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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biologia e manejo da planta daninha Borreria densiflora DC. / Biology and management of the weed Borreria densiflora DC.

Martins, Bianca Assis Barbosa 01 April 2008 (has links)
A planta daninha vassourinha-de-botão (Borreria densiflora DC.) está apresentando aumento na sua infestação em áreas cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar e soja, respectivamente nos estados do Maranhão, Goiás e Tocantins. Observações de campo têm relatado a deficiência de controle químico sobre esta espécie, quando ocorre em estádio de crescimento avançado. Sendo assim, este trabalho objetivou classificar botanicamente B. densiflora DC., analisar a influência da luz e da temperatura na germinação desta espécie, seu crescimento, desenvolvimento e estruturas reprodutivas, sua susceptibilidade a herbicidas em condições de pré e pósemergência, e a influência da interação entre a profundidade de enterrio e a presença de palha em diferentes quantidades sobre a superfície do solo sobre a emergência desta planta daninha. A classificação botânica foi realizada na Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura - UNNE / IBONE, Argentina; o experimento que analisou a germinação sob diferentes condições foi realizado no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes, do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da USP / ESALQ, e todos os demais experimentos foram conduzidos em casa-de-vegetação, do mesmo departamento. Todos os trabalhos foram conduzidos entre 2006 e 2007. Constatou-se que a planta daninha vassourinha-de-botão se trata da espécie Borreria densiflora DC., pertencente à família Rubiaceae. Com relação à germinação, constatou-se que a vassourinha-de-botão é fotoblástica positiva preferencial, uma vez que sua germinação é favorecida na presença de luz, respondendo diferentemente às condições de luz e temperatura estudadas. As maiores taxas de germinação e índices de velocidade de germinação foram alcançados em condição de fotoperíodo (12h) sob as temperaturas constantes de 30ºC e 35ºC e alternada de 20-30ºC. Praticamente, não houve germinação no escuro constante. Sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento, observou-se que a planta daninha Borreria densiflora DC. é uma espécie com desenvolvimento inicial lento, de ciclo de vida perene simples, apresentado grande incremento nas variáveis massa seca total, taxa de crescimento relativo e de assimilação líquida entre os 26 e 36 dias após transplante (DAT). Ao final do experimento, os ramos se mostram como os compartimentos mais participativos na partição de fotoassimilados pela vassourinha-de-botão. Esta espécie é capaz de produzir, em média, 93.090 sementes por planta. Com relação ao manejo químico de Borreria densiflora DC., a maioria dos herbicidas promoveram controles considerados adequados, com exceção ao clomazone e MSMA, em condições de pré e pós-emergência, respectivamente. Sendo assim, várias opções de herbicidas e de misturas destes podem ser recomendadas para o manejo da planta daninha B. densiflora DC., tanto em condições de pré-semeadura quanto pré e pós-emergência. O estudo sobre a influência da interação entre profundidade da semente no solo e presença de palha de cana-de-açúcar na superfície do solo sobre a emergência desta espécie demonstrou haver interação entre os dois fatores testados, sendo que quanto maior a profundidade da semente no solo e a quantidade de palha sobre a superfície, menor é a porcentagem de emergência e biomassa fresca de B. densiflora DC. Tais resultados são importante na medida em que favorecem o entendimento da dinâmica populacional da B. densiflora DC., auxiliando o manejo integrado desta espécie. / The weed vassourinha-de-botao (Borreria densiflora DC.) has been presenting increase in its infestation in areas cultivated with sugarcane and soybean, respectively in Maranhao and Goias states and north of Tocantins state, Brazil. Field observations have reported the control deficiency of this species, when it occurs in advanced growth stage. Thus, this research was conducted with the objective of classify botanically the weed, analyze the light and temperature influence on the germination of this species, its growth, development and reproductive structures, its susceptibility to herbicides in pre and post conditions, as well as the influence of the interaction between seed burial and the presence of crop residue in different amounts in the soil surface on the emergence of this weed. The botanical classification of vassourinha-de-botao was done in the Exact and Natural Sciences College - UNNE / IBONE, Argentina; the experiment that evaluated germination under different conditions was conducted in the Seeds Analyzes Laboratory, of the Crop Science Department of USP / ESALQ, and all the other experiments were carried out in the same department, between 2006 and 2007. It was concluded that the weed vassourinha-de-botao is the species Borreria densiflora DC. and it belongs to Rubiaceae family. Related to germination, it was observed that B. densiflora DC. is preferencial positive photoblastic, since its germination is favored by presence of light, responding differently to the studied light and temperature conditions. The highest germination rates and speeds of germination were reached in presence of photoperiod condition (12h), under the constant temperatures 30ºC and 35ºC and the alternated 20-30ºC. Basically, there was not germination in the constant dark condition. About the growth and development, it was observed that the weed Borreria densiflora DC. is a species with slow initial growth, with a simple perennial life cycle, presenting a big increment in the variables total dry biomass, relative growth and liquid assimilation rates between 26 and 36 days after transplanting (DAT). At the end of the experiment, the stems appear as the most participative compartments in the photosynthate partition by Borreria densiflora DC. This species is able to produce, in average, 93,090 seeds per plant. Related to the chemical management of Borreria densiflora DC., the majority of the herbicides provided controls considered adequate, except clomazone and MSMA, in pre and post-emergence conditions, respectively. Therefore, many herbicide options and mix of herbicides can be recommended to the management of the weed Borreria densiflora DC., since in pre-plant to pre and post-emergence. The study about the influence of the interaction between seed burial and presence of dry sugarcane residue in the soil surface on the emergence of this species demonstrated to exist interaction between those two tested factors, being that the bigger depth in the soil and amount of dry sugarcane residue in the soil surface, the lower is the percentage of emergence and fresh biomass of B. densiflora DC. Those results are important since they favor the understanding of the population dynamics of Borreria densiflora DC., aiding the integrated management of this weed species.

Freshwater on the international agenda - emergence of a regime complex / Água doce na agenda internacional - emergência de um complexo de regime

Werner, Andreas Frank 11 May 2015 (has links)
In the 21st century, water scarcity due to pollution, increasing demand and mismanagement has become a global phenomenon of growing concern. Often depicted in media reports, endorsed by global summits - such as the recent \"Rio+20\" Conference in 2012 in Brazil - and campaigned for by NGOs all over the world, freshwater issues play an important role within bigger debates on global environmental issues. Despite a clear increase in the intensity and scope of these issues over the last decades, they are not novel as such and have a history. This Ph.D. thesis analyzes the emergence and evolution of the freshwater topic on the international agenda since the early 1970s, when the first international freshwater-related conferences and conventions took place. In order to explain this genesis and evolution, the freshwater topic is situated within the broader international environmental agenda and is connected with International Relations scholarship on agenda-setting as well as international regimes. Subsequently, the empirical freshwater conventions and conference data is analyzed through these theoretical lenses, showing that the freshwater issue is in fact an umbrella topic which can be further subdivided into smaller water-related topics. The treatment of these sub-topics has led to conventions in two cases (wetlands and international watercourses) which are taken to be regimes in their own right, whereas others have so far remained limited to international conferences and events (sanitation, access to potable water etc.). Rather than seeing these as unconnected, individual regimes and conferences as has been done within contemporary scholarship, it will be argued that these in fact represent sub-regimes and parts of a bigger freshwater regime complex. Moreover, it will be argued that the origins of this regime complex are not due to specific countries´ deliberate aims of constructing international institutional overlap to subsequently explore forum-shopping opportunities to their advantage but, rather, that developments in this issue-area unintentionally resulted in this overlap for functional reasons. / No século 21, a escassez hídrica devido a causas como poluição, crescente demanda e má administração tem se tornado um fenômeno cada vez mais preocupante. Os recursos de água doce possuem um papel importante nos debates mais amplos sobre o meio ambiente, figuram frequentemente nas reportagens da mídia, são endossados nas cúpulas globais - tais como a recente \"Rio+20\" em 2012 no Brasil - e são o foco de campanhas de ONGs no mundo inteiro. Apesar de um crescimento evidente na intensidade e no escopo dessas questões nas últimas décadas, elas não são novas, mas sim integram um processo histórico. Esta tese de doutorado analisa a emergência e evolução do tema da água doce na agenda internacional a partir do início dos anos 1970, quando tiveram lugar as primeiras conferências e convenções relacionadas com essa questão. Com o intuito de explicar esta gênese e evolução, o tema da água doce está situado dentro da agenda ambiental mais ampla e se conecta com a literatura de relações internacionais sobre agenda-setting e regimes internacionais. Subsequentemente, os dados empíricos das convenções e conferências de água são analisados por meio dessas lentes teóricas, o que mostra que a temática hídrica é de fato um tópico guarda-chuva, que pode ser subdivido ainda em temas menores com relação à água. O tratamento desses subtemas tem levado a convenções em dois casos (zonas úmidas e cursos d\'água internacionais), que são percebidos como regimes próprios, quando outros têm ficado limitados até agora a conferências internacionais e meros eventos (saneamento, acesso à água potável etc.). Em vez de ver estes como regimes e conferências individuais e isolados, como tem sido feito na literatura contemporânea, argumentar-se-á que eles de fato representam subregimes e partes de um complexo de regime de água doce mais amplo. Além disso, argumentar-se-á que as origens desse complexo de regime não se devem a objetivos conscientes de certos países com o fim de construir uma sobreposição institucional para subsequentemente explorar oportunidades de fórum-shopping; mas bem os desdobramentos nessa área resultaram nessa sobreposição por razões funcionais, de forma não intencional.

Tribos urbanas e moda de rua : análise de imagens de frequentadores do Baixo Augusta / Urban tribes and street style: Image analysis of goers of Lower Augusta

Marangoni Neto, Moacyr 24 October 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca delimitações de termos mais legitimados - a partir da indústria da moda e da cultura hegemônica - para então compreender indefinições e alguns de seus fluxos aparentemente incoerentes. Partindo de uma compreensão dos estudos de moda e da linguagem legitimada de moda, investigará as possibilidades de modas ditas alternativas, suas nuances e formalizações. Para isso são capturadas e analisadas imagens de frequentadores da região do Baixo Augusta na cidade de São Paulo, levando em consideração e como contextualização conceitualizações como sociologia da moda e do consumo, difusões de tendências, cultura e subcultura, tribos urbanas, moda e anti-moda, imagem, processos de dados, complexidade e emergência / The present work seeks delineations of the most legitimized terms - on the fashion industry and the hegemonic culture - and then understand uncertainties and some of their apparently incoherent flows. Beginning with an understanding of fashion studies and fashion industry legitimated language, investigate the possibilities of so-called alternative fashions, nuances and formalizations. For this, are taken and analysed images of goers of Baixo Augusta area in Sao Paulo city, taking into account and as contextualization concepts in sociology of fashion and consumption, broadcasts trends, culture and subculture, urban tribes, fashion and anti-fashion, image, data processes, complexity and emergence

Représentations de la société malgache dans les nouvelles d'un auteur malgache des années 30, Alfred Ramandiamanana (1886-1939) / The Malagasy society in the short stories of the writer of the 30s, writing in Malagasy, Alfred RAMANDIAMANANA (1886-1939)

Razaimiandrisoa, Nirina 18 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse porte sur les représentations de la société malgache dans les nouvelles d’un auteur des années 30, écrivant en malgache, Alfred RAMANDIAMANANA (1886-1939). Ecrivain, poète et nouvelliste au début de l’époque coloniale à Madagascar de 1906 à 1939, Ramandiamanana, nostalgique de l’époque précoloniale va s’affilier à une société secrète nationaliste découverte vers la fin de 1915 qui fut un mouvement intellectuel dont les principaux objectifs étaient de préserver l’unité nationale et la lutte pour le développement de Madagascar. Pendant presque trente ans il a publié soit des poèmes, soit des textes d’analyses, soit des nouvelles, dispersés dans les premiers journaux non confessionnels malgaches du début du XXe siècle. D’où l’intérêt de s’interroger sur le sens que prennent ses diverses formes d’écrits tout en les remettant dans leur contexte historique.La thèse se présente en deux volumes. Le volume I Analyse étudie l’articulation entre l’histoire et le contexte politique ainsi que le statut de la langue malgache par rapport à la langue française introduite par la colonisation. Durant cette période de pacification coloniale, la presse étant muselée par la censure, la répression étant sévère, l’analyse porte sur les façons dont les intellectuels se sont approprié la langue en intégrant la critique de la société coloniale et de la société malgache de l’époque en utilisant un langage codé. L’auteur utilise également le rire pour faire passer son message aux lecteurs. Ses œuvres expriment l’engagement culturel de l’auteur. Le deuxième volume comprend les 48 textes en malgache avec la traduction française réalisée par Nirina Vololomaharo RAZAIMIANDRISOA. Le vocabulaire utilisé, ainsi que le contexte d’écriture n’est pas toujours connu du public actuel, des explications détaillées dans des notes de bas de page sont fournies. / The thesis focuses on the representations of the Malagasy society in the short stories of the writer of the 30s, writing in Malagasy, Alfred RAMANDIAMANANA (1886-1939).Writer, poet and short story writer at the beginning of the colonial era in Madagascar from 1906 to 1939, Ramandiamanana, nostalgic of the pre-colonial era joined a secret nationalist society discovered towards the end of 1915. The secret society turned out to be an intellectual movement whose main objectives were to preserve the national unity and the struggle for the development of Madagascar. For nearly thirty years, he published either poems, or text analysis, or short stories, dispersed in the first Malagasy non-denominational newspapers of the early twentieth century. It becomes therefore interesting to reflect on the direction taken by these various forms of writings while putting them in their historical context.The thesis is presented in two volumes. Volume I, the Analysis, examines the relationship between history and politics as well as the status of the Malagasy language in relation to the French language introduced by colonialism. During this period of colonial pacification, the press was muzzled by censorship and the repression was severe. Thus, the analysis focuses on the ways in which the intellectuals took over ownership of the language while taking into account the critique of the colonial society and the Malagasy society of the time, using a coded language. The author also uses laughter to get his message across to the readers. His works express the cultural commitment of the author.Volume II consists of 48 texts in Malagasy with the French translation by Nirina Vololomaharo RAZAIMIANDRISOA. Granted that the language used and the context are not always known to the public today, detailed explanations are provided in footnotes.

Sobre a emergência e a lei de proporcionalidade intrínseca

Miranda, Pedro Jeferson 02 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2018-09-03T20:15:34Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Pedro J Miranda.pdf: 2542145 bytes, checksum: bb9638f5d6706faee0cb0ad113f1d1de (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-03T20:15:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Pedro J Miranda.pdf: 2542145 bytes, checksum: bb9638f5d6706faee0cb0ad113f1d1de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese tem por principal objetivo formalizar e modelar a emergência e a Lei de Proporcionalidade Intrínseca (LPI). Ambos os conceitos são trabalhados e precisados metafisicamente e, então, matematizados. Tal formalização matemática é realizada por meio da Teoria de Categorias utilizando constructos, functores underlying e a categoria dos conjuntos. A Lei de Proporcionalidade Intrínseca é o conjunto das operações internas e suas propriedades que estão nos objetos de um constructo que compõe uma emergência. A aplicação direta desse resultado ocorre em sistemas biológicos concebidos como todos substanciais vivos. A decomposição de um sistema biológico de diversos modos suscita uma aplicação deste modelo: como é possível que diferentes decomposições de um mesmo sistema gerem categorias com propriedades tão diferentes? Esse fenômeno é modelado e explicado pela aplicação direta da emergência e da LPI. Essa aplicação é mediada por meio de Biologia Relacional concebida pelo biólogo matemático Robert Rosen. Além disso, construímos neste trabalho uma Teoria de Nocautes e a aplicamos em um estudo de caso ecológico. / This thesis has as main aim the formalization and the modeling of the emergence and of the Intrinsic Proportionality Law (IPL). Both concepts are initially worked and metaphysically specified for then, in a second moment, be turned into a mathematical concept. Such mathematical formalization is made by means of Category Theory, utilizing constructs, underlying functors and the category of sets. The Intrinsic Proportionality Law is a set of operations and its properties that are within objects of a construct that composes an emergence. The direct application of this result is made on biological systems conceived as living substantial wholes. The decomposition of such a system, by several ways, evokes an application: how is it possible that different decompositions of the same system generate categories with different properties? This phenomenon is modeled and explained by the direct application of emergence and IPL. Such application is mediated by means of Relational Biology, which was conceived by the mathematical biologist Robert Rosen. Additionally, we also built in this work a Knockout Theory and applied it in an ecological study case.

Diversidade de saberes em situações de interface : a emergência da agricultura de base ecológica entre agricultores familiares no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul

Medeiros, Monique January 2011 (has links)
A homogeneização técnica pretendida pela modernização da agricultura, bem representada pelas diretrizes da ‘Revolução Verde’, tem sido associada a consequências negativas do ponto de vista socioambiental nos espaços rurais. No entanto, propostas recentes, que objetivam imprimir novas dinâmicas a processos de desenvolvimento rural, vêm sendo construídas em oposição às ideias difusionistas convencionais. Com isto, têm ganhado espaço propostas e projetos que enfatizam a necessidade de valorização dos conhecimentos locais, como parte das estratégias para o desenvolvimento rural. Pesquisas e ações de diversas organizações vêm enfatizando, gradativamente, os resultados da interação do conhecimento local com os conhecimentos advindos da tecnociência, fato este que possibilita um novo olhar sobre a atuação dos agricultores familiares no espaço rural. Este olhar abrange o surgimento de adaptações e rearranjos em relações sociais e de trabalho, de novas formações de sentido e de reinvenções de práticas e técnicas, especialmente agrícolas. Neste âmbito, considera-se que mudanças e inovações estão ocorrendo constantemente e são potencialmente motivadoras para um ativo processo de emergência de ‘novidades’, no qual são fundamentais a localidade e a ação de múltiplos atores. Esse ponto de vista torna-se importante na abertura de um abrangente campo de pesquisa, que busca evidenciar e compreender avanços e obstáculos na implementação de projetos que objetivam a promoção do desenvolvimento rural. Alicerçada nestas ideias e à luz da Perspectiva Orientada ao Ator, esta pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, propôs analisar novidades emergentes com enfoque nas práticas agrícolas, nos sistemas de produção e na organização social, decorrentes das situações de interface que colocam frente a frente conhecimentos e práticas de mediadores sociais e de agricultores familiares, na implantação de projetos para o desenvolvimento rural em São Lourenço do Sul e Pelotas – Rio Grande do Sul. A análise aponta que esses agricultores familiares, direcionados pelos ideais da agricultura de base ecológica, e apoiados por projetos de assistência técnica e políticas públicas, executam ‘práticas desviantes’, que representam formas inovadoras nos processos agrícolas, na articulação entre atores, em sua relação com os mercados e mesmo na criação de novas organizações. Dessa forma, foi identificada a emergência de ‘novidades’, que pode ser evidenciada pela constituição da Cooperativa Sul Ecológica; pela construção de novos mercados, o institucional (merenda escolar) e o local (feiras livres); e o estabelecimento da Agroindústria Figueira do Prado. A trajetória de emergência dessas ‘novidades’ está relacionada ao descobrimento de novos e relevantes recursos para a transformação de sistemas de produção convencionais em outros, cuja base é ecológica. Também, é perceptível o desenvolvimento de uma ‘sintonia fina’ no uso de tais recursos, bem como o reordenamento de muitos deles pelo estabelecimento de conexões entre elementos antes ignorados ou afastados entre si. Essas ‘novidades’ que estão amplamente relacionadas com o compartilhamento de conhecimentos, especificidades locais, heterogeneidade e dinamismo da ação social, parecem indicar uma alteração nas trajetórias de desenvolvimento no espaço rural na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. / The technical homogenization intended by the modernization of agriculture, well represented by the Green Revolution guidelines, has been associated with negative socio-environmental consequences at rural areas. However, recent proposals which aim to set new dynamics to rural development processes, have been constructed in opposition to conventional diffusionists ideas. With this, proposals and projects that emphasize the local knowledge relevance as part of strategies for rural development have advanced. Researches and actions from several organizations connected to the rural development have gradually emphasized the results from the interaction between local knowledge and knowledge derived from technoscience; this fact allows a new perspective to the role of family farmers in rural areas, a look that encompasses the rising of adaptations and re-arrangements in social and work relationships, new configurations of meanings and reinventions of practices and techniques, especially agricultural ones. In this context, it is considered that changes and innovations are constantly occurring and they are potentially motivating to an active process of emergence of 'novelties', in which local features and the action of multiple actors are essential. Focusing on these social processes and on the knowledge heterogeneity, it is possible to realize changes in farmers’ relationships to nature and, this way, rethinking the farmers’ role and local knowledge as key elements to achieve sustainable productive alternatives. Based on these ideas and under Actor Oriented Approach framework, the researchaimed to analyze emerging novelties, focusing on farming practices, production systems and social organization, specially considering them as results from interface situations, which put together knowledge and practices from social mediators and family farmers, during the implementation of projects for rural development at São Lourenço do Sul and Pelotas - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The analysis indicates that these family farmers, oriented by ecological agriculture ideals, supported by technical assistance projects and by public policies, are performing ‘deviant practices’, which represent innovative ways to agricultural processes, to interaction between actors, to relationship with the markets and even to creating new organizations. This way, it was possible to identify the novelty emergence, which can be evidenced through the Cooperativa Sul Ecológica foundation; the construction of new markets, the institutional (school meals) and local(farmers fairs); and the establishment of the Agroindústria Figueira do Prado. The trajectory of emergence of these novelties is related to the discovery of new and relevant resources to overcome conventional production systems, proposing others, based on ecological principles. The development of a 'fine tuning' process is also relevant in using such resources as well as a re-patterning of them by establishing connections between elements before ignored or spaced. These 'novelties' that are broadly related to knowledge sharing, local characteristics, heterogeneity and social action dynamism seem to be indicating changes to development paths at rural areas of southern Rio Grande do Sul.

A emergência de novos partidos políticos no Brasil (1979 - 2015) : o arcabouço legal é suficiente para explicar este fenômeno?

Bennech, Anna Paula de Moraes January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a emergência de novos partidos políticos no Brasil entre 1979 e 2015 visando a compreender se o arcabouço legal é suficiente para explicar este fenômeno. Com base na literatura de Ciência política, estudamos a formação de novas organizações partidárias na Nova Democracia a partir de três dimensões: aspecto político, contexto socioeconômico e arcabouço legal. A pesquisa está dividida em quatro capítulos: sendo que o primeiro consiste em uma revisão da literatura sobre novos partidos e o segundo é destinado às considerações metodológicas que orientaram o trabalho. O terceiro capítulo analisa o surgimento de novos partidos no Brasil sob a ótica do contexto político, do aspecto socioeconômico e do arcabouço legal de acordo com os cenários dos seis períodos históricos recortados: 1979 a 1984, 1985 a 1989, 1990 a 1994, 1995 a 2002, 2003 a 2010 e 2011 a 2015. Dentro de cada um destes períodos, as variáveis foram classificadas como incentivadoras ou inibidoras em relação à criação de novos partidos. Por fim, o último capítulo é dedicado a responder ao problema de pesquisa, articulando as análises dos períodos de forma comparada. Os resultados encontrados confirmaram a hipótese de que um arcabouço legal é necessário para compreender o surgimento de novas organizações partidárias, mas não é suficiente para explicar este fenômeno, que é complexo e multicausal. / This paper aims to analyze the new political parties’ emergence in Brazil between 1979 and 2015 in order to understand if the legal framework is sufficient to explain this phenomenon. Based on the Political Science literature, the formation of new parties is studied from three variables: political, socioeconomic and legal framework. This research is divided in four chapters: the first consists in a literature review about new parties’ formation and the second is dedicated to the methodological considerations that guided this study. The third chapter analyses the new political parties’ emergence in Brazil considering political, socioeconomic and legal aspects according to the scenarios of the six historical periods determined: 1979 to 1984, 1985 to 1989, 1990 to 1994, 1995 to 2002, 2003 to 2010 and 2011 to 2015. For each period, the variables were classified as encourager or inhibitor of new parties’ formation. The last chapter articulates the analysis of the periods in a comparative perspective. The results confirmed the hypothesis: the legal framework is required to understand new parties’ formation, even though it is not enough to explain this phenomenon, which is complex and multifactorial.

La réception de la littérature albanaise en France : de la vulgate réductrice à la réception créatrice (1970-2011) / The reception of albanian literature in France : from a simplistic vulgate to a creative reception (1970-2011)

Todorushi, Ornela 30 September 2014 (has links)
Une question posée en 1970 par la critique française est le point de départ de ce travail : « y-a-t-il des écrivains en Albanie? » Cette thèse s'emploie à creuser les différentes strates de la réception des écrivains albanais en France. En partant de l'interrogation sur les attentes de lisibilité envers la littérature albanaise, nous analysons le processus de sa réception. En considérant d'une part cette réception avant la publication du Général de l'armée morte, qui s'avère être une non-réception et, d'autre part, le succès immédiat de ce roman de Kadare, nous mettons en évidence l'horizon d'attente d'une œuvre albanaise dans la France de 1970.Par le biais de la notion de lisibilité, nous démontrons la réception en termes d'émergence de la littérature albanaise et le processus de création du personnage Kadare, par la vulgate critique. Ce personnage deviendra par la suite le moule réceptacle dans lequel devront se couler les autres écrivains albanais. La caractéristique principale de ce moule semble être la considération des écrivains albanais comme des témoins du traumatisme historique du pays. Pourtant, les écrivains récusent ce statut d’homo politicus, ils se revendiquent homo poeticus, détruisant ainsi le moule, à commencer par Kadare lui-même. Ceci permet le passage d'une vulgate réductrice à une réception créatrice de la littérature albanaise. Opérée par l'écrivain français Éric Faye, la réception créatrice permet une forme de consécration de la littérature albanaise qui, nourrie depuis toujours par les grands noms de la littérature européenne, devient, à son tour, impulsion créatrice pour un écrivain européen. / The starting point of this work is a question of the ’70s French literary critics : “Are there writers in Albania ?” This work aims to analyze the different layers of the process of reception towards Albanian writers in France during the last 40 years.We analyze the process of albanian litterature reception starting from the question about readability expectations towards it. Considering firstly the reception before the publication of the General of the dead army and secondly the immediate success of this Kadare’s novel, we underline the expectation features towards the Albanian literature in France during the ’70s. Using the concept of readability as a background, we show that this reception encompasses two main features : Albanian literature as an emergent literature and the creation process of a prototypical character named ’Kadare’ from the French vulgate critic. This character will become the pattern to which all Albanian writers would henceforth have to fit.From the perspective of the critic, the main feature of this pattern seems to be the consideration of Albanian writers as witnesses of the historical trauma in their country. The Albanians writers, on the other hand, challenge this status of homo politicus and declare themselves as homo poeticus, breaking the pattern, starting from Kadare himself. This allows a shift from a simplistic vulgate to a creative reception towards Albanian literature. Operated by the French writer Eric Faye, creative reception can be seen as a form of consecration of the Albanian literature, since Albanian literature which has always been nourished from the great names of European literature becomes itself a creative impulse for a European writer.

Ambiguity and intermediation in the early moments of market formation : the case of the UK social investment market

Casasnovas, Guillermo January 2016 (has links)
Markets are arenas of social interaction for the exchange of products and services that are embedded in specific networks, cultures, and political relations. The study of how new markets come into being is a lively area of scholarly debate, and the purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the dynamics of these early moments of market formation. These nascent markets are characterized by the lack of shared meanings and settled rules around their participants, processes, and infrastructure. I approach them with arguments from economic sociology and from theories of organizations and institutions. The empirical context is a longitudinal study of the UK social investment market from 2000 to 2015, a field that intersects the social, financial, and public sectors. Social investment refers to the combination of financial returns and social impact, but the contest over its meaning and practice is itself a part of this analysis. The core data collection is based on interviews, reports, field events, and online sources, which provide an empirical basis to understand the social, cultural, and political processes that are shaping this market. I build on different traditions in the sociology of markets to explore changes over time in the rules, identities, practices, and dominant actors during the early moments of the UK social investment market. My first main finding is that the initial period of uncontested ambiguity is followed by efforts from mainstream organizations to reduce that ambiguity by reshaping rules and practices. This then results in a period of collaborative contestation, where peripheral actors challenge the core features of the field and hinder the path to stability. The second finding is about the role played by intermediary organizations in nascent markets, which consists of building the market infrastructure by connecting actors, developing a language, and establishing rules and practices. These findings point to the importance of theorizing about ambiguity in the early moments of markets. I contribute to this endeavor by specifying some of its features and dynamics, and by emphasizing the centrality of intermediation. I also further our understanding of those markets that span across the worlds of business, policy, and civil society.

Přirozená a umělá inteligence / Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Šaněk, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the field of artificial intelligence and the interconnected question of the possibility to make thinking machines. The natural and human intelligence evolution summary outlines the starting points of the field. To give the clearer picture of the problem, I also describe the development of artificial intelligence branch and the development of computers. My work combines informatics and philosophical approaches. In the scope of the first one, I summarize different approaches to AI, with emphasis on sub-symbolic methods which are used afterwards to explain the concept of intelligence development. In the scope of the philosophical approach, the text deals with different philosophical points of view on making intelligent machines, which comment phenomena like consciousness, subjective experience or the body-mind problem. I contradict the use of intuition to solve the thought experiments dealing with mind and I argue for the possibility to make intelligent machines. The futurology visions are the last starting point for stating my opinion on the future development of IA and human ability to make the thinking machine.

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