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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

乳児の情動発達と父母のEmotional Availability の関連 : 遊び場面におけるやりとりの観察データからの分析

HASEGAWA, Yuka, KOBAYASHI, Sachiko, MARUYAMA, Erika, MIYAJI, Shiho, ANDO, Masato, KOYAMA, Saori, MORIYAMA, Masako, 長谷川, 有香, 小林, 佐知子, 丸山, 笑里佳, 宮地, 志保, 安藤, 真斗, 小山, 里織, 森山, 雅子 31 March 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Maternal Borderline Personality Disorder on Emotional Availability in Mother-Child Interactions

Trupe, Rebecca Devan 01 December 2010 (has links)
Individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) experience severe and pervasive disturbances in the development of attachment relationships, identity, and emotion regulation. Given these deficits, mothers diagnosed with BPD are likely to experience significant difficulties in parenting their children. The present study examined the effect of maternal BPD and borderline personality features on emotional availability in interactions between mothers with BPD and their 4- to 7-year-old children. In a low socioeconomic status (SES) sample of n = 35 children of mothers diagnosed with BPD and n = 35 normative comparisons, groups were compared on maternal and child emotional availability, and self-reported maternal borderline personality features were assessed across the sample as a whole. No significant differences in emotional availability were found between groups. Across the sample as whole, however, maternal borderline personality features of affective instability, identity disturbance, negative relationships, and self-harm were significantly correlated with maternal intrusiveness and maternal hostility. Maternal borderline personality features of affective instability and negative relationships were significantly associated with maternal sensitivity, child responsiveness, and child involvement. Results are discussed in terms of putative precursors to BPD and preventive interventions.

Emotional Availability Scales -Therapy : Att mäta emotionell tillgänglighet mellan terapeut och patient i en psykoterapi

Sandström, Michaela, Hansson, Lisbeth January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att utarbeta och prova EAS-T (Emotional Availability Scales – Therapy), en manual för att mäta emotionell tillgänglighet mellan terapeut och patient i en psykoterapi. Arbetet ingår som en del i projektet LURIPP (Linköping University Relational and Interpersonal Psychotherapy Project). Våra frågeställningar var: * Kan man mäta den emotionella tillgängligheten i en psykoterapi med EAS-T? * Finns det någon korrelation mellan EAS-T och patientskattade processmått?   För att svara på frågorna har vi arbetat med att modifiera EAS (Emotional Availability Scales), ett instrument som används för att mäta kvalitén på relationen mellan förälder och barn, så att den ska passa terapeut-patient-relationen. Vi har skattat videoinspelade sessioner av IPT-terapier (interpersonell psykoterapi) med hjälp av detta instrument. I ett andra steg har vi jämfört vår skattning med patientskattade processmått, som varit tillgängliga via LURIPP: WAI-S (Working Alliance Inventory - Short), Känsloord och med PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire), där patienten skattar sin depressionsgrad före varje samtal.   Resultatet visade att manualen hade god användbarhet, men att det också fanns behov av revidering inom vissa dimensioner. Jämförelsen mellan EAS-T och patientskattade processmått visade att det fanns vissa signifikanta korrelationer och vissa som inte var signifikanta, men ändå intresseväckande. Mest intressant fann vi EAS-T-variabeln icke-invaderande, som visade en negativ korrelation till de andra processmåtten. En mer invaderande terapeutstil resulterade i att patienten upplevde en bättre terapeutisk allians och skattade mer positiva känsloord efter sessionen. Patienten skattade också symptomförbättring till nästa session. Det finns många intressanta frågor som ännu är obesvarade vad gäller emotionell tillgänglighet i terapisituationen, där vi hoppas på vidare forskning!

The Infant Facial Expressions Of Emotions From Looking at Pictures. Peruvian version / El Infant Facial Expressions of Emotions from Looking at Pictures. Versión peruana

Traverso Koroleff, Pierina, Nóblega, Magaly 25 September 2017 (has links)
The Peruvian version of the Infant Facial Expression of Emotions from Looking at Pictures (IFEEL), instrument that assessed the interpretation of emotions from children’s faces pictures is presented. The original version from Emde, Osofsky & Butterfield (1993) was developed in the United States and involves 30 stimuli. The Peruvian version involves 25 pictures of children with prototypic facial features of the majority of Peruvian population. A sample of 363 men and women of middle and low socio-economic status between 19 and 45 years old was recruited to develop the Peruvian version. From the results, a lexicon was created with the words that were used by the participants to designate the 14 groups of emotion that were obtained. The majority of these groups had an adequate reliability for temporal stability. Finally, it was found that the socio-economic status (SES) is a variable that generates significant differences in the way how persons interpret the emotions. Therefore, referential values of differentiated interpretation were created from this variable. / Se presenta la versión peruana del Infant Facial Expressions of Emotions from Looking at Pictures (IFEEL), que evalúa la interpretación de emociones a partir de fotografías de rostros de niños. La versión original del instrumento de Emde, Osofsky & Butterfield (1993) fue construida en Estados Unidos y tiene 30 estímulos. La versión peruana considera 25 fotografías de niños con rasgos faciales comunes en la población peruana. A partir de las respuestas obtenidas con una muestra de 363 hombres y mujeres de nivel socioeconómico medio y bajo (19-45 años) se creó un léxico propio de 14 emociones que incluye las formas de verbalización para cada uno de los grupos de emoción obtenidos en la muestra peruana. La mayoría de los grupos muestra confiabilidad por estabilidad temporal. Finalmente, se halló que el nivel socioeconómico (NSE) es una variable que genera diferencias significativas en la manera como las personas interpretan las emociones y se crearon valores referentes de interpretación diferenciados a partir de esta variable.

Quality of Mother-Child Interaction Assessed by the Emotional Availability Scale: Associations With Maternal Psychological Well-Being, Child Behavior Problems and Child Cognitive Functioning

Kang, Min Ju 24 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Maternal sensitivity and intrusiveness in early childhood as predictors of children's weight at school age

Schlensog-Schuster, Franziska, Klein, Annette M., Biringen, Zeynep, von Klitzing, Kai, Bergmann, Sarah 05 June 2023 (has links)
Background While previous research indicates that low maternal sensitivity in mother-child interactions puts children at risk of overweight and obesity, maternal intrusiveness has rarely been investigated in association with children's weight. We investigated whether maternal sensitivity and intrusiveness in early childhood predict children's increased body mass index standard deviation scores (BMI-SDS) at school age. BMI-SDS are standardized for age and gender with respect to a reference standard. Methods At baseline (t1), we assessed maternal sensitivity and (non-)intrusiveness of 116 mothers with their children (48.3% female) aged 5–47 months (M = 24.00, SD = 11.36) using the emotional availability scales. We obtained anthropometric data for mothers at t1 by measuring height and weight in the laboratory and for children at birth assessed by medical staff. Six years later (t2) we obtained anthropometric data for children in the laboratory or based on parental report. Linear regression analyses were run with child BMI-SDS at t2 as outcome and sensitivity and (non-)intrusiveness as predictors, adjusting for confounders and exploring child age and gender as moderators. Results Maternal sensitivity only negatively predicted children's BMI-SDS in girls, while maternal intrusiveness predicted higher child BMI-SDS at school age regardless of child gender. The effect of maternal non-intrusiveness remained significant when controlling for confounders. Conclusion Maternal intrusiveness in early childhood seems to represent a risk factor for increased BMI-SDS in children, while lower maternal sensitivity tends to be a risk factor for increased BMI-SDS in girls. This may have implications for prevention or intervention programmes.

Affect recognition and emotional availability in mother-child interaction / the effect of maternal depression in remission

Kluczniok, Dorothea 08 July 2016 (has links)
Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die gut belegte Assoziation zwischen mütterlicher Depression und ungünstigen emotionalen und behavioralen Folgen für ihre Kinder. Allerdings sind die Faktoren, die zu der transgenerationalen Übertragung der Depression beitragen, noch nicht geklärt. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, zwei möglicherweise dazu beitragende psychologische Faktoren zu untersuchen: (1) Affekterkennung von Gesichtsausdrücken in Mutter-Kind Dyaden und (2) mütterliche emotionale Verfügbarkeit. Dazu wurden drei Studien durchgeführt. Studie I untersucht mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) unterscheidbare und überlappende Aktivierungsmuster bei gesunden Müttern, während sie fröhliche und traurige Gesichter ihres eigenen Kindes sehen. Studie II verwendet eine Morphing-Aufgabe, um die Affekterkennung in Müttern mit remittierter Depression und ihren Kindern zu untersuchen. In Studie III wird die emotionale Verfügbarkeit von Müttern mit remittierter Depression in einer Verhaltensbeobachtung untersucht. Ergebnisse der Studie I zeigen eine größere Gehirnaktivierung der Mütter bei traurigen eigenen Kindergesichtern in der Amygdala und anterioren Cingulum, hingegen bei fröhlichen im Hippocampus und inferioren Frontalgyrus. Überlappende Aktivierung wurde in der Insula gefunden. Diese Aktivierungsmuster könnten feinfühliges mütterliches Verhalten erleichtern und das Aufrechterhalten der Mutter-Kind Beziehung unterstützen. Ergebnisse von Studie II belegen einen negativen Verarbeitungsbias bei Müttern mit einer remittierten Depression, wobei parallele Veränderungen bei ihren Kindern gefunden wurden. Dies könnte auf einen transgenerationalen Übertragungsprozess hinweisen. Ergebnisse von Studie III zeigen eine verminderte emotionale Verfügbarkeit bei Müttern in Remission, was eine Trait-Eigenschaft darstellen könnte. / Starting point of the present dissertation is the well-established association between maternal depression and adverse emotional and behavioral outcomes in children. The factors contributing to the transgenerational transmission of depression have not been fully elucidated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate two psychological factors that potentially contribute to this transgenerational association: (1) affect recognition of facial expressions in mother-child dyads and (2) maternal emotional availability. Therefore, three studies have been conducted. In study I, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used to measure dissociable and overlapping brain activation in healthy mothers, while they view happy, neutral and sad faces of their own child. By using a morphing task, study II tests the hypothesis that affect recognition is biased in mothers with depression in remission and their children. Study III investigates whether emotional availability is reduced in mothers remitted from depression. Study I revealed greater brain activation in the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex while mothers viewed sad faces of their own child, whereas greater brain activation was detected in the hippocampus and inferior frontal gyrus in response to happy faces. Conjoint activation was found in the insula. These activations might facilitate sensitive maternal behavior and promote mothers to maintain the mother-child relationship. Findings of study II demonstrate a negative processing bias in mothers with depression in remission, which was paralleled in their children. This finding could possibly point to a process of transgenerational transmission. Results of study III indicate reduced emotional availability in mothers who have remitted from depression, which might represent a trait characteristic of depression.

Att bevisa känslor : En kritisk diskursanalys av domar enligt 2 § LVU

Linde, Lisa, Möller Staaf, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Barnets rätt till känslomässigt tillgängliga föräldrar synliggörs i både handböcker, riktlinjer och prejudikat. Trots det finns ingen tydlig definition eller fastställande kring hur bristande känslomässig tillgänglighet ska tillämpas rättsligt. Därför är studiens syfte att undersöka diskursen kring bristande känslomässig tillgänglighet. Detta för att få en ökad förståelse för hur förvaltningsrätten förhåller sig till begreppet i domar enligt 2 § Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga utan att ha en tydlig definition eller bevisbörda att utgå ifrån. Metoden som används för att studera diskursen är Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys enligt den tredimensionella modellen. Vi vill synliggöra eventuella diskursiva skillnader gällande mammor och pappor samt socialnämnden och förvaltningsrätten. Det genomförs utifrån två genusteoretiska perspektiv, Hirdmans genuskontrakt och Bohmans teori om den “goda” och “problematiska” modern, samt Foucaults teori om makt. Resultatet visar hur diskursen skiljer sig åt mellan könen genom att benämna och belysa bristande känslomässig tillgänglighet av mammor och pappor. Resultatet påvisar även en maktordning mellan förvaltningsrätten och socialnämnden, där förvaltningsrätten har en överordnad makthierarki gentemot socialnämnden som tar sig i uttryck i ordval, formuleringar och i vilken grad av modalitet som används. Studien kompletterar nuvarande forskning och fyller ett tomrum i synliggörandet av hur bristande känslomässig tillgänglighet används i rättstillämpningen.

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