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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbitral Reaction to Alexander v. Gardner-Denver Co.: An Analysis of Arbitrators' Awards, April, 1974-1980

Owens, Stephen D. (Stephen Dennis) 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were: (1) to present data resulting from an analysis of the ninety-seven published grievance-arbitration awards involving issues of racial discrimination occurring between April 1, 1974, and December 31, 1980? and (2) to determine from the data how labor arbitrators have reacted to Alexander v. Gardner-Denver Co., 415 U.S. 36 (1974) . The Supreme Court held that labor arbitration was a "comparatively inappropriate" forum for the resolution of employment discrimination disputes. However, the Court said that an arbitral award could be "accorded great weight" by a lower court when certain relevant factors are present in an award. The cases were analyzed to determine the extent to which arbitrators responded to the factors set forth in the Gardner-Denver decision.

A study of the barriers to career progress of women in an organisation

Pillay, Sadeshini Shunmugan January 2005 (has links)
Due to the continual constant battle women have to face in order to progress in the workplace, it has become necessary to assess the degree of transformational change within the workplace within South Africa to try to establish just what these barriers are and how it can be overcome. To examine the main problem, three sub-problems were identified. The first sub-problem that had been identified dealt with what the women’s rights in the new South Africa. It was investigated by evaluating the situation in the New South Africa and what has changed from the past. Is there more gender equality or not. The second sub-problem looked at the barriers that women face in the workplace. It is evident that sexual harassment, male chauvinism, trying to balance work and family as well as organisational structure and culture were among the top barriers that are a hindrance to women’s advancement in the workplace. Finally, the third sub-problem investigated what the glass ceiling effect is and the effect that this has on women in the workplace. The investigation evaluated, and emphasised the difficulties that women face in order to progress in the hierarchy of not only management but other occupations as well. Results have shown that most females and males believe that the glass ceiling is prevalent in the workplace. Most people believe that women can however break through the glass ceiling but now there is a new phenomenon, “The Glass Cliff” which allows women to break through the glass ceiling but only of organisations that are already in trouble.

¿Existe un techo de cristal que limita el ascenso laboral a las mujeres en las empresas?

Lopez Maldonado, Pablo Alonso, Alarcon Pizarro, Miriam Feli 25 May 2019 (has links)
El objetivo general de este trabajo es analizar, revisar y unir la investigación encontrada hasta a la fecha, acerca de la existencia del fenómeno llamado techo de cristal, que limita el ascenso laboral a las mujeres dentro de las empresas. Además de explicar la existencia del fenómeno del techo de cristal, la historia, panorama pasado y actual de la mujer en el ámbito laboral, así como sus hallazgos más notables. También, destacaremos la presencia e importancia de los factores externos que fomentan el techo de cristal tales como, la cosmovisión patriarcal, la sociedad machista, los estereotipos, los prejuicios, la cooptación, la conciliación entre la vida personal y familiar de la mujer, etc. Todos estos son aspectos que dan vida a las barreras invisibles que detienen el óptimo desarrollo académico y laboral del género femenino en las organizaciones públicas y privadas alrededor del mundo. Si bien estas condiciones externas impiden a mujeres capaces y profesionales de alcanzar puestos de mando en las empresas, no se pueden pasar por alto los factores internos, como la baja autoestima, creencias propias instaladas en la mente de cada mujer, baja autoeficacia en temas masculinos, etc. Estos son también influyentes e importantes a tomar en cuenta. Es así, como inicia la búsqueda de los factores más relevantes que fomentan el techo de cristal en América Latina. Un sub objetivo es brindar una perspectiva fresca, completa y distinta de las causas más relevantes del origen de este fenómeno con la esperanza de poder generar aporte en esta disyuntiva que resulta francamente anacrónica para cualquier sociedad del siglo XXI. / The objective of this study is to analyze and review the actual investigation of the existence of the phenomenon named “techo de cristal”, that limits the promotion at work for the women. Furthermore, to explain the existence of this phenomenon, its history and the actual and previous situation of the woman in the labor market. Also, to emphasize the presence and importance of the external factors promoting the “techo de cristal”, such as patriarchal perspective, male-dominated society, stereotypes, prejudices, work-life balance, among other things. All of them, are invisible barriers which are hampering the optimal academic and labour development of the female in the public and private organizations around the world. On the other hand, it is true that these external conditions preventing smart women to obtain high positions in the companies, but it is important to recognize the existence of internal factors, such as low self-esteem, beliefs, among other things. These aspects must be also considered. In this way, this paper searches the main factors that promote the “techo de cristal” in Latin America. A secondary objective of this study is to offer a complete and different perspective of the causes more relevant of the origin of this phenomenon. Also, to contribute to resolve this dilemma, that is inconsistent with a modern society of the XXI century. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

從兩性平等探討我國女性勞動者保護法令 / A Critique on Female Worker's Protection Legislation from the Perspective of Gender Equality

余秀雲, YU HSIU-YUN Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本文旨以保護與兩性平等之關聯性著手,「從兩性平等探討我國女性勞動者保護法令」,首先探究當前我國女性勞動者在勞動市場上所面臨之就業困境,其次探討聯合國、國際勞工組織、歐洲聯盟、經濟合作發展組織、美國、英國、日本等關於兩性工作平等法制之國際概況,並針對美、英、日三國在(1)就業上性別歧視之禁止(2)同工同酬原則之確立(3)兩性職業隔離之突破(4)工作場所性騷擾之禁止(5)母性保護原則(6)積極促進兩性工作平等方案之推動(7)兩性工作平等制度之執行機關與救濟途徑等重要兩性工作平等法制內容做比較分析與整理,以作為我國在推動與落實兩性工作平等法制之考據。最後針對我國現行保護女性勞動者及規範兩性工作平等事項之各類相關法律,做一整體檢討,並討論應如何將這些規定與追求兩性工作平等之理念相調和,藉以加強母性機能之特別保護,且同時又能落實兩性就業上待遇及機會之均等,從而創造雙贏之局面。 本文研究發現,雖然憲法、兩性工作平等法及相關女性勞動保護法令已明文針對性別平等以及婦女保護作規定,但卻未真正落實,致使我國女性勞動者在剛踏入職場的第一步便遭受招募上之性別歧視的困境,其勞動參與率偏低,薪資水準亦較男性勞動者低,且在勞動市場中,存在著明顯性別職業隔離現象,另外我國企業主給予女性勞動者之在職訓練與升遷機會均較男性勞動者少,而勞動市場中更存在著性騷擾、單身條款、婚育離職之現象與離職後二度就業之困難,如此諸多不利女性之就業現況,使我國女性勞動者在目前就業市場中處於劣勢地位且受到差別待遇。 另從本文「第四章 兩性工作平等國外法制之概況」、「第五章 美、英、日關於兩性工作平等制度之重要內容」研究兩性工作平等理念在國際間之趨勢,得知傳統勞動保護法制所強調之女性保護概念,已呈現不同之面貌,其由單純以女性保護這項因素作為立法保護之依據,已轉變從兩性平等出發,而現今科技與勞動醫學發達,亦是考慮是否給予女性勞動者保護之因素。因此過去對女性勞動條件之保護,有部分已經不符合上述潮流,且已無法滿足今日勞動樣態之多元化,反而成為部分女性進入勞動市場之障礙。但關於母性機能之保護,對女性或對國家、社會全體而言,具有不可欠缺之意義。同時,對於男女僱用平等原理之達成,亦是絕對必要之條件。因此,施行母性保護措施是從側面支持男女僱用平等原理的具體化行動,且母性機能之不可回復性,乃是基本母性保護不可遽然偏廢之主要理由。即便國際勞動組織之國際勞動公約不斷受到各國挑戰,但在限縮母性保護並予以彈性化之同時,亦課以國家在相關社會立法的周邊補充措施。可見國際潮流已從過去傳統女性勞動保護法制逐漸趨向兩性平等待遇及僱用機會均等原則邁進,但對基本母性保護仍採特別保護規定。 此外,經本文「第三章 我國女性勞動者就業之困境」及「第六章之第二至八節 我國現行各相關女性勞動者保護法制」之檢視後,發現我國現行女性勞動者保護法制漏洞百出,無法真正落實兩性於工作上之實質平等,雖已制定兩性工作平等法積極推動,但因現行兩性工作平等法之各法條過於簡要,不像國外先進國家針對各促進兩性工作平等相關法制以單獨立法方式或以詳盡之配套措施作輔助,故難免有掛一漏萬之處。此外,尚未對其相關法制作同步修法,使其各相關法制在運用上經常有衝突或矛盾之現象產生,此有待亟早修法改善,故本文「第七章」針對現行我國女性勞動者保護法令之立法缺失,提出法令面修正及實務面之建議方向,期盼藉此政策與法令改革,以達成我國憲法增修條文第十條第五項所揭櫫:「……消除性別歧視,促進兩性地位之實質平等」的崇高目標。


劉秋英, Liu,Chiu-ying Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經貿全球化下,勞動力的遷徙也不再受到國界的限制。然而,在全球經貿議題談判的桌上,國家機器將經濟發展至於首要發展位置,遷徙勞工的人權、勞動權利卻是被忽略。其中,最容易被忽略的乃是女性居多所從事的家事服務業。另外,國際勞工組織從1994年極力推展的國際核心勞動基準,已受到全球經貿組織、區域組織,與非政府組織的重視。其中,禁止就業歧視核心公約更是將種族、民族血統、性別等等清楚的納入禁止範圍。次之,聯合國「所有移民勞工及其家屬權利保障國際公約」對於遷徙勞工的人權保障更是一大進步。於此,可發現國際對於遷徙勞工的人權、勞動權利之重視。 台灣在拼經濟之際,也不忘趕上以引進廉價外傭而逃脫於福利產業責任的趨勢。然而,於引進、聘僱外傭的過程中,國家政策對於外傭的勞動權利的「保障」便是本文的討論重點。從國際保障規範遷徙勞工的趨勢、透過訪談在引進、聘僱在台外傭過程中的各個角色、學者相關田野調查的資料等,來觀察在台外傭所可能遇到的就業歧視,與觀察台灣又是否能夠真正與人權外交畫上等號?

An Analysis of ADA Title I Allegations of Workplace Discrimination as Filed with the EEOC by Persons with Mental Illness

Hurley, Jessica E. 02 December 2010 (has links)
ABSTRACT AN ANALYSIS OF ADA TITLE I ALLEGATIONS OF WORKPLACE DISCRIMINATION AS FILED WITH THE EEOC BY PERSONS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS Jessica Erin Hurley A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Health Related Sciences—Rehabilitation Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University, 2011 Dissertation Chair: Brian T. McMahon, Ph.D., CRC This study explores employment discrimination as experienced by persons with mental illness who filed allegations under Title I (the employment provisions) of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The entire universe of employment discrimination allegations filed under Title I of the ADA from July 26, 1992 (its first effective date) until the present is maintained by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in a database named the Intermission System (IMS). This database contains over 2 million allegations of workplace discrimination filed not only under Title I of the ADA, but also under all statutes in its jurisdiction. From the IMS, two extractions containing ADA Title I allegations only and ranging from July 26,1992 through December 31, 2008 [the last date before the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008 went into effect] were made: the first including all Title I allegations for all impairments, not just mental illness (402,291); and the second containing only those Title I allegations filed by persons with mental illness (56,846 total: depression (25,375); unknown mental illness (11,977); anxiety disorder (10,370); bipolar disorder (7,675); and schizophrenia 1,449). Using nonparametric tests of proportion, each group of allegations is compared to the balance of mental illness allegations that is left once the group of allegations is removed. In addition, each group individually, as well as the complete group of all mental illness allegations, is evaluated with an exploratory technique called the Exhaustive Chi Squared Interaction Detector. Lastly, findings are provided and implications for employees, employers, rehabilitation professionals, policy makers, and future researchers are discussed.

Academic women : individual considerations and structural forces in navigating academic organizations

Almquist, Jennifer Marie 11 June 2012 (has links)
This dissertation is situated as the third work in a series on academic women. In 1964, Jessie Bernard published Academic Women, which provided a comprehensive assessment of the status of women in academia. Two decades later, in 1987, Angela Simeone offered insight into attempts to achieve equity for women in higher education in her book Academic Women: Workings Towards Equality. Now, at the next twenty-five year interval, this dissertation continues the scholarly engagement with questions about academic women. Drawing primarily on in-depth interviews with academic women (n = 35), this dissertation is more than a status update. The research presented here furthers the discussion by recognizing the limitations to the use of "academic women" as an all-encompassing category, and it offers a more nuanced approach to understanding their experiences in academia. Drawing on both the individual strategies of women and the organizational structure of the university this dissertation offers a new framework for assessing the various ways in which academic women navigate academic organizations. Additionally, lessons and practices are featured as recommendations and resources for both academic women and academic organizations. / Graduation date: 2013

Programme d’accès à l’égalité : réactions managériales au cadre légal québécois pour combattre la discrimination

Charest, Eric André 06 1900 (has links)
En 1985, la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (L.R.Q., ch. C-12) du Québec était amendée afin d’inclure une nouvelle section consacrée aux programmes d’accès à l’égalité (PAE). Cet ajout résulte du constat d’une situation d’inégalité sur le marché du travail québécois pour les membres de certains groupes, en raison de motifs illicites de discrimination. Concrètement, on observe une certaine ségrégation professionnelle, de faibles revenus moyens et des conditions précaires d’emploi. L’objectif des PAE est de redresser la situation de groupes victimes de discrimination; pour réaliser cet objectif, ils autorisent la mise en œuvre de mesures spécifiques à l’intention de ces derniers. Plusieurs types de PAE ont été mis en place par les gouvernements québécois successifs afin d’élargir leur champ d’application. Parmi ces différents types de PAE, cette étude se concentre sur ceux associés à l’obligation contractuelle qui obligent toutes les organisations qui emploient 100 employés ou plus et qui obtiennent un contrat ou une subvention du gouvernement du Québec d’une valeur de 100 000 $ et plus, à développer et à mettre en œuvre un PAE. Il s’agit de la principale forme de PAE touchant les organisations privées. Quatre groupes cibles sont identifiés dans ces PAE : les femmes, les membres des minorités visibles, les Autochtones et les personnes handicapées. Parmi ceux-ci, compte tenu de la croissance importante de ce groupe et des situations souvent aiguës de discrimination qu’ils vivent sur le marché du travail québécois, l’attention sera portée sur le groupe des minorités visibles. Très peu de recherches ont été réalisées sur ces PAE en raison d’une obligation de confidentialité de résultats complète. Les rares études effectuées jusqu’à présent ont constaté des progrès très inégaux entre les employeurs : alors qu’un petit nombre d’organisations semblaient progresser rapidement dans l’atteinte de leurs objectifs, la vaste majorité stagnait ou encore progressait très lentement. Ce constat menait à s’interroger sur les facteurs, autres que le cadre juridique, qui peuvent expliquer le niveau de conformité aux objectifs. En se basant sur une analyse de contenu d’entrevues semi-dirigées menées auprès de gestionnaires responsables des PAE dans 31 organisations privées de la région de Montréal, plusieurs facteurs des environnements externes et internes des organisations, ont été identifiés pour expliquer les niveaux de conformité aux objectifs qualitatifs. Parmi les facteurs positivement reliés, on remarque l’engagement des membres de la haute direction en faveur des PAE, la mise en place d’un système d’imputabilité et la perception de certains bénéfices liés à la diversification des effectifs. Au contraire, la confusion entre l’égalité et l’équité, le fait de privilégier les mouvements internes de personnel et les biais des gestionnaires de première ligne semblent être négativement reliés à l’atteinte des objectifs qualitatifs. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance que prennent les facteurs liés à l’environnement interne, surtout lorsque le cadre juridique est peu contraignant et que les gestionnaires croient que les probabilités de sanctions sont faibles. En se basant sur ces résultats, une série de recommandations est proposée, afin d’améliorer les PAE, mais aussi afin d’améliorer la compréhension des gestionnaires des ressources humaines sur ce qu’est la discrimination en emploi et les moyens les plus appropriés pour la combattre. / In 1985, the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms (R.S.Q., ch. C-12) of Québec was amended to include a new section dedicated to Programme d’accès à l’égalité (PAE). This addition was the result of the recognition of a situation of durable inequality in the Quebec job market for members of certain groups, based on prohibited grounds of discrimination. This inequality manifests itself by a phenomenon of occupational segregation, low average incomes and precarious conditions of employment. The goal of the PAE is to correct the situation of discriminated groups. In order to achieve this objective, they allow for the implementation of specific measures for the latter. Several types of PAEs have been set up by successive Québec governments to broaden their scope. Among these different types of PAE, this study focuses on those related to the contractual obligation that require all organizations that employ 100 employees or more that obtain a contract or a grant from the Québec government with a value of $ 100 000 and more, to develop and implement an PAE. This is the main form of PAE affecting private sector organizations. Four target groups are identified in the PAE: women, visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities. Of these groups, given its significant growth and the often acute situations of discrimination they face in the Québec labor market, the focus will be on the visible minorities. Very little research has been conducted on the PAE mainly because of a strict obligation of confidentiality of results. The few known studies to date have found very uneven progress among employers: while a few organizations seem to make rapid progress in achieving their goals, the vast majority of them are stagnating or progressing very slowly. This observation led to question the factors other than the legal framework that could explain the level of compliance with the objectives of PAE. Based on a content analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with the managers responsible for implementing PAE in 31 private organizations in the Montreal region, several factors from the external and internal environments of these organizations have been identified to explain the level of compliance with the qualitative objectives. Among the factors positively associated, we note the commitment of senior management toward the PAE, the establishment of a system of accountability, and the perception of certain benefits associated with the diversification of the workforce. On the other hand, the confusion between equality and equity, a commitment to internal mobility of employees and strong biases of the front-line managers all seem to be negatively related to the achievement of the qualitative objectives. These results demonstrate the importance of taking into account the factors related to the internal environment of organizations in order to understand the process of compliance. This should especially be the case when the legal framework is not very restrictive and when the managers tend to believe that the probability of being sanctioned is low. Based on these results, a series of recommendations are proposed to improve the PAEs but also to improve the understanding of human resource managers on what constitutes discrimination in employment and the most appropriate way to address the issue.

Programme d’accès à l’égalité : réactions managériales au cadre légal québécois pour combattre la discrimination

Charest, Éric André 06 1900 (has links)
En 1985, la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (L.R.Q., ch. C-12) du Québec était amendée afin d’inclure une nouvelle section consacrée aux programmes d’accès à l’égalité (PAE). Cet ajout résulte du constat d’une situation d’inégalité sur le marché du travail québécois pour les membres de certains groupes, en raison de motifs illicites de discrimination. Concrètement, on observe une certaine ségrégation professionnelle, de faibles revenus moyens et des conditions précaires d’emploi. L’objectif des PAE est de redresser la situation de groupes victimes de discrimination; pour réaliser cet objectif, ils autorisent la mise en œuvre de mesures spécifiques à l’intention de ces derniers. Plusieurs types de PAE ont été mis en place par les gouvernements québécois successifs afin d’élargir leur champ d’application. Parmi ces différents types de PAE, cette étude se concentre sur ceux associés à l’obligation contractuelle qui obligent toutes les organisations qui emploient 100 employés ou plus et qui obtiennent un contrat ou une subvention du gouvernement du Québec d’une valeur de 100 000 $ et plus, à développer et à mettre en œuvre un PAE. Il s’agit de la principale forme de PAE touchant les organisations privées. Quatre groupes cibles sont identifiés dans ces PAE : les femmes, les membres des minorités visibles, les Autochtones et les personnes handicapées. Parmi ceux-ci, compte tenu de la croissance importante de ce groupe et des situations souvent aiguës de discrimination qu’ils vivent sur le marché du travail québécois, l’attention sera portée sur le groupe des minorités visibles. Très peu de recherches ont été réalisées sur ces PAE en raison d’une obligation de confidentialité de résultats complète. Les rares études effectuées jusqu’à présent ont constaté des progrès très inégaux entre les employeurs : alors qu’un petit nombre d’organisations semblaient progresser rapidement dans l’atteinte de leurs objectifs, la vaste majorité stagnait ou encore progressait très lentement. Ce constat menait à s’interroger sur les facteurs, autres que le cadre juridique, qui peuvent expliquer le niveau de conformité aux objectifs. En se basant sur une analyse de contenu d’entrevues semi-dirigées menées auprès de gestionnaires responsables des PAE dans 31 organisations privées de la région de Montréal, plusieurs facteurs des environnements externes et internes des organisations, ont été identifiés pour expliquer les niveaux de conformité aux objectifs qualitatifs. Parmi les facteurs positivement reliés, on remarque l’engagement des membres de la haute direction en faveur des PAE, la mise en place d’un système d’imputabilité et la perception de certains bénéfices liés à la diversification des effectifs. Au contraire, la confusion entre l’égalité et l’équité, le fait de privilégier les mouvements internes de personnel et les biais des gestionnaires de première ligne semblent être négativement reliés à l’atteinte des objectifs qualitatifs. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance que prennent les facteurs liés à l’environnement interne, surtout lorsque le cadre juridique est peu contraignant et que les gestionnaires croient que les probabilités de sanctions sont faibles. En se basant sur ces résultats, une série de recommandations est proposée, afin d’améliorer les PAE, mais aussi afin d’améliorer la compréhension des gestionnaires des ressources humaines sur ce qu’est la discrimination en emploi et les moyens les plus appropriés pour la combattre. / In 1985, the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms (R.S.Q., ch. C-12) of Québec was amended to include a new section dedicated to Programme d’accès à l’égalité (PAE). This addition was the result of the recognition of a situation of durable inequality in the Quebec job market for members of certain groups, based on prohibited grounds of discrimination. This inequality manifests itself by a phenomenon of occupational segregation, low average incomes and precarious conditions of employment. The goal of the PAE is to correct the situation of discriminated groups. In order to achieve this objective, they allow for the implementation of specific measures for the latter. Several types of PAEs have been set up by successive Québec governments to broaden their scope. Among these different types of PAE, this study focuses on those related to the contractual obligation that require all organizations that employ 100 employees or more that obtain a contract or a grant from the Québec government with a value of $ 100 000 and more, to develop and implement an PAE. This is the main form of PAE affecting private sector organizations. Four target groups are identified in the PAE: women, visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities. Of these groups, given its significant growth and the often acute situations of discrimination they face in the Québec labor market, the focus will be on the visible minorities. Very little research has been conducted on the PAE mainly because of a strict obligation of confidentiality of results. The few known studies to date have found very uneven progress among employers: while a few organizations seem to make rapid progress in achieving their goals, the vast majority of them are stagnating or progressing very slowly. This observation led to question the factors other than the legal framework that could explain the level of compliance with the objectives of PAE. Based on a content analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with the managers responsible for implementing PAE in 31 private organizations in the Montreal region, several factors from the external and internal environments of these organizations have been identified to explain the level of compliance with the qualitative objectives. Among the factors positively associated, we note the commitment of senior management toward the PAE, the establishment of a system of accountability, and the perception of certain benefits associated with the diversification of the workforce. On the other hand, the confusion between equality and equity, a commitment to internal mobility of employees and strong biases of the front-line managers all seem to be negatively related to the achievement of the qualitative objectives. These results demonstrate the importance of taking into account the factors related to the internal environment of organizations in order to understand the process of compliance. This should especially be the case when the legal framework is not very restrictive and when the managers tend to believe that the probability of being sanctioned is low. Based on these results, a series of recommendations are proposed to improve the PAEs but also to improve the understanding of human resource managers on what constitutes discrimination in employment and the most appropriate way to address the issue.


林政緯, Lin, Cheng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來在我國,有關就業歧視所引起的爭議,已經因各弱勢團體權利意識之覺醒,而有逐漸受到社會的重視,除了一般較為熟知之性別歧視外,尚有其他有關宗教信仰、族群、黨派、身心障礙、語言、年齡及容貌等因素所造成的工作機會或待遇的不平等之現象,也曾引起廣泛的討論,究竟這些現象在我國之嚴重程度如何?我國現行法規制度是否能夠有效因應?有沒必要參酌其他先進國家法制,作禁止歧視之統一性立法?都是值得進一步探討的課題。 因此,本論文針對禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度發展最完備的美國作為探討的對象,首先討論美國禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之早期發展沿革,包括了禁止身心障礙之概念與理論之簡介以及一九六四年所通過之民權法第七章(Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964)、一九七三年通過之復健法(Rehabilitation Act of 1973)之重要規定及對於禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之影響。其次,則針對一九九0年所通過之美國身心障礙人士法(Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)作討論。而美國身心障礙人士法乃是禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之核心規範,因此,本文除了討論該法之立法背景外,同時更針對該法之重要條款規定以及平等就業機會委員會(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: EEOC)對於該法所頒佈之相關指導原則作一個綜合之分析討論。進而,更針對該法在美國所引發之重大爭議中,選取美國最高法院在最近所作出之最具代表性之六個判決,也對判決作一個綜合之評析,以明瞭其利弊得失之所在及我國可資借鏡參考之處。 再其次,則討論我國目前建構禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之現狀及所遭遇之困境,主要是對於身心障礙者之就業困境及遭受就業歧視之情形、禁止身心障礙就業歧視之相關規範與制度、身心障礙之就業歧視評議制度運作情形及處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視所引發之爭議等幾個議題作分析,以期能夠對於我國目前建構禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之現狀及其所遭遇之困境有所瞭解。最後,則以美國處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之經驗,希望能對於我國建立一個正確之禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之建構方向,以及關於目前我國在處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之一些具體建議。 / Disputes resulted from the employment discrimination have been gradually noticed by Taiwan society due to the awakening consciousness of each disadvantaged minority in these years. In addition to the commonly known of sexual discrimination, other factors of unequal employment and treatment are also widely discussed, such as religion, race, party, disability, language, age and appearance. However, how serious are these phenomena in our country after all? Do existing laws and regulations could solve them effectively? Is it necessary to refer to other modern countries’ legal systems to legislate against discrimination? All of the above are worthy of further discussion. Therefore, America, the country with the most complete legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination, is the object for discussion in this article. First to discuss is its early development history, including the introduction of concept and theory, the important regulations of Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964 and Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and their influences. Second to discuss is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which is the core regulation of the legislation system to protect a disability from the employment discrimination; Therefore, in addition to discussing its legislation background, this article also discusses comprehensively of its important regulations and the regulations to implement the equal employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act on it at the same time. Then selects 6 most representative decrees made by Supreme Court of the United State with regard to the important disputes, and also analyze those decrees comprehensively to realize their advantages and disadvantages to find some experiences that could learned in Taiwan. Moreover, is to discuss that the situation and the difficulty in the establishment of the legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination, which mainly focus on the analysis of the employment difficulties and discrimination faced by the people with physical and mental disabilities, relevant regulations and legislation system against employment discrimination, operation of committee on employment discrimination, and disputes arose from employment discrimination. Finally, it is expected to establish a correct direction for the establishment of legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination and to seek out specific suggestions relevant to problems we have in the management of the employment discrimination faced by the people with physical and mental disabilities through America’s experiences.

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