Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elastically""
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Analysis of the Elastica with Applications to Vibration IsolationSantillan, Sophia Teresa 02 May 2007 (has links)
Linear theory is useful in determining small static and dynamic deflections. However, to characterize large static and dynamic deflections, it is no longer useful or accurate, and more sophisticated analysis methods are necessary. In the case of beam deflections, linear beam theory makes use of an approximate curvature expression. Here, the exact curvature expression is used to derive the governing partial differential equations that describe the in-plane equilibrium and dynamics of a long, thin, inextensible beam, where the self-weight of the beam is included in the analysis. These beam equations are expressed in terms of arclength, and the resulting equilibrium shape is called the elastica. The analysis gives solutions that are accurate for any deflection size, and the method can be used to characterize the behavior of many structural systems. Numerical and analytical methods are used to solve or to approximate solutions to the governing equations. Both a shooting method and a finite difference, time-stepping algorithm are developed and implemented to find numerical solutions and these solutions are compared with some analytical approximation method results. The elastica equations are first used to determine both linear and nonlinear equilibrium configurations for a number of boundary conditions and loading types. In the case of a beam with a significant self-weight, the system can exhibit nonlinear static behavior even in the absence of external loading, and the elastica equations are used to determine the weight corresponding to the onset of instability (or self-weight buckling). The equations are also used to characterize linear and nonlinear vibrations of some structural systems, and experimental tests are conducted to verify the numerical results. The linear vibration analysis is applied to a vibration isolator system, where a postbuckled clamped-clamped beam or otherwise highly-deformed structure is used (in place of a conventional spring) to reduce system motion. The method is also used to characterize nonlinear dynamic behavior, and the resulting frequency-response curves are compared with those in the literature. Finally, the method is used to investigate the dynamics of subsea risers, where the effects of gravity, buoyancy, and the current velocity are considered. / Dissertation
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The Effect of Adhesion on the Contact of an Elastica with a Rigid SurfaceDalrymple, Amy Janel 09 January 2000 (has links)
The understanding of topics such as friction, wear, lubrication, and adhesive bonds is dependent on the ability to measure surface and interfacial energies. The surface energies of liquids may be measured accurately using a variety of techniques; however, surface energies of solids are much more difficult to accurately measure. In an attempt to develop a method that can be used to measure surface and interfacial energies of solids, this thesis proposes the use of a elastica. The elastica acts as an extremely flexible beam and provides a structure that will permit measurable deformation of the solid by relatively small surface attractions. The ends of the elastica are lifted, bent, and clamped vertically at an equal height and specified distance apart. They are then moved downward, allowing the strip to make contact with a flat, rigid, horizontal surface.
Two adhesion models are investigated. First, a JKR-type analysis, which examines the effect of adhesion forces that exist within the area of contact between the elastica and the rigid surface, is considered. Various values for the work of adhesion are examined. A DMT-type analysis, which assumes that the adhesion forces act in the region just outside of the contact area, is also considered. Results are obtained for linear and constant forces. Various values for the maximum DMT force and the vertical separation between the elastica and the rigid substrate at which the adhesion forces terminate are examined. Results from the two types of analyses are compared. / Master of Science
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Elastic Analysis of the Loop Tack Test for Pressure Sensitive AdhesivesWilliams, NuRocha Lyn 14 July 2000 (has links)
The loop tack test measures the tack (instant grip) of an adhesive. An analytical model of this test seems to be lacking and is the subject of this research. The strip is investigated using several mathematical formulations, and the solutions are obtained numerically. The loop is created from a flexible elastic strip that is bent into a teardrop shape, with its ends clamped together. The strip is tested in a cycle, in which the loop is first pushed onto the surface, compressing the adhesive. Then the loop is pulled up, and gradually debonds from the substrate. The loop is assumed to be nonlinearly elastic and inextensible.
The mechanics of the loop tack test are studied in order to determine the impact of various factors on adhesive performance. These factors include the stiffness of the backing, the stiffness and thickness of the adhesive, the elongation of the adhesive before debonding, and the contact time. The relationship between the applied force and the vertical deflection of the loop's ends is determined, as well as that between the applied force and the contact length. Also, the maximum "pull - off" force needed to remove the substrate from the loop is obtained from the results. Shapes of the loop during the cycle are found.
This research will increase understanding of the behavior of the adhesive and backing during the loop tack test. With the computer model that has been developed, any set of parameters and conditions can be analyzed, and improvements can be made in the test procedure. / Master of Science
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[pt] Apesar do conhecimento do comportamento de estruturas
sobre base
elástica ser importante para a engenharia de forma geral,
a motivação deste
trabalho está focada na Biomecânica, nos nossos trabalhos
envolvendo o grupo de
pesquisa da Clínica do Dr.Ivo Pitanguy e da Santa Casa de
Misericórdia. Em tese
recente de Doutorado, foi realizada uma modelagem da
técnica cirúrgica de
expansão da pele. A expansão da pele é um processo
fisiológico, definido como a
capacidade que a pele tem de aumentar sua área superficial
em resposta a uma
deformação imposta. Durante as expansões acompanhadas pode-
se observar que
dependendo da região em que o expansor é implantado seu
comportamento pode
ser bastante distinto. Expansores que são implantados no
couro cabeludo iniciam a
expansão da pele assim que é introduzida a solução salina
no expansor. Quando o
expansor é implantado em regiões com mais gordura, como
por exemplo na coxa,
a expansão da pele não se inicia imediatamente tendo em
vista que o expansor se
deforma para dentro, pressionando a gordura (que oferece
menos resistência) e
não a pele. Este comportamento ocasiona abertura dos
pontos na cicatriz e pode
chegar a inviabilizar todo o processo de expansão naquela
região. Para a
simulação do processo de expansão da pele, foi feita a
expansão com lençol de
borracha e para a base elástica foi usado um conjunto que
consistia em uma
bexiga elástica preenchida com um material viscoso no seu
interior. Este trabalho
é pioneiro em investigar tanto numérica quanto
experimentalmente o
comportamento da expansão de lençóis de borracha sobre
base rígida e base
elástica, comparando o seu comportamento. Os resultados
numéricos e
experimentais da expansão do lençol de borracha tiveram
uma boa concordância e
a análise paramétrica da espessura do lençol de borracha
comprovou a
importância da obtenção mais precisa da espessura da pele
pelos médicos, já que
as pressões verificadas são bem diferentes para cada
espessura. Foram estudadas diversas equações
constitutivas, procurando a que melhor descrevesse o
da expansão da pele. A formulação do material Neo-Hookeano
obteve os
melhores resultados para o lençol de borracha. Também foi
feito um estudo com a
formulação de energia de Delfino para estudar a expansão
da pele humana. / [en] Despite the knowledge of the behavior of structures on
elastic base being
important for the engineering of general form, the
motivation of this work is
focused in the Biomechanics, in our works involving the
group of research of the
Clinic of the Dr.Ivo Pitanguy and the Saint Casa de
Misericórdia. In recent thesis
of Dsc., a modeling of the surgical technique of expansion
of the skin was carried
through. The expansion of the skin is a physiological
process, defined as the
capacity that the skin has to increase its superficial
area in reply to an imposed
deformation. During the expansions it could be observed
that depending on the
region where the expander is implanted its behavior could
be sufficiently distinct.
Expanders who are implanted on the head initiate the
expansion of the skin
immediately when the saline solution is introduced in the
expander. When the
expander is implanted in regions with more fat, as for
example in the thigh, the
expansion of the skin does not initiate immediately in
view of that the expander is
deformed to the inner part, pressuring the fat (that
offers little resistance) and not
the skin. This behavior causes opening of the points in
the scar and can make
impracticable the process of expansion in that region. For
the simulation the
process of skin expansion, it was made an expansion with
rubber sheet and a set
was used for the elastic base that consisted of a filled
elastic bladder with a
viscous material in its interior. This work is pioneer in
investigating numerical
and experimentally the behavior of the rubber sheet
expansion on rigid base and
elastic base, comparing its behavior. The numerical and
experimental results of
the expansion of the rubber sheet had a good agreement and
the parametric
analysis of the thickness of the rubber sheet proved the
importance of a precise
measure of the skin thickness by the doctors, since the
verified pressures are
different for each thickness. Diverse constituent
equations had been studied,
looking the one that better described the process of the
expansion of the skin. The formularization of the Neo-Hook
material got the best results for the rubber sheet.
Also a study with the formularization of energy of Delfino
was made to study the
expansion of the human skin.
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Coding of multivariate stimuli and contextual interactions in the visual cortexKeemink, Sander Wessel January 2018 (has links)
The primary visual cortex (V1) has long been considered the main low level visual analysis area of the brain. The classical view is of a feedfoward system functioning as an edge detector, in which each cell has a receptive field (RF) and a preferred orientation. Whilst intuitive, this view is not the whole story. Although stimuli outside a neuron’s RF do not result in an increased response by themselves, they do modulate a neuron’s response to what’s inside its RF. We will refer to such extra-RF effects as contextual modulation. Contextual modulation is thought to underlie several perceptual phenomena, such as various orientation illusions and saliency of specific features (such as a contour or differing element). This gives a view of V1 as more than a collection of edge detectors, with neurons collectively extracting information beyond their RFs. However, many of the accounts linking psychophysics and physiology explain only a small subset of the illusions and saliency effects: we would like to find a common principle. So first, we assume the contextual modulations experienced by V1 neurons is determined by the elastica model, which describes the shape of the smoothest curve between two points. This single assumption gives rise to a wide range of known contextual modulation and psychophysical effects. Next, we consider the more general problem of encoding and decoding multi-variate stimuli (such as center surround gratings) in neurons, and how well the stimuli can be decoded under substantial noise levels with a maximum likelihood decoder. Although the maximum likelihood decoder is widely considered optimal and unbiased in the limit of no noise, under higher noise levels it is poorly understood. We show how higher noise levels lead to highly complex decoding distributions even for simple encoding models, which provides several psychophysical predictions. We next incorporate more updated experimental knowledge of contextual modulations. Perhaps the most common form of contextual modulations is center surround modulation. Here, the response to a center grating in the RF is modulated by the presence of a surrounding grating (the surround). Classically this modulation is considered strongest when the surround is aligned with the preferred orientation, but several studies have shown how many neurons instead experience strongest modulation whenever center and surround are aligned. We show how the latter type of modulation gives rise to stronger saliency effects and unbiased encoding of the center. Finally, we take an experimental perspective. Recently, both the presence and the underlying mechanisms of contextual modulations has been increasingly studied in mice using calcium imaging. However, cell signals extracted with calcium imaging are often highly contaminated by other sources. As contextual effects beyond center surround modulation can be subtle, a method is needed to remove the contamination. We present an analysis toolbox to de-contaminate calcium signals with blind source separation. This thesis thus expands our understanding of contextual modulation, predicts several new experimental results, and presents a toolbox to extract signals from calcium imaging data which should allow for more in depth studies of contextual modulation.
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[pt] O estudo de estacas semi-enterradas tem grande importância
na construção civil devido principalmente à sua ampla
aplicação em diversas áreas da engenharia. O presente
trabalho tem como objetivo obter uma solução exata para as
freqüências naturais e modos de vibração dessas estacas e,
com base nestes resultados, analisar o comportamento do
sistema não-linear. A análise das vibrações lineares parte
da obtenção de um funcional de energia e dedução das
equações diferenciais parciais de movimento para o trecho
enterrado e desenterrado e a determinação das diversas
famílias de soluções para cada equação de movimento em
função dos parâmetros adimensionais característicos do
problema. Essa solução exata possibilita mostrar a
influência dos parâmetros de carregamento, de rigidez da
fundação, da altura da fundação e das condições de apoio
nas freqüências naturais e modos de vibração. A não-
linearidade do problema é originária da geometria da
estrutura e a sua consideração implica na obtenção de
equações diferenciais não-lineares. A resolução destas
equações é feita de forma aproximada, empregando-se o
método de Ritz para discretizar a coluna no espaço e os
métodos de Galerkin-Urabe e do Balanço Harmônico para
resolver as equações de movimento resultantes do processo
de discretização. Com base nestes resultados, analisa-se a
influência dos parâmetros físicos e geométricos do sistema
coluna-fundação nas vibrações livres e forçadas da estaca. / [en] The study of partially embedded piles is an important topic
in civil engineering due to its use in several engineering
fields. The aim of the present work is to derive an exact
solution for the natural frequencies and vibration modes
of these piles and, based on these results, to analyze the
nonlinear behavior of the column-foundation system. In
order to study the free vibration problem, the energy
functional of the system is obtained, allowing the
derivation of the partial differential equations of motion
for the buried and unburied parts of the pile. The possible
solutions of these equations are then obtained as a
function of a set of non-dimensional parameters
characteristic of the problem. The consideration of
the geometric nonlinearity of the beam leads to a set of
nonlinear differential equations. The solution of these
equations is obtained by employing the Ritz method to
discretize the column in space and the methods of Galerkin-
Urabe and Harmonic Balance to derive an approximate
solution for the resulting equations of motion. Based on
these results, the influence of the geometrical and physical
parameters of the column-foundation system on the free and
forced non-linear vibrations of the pile is analyzed.
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An Elastica Model that Describes the Buckling of Cross-sections of NanotubesLeta, James V. 16 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Measurement of Surface and Interfacial Energies between Solid Materials Using an Elastica LoopQi, Jia 27 October 2000 (has links)
The measurement of the work of adhesion is of significant technical interest in a variety of applications, ranging from a basic understanding of material behavior to the practical aspects associated with making strong, durable adhesive bonds. The objective of this thesis is to investigate a novel technique using an elastica loop to measure the work of adhesion between solid materials. Considering the range and resolution of the measured parameters, a specially designed apparatus with a precise displacement control system, an analytical balance, an optical system, and a computer control and data acquisition interface is constructed. An elastica loop made of poly(dimethylsiloxane) [PDMS] is attached directly to a stepper motor in the apparatus. To perform the measurement, the loop is brought into contact with various substrates as controlled by the computer interface, and information including the contact patterns, contact lengths, and contact forces is obtained. Experimental results indicate that due to anticlastic bending, the contact first occurs at the edges of the loop, and then spreads across the width as the displacement continues to increase. The patterns observed show that the loop is eventually flattened in the contact region and the effect of anticlastic bending of the loop is reduced. Compared to the contact diameters observed in the classical JKR tests, the contact length obtained using this elastica loop technique is, in general, larger, which provides potential for applications of this technique in measuring interfacial energies between solid materials with high moduli. The contact procedure is also simulated to investigate the anticlastic bending effect using finite element analysis with ABAQUS. The numerical simulation is conducted using a special geometrically nonlinear, elastic, contact mechanics algorithm with appropriate displacement increments. Comparisons of the numerical simulation results, experimental data, and the analytical solution are made. / Master of Science
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Déploiement régulé de structures spatiales : vers un modèle unidimensionnel de mètre ruban compositeGuinot, François 05 January 2011 (has links)
Dans un contexte où l'utilisation de structures déployables s'est généralisée, le département Recherche de la société Thales Alenia Space étudie un nouveau concept de télescope spatial dont le miroir secondaire est déployé grâce au déroulement de six mètres rubans. Des études antérieures ont permis la mise au point d'un prototype constitué de rubans métalliques dont le déploiement s'est avéré trop violent. Dans ce travail de thèse nous proposons d'une part un nouveau type de ruban à la vitesse de déroulement maîtrisable et d'autre part un modèle original décrivant le comportement dynamique de tels rubans, permettant de mieux appréhender les phénomènes complexes pouvant intervenir lors de scénarios de pliage, de déploiement ou de déroulement. La solution envisagée pour contrôler la vitesse de déroulement repose sur l'exploitation des propriétés mécaniques d'une couche de matériau viscoélastique collée à la surface du ruban. Ces propriétés variant avec la température permettent de garantir un maintien de la position enroulée à froid et assurent un déroulement régulé grâce à un réchauffage localisé. Ces phénomènes ont été mis en évidence expérimentalement et numériquement. La lourdeur des méthodes classiques de modélisation et le manque de richesse des méthodes simplifiées nous ont conduit à développer un modèle de poutre à section fortement déformable permettant de décrire le comportement dynamique des rubans en grands déplacements. Partant d'un modèle de coque, l'originalité de la méthode repose essentiellement sur l'introduction d'une cinématique de type elastica pour décrire les grandes variations de forme de la section. Un modèle énergétique 1D est obtenu en intégrant dans la section et le problème est résolu à l'aide du logiciel de modélisation par éléments finis COMSOL. On propose finalement un modèle continu 1D à 4 paramètres cinématiques qui permet de rendre compte d'une large gamme de phénomènes intervenant dans des scénarios complexes de pliage, de déroulement et de déploiement dynamique. / The research department of Thales Alenia Space is studying new concepts of space telescopes whose secondary mirror is deployed thanks to the unreeling of six tape-springs. A breadboard using metallic tape-springs has been built during preliminary studies and has exhibited a deployment that is too energetic and induce too important shocks.In this thesis a new kind of tape-spring with a controlled uncoiling speed is introduced. Secondly a rod model with highly deformable thin-walled cross-sections describing the dynamic behaviour of tape-springs is derived.In order to over come the deployment speed of a tape spring, a viscoelastic layer is stuck on its sides. Thanks to its properties varying with the temperature, the viscoelastic layer is used to maintain the tape-spring in a coiled configuration at low temperature whereas a local heating leads to a controlled uncoiling. These phenomenons have been underlined experimentally and numerically.Because of the high complexity of classical shell models and the lack of details of simplified models, smart modelling methods need to be developed to describe the highly non linear behaviour of a tape-spring. A planar rod model with highly deformable thin-walled cross-sections that accounts for large displacements and large rotations in dynamics is proposed. Starting from a classical shellmodel, the main additional assumption consists in introducing an elastica kinematics to describe thelarge changes of the cross-section shape with very few parameters. The expressions of the strain andkinetic energies are derived by performing an analytical integration over the section. The Hamilton principle is directly introduced in a suitable finite element software to solve the problem. Several examples (folding, coiling and deployment of a tape spring) are studied through the FEM software COMSOL to demonstrate the ability of the 4-parameter model to account for several phenomena: creation of a single fold and associated snap-through behaviour, splitting of a fold into two, motion of a fold along the tape during a dynamic deployment, scenarios of coiling and uncoiling of a bistable tape-spring.
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[pt] Diversos acidentes envolvendo dutos submarinos já aconteceram no Brasil como o do Gasoduto PCR-01/Lubnor e o da plataforma P-55 de 2,3 km no campo de Roncador, na Bacia de Campos. Esses acidentes ocorrem em muitos casos devido à flambagem, à fadiga, ao intenso processo corrosivo, à deficiência de projeto, a falta de manutenção dos mesmos. Os dutos submarinos representam uma alta porcentagem no custo total de uma unidade de extração de petróleo. Sua importância se torna vital para a extração de petróleo em águas territoriais brasileiras. Seu projeto estrutural é uma atividade que pode ser dividida em várias etapas que devem ser seguidas à risca para garantir a conformidade do mesmo com as normas nacionais e internacionais sua operação em um dos mais inóspitos cenários da natureza: o fundo do mar. Nesta situação, o duto fica sujeito a carregamentos extremos, tanto estáticos quanto dinâmicos. Por este motivo, ele é constituído de uma estrutura de camadas bastante complexa. O objetivo deste trabalho é a avaliação das condições de operação de dutos submarinos sujeitos à ação de ondas e correntes marinhas. Um estudo paramétrico em elementos finitos é realizado para compreender a influência das condições de contorno, diferentes comprimentos de vão livre do duto submarino e variações do tipo de solo na resposta dinâmica do duto submarino. È desenvolvida também uma solução analítica para o problema. As soluções numérica, analítica e as recomendações da norma são confrontadas e tiradas conclusões sobre os principais fatores a serem considerados pelos engenheiros envolvidos na construção de estruturas deste tipo. / [en] Several accidents involving subsea pipelines have happened in Brazil as the pipeline PCR-01 / Lubnor and the P-55 platform 2.3 km in the Roncador field in the Campos Basin. These accidents occur in many cases due to buckling, fatigue, the intense corrosive process, design deficiency, lack of maintenance. The submarine pipelines represent a high percentage in the total cost of an oil extraction unit. Its importance becomes vital for the extraction of oil in Brazilian waters. Its structural design is an activity that can be divided into several steps that must be followed strictly to ensure its conformity with national and international standards operation in one of the harshest scenes of nature: the seabed. In this situation, the product is subject to extreme loads, both static and dynamic. For this reason, it consists of a complex layer structure. The objective of this study is the evaluation of the operating conditions of submarine pipelines subject to the action of waves and currents. A parametric study of finite element is performed to understand the influence of the boundary conditions, different span lengths of submarine pipeline and variations of soil type on the dynamic response of submarine pipeline. It is also developed an analytical solution to the problem. The numerical solutions, analytical and standard recommendations are compared and conclusions drawn on the main factors to be considered by the engineers involved in the construction of such structures.
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