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Emotional intelligence and stress in the South African police service.Papier, Daniel Jacob. January 2012 (has links)
M. Tech. Policing / Struggling with stress, anxiety and/or depression can adversely affect work performance. This study aimed to determine how levels of Emotional Intelligence were related to levels of overall stress, anxiety or depression.
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Exploring Mathematics Instructional Strategies Working for Students with Emotional and/or Behavioural Disorders2015 August 1900 (has links)
This study explored instructional strategies elementary-year mathematics teachers of students with emotional and/or behavioural disorders (EBD) perceived to be helpful in improving students’ performance in mathematics using a resiliency perspective (i.e., the ability to positively adapt despite experiencing significant adversity; Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000). The researcher interviewed three elementary-year teachers to gain insight into their teaching experiences and the instructional strategies. A basic interpretive qualitative approach (Merriam, 2002) was used to understand the underlying meaning of the experiences of these mathematics teachers of students with EBD as they used evidence-based instructional strategies to improve students’ academic performance in mathematics and behaviour during instruction. A definitional focus on resiliency was the lens utilized for analyzing data generated through the interviews (Luthar, Cicchetti & Becker, 2000; Masten, 2001; Smith & Prior, 1995; Smokowski, 1998). Three themes emerged from participant interviews: ways of engaging students in learning; from dead time to active learning; and promoting positive student behaviour. Specifically, teachers reported an instructional strategy that met the needs of students of EBD which helped them obtain academic success in mathematics, and students were also better behaved in classrooms where instructional strategies employed were meeting their individual needs. These findings suggest an appropriate instructional strategy influences how students of EBD make meaning of mathematics, since teachers observed students were able to do higher thinking mathematics when strategies were in place in the classroom that met their individual needs. Teachers also shared that students were able to make good behavioural choices when they were experiencing academic success in the classroom. Practical implications of the findings, the limitations and strengths of the current study, and areas for future research are discussed.
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– Var det bra så? : En studie om butikspersonals roller i kundbemötandetDicksved, Hanna, Carlberg, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Uppsatsen är ett försök till att belysa fenomenet roller i serviceyrket; hur personalen i en klädbutik agerar gentemot kunder och hur de känner inför den roll de besitter i sin profession. Idag innebär butiksarbete mycket mer än tidigare: numera förväntas man som butiksmedarbetare att ge god service i kundbemötandet – det räcker inte med att kunna utföra sina arbetsuppgifter, utan man måste kunna leverera ett leende på utsatt tid och man förväntas kunna sälja. Dessutom ställs många gånger i detaljhandeln krav på att man ska kunna sälja för ett visst belopp eller ett visst antal artiklar per kund.[1] I vardagslivets olika situationer innehar vi individer olika roller. Man kan ibland inneha rollen som ett äldre syskon, ibland som rådgivare och ibland som vän eller kollega. Livet i sig är utformat som ett skådespel.[2] Vi har intervjuat fem kvinnliga butiksmedarbetare, varav en av dessa är butikschef, i en mode- och inredningsbutik i en galleria i en större stad i Sverige. De fem medarbetarna har berättat om sina upplevelser med kunder och delgett oss vilka attityder de har till den roll de intar i sitt yrke. Samtliga fem individer har uppgett att de går in i en roll då de befinner sig på den gemensamma arbetsplatsen. De uppger att de överlag tycker att stämningen på arbetsplatsen är god, och därmed blir det en mer avslappnad arbetsmiljö. De fem medarbetarna talar mestadels gott om den roll de intar då de arbetar. En av dem anser att det är hennes ansvar som medarbetare att få kunden att trivas i säljmötet. En butiksmedarbetare delger att hon ofta blir irriterad på kunder, och att hon ser det som svårt att sätta på sig den mask, som hon normalt gör, vid dessa tillfällen. I uppsatsen kommer vi fram till att det inte anses vara alltför dramatiskt att inta denna roll som innebär känslomässigt engagemang, vilket svarar emot den tidigare forskning som vi tagit del av på området. [1] Information hämtad från den aktuella butiken och fyra andra butiker inom fackhandeln. [2] Goffman, Erving, 2004, s. 25-26.
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Emocinio vertinimo perteikimas verčiant iš lietuvių į anglų kalbą / Emotional evaluation while translating from Lithuanian into EnglishGaidžiūnienė, Alma 16 June 2006 (has links)
The object of this work is emotional evaluation while translating from Lithuanian into English. Emotional evaluation means the opinion of the subject (an individual or a group) regarding the assessment of a certain object that can not be viewed as a logical decision but expresses feelings and emotions of the speaker.
The translation of emotional evaluation from Lithuanian into English has been little analysed, so the aim of the work is to explore possibilities of the rendition of the emotional evaluation from Lithuanian into English.
The aim of present study into investigate the ways of rendering objectives emotional evaluation in translation of B. Sruoga’s novel Dievų miškas into English.
The objectives of the study are as follows:
1. To define expressivenes and emotional evaluation.
2. To analyse the role of metaphors, phraseological units, similes, ocassionalisms, pejoratives, diminutives, rhetorical questions and exclamations in emotional evaluation.
3. To analyse the ways and means the emotional evaluation into English.
4. What is the aspect of the word meaning and how it is reflected in the translation;
Emotional evaluation has been analysed by Russian researchers: Lukjanova (1986), Ariutiunova (1982), Galkina-Fedoruk (1957); Lithuanian lingvists: Gudavičius (2000), Pikčilingis (1967, 1975), and foreign scientists, such as Arnold (1975), Nida (1975) and Beiker (1992).
The study was carricdont by using contrastive and descriptive methods.
The examples from... [to full text]
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Perceptions of Transition-Aged Youth with Emotional and Behavioural Problems: A Mixed Methods ApproachBurnham Riosa, Priscilla 15 August 2011 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of the needs and experiences of transition-aged youth with emotional and/or behavioural problems who accessed mental health services at a local child and adolescent clinic. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated that youth with mental health problems tend to have poor outcomes in adulthood. Moreover, many young adults do not make the transition from child- to adult-focused care even when they acknowledge their need for support. This study used a mixed methods approach, consisting of a survey design and phenomenological inquiry. In general, participants did not appear ready for an institutional transition, reporting only moderate levels of mental health self-efficacy. Youth disclosed their fears, underscoring the importance of supportive relationships, and stated the negative expectations they had concerning adult-focused care. The implementation of clinical supports to increase transition-aged youths’ mental health self-efficacy, by actively involving them in service-related decision-making processes, are likely to promote successful service transitions.
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Sense from the senseless : understanding how journalists make sense of everyday traumaLong, Carmen 05 July 2013 (has links)
A significant body of research documents the experiences of war correspondents and the impact covering conflict has on them. Far fewer studies focus on the impact that covering everyday trauma has on journalists. This Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) explores, at an idiographic level, the life worlds of six journalists from sub-Saharan Africa, and how each of them makes sense of the everyday trauma they experience in their work. The findings show that in each journalist's case, witnessing others' pain and trauma had a life changing impact; that empathy helped them cope with what they saw and experienced; and that they shared a tolerance for risk-taking. Journalists are the eyes and ears of the public. The study suggests that if journalists have the necessary emotional tools to cope with the stress they encounter in their work, everyone benefits: the journalists, their media organizations, the people whose stories they tell, and society. It is therefore important to take journalists' emotional coping strategies into account, so as not to cement the notion that feeling numb in the face of emotional trauma is simply business as usual.
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Parents' perceptions of acceptability of medication to treat emotional behavioral disorders in childrenPodaima, Colleen Beverly Penner 14 July 2009 (has links)
Emotional Behavioral Disorder (EBD) is a term used within the educational system to describe those students who in spite of supports for their emotional and behavioral difficulties, continue to struggle academically and negatively impact their peers. Children with EBD are one of the most difficult segments of the education population to integrate into the regular classroom due to their disruptiveness and the individuality of their needs. Strategies that have been used to help children with EBD include those with a cognitive and/or behavioral focus (both individually or in the classroom setting), those aimed at improving parenting skills and those that use prescription medication either by itself or as an adjunct to more behaviorally oriented treatments.
In spite of increased usage and proven efficacy, however, many parents are reluctant to consider medication as a treatment alternative, and those who opt to use medication perceive their child stigmatized in their educational experience. The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore parental perceptions of medication use to address Emotional Behavioral Disorders and their satisfaction with using medication to address school based difficulties. Using grounded theory methodology, in depth, open-ended interviews with seven mothers of students identified as EBD were used to obtain information about their experiences and perceptions. Interviews were analyzed using a constant comparative method. The findings suggest that parents’ decision to use medication to address a child’s behavioral difficulties were based primarily on their own history of medication use and their relationship with school personnel. Implications and recommendations for school personnel and planning are then summarized.
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Adult attachment styles: a comparison between psychologically maltreated and non-maltreated individuals using self-report and projective methodsHolens, Pamela L. 13 September 2010 (has links)
The recognition of psychological maltreatment as a distinct form of child maltreatment worthy of independent investigation occurred only as recently as the late 1970s. Today, there is a growing consensus among professionals that not only is psychological maltreatment far more prevalent than was once realized, but also that it lies at the core of all major forms of abuse and neglect. Furthermore, its impact has been judged by some to be more damaging than the effects of either physical or sexual abuse. The current study examined individuals who reported having experienced childhood psychological maltreatment in comparison to a control group who reported not having experienced any form of childhood maltreatment. The attachment styles of the maltreated and non-maltreated groups were compared with respect to a two-dimensional model of attachment. It was hypothesized that maltreated individuals would have less secure adult attachment relationships than their non-maltreated counterparts. Results indicated that individuals who reported childhood psychological maltreatment were indeed more likely than their non-maltreated counterparts to have developed a self-reported insecure attachment style in their adult relationships, characterized by higher levels of both attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety. A secondary goal of the study was to determine whether self-reports of the two attachment dimensions (anxiety and avoidance) were associated with theoretically coherent constellations of Rorschach projective responses. No evidence of associations between the projective responses and the self-report measure of these attachment dimensions was found in either the maltreated or the non-maltreated group, suggesting the need for further research in this area.
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Towards a Wireless EEG System for Ambulatory Mental Health ApplicationsJackson, Gregory 28 November 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to create and test a proof-of-concept novel ambulatory EEG system to monitor emotional valence in real-time. A qualitative comparison of a wireless EEG acquisition system by the imec group to a gold standard laboratory EEG system was successfully performed. A new wireless transmission system was created using the Texas Instruments’ ADS1299 EEG front-end chip and quantitatively compared to the gold standard system. This system and the ADS1299 performance demonstration kit were used to evaluate several equations for emotional valence classification. Three of these equations were able to correctly classify emotional valence on a positive-neutral vs. negative basis over 90% of the time on the performance demonstration kit and over 90% of the time on the wireless system. The wireless data was acquired and saved on a novel BlackBerry application that also allowed emotional self-assessment by the user during testing.
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Towards a Wireless EEG System for Ambulatory Mental Health ApplicationsJackson, Gregory 28 November 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to create and test a proof-of-concept novel ambulatory EEG system to monitor emotional valence in real-time. A qualitative comparison of a wireless EEG acquisition system by the imec group to a gold standard laboratory EEG system was successfully performed. A new wireless transmission system was created using the Texas Instruments’ ADS1299 EEG front-end chip and quantitatively compared to the gold standard system. This system and the ADS1299 performance demonstration kit were used to evaluate several equations for emotional valence classification. Three of these equations were able to correctly classify emotional valence on a positive-neutral vs. negative basis over 90% of the time on the performance demonstration kit and over 90% of the time on the wireless system. The wireless data was acquired and saved on a novel BlackBerry application that also allowed emotional self-assessment by the user during testing.
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