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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of training and learning on three employee retention factors: Job satisfaction, commitment and turnover intent in technical professionals.

Barcus, Sydney Anne 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the benefits of providing employee training and learning beyond the specific content covered in such interventions, and how personality constructs might moderate those benefits. Training refers to the imparting of specific knowledge and tasks. Learning involves processes and skills that support on the job learning experiences. This study builds on previous research linking training and development to increased job satisfaction, and reduced turnover intent, by considering additional factors. The relationships between independent variables training, learning, task variety and task significance and outcome variables job satisfaction, commitment and turnover intent are assessed. Personality constructs of need for achievement and growth need strength are explored as possible moderating variables. This research was conducted using archival data (N = 500) collected from technical professionals employed by fourteen organizations in the Southwest United States. Both task variety and task significance were found to significantly predict all three outcome variables. Growth need strength was found to moderate the prediction of commitment by task variety. Need for achievement was found to moderate the prediction of job satisfaction, commitment and turnover intent by training and learning. Need for achievement was also found to moderate the prediction of both commitment and turnover intent by task significance.

Der Einfluss von Diversity Management auf das Employer Branding: Erfolgsfaktor Führungskraft bei Gender Diversity dargestellt anhand einer fallbasierten Analyse

Oechsle-Neumann, Christin Claudia 22 October 2020 (has links)
Aufgrund des internationalen War for Talent ist es eine Herausforderung für Unternehmen, hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter an sich zu binden. Ein immaterieller Anreizfaktor für den Verbleib im Unternehmen ist das Verhalten der Führungskraft, wie z. B. wertschätzender Umgang und Anerkennung der Leistung. Es wird untersucht, inwiefern sich die Umsetzung von Diversity Management durch die Führungskraft auf die Einstellung des Mitarbeiters zum Arbeitgeber, d.h. das Selbstbild der Employer Brand, und auf seine Bindung an das Unternehmen auswirkt. Das verhaltenstheoretische Stimulus-Organismus-Response-Modell dient zur Erklärung dieser Zusammenhänge. Unter Diversity Management wird der Einfluss, die Kontrolle und die Organisation des Verhaltens vielfältiger Personen durch einen Vorgesetzten verstanden. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Diversity Dimension Gender, das durch soziale und kulturelle Umweltbedingungen konstruierte kulturelle Geschlecht. Die erhobenen Mitarbeiterdaten stammen aus internationalen Standorten der Robert Bosch GmbH.

What Human Services and Helping Professionals Need to Know about Employee Retention and Work-Life Balance

Quichocho, Davina, Lucier-Greer, Mallory, Nichols, Lucy R., Frye, Nicky, O'Neal, Catherine Walker, Krumm, Allie 04 April 2020 (has links)
The Work-Family Enrichment theory highlights the interrelatedness of professional and personal life and notes that positive work and family experiences can have additive effects on individuals and their families (Greenhaus & Powell, 2006). Through this lens, work satisfaction has implications for family and individual wellbeing. When workplace organizations implement practices that encourage employee retention, they systematically create an environment that fosters employee satisfaction (Griffin et al., 2010; Wells, 2015). Retention, and the relationships between work, family, and individual wellbeing, are particularly salient for certain types of work that are connected to human development and family science because many of these careers are high-demand/lower-pay “labors of love” (e.g., child care providers, social work, child-life specialists). Equipping current and future helping/human service professionals with an understanding of effective retention practices will help them identify satisfying work opportunities for themselves and enhance their ability to advocate for and implement retention practices across the field.

Managing Acquisition Success in a Knowledge Intensive Industry : How key employee retention is managed in the event of a company acquisition

Finnström, Jonas, Mao, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Mergers and acquisitions have become increasingly popular as a method for enabling growth, and in 2021, global M&A value hit an all-time high. However, as mergers and acquisitions are complex organizational events, an estimated 70-90% of acquisitions fail to deliver value and prove to be a significant waste of time and resources. This study aims to expand the knowledge on acquisitions and their underlying success factor. Specifically, the study adopts the human perspective of employee retention and investigates two main issues; How managers of acquisitions work to retain key employees and what factors affect key employees’ willingness to remain in an acquired company. Data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with seven respondents from six different tech consultancy firms. The respondents all work for firms that operate in Sweden and conduct international business activities. Furthermore, all firms were involved in an acquisition deal in 2020 on the Swedish market as either being an acquiring firm or an acquired firm. The study found that to retain key employees in an acquisition, managers focus on primarily using financial and non-financial incentives, communication to instill trust in the acquisition, and creating a sense of belongingness and identity in the new company. On the other hand, for key employees, primary motivating factors for staying in an acquired company were non-financial incentives in the form of development opportunities, a strong vision and commitment communicated by acquisition managers, and identification with the company.

Bleiben Belohnung und Anerkennung in virtuellen standortverteilten Teams auf der Strecke? – Reward and Recognition Systeme als Lösungsansatz

Müller, Petra, Schmidt, Vanessa Theresa, Werkmeister, Lisa, Beutner, Maria 05 April 2019 (has links)
Die steigende Konkurrenz um qualifizierte Mitarbeiter veranlasst Unternehmen die Mitarbeiterbindung zu forcieren, und durch Belohnung und Anerkennung Anreize zu schaffen, um die Fluktuation möglichst gering zu halten. Dieses Paper geht auf Reward and Recognition Systeme als eine mögliche Strategie der Mitarbeiterbindung ein und stellt Schlüsselfaktoren und Handlungsempfehlungen für eine Implementierung in virtuellen Teams dar. Dazu wurde ein Literature Review durchgeführt und die daraus resultierte Datenbasis einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse unterzogen. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass virtuelle Teams besondere Herausforderungen wie fehlende räumliche Nähe und eingeschränkte Feedbackmöglichkeiten überwinden müssen, damit Belohnung und Anerkennung nicht auf der Strecke bleiben. Als zentrales Ergebnis der Untersuchung kann festgehalten werden, dass bei der Implementierung von Reward and Recognition Systeme die Individualität und Diversität der Mitarbeiter, der virtuellen Teams und der Organisation beachtet werden sollte.

The effect of social relationships on employee retention in a remote working context : A qualitative case study on which Talent Management practices an organisation use to retain talented employees in a remote context / Effekten av sociala relationer för att behålla anställda i en kontext avdistansarbete : En kvalitativ fallstudie om vilka Talent Management-aktiviteteren organisation använder för att behålla talangfulla anställda i en kontext avdistansarbete

Svensson, Julia, Danielsson Wiksell, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Talent Management (TM) is a well-used practice to identify, attract, develop, and retain the most valuable resource in an organisation: talented employees. The concept TM emerged when organisations started to detect increased demands and technological changes in the business market. Additionally, due to the retirement of baby boomers, organisations have started to experience a shortage of talents creating “The War for Talent” (Chambers et al., 1998). However, ethical aspects create a demand for an inclusive approach of TM which includes all employees, as opposed to only focusing on a selected few. Responsible Talent Management (RTM) considers talent to be obtained and developed within the organisation. Employees who experience job satisfaction and commitment are more likely to stay in the organisation (Deery, 2008), whereas work-life balance, employee well-being, leadership, and learning have become important factorsfor increasing job satisfaction and commitment as well as employee retention (Radda et al., 2015: Deery, 2008). Especially due to new challenges associated with the working environment and social relationships in this new remote working context. Researchers express the need for further research regarding RTM as well as the inclusive approach. This thesis, therefore, aims to understand how an organisation work with TM practices to retain talented employees in a remote working context. Based on the scientific issue and the purpose, a qualitative case study was conducted. Eight employees within the HR department were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the empirical data identified a great need for genuine social relationships. Regardless of which TM retainment practices used, supporting employees with tools and opportunities to build and nurture social relationships may be an instrumental driver to retain talented employees in a remote working context. / Talent Management är ett välanvänt begrepp för att identifiera, attrahera, utveckla och behålla den mest värdefulla resursen i en organisation: talangfulla medarbetare. Begreppet TM blev uppmärksammat när organisationerna upptäckte ett ökat krav och teknologiska förändringar på marknaden. På grund av att generationen “babyboomers” har börjat gå i pension har organisationer börjat uppleva en brist på talang, vilket har skapat ”The War for Talent” (Chambers et al., 1998). Dock skapar de etiska aspekterna ett krav på ett inkluderande synsätt på TM som inkluderar alla anställda och inte bara fokuserar på ett fåtal utvalda. Begreppet Responsible Talent Management (RTM) anser att talang kan erhållas och utvecklas inom organisationen. Anställda som upplever jobbnöjdhet och engagemang är mer benägna att stanna kvar i organisationen (Deery, 2008), medan balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv, anställdas välmående, ledarskap och lärande har blivit viktiga faktorer för att öka jobbnöjdhet och engagemang samt att behålla de anställda (Radda et al., 2015: Deery, 2008). Framförallt med tanke på de nya utmaningarna gällande arbetsmiljön och de sociala relationerna i den nya kontexten av distansarbete. Forskare uttrycker ett behov av vidare forskning gällande RTM och det inkluderande synsättet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att förstå hur en organisation arbetar med aktiviteter inom TM för att behålla talangfulla medarbetare i en kontext av distansarbete. Baserat på forskningsproblemet och syftet har en kvalitativ fallstudie utförts. Åtta anställda tillhörande HR-avdelningen har intervjuats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. I analysen av empirin identifierades ett stort behov av genuina sociala relationer. Oavsett vilka aktiviteter inom TM som organisationen använder för att behålla talanger, så uppfattas organisationens stöd i termer av olika verktyg och möjligheter för att skapa och vårda sociala relationer, vara en stark drivkraft för att behålla talangfull kompetens i en kontext av distansarbete.

How Employer Branding is Affected by Country-of-Origin : And its effect on Employee Retention of Generation Z

Kaburek, Philip, Wahlberg, Alex, Kilit, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Employer branding is becoming increasingly important, but the literature on the subject lacks vital elements. First, Country of Origin (COO) has been shown to affect employer branding, but this process is very poorly understood. Second, employee retention, although proven to have multiple benefits and to be impacted by employer branding, is underrepresented in employer branding research. Third, despite the importance of cultural context being well documented in literature, current employer branding research takes little consideration for this, especially in regards to Generation Z, who are becoming increasingly vital in the workforce. To mend these important research gaps, this thesis aims to examine how employer branding is affected by COO, and, in extension, how this impacts employee retention among Generation Z employees. This purpose is fulfilled by answering the following research question: “How is employer branding affected by COO when retaining Generation Z employees?” With this research question in mind, an abductive qualitative study was conducted using multiple- case studies in a Swedish MNE context. Semi-structured interviews with HR/employer branding managers and international Generation Z employees were conducted. This provided a dual perspective where both the views of employers and employees could be observed, analysed, and compared which was necessary to answer the research question. The results were then analysed using rigorous data-driven content-analysis. Using this approach, the study answered the research question by finding that employer branding is affected indirectly by COO through the process of other primary factors in retaining Generation Z. The research led to the introduction of a new model; The Employer Brand Compass, which illustrates how employer branding is affected by COO through three main factors in employee retention of Generation Z; ESG, development opportunities, and consumer branding.

Motivationsfaktorer inom en kommunal förvaltning : En kvalitativ studie om vad som motiverar chefer till fortsatt anställning inom en kommunal förvaltning / Motivational factors in a municipal administration : A qualitative study of whatmotivates managers to continue employment within a municipal administration

Gustafsson, Emelie, Johansson, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och problematisera vad som motiverar chefer och ledare inom en förvaltning på en kommunal nivå att fortsätta sin anställning. Studiens frågeställningar är: Vilka motivationsfaktorer är viktiga för chefer och ledare inom en offentlig förvaltning i frågan om fortsatt anställning? Vilken betydelse har individuell utveckling för chefer och ledare inom en offentlig förvaltning när det kommer till fortsatt anställning och arbetsmotivation? Hur bibehåller chefer och ledare inom en offentlig förvaltning sin arbetsmotivation? Material och metoder: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en abduktiv ansats. Studien har sin grund i semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju respondenter. Det empiriska materialet har därefter analyserats och jämförts med tidigare forskning inom motivation, Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori samt teorin om inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer. Huvudresultat: Gemensamt för respondenterna är vikten av frihet, att ha roligt på jobbet och strävan att utveckla verksamheten till det positiva. Hos samtliga respondenter föreligger det även ett starkt emotionellt band som ses som såväl positivt som negativt. Respondenterna är väldigt måna om individuell utveckling men tycker att det läggs allt för mycket energi på utbildningar som enbart är repetitiva för dem. De hade hellre tagit del av en mer individanpassad utbildningsplan. Vidare är det tydligt att lön inte är en drivande motivationsfaktor hos respondenterna. Idag är respondenterna nöjda med sina löner menmenar att det var en större motivationsfaktor i början av deras karriärer. I nuläget finns andra motivationsfaktorer som spelar roll, bland annat de som redogjorts för ovan. / Purpose: The purpose of the following study is to investigate and problematize what motivates managers and leaders within an administration at a municipal level to continue their employment. The study´s questions at issue are: Which motivating factors are most outstanding among the managers and leaders within an administration at a municipal level in the question of continued employment? How important is the individual development for the managers and leaders within an administration at a municipal level when it comes to continued employment and work motivation? How do the managers and leaders within an administration at a municipal level maintain their work motivation? Method: The study is based on qualitative research with an abductive approach. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with seven respondents. The empirical material has been analyzed and compared with previous research, Herzberg's two-factor theory and the theory of internal and external factors in relation to motivation. Main result: Common to the respondents is the importance of freedom, having fun at work and the aim to develop the school in a positive way. All respondents also have a stronge motional bond that is seen as both positive and negative. The respondents truly care about individual development but believe that too much energy is put into education that is only repetitive for them. They would rather have taken part in a more individualized education plan. Furthermore, salary is not a driving motivating factor among the respondents. Today, the respondents are satisfied with their salaries but believe that it was a major motivating factor at the beginning of their careers. At present, there are other motivating factors that are more important, including those described above.

Doing IT Right: Employees’ Perspective on CSR

Muralidhar, Madhuri, Sirenko, Mariia January 2019 (has links)
Although there have been many previous studies done on the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in organizations, there has been relatively less research on the impact of CSR on the organization’s employees. Studies conducted in this topic have looked at various industries such as banking, manufacturing and others but very minimal studies on the Information Technology(IT) industry Considering the research gaps, this thesis examines the employee’ perceptions and attitudes towards CSR and its impact on organizational commitment in the IT industry in the context of Sweden. In order to study this further, it was hypothesized that CSR has a positive impact on organizational commitment (OC) of employees in the IT companies of Sweden. In order to empirically test this, the questionnaire method was employed, and 164 completed surveys were conducted. The findings of this study support hypothesis that CSR has a positive correlation with employee commitment towards their companies. These conclusions indicate that IT firms require to strengthen and integrate CSR to attract and retain motivated, engaged labour force.

Retention of Information Technology Employees

Dixon, Sherry Ann 01 January 2016 (has links)
Business leaders often realize greater profitability when they have strategies to retain IT employees. However, the cost to replace IT employees creates significant challenges for business leaders. Given the growing impact of technology on operational costs, retention of IT employees is imperative. This exploratory single case study sought to identify the strategies that leaders use to increase IT employee retention. The population was 6 leaders from a military organization in Norfolk, Virginia, responsible for the retention of IT employees. Herzberg's two-factor theory was the conceptual framework for this study. The data was collected from semi-structured interviews with 6 leaders along with organization documents. Data analysis and methodological triangulation included thematic analysis to identify 7 themes in the study. These 7 themes were quality of life, telework, leadership, inclusion, and staying abreast of new technology. Implications for social change include the potential for leaders to save money on recruitment and training. It also includes organizations becoming profitable through better employee retention strategies, and it adds to the body of knowledge that leaders could use to provide stable employment opportunities to individuals. The retention rates among IT employees affect individuals, families, communities, organizations, and the economy. Implementing retention strategies may result in improving employee-employer relationships and organizational profitability.

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