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Registrace fotografií do 3D modelu terénu / Registration of Photos to 3D ModelDeák, Jaromír January 2017 (has links)
This work refers existing solutions and options for the task registration of photos to 3D model based on the previous knowledge of the geographic position of the camera. The contribution of the work are new ways and possibilities of the solution with the usage of graph algorithms. In this area, the work interests are useful points of interest detection in input data, a construction of graphs and graph matching possibilities.
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Navigace pomocí turistické mapy / Navigation using a turistic mapMihál, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the design and realization of a program that is able to find the shortest route in the tourist map between selected points. The user can select the type of hiking trail. Application also generates terrain heightmap from contour lines and path elevation profile.
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Vícekriteriální návrh pokrytí území rádiovým signálem / Radio Network Multiobjective DesignVíteček, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with radio network design for a chosen part of a map. Here map is represented by digital map file, which was created within the project DEM. First step is to calculate distances between points in chosen map. With help of optimization algorithms, appropriate position of transceiver in the map and parameters of radio systems are determined, also final coverage by radio signal, represented by intensity of electric field or received power in whole map. The optimization algorithm is used to find the best solution in terms of input parameters (e.g. power of transmitter, height of mast) and resulting coverage of land by radio signal.
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Přeložka silnice II/150 Domaželice - Bystřice p. Hostýnem / Road II/150 Domaželice - Bystřice p. Hostýnem - relocation studyFeichtinger, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the diploma‘s thesis is the project of relaying of road II/150 between Domaželice village and the town of Bystřice pod Hostýnem. The road continues on to the bypass of Čechy village and Domaželice village. This bypass is under construction at this time. Relaying of road II/150 is connected on project of Bystřice pod Hostýnem bypass. The connection of the existing and intended roads is designed. The project includes the accompanying report, the drawing part and the photodocumentation. The project is drawning up in two programs called Bentley Inroads and AutoCAD according to valid standards.
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Vliv uspořádání krajiny na erozní a odtokové poměry povodí / Influence of the landscape management on erosion and runoff conditions of the catchmentHájek, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of landscape structure on soil erosion and runoff conditions of given area with help of digital elevation model and relevant GIS data. Analyses of soil erosion by water and runoff were processed for current conditions and several other variations. Based on this analyses and results was performed an evaluation of all model variations.
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Caractérisation de la plaque athérothrombotique à la phase aigüe de l'infarctus du myocarde en imagerie endocoronaire et marqueurs biologiques thrombotiques / Intracoronary imaging characterization of atherothrombotic plaque in acute myocardial infarction and biological markers of thrombosisRoule, Vincent 03 December 2019 (has links)
L’activité plaquettaire joue un rôle clé dans la physiopathologie de l’infarctus du myocarde avec sus-décalage du segment ST (IDM ST+). La réactivité plaquettaire est augmentée lors d’un IDM ST+, traité par angioplastie primaire ou par fibrinolyse avec succès. La relation entre la réactivité plaquettaire résiduelle après un pré-traitement, la charge athérothrombotique et la qualité de la reperfusion myocardique reste peu décrite dans le cadre des IDM ST+. La tomographie par cohérence optique et celle plus récente par domaine de fréquence offrent une imagerie de haute résolution permettant l’identification et la quantification précise de la charge athérothrombotique intracoronaire (CAT). La CAT résiduelle intra-stent peut aider à mieux comprendre la relation entre la réactivité plaquettaire et la reperfusion. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué la précision des tests VerifyNow et PFA en comparaison à l’agrégométrie optique pour la détection de l’hyperréactivité plaquettaire dans le contexte particulier des IDM ST+ traités par fibrinolyse avec succès. Nous avons aussi décrit les caractéristiques de la CAT avant et après angioplastie selon la présence d’une rupture de plaque ou d’une érosion coronaire chez des patients traités par fibrinolyse avec succès. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la relation entre la réactivité plaquettaire résiduelle (en réponse au ticagrelor et à l’aspirine) mesurée par VerifyNow et la reperfusion myocardique chez des patients traités par angioplastie primaire. En parallèle, nous avons décrit la relation entre la reperfusion myocardique et la CAT résiduelle intra-stent dans la même cohorte. / Platelet activity plays a key role in the pathophysiology of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Platelet reactivity is enhanced after STEMI treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or successful thrombolysis. The relationship between residual platelet reactivity after pre-treatment, the atherothrombotic burden and the quality of reperfusion remains poorly described in STEMI. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) provide high resolution imaging allowing identification and accurate quantification of intracoronary atherothrombotic burden (ATB). Residual in-stent ATB may help to better understand the relation between platelet reactivity and reperfusion. First, we assessed the accuracy of the point-of-care tests VerifyNow and PFA in comparison to light transmittance aggregometry to detect high on-treatment platelet reactivity (HPR) in the particular setting of STEMI successfully treated with fibrinolysis. We also described the characteristics of ATB before and after PCI according to the underlying presence of rupture or erosion in patients successfully treated with fibrinolysis. Then, we assessed the relationship between residual platelet reactivity (in response to ticagrelor and aspirin) using VerifyNow and myocardial reperfusion in primary PCI patients. In parallel, we studied the relationship between myocardial reperfusion and residual in-stent ATB in the same cohort.
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Prognosis after ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a study on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging versus clinical routinede Waha, Suzanne, Eitel, Ingo, Desch, Steffen, Fuernau, Georg, Lurz, Philipp, Stiermaier, Thomas, Blazek, Stephan, Schuler, Gerhard, Thiele, Holger January 2014 (has links)
Background: This study aimed to evaluate the incremental prognostic value of infarct size, microvascular obstruction (MO), myocardial salvage index (MSI), and left ventricular ejection fraction (LV-EFCMR) assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) in comparison to traditional outcome markers in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) reperfused by primary percutaneous intervention (PCI). Methods: STEMI patients reperfused by primary PCI (n = 278) within 12 hours after symptom onset underwent CMR three days after the index event (interquartile range [IQR] two to four). Infarct size and MO were measured 15 minutes after gadolinium injection. T2-weighted and contrast-enhanced CMR were used to calculate MSI. In addition, traditional outcome markers such as ST-segment resolution, pre- and post-PCI Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI)-flow, maximum level of creatine kinase-MB, TIMI-risk score, and left ventricular ejection fraction assessed by echocardiography were determined in all patients. Clinical follow-up was conducted after 19 months (IQR 10 to 27). The primary endpoint was defined as a composite of death, myocardial reinfarction, and congestive heart failure (MACE). Results: In multivariable Cox regression analysis, adjusting for all traditional outcome parameters significantly associated with the primary endpoint in univariable analysis, MSI was identified as an independent predictor for the occurrence of MACE (Hazard ratio 0.94, 95% CI 0.92 to 0.96, P <0.001). Further, C-statistics comparing a model including only traditional outcome markers to a model including CMR parameters on top of traditional outcome markers revealed an incremental prognostic value of CMR parameters (0.74 versus 0.94, P <0.001). Conclusions:
CMR parameters such as infarct size, MO, MSI, and LV-EFCMR add incremental prognostic value above traditional outcome markers alone in acute reperfused STEMI.
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Utilisation de l’habitat par le chevreuil (Capreolus capreolus) dans des environnements variables et contrastés / Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) habitat use in various different environmental conditionsGaudry, William 18 December 2015 (has links)
Au sein de son aire de répartition, le chevreuil (Capreolus capreolus) rencontre des conditions environnementales variables et contrastées qui engendrent une grande variété de patrons d'utilisation de l'espace. Jusqu'à présent, aucune étude n'a clairement établi un lien entre les différents patrons d'utilisation de l'espace et les conditions environnementales dans lesquelles le chevreuil évolue, ce qui limite notre compréhension des mécanismes impliqués dans le processus de sélection d'habitat. Grâce aux suivis télémétriques de nombreux chevreuils dans 4 sites avec des conditions environnementales fortement variables et contrastées nous avons cherché à établir un lien entre les variations des conditions environnementales et les variations des patrons d'utilisation de l'espace. Ainsi, nous avons démontré qu'en milieu alpin, les chevreuils adaptent l'amplitude de leurs déplacements en fonction des variations spatiales et temporelles de la disponibilité des ressources ainsi qu'en fonction des conditions d'enneigement. Contrairement aux précédentes études sur l'utilisation de l'espace par le chevreuil en milieu de montagne, nous avons montré que les mouvements des chevreuils au sein de notre aire d'étude correspondaient à un processus de sélection d'habitat de troisième ordre (48 cas; 89%) plutôt qu'à de la migration partielle, puisque très peu d'individus (6 cas; 11%) avaient stabilisé leurs déplacements au sein de domaines vitaux distincts au cours des saisons. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que le comportement de sélection d'habitat des chevreuils à l'échelle du domaine vital était très variable entre les populations mais également au sein de chaque population. Ainsi dans les forêts les plus pauvres où les ressources sont spatialement séparées au sein de différents habitats, nous avons démontré que les chevreuils étaient contraints de réaliser des compromis, générant des réponses fonctionnelles en sélection d'habitat. Au contraire, dans les habitats les plus riches où les ressources sont disponibles dans toutes les catégories d'habitat, nous n'avons pas observé de réponse fonctionnelle puisque les chevreuils n'étaient pas contraints et donc ne réalisaient pas de compromis. De plus, nous avons démontré que les chevreuils avec une même composition de domaine vital dans différents sites, utilisaient les ressources différemment. Ces résultats démontrent que la façon dont une ressource est utilisée ne dépend pas seulement de son niveau de disponibilité au sein du domaine vital mais varie également en fonction des conditions environnementales. De ce fait, il est impératif de tenir compte des conditions environnementales au sein d'un site pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans l'émergence des différents patrons d'utilisation de l'espace observés chez les ongulés. Enfin, nous avons tenté d'établir un lien entre les variations observées dans les patrons de sélection d'habitat à différentes échelles et la valeur sélective des chevreuils dans les populations de Chizé et de Trois-Fontaines pour lesquelles les données requises étaient disponibles, mais nous n'avons pu mettre en évidence aucun effet du comportement de sélection d'habitat sur la valeur sélective individuelle des femelles / Across its distributional range, the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) encounters a wide range of environmental conditions that generate marked differences of space use patterns. However, linking variation in space use by animals in different populations facing contrasted environmental conditions to site-specific conditions has not yet been investigated, which currently limits our understanding of the mechanisms involved in habitat selection. Using data collected on roe deer equiped with VHF and GPS collars in four different sites with contrasted environmental conditions, we aimed to fill this knowledge gap by relating variations in space use by animals in variable environmental conditions. We found that roe deer in Alpine environment adapt the magnitude of their movements to the spatial and temporal variation in resource availability, but also to the amount of snow cover. Contrary to previous studies on roe deer performed in mountain ranges, we showed that roe deer movements in the northern French Alps corresponds to the usage of various habitat components within the home range (third order habitat selection process; 48 cases; 89%) rather than as partial migration because very few (6 cases; 11%) roe deer stabilized their activity in distinct home ranges across seasons. Moreover, we found that roe deer markedly differed in habitat selection within their home range, both within and among populations. Roe deer facing poor environmental conditions with spatially segregated resources should trade one resource for another one, which generates a functional response in habitat selection. At the opposite, roe deer benefiting from rich environmental conditions in their home range do not have to trade one resource for another one and therefore did not display any functional response. In addition, our results suggest that a same habitat composition can lead to widely different space use patterns. These findings demonstrate that the way a given habitat type is used in relation to its availability strongly varies in response to environmental conditions, so that accounting for variation in environmental conditions is required to provide a reliable assessment of the mechanisms involved to shape the diversity of space use patterns we currently observed in ungulates. Finally, we looked for linking observed variation in space use patterns to indivudual fitness of female roe deer in the populations of Chizé and Trois-Fontaines for which the required data were available. However, we did not find any evidence of a positive effect of the intensity of habitat selection on individual female fitness
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Airborne Angle-Only GeolocalizationKallin, Tove January 2021 (has links)
Airborne angle-only geolocalization is the localization of objects on ground level from airborne vehicles (AV) using bearing measurements, namely azimuth and elevation. This thesis aims to introduce elevation data of the terrain to the airborne angle-only geolocalization problem and to demonstrate that it could be applicable for localization of jammers. Jammers are often used for deliberate interference with malicious intent which could interfere with the positioning system of a vehicle. It is important to locate the jammers to either avoid them or to remove them. Three localization methods, i.e. the nonlinear least squares (NLS), the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and the unscented Kalman filter (UKF), are implemented and tested on simulated data. The methods are also compared to the theoretical lower bound, the Cramér-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB), to see if there is an efficient estimator. The simulated data are different scenarios where the number of AVs, the relative flight path of the AVs and the knowledge of the terrain can differ. Using the knowledge of the terrain elevation, the methods give more consistent localization than without it. Without elevation data, the localization relies on good geometry of the problem, i.e. the relative flight path of the AVs, while the geometry is not as critical when elevation data is available. However, the elevation data does not always improve the localization for certain geometries. There is no method that is clearly better than the others when elevation data is used. The methods’ performances are very similar and they all converge to the CRLB but that could also be an advantage. This makes the usage of elevation data not restricted to a certain method and it leaves more up to the implementer which method they prefer.
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Kalibrering av en snömodell med satellitdata kring Kultsjöns avrinningsområdeErikson, Torbjörn-Johannes January 2016 (has links)
För att förutsäga snö är en av de viktigaste redskapen en snömodell som beskriver hur snö ackumuleras och avsmälter. En viktig aspekt i snömodellering är variationmed höjden. Höjden påverkar temperatur och nederbörd och därigenom också mönstret för avsmältning och ackumulering.En grad-dag snömodell över området anslutande till Kultsjöns avrinningsområde utfördes med hänsyn till höjdfördelningen. Modellens snötäcke kalibrerades med hjälp av klassificerade satellitfoton över området under perioden mars till juni 2014. Jämförelsen gjordes med hjälp av Cohens Kappa.Resultatet av simuleringen påvisade en påtaglig överrensstämmelse mellan modellen och den observerade data. De simulerade värdena för snödjup jämfördes med observerade data för att utföra en enkel validering. Igen erhölls till stor del överrensstämmelse.Det finns säkert ett behov av tillägg till modellen som tar hänsyn till strålning och vind, då båda dessa faktorer uteblev i modellen. / To predict snow, one of the most important tools is a snow model that describes how snow accumulates and melts. An important aspect in snow modeling is variation with elevation. Elevation influences temperature and precipitation, and therefore also the patterns of snow melt and accumulation.A degree-day snow model over the area around Kultsjön’s catchment area was made with respect to elevation distribution. The modeled snow cover was calibrated using classified satellite photo over the area during the period March to June 2014. The comparison was done using Cohen’s Kappa.The results of the simulation show a large portion of agreement between the model and observed data. The simulated values for snow depth were then compared to the observed data to perform a basic validation. Again there was a large portion of agreement.There is certainly a need for supplementary adjustments to the model that take into account radiation and wind, as both factors were left out of the model.
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