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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effort distribution for the Small System Migration Framework

Strohkirch, Cornelis, Österberg, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Performing a migration of a legacy system can often be a daunting task. However, there often comes a time where maintaining a legacy system is not profitable. At such a time, estimating how much effort is required to perform a migration can be vital for the legacy system holders. There is a lack of research that shows the effort distribution for migrations of small legacy systems.The contribution of this thesis is an effort distribution for a framework for migrations called Small System Migration Framework (SSMF) and SSMF. The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate how the effort is distributed over different activities when migrating a small legacy system. The goal of the thesis is to help provide a basis for the estimation process during migrations. This was done by documenting how effort is distributed over different activities contained in SSMF.This thesis takes an abductive approach, combining an inductive approach used in the creation of a framework and a deductive approach to document how effort was distributed during the migration. A framework was created using the literature study and this framework was used to conduct a migration.The result of this thesis was an updated framework and a table presenting the effort distribution of the migration. The framework showed factors that were influential when migrating the system. The effort distribution presents how effort is distributed over activities and shows which activities during the migration required more effort.Finally the thesis concludes that effort is highly centered around the preparation phase of the migration. Understanding legacy systems can be a challenge, lacking documentation and issues brought by the lack of maintenance results in high effort during this phase. Allocating more resources for the preparation phase and having access to people with experience during the preparation phase would likely make for a smoother transition with less unidentified problems appearing. / Att utföra en migration av ett ”legacy” system kan ofta vara en skrämmande uppgift. Det kommer dock ofta en tidpunkt då det inte längre är lönsamt att underhålla ett legacy system. Vid en sådan tidpunkt kan estimering av hur mycket insats som krävs för att utföra en migrering vara vital för ägarna av legacy systemet. Det finns en avsaknad av forskning som visar hur insats är fördelad för migrationer av små system.Bidraget av denna avhandling är ett ramverk för migrationer kallat Small System Migration Framework (SSMF) och en insats fördelning for SSMF. Ändamålet för avhandlingen är att evaluera hur insats är fördelad över olika aktiviteter vid migrering av små ”legacy” system. Målet med avhandlingen är att hjälpa förse en bas för estimeringsprocessen under migrering. Detta gjordes genom att dokumentera hur insats var fördelad över olika aktiviter i SSMF.Denna avhandling använde sig av ett abduktiv tillvägagångsätt, en kombination av ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt i skapandet av ett ramverk och ett deduktivt tillvägagångsätt i dokumenteringen av hur insats var fördelad under migrationen. En litteratur studie gjordes för att skapa ramverket och detta ramverk användes sedan för att göra en migrering.Resultatet av fallstudien var ett uppdaterat ramverk och en tabell som presenterar insatsfördelningen för en migrering. Ramverket visade faktorer som var inflytelserika vid migrering av systemet. Insatsfördelningen presenterade hur insats var fördelat mellan olika aktiviter och vilka aktiviteter som krävde mer insats under migreringen.Slutligen sammanfattar avhandlingen att insats är högt centrerad runt förberedelsefasen vid migrering. Att förstå legacy system kan vara en utmaning, bristande dokumentation och problem från bristande underhåll resulterar i hög insatsfördelning i denna fas. Allokering av mer resurser vid förberedelsefasen och att ha tillgång till personer med erfarenheter vid förberedelsefasen skulle troligen ge en mjukare övergång med mindre oidentifierade problem som visar sig.

Tidsfördelning vid vidareutveckling av "legacy" system / Time Distribution when Reconstructing Legacy Software System

Jakobsson, Rikard, Molin, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Att arbeta med ett äldre så kallat legacy-system är en vanlig uppgift bland dagens programmerare men det saknas data om hur arbetsinsatsen är fördelad. Denna data vore användbar för att utvärdera hur kostsamt det är att vidareutveckla ett system kontra en omskrivning eller migration. För att åtgärda detta bidrar den här undersökningen med data som visar arbetsinsatsfördelningen vid migration av ett mindre legacy-system. Frågan som undersöks är ”Hur fördelas kostnaden i tid när man utvärderar och bygger om ett legacy-system?. Grunden för data i denna undersökning kommer ifrån utvecklingen av ett litet studentutvecklat system som använts på KTH och som var i stort behov av uppdatering. Det fanns mycket dokumentation om systemets krav och design, men den kod som fanns var ej användbar då den ej var dokumenterad och saknade klar struktur. Detta ledde till en omskrivning av systemet enligt de krav som tidigare formulerats. I det här projektet användes en vetenskaplig fallstudie med en kvantitativ metod för att få fram resultat. Tiden som lades ned på de moment som identifierats innan uppstart mättes och användes för att beräkna arbetsinsatsfördelningen. Resultatet av denna undersökning är en samling data som kan användas för uppskattningen av arbetsinsatsfördelningen vid omskrivningen av ett mindre legacy-system. I denna undersökning redovisas arbetsinsatsfördelningen som uppmätts under migrationen av ett legacy-system till en ny teknologi, då det existerande systemet inte betraktades som värt att uppdatera. Undersökningens slutsats är att om det finns ett bra förarbete som går att använda för att bygga om systemet så kommer majoriteten av arbetsarbetsinsatsen att läggas på implementeringen av systemet i kod. / Working with legacy-systems is a common task for programmers, and the development of these requires a great effort, but data regarding the distribution of this effort is scarce. This data would be valuable when evaluating the cost of continued development of a system compared to a rewrite or migration. To rectify this, we aim to provide a datapoint regarding the effort distribution for the migration of a small legacy-system. Our question is “How is the cost in time distributed when a legacy-system is evaluated and rebuilt?”. The data presented in this thesis comes from the development of a legacy-system developed by students at KTH. The system needed an update since it had ceased to function. There was a great amount of documentation with regards to requirement specifications and application design which could be used when redeveloping the system. The code, however, lacked any substantial documentation and structure, so it was decided early on that rewriting the system according to the existing documentation was going to be more efficient than working with the code for the current system. A scientific case study built on quantitative methods was used to collect data. To measure effort the time spent on each predefined moment was counted in minutes, and this was used to calculate the distribution of effort. The result of this thesis is a table of data and a review of the distribution of effort when working on a small legacy-system with clear requirements. The data produced in this thesis is based on the effort spent on rewriting a system that was not worth updating. The conclusion of this thesis is that most of the effort will be spent on implementing the code when a clearly defined system is rewritten from the ground up.

人際親疏與目標設定對團體中個人工作及團體工作努力分配的影響 / The effects of interpersonal relationship and goal setting on effort distribution between individual tasks and group tasks.

王榮春 Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究中,研究者選擇讓個體在有限的時間中,處理兩件工作。其中一 件工作是個人工作;另外一件工作,是團體工作。研究的主要目的有二: 第一,膫解個體在資源有限情況下,對於團體工作及個人工作的努力分配 。第二,是想探討「團體人際親疏度」與「團體目標設定方式」二變項, 是否會影響個體在上述情況下的努力分配。本研究的受試為126名政大 女學生,三人一組。其中互相熟識(親密組)與互不相識(疏遠組)各佔 一半。在受試來到實驗室之後,研究者將兩組受試隨機分派到無團體目標 組、參與式團體目標設定組或指派式團體目標設定組中。研究採用2x3 (人際親疏:親密、疏遠;目標設定:無目標、參與式、指派式)的二因 子實驗設計,分別計量受試在「五分鐘工作時間」及「各時段」的團體、 個人工作表現各佔所有工作表現的百分比,並以問卷測量受試對於實驗處 理的一些主觀知覺。研究的結果發現:(一)整體受試者對個人工作努力 比率要比團體工作來的高。(二)親密組受試在團體工作的努力比率要比 疏遠組高。(三)參與式團體目標設定組與指派式團體目標組受試者在團 體工作上的努力比率要比無目標組來的高。(四)參與式團體目標設定組 與指派式團體目標設定組受試者在團體工作的努力比率上並無差異。(五 )團體目標設定與團體人際親疏之間並無交互作用。(六)各組受試者在 實驗過程中整體的反應趨勢及各時段的工作反應,會隨著進行的各階段有 所差異。最後本研究跟據實驗所得結果,討論研究結果的意義及啟示。 In this study, experimenter informed subjects to per- form two tasks at the same time; one was individual task, the other was group task. The purposes of this study were to (1) investigate how subjects distributed their limited effort between group tasks and indivi- dual tasks, and (2) investigate the effects of inter- personal relationship (familiar vs. unfamiliar) and goal setting condition (no group goal vs.assigned group goal vs. participated group goal) on effort distribu- tion between individual tasks and group tasks. It was found that (1) subjects distrubuted more efforts to in- dividual tasks than group tasks , and (2) familiar group subjects distributed more effort to group tasks than unfamiliar group subjects, and (3)assigned group goal and participated group goal subjects distributed more efforts to group tasks than no group goal subjects . The implication of these findings for goal setting theory and interpersonal theory was discussed.

Perception d’effort et de mise en charge et asymétrie motrice lors du passage assis à debout chez le sujet hémiparétique

Brière, Anabèle 08 1900 (has links)
L’asymétrie de mise en charge (MEC) lors du passage assis à debout (PAD) chez les personnes hémiparétiques est une observation clinique connue mais peu expliquée. Ce projet visait donc le développement de connaissances sur les facteurs explicatifs de l’asymétrie de MEC chez cette clientèle en s’intéressant plus spécifiquement au lien entre la distribution des efforts aux genoux lors du PAD et l’asymétrie de MEC observée ainsi qu’à la perception de ces deux éléments lors de cette tâche. Ainsi, les objectifs généraux étaient de : 1) déterminer si l’exécution spontanée asymétrique du PAD des sujets hémiparétiques est expliquée par une distribution des efforts symétriques aux genoux en quantifiant ces efforts par le Taux d’utilisation musculaire électromyographique (TUMEMG) et, 2) déterminer si les individus hémiparétiques sont conscients des stratégies motrices qu’ils utilisent en évaluant leurs perceptions de MEC et d’efforts aux genoux durant le PAD. La première étude a évalué la capacité des personnes hémiparétiques à percevoir leur distribution de MEC aux membres inférieurs lors du PAD. Par rapport aux participants sains, leur distribution de MEC fut davantage asymétrique et leurs erreurs de perception plus élevées. La deuxième étude a quantifié la distribution des efforts aux genoux chez les sujets sains et hémiparétiques lors du PAD spontané. Les deux groupes ont montré une association entre leur distribution de MEC et leur distribution d’effort. Toutefois, la relation était plus faible chez les patients. Le classement des participants hémiparétiques en sous-groupes selon leur degré d’asymétrie de force maximale des extenseurs des genoux (faible, modéré, sévère) a révélé une similarité des efforts aux genoux parétique et non parétique chez le groupe ayant une atteinte sévère. La troisième étude a déterminé si la perception de la distribution des efforts aux genoux des sujets hémiparétiques était reliée à leur distribution réelle d’effort mesurée lors de PAD exécutés dans différentes positions de pieds. En plus d’être incapables de percevoir les changements de distribution d’effort induits par les différentes positions de pieds, leurs erreurs de perception d’effort furent plus élevées que celles de MEC. Par le biais du test fonctionnel assis-debout de cinq répétitions, la dernière étude a déterminé l’influence du nombre de répétitions du PAD sur les distributions de MEC et d’efforts aux genoux chez les sujets sains et hémiparétiques. Contrairement aux contrôles, les distributions des sujets hémiparétiques furent plus asymétriques à la première répétition du test fonctionnel que lors de l’exécution spontanée unique du PAD. En somme, les résultats de cette thèse ont démontré que la distribution des efforts aux genoux doit être considérée parmi les facteurs explicatifs de l’asymétrie de MEC des individus hémiparétiques lors du PAD et qu’il y a un besoin de mieux documenter la perception des personnes hémiparétiques lorsqu’elles exécutent des tâches fonctionnelles. / Weight-bearing (WB) asymmetry during sit-to-stand (STS) in hemiparetic individuals is frequently observed in clinical practice but it has never been well explained. The aim of this project, therefore, was to develop our knowledge of the factors accounting for the WB asymmetry in this population by focusing more specifically on the relationship between the knee effort distribution during the STS task and the WB asymmetry observed as well as on the perception of these two elements during this task. Thus, the general objectives were to: 1) determine whether the spontaneous asymmetrical execution of the STS task in hemiparetic subjects can be explained by a symmetrical distribution of the efforts at the knees by quantifying these efforts using the Electromyographic Muscular Utilization Ratio (EMUR) and, 2) determine whether these hemiparetic individuals are aware of their motor strategies by evaluating their perception of both knee effort and WB distributions during the STS task. The first study evaluated the capacity of hemiparetic persons to perceive their WB distribution at their lower limbs during the STS task. Compared to the healthy participants, their WB distribution was more asymmetrical and they showed greater errors in perception. The second study quantified the distribution of efforts at the knees among healthy and hemiparetic subjects during a spontaneous STS task. Both groups showed an association between their WB distribution and their distribution of efforts but the relationship was not as strong in the hemiparetic group. Dividing the hemiparetic participants into subgroups, according to their knee extensors’ strength asymmetries (mild, moderate, severe), revealed symmetrical knee efforts between sides for the severe group. The third study determined whether hemiparetic individuals’ perception of their knee effort distribution was related to their real distribution of efforts measured during STS tasks performed in various foot positions. Not only were they unable to perceive the changes in the distribution of effort induced by the different foot positions but their errors in perception of effort were greater than in WB. With the use of the five-repetition sit-to-stand test, the last study determined the influence of the number of repetitions of the STS on the distributions of WB and effort at the knees among healthy and hemiparetic subjects. Unlike the controls, the distributions of the hemiparetic subjects were more asymmetrical at the first repetition of the functional test than in the single spontaneous execution of the STS. To summarize, the results of this thesis showed that the distribution of efforts at the knees should be considered among other factors explaining the WB asymmetry of hemiparetic individuals during STS and that there is a need to better document the perception of hemiparetic persons when they execute functional tasks.

Perception d’effort et de mise en charge et asymétrie motrice lors du passage assis à debout chez le sujet hémiparétique

Brière, Anabèle 08 1900 (has links)
L’asymétrie de mise en charge (MEC) lors du passage assis à debout (PAD) chez les personnes hémiparétiques est une observation clinique connue mais peu expliquée. Ce projet visait donc le développement de connaissances sur les facteurs explicatifs de l’asymétrie de MEC chez cette clientèle en s’intéressant plus spécifiquement au lien entre la distribution des efforts aux genoux lors du PAD et l’asymétrie de MEC observée ainsi qu’à la perception de ces deux éléments lors de cette tâche. Ainsi, les objectifs généraux étaient de : 1) déterminer si l’exécution spontanée asymétrique du PAD des sujets hémiparétiques est expliquée par une distribution des efforts symétriques aux genoux en quantifiant ces efforts par le Taux d’utilisation musculaire électromyographique (TUMEMG) et, 2) déterminer si les individus hémiparétiques sont conscients des stratégies motrices qu’ils utilisent en évaluant leurs perceptions de MEC et d’efforts aux genoux durant le PAD. La première étude a évalué la capacité des personnes hémiparétiques à percevoir leur distribution de MEC aux membres inférieurs lors du PAD. Par rapport aux participants sains, leur distribution de MEC fut davantage asymétrique et leurs erreurs de perception plus élevées. La deuxième étude a quantifié la distribution des efforts aux genoux chez les sujets sains et hémiparétiques lors du PAD spontané. Les deux groupes ont montré une association entre leur distribution de MEC et leur distribution d’effort. Toutefois, la relation était plus faible chez les patients. Le classement des participants hémiparétiques en sous-groupes selon leur degré d’asymétrie de force maximale des extenseurs des genoux (faible, modéré, sévère) a révélé une similarité des efforts aux genoux parétique et non parétique chez le groupe ayant une atteinte sévère. La troisième étude a déterminé si la perception de la distribution des efforts aux genoux des sujets hémiparétiques était reliée à leur distribution réelle d’effort mesurée lors de PAD exécutés dans différentes positions de pieds. En plus d’être incapables de percevoir les changements de distribution d’effort induits par les différentes positions de pieds, leurs erreurs de perception d’effort furent plus élevées que celles de MEC. Par le biais du test fonctionnel assis-debout de cinq répétitions, la dernière étude a déterminé l’influence du nombre de répétitions du PAD sur les distributions de MEC et d’efforts aux genoux chez les sujets sains et hémiparétiques. Contrairement aux contrôles, les distributions des sujets hémiparétiques furent plus asymétriques à la première répétition du test fonctionnel que lors de l’exécution spontanée unique du PAD. En somme, les résultats de cette thèse ont démontré que la distribution des efforts aux genoux doit être considérée parmi les facteurs explicatifs de l’asymétrie de MEC des individus hémiparétiques lors du PAD et qu’il y a un besoin de mieux documenter la perception des personnes hémiparétiques lorsqu’elles exécutent des tâches fonctionnelles. / Weight-bearing (WB) asymmetry during sit-to-stand (STS) in hemiparetic individuals is frequently observed in clinical practice but it has never been well explained. The aim of this project, therefore, was to develop our knowledge of the factors accounting for the WB asymmetry in this population by focusing more specifically on the relationship between the knee effort distribution during the STS task and the WB asymmetry observed as well as on the perception of these two elements during this task. Thus, the general objectives were to: 1) determine whether the spontaneous asymmetrical execution of the STS task in hemiparetic subjects can be explained by a symmetrical distribution of the efforts at the knees by quantifying these efforts using the Electromyographic Muscular Utilization Ratio (EMUR) and, 2) determine whether these hemiparetic individuals are aware of their motor strategies by evaluating their perception of both knee effort and WB distributions during the STS task. The first study evaluated the capacity of hemiparetic persons to perceive their WB distribution at their lower limbs during the STS task. Compared to the healthy participants, their WB distribution was more asymmetrical and they showed greater errors in perception. The second study quantified the distribution of efforts at the knees among healthy and hemiparetic subjects during a spontaneous STS task. Both groups showed an association between their WB distribution and their distribution of efforts but the relationship was not as strong in the hemiparetic group. Dividing the hemiparetic participants into subgroups, according to their knee extensors’ strength asymmetries (mild, moderate, severe), revealed symmetrical knee efforts between sides for the severe group. The third study determined whether hemiparetic individuals’ perception of their knee effort distribution was related to their real distribution of efforts measured during STS tasks performed in various foot positions. Not only were they unable to perceive the changes in the distribution of effort induced by the different foot positions but their errors in perception of effort were greater than in WB. With the use of the five-repetition sit-to-stand test, the last study determined the influence of the number of repetitions of the STS on the distributions of WB and effort at the knees among healthy and hemiparetic subjects. Unlike the controls, the distributions of the hemiparetic subjects were more asymmetrical at the first repetition of the functional test than in the single spontaneous execution of the STS. To summarize, the results of this thesis showed that the distribution of efforts at the knees should be considered among other factors explaining the WB asymmetry of hemiparetic individuals during STS and that there is a need to better document the perception of hemiparetic persons when they execute functional tasks.

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