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Método de cálculo volumétrico de seios maxilares por meio de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico e software para edição de imagens visando planejamento cirúrgico de elevação do assoalho do seio maxilar / Method for the measurement of maxillary sinus volume using cone beam computed tomography and image editor software for planning maxillary sinus floor elevation surgeryJorge Fumio Kanaji 14 September 2009 (has links)
Objetivo: Validar a proposta de cálculo do volume de seios maxilares, utilizando-se de imagens trans-axiais geradas por meio de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico, analisando as mesmas em software para edição de imagens, e comparando os volumes aferidos, com os obtidos por meio de molde dos seios maxilares com silicone de condensação fluido. Métodos: Foram utilizados 05 crânios secos com osteotomia axial, pertencentes ao acervo do Laboratório de Anatomia da Universidade Cidade de São Paulo, de modo que se pudesse observar os seios maxilares em vista superior, totalizando 6 sítios. Os sítios foram moldados com silicone de condensação flúido por meio da injeção do mesmo com uma seringa para elastômero, e modelos dos seios maxilares foram confeccionados por meio da imersão dos moldes de silicone em gesso. Os modelos de gesso foram hidratados e preenchidos com água até que se atingisse a altura de 10mm e esse volume de água foi removido por meio de uma pipeta graduada na qual pôde-se fazer a leitura do volume. A amostra foi então submetida a tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico, para posterior reformatação em cortes trans-axiais, que foram analisados no software Photoshop CS3 Extended® e o cálculo do volume foi feito com auxílio do software Excel®. Resultados: Os dados obtidos pelos dois métodos foram comparados estatisticamente por meio de gráficos de perfis individuais, diagrama de dispersão (Bussab e Morettin), coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (Fleiss) e gráfico de Bland-Altman. Após análise dos métodos estatísticos se observou reprodutibilidade de ambos os métodos e forte correlação entre os mesmos. Conclusão: Os cortes trans-axiais da maxila, obtidos por meio da tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico, podem ser utilizados para cálculo dos volumes de seios maxilares, quando da análise dos mesmos em software Photoshop CS3 Extended®, fornecendo valores de volume próximos e estatisticamente compatíveis aos obtidos por meio do molde dos seios maxilares com silicone de condensação (padrão ouro), de maneira sistematizada e de fácil reprodução. / Purpose: To validate the proposal for measurement of maxillary sinus volume, using cross-sectional images generated by cone beam computed tomography, which were analyzed with an image editor software, and comparing the estimated volumes with those obtained through impression with fluid condensation silicone. Methods: Five dry skulls axially osteotomized, from the São Paulo University City Anatomy Laboratory, were used to allow an upper view of the maxillary sinuses, totaling 6 sites. The sites were molded com fluid condensation silicone injected with an elastomer syringe, and maxillary sinus models were produced by immersing the silicone mold into plaster. The plaster casts were hydrated and fulfilled with water reaching 10 mm height, which was removed with a graduated pipette to determine the water volume. The sample underwent cone beam computed tomography and the images were reformatted to produce cross-sectional views, which were analyzed with Photoshop CS3 Extended®, and the volume was calculated using Excel®. Results: Data obtained by both methods were statistically compared based on individual profile graphic, dispersion diagram (Bussab and Morettin), intraclass correlation coefficient (Fleiss) and Bland-Altman plot. After being analyzed, the two statistical methods showed reproducibility and strong correlation. Conclusion: Cross-sectional views generated by cone beam computed tomography and analyzed with Photoshop CS3 Extended® are useful to calculate the maxillary sinus volume, in order to help in planning the maxillary sinus floor elevation surgery.
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Análise de imagens baseada em objetos geográficos (GEOBIA) aplicada ao mapeamento da transição entre cinturão orogênico do atlântico e bacia sedimentar do Paraná / Analysis of images based on geographic objects (GEOBIA) applied to the transition mapping between Atlantics orogenic belt and Paranas sedimentary basinLeonardo Takei Kawata 11 November 2014 (has links)
O uso de geotecnologias pode contribuir de forma muito significativa para os estudos em geomorfologia. Considerando os principais componentes desta ciência, morfografia, morfometria, morfogênese e morfocronologia, os modelos digitais para a representação da superfície da Terra podem ser amplamente utilizados na aquisição de muitas destas informações. O uso de Modelos Digitais de Elevação (MDE) há alguns anos, já é uma realidade em estudos envolvendo geomorfologia. A sua utilização permite a aquisição de variáveis e parâmetros objetivos que podem servir à definição de critérios para o agrupamento de unidades geomorfológicas. Podendo, portanto, ser um instrumento valioso para mapeamento de áreas amplas em escalas de 1:50.000 e 1:100.000. Para tanto, é necessário definir os critérios coerentes e os algoritmos de segmentação que oferecem os melhores resultados para as diversas áreas de estudo. Os MDE gerados pela missão Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) são de vasta abrangência e contemplam todo o território nacional brasileiro. Portanto, os dados gerados pela missão podem ser uma importante fonte de informação para mapeamentos com metodologia única. O alcance deste objetivo não garante avanços metodológicos na cartografia geomorfológica, tendo em vista que a possibilidade de comparação entre diferentes cartas geomorfológicas de detalhe ainda é restrita. / Geotechnologies can contribute significantly to geomorphology studies. Whereas the main principles of this science, mophography, morphometry, morphogenesis and morphochronology, the digital models used to represent the Earth surface can be widely utilized in a bunch of these data. Lately, the use of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can be considered a reality in geomorphology studies. The utilization allows the acquisition of objective variables and parameters that can be suitable for definition of geomorphological units. Hence, can be a valuable tool for wide area mapping using 1:50.000 and 1:100.000 scales. For that reason, it is necessary to define coherent criteria and the proper segmentation algorithm in order to reach better results for different study cases. DEM provided by Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) are wide range and cover the whole national territory. Therefore, data provided by this mission can be an important information for a single methodology mapping project.
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Changes in the Cold Surface Layer on a Polythermal Glacier during Substantial Ice Mass Loss / Förändringar i det kalla ytskiktet på en polytermal glaciär under omfattande massförlustBlomdahl, Klara January 2015 (has links)
Climate change in the Arctic and sub-Arctic has induced substantial changes in the inland cryosphere. The warming climate is causing a reduction in glacier size and extent and the average net mass balance for Arctic glaciers have been negative over the past 40 years. Relatively few studies have been conducted concerning the development of the thermal distribution in glaciers during extensive volume changes. There is a possible diversity in how the thermal structure might change with a changing climate. Storglaciären is losing the cold surface layer in the ablation area and progressively becomes more temperate, while Kårsaglaciären is losing the zone of temperate ice in the ablation area and consequently becoming colder. The overall objective of this study has been to improve the understanding of the thermal response of polythermal glaciers to climate change. The results from Pårteglaciären, northern Sweden, indicate a decrease in volume by 18% in the last 15 years with an expected decrease of 35% of its present size during the coming century. As a consequence of the prevailing climate and volume decrease Pårteglaciären is experiencing a thinning of the cold surface layer at an average rate of 1.13 m a-1. The volumetric and cold surface layer changes are in the same magnitude, which may indicate that the CTS adapts relatively rapidly to the present changes. Assuming a climatic effect similar to what has been observed on Storglaciären, it can be concluded that the thinning has influenced the thermal regime. But in contrast to Kårsaglaciären, the thermal distribution on Pårteglaciären has become more temperate as a result of the substantial mass loss. / Klimatförändringar i Arktis och subarktis har orsakat stora förändringar i kryosfären. Ett varmare klimat orsakar en minskning av glaciärers storlek och omfattning och nettomassbalansen för Arktiska glaciärer har varit negativ under de senaste 40 åren. Relativt få studier har genomförts angående utvecklingen av den termiska fördelningen i glaciärer under omfattande volymförändringar. Det finns en möjlig diversitet i hur den termiska strukturen kan ändras med ett förändrat klimat. Storglaciären förlorar det kalla ytskiktet i ablationsområdet och blir successivt mer tempererad, medan Kårsaglaciären förlorar zonen med tempererad is i ablationsområdet och blir därmed kallare. Syftet med den här studien har varit att öka förståelsen för den termiska reaktionen hos polytermala glaciärer till ett förändrat klimat. Resultaten från Pårteglaciären i norra Sverige visar en volymreducering med 18% under de senaste 15 åren med en förväntad minskning på 35% av den nuvarande storleken under det kommande århundradet. Som en följd av det rådande klimatet och den reducerade volymen genomgår det kalla ytskiktet på Pårteglaciären en förtunning med en genomsnittlig hastighet av 1.13 m a-1. Volymförändringarna och förändringarna i kalla ytskiktet är i samma storleksordning, vilket tyder på att CTS anpassas relativt snabbt till de nuvarande förändringarna. Förutsatt en klimatisk effekt liknande den som observerats på Storglaciären, kan slutsatsen dras att förtunningen har påverkat den termiska regimen. Men i motsats till Kårsaglaciären har den termiska fördelningen på Pårteglaciären blivit mer tempererad som ett resultat av den omfattande massförlusten.
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LIDAR-analys av flygsanddyner i Västerbottens inland : Har dynmorfologi bildad under tidigare interstadialer bevarats i landskapet? / Analysis of aeolian sand dunes in the inland of Västerbotten using LIDAR-derived images : Has dune morphology formed during earlier interstadials been preserved in the landscape?Bogren, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to map the prevalence of aeolian sand dunes in Västerbotten, northern Sweden to find dunes formed during earlier deglaciation phases, which was then preserved in cold-based conditions during the youngest stadial of the Weichselian glaciation. These preserved dunes were expected to be covered by a layer of till and have a rather faint morphology compared to dunes formed during the Holocene. Consequently, high resolution LIDAR-derived images from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet) was used to detect the dunes throughout an area covering most of Västerbotten, above the highest coastline and below the mountain range. The analysis resulted in several new findings of aeolian dunes compared to the findings in the quaternary soil map created by the Geological Survey of Sweden. Despite the fact some of the dunes at the LIDAR-derived image had a strange faint appearance, it was quickly evident during the fieldwork that the aeolian sand was not covered by till on any of the dunes visited. The common view during the last decades has been that cold-based ice will not erode or alter the morphology of the landscape beneath the ice. However, this study suggests that hypothesis may not be entirely correct, and therefore it can be hard to use geomorphological implications to reconstruct past glacial environments. Thus, it can be concluded that even under cold-based conditions, preservation of aeolian sand dunes in Västerbotten is probably not very common.
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A Study of Sediment Accretion Dynamics in Mature and Restored Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands in the James River Watershed using Surface Elevation Tables and Marker HorizonsLopez, Ronaldo 01 January 2017 (has links)
Sediment accretion and elevation change in tidal forests, and the corresponding ability of these wetlands to keep pace with sea-level rise (SLR), represent data gaps in our understanding of wetland sustainability. Surface Elevation Tables and marker horizons were installed in three mature tidal forests and a restored tidal marsh, allowing us to measure elevation change, accretion, and subsidence. Additionally, we measured predictor variables to test for their significance in explaining accretion and elevation change rates. Mean accretion at our sites was 11.67 +/- 3.01 mm yr-1 and mean elevation change was -20.22 +/- 8.10 mm yr-1, suggesting subsidence occurring beneath the sites. Processes contributing to accretion and elevation change at our sites may be driven by hydrologic patterns. Comparing our elevation trends with SLR trends suggests that our study sites may not keep pace with SLR. However, we may be observing short-term oscillations that do not indicate true long-term trends.
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High-resolution Permafrost Distribution Modelling for the Central and Southern Yukon, and Northwestern British Columbia, CanadaBonnaventure, Philip P. January 2011 (has links)
Basal Temperature of Snow (BTS) measurements were used as the primary inputs to a high resolution (30 x 30 m grid cells) empirical-statistical regional permafrost probability model for the southern and central Yukon, and northernmost British Columbia (59° - 65°N). Data from seven individual study areas distributed across the region were combined using a blended distance decay technique, with an eighth area used for validation. The model predictions are reasonably consistent with previous permafrost maps for the area with some notable differences and a much higher level of detail. The modelling gives an overall permafrost probability of 52%. North of 62°N, permafrost becomes more extensive in the lowland areas whereas farther south permafrost is typically common only above treeline.
Significant differences exist between the mountain environments of the Yukon and the Swiss Alps where the BTS method originated and as a result different modelling approaches had to be developed. This work therefore: (1) develops additional explanatory variables for permafrost probability modelling, the most notable of which is equivalent elevation, (2) confirms the use of ground truthing as a requirement for empirical-statistical modelling in the Yukon and (3) uses a combination of models for the region in order to spatially predict between study areas.
The results of this thesis will be of use to linear infrastructure route-planning, geohazard assessment and climate change adaptation strategies. Future work employing the model will allow the effects of scenario-based climate warming to be examined.
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Structure des assemblages fongiques de la phyllosphère des arbres forestiers et effet potentiel du changement climatiqueCordier, Tristan 06 April 2012 (has links)
La phyllosphère est l’habitat fourni par la partie foliaire des plantes. De nombreuses espèces microbiennes - pathogènes, saprophytes ou mutualistes des plantes - peuplent cet environnement. Ce compartiment microbien influence donc la dynamique et la structure des communautés végétales. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était d’étudier les effets potentiels du changement climatique sur la structure des assemblages fongiques de la phyllosphère des arbres forestiers, et sur la niche écologique des espèces fongiques pathogènes des arbres forestiers. Nous avons pour cela utilisé deux approches, i) l’étude de gradients altitudinaux et ii) la construction de modèles de niche bioclimatique.Les assemblages fongiques de la phyllosphère des arbres forestiers étant encore peu connus, nous avons dans un premier temps décrit leur diversité et quantifié leur variabilité spatiale à l’échelle d’une parcelle forestière.Nos résultats montrent que la phyllosphère d’un arbre forestier abrite quelques centaines d’espèces fongiques, avec quelques espèces dominantes et beaucoup d’espèces rares. Les facteurs structurant ces assemblages incluent à la fois des facteurs abiotiques et biotiques : la température apparaît comme la variable climatique la plus explicative le long d’un gradient altitudinal ; à l’échelle d’une parcelle, la proximité génétique entre arbres est plus déterminante que leur distance géographique.L’analyse des modèles de niche des champignons pathogènes forestiers à l’échelle de la France met en évidence des limitations climatiques, les pluies estivales étant une variable explicative importante.Toutefois, plusieurs espèces introduites occupent déjà la plus grande part de la distribution de leur hôte,sans limitation apparente par le climat. Les effets du changement climatique sur la plupart des pathogènes s’exerceront d’abord indirectement par des effets dépressifs très importants sur l’abondance de leurs arbres-hôtes. Seuls les pathogènes adaptés au biotope méditerranéen verraient leur impact s’accroitre. / Phyllosphere is the habitat provided by the leaves of living plants. Many microbial species -pathogens, saprophytes or mutualists of plants - inhabit this environment. These microbes therefore influence the dynamics and structure of plant communities. The main objective was to study the potential effects of climate change on the structure of phyllosphere fungal assemblages, and on the ecological niche of pathogenic fungal species of forest trees. We used two approaches, i) the study of altitudinal gradients and ii) the construction of bioclimatic niche models. Since phyllosphere fungal assemblages of forest trees are still poorly known, we first described their diversity and quantified their spatial variability at the scale of a forest stand.Our results show that the phyllosphere of a forest tree houses hundreds of fungal species, with few dominant species and many rare species. Factors structuring these assemblages include both abiotic and biotic factors: the temperature appears as the most explanatory variable along an elevation algradient. At the scale of a forest stand, the genetic proximity between trees is more important than the geographic distance. Analysis of the bioclimatic niche models of pathogenic fungi forest at the French scale highlights some climatic limitations, and the summer rainfall is an important explanatory variable. However, many introduced species already occupy the distribution of their host, without apparent climatic limitation. The effects of climate change on most pathogens will be exercised indirectly by very important depressive effects on the abundance of their host trees. Only pathogens adapted to the Mediterranean biotope would increase their impact.
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Topografi och markfuktighet för granbarkborreskadad skog / Topography and soil moisture for spruce bark beetle damaged forestMagnebäck, Anders, Fälth, Peter January 2020 (has links)
En stor skadegörare på de svenska granskogarna är den åttatandade granbarkborren Ips typographus (L.). Torkstress, vattentillgång och landskapets topografi är faktorer som påverkar granens vitalitet. Om granen har en låg vitalitet riskerar den i högre utsträckning att bli angripen av granbarkborren. Syftet med studien var att analysera topografi och markfuktighet för granbarkborreskadad skog. Områden med skadade träd och oskadade träd jämfördes i GIS-programmet QGIS för att se om det fanns en skillnad med avseende på markfuktighet, lutning, lutningsriktning och höjd över havet. Resultatet visade att granbarkborren angriper främst gran i syd till sydvästlig och östlig riktning. Även områden på torrare marker har en ökad risk för angrepp samt områden där terrängen inte sluttar. Troligtvis löper områden där ovan nämnda variabler sammanfaller större risk att bli angripna av granbarkborren.
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Impact of intraoperative adjustment method for increased flexion gap on knee kinematics after posterior cruciate ligament‐sacrificing total knee arthroplasty / 後十字靭帯切除型人工膝関節置換術における膝屈曲時の関節開大に対する術中対処法が術後機能に及ぼす影響Watanabe, Mutsumi 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第22346号 / 医博第4587号 / 新制||医||1042(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 安達 泰治, 教授 森本 尚樹, 教授 福原 俊一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Topographic and Surface Roughness Influences on Tornadogenesis and DecayMuncy, Tyler J. 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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