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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biodégradation des Hydrocarbures en milieux hypersalins : modes de transferts et réponses des communautés procaryotiques à une contamination pétrolière. / hydrocarbons biodegradation in hypersaline environments : modes of transfer and responses of prokaryotic communities to oil contamination

Djeridi, Ikram 27 September 2013 (has links)
Le devenir des hydrocarbures (HC) dans les environnements hypersalins constitue une problématique environnementale majeure. Ce travail pour objectifs (1) d’évaluer l’impact d’une pollution pétrolière sur les communautés microbiennes d’un milieu hypersalin, (2) de déterminer comment les archées hydrocarbonoclastes accèdent aux HC et, (3) de déterminer si la biodégradation est possible en conditions anaérobies dans ces environnements hypersalés. Nous avons démontré qu’une biodégradation modérée du pétrole est possible en milieu hypersalin environ 10 % de la fraction aliphatique du pétrole sont biodégradé. Une disparition progressive des composés aromatiques les plus légers est également observée, liée aux processus abiotiques. La dynamique des communautés procaryotiques montre un changement dans la structure de la communauté bactérienne autochtone des saumures. Une résistance à la contamination pétrolière a en revanche été observée pour les communautés archéennes des saumures. Dans une deuxième partie du travail, nous avons pu montrer, à l’aide d’une souche d’archée hyperhalophile modèle (Haloferax volcanii MSCN14), que les archées hydrocarbonoclastes de ces environnements mettent en oeuvre plusieurs mécanismes leur permettant d’augmenter la biodisponibilité des HC. Dans une dernière partie des travaux, nous avons testé les capacités d’une souche modèle (Hfx. volcanii MSNC 16) à dégrader les HC en anaérobiose. Si Hfx. volcanii MSNC16 est bien capable d’utiliser le fumarate comme accepteur terminal d’électrons, elle n’est en revanche pas capable de dégrader l’alcane testé (heptadécane) en absence d’oxygène. / The fate of hydrocarbons (HC) in hypersaline environments is an important environmental issue. This work aimed to (1) assess the impact of oil pollution on microbial communities of a hypersaline environment, (2) determine how hydrocarbonoclastic archaea can access to HC and (3) whether biodegradation is possible in these hypersaline environments in the absence of oxygen. We have shown that moderate oil biodegradation is possible under hypersaline conditions. In these conditions close to natural ones, about 10% of the aliphatic hydrocarbons were biodegrade. A gradual disappearance of the lighter aromatic compounds was also observed, but these losses were mainly due to abiotic processes. The monitoring of prokaryotic communities based on molecular fingerprints showed a change in the structure of the indigenous bacterial community. On the contrary, resistance to oil contamination was observed among the indigenous archaeal communities of brines. In the second part of this work, laboratory cultures of a hyperhalophilic archaeal strain (Haloferax volcanii MSCN14), allowed to demonstrate that, in hypersaline environments, hydrocarbonoclastic archaea use several strategies to increase the bioavailability of HC. Indeed, strain MSCN14 was capable of producing one or several biosurfactants during growth on different HC, and was adhering to the surface of the HC. In the last part of this work, we tested the capacities of a model archaeal strain (Hfx. volcanii MSNC 16) to degrade HC anaerobically. If Hfx. volcanii MSNC16 was able to use fumarate as a terminal electron acceptor, it was, however, not capable of degrading heptadecane in the absence of oxygen.

Uticaj dodatka emulgujućih skrobova na tehnološke karakteristike testa i kvalitet hleba / Influence of emulsifying starches on dough technological characteristics and bread quality

Dapčević Hadnađev Tamara 28 October 2013 (has links)
<p>Prema najnovijim istraživanjima modifikovanim skrobovima može se pripisati jo&scaron; jedna uloga &ndash; aditivi u pekarstvu, s obzirom da utiču na pobolj&scaron;anje kvaliteta hleba i<br />usporavaju proces starenja. Međutim, prema saznanjima autora ove disertacije, ne<br />postoje istraživanja na temu uticaja emulgujućih skrobova (skrob-natrijum<br />oktenilsukcinata, OSA skrobova) na kvalitet testa i hleba od p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na.<br />Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da druge vrste modifikovanih skrobova ispoljavaju dobre<br />osobine u smislu pobolj&scaron;anja kvaliteta hleba i da je OSA skrob nutritivno vredna<br />sirovina, s obzirom da se u organiznu pona&scaron;a kao prehrambeno vlakno, od velike je<br />važnosti ispitati ulogu OSA skroba kao aditiva u pekarstvu.<br />Međutim, usled kompleksne prirode testa kao sistema, bilo je te&scaron;ko odrediti relativni<br />uticaj pojedinačnih komponenti (proteina, p&scaron;eničnog skroba, OSA skroba) i njihovih<br />međusobnih interakcija na osobine testa. Stoga je, u cilju rasvetljavanja uticaja različitih OSA skrobova na viskoelastične osobine testa i retrogradaciju skrobne komponente (fenomen povezan sa starenjem hleba), p&scaron;enično bra&scaron;no frakcionisano na gluten i skrob, i vr&scaron;ena su ispitivanja strukturnih, reolo&scaron;kih i termičkih osobina hidratisanog glutena i skrobnih gelova sa dodatkom OSA skroba. Takođe su pripremani i model sistemi testa.<br />Ispitivanja na realnim sistemima (testo i hleb) izvođena su zamenom 2,5; 5 i 10%<br />p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na, jednim od tri vrste OSA skroba: skrob-natrijum oktenilsukcinatom<br />(OSA-ST), preželatiniziranim skrob-natrijum oktenilsukcinatom (Pregel OSA-ST) i<br />hidrolizovanim su&scaron;enim u spreju skrob-natrijum oktenilsukcinatom (Hydrol OSA-ST).<br />Cilj je bio da se ispita uticaj dodatka OSA skrobova na strukturu testa (SEM), empirijske (miksolab, alveograf i reofermentometar) i fundamentalne (oscilatorna merenja i testovi puzanja i deformacije) reolo&scaron;ke osobine, kao i parametre kvaliteta hleba (specifična zapremina, boja kore i sredine hleba, vlaga sredine hleba, parametri raspodele veličine pora i tekstura sredine). Pored pomenutog, praćena je i promena kvaliteta hleba tokom skladi&scaron;tenja, kako bi se dobio uvid u kinetiku starenja hleba.<br />Rezultati dobijeni u ovoj disertaciji ukazali su da reolo&scaron;ko pona&scaron;anje testa sa dodatkom OSA skrobova zavisi od strukture skrobnih granula, tj. od stepena dezintegracije i depolimerizacije granule tokom procesa modifikacije. Stoga je dodatak OSA-ST doveo do ojačavanja glutenske mreže &scaron;to se odrazilo na porast modula elastičnosti i testa i glutena. Nasuprot tome, Pregel and Hydrol OSA-ST uticali su na kontinualnost glutenske mreže koja je u njihovom prisustvu bila poroznija, a time su i dobijena testa bila mek&scaron;a i rastegljivija. Istraživanja na realnim i model sistemima (p&scaron;enični skrob sa dodatkom OSA skroba) ukazala su da sva tri OSA skroba usporavaju retrogradaciju p&scaron;eničnog skroba. Takođe je dokazano da svi ispitivani emulgujući skrobovi povećavaju specifičnu zapreminu hleba u poređenju sa kontrolnim, pri čemu je Pregel OSA ispoljio najjači efekat. To se odrazilo i na strukturne osobine sredine hleba, a posledično i na mehaničke osobine sredine, čija promena je praćena u cilju određivanja kinetike starenja hleba. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, vrednosti čvrstoće sredine hleba koji je sadržao OSA-ST i Pregel OSA-ST su i nakon 24 h bile slične ili značajno niže od vrednosti čvrstoće kontrolnog uzorka određene 2 h nakon pečenja.</p> / <p>Recent studies have demonstrated that modified starches can be used as novel additives in breadmaking since they improve bread quality and retard stalling. However, up to the author&#39;s knowledge, there are no investigations concerning the influence of emulsifying starches (starch sodium octenyl succinates - OSA starches) on wheat flour dough and bread quality. Taking into account the fact that other modified starches have exhibited significant bread improving properties and that OSA starch has special nutritional value since it can act as functional fibre, it is of a great importance to investigate the feasibility of OSA starch as bread improver.<br />However, due to the complex nature of dough, it was difficult to determine the relative contributions of protein, native and modified starch components and their interactions on dough properties. Therefore, in order to resolve the influence of different OSA starches on dough viscoelastic properties and starch retrogradation (the phenomenon related to bread stalling), wheat flour was fractionated into gluten and starch; and the structural, rheological and thermal behaviour of the hydrated gluten samples and starch gels supplemented with emulsifying starches was also studied. Dough model systems were also prepared.<br />Experiments on real systems (dough and bread) were performed by incorporating<br />starch sodium octenyl succinate (OSA-ST), pregelatinized OSA starch (Pregel OSA-ST) and hydrolysed spray-dried OSA starch (Hydrol OSA-ST) at 2.5, 5 and 10 % into wheat flour. The aim was to investigate the effect of incorporating OSA starches on dough structural (SEM imaging), empirical (Mixolab, Alveograph, Rheofermentometre) and fundamental (oscillatory and creep measurements) rheological properties as well as bread quality parameters (specific loaf volume, crust and crumb colour, crumb moisture, crumb grain features, crumb texture). In addition, the bread quality attributes during storage were also monitored in order to get insight into bread stalling kinetics.<br />The results obtained in this thesis revealed that the rheological behaviour of OSA starch supplemented dough depended on the OSA starch granule rigidity, i.e. extent of OSA starch granule disintegration and polysaccharide degradation during modification. OSA-ST starch caused a reinforcement of the gluten network, as shown by the increase in storage modulus of doughs and gluten. On contrary, Pregel and Hydrol OSA-ST affected the continuity of gluten network which became porous and thus produced softer and stickier doughs in comparison to control. Investigations on real dough and model systems containing wheat and OSA starches revealed that all three types of OSA starches reduced starch retrogradation.<br />In general, all the examined emulsifying starches increased bread loaf volume in comparison to control bread with no added polymers, while Pregel OSA starch has expressed the greatest impact. It also reflected on bread crumb structural features and consequently on the crumb mechanical properties which were used for bread stalling monitoring. Firmness values of OSA-ST and Pregel OSA-ST starch supplemented bread crumbs, after 24 h of storage, were similar to or significantly lower than those of control determined 2 h after baking.</p>

Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen nichtenzymatisch glykosylierter Molkenproteine

Mulsow, Bozena B. 07 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss der nichtenzymatischen Glykosylierung auf das Denaturierungsverhalten und die funktionellen Eigenschaften von Molkenproteinen, hier im speziellen die emulgierenden Eigenschaften, untersucht. Nach einer Bestimmung technologisch relevante Glykosylierungsgrade sollten in unterschiedlich glykosylierten Molkenproteinpräparaten das Denaturierungsverhalten sowie die Emulgiereigenschaften in Abhängigkeit vom Glykosylierungsgrad mit unterschiedlichen Methoden bestimmt werden. Der aus praktischer Sicht relevante Einfluss der Glykosylierung auf die sensorischen Eigenschaften wurde einerseits in Molkenproteinlösungen und andererseits in einem komplexen System (Modell-Schmelzkäsezubereitung) erfasst. Schließlich galt es, den Einfluss der Glykosylierung auf die Mikrostruktur und die Festigkeit am Beispiel der Modell- Schmelzkäsezubereitung zu untersuchen und daraus unmittelbare Konsequenzen für die technologische Praxis abzuleiten.

Avaliação de ovos brancos e marrons em função do ambiente de estocagem para utilização industrial / Evaluation of white and brown eggs as a function of environment storage for industrial use

Gherardi, Sandra Regina Marcolino 14 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2016-04-08T15:04:34Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Sandra Regina Marcoline Gherardi - 2014.pdf: 1563773 bytes, checksum: 3c2b927eb08946b0b340ab1b4f2018fd (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-04-11T11:10:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Sandra Regina Marcoline Gherardi - 2014.pdf: 1563773 bytes, checksum: 3c2b927eb08946b0b340ab1b4f2018fd (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-11T11:10:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Sandra Regina Marcoline Gherardi - 2014.pdf: 1563773 bytes, checksum: 3c2b927eb08946b0b340ab1b4f2018fd (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-14 / In this work we aimed to evaluate the effect of time and temperature of storage on the quality, chemical composition and functional properties of white and brown eggs from commercial hens aged 50 and 30 weeks, respectively. We conducted two experiments, and in each experiment 240 eggs, white (exp. 1) and brown (Exp. 2) eggs were randomly selected, with an average weight between 55 and 65g stored in natural environment and refrigerated for a period of 28 days. A completely randomized design was adopted in a factorial arrangement with two temperatures (ambient and refrigerated)and five storage periods (1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days) totaling 10 treatments with six replications and four eggs per experimental unit. The quality parameters evaluated were weight of egg, yolk, albumen and shell, yolk index, Haugh Unit, percentage of eggshell, albumen and yolk and pH of albumen and yolk. In the chemical composition analysis of albumen and yolk, we determined moisture, total lipids, protein, total solids and ash contents. The functional properties studied were foaming, foam stability, emulsion formation, time necessary to destabilize the emulsion and yolk color index. The storage time influenced negatively the parameters for both white and brown eggs with more marked influence on eggs stored under ambient condition. In case of changes, they were more intense in the first seven days of storage regardless of storage condition. The refrigerated conditions improved the stability of foams, decreased the amount of oil required to form emulsion and intensified the yolk color index. Storage under refrigeration guarantees the quality, chemical composition and functional properties of white and brown eggs, during 28-day study, extending the shelf life and hence the use by food industries. / Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência do tempo e temperatura de estocagem sobre a qualidade, composição química e propriedades funcionais de ovos brancos e marrons oriundos de aves comerciais com 50 e 30 semanas de idade respectivamente. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos e em cada avaliação, foram selecionados 240 ovos, brancos (Exp. 1) e marrons (Exp. 2), ao acaso, com peso médio entre 55 e 65g sendo armazenados em ambiente natural e sob refrigeração por um período de 28 dias. Foi adotado delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial, composto de duas temperaturas (ambiente e refrigeração) e cinco períodos de estocagem (1, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias) totalizando 10 tratamentos com seis repetições e quatro ovos por unidade experimental. Os parâmetros de qualidade avaliados foram peso do ovo, gema, albúmen e casca, índice de gema, Unidade Haugh, porcentagem de casca, albúmen e gema e pH de gema e albúmen. Para determinação da composição química foram determinados os teores de umidade, lipídios totais, proteína bruta, sólidos totais e cinzas tanto de albúmen quanto da gema. As propriedades funcionais estudadas foram capacidade de formação de espuma, estabilidade da espuma formada, capacidade de formação de emulsão, determinação do início da desestabilização da emulsão e índice de coloração da gema. O tempo de armazenamento influenciou negativamente sobre os parâmetros avaliados, tanto para ovos brancos quanto marrons, apresentando influência mais marcante sobre ovos mantidos sob condição ambiente. As modificações quando ocorreram, foram mais intensas nos primeiros dias de estocagem independentemente da condição de armazenagem. A refrigeração melhorou a estabilidade das espumas, diminuiu o volume de óleo necessário para formar emulsão e intensificou o índice de coloração das gemas. O armazenamento sob refrigeração garantiu a manutenção da qualidade, composição química e propriedades funcionais durante os 28 dias do estudo para ovos brancos e marrons, ampliando a vida de prateleira e consequentemente o uso pelas indústrias alimentícias.

Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen nichtenzymatisch glykosylierter Molkenproteine

Mulsow, Bozena B. 11 June 2008 (has links)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss der nichtenzymatischen Glykosylierung auf das Denaturierungsverhalten und die funktionellen Eigenschaften von Molkenproteinen, hier im speziellen die emulgierenden Eigenschaften, untersucht. Nach einer Bestimmung technologisch relevante Glykosylierungsgrade sollten in unterschiedlich glykosylierten Molkenproteinpräparaten das Denaturierungsverhalten sowie die Emulgiereigenschaften in Abhängigkeit vom Glykosylierungsgrad mit unterschiedlichen Methoden bestimmt werden. Der aus praktischer Sicht relevante Einfluss der Glykosylierung auf die sensorischen Eigenschaften wurde einerseits in Molkenproteinlösungen und andererseits in einem komplexen System (Modell-Schmelzkäsezubereitung) erfasst. Schließlich galt es, den Einfluss der Glykosylierung auf die Mikrostruktur und die Festigkeit am Beispiel der Modell- Schmelzkäsezubereitung zu untersuchen und daraus unmittelbare Konsequenzen für die technologische Praxis abzuleiten.

Probing influence of mesophasic transformation on performance of self-emulsifying system: effect of ion

Patil, S.S., Venugopal, E., Bhat, S., Mahadik, K.R., Paradkar, Anant R January 2012 (has links)
Self-emulsifying systems are mixtures of oils and surfactants, ideally isotropic, sometimes including cosolvents, which emulsify under conditions of gentle agitation, similar to those which would be encountered in the gastrointestinal tract. The process of self-emulsification has remained the center of attraction for most researchers. Controlled hydration of self-emulsifying systems shows formation of an intermediate gel phase which upon rupture forms an emulsion. Current work was undertaken to understand and explore the microstructural properties of intermediate gel phase which are believed to influence the performance (droplet size) of the final formulation. The effect of additives on microstructural properties of intermediate gel phase has also been investigated. Microstructural elucidation of hydrated samples of intermediate regimes was done by using techniques such as small angle X-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry and rheology. Samples from intermediate regimes showed formation of local lamellar structure which swelled with hydration. In the present work, the effect of addition of salt form of naproxen (sodium and potassium) and naproxen (base) on microstructural properties of intermediate regimes was investigated. Systems containing naproxen salts formed larger droplets whereas naproxen base formed smaller ones. Microstructural properties of intermediate lamellar structures were well correlated with performance of the final formulation. The current studies indicate that by controlling the properties of intermediate regimes optimized formulations with desired performance can be tailor-made.

Elaboration de composés oléophiles super amphiphiles biosourcés polymorphes rétenteurs et vecteurs d'eau dans les procédés de cure et bitumes / Preparation of polymorphic oleophilic super amphiphiles biobased retainers and vectors of water in the processing of cures and bitumen

Nyame Mendendy Boussambe, Gildas 30 April 2015 (has links)
Les milieux réactionnels issus de l’étude de la réactivité de deux types de polyols, le glycérol et le diglycérol par réaction d’estérification directe avec l’acide undécylénique, catalysée par l’acide dodécylbenzène sulfonique (ADBS). Les résultats montrent que les ystèmes polyol/acide undécylénique donnent une émulsion eau dans huile (E/H). L’ajout de l’ADBS et de l’eau formée in-situ aux systèmes polyol/acide undécylénique ont permis de réduire la taille des gouttelettes de 50 μm à moins de 1 μm et d’obtenir un système organisé (micro-réacteur). L’augmentation de la température contribue à favoriser le transfert de matière dans les systèmes émulsionnés et / ou gélifiés et d’obtenir un système monophasique, homogène et structurés. L’étude de la réaction de ces systèmes avec une approche site à site (site OH / site COOH) a montré que lorsque le nombre de sites acides carboxyliques est inférieur à celui des sites hydroxyles, la synthèse est totalement sélective en esters partiels des deux polyols (glycérol et diglycérol). Les rendements sont supérieurs respectivement à 60% en esters partiels de glycérol et à 70% en esters partiels de diglycérol. La modélisation de la cinétique de synthèses et la régression des données cinétiques ont montré que la réaction est réversible d’ordre 2 et athermique. Les énergies d’activation calculées sont de 17 kcal/mol et 16 kcal/mol respectivement pour le monoundécénoate de glycérol (MUG) et le diundécénoate de glycérol (DUG). De plus, la méthodologie de recherche expérimentale a montrée que les variables (concentration en catalyseur ADBS et température) permettent d’obtenir le MUG avec un rendement de plus de 60% et une sélectivité en MUG de 80%. Ensuite, l’étude de la réactivité de la double liaison terminale du MUG en présence de deux agents oxydants pour engendrer des molécules bolaamphiphiles simples a été réalisée par H2O2 / acide formique et acide métachloroperbenzoïque (m-CPBA). Les résultats ont montré le 10,11-dihydroxy-monoundécénoate de glycérol (MUGDiol) est obtenu par oxydation au H2O2 / acide formique et le 10,11-époxy-monoundécénoate de glycérol (MUGE) par réaction d’époxydation avec la m-CPBA. L’ouverture de la fonction époxyde par des molécules aminées permet l’observation de nouvelles molécules bolaamphiphiles : le 10-hydroxy-N-11-((2-hydroxyéthyl)amino)monoundécénoate de glycérol(bola éthanolamineglycérol) et le N,N-11-(diaminobutan)-10-hydroxymonoundecanoate de glycérol (bola diaminobutaneglycérol). L’étude des propriétés physico-chimiques de ces molécules amphiphiles et bolaamphiphiles a permis de monter que toutes ces molécules sont de solvo-surfactants actifs aux interfaces et elles réduisent la tension interfaciale de l’eau jusqu’à la limite de la solubilité dans l’eau. L’adsorption des molécules ne vérifie pas le modèle de Gibbs. Le MUG et le MUDG s’auto-assemblent dans l’eau et donnent des nano-objets (vésicules et agrégats plats) et s’adsorbent sur des surfaces polaires et solides (silice et ciment). Ces deux molécules retiennent 30% et 56% molécules d’eau et le nombre de molécules d’eau fortement liée aux têtes polaires est de 21 et 49 respectivement pour le MUG et le MUDG. Pour es molécules bolaamphiphiles pures (MUGE et bola éthanolamineglycérol), elles retiennent plus de 56% de molécules d’eau et se lient à plus 53 molécules d’eau. L’ensemble de ces propriétés physico-chimiques a permis de répondre aux problématiques industrielles et de formuler un produit de cure, un agent de démoulage et un produit anti-adhérent. / This study is of the reactivity of two types of polyols (glycerol and diglycerol) by direct esterification reaction with undecylenic acid from castor oil. This reaction was catalyzed by dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid (DBSA). The first step was to study of polyol / undecylenic acid reaction systems by physico-chemical approach. The result have shown that these systems give water-in-oil (W / O) emulsion. Adding DBSA and water formed in-situ in polyol/undecylenic acid systems have reduced droplet size from 50 microns to less than 1 μm and form an organized system (micro-reactor). Increasing temperature can simplify transfers in emulsified systems and / or melted gel and to get a monophasic and homogeneous system. The only systems and aided by water formed in-situ assists the organization and structuring of gels. The reaction study of these systems was analyzed by gas chromatography. This showed that when the number of carboxylic acid function sites is less than the hydroxyl function site, synthesis is totally selective to partial esters of the two polyols (glycerol and diglycerol). The yields are higher than 60% in partial glycerol esters and 70% in partial diglycerol esters. The kinetic modeling of this synthesis and regression of kinetic data by the software GEPASI showed that the reaction follows the reversible 2 order and it is athermic. The calculated activation energy is 17 kcal/mol for the synthesis of glycerol monoundecenoate (GMU) and 16 kcal/mol for glycerol diundecenoate (GDU), these values are close to the theoretical values and they show that the reaction is happening at room temperature. Moreover, the response of the surface methodology shows that the variables chosen for the present study are temperature and catalyst concentration have a positive effect on the yield of the GMU. This approach was used to determine the optimum conditions for producing the GMU. Second study performed was of the reactivity of the terminal double bond of the GMU in presence of two oxidizing agents H 2 O 2 / formic acid and metachloroperbenzoic acid (m-CPBA), for synthesized bolaamphiphiles molecules was performed. The H 2 O 2 /formic acid was used to oxidize the double bond of GMU in diol function of glycerol 10,11-dihydroxymonoundecenoate (GMUDiol). The m-CPBA epoxidizes the double bond of GMU to give glycerol 10,11-epoxymonoundécénoate (GMUE). The opening of the epoxide function by aminoalcohol molecules are used to generate the new molecules bolaamphiphiles molecules: the bola ethanolamineglycerol and the bola diaminobutaneglycerol. The third step was the stady of the physico-chemical properties of pure amphiphilic and bolaamphiphiles molecules. The result was shown that all molecules are solvo-surfactants molecules and they are active in the interfaces (liquid/air and liquid/solid). The curves of surface tension of water do not respect the Gibbs rule. GMU and DGMU self- assemble in water and give nano-objects (vesicles and aggregates) in diluted solutions. In hydrogel, the molecules self-assemble in lamellar phase. In this lamellar phase, the amount of water retained is 56% and the number of water molecules strongly linked to the polar heads is 49 moles of water/diglycerol monoundecenoate molecule (DGMU). All these physico-chemical properties have permit to respond to industrial problems such as water retention for the curing product, self-assembly for demoulding concrete and for surface anti-adhesion and adsorption and finally foaming required for the aged bitumen regeneration. For pure bolaamphiphiles molecules (GEMU and ethanolamineglycerol bola) reduce the interfacial tension of water to the limit of the solubility of this bola molecules in water but do not provide a critical aggregation concentration (CAC). They retain more water molecules respectively between 56% and 63% water and the number of water molecules strongly bound with two polar heads groups pure bolaamphiphiles molecules is between 42 and 53.

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