to the ethnic diversification of its population. This trend has incited a xenophobic atmosphere due to frustrations from locals, and has led to violent attacks towards foreign nationals. In particular, the Somali population has endured a high number of attacks as this group has successfully penetrated the informal business market in the townships of South Africa. Government has responded to these xenophobic attacks by proposing, amongst others, a Licensing of Businesses Bill in 2013. The bill has been criticised by the public as it is considered a hostile policy that aims to enforce regulations that restrict foreign nationals from operating businesses in the informal sector. This political dilemma has also led to questions as to how this policy response may have an effect on social cohesion in unequal societies where violence against Somalis is prevailing. The Klipspruit community was selected as it forms part of the City of Johannesburg that has a significant amount of Somali informal traders. The purpose of the study was to examine the root causes of violence against Somalis and the potential of the governments’ policy response to mitigate this phenomenon. In particular, the study also investigated the effect of the proposed Licensing of Businesses Bill on social cohesion development between Somalis and South Africans in Klipspruit. The qualitative research findings indicate that violence against Somalis was due to the economic situation, lack of regulation, competition and business miscommunication. The responses were generally driven by the perception that the government of South Africa introduced a bill that is fostered by nationalistic interests to the detriment of foreign nationals such as Somalis. It is therefore recommended that the government develops a way to enhance power sharing in decision-making processes, monitoring and correcting inequalities amongst culturally distinct groups, promoting cultural diversity and integration through education and lastly ensuring that the government acts in a constitutional manner. / GR2018

Factors affecting the growth of locally owned spaza shops in selected townships in South Africa

Mukwarami, Josephat January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Administration))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2017. / The ANC government relaxed a great many restrictions enforced by the apartheid regime. The restrictions included the illegal status of the spaza shops which operated in the townships. Faced with the challenge of unemployment, the present government crafted policies and programmes to support and promote the creation of Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises or SMMEs. However, despite all of these initiatives, the small grocery shops which are commonly known as spaza shops, and particularly those owned by South Africans, are faced with a number of obstacles with respect to the establishment, operation and growth. This study was undertaken in order to determine the factors which affect the startup and growth of locally owned spaza shops in the Gugulethu and Nyanga townships in Cape Town, and to identify the support strategies necessary to assist these shops to grow into sustainable businesses. The study was motivated by the growing informal economy which, if it is effectively taken advantage of and made use of, can, to some extent, create employment opportunities, particularly for the previously disadvantaged people in both the Gugulethu and the Nyanga townships. The study employed an exploratory and descriptive research design, and a quantitative empirical research approach, through the use of a self-administered questionnaire. The findings of the research study revealed that there are significant challenges which adversely affect South African-owned spaza shops, and that obstacles are encountered during the startup and growth phases. Although the factors which affect the spaza shops adversely are many, it is important to single out the most significant ones. The significant factors evidence from the study were a lack of startup and expansion capital, load shedding, the lack of a network to buy cheaply in bulk, competition from non-South African entrepreneurs, crime, costs incurred by transportation of stock, a lack of collateral security to obtain finance from lenders, inadequate ability to handle financial records, a lack of management skills and a lack of information concerning government services.

Investigating channels of cash circulation adopted by unbanked (African) migrants in Pretoria Central Business District (CBD)

Mavodza, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Research Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of a Master of Arts Degree in Development studies by Coursework and Research Report. Faculty of Humanities, University of Witwatersrand 2016 / This study explored cash circulation channels adopted by unbanked migrants in Pretoria Central Business District (CBD), South Africa. To understand the complex nature of cash circulation and the subjective practices of migrants, in-depth interviews were conducted with sixteen migrants selected through snowballing sampling. Collected primary data were analysed thematically, from particular to general themes depending on the responses provided by the informants. The study adopted the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF) as an analytical tool to show how in the face of structural and institutional barriers, unbanked migrants have the capability to adopt digital solutions and socially embedded channels which are more flexible and sustainable in their livelihoods. These include informal channels such as hawala, malaichas and digital solutions like Kawena and Mukuru. By using this framework, the report reveals what unbanked migrants are doing on the ground, what shapes adopted cash circulation processes and the resultant livelihood outcomes. The study aimed at contributing to previous research on money transfer mechanisms adopted by unbanked African migrants. The conclusion reached is that, by adopting various socially embedded cash circulation channels, unbanked migrants circumvent structural constraints and, by so doing, financially include more people who were previously excluded. Although the study was limited to a small sample, it raises strong implications for policy makers to look at the inherent strength of migrants as development actors. Findings from this exploratory study are critical in that they open new niches for research on migrants and financial exclusion in Africa and beyond. / GR2017

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