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Análise metodológica para a conversão de linhas de distribuição de 34,5 KV para 69 KV / Methodological analysis to convert distribution lines from 34,5 kV to 69 kV.Patrick Santos de Oliveira 17 January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho visa apresentar uma análise metodológica para viabilizar a realização da repotenciação, elevando a classe de tensão de linhas de distribuição de 34,5 kV para a classe de subtransmissão de 69 kV. Foi realizado um levantamento de casos de repotenciação de linhas de transmissão, inclusive para a alternativa de elevação da tensão de operação da linha. Foram analisados modelos matemáticos apropriados para a representação da linha frente a transitórios eletromagnéticos como curtos-circuitos e descargas atmosféricas e ainda, um estudo sobre o procedimento a ser realizado dispondo-se de um software baseado na teoria de elementos finitos para a verificação do nível básico de isolamento das estruturas pertencentes à linha. Assim, a linha piloto foi representada no software ATP, utilizando-se a interface ATPDraw, e foi submetida a diversos transitórios eletromagnéticos. A partir dos valores de tensão observados nesses distúrbios, iniciaram-se novas simulações computacionais por meio do software FLUX®, que é baseado na teoria dos elementos finitos, para avaliar o comportamento do campo elétrico nas diferentes estruturas da linha, considerando a cruzeta de madeira e os isoladores cerâmicos. Dessa forma, esse estudo, avalia as simulações computacionais realizadas e aponta quais as estruturas da linha estão aptas a operar na classe de tensão de 69 kV, ou ainda, quais alterações permitirão que estruturas menos seguras possam operar neste novo nível de tensão. Todas as etapas e as conclusões finais sobre o assunto delineado são apresentadas neste documento. / This work presents a methodological analysis to make repowering distribution line possible, raising the voltage level from 34.5 kV to 69 kV (sub transmission level). A literature review of transmission line upgrading was accomplished, including the alternative of raising the line operating voltage. Proper mathematical models were analyzed for the line representation facing electromagnetic transients such as short circuits and lightning. In addition, a software based on finite elements theory for the verification of the basic insulation level of the structures (poles and crossarms) belonging to the line was utilized. Thus, a pilot line was modeled in the ATP software, using the ATPDraw interface, and it was subjected to various electromagnetic transients. From the voltage values observed in these disturbances, new computer simulations were carried out using FLUX®, a finite elements theory based software capable of evaluating the electrical field behavior in different structures of the line, considering wooden crossarms and ceramic insulators. In this context, the present study analyze the computer simulations and points out which line structures are able to operate in the 69 kV voltage level, or even indicates which alterations will enable the less secure structures to operate in this new voltage level. All the stages and final conclusions about the outlined subject are presented in this document.
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Análise metodológica para a conversão de linhas de distribuição de 34,5 KV para 69 KV / Methodological analysis to convert distribution lines from 34,5 kV to 69 kV.Oliveira, Patrick Santos de 17 January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho visa apresentar uma análise metodológica para viabilizar a realização da repotenciação, elevando a classe de tensão de linhas de distribuição de 34,5 kV para a classe de subtransmissão de 69 kV. Foi realizado um levantamento de casos de repotenciação de linhas de transmissão, inclusive para a alternativa de elevação da tensão de operação da linha. Foram analisados modelos matemáticos apropriados para a representação da linha frente a transitórios eletromagnéticos como curtos-circuitos e descargas atmosféricas e ainda, um estudo sobre o procedimento a ser realizado dispondo-se de um software baseado na teoria de elementos finitos para a verificação do nível básico de isolamento das estruturas pertencentes à linha. Assim, a linha piloto foi representada no software ATP, utilizando-se a interface ATPDraw, e foi submetida a diversos transitórios eletromagnéticos. A partir dos valores de tensão observados nesses distúrbios, iniciaram-se novas simulações computacionais por meio do software FLUX®, que é baseado na teoria dos elementos finitos, para avaliar o comportamento do campo elétrico nas diferentes estruturas da linha, considerando a cruzeta de madeira e os isoladores cerâmicos. Dessa forma, esse estudo, avalia as simulações computacionais realizadas e aponta quais as estruturas da linha estão aptas a operar na classe de tensão de 69 kV, ou ainda, quais alterações permitirão que estruturas menos seguras possam operar neste novo nível de tensão. Todas as etapas e as conclusões finais sobre o assunto delineado são apresentadas neste documento. / This work presents a methodological analysis to make repowering distribution line possible, raising the voltage level from 34.5 kV to 69 kV (sub transmission level). A literature review of transmission line upgrading was accomplished, including the alternative of raising the line operating voltage. Proper mathematical models were analyzed for the line representation facing electromagnetic transients such as short circuits and lightning. In addition, a software based on finite elements theory for the verification of the basic insulation level of the structures (poles and crossarms) belonging to the line was utilized. Thus, a pilot line was modeled in the ATP software, using the ATPDraw interface, and it was subjected to various electromagnetic transients. From the voltage values observed in these disturbances, new computer simulations were carried out using FLUX®, a finite elements theory based software capable of evaluating the electrical field behavior in different structures of the line, considering wooden crossarms and ceramic insulators. In this context, the present study analyze the computer simulations and points out which line structures are able to operate in the 69 kV voltage level, or even indicates which alterations will enable the less secure structures to operate in this new voltage level. All the stages and final conclusions about the outlined subject are presented in this document.
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Modelling the Cross-Country Trafficability with Geographical Information SystemsGumos, Aleksander Karol January 2005 (has links)
<p>The main objectives of this work were to investigate Geographical Information Systems techniques for modelling a cross-country trafficability. To accomplished stated tasks, reciprocal relationships between the soil deposits, local hydrology, geology and geomorphology were studied in relation to the study area in South-Eastern Sweden.</p><p>Growing awareness of nowadays users of GIS in general is being concentrated on understanding an importance of soil conditions changed after cross-country trafficability. Therefore, in this thesis, constructing of the Soil Knowledge Database introduced to the genuine geological soil textural classes a new, modified geotechnical division with desirable for off-road ground reasoning measurable factors, like soil permeability, capillarity or Atterberg’s consistency limits.</p><p>Digital Elevation Model, the driving force for landscape studies in the thesis, was carefully examined together with the complementary datasets of the investigated area. Testing of the elevation data was done in association to the hydrological modelling, which resulted with the Wetness Index map. The three distinguishable soil wetness conditions: dry, moist and wet, were obtained, and used consequently for creation of the static ground conditions map, a visible medium of soils susceptibility to for example machine compaction.</p><p>The work resulted with a conceptual scheme for cross-country trafficability modelling, which was put into effect while modeling in GIS. As a final outcome, by combining all processed data together, derivatives were incorporated and draped over the rendered 3D animating scene. A visually aided simulation enabled to concretized theoretical, hypothetical and experimental outcomes into one coherent model of apprised under Multicriterial Evaluation techniques standardized factor maps for ground vehicle maneuverability. Also further steps of research were proposed.</p>
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Elevational differences in UV-B response by the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum)Thurman, Lindsey L. 08 June 2012 (has links)
Global amphibian declines have been attributed to numerous and often synergistic causes, such as invasive species, pathogens, and ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation. The effects of these stressors are context dependent and can vary with location, species, and populations. As sensitivity to UV-B has shown inconsistencies across amphibian taxa, it can be expected that variation also occurs between populations of a single species. High elevation populations of the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) face exponentially higher UV-B radiation levels relative to low elevation populations and these levels are predicted to increase in conjunction with continued ozone depletion. We hypothesized that breeding long-toed salamander females at high elevations have modified oviposition behavior to better protect embryos from UV-B induced damage. In addition, we hypothesized that long-toed salamander embryos at high elevation would exhibit elevated photolyase activity, a photo-reactivating enzyme that repairs UV-B radiation-induced damage to DNA. We predicted that this behavioral defense strategy would be employed together with an elevated physiological response as a correlated defense response to increased levels of UV-B radiation in high elevation populations. We surveyed high and low elevation long-toed salamander breeding sites throughout Oregon to quantify oviposition site characteristics and associated UV-B profiles. We simultaneously collected embryos for quantification of photolyase activity in a bacterial transformation assay. We found significant differences in oviposition behavior across elevations, with high elevation breeding females ovipositing in deeper water and using UV-B protective refugia. Oviposition sites at low elevations, however, were most
often found in UV-B exposed microhabitats located at the surface of the water. This population difference in oviposition behavior resulted in a standardization of UV-B and temperature conditions for long-toed salamander embryos across elevation. In contrast, we found no population differentiation in photolyase activity between high and low elevation breeding sites. This indicates that behavioral selection for UV-B protected oviposition substrates may either be negating the need for increased photolyase activity in long-toed salamander embryos, or that populations lack the capacity to adapt a heightened physiological response to UV-B at high elevations. Together, these results show how trade-offs in physiology and behavior are a unique adaptation to a significant environmental stressor. Further research into the susceptibility of amphibian species to changing environmental conditions may help to demonstrate the effectiveness of correlated trait responses and plasticity in behavior, and species persistence under changing climate regimes. / Graduation date: 2012
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Modelling the Cross-Country Trafficability with Geographical Information SystemsGumos, Aleksander Karol January 2005 (has links)
The main objectives of this work were to investigate Geographical Information Systems techniques for modelling a cross-country trafficability. To accomplished stated tasks, reciprocal relationships between the soil deposits, local hydrology, geology and geomorphology were studied in relation to the study area in South-Eastern Sweden. Growing awareness of nowadays users of GIS in general is being concentrated on understanding an importance of soil conditions changed after cross-country trafficability. Therefore, in this thesis, constructing of the Soil Knowledge Database introduced to the genuine geological soil textural classes a new, modified geotechnical division with desirable for off-road ground reasoning measurable factors, like soil permeability, capillarity or Atterberg’s consistency limits. Digital Elevation Model, the driving force for landscape studies in the thesis, was carefully examined together with the complementary datasets of the investigated area. Testing of the elevation data was done in association to the hydrological modelling, which resulted with the Wetness Index map. The three distinguishable soil wetness conditions: dry, moist and wet, were obtained, and used consequently for creation of the static ground conditions map, a visible medium of soils susceptibility to for example machine compaction. The work resulted with a conceptual scheme for cross-country trafficability modelling, which was put into effect while modeling in GIS. As a final outcome, by combining all processed data together, derivatives were incorporated and draped over the rendered 3D animating scene. A visually aided simulation enabled to concretized theoretical, hypothetical and experimental outcomes into one coherent model of apprised under Multicriterial Evaluation techniques standardized factor maps for ground vehicle maneuverability. Also further steps of research were proposed.
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Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von Flugzeug-InSAR in der GebirgskartographieDamoiseaux, Thomas 06 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to determine to what extent aircraft-borne radar remote sensing can be used as the sole method for making recordings of the surface of the earth as a basis for compiling topographical and relief maps of mountainous areas. This is done using three test areas: the Edelsberg area in the Allgäu Alps and the Silvretta and Verwall Groups in the Central Alps. The basis for discussion is provided by examination of the interaction between the objects to be imaged and the radar signal, the sensor-specific characteristics thereby being taken into account. Following this some data processing and conditioning methods used for extracting information on the relief and surface coverage for preparation of cartographical products are presented. Analysis of the quality of the results shows that, measured against the requirements of mountain cartography, radar remote sensing is a practical and useful tool for making maps in Alpine regions. As the sole source of information, however, aircraft-borne radar remote sensing p roves to date to be inadequate for cartographical applications in high-mountain regions. / Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, festzustellen, inwieweit die flugzeuggetragene Radarfernerkundung als alleinige Erfassungsmethode der Erdoberfläche zur Erstellung von topographischen und reliefbeschreibenden Karten in Gebirgslandschaften dienen kann. Dies wird anhand von drei Testgebieten, dem Edelsberggebiet in den Allgäuer Alpen sowie der Silvretta- und Verwallgrupe in den Zentralalpen, untersucht. Die Betrachtung der Interaktion zwischen den abzubildenden Objekten und dem Radar-Signal unter Berücksichtigung der sensorspezifischen Charakteristika bildet dabei die Diskussionsgrundlage. Im weiteren werden Methoden zur Datenprozessierung und -aufbereitung vorgestellt, die eine Informa-tionsextraktion bezüglich des Reliefs und der Oberflächenbedeckung für die Erstellung kartographischer Produkte ermöglichen. Die Qualitätsanalyse der Ergebnisse zeigt, dass die Radarfernerkundung, gemessen an den Anforderungen der Gebirgskartographie, ein sinnvolles und nutzbringendes Werkzeug für die Kartenerstellung in alpinen Regionen ist. Für kartographische Anwendungen in Hochgebirgsregionen erweist sich die flugzeuggetragene Radarfernerkundung als einzige Informationsquelle bislang allerdings als nicht ausreichend.
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Anwendung multiparametrischer Fernerkundungsdaten zur Ökosystem-Kartierung und Regionalisierung von Transpirations-Flussmessungen in Zentralsibirien / Application of Multiparametric Remote Sensing Data for Mapping of Ecosystems and Upscaling of Transpiration Fluxes in Central SiberiaEtzrodt, Norbert 18 June 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Geomorphologische Untersuchungen mittels GIS- und Fernerkundungsverfahren unter Berücksichtigung hydrogeologischer Fragestellungen - Fallbeispiele aus Nordwest Syrien / The application of GIS and remote sensing techniques for the solution of geomorphological and hydrogeological problems hydrogeological problems - Case studies from northwest SyriaSahwan, Wahib 15 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen nutrition of Ecuadorian montane forest treesWittich, Bärbel 09 April 2013 (has links)
Mit zunehmender Meereshöhe werden die Wachstumsbedingungen in tropischen Bergregionen im Allgemeinen ungünstiger, was sich in einer sinkenden Nährstoffverfügbarkeit, sinkenden Temperaturen und sinkendem CO2-Partialdruck zeigt. In tropischen Bergregenwäldern führen verminderte Abbauraten in größeren Höhen einerseits zu dicken organische Auflageschichten und andererseits in Kombination mit verminderten Mineralisierungs- und Nitrifizierungsraten zu Veränderungen in der Verfügbarkeit der verschiedenen Stickstoffformen, und es gibt Nachweise einer Limitierung der Produktivität dieser Wälder durch Stickstoff. Auf welche Weise sich die Photosynthesekapazität (Amax) tropischer Bäume einerseits und die Stickstoffaufnahmekapazität und Präferenz für einzelne Stickstoffformen andererseits an die veränderten Umweltbedingungen entlang von Höhengradienten adaptieren ist nicht genau bekannt.
Die vorliegende Untersuchung wurde in drei tropischen Bergregenwäldern durchgeführt, die entlang eines Höhengradienten auf 1000, 2000 und 3000 m ü. NN in Südequador liegen. Das Ziel war es, (1) die Photosynthesekapazität ausgewachsener tropischer Bäume entlang eines Höhengradienten mit Hilfe von Gaswechselmessungen zu bestimmen und die Effekte von Temperatur, CO2-Partialdruck und Nährstoffverfügbarkeit auf die Photosynthese zu quantifizieren und (2) Veränderungen in der Verwendung von Nitrat, Ammonium und organischen Stickstoffquellen durch tropische Waldbäume mit der Meereshöhe mittels einer Tracer-Untersuchung mit stabilen Isotopen an Jungpflanzen zu untersuchen.
Mittelwerte der lichtgesättigten Photosyntheserate (Asat) auf Bestandeseben betrugen 8.8, 11.3 und 7.2 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, die der Dunkelatmung (RD) 0.8, 0.6 und 0.7 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 jeweils auf 1000, 2000 and 3000 m Meereshöhe, ohne einen signifikanten Höhentrend. Die Einordnung unserer Daten in den Kontext eines pantropischen Asat-Datensatzes von tropischen Bäumen (c. 170 Arten an 18 Standorten unterschiedlicher Meereshöhe) zeigte, dass das flächenbezogene Asat in tropischen Bergen im Mittel 1.3 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 pro km Höhenzunahme abnimmt (bzw. 0.2 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 pro K Temperaturabnahme). Die Abnahme von Asat trat auf, obwohl die Blattmasse je Fläche mit der Höhe zunahm. Eine verminderte Photosyntheserate und eine reduzierte Bestandesblattfläche bewirken gemeinsam eine Verringerung der Kohlenstoffaufnahme des Kronenraums mit der Meereshöhe in tropischen Bergregionen.
Der Phosphorgehalt pro Blattmasse war der Faktor, der Amax entlang des Höhengradienten hauptsächlich beeinflusste, während die Effekte von Blattstickstoff, Temperatur und CO2-Partialdruck nicht signifikant waren. Amax erfuhr einen teilweisen und RD einen vollständigen homöostatischen Ausgleich als Reaktion auf die Verminderung von Temperatur und CO2-Partialdruck in größeren Höhen, was hauptsächlich durch eine stark reduzierte spezifische Blattfläche (SLA) und die daraus entstehende Zunahme von Blattstickstoff und -phosphor je Blattfläche bedingt war, während keine Zunahme der Karboxylierungseffizienz festgestellt wurde. Wir schlussfolgern, dass die Verminderung von SLA und Gesamtblattfläche mit der Meereshöhe die Kohlenstoffaufnahme von tropischen Wäldern in großen Meereshöhen deutlich stärker bestimmen als adaptive physiologische Modifizierungen des Photsyntheseapparates.
Jungpflanzen von sechs Baumarten unterschieden sich hinsichtlich ihrer Präferenz für verschieden Stickstoffformen, allerdings schienen weder das Amonium- und Nitratvorkommen im Boden noch die Meereshöhe die Präferenz zu beeinflussen. Zwei Arten (jeweils die, mit den höchsten Wachstumsraten) bevorzugten Amonium gegenüber Nitrat, während die restlichen vier Arten Nitrat und Amonium mit ähnlichen Raten aufnahmen, wenn beide Stickstofformen verfügbar waren. Nach der Gabe von 15N13C-Glyzin zeigte sich bei drei Arten eine signifikante Akkumulierung von 13C in der Biomasse (zwei Arten mit arbuskulären Mykorrhiza und eine Art mit Ektomykorrhiza) zusätzlich zu einer signifikanten Akkumulierung von 15N, was darauf hindeutet, dass Bäume in tropischen Bergregenwäldern organische Stickstoffverbindungen unabhängig vom Typ ihrer Mykorrhizierung aufnehmen können.
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Trembling aspen site index in relation to environmental measures of site qualityKlinka, Karel January 2001 (has links)
Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) is one of the most common tree species in the boreal and temperate forests of North America. It grows on many different sites and associates with a variety of tree species. In BC, aspen is frequent throughout all submontane and montane continental forested zones. Relationships between environmental factors and forest productivity have been the subjects of many studies. Most of these studies, using various topographic, soil, physical and chemical properties as independent variables, had limited success in accounting for the variation in SI over a large geographic area. The objectives of this study were (1) to quantify relationships between aspen SI and environmental factors at two spatial scales, and (2) to develop predictive SI models from easily measurable environmental factors.
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