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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo nanogravimétrico da influência do ânion BF4- em eletrocatálise / Nanogravimetric study of the influence of the BF4- anion in electrocatalysis

Santos, Adriano Lopes 18 June 2010 (has links)
Em tempos nos quais a sociedade se volta a reflexões sobre questões climáticas e energéticas, células a combustível surgem como uma alternativa promissora no âmbito das políticas que visam o desenvolvimento sustentável. Nesse sentido, há ainda desafios a serem superados nas esferas fundamental e aplicada. Entender o papel das espécies presentes no eletrólito de suporte é fundamental em tal descrição. Especificamente no caso de ânions dissolvidos no eletrólito, o papel mais comumente atribuído é o de inibir o processo eletrocatalítico de interesse, por meio do bloqueio de sítios superficiais. No entanto, atribui-se recentemente ao ânion BF4- um efeito diverso; o aumento dos valores de corrente de eletro-oxidação em baixos potenciais. Apresenta-se na presente dissertação, um estudo sistemático deste processo, empregando a técnica da nanobalança eletroquímica a cristal de quartzo (NECQ), em conjunto com técnicas eletroquímicas tradicionais. Tal estudo revelou a ocorrência de diferenças notáveis nos perfis voltamassométricos do sistema eletroquímico quando da adição de pequenas quantidades do reagente HBF4. Tais diferenças têm caráter bastante especial, uma vez que nos perfis voltamétricos não são observadas diferenças marcantes nos valores de corrente entre o sistema eletroquímico com a adição de pequenas quantidades do reagente HBF4 e o sistema eletroquímico sem a adição desse reagente. À partir dos métodos utilizados e das evidências experimentais observadas, é possível inferir que o comportamento peculiar até então atribuído ao HBF4 na verdade resulta de uma contaminação com o semimetal arsênio, apesar de o rótulo do fabricante não informar sobre a possibilidade da ocorrência de traços do semimetal. / In times where the society turns its reflections on climate and energy questions, fuel cells appear as a promising alternative for the policies aimed at sustainable development. In this sense, there are still challenges to overcome in fundamental and applied levels. Understand the role of species in the supporting electrolyte is crucial in such a description. Specifically in the case of anions dissolved in the electrolyte, the most commonly assigned role is to inhibit the electrocatalytic process of interest, through blockade of surface sites. However, to the anion BF4- is recently attributed a diverse effect, the increase of the current values of electro-oxidation at low potentials. It is presented in this dissertation, a systematic study of this process, using the technique of the electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalança (EQCN), combined with traditional electrochemical techniques. This study revealed the occurrence of remarkable differences in the voltamassometric profiles of the electrochemical system when adding small amounts of reagent HBF4. Such differences are special features, since in the voltammetric profiles marked differences are not observed in current values between the electrochemical system with or without the addition of small amounts of reagent HBF4. On the basis of methods utilized and the experimental evidence observed, it is possible to infer that the peculiar behavior previously attributed to HBF4 actually results from a semimetal contamination with arsenic, although the manufacturer\'s label gives no information about the occurrence of traces of the semimetal.

Conducting Redox Polymers for Electrical Energy Storage : Backbone - Substituent Interactions in Quinone Polypyrrole Model Systems

Karlsson, Christoffer January 2014 (has links)
Organic electrical energy storage (EES) is a growing field of research that is expected to play an important role in the future, as the need for sustainable EES increases. Conducting redox polymers (CRPs), i.e. conducting polymers with incorporated redox active moieties e.g. as pendant groups (PGs), are proposed as a promising class of compounds for this purpose. Redox cycling of the PGs can be utilized for high charge storage capacity, while the conducting polymer backbone provides fast charge transport through the material. Some of the major challenges with small-molecule systems for EES could be solved by using CRPs, e.g. capacity fading due to dissolution of the active compound, and high resistance due to slow charge transport between molecules. The latter issue is often solved by adding large amounts of conducting additives to the active material, drastically lowering the specific capacity. In this project, CRPs are shown to be able to function in battery cells without any additives, making both high capacity and high power possible. Although several CRPs have been reported in the literature, very few detailed studies have been conducted on the electrochemical processes of the two systems (i.e. the conducting polymer backbone and the redox active PGs). An important factor to consider in CRP design is the possibility for interaction between the two redox systems, which could be either beneficial or detrimental to the function as EES material. In this thesis, CRP model systems composed of hydroquinone functionalized polypyrrole have been studied, and they exhibit separate redox reactions for the PGs and the backbone, overlapping in potential. Significant interaction between them was observed, as oxidation of the PGs has severe impact on the backbone: When the oxidized and hydrophobic p-benzoquinone PGs are formed, they pack and force the polymer backbone to twist, localizing the bipolarons, and decreasing the conductivity. This is accompanied by a contraction of the polymer film and expulsion of electrolyte. Overall, the interaction in these polymers is destructive for their EES function, and it could be eliminated by introduction of a long linker unit between the PGs and the backbone.

Estudo nanogravimétrico da influência do ânion BF4- em eletrocatálise / Nanogravimetric study of the influence of the BF4- anion in electrocatalysis

Adriano Lopes Santos 18 June 2010 (has links)
Em tempos nos quais a sociedade se volta a reflexões sobre questões climáticas e energéticas, células a combustível surgem como uma alternativa promissora no âmbito das políticas que visam o desenvolvimento sustentável. Nesse sentido, há ainda desafios a serem superados nas esferas fundamental e aplicada. Entender o papel das espécies presentes no eletrólito de suporte é fundamental em tal descrição. Especificamente no caso de ânions dissolvidos no eletrólito, o papel mais comumente atribuído é o de inibir o processo eletrocatalítico de interesse, por meio do bloqueio de sítios superficiais. No entanto, atribui-se recentemente ao ânion BF4- um efeito diverso; o aumento dos valores de corrente de eletro-oxidação em baixos potenciais. Apresenta-se na presente dissertação, um estudo sistemático deste processo, empregando a técnica da nanobalança eletroquímica a cristal de quartzo (NECQ), em conjunto com técnicas eletroquímicas tradicionais. Tal estudo revelou a ocorrência de diferenças notáveis nos perfis voltamassométricos do sistema eletroquímico quando da adição de pequenas quantidades do reagente HBF4. Tais diferenças têm caráter bastante especial, uma vez que nos perfis voltamétricos não são observadas diferenças marcantes nos valores de corrente entre o sistema eletroquímico com a adição de pequenas quantidades do reagente HBF4 e o sistema eletroquímico sem a adição desse reagente. À partir dos métodos utilizados e das evidências experimentais observadas, é possível inferir que o comportamento peculiar até então atribuído ao HBF4 na verdade resulta de uma contaminação com o semimetal arsênio, apesar de o rótulo do fabricante não informar sobre a possibilidade da ocorrência de traços do semimetal. / In times where the society turns its reflections on climate and energy questions, fuel cells appear as a promising alternative for the policies aimed at sustainable development. In this sense, there are still challenges to overcome in fundamental and applied levels. Understand the role of species in the supporting electrolyte is crucial in such a description. Specifically in the case of anions dissolved in the electrolyte, the most commonly assigned role is to inhibit the electrocatalytic process of interest, through blockade of surface sites. However, to the anion BF4- is recently attributed a diverse effect, the increase of the current values of electro-oxidation at low potentials. It is presented in this dissertation, a systematic study of this process, using the technique of the electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalança (EQCN), combined with traditional electrochemical techniques. This study revealed the occurrence of remarkable differences in the voltamassometric profiles of the electrochemical system when adding small amounts of reagent HBF4. Such differences are special features, since in the voltammetric profiles marked differences are not observed in current values between the electrochemical system with or without the addition of small amounts of reagent HBF4. On the basis of methods utilized and the experimental evidence observed, it is possible to infer that the peculiar behavior previously attributed to HBF4 actually results from a semimetal contamination with arsenic, although the manufacturer\'s label gives no information about the occurrence of traces of the semimetal.

Interfacial Study of Copper Electrodeposition with the Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM)

Ojeda Mota, Oscar Ulises 05 1900 (has links)
The electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) has been proven an effective mean of monitoring up to nano-scale mass changes related to electrode potential variations at its surface. The principles of operation are based on the converse piezoelectric response of quartz crystals to mass variations on the crystal surface. In this work, principles and operations of the EQCM and piezo-electrodes are discussed. A conductive oxide, ruthenium oxide (RuO2) is a promising material to be used as a diffusion barrier for metal interconnects. Characterization of copper underpotential deposition (UPD) on ruthenium and RuO2 electrodes by means of electrochemical methods and other spectroscopic methods is presented. Copper electrodeposition in platinum and ruthenium substrates is investigated at pH values higher than zero. In pH=5 solutions, the rise in local pH caused by the reduction of oxygen leads to the formation of a precipitate, characterized as posnjakite or basic copper sulfate by means of X-ray electron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The mechanism of formation is studied by means of the EQCM, presenting this technique as a powerful in-situ sensing device.

Estudos voltamétricos e microgravimétricos da deposição em subtensão de cádmio e chumbo sobre filmes finos de selênio / Voltammetric and microgravimetric studies of underpotential deposition of cadmium and lead on selenium thin films

Cabral, Murilo Feitosa 29 August 2008 (has links)
A deposição em regime de subtensão (DRS) de cádmio e chumbo foi estudada sobre ouro e filmes de selênio em meio ácido. Os estudos foram realizados utilizando a voltametria cíclica (VC) e a microbalança eletroquímica de cristal de quartzo (MECQ). Foi observado que o cádmio e o chumbo se depositam de formas diferentes sobre ouro e sobre os filmes de selênio. O cádmio quando depositado sobre o eletrodo de ouro ocupa um átomo de ouro por ad-átomo, fornecendo uma carga associada à formação da monocamada adsorvida de aproximadamente 42 µC cm-2, que corresponde a um recobrimento de 0,15 monocamadas. Os resultados com a MECQ mostraram que a deposição em regime de subtensão do Cd ocorre com uma forte presença da adsorção de ânions perclorato e bissulfato. A DRS de cádmio sobre os filmes de selênio ocorre de maneira semelhante a que foi observada sobre o eletrodo de ouro, porém a carga total da monocamada adsorvida foi de 195,7 µC cm-2, que é um pouco maior do que a carga total para a formação de uma monocamada de selênio sobre ouro. Além disso, foi observado que o cádmio difunde no filme de selênio, e que a co-adsorção de ânions e água durante a formação da monocamada de cádmio foi negligenciável. O ad-átomo de chumbo ocupa dois átomos de ouro e a carga de formação da monocamada é atribuída a contribuições de dois picos relacionados com a DRS. O recobrimento máximo chega a 0,3 monocamadas de chumbo sobre ouro, com a deposição do tipo loosely packed. O processo de DRS sobre os filmes de selênio ocorre com a formação de um único pico. A formação do segundo pico sofre interferência da formação de H2Se que ocorre na superfície do filme de selênio e modifica o tipo de empacotamento dos ad-átomos de chumbo sobre o substrato eletródico. O recobrimento obtido com a DRS foi de 0,7 monocamadas de chumbo sobre selênio. A co-adsorção de ânions e água foi constante, tanto em estudos sobre o eletrodo de ouro, como sobre os filmes de selênio. O estudo das propriedades dos filmes de selênio modificados por ad-átomos de cádmio e chumbo foi efetuado por medidas de cronoamperometria para altos tempos de polarização. Foi observado que o cádmio difunde para a fase do filme de selênio, em função do seu alto coeficiente de difusão no estado sólido, formando o composto CdSe. Por outro lado, este processo de difusão não foi observado para o chumbo, não havendo evidências de formação do composto PbSe. A combinação da voltametria cíclica com a microbalança eletroquímica de cristal de quartzo possibilitou acompanhar as mudanças nos mecanismos de formação de monocamadas de cádmio e chumbo em potenciais de subtensão, assim como a inibição da formação do H2Se. Este último efeito foi marcante na DRS de chumbo, onde foi alterada a forma de empacotamento do ad-átomo na superfície. / Cd and Pb underpotential deposition (UPD) on gold electrode and selenium thin film, from acid media, were studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). Different form of deposition for cadmium and lead were observed on gold electrode and selenium thin film. The presence of one peak in the positive sweep with a total charge density value between 42 60 µC cm-2 was observed from the results obtained for Cd upd on Au. This result is attributed to a covering of 0.15 0.20 Cd monolayer on gold electrode with the occupation of one active site by each Cd ad-atom. EQCM results suggest a large increase in mass upon Cd upd, which appears to result from co-adsorbed perchlorate and bisulfate anions. The upd of cadmium on the selenium films were similar to the observed on the gold electrode; however with a higher associated charge of 196 µC cm-2. Moreover, the cadmium upd process on selenium is accompanied by the diffusion of cadmium into the bulk of Selenium films. Also, the co-adsorption of anions and water during cadmium deposition on Selenium films were negligenceable. The UPD process of Pb ad-atoms on gold electrodes occurs with the occupation of two gold atoms for ad-atom ones. Two electrochemical processes are observed and the charge values were conferred a low covering the 0.3 monolayer, with a wrapping up of the type loosely packed. The co-adsorption of perchlorate anions and water were observed during UPD process. The UPD process of Pb ad-atoms on the selenium films is complex, and the formation of H2Se modifies the type of wrapping up of lead ad-atoms on the electrode surface. In this case, that the gotten covering were 0.7 monolayer of lead on selenium, were observed the co-adsorption of anions and water in this UPD process. During the studies carried through for cronoamperometry in high times of polarization (UPD potentials) on the Se films were observed that the cadmium spreads out for the phase of the selenium film. This phenomenon occurs due to the high coefficient of diffusion in the solid state of the Cd, allowing the formation of the CdSe. On the other hand, this process of diffusion was not so evident for the lead, that presents a low coefficient of diffusion in the solid state, and thus, do not support the formation of PbSe. The UPD studies by cyclic voltammetry combined with electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements allowed to observe the changes in the monolayers formation mechanisms of cadmium and lead, as well as the inhibition of H2Se formation. This effect was found in the lead UPD, where was modified the form of packing up of the adatom in the surface.

Estudos voltamétricos e microgravimétricos da deposição em subtensão de cádmio e chumbo sobre filmes finos de selênio / Voltammetric and microgravimetric studies of underpotential deposition of cadmium and lead on selenium thin films

Murilo Feitosa Cabral 29 August 2008 (has links)
A deposição em regime de subtensão (DRS) de cádmio e chumbo foi estudada sobre ouro e filmes de selênio em meio ácido. Os estudos foram realizados utilizando a voltametria cíclica (VC) e a microbalança eletroquímica de cristal de quartzo (MECQ). Foi observado que o cádmio e o chumbo se depositam de formas diferentes sobre ouro e sobre os filmes de selênio. O cádmio quando depositado sobre o eletrodo de ouro ocupa um átomo de ouro por ad-átomo, fornecendo uma carga associada à formação da monocamada adsorvida de aproximadamente 42 µC cm-2, que corresponde a um recobrimento de 0,15 monocamadas. Os resultados com a MECQ mostraram que a deposição em regime de subtensão do Cd ocorre com uma forte presença da adsorção de ânions perclorato e bissulfato. A DRS de cádmio sobre os filmes de selênio ocorre de maneira semelhante a que foi observada sobre o eletrodo de ouro, porém a carga total da monocamada adsorvida foi de 195,7 µC cm-2, que é um pouco maior do que a carga total para a formação de uma monocamada de selênio sobre ouro. Além disso, foi observado que o cádmio difunde no filme de selênio, e que a co-adsorção de ânions e água durante a formação da monocamada de cádmio foi negligenciável. O ad-átomo de chumbo ocupa dois átomos de ouro e a carga de formação da monocamada é atribuída a contribuições de dois picos relacionados com a DRS. O recobrimento máximo chega a 0,3 monocamadas de chumbo sobre ouro, com a deposição do tipo loosely packed. O processo de DRS sobre os filmes de selênio ocorre com a formação de um único pico. A formação do segundo pico sofre interferência da formação de H2Se que ocorre na superfície do filme de selênio e modifica o tipo de empacotamento dos ad-átomos de chumbo sobre o substrato eletródico. O recobrimento obtido com a DRS foi de 0,7 monocamadas de chumbo sobre selênio. A co-adsorção de ânions e água foi constante, tanto em estudos sobre o eletrodo de ouro, como sobre os filmes de selênio. O estudo das propriedades dos filmes de selênio modificados por ad-átomos de cádmio e chumbo foi efetuado por medidas de cronoamperometria para altos tempos de polarização. Foi observado que o cádmio difunde para a fase do filme de selênio, em função do seu alto coeficiente de difusão no estado sólido, formando o composto CdSe. Por outro lado, este processo de difusão não foi observado para o chumbo, não havendo evidências de formação do composto PbSe. A combinação da voltametria cíclica com a microbalança eletroquímica de cristal de quartzo possibilitou acompanhar as mudanças nos mecanismos de formação de monocamadas de cádmio e chumbo em potenciais de subtensão, assim como a inibição da formação do H2Se. Este último efeito foi marcante na DRS de chumbo, onde foi alterada a forma de empacotamento do ad-átomo na superfície. / Cd and Pb underpotential deposition (UPD) on gold electrode and selenium thin film, from acid media, were studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). Different form of deposition for cadmium and lead were observed on gold electrode and selenium thin film. The presence of one peak in the positive sweep with a total charge density value between 42 60 µC cm-2 was observed from the results obtained for Cd upd on Au. This result is attributed to a covering of 0.15 0.20 Cd monolayer on gold electrode with the occupation of one active site by each Cd ad-atom. EQCM results suggest a large increase in mass upon Cd upd, which appears to result from co-adsorbed perchlorate and bisulfate anions. The upd of cadmium on the selenium films were similar to the observed on the gold electrode; however with a higher associated charge of 196 µC cm-2. Moreover, the cadmium upd process on selenium is accompanied by the diffusion of cadmium into the bulk of Selenium films. Also, the co-adsorption of anions and water during cadmium deposition on Selenium films were negligenceable. The UPD process of Pb ad-atoms on gold electrodes occurs with the occupation of two gold atoms for ad-atom ones. Two electrochemical processes are observed and the charge values were conferred a low covering the 0.3 monolayer, with a wrapping up of the type loosely packed. The co-adsorption of perchlorate anions and water were observed during UPD process. The UPD process of Pb ad-atoms on the selenium films is complex, and the formation of H2Se modifies the type of wrapping up of lead ad-atoms on the electrode surface. In this case, that the gotten covering were 0.7 monolayer of lead on selenium, were observed the co-adsorption of anions and water in this UPD process. During the studies carried through for cronoamperometry in high times of polarization (UPD potentials) on the Se films were observed that the cadmium spreads out for the phase of the selenium film. This phenomenon occurs due to the high coefficient of diffusion in the solid state of the Cd, allowing the formation of the CdSe. On the other hand, this process of diffusion was not so evident for the lead, that presents a low coefficient of diffusion in the solid state, and thus, do not support the formation of PbSe. The UPD studies by cyclic voltammetry combined with electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements allowed to observe the changes in the monolayers formation mechanisms of cadmium and lead, as well as the inhibition of H2Se formation. This effect was found in the lead UPD, where was modified the form of packing up of the adatom in the surface.

Studies Of MnO2 As Active Material For Electrochemical Supercapacitors

Devaraj, S 05 1900 (has links)
Electrical double-layer formed at the interface between an electrode and an electrolyte has been a topic of innumerable studies. The electrical interface plays a crucial role in kinetics, mechanisms and applications in variety of electrochemical reactions. The electrical double-layer and electron-transfer reactions lead to many important applications of electrochemistry, which include energy storage devices, namely, batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors. Electrochemical supercapacitors can withstand to higher power than batteries and deliver higher energy than the conventional electrostatic and electrolytic capacitors. A supercapacitor can be used as an auxiliary energy device along with a primary source such as a battery or a fuel cell for the purpose of power enhancement in short pulse applications. Among the various materials studied for electrochemical supercapacitors, carboneous materials, metal oxides and conducting polymers received attention. Among carboneous materials, various forms of carbon such as powders, woven cloths, felts, fibers, nanotubes etc., are frequently studied for electrochemical supercapacitors. Low cost, high porosity, higher surface area, high abundance and well established electrode fabrication technologies are the attractive features for using carboneous materials. However, specific capacitance (SC) of these materials is rather low. These electrodes store charge by electrostatic charge separation at the electrode/electrolyte interface. Electronically conducting polymers are interesting class of materials studied for supercapacitor application because of the following merits: high electronic conductivity, environmental friendliness, ease of preparation and fabrication, high stability, high capacitance and low cost. Polyaniline (PANI), polypyrrole and polythiophene are studied in this category. Transition metal oxides have attracted considerable attention as electrode materials for supercapacitors because of the following merits: variable oxidation state, good chemical and electrochemical stability, ease of preparation and handling. Hydrated RuO2 prepared by sol-gel process at low temperature has a specific capacitance as high as 720 F g-1 due to solid state pseudo faradaic reaction. However, high cost, low porosity and toxic nature limit commercialization of supercapacitors using this material. MnO2 is attractive as it is cheap, environmentally benign, its resources are abundant in nature and also it is widely used as a cathode material in batteries. An early study on capacitance behaviour of MnO2 was reported by Lee and Goodenough. Amorphous hydrous MnO2 synthesized by co-precipitation method exhibited rectangular cyclic voltammogram in various aqueous alkali salt solutions. A specific capacitance of 200 F g-1 was reported. Following this report, several reports appeared on capacitance characteristics of MnO2. According to the charge-storage mechanism reported, a specific capacitance of 1370 F g-1 is expected from MnO2. However, this value can be obtained in practice only when the mass of MnO2 is at the level of a few micrograms per cm2 area. At such a low thickness range, the utilization of the active material is high. As thin layers of MnO2 are uneconomical for practical capacitors, studies with a mass range of 0.4-0.5 mg cm-2 have been extensively reported. At this mass range, a maximum specific capacitance of about 240 F g-1 has been obtained. With an increase in mass per unit area, the specific capacitance of MnO2 decreases. The problem associated with low values of specific capacitance of thick layers of MnO2 is the following. The MnO2 deposits or coatings generally do not possess high porosity and the electrolyte cannot permeate into the coating. Only the outer layer of the electrode is exposed to the electrolyte. Consequently, the electrochemical utilization of the material decreases with an increase in thickness. Nevertheless, utilization of thick layers of the active materials is preferable for obtaining capacitance as high as possible in a given volume and area of the electrodes. Indeed, it would be ideal if specific capacitance of MnO2 is improved from its presently reported value of 240 F g-1 to a value equivalent to that of RuO2.xH2O, namely, 720 F g-1. In view of this, attempts are made to enhance specific capacitance of MnO2 by electrochemical deposition in presence of surfactants. Nanostructured MnO2 synthesized by inverse microemulsion route is also studied for electrochemical supercapacitors. The effect of crystallographic structure of MnO2 on the capacitance properties, studies on electrochemical deposition of MnO2 in acidic and neutral medium using electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance and capacitance characteristics of MnO2-polyaniline composites are also described in the thesis. Chapter 1 briefly discusses the importance of electrochemistry in energy storage and conversion, basics of electrochemical power sources, importance of MnO2, different synthetic procedures for MnO2 and its applications in energy storage and conversion in particular for electrochemical supercapacitors. Chapter 2 provides the experimental procedures and methodologies used for the studies reported in the thesis. In chapter 3, the effect of surface active agents, namely, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and Triton X-100 added to the electrolyte during electrodeposition of MnO2 on Ni substrate on capacitance properties is presented. Electrocrystallization studies show that MnO2 nucleates instantaneously under diffusion control and grows in three dimensions. The potentiodynamically prepared oxide provides higher specific capacitance than the potentiostatically and galvanostatically prepared oxides. Specific capacitance values of 310 and 355 F g-1 obtained for MnO2 electrodeposited in the presence of 100 mM SDS and 10 mM Triton X-100 are higher than the oxide electrodeposited in the absence of surfactants. Surfactant molecules adsorbed at the electrode/electrolyte interface alters structure of double-layer and kinetics of electrodeposition. Smaller particle size, greater porosity, higher specific surface area and higher efficiency of material utilization are the factors responsible for obtaining higher specific capacitance. Extended cycle-life studies indicate that the superior performance of MnO2 due to surfactants is present throughout the cycle-life tested. Chapter 4 pertains to electrochemical supercapacitor studies on nanostructured α-MnO2 synthesized by inverse microemulsion method and the effect of annealing. As synthesized nanoparticles of MnO2 was found to be in α-crystallographic structure with particles less than 50 nm size. Nanoparticles exhibited rectangular cyclic voltammograms between 0 and 1 V vs. SCE in aqueous 0.1 M Na2SO4 at sweep rates up to 100 mV s-1 due to the short diffusion path length. On annealing at different temperatures, a mixture of nanoparticles and nanorods with varying dimension is noticed. Specific capacitance of 297 F g-1 obtained during initial cycling decreases gradually on extended cycling. The capacitance loss is attributed to the increase in the resistance for intercalation/deintercalation of alkali cations into/from MnO2 lattice. MnO2 crystallizes into several crystallographic structures, namely, α-, β-, γ-, δ- and λ-structures. As these structures differ in the way MnO6 octahedra are interlinked, they possess tunnels or inter-layers with gaps of different magnitudes. Because capacitance properties are due to intercalation/deintercalation of protons or cations in MnO2, only some crystallographic structures, which possess sufficient gap to accommodate these ions, are expected to be useful for capacitance studies. The effect of crystal structure of MnO2 on its electrochemical capacitance properties is also included in chapter 4. Specific capacitance of MnO2 is found to depend strongly on the crystallographic structure, and it decreases in the following order: α ≅ δ > γ > λ > β. A specific capacitance value of 240 F g-1 is obtained for α-MnO2, whereas it is 9 F g-1 for β-MnO2. A wide (~ 4.6 Å) tunnel size and large surface area of α-MnO2 are ascribed as favorable factors for its high specific capacitance. A large interlayer separation (~7 Å) also facilitates insertion of cations in δ-MnO2 resulting in SC close to 236 F g-1. A narrow tunnel size (1.89 Å) does not allow intercalation of cations into β-MnO2. As a result, it provides very small SC. In Chapter 5, capacitance characteristics of PANI synthesized using (NH4)2S2O8, nanostructured MnO2 (α- and γ-form) and also PANI-MnO2 composites are presented. Morphology of PANI synthesized resembles the morphology of the MnO2 used as the oxidant. Electrochemical capacitance properties of PANI and composites are studied in a mixed electrolyte of 0.1 M HClO4 and 0.3 M NaClO4 between 0 and 0.75 V vs. SCE. Specific capacitance of 394 F g-1 is obtained for PANI synthesized using γ-MnO2. Chapter 6 describes the electrocatalytic behaviour of Mn3[Fe(CN)6]2 synthesized by ion-exchange reaction between MnSO4 and K3[Fe(CN)6] and the effect of annealing on its electrochemical capacitance properties. As prepared Mn3[Fe(CN)6]2 and also the sample heated at 100 oC exhibit redox couple in 0.1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte, corresponding to Fe(CN)64-/Fe(CN)63- present in the matrix. Mn3[Fe(CN)6]2 samples annealed at 150 oC and above decompose to oxides of manganese and iron, and hence exhibit capacitance characteristics in 0.1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte. A maximum specific capacitance of 129 F g-1 is obtained for Mn3[Fe(CN)6]2 annealed at 300 oC. Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) investigations of kinetics of electrodeposition of MnO2 in acidic and neutral media, and capacitance behaviour are presented in chapter 7. Oxidation of Mn2+ to MnO2 is characterized by an anodic cyclic voltammetric peak both in acidic and neutral media. During the reverse sweep, however, reduction of MnO2 into Mn2+ occurs in two steps in the acidic medium and in a single step in the neutral medium. From EQCM data of mass variation during cycling, it is observed that the rate of electrodeposition of MnO2 is higher in the neutral medium than in the acidic medium. Specific capacitance of MnO2 deposited from the neutral medium is higher than that deposited from acidic medium owing to different crystallographic structures. Reversible insertion/deinsertion of hydrogen in to the layers of δ-MnO2 is observed in hydrogen evolution region. Details of the above studies are described in the thesis.

Electrochemical Investigation of the Reaction Mechanism in Lithium-Oxygen Batteries

Lindberg, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Lithium-oxygen batteries, also known as Lithium-air batteries, could possibly revolutionize energy storage as we know. By letting lithium react with ambient oxygen gas very large theoretical energy densities are possible. However, there are several challenges remaining to be solved, such as finding suitable materials and understanding the reaction, before the lithium-oxygen battery could be commercialized. The scope of this thesis is focusing on the latter of these challenges. Efficient ion transport between the electrodes is imperative for all batteries that need high power density and energy efficiency. Here the mass transport properties of lithium ions in several different solvents was evaluated. The results showed that the lithium  mass transport in electrolytes based on the commonly used lithium-oxygen battery solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was very similar to that of conventional lithium-ion battery electrolytes. However, when room temperature ionic liquids were used the performance severely decreased. Addition of Li salt will effect the oxygen concentration in DMSO-based electrolytes. The choice of lithium salt influenced whether the oxygen concentration increased or decreased. At one molar salt concentration the highest oxygen solubility was 68 % larger than the lowest one. Two model systems was used to study the electrochemical reaction: A quartz crystal microbalance and a cylindrical ultramicroelectrode. The combined usage of these systems showed that during discharge soluble lithium superoxide was produced. A consequence of this was that not all discharge product ended up on the electrode surface. During discharge the cylindrical ultramicroelectrodes displayed signs of passivation that previous theory could not adequately describe. Here the passivation was explained in terms of depletion of active sites. A mechanism was also proposed. The O2 and Li+ concentration dependencies of the discharge process were evaluated by determining the reactant reaction order under kinetic and mass transport control. Under kinetic control the system showed non-integer reaction orders with that of oxygen close to 0.5 suggesting that the current determining step involves adsorption of oxygen. At higher overpotentials, at mass transport control, the reaction order of lithium and oxygen was zero and one, respectively. These results suggest that changes in oxygen concentration will influence the current more than that of lithium. During charging not all of the reaction product was removed. This caused an accumulation when several cycles was examined. The charge reaction pathway involved de-lithiation and bulk oxidation, it also showed an oxygen concentration dependence. / Litiumsyrebatteriet, även känt som litiumluftbatteriet, kan potentiellt revolutionera vårt förhållande till energilagring. Genom att låta litium reagera med syrgas från luften kan teoretiskt höga energitätheter uppnås. Dock så behöver många problem lösas, så som att hitta lämpliga elektrod- och elektrolytmaterial samt att få en ökad förståelse för reaktionsmekanismen, innan litiumsyrebatteriet kan kommersialiseras. Den här avhandlingen behandlar de sistnämnda av dessa problem. För att ett batteri ska kunna leverera hög effekttäthet och energieffektivitet krävs en effektiv jontransport mellan elektroderna. Här utvärderades masstransporten hos flera olika elektrolyter. Resultatet visade att masstransporten av litium i en litiumsyrebatterielektrolyt (baserad på dimetylsulfoxid (DMSO)) är likvärdig med en konventionell litiumjonbatterielektrolyt. När elektrolyter baserade på jonvätskor användes uppvisades väldigt stora energiförluster. När litiumsalt tillsattes påverkades lösligheten av syre i DMSO-baserade elektrolyter. Vilken sorts litiumsalt som användes påverkade om lösligheten av syre ökade eller minskade. Vid en saltkoncentration på en molar var den högsta syrelösligheten 68 \% större än den lägsta. Två olika modellsystem används för att studera den elektrokemiska reaktionen: En elektrokemisk kvartskristallmikrovåg och en cylindrisk ultramikroelektrod. Vid kombinerad användning av dessa system påvisades att löslig litiumsuperoxid bildades vid urladdningen. Följden av detta blev att endast delar av urladdningsprodukten hamnade på elektroden. Vid urladdning visade ultramikroelektroderna tecken på passivering som inte kunde beskrivas av tidigare teori. Här föreslås att passiveringen uppstår på grund av en blockering av de aktiva säten där reaktionen fortskrider. För denna process föreslås även en detaljerad mekanism. Urladdningsprocessens koncentrationsberoende utvärderades genom att bestämma reaktionsordningen för syre och litium under kinetisk- och masstransport kontroll. Under kinetisk kontroll fanns inga heltalsreaktionsordningar, för syre var reaktionsordningen nära 0.5 vilket föreslår att det reaktionssteg som bestämmer strömstorleken innefattar en adsorption av syre. Vid högre överpotentialer, då systemet var under masstransportkontroll, var reaktionsordningarna för litium och syre noll respektive ett. Detta föreslår att ändringar i syrekoncentration påverkar strömmen betydligt mer än vad det gör för litium. Under uppladdning kunde inte all reaktionsprodukt avlägsnas från elektroden. Detta ledde till en ackumulation då flera cykler studerades. Uppladdningens delsteg innefattade en delitiering följt av en oxidation av reaktionsproduktbulken. Denna process uppvisade även ett syrekoncentrationsberoende. / <p>QC 20171114</p>

Estudo da interface sólido/líquido aplicando a microbalança de cristal de quartzo com eletrodos funcionalizados / Study of the solid/liquid interface applying the quartz crystal microbalance with functionalized electrodes

Gomes, Wyllerson Evaristo 1983- 28 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: David Mendez Soares / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-28T00:49:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gomes_WyllersonEvaristo1983-_D.pdf: 5303870 bytes, checksum: ba3a86db4d3713f9b80b91fba5545795 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Neste trabalho, pesquisamos o uso de filmes autoorganizados sobre o eletrodo de ouro da microbalança de cristal de quartzo eletroquímica, EQCM. Focamos a pesquisa na interação física da superfície sólida funcionalizada com o meio líquido. Desenvolvemos uma metodologia para compreender a dinâmica de variação dos parâmetros medidos, pela EQCM durante um experimento (perturbação) em meio líquido. Introduzimos a representação bidimensional da variação da freqüência de ressonância e da resistência de ressonância do cristal de quartzo da EQCM, ?f e ?R respectivamente, durante uma perturbação, usando o tempo como parâmetro. A metodologia foi utilizada para soluções aquosas de sais, álcool, líquidos apolares como ciclohexano, n-hexano, soluções de sacarose. Mostramos que líquidos reais apresentam viscoelasticidade. Também testamos a perturbação causada pela aplicação de campo elétrico nas interfaces sólido/soluções iônicas em condições em que o eletrodo é polarizável. Mostramos a possibilidade de formação de nanoestruturas gasosas, nanobolhas. Estendemos a pesquisa para a superfície do ouro funcionalizado com filmes de tiol, S-layers (proteínas de membrana de bactéria), e adsorção de lipossomos zwiteriônicos. A interface sólido/líquido também foi estudada relativamente às características hidrofóbicas da funcionalidade devido à sua microestrutura superficial (superfície superhidrofóbica). Usamos as técnicas de microscopia de força atômica, AFM, e de Raman confocal, paralelamente às nossas pesquisas com a EQCM. Para complementar o estudo de campos elétricos aplicados a interfaces, estudamos também os efeitos macroscópicos da aplicação desses campos a líquidos dielétricos como a água. Pesquisamos o fenômeno da ponte líquida usando líquidos dielétricos isolantes apróticos / Abstract: In this work, we have studied the use of self-assembling films onto gold electrode of the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance, EQCM. The main objective is to understand the physical interaction of the functionalized solid surface with the liquid medium. We have developed a methodology to understand the dynamics of variation of the parameters measured by the EQCM in liquid medium. We also have introduced the two-dimensional representation of the variation of resonance frequency and resonance resistance of the quartz crystal of the EQCM, ?f and ?R respectively. The measurements were taken during a perturbation, using time as parameter. The methodology was used for aqueous salt solutions, alcohol, nonpolar liquids such as cyclohexane, n-hexane and sucrose solutions. We showed that real liquids exhibit viscoelasticity. We also tested the perturbation caused by the application of electric field at solid interfaces/ionic solutions, under conditions in which the electrode is polarizable. We showed the possibility of formation of gaseous nanostructures, nanobubbles. We extended the study to gold electrode thiol-functionalized surfaces, gold surfaces covered by S-layers films (membrane proteins of bacteria), and then adsorption of zwitterionic liposomes. The solid/liquid interface was also studied in relation to hydrophobic functionality due to its surface microstructure (superhydrophobic surface). We use the atomic force microscopy, AFM, and confocal Raman techniques, parallel to our research with EQCM. In addition to the study of electric fields applied to interfaces, we also studied the macroscopic effects of the application of these fields to the dielectric liquids like water. We researched the phenomenon of liquid bridge using insulating dielectric aprotic liquids / Doutorado / Física / Doutor em Ciências / 2010/140031-3 / CNPQ

Studium hydroxidů a oxidů kovů ve vodných roztocích / Study of Metal Oxides and Hydroxides in Aqueous Solutions

Špičák, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation work deals with analysis of nickel hydroxide phases, their oxidation compounds, their stability and degradation mechanisms of electrochemically more active alpha phase on standard beta phase. The active material was prepared by both methods, electrodeposition and chemical precipitation. Main analysis method was Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance in combination with common analytical methods (cyclic voltammetry, potenciometry) can resolute between alpha and beta phases and quantitatively describe differences in main reaction by monitoring mass changes in the active material. Poor stability of the ?-Ni(OH)2 were improved by adding cations with valence two three and four into the structure instead of Ni atoms. The most important role plays cobalt and its hydroxide. Totally new way is to use titanium in combination with other cations. In electrolyte the most significant addition is LiOH, which has beneficial influent on cycle ability, stability in strong alkaline medium and cycle life.

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