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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh energetických systémů využívajících vodík jako palivo / Design of Energy Systems Using Hydrogen as Fuel

Slováček, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Purpose of this thesis is wisdom accumulation from current area of energetic use of hydrogen and future systems. In overview is presented possible processes where dominate steam methane reforming. In main part of thesis, steam methane reforming will be analyzed and electrolysis also. Actual results will be discussed. Next part is about energetic use of hydrogen based on thermochemical properties and safety. Used of hydrogen will be divided to areas thermal generation as burner‘s section, electric generation as fuel cell‘s section, mechanical energy as combustion engine’s section and finally chemical transportation of energy. At the end will be made a promising energy systems using hydrogen as fuel which can be applied in a large scale.

Engineering of Earth-Abundant Electrochemical Catalysts

Rodene, Dylan D 01 January 2019 (has links)
Alternative energy research into hydrogen production via water electrolysis addresses environmental and sustainability concerns associated with fossil fuel use. Renewable-powered electrolyzers are foreseen to produce hydrogen if energy and cost requirements are achieved. Electrocatalysts reduce the energy requirements of operating electrolyzers by lowering the reaction kinetics at the electrodes. Platinum group metals (PGMs) tend to be utilized as electrocatalysts but are not readily available and are expensive. Ni1-xMox alloys, as low-cost and earth-abundant transition metal nanoparticles (NPs), are emerging as promising electrocatalyst candidates to replace expensive PGM catalysts in alkaline media. Pure-phase cubic and hexagonal Ni1-xMox alloy NPs with increasing Mo content (0–11.4%) were synthesized as electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). In general, an increase in HER activity was observed with increasing Mo content. The cubic alloys were found to exhibit significantly higher HER activity in comparison to the hexagonal alloys, attributed to the higher Mo content in the cubic alloys. However, the compositions with similar Mo content still favored the cubic phase for higher activity. To produce a current density of -10 mA/cm2, the cubic and hexagonal alloy NPs require over-potentials ranging from -62 to -177 mV and -162 to -242 mV, respectively. The cubic alloys exhibited over-potentials that rival commercial Pt-based electrocatalysts (-68 to -129 mV at -10 mA/cm2). The cubic Ni0.934Mo0.066 alloy NPs showed the highest alkaline HER activity of the electrocatalysts studied and therefore a patent application was submitted. Bulk Ni–Mo phases have been known as electrocatalysts for the HER for decades, while recently transition metal phosphides (TMPs) have emerged as stable and efficient PGM alternatives. Specifically, Ni2P has demonstrated good HER activity and improved stability for both alkaline and acidic media. However, Ni2P electrocatalysts are a compromise between earth-abundance, performance (lower than Ni–Mo and PGMs) and stability. For the first time Ni–Mo–P electrocatalysts were synthesized with varying atomic ratios of Mo as electrocatalysts for alkaline HER. Specific phases, compositions and morphologies were studied to understand the intrinsic properties of TMPs leading to high HER activity. The Ni1.87Mo0.13P and Ni10.83Mo1.17P5 NPs were shown to be stable for 10 h at –10 mA cm-2 with over-potentials of –96 and –82 mV in alkaline media, respectively. The Ni1.87Mo0.13P and Ni10.83Mo1.17P5 NPs exhibited an improved performance over the synthesized Ni2P sample (–126 mV at –10 mA cm-2), likely a result of the overall phosphorous content and hetero-structured morphologies. A strong correlation between phase dependence and the influence of Mo on HER activity needs to be further investigated. Furthermore, understanding the intrinsic properties of electrocatalysts leading to high water splitting performance and stability can apply electrocatalysts in other research applications, such as photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting, water remediation and sustainable chemical processing applications. Contributions to photocatalytic water remediation and electrochemical chlorinated generation to halogenate pyridone-based molecules are reported. Electrochemical techniques were developed and reported herein to aid in understanding electrochemical performance, chemical mechanisms and the stability of electrocatalysts at the electrode-electrolyte interfaces.

Ekonomiska förutsättningar för vätgasproduktion som stöd till vindkraft

Nilsson, Henrik, Larsson, Christoffer January 2020 (has links)
Världen står inför utmaningen att minska sin klimatpåverkan som till en del beror på utsläpp av växthusgaser såsom koldioxid. Detta samtidigt som behovet av energi spås öka markant. Förnybara källor, företrädesvis vind- och solkraft, spås öka sin andel av den globala energiförsörjningen. Förnybar elkraftgenerering är dock inte oproblematisk då produktionen är svår att förutspå. När solen lyser eller vinden blåser sammanfaller dessutom inte alltid med när behovet av elektricitet finns vilket skapar stabilitetsproblem i elnätet. Att lagra energi för att sedan kunna återföra är ett sätt att både lösa stabilitetsproblem i elnätet och säkerställa att energi finns när den behövs. I den här studien undersöks möjligheten att, med el från vindkraft, genom elektrolys framställa vätgas som sedan lagras för att senare återföras som el via bränslecell eller säljas som råvara. Avsikten är att motverka negativa ekonomiska konsekvenser vid försäljning av intermittent vindkraft. I studien används modeller som gör simuleringar utifrån historiska data för 2019 från en vindpark. Detta för att undersöka om regleravgifter vid prognosavvikelser går att undvika eller delvis motverka samt om det går att flytta elproduktion i tid med en vätgasanläggning för att förbättra det ekonomiska utfallet för en vindkraftsproducent. Resultaten visar att detta i dagsläget inte är lönsamt utifrån de antaganden som gjorts. Detta främst för att alltför få drifttimmar uppnås i båda fallen. Studien visar att det dock kan vara lönsamt om syftet är att producera vätgas istället för att vara ett stöd för en vindkraftsproducent. / The world faces the challenge of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases in order to mitigate climate change. At the same time, global energy demand is predicted to increase significantly. Renewable power generation like wind and solar power are believed to dominate the increase of needed power generation. These renewables power sources do not come without problems. Power fluctuations, due to their variable production causes grid stability problems and does not necessarily correspond to the demand for energy. Energy storage is a possible solution for both grid stability as well as for non-corresponding production/demand situations. This study investigates the feasability of hydrogen production by water electrolysis with electricity from a wind park. The produced hydrogen could either be sold or stored and used in a fuel cell to generate electricity at a later point in time. The aim is to mitigate negative economic consequenses from selling intermittent wind power. In the study simulations are made with historic data from 2019 from a wind park. Two models were created to investigate if imbalance costs due to forecast errors could be avoided or partially avioded and to investigate the possibility to move production of electricity in time and avoid unfavourable spot market prices. This in order to enhance the finacial results. The results from the study shows that at the present moment this is not a profitable approach with the assumptions made. The foremost reason for this is that too few system operating hours is obtained in each case. However, the results also shows that if the objective shifts from supporting wind power to producing hydrogen, the outcome could be profitable.

Integration of Hydrogen Production via Water Electrolysis at a CHP Plant : A feasibility study

Ottosson, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Hydrogen gas (H2), that is not produced from fossil oil or natural gas, is expected to become a cornerstone in the energy transition strategy in Europe. The recent years, technological and economic advances in the electrolyzer area, along with political and corporate support, have put H2 at the forefront of many countries’ climate change agenda. Consequently, green H2 is poised to play a large role in the coming energy transition to combat climate change. The possible advantages of integrating H2 production with a combined heat and power plant, or CHP, is investigated in this study. More precisely, the water electrolysis is carried out based on the purified flue gas condensate water and excess heat is recovered as district heating. A comparison of today’s three most common electrolyzer technologies was made, where Proton Exchange Membrane, or PEM, technology was chosen for this project, mainly for its high purity of H2 gas, robust construction, and the ability to run it as a fuel cell. Based on a mass and energy balance, a model including the integration of a PEM with a generic CHP plant was developed. The model was made modifiable, making it possible to change governing parameters, to be able to investigate different possible scenarios. Production flows, losses and other relevant data was calculated from the model. Operational data for the PEM electrolyzer were collected from several manufacturers where a mean value of the data was used as a base-case for the calculations. Based on literature and consulting experts, several assumptions were made, for example the selling price of H2 and the price for electricity. From the base-case were two cases made: a linear and non-linear case. The linear case uses the same input data each year for 20 years, while the non-linear case uses a changing input data each year for 20 years. Calculations were based on an electrolyzer size of 1,4 MW, where auxiliary equipment consumed additional 0,04 MW, resulting in a total energy consumption of 1,44 MW. An operational temperature of 80°C was assumed along with an operational pressure of 5 and 30 bar for the anode and cathode respectively. This resulted in an H2 production flow of 26 kg/h, a process water requirement of 0,2 m3/h, and a possible heat recovery amount of 0,34 MWh with a relevant temperature for the use in district heating. The study shows that the condensate-water at E.ON could provide for ~4000 hours of operation in the wintertime. To enable full operation all year around, a purchase of tap water would be necessary. The economical calculations resulted in an H2 production cost of 53 SEK/kg for the linear case and 58 SEK/kg for the non-linear case. The linear case showed a positive internal rate of return, or IRR, of 1,7%, while the non-linear case resulted in IRR < -25%. A sensitive analysis was made to examine governing parameters. The results of the sensitivity analysis showed that the largest driving variables, that significantly affect the IRR, are the price for electricity and the selling price for H2. The largest OPEX cost was found to be the price of electricity. The results showed that it is feasible to produce H2 at E.ON Örebro in a resource efficient way under certain circumstances, correlated to the electricity and H2 market. With a low electricity price and a selling price of ~50 SEK/kg for H2, good profitability is expected.  It is also clear that future work should focus the areas of O2 usage, infrastructure, and market investigation for a more definitive conclusion.

Development, Characterization and Stress Analysis of Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide Thin Films as a Corrosion Barrier for Electrolysis

Lambright, Kelly Jeanne January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Development of Non-precious Metal and Metal Oxide Electrocatalysts for an Alkaline Lignin Electrolysis Process

Bateni, Fazel 20 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Development of Non-precious Metal and Metal Oxide Electrocatalysts for an Alkaline Lignin Electrolysis Process

Bateni, Fazel January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Egenproduktion av elektricitet via ett bränslecellsfordon på ett mikrobryggeri i Mellansverige : Analys av kostnader och systemverkningsgrad

Dahl, Lovisa, Hibner, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
För att uppnå de globala målen för hållbar utveckling krävs en omställning i dagensenergisystem, där fossila resurser bör ersättas med förnybara energikällor såsom soloch vindkraft. Då dessa energikällor har en intermittent energiproduktion, krävsenergilager för att de ska kunna ta över som huvudsakliga energikällor. Vätgas harvisat sig vara ett bra alternativ till fossila resurser, då det är en lovande energibärareför energilagring, har hög energitäthet liksom att produktionen av vätgas kan skeutan skadliga utsläpp. Genom användandet av överskottsenergi från förnybaraenergikällor – såsom sol- och vindkraft – kan vätgas utvinnas genomvattenelektrolys. Stigande elpriser har resulterat i att såväl privatpersoner somföretag får betala ett högt pris för sin elförbrukning, samtidigt som det finns en riskatt elförsörjningen vid vissa tidpunkter inte klarar av elbehovet. Av den anledningenhar egenproduktion av elkraft – partiellt eller helt självförsörjande – blivit allt meraktuellt. Detta examensarbete utfördes som en energi- och systemanalys, där syftetvar att undersöka hur ett bränslecellsfordon med vätgas som energibärare kundeimplementeras och användas för lokal elproduktion på ett mikrobryggeri föröltillverkning i Mellansverige. Detta genom att genomföra en övergripandeenergikartläggning och beräkning av bryggeriets energianvändning i MicrosoftExcel. Ett vätgassystem modellerades för att därefter analyseras avseende totalsystemkostnad och systemverkningsgrad, och jämföras med en solcellsanläggningsom dimensionerades med mjukvaran Winsun.Det kunde konstateras att bryggeriets befintliga system medförde ett totaltenergibehov av 35 417 kWh och en total elkostnad på 110 179 kr/år, med ensystemverkningsgrad för elleverans via elnätet på 100%. Genom att integrera ettbränslecellsfordon till bryggeriet kunde 6043 kWh elektricitet och 4029 kWhvärme genereras per år. Då den totala kostnaden för inköpt el och vätgasberäknades, uppgick systemkostnaden för vätgassystemet till 139 635 kr/år, därsystemverkningsgraden varierade mellan 25–34%. Den dimensioneradesolcellsanläggningen medförde en systemkostnad på 78 758 kr/år och ensystemverkningsgrad på 92%, då en rak avskrivningstid på tio år antogs. Då dessasystem jämfördes avseende total systemkostnad och systemverkningsgrad, kundeslutsatsen dras att solcellsanläggningen var det mest ekonomiskt lönsammaalternativet vad gäller egenproduktion av elektricitet för denna tillämpning.Vätgassystemet konstaterades vara det dyraste alternativet och blev cirka 30 000 krdyrare per år än referenssystemet, men det bör dock tas i beaktande attvätgassystemet även medför en säkrad eltillgänglighet då det fungerar somreservkraft för eventuella avbrott på elnätet. / A transition in today’s energy system is required to achieve the global goals forsustainable development, where fossil resources should be replaced by renewableenergy sources such as solar and wind energy. As these energy sources have anintermittent energy production, energy storage is required for these to work asmain energy sources. Hydrogen has proven to be a good alternative to fossilresources as it is a promising energy carrier for energy storage, has a high energydensity as well as the production of hydrogen can take place without harmfulemissions. By using the surplus energy produced from renewable energy sources –such as solar and wind power – hydrogen can be extracted through waterelectrolysis. Rising electricity prices has resulted that both individuals andcompanies are paying a high price for their electricity consumption, while there is arisk that the electricity supply at certain times can not cope with the electricitydemand. For this reason, self-production of electric power – partially or completelyself-sufficient – has become increasingly relevant. The thesis was carried out as anenergy and systems analysis, where the purpose was to investigate how hydrogencan be used for electricity production at a microbrewery for beer production incentral Sweden. An overall energy audit and calculation of the breweries energy usewas carried out in Microsoft Excel. A hydrogen system was modeled, and thenanalyzed in terms of total cost and system efficiency. The hydrogen system was thencompared with a photovoltaic system dimensioned with the software Winsun.It could be stated that the breweries existing system entails a total energy demand of35 417 kWh and a total electricity cost of 110 179 SEK/year, with a systemefficiency for electricity supply via the electricity grid of 100%. By integrating a fuelcell vehicle into the brewery 6043 kWh of electricity and 4029 kWh of heat couldbe generated per year. When the total cost of purchased electricity and hydrogenwas calculated, the cost for the hydrogen system amounted to 139 635 SEK/year,where the system efficiency varied between 25–34%. The dimensioned photovoltaicsystem resulted in a cost of 78 758 SEK/year and a system efficiency of 92%, whena straight depreciation period of ten years was assumed. When these systems werecompared regarding total cost and system efficiency, it could be concluded that thephotocoltaic system was the most economically viable alternative for electricityproduction. The hydrogen system was the most expensive alternative and will beabout 30 000 SEK more expensive per year than the reference system, but it shouldbe taken into account that the hydrogensystem also provides a secured electricityavailability as it serves as backup power for any interruptions in the electricity grid.

Electrochemical Oxidation of Lignin for the Production of Value-added Chemicals

Ghahremani, Raziyeh January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Potential of demand response for chlor-alkali electrolysis processes

Lerch, Philipp, Scheller, Fabian, Bruckner, Thomas 13 October 2023 (has links)
Chlor-alkali electrolysis indicates significant demand response potential, accounting for over 2% of Germany’s total elec-tricity demand. To fully analyze this potential, digital models or digital twins are necessary. In this study, we use the IRPopt modeling framework to develop a digital model of an electrolysis process and examine the cost-optimal load shifting application in the day-ahead spot and balancing reserve market for various price scenarios (2019, 2030, 2040). We also investigate the associated CO2 emissions. Combined optimization at both markets results in greater and more robust cost savings of 16.1% but cannibalizes the savings that are possible through optimization separately at each market. In future scenarios, the shares of savings from spot and reserve market could potentially reverse. CO2 savings between 2.5% and 9.2% appear only through optimization at the spot market and could even turn negative if optimized solely at the reserve market.

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