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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of the Applicability of Fracture Mechanics for Tissue Paper / Tillämpning av brottmekanik på mjukpapper

Boestad, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Tissue paper is a common type of paper material and is used in a variety of products. For tissue paper, several properties are of interest, such as absorbency, softness, bulk and mechanical properties. Embossing is an operation used to apply a pattern on tissue paper. It is used to improve several properties, but is known to reduce mechanical properties. Currently, no models can predict the loss of strength due to embossing. In this report base tissue paper is embossed with two different embossing patterns and tensile tests are conducted with and without edge notches. The edge notch length was varied between 0 mm to 12 mm. From the experiment, a modified Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics model was applied on both base tissue paper and embossed tissue paper tensile test results. The experimental procedure is described. In total, four different paper qualities were tested. Two that are designed for toilet paper and two that are designed for kitchen paper. The tissue sheets were embossed using 3D-printed plates and conducted in a laboratory environment. Tensile tests with edge-notch specimens were performed. The notch lengths tested were between 0 mm and 12 mm long. It was investigated if any trends of the parameters in the model could be noticed due to embossing. The model worked well for all base tissue qualities. The embossing reduces the material's tensile strength compared to the base material. With increasing embossing load, longer notches are needed to drop the tensile strength of the specimen. Some general trends were noted. However, the impact of the embossing was different for different paper qualities and the embossing pattern used. The most significant difference between plates was noted in specimens with high embossing load. With increasing embossing load, the edge-notch must also be longer to reduce tensile strength. The model parameters changed more for machine direction (MD) specimens than crossmachine direction (CD) specimens. / Mjukpapper är en vanlig typ av paper som används bland annat till toalettpapper och hushållspapper. För mjukpapper finns det flera egenskaper som är viktiga för en bra produkt. Hur bra mjukpapperet kan absorbera vätska, hur mjuk det är för användaren samt mekaniska egenskaper så som drag styrka. Prägling är en operation som görs på mjukpapper för att förbättra egenskaper, till exempel mjukhet, men på bekostnad av mekaniska egenskaper. För tillfället finns det inga modeller som kan förutse förlusten i styrka på grund av präglingen. I den här rapporten beskrivs processen för att prägla mjukpapper med två olika präglings mönster i ett laboratorium klimat. Fyra olika mjukpappers kvalitéer präglades. Dragprov genomfördes på det präglade proverna med och utan kantspricka. Kantsprickans längd var som längst 12 mm. Från dragprovs resultaten tillämpades en modifierad linjärt elastisk brottmekanisk modell. Modellen fungerade bra för både icke präglat och präglat mjukpapper Parametrarna för modellen ändrades för präglade provbitar jämfört med icke präglade. Inverkan av prägling påverkades både av mjukpapperet sort och präglings mönstret som användes. Störst skillnad mellan präglingsmönster sågs vid hårt präglade provbitar. Präglade provbitar behövde längre kantsprickor för att förlora dragstyrka.

A uniform pressure electromagnetic actuator for forming flat sheets

Kamal, Manish 07 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Development of model to simulate embossing of tissue paper: Effect of embossing on mechanical performance of tissue / Utveckling av simuleringsmodell för prägling av mjukpapper: Präglingens påverkan på den mekaniska prestandan

Khan, Ali January 2021 (has links)
Tissue paper is a type of soft, absorbent, and lightweight paper with several applications for hygiene and kitchen use. Embossing is an operation during the converting stage of the tissue production process which creates relief designs on tissue. Other than producing designs for aesthetic purposes, embossing increases bulk which improves absorbency and softness but reduces mechanical strength and stiffness. A computational model using the finite element method is developed to simulate the embossing of tissue paper. A tool for fitting an appropriate material model for tissue to its experimental test data is implemented. The material model is subjected to a verification test and it works sufficiently well to model the in-plane elastic and plastic anisotropic behavior of tissue. Two validation tests are conducted to check the embossing model against experimental test data where it is observed that the model works well. Firstly, it provides an idea about the amount of pressure required to be applied during loading to reach a certain embossing level. Secondly, it predicts the tensile strength of embossed tissue sheets although it provides a slight underestimate. Potential reasons for the shortcomings in the tensile strength are suggested and recommendations for further improving the model are provided. Lastly, parametric studies are conducted to investigate the influence of embossing pattern geometry on the mechanical performance of embossed tissue.  After passing the verification and validation stages, the model is ready to serve as a convenient, less time-consuming, and cost-effective alternative to experimental testing to study the embossing process. It can also be used as a tool to examine the effect of one or more model parameters on embossing by simply changing them and studying the new results. / Mjukpapper är ett mjukt och absorberande papper med låg ytvikt för hygien- och köksändamål. Prägling är en operation under konverteringsstadiet av produktionsprocessen som skapar reliefmönster på mjukpapperet. Förutom att skapa mönster för estetiska ändamål, ökar präglingen bulken som förbättrar absorptionskapacitet och mjukhet men den minskar mekanisk styrka och styvhet.En beräkningsmodell med finita element-metoden utvecklas för att simulera prägling av mjukpapper och ett verktyg för att koppla en lämplig materialmodell för mjukpapper till dess experimentella testdata implementeras. Materialmodellen genomgår ett verifieringstest och det fungerar tillräckligt bra för att modellera det elastisk-plastiska anisotropiska beteendet hos mjukpapper i planet. Två valideringstester utförs för att kontrollera präglingsmodellen mot experimentella testdata där det observeras att modellen fungerar bra. För det första ger den en uppfattning om mängden tryck som behöver appliceras för att nå en viss präglingsnivå. För det andra förutspår den draghållfastheten hos präglade mjukpappersark även om det ger en liten underskattning. Potentiella orsaker för bristerna i draghållfasthet föreslås och rekommendationer för ytterligare förbättringar av modellen ges. Slutligen genomförs parametriska studier för att undersöka påverkan av präglingsmönstergeometri på den mekaniska prestandan hos präglat mjukpapper. Efter att ha klarat verifierings- och valideringsstegen är modellen redo att fungera som ett lätthanterligt, mindre tidskrävande och mer kostnadseffektivt alternativ till experimentell testning för att studera präglingsprocessen. Det kan också användas som ett verktyg för att undersöka effekten av en eller flera modellparametrar på prägling genom att helt enkelt ändra dem och studera de nya resultaten.

Karakterizacija proizvodnih parametara alata za utiskivanje izrađenih tehnikom 3D štampe / Characterisation of manufacturing parameters of embossing dies produced by 3D printing technique

Banjanin Bojan 09 November 2018 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji su predstavljena istraživanja uticajnih parametara u procesu izrade alata za utiskivanje tehnikom aditivne proizvodnje, tačnije tehnikom deponovanja istopljenog materijala (FDM). Izrađena je kontrolna grupa alata za utiskivanje konvencionalnom tehnikom hemijskog nagrizanja i SLA tehnikom 3D štampe. Cilj istraživanja je definisanje optimalnih procesnih parametara izrade alata za<br />utiskivanje FDM tehnikom štampe. Ustanovljena je metodologija za karakterizaciju proizvodnih parametara koja se može primeniti na ostale tehnike aditivne proizvodnje. Analizom dobijenih rezultata i zaključaka istraživanja ustanovljena su ograničenja i mogućnosti zamene konvencionalnih alata za utiskivanje alatima izrađenim tehnikama 3D štampe.</p> / <p>The study of the influencing parameters in the production process of embossing dies using Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) additive manufacturing technique, was investigated in this dissertation. Embossing dies, produced using conventional chemical etching and vat photopolymerization technique, were developed as a control group. This research aims to define the optimal process parameters of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) in embossing dies manufacturing. A new methodology for the characterisation of production parameters, which can be applied to other additive production techniques, has been established. By analysing the results and the conclusions of this research, the possibility of replacing<br />conventional embossing dies produced using 3D printing techniques has been established as well as its limitations.</p>

Microstructures for Chemical Analysis : Design, Fabrication and Characterisation

Svedberg, Malin January 2005 (has links)
<p>The interest for miniaturisation in chemical and biological analysis has increased in recent years. In this work, the design, fabrication and characterisation of tools for microanalysis have been studied. The focus is set on polymer microchips for applications in chemical analysis. The work consists of three parts: design and fabrication of paraffin microactuators, design and fabrication of polymer microchips as interfaces in electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and characterisation of conducting films for fused silica capillaries as interfaces in ESI-MS.</p><p>The principle of the paraffin actuators is based on the volume increase resulting from paraffin melting. Paraffin expansion is utilised to cause membrane deflection. The first plastic microactuator using paraffin as the actuator material was successfully demonstrated.</p><p>The microchips as interfaces in ESI-MS have been designed with the objective that the interface should be as much a part of the microchip as possible, and as to as large extent as possible, be fabricated in the same step as the microchannels. Sheathless electrospray from microchips was demonstrated for the first time. In addition a simplified fabrication process for ESI-MS interfaces in poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) was developed.</p><p>The degradation of conductive coatings for sheathless ESI-MS on fused silica capillaries was studied. It was shown that electrochemical experiments could successfully be used to simulate the electrospray conditions and predict the failure of different gold coatings.</p><p>It was concluded that a common issue in the fabrication of thermoplastic microchips is the crucial sealing of microchannels and cavities. From this point of view, PDMS is a more advantageous material in microfluidics.</p>

Microstructures for Chemical Analysis : Design, Fabrication and Characterisation

Svedberg, Malin January 2005 (has links)
The interest for miniaturisation in chemical and biological analysis has increased in recent years. In this work, the design, fabrication and characterisation of tools for microanalysis have been studied. The focus is set on polymer microchips for applications in chemical analysis. The work consists of three parts: design and fabrication of paraffin microactuators, design and fabrication of polymer microchips as interfaces in electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and characterisation of conducting films for fused silica capillaries as interfaces in ESI-MS. The principle of the paraffin actuators is based on the volume increase resulting from paraffin melting. Paraffin expansion is utilised to cause membrane deflection. The first plastic microactuator using paraffin as the actuator material was successfully demonstrated. The microchips as interfaces in ESI-MS have been designed with the objective that the interface should be as much a part of the microchip as possible, and as to as large extent as possible, be fabricated in the same step as the microchannels. Sheathless electrospray from microchips was demonstrated for the first time. In addition a simplified fabrication process for ESI-MS interfaces in poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) was developed. The degradation of conductive coatings for sheathless ESI-MS on fused silica capillaries was studied. It was shown that electrochemical experiments could successfully be used to simulate the electrospray conditions and predict the failure of different gold coatings. It was concluded that a common issue in the fabrication of thermoplastic microchips is the crucial sealing of microchannels and cavities. From this point of view, PDMS is a more advantageous material in microfluidics.

The invisible picture

Aragón, Miguel A. 22 August 2012 (has links)
This report outlines the conceptual, procedural and formal descriptions of the artistic development I have acquired over the course of the past three years. The current violent events caused by the War on Drugs in México –my home country- led me to this research. Beginning with the idea of erasure as language, I concentrated on the use of processes that are reductive in nature to create the bodies of work mentioned in this report. Thousands of people die in drug-related violence every year in México; by using metaphors and visual metonymies to tie together process and subject matter I explore the idea of perception, memory and transformation. I believe my work is derived from a need to find meaning in these brutal events that repositions the corpse in our field of vision, reminding us that our physical existence is finite. / text

Multilevel Nanoengineering for Imprint Lithography

Konijn, Mark January 2005 (has links)
The current trend in pushing photo lithography to smaller and smaller resolutions is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive. Extreme ultra-violet lithography is an alternate method that has the potential to provide feature sizes down to 30 nm, however, it will come at an even greater cost. Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is another lithographic technique which is promising to provide very high resolutions at a relatively low cost. Imprinting works by using a mold with a surface patterned with the required nano structures and pressing it into a substrate coated with a deformable polymer. Due to its direct pattern replication technique, it is very capable of reproducing three-dimensional structures, however limited research has been performed on this to date. In this study, investigations have been performed into developing a reliable process for creating SiN molds with sub-100 nm structures with variable height control. The process relies on a negative tone electron beam resist which can be patterned to various thicknesses by varying the exposure dosage. This allows for the creation of complex multi-layer structures in a single electron beam lithography step. These patterns then have been transferred into the SiN substrate by a single reactive ion etch. From here the mold is ready for use in imprinting. Study has also been performed into imprinting process as well. This includes the development of an imprint press, the manner in which NIL works. Investigations have been performed into the imprinting performance of 3D molds. Thermal expansion issues have been found and addressed, as have adhesion problems. Some other aspects of 3D NIL which have not been addressed in this study have been outlined in future work for further investigation.

Untersuchung von additiv gefertigten Prägeformen mit graduellen Eigenschaften hinsichtlich ihres Prägeverhaltens

Mohrich, Maximilian 16 July 2021 (has links)
Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist die Untersuchung neuartiger Prägeformkonzepte hinsichtlich ihres Prägeverhaltens. Die Konzepte weisen lokal unterschiedliche Materialeigenschaften auf, die zu einer verbesserten Ausprägung von Karton führen sollen. Die Konzepte sollen anhand der Prägeergebnisse und der Abformgenauigkeit evaluiert werden. Dabei ist ein weiteres Ziel der Arbeit, Methoden zur Quantifizierung der Abformgenauigkeit zu finden. Die Herstellung der Konzepte erfolgt mithilfe eines additiven Fertigungssystems, welches mehrere Materialien in einem Bauvorgang verarbeiten kann. Zur Datengewinnung werden Oberflächenscans der geprägten Kartonproben und Werkzeuge durchgeführt. Auf Grundlage dieser Scans werden drei Methoden zur Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit vorgeschlagen. Abschließend werden die Werkzeuge anhand der Prägeergebnisse und der ermittelten Abformgenauigkeit bewertet. Weiterhin werden die vorgeschlagenen Methoden miteinander verglichen und deren Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Dies gibt Auskunft darüber, unter welchen Bedingungen der Einsatz welcher Methode sinnvoll erscheint.:1. Einleitung 2. Theoretische Grundlagen 2.1 Umformprozesse 2.1.1 Prägen von Faserwerkstoffen 2.1.2 Einsatz von Niederhaltern beim Umformen von Blechen Tiefenziehen Tiefen 2.1.3 Einsatz von Niederhaltern beim Umformen von Karton Ziehen und Pressformen Hydroformen 2.2 Multi-Material-Verarbeitung in der additiven Fertigung 2.2.1 Materialextrusion 2.2.2 Badbasierte Photopolymerisation 2.2.3 Material Jetting 2.2.4 Pulverbettbasiertes Schmelzen 2.2.5 Workflow und Datenvorbereitung 2.3.6 Geeignete Dateiformate 2.3 Soll-Ist-Vergleich von 2.5D-Oberflächendaten 2.3.1 Berechnung von Flächeninhalten und Volumen 2.3.2 Registrierung und Abstandsberechnung von Punktwolken 3. Versuche und Messungen 3.1 Herstellung der Prägeformkonzepte 3.1.1 Beschreibung der Konzepte 3.1.2 Fertigungstechnologie und Materialwahl 3.1.3 Datenvorbereitung für die Polyjet-Fertigung 3.2 Prägeversuche und Datenverarbeitung 3.2.1 Prägeversuche 3.2.2 Oberflächenscan am Keyence 3D-Makroskop 3.3 Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit 3.3.1 Flächen- und Volumenberechnung in MatLab & CloudCompare 3.3.2 Abformgenauigkeit nach ICP-Algorithmus & Abstandsberechnung 4. Ergebnisse und Diskussion 4.1 Betrachtung der Prägewerkzeuge 4.2 Betrachtung der Kartonprägungen 4.2.1 Prägeergebnisse nach Flächeninhalt der Profilschnitte 4.2.2 Einfluss der Faserlaufrichtung auf Kartonprägungen 4.2.3 Prägeergebnisse nach Volumen der Punktwolken 4.3 Betrachtung der Abformgenauigkeit 4.3.1 Abformgenauigkeit nach Flächeninhalt & Volumen 4.3.2 Abformgenauigkeit nach ICP-Algorithmus & Abstandsberechnung 4.4 Bewertung der Methoden zur Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit 4.5 Beurteilung des Bedienereinflusses bei der Datenverarbeitung am Keyence 5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Eidesstattliche Erklärung / The aim of this master thesis is to investigate novel embossing die concepts with regard to their embossing behavior. The concepts have locally different material properties, which should lead to an improved embossing of cardboard. The concepts are to be evaluated on the basis of the embossing results and the impression accuracy. A further aim of the work is to find methods for quantifying the impression accuracy. The concepts will be manufactured using an additive manufacturing system that can process multiple materials in a single build process. Surface scans of the embossed cardboard samples and tools are performed to obtain data. Based on these scans, three methods are proposed to determine the impression accuracy. Finally, the tools are evaluated based on the embossing results and the determined impression accuracy. Furthermore, the proposed methods are compared with each other and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. This provides information on the conditions under which the use of which method appears to be sensible.:1. Einleitung 2. Theoretische Grundlagen 2.1 Umformprozesse 2.1.1 Prägen von Faserwerkstoffen 2.1.2 Einsatz von Niederhaltern beim Umformen von Blechen Tiefenziehen Tiefen 2.1.3 Einsatz von Niederhaltern beim Umformen von Karton Ziehen und Pressformen Hydroformen 2.2 Multi-Material-Verarbeitung in der additiven Fertigung 2.2.1 Materialextrusion 2.2.2 Badbasierte Photopolymerisation 2.2.3 Material Jetting 2.2.4 Pulverbettbasiertes Schmelzen 2.2.5 Workflow und Datenvorbereitung 2.3.6 Geeignete Dateiformate 2.3 Soll-Ist-Vergleich von 2.5D-Oberflächendaten 2.3.1 Berechnung von Flächeninhalten und Volumen 2.3.2 Registrierung und Abstandsberechnung von Punktwolken 3. Versuche und Messungen 3.1 Herstellung der Prägeformkonzepte 3.1.1 Beschreibung der Konzepte 3.1.2 Fertigungstechnologie und Materialwahl 3.1.3 Datenvorbereitung für die Polyjet-Fertigung 3.2 Prägeversuche und Datenverarbeitung 3.2.1 Prägeversuche 3.2.2 Oberflächenscan am Keyence 3D-Makroskop 3.3 Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit 3.3.1 Flächen- und Volumenberechnung in MatLab & CloudCompare 3.3.2 Abformgenauigkeit nach ICP-Algorithmus & Abstandsberechnung 4. Ergebnisse und Diskussion 4.1 Betrachtung der Prägewerkzeuge 4.2 Betrachtung der Kartonprägungen 4.2.1 Prägeergebnisse nach Flächeninhalt der Profilschnitte 4.2.2 Einfluss der Faserlaufrichtung auf Kartonprägungen 4.2.3 Prägeergebnisse nach Volumen der Punktwolken 4.3 Betrachtung der Abformgenauigkeit 4.3.1 Abformgenauigkeit nach Flächeninhalt & Volumen 4.3.2 Abformgenauigkeit nach ICP-Algorithmus & Abstandsberechnung 4.4 Bewertung der Methoden zur Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit 4.5 Beurteilung des Bedienereinflusses bei der Datenverarbeitung am Keyence 5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Eidesstattliche Erklärung

New materials and processes for flexible nanoelectronics

Ingram, Ian David Victor January 2013 (has links)
Planar electronic devices represent an attractive approach towards roll-to-roll printed electronics without the need for the sequential, precisely aligned, patterning steps inherent in the fabrication of conventional ‘3D’ electronic devices. Self-switching diodes (SSDs) and in-plane-gate field-effect transistors (IPG-FETs) can be patterned using a single process into a substrate precoated with semiconductor.These devices function in depletion mode, requiring the semiconductor to be doped in order for the devices to function. To achieve this, a reliable and controllable method was developed for doping organic semiconducting polymers by the immersion of optimally deposited films in a solution of dopant. The process was shown to apply both semicrystalline and air-stable, amorphous materials indicating that the approach is broadly applicable to a wide range of organic semiconductors.Simultaneously with the development of the doping protocol specialised hot-embossing equipment was designed and constructed and a high-yielding method of patterning the structures of IPG-FETs and SSDs was arrived at. This method allowed for consistent and reliable patterning of features with a minimum line-width of 200nm.Following the development of these doping and patterning processes these were combined to fabricate controllably doped, functioning planar devices. SSDs showed true zero-threshold rectification behaviour with no observed breakdown in the reverse direction up to 100 V. IPG-FETs showed switching behaviour in response to an applied gate potential and were largely free of detectable gate leakage current, verifying the quality of the patterning process.Furthermore, high-performance semiconducting polymer PAAD was synthesised and characterised in field-effect transistors as steps towards its use in planar electronic devices. It was also shown that this material could be doped using the developed immersion doping protocol and that this protocol was compatible with top-gated device architectures and the use of fluoropolymer CYTOP as a dielectric.

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