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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Subcultural distinction in East Asian education : the case of high school rock in Taiwan

Wang, Chi-Chung January 2017 (has links)
What kind of rock culture would grow out of an exam-oriented educational system? In the western rock world, self-learning has been characterized as most popular musicians’ principal learning pattern, closely intertwined with the “DIY” ethos and the counter school culture. This research aims to present a different case, that of the “schooled” rock music in Taiwan. Over the last three decades, rock music in Taiwan has grown in popularity, while Taipei has gradually earned the reputation of being the “Mandarin pop/indie capital.” In its developmental process, a few characteristics are worthy of the attention of both the Sociology of Education and youth cultural studies. Firstly, learning rock instruments in regular high school is the main route for teenagers to gain access to rock culture. Secondly, where elite students tend to devote more time to rock music activities than other students, their musical repertoire is characterized by producing covers of heavy metal tunes instead of song-writing. This thesis will probe the rationale behind this phenomenon by answering the following questions: What can best explain the appeal of heavy rock to Taiwanese elite high school students? Why do they not write their own songs? Drawing upon data collected through a school ethnography, it is revealed that the ways Taiwanese elite high school students participate in musical activities can be best understood to be part of a subcultural milieu marked by the collective pursuit of “dual excellence in both study and play”. In this symbolic space, the demanding technical requirements for acquiring several playing techniques allow rock to become a rankable sphere of activity in which elite students struggle for subcultural superiority according to measurable musical standards. The emphasis on instrumental virtuosity conforms to students’ competitive disposition manufactured through academic exams. With these features, rock music becomes a particular form of subcultural activity which allows elite students to not only resist educational control, but also exert symbolic violence over peers of lower-ranked high schools by showing technical superiority. This thesis extends the CCCS’s subcultural solution to the analysis of “subcultural distinction”. In distinction to the “internal perspective” of Sarah Thornton’s conception of subcultural capital (1995), a more holistic framework is developed to explore the relationship between the wider patterns of social division, young people’s subcultural participation, and the shaping of the value hierarchy both within and outside the subcultural sphere. Further, the thesis explores the educational system’s active role in shaping youth subcultures. I demonstrate how education in Taiwan is institutionally mediated by the exam regime to be a powerful logic of social differentiation, and the ways young people’s subcultural choices are constrained by their educational career advance from high school to university. The study also has important implications for the educational policy making in Taiwan. By looking at how students “play,” I propose a new exploratory route to illuminate the widespread impact of the exam-oriented educational system on students’ creativity and identity formation.

Konvergenzen oder dauerhafte Unterschiede? / zur Entwicklung der Studienent-scheidungen und nachschulischen Bildungsverläufe seit 1990 in Ost- und West-deutschland

Spangenberg, Heike 09 January 2017 (has links)
Ein Vierteljahrhundert nach der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands gibt es zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland nach wie vor differierende Anteile von Personen, die eine schulische Hochschulzugangsberechtigung erlangen und diese anschließend durch den Übergang an eine Hochschule einlösen. Mittels eines selbst entwickelten Modells, das sich an die soziologische Wert-Erwartungs-Theorie von Erikson & Jonsson sowie den lebensverlaufstheoretischen Ansatz von Mayer anlehnt, werden verschiedene individuelle und kontextuelle Einflussfaktoren der Studienentscheidung erstmals in einem Kohortenvergleich seit 1990 betrachtet. Neben der Schwelle Hochschulzugang werden zudem erstmals die Bildungsverläufe von zwei Studienberechtigtenkohorten in ihrer Gesamtheit, also unter Berücksichtigung von Fortbildung, Erwerbs- und Familienverläufen über einen Zeitraum von zehneinhalb Jahren vergleichend in den Blick genommen und mittels Sequenzmusteranalysen jeweils typische Verlaufsmuster für ost- und westdeutsche Studienberechtigte ermittelt. Zur Untersuchung der zentralen Forschungsfrage nach Konvergenzen, Divergenzen und dauerhaften Unterschieden in den individuellen und kontextuellen Einflussfaktoren der Studienentscheidung sowie den nachschulischen Bildungsverläufen seit 1990 in Ost- und Westdeutschland werden Daten der DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 1990, 1994, 1999, 2002 und 2006 verwendet. Zusammenfassend werden zahlreiche Konvergenzen und Gemeinsamkeiten identifiziert, insbesondere bei den individuellen Einflussfaktoren für eine Studienentscheidung. Charakteristische Ost-West-Unterschiede zeigen sich u.a. bei der Bedeutung der bisherigen Bildungsbiografie und der antizipierten Studienkosten für die Studienentscheidung sowie der Hochschulentfernung. Die nachschulischen Bildungs- und Lebensverläufe weisen bereits bei der Kohorte 1990 erhebliche Gemeinsamkeiten auf. Bei der Kohorte 1999 haben sich neue Unterschiede bei der Bedeutung von Arbeitslosigkeit und Familientätigkeit herausgebildet. / A quarter of a century has passed since the reunification of Germany. The proportion of young people who acquire a university entrance qualification and those who attend university subsequently differ in part considerably between East and West Germany. This survey examines different individual and contextual factors, which influence the decision to attend university, for the first time by contrasting cohorts since 1990, using a specifically developed model, which closely follows the rational choice model by Erikson & Jonsson and the life-course theory approach by Mayer. The transition to a university is one threshold in the complete educational after-school career. Therefore, the educational careers of two cohorts entitled to study are for the first time examined as a whole, regarding further training, as well as occupational trajectories and family development over a period of ten and a half years after schooldays; by means of sequence pattern analyses, typical sequential patterns of school leavers from East and respectively West Germany are identified. For the examination of the central research question concerning convergences, divergences and permanent differences with regard to the individual and contextual factors, which have influenced study decisions and after-school educational careers since 1990 in East and West Germany, this investigation uses data from the DZHW panels about persons entitled to study from 1990, 1994, 1999, 2002, and 2006. To sum up, numerous convergences and commonalities can be identified, especially regarding the individual factors, which influence the decision to attend university. But typical East-West differences appear with regard to the importance of the previous educational career and the anticipated costs to study, but also the distance of university. The after-school educational and life courses have already many common features in the cohort from 1990. New differences have developed in the cohort from 1999.

Vliv rodiny na výběr povolání u žáků ZŠ / The Family Influence over Choosing an Occupation of Elementary School Pupils

Rezková, Aneta January 2012 (has links)
RESUME The times based on one individual's decision about which school to study to be able to choose further continuous and smooth career path has been over. As a result of current global and local social changes everybody should be prepared to the every possible change in career. Nevertheless the first choice of career is still an important milestone and can direct the individual career, but it is not the only key milestone, that determines the individual career once and for ever. People in contemporary world should be able to respond quickly to constant changes, evaluate new situations and be able to make the right decisions. The widespread myth is that success means to raise money as quickly as possible to guarantee the freedom and happiness. But a real success is a contented life, which is a long way over such values as for example certainty that we are doing the work that we like and which fills us with satisfaction. Individual goal is to focus on the abilities and skills so that the decision directs to such a career path where one will be able to optimally exploit one's potential in a future career. In the beginning of a career path a family as a primary socializing agent and the closest partner institution in the life of the pupil should fulfil its role in close cooperation with the school that...

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