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Correlates of Job Satisfaction Among Bank Employees in NigeriaOumwense, Nosayaba Ernest 01 January 2018 (has links)
Job dissatisfaction among bank employees may adversely influence the financial performance of banks due to employee turnover, decreased productivity, poor service quality, decreased customer satisfaction, and negative employee attitudes in the workplace. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine how work on the present job, pay, opportunities for promotion, supervision, and coworker relationships predict job satisfaction among bank employees in Nigeria. The population of the study was 167 bank employees in 3 commercial banks in Nigeria. The 2-factor theory (TFT) served as the theoretical foundation in this study. Data collection was through a survey instrument called the job descriptive index. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis showed that the regression model significantly predicted job satisfaction, F (5, 95) = 10.806, p < .05, R2 = .363. Both supervision and coworker relationships were statistically significant predictors of job satisfaction among bank employees in Nigeria, while there were no statistically significant relationships between the predictors' work on the present job, pay, and opportunities for promotion, and the dependent variable, job satisfaction. The implications of this study for positive social change include the potential to provide senior bank executives with an understanding of factors that relate to job satisfaction among bank employees, including creating a desirable work environment, improving the quality of supervision in the organization, increasing job satisfaction, and making the organization more desirable for employees.
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Management Strategies for Reducing Voluntary Employee Turnover in Small Professional Service FirmsMorgan, David B 01 January 2019 (has links)
Replacing an employee can cost a firm as much as 200% of that employee's annual salary, and small business owners may be especially sensitive to voluntary employee turnover due to their limited resources. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies that some owners of small professional services businesses in the midwestern region of the United States used to reduce voluntary employee turnover in their firms. The conceptual framework for this doctoral study was Barney's resource-based theory. Data were collected from 4 participants whose firms were at least 5 years old and had experienced lower turnover than the average as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, using semistructured interviews and a review of company policies and procedures found in employee handbooks, as well as publicly available information on company websites. Data were analyzed by compiling all the data, using coding to organize the data, identifying themes that emerged, and then making observations about those themes as they pertained to the research. Member checking, along with the review of company documents, served as methodological triangulation for reliability and validity of the research. The 3 major themes that surfaced were how voluntary employee turnover impacts small professional services firms, how hiring reduced voluntary employee turnover, and how corporate culture and employee engagement reduced voluntary employee turnover. Data about strategies for reducing voluntary employee turnover may bring about positive social change in local economies by helping to ensure stability in local commerce and national economies by supporting the success of small businesses that account for many businesses in the United States.
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Successful Strategies for Reducing Employee Turnover in the Restaurant IndustrySmith, Jaun Derek 01 January 2018 (has links)
Employee turnover remains a ubiquitous phenomenon that could negatively impact the operations and profitability of any business entity. For decades, managers, business leaders, and individuals in academia have devoted considerable time and resources to understanding and reducing the phenomenon. This qualitative multiple case study was conducted to explore the successful strategies that restaurant managers used to reduce employee turnover. The population sample consisted of 4 restaurant managers from Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago who had successfully used strategies to reduce employee turnover. The conceptual framework used was the transformational leadership model. Data for the study were gathered using semistructured interviews, employee records, and company documents. The data were analyzed using cross-case synthesis. The findings included 4 emergent themes. Two themes were tethered to the transformational leadership model with the focus on the constituents of individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation. One theme was linked to the transactional leadership style under the element of management by exception active approach. The 4th theme was unexpected and tethered to practice; actions involved the use of various labor configurations to reduce employee turnover. The results of the study might be beneficial to managers not only in the restaurant industry but within the wider business ecology. With the implementation of successful strategies to reduce employee turnover, business operations and profitability could be spared degradation from operational disruptions due to frequent recruitment and labor shortages. The improved margins could be reinvested towards improving the communities and the lives of workers through positive changes in wages, therefore, contributing to positive social change.
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Varför slutar Young Professionals på Scania? : En kvalitativ studie bland unga akademiker hos Scania gällande drivkrafter, värderingar och behov i arbetslivet.Eriksson, Daniel, Andersson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>I den här uppsatsen har vi undersökt vilka värderingar drivkrafter och behov som finns bland fordonstillverkaren Scanias unga akademiker, vilka i undersökningen går under benämningen Young Professionals. Detta i syfte att utröna varför Young Professionals lämnar Scania och vilka faktorer som är avgörande för att skapa ett attraktivare Scania bland denna målgrupp samt att komma fram till lämpliga åtgärder som i största möjliga mån kan förmå dem att stanna inom företaget. Undersökningen bedrevs genom användande av kvalitativa intervjuer och fokusgrupper vilket resulterade i ett antal faktorer framkom som viktiga för denna målgrupp.</p><p>Dessa faktorer är chefskapet, missnöje med företagets engagemang och tillvaratagande på den enskilde individens driv, motivation och kunskaper samt inre processer som är alldeles för segdragna vilket mynnar ut i frustration hos YP och därigenom leder till motivationstapp.</p> / <p>In this thesis we have examined the values, motivation and needs of the vehicle manufacturer Scanias Young Professionals. The aim of the study is to determine why Young Professionals are leaving Scania for other employers and the factors that are decisive for creating a more attractive Scania among the targeted group. We are also recommending suitable actions for keeping them within the company. The study was conducted through in depth interviews as well as in focus groups with four participants from different divisions within the company. These interviews resulted in a number of different factors that were found important for this group.</p><p>The factors are leadership, dissatisfaction with the company’s commitment and procurement of the individual’s motivation and knowledge as well as internal processes that are to slow and resulting in frustration among the Young Professionals, resulting in less commitment to the company.</p>
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Varför slutar Young Professionals på Scania? : En kvalitativ studie bland unga akademiker hos Scania gällande drivkrafter, värderingar och behov i arbetslivet.Eriksson, Daniel, Andersson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen har vi undersökt vilka värderingar drivkrafter och behov som finns bland fordonstillverkaren Scanias unga akademiker, vilka i undersökningen går under benämningen Young Professionals. Detta i syfte att utröna varför Young Professionals lämnar Scania och vilka faktorer som är avgörande för att skapa ett attraktivare Scania bland denna målgrupp samt att komma fram till lämpliga åtgärder som i största möjliga mån kan förmå dem att stanna inom företaget. Undersökningen bedrevs genom användande av kvalitativa intervjuer och fokusgrupper vilket resulterade i ett antal faktorer framkom som viktiga för denna målgrupp. Dessa faktorer är chefskapet, missnöje med företagets engagemang och tillvaratagande på den enskilde individens driv, motivation och kunskaper samt inre processer som är alldeles för segdragna vilket mynnar ut i frustration hos YP och därigenom leder till motivationstapp. / In this thesis we have examined the values, motivation and needs of the vehicle manufacturer Scanias Young Professionals. The aim of the study is to determine why Young Professionals are leaving Scania for other employers and the factors that are decisive for creating a more attractive Scania among the targeted group. We are also recommending suitable actions for keeping them within the company. The study was conducted through in depth interviews as well as in focus groups with four participants from different divisions within the company. These interviews resulted in a number of different factors that were found important for this group. The factors are leadership, dissatisfaction with the company’s commitment and procurement of the individual’s motivation and knowledge as well as internal processes that are to slow and resulting in frustration among the Young Professionals, resulting in less commitment to the company.
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Low-Skilled Employee RetentionPractices in the Fast Food Industry : A study of retention practices within the Verhage FastFood franchiseVuik, Fabian, Van den broeck, Ro January 2013 (has links)
Employee turnover can cost an organization a significant amount of money. In addition, retention of employees can beneficial towards to an organization as it e.g. allows to save costs related torecruitment and training of new employees. The fast food industry is recognized as an industry which employs low-skilled employees and is especially in the United States known to be prone to high employee turnover. With regards to Europe, only little information is available in the field of low-skilled employee retention in the fast food industry. Looking towards the Netherlands, there has been no conducted research concerning this topic from a manager’s perspective allowing to identify the best HR practices to limit employee turnover in the organization. Our purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of the practices on employee retention of low-skilled employees in the Dutch fast food industry. To be able to meet this purpose, the following research question was developed “How do managers address retention of low-skilled employees in the Dutch fast food industry?” To be able to answer this research question, a multiple case study was conducted to study several franchises of the Dutch fast food organization “Verhage fast food”. We chose to conduct a qualitative study by developing semi-structured interviews. The empirical material was collected by interviewing an HR manager and the CEO of Verhage to develop an overview of the organization. Furthermore, we conducted five interviews with franchisees of Verhage. These franchisees were chosen based on four criteria being location, variety in experience, amount of employees, and amount of franchises owned. These four criteria ensured that the chosen franchisees in our study are active in different environmental settings. These interviews were conducted with the aim to find out how these franchisees perceive low-skilled employee retention and to identify how these franchisees address retention through the implementation of HR practices. Our study provided a contribution that shows the most effective HR practices in the fields of recruitment and selection, training and development, career development, and recognition and rewards are depending on the situational factors. Whereas one franchisee needs to pay well above minimum wage to attract low-skilled employees, another franchisee can easily pay the employees minimum wages without the need to worry for job applicants. Another contribution based on the outcome of our study is that the provision of training and responsibilities besides being done to benefit the company in e.g. productivity it also results in more engaging employees with a higher intention to stay.
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Employee Turnover: The Effects of Workplace EventsJanuary 2011 (has links)
This research was designed to extend the unfolding model of voluntary turnover by examining the most commonly reported turnover decision path. Specifically, the purpose of the current investigation was to explore how employees evaluate negative workplace events--coined "shocks"--and the effects of such events on turnover intention. Participants, 204 Registered Nurses currently employed by a hospital, were asked to report on a negative work event. Only satisfaction with the organization's response to the event affected justice perceptions regarding the shock event. Events perceived as unjust or unfair were negatively related to perceived compatibility with the organization, which in turn predicted turnover intention. Job embeddedness also influenced perceived compatibility and intent to leave the organization. Characteristics of the shock events and suggestions to organizations to prevent avoidable, voluntary turnover are also presented.
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Assessing the military skills development scheme as a strategic human resource management imperativeXaba, Bongani Abner. January 2013 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Administration / The study aims to probe into the SANDFs strategic purpose for implementing the MSDS and whether the learners acquire the skills they regard declared as essential. The study will also investigate whether the MSDS fulfils the learners career aspirations and further asses their view regarding the programme.
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High employee turnover rate at the City of Tshwane MunicipalityMaleka, Bertha Hampu January 2009 (has links)
M.Tech. Business Administration. Business School. / The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality was established on 5 December 2000 and incorporated 13 previous local authorities into a category 'A' metropolitan municipality. The City of Tshwane's three departments: Finance, Information & Management and Public Works & Infrastructure Development have been experiencing a high employee turnover since January 2005. The key research objectives of this study are (1) to determine the cause of high turnover rate, (2) how the City of Tshwane can retain talented employees, (3) to reduce employee costs, (4) to build capacity and (4) to turn the City of Tshwane into a most desired employer. It is recommended that the City of Tshwane devise organisational policies and practices that increase the excitement of employees with regard to their work in ways that will result in a funneling of their minds and efforts towards the goals of the organisation.
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Den eftertraktade arbetsgivaren : utsidan räknas, insidan avgör / The Employer of Choice : the external matters, the internal determinesKvarnström, Isabella, Lindroth, Linnéa January 2015 (has links)
Arbetsgivares största utmaning på dagens multikulturella arbetsmarknad är att vinna kampenom de medarbetare som är duktiga och besitter såväl rätt kunskap som rätt kompetens. Detkrävs stort engagemang och framförhållning för att arbetsgivarna ska lyckas marknadsföra sigpå arbetsmarknaden och hitta rätt personal. Det tycks vara av stor betydelse för arbetsgivareatt attrahera unga, talangfulla studenter för att få ett försprång i kampen om de bästamedarbetarna. Mycket tyder på att kommunala, offentliga organisationer har en svårighet i attändra ungas bild av jobben som erbjuds vilket bekräftas då det är ytterst få offentliga företagsom utmärker sig på topplistor över attraktiva arbetsgivare. Tidigare studier klargör attarbetsgivare är i behov av att skapa sig ett varumärke på arbetsmarknaden och att de börfokusera lika mycket på arbetet med att behålla talangfulla medarbetare som självarekryteringen av dem. Då denna mindre grupp av personer, som är duktiga och har både rättkunskap samt kompetens, får fler valmöjligheter i karriären blir konkurrens om arbetskraftenhård. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka individers behov både som medarbetare ochprivatpersoner vid beslutstillfället att söka sig till, stanna hos eller lämna en arbetsgivaregenom att anta ett kulturellt helhetsperspektiv. Detta för att se vad en eftertraktad arbetsgivarekan göra för att påverka en individs beslutsfattande om valet av arbetsgivare och därmedbehålla verksamhetens kunskaps- och kompetensnivå.Studien baserades på datamaterial som samlades in genom åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuermed medarbetare från en kommunal organisation. Intervjuerna baserades på en guidebestående av fyra teman där tekniken för kritiska händelser användes i syfte att fårespondenterna att förmedla en detaljrik berättelse kring sina beslut. Följaktligen genomfördesen narrativ analys av berättelserna som lyfte fram avvikande såväl som gemensammaföreteelser i en kronologisk följd.Utifrån analysen för vi slutligen en diskussion där resultatet av vår studie förhåller sig tilltidigare forskning och som sedan mynnar ut i vår slutsats. Vår slutsats är att eftertraktadearbetsgivare arbetar på ett engagerat sätt med att tillgodose de behov och egenskaper somvärdesätts av medarbetare. Detta kräver en medvetenhet hos arbetsgivaren om att talangfullamedarbetare påverkas av kulturella grupper i deras omgivning. Det krävs också en insikt i hurkonkurrenssituationen förändras beroende på tidpunkt i karriären som den åtråvärdamedarbetaren befinner sig i. En eftertraktad arbetsgivare kan påverka medarbetarnasbeslutsfattande genom att vara medvetna om vad som är viktigt vid valet av arbetsgivare,nämligen att: utsidan räknas, insidan avgör. / The greatest challenge faced by employers on today’s multi-cultural labor market is thecompetition for talented employees in possession of the right knowledge and competence. Tobe able to market themselves properly and in order to find the right personnel, employers needto be well prepared and highly committed to the task. It seems to be of great importance foremployers to attract young, talented students in order to get an advantage in the fight for theemployees of the future. There is however few public companies included in the top lists ofattractive employers, which confirm the public organizations’ suspicion that they havedifficulties with changing students’ perception of the jobs they offer. Previous studies haveidentified a need for employers to establish a brand on the labor market and the importance offocusing just as much on retaining talented employees as on recruiting them. Since potentialemployees in possession of the right knowledge and competence are faced with an increasingselection of possible career paths, the competition for this small group of talents hardens. Thepurpose of our study is therefore to investigate the private and work related needs ofindividual employees in their decision of applying to, staying with or leaving an employer.With regards to a holistic and cultural perspective this study aims to see what an employer ofchoice can do to affect an individual’s decision making with the purpose of retaining theorganization’s level of knowledge and competence.This study is based on data gathered through eight semi-structured interviews with employeesfrom a public organization. The interviews were conducted with the help of an interviewguide comprised of four themes in accordance to the critical incident technique, meant tofacilitate more depth to the respondents’ stories. A narrative analysis of the stories was carriedout in which common as well as divergent incidents were emphasized in chronological order.Lastly, we provide a discussion based on our analysis that compares and contrasts the resultsof our study with previous research. The discussion leads to the conclusion of our study: anemployer of choice works in a committed way to accommodate the needs and qualities thatare valued by the employees. That work requires awareness of the influences talentedemployees gets from cultural groups in their milieu. It also requires an insight in how thecompetition changes depending on the career stage in which the desirable personnel aresituated. An employer of choice can influence the employees’ decision making by beingaware of what is important in their choice of employer: the external matters, the internaldetermines.This thesis will continue in Swedish.
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