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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Y los sueños, sueños son : sujeto y representación en tres novelas cubanas de los noventa /

Timmer, Nanne, January 2004 (has links)
Proefschrift--Faculteit der wiskunde en natuuwetenschappen en die der geneeskunde--Universiteit Leiden, 2004. / Résumé en anglais et néerlandais. Bibliogr. p. 157-176.

An?lise de formas de linguagem em sistemas complexos a base de multiagente

Coelho, Sophia Andrade 05 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-09-06T17:59:32Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) sophia_andrade_coelho.pdf: 1001228 bytes, checksum: 99ba4066b64da80f6d9ecaf0fd0d2b33 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-04T19:17:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) sophia_andrade_coelho.pdf: 1001228 bytes, checksum: 99ba4066b64da80f6d9ecaf0fd0d2b33 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-04T19:17:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) sophia_andrade_coelho.pdf: 1001228 bytes, checksum: 99ba4066b64da80f6d9ecaf0fd0d2b33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / Sistemas a base de Multiagente (SMA) s?o formados por unidades aut?nomas de processamento de informa??o (agentes), munidos de arquitetura que lhes permite intera??o com seus semelhantes e seu ambiente ao longo do tempo. Tais sistemas podem ser desenvolvidos para o estudo de formas emergentes de linguagem e de intelig?ncia entre esses agentes. Por meio de tais modelos, no qual as vari?veis relacionadas ? comunica??o podem ser mais precisamente aferidas e controladas, pode-se estudar a origem e as interfer?ncias a respeito da linguagem natural, os fatores que a influenciam, bem como o que a pr?pria linguagem ? capaz de influenciar. A linguagem ? um dos fatores necess?rios para a abstra??o e intelig?ncia, e o estudo de sua emerg?ncia pode ser a pe?a chave para o cont?nuo desenvolvimento de mentes artificiais. As formas de intera??o e linguagem a emergir entre tais agentes beneficiam as capacidades de representa??o, e a comunica??o pode ser o ponto de partida para que os agentes desenvolvam e compartilhem conceitua??es do mundo, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de n?veis cognitivos elevados. Esta disserta??o tem como objetivo geral defender que a sem?ntica artificial existe e pode ser teoricamente sustentada a partir do pragmatismo e da teoria da ena??o, compreendendo o fen?meno da linguagem como um sistema complexo e din?mico emergido entre tais agentes. Os objetivos espec?ficos incluem uma an?lise e exposi??o das contribui??es de diversos campos das Ci?ncias Cognitivas, de forma a apontar a modelagem e simula??o Multiagente como m?todo capaz de rever, aprimorar e desenvolver teorias por um m?todo pass?vel de verifica??o. Como metodologia deste trabalho, adotou-se a revis?o bibliogr?fica por meio de an?lises, estudos e revis?es de peri?dicos, artigos, trabalhos e livros que abordaram intera??es complexas entre agentes, emerg?ncia da linguagem, semi?tica de Peirce e conceitos de lingu?stica cognitiva. Os resultados indicam que, compreendendo a linguagem como um sistema de rela??o simb?lica a partir do pragmatismo de Peirce e do m?todo anal?tico, os SMA s?o capazes de gerar formas de linguagem e consequentemente abstra??o e intelig?ncia. Assim, a linguagem ? abordada como um sistema complexo e multicausal que pode ser mais bem compreendido por meio de modelagens computacionais baseadas em sistemas complexos. A compet?ncia dos agentes de transformar o meio torna-os ativos na cria??o de formas pr?prias e genu?nas de linguagem e nas mudan?as de seu pr?prio sistema, formando um grupo funcional e inteligente. Conclui-se, com base na Lingu?stica Cognitiva e no pragmatismo, que a partir dos processos de intera??o a sem?ntica artificial existe, ? medida que pode-se gerar artificialmente jogos de linguagem e usos emergentes de signos como formas aut?nomas de representa??es de alto n?vel. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Humanas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / The multi-agent based systems (MAS) are made up of information processing units (virtual agents), engineered to allow interaction among their peers and their own environment over time. These systems are developed for the study of the emergence of language and intelligence among agents. With these models, in which the variables related to communication can be more precisely measured and controlled, one can study the origin and the interferences that entail natural language. Also, the factors that influence language, and what language itself is able to influence could be better understood. Since language is one of the elements necessary for abstraction and intelligence, the study of its emergence may be the key element for the development of artificial intelligence. The forms of interaction and language to emerge among agents benefit capacities of representation so that communication may be the starting point for the agents to conceptualize their world, allowing them to develop high cognitive levels. Our general aim is to defend that artificial semantics exists from pragmatism and the theory of enation, understanding the phenomenon of language as a complex and dynamic system emerged among such agents. Our specific goal includes contributions to the advances in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and the reality of human language itself, in order to review, improve and develop theories by a selectable method. The methodology chosen was through research, studies, and reviews of periodicals, articles, works and books that involve complex interactions, language emergence, Peirce's semiotics and linguistic concepts. The results show that, comprehending language as a system of symbolic relations from pragmatism and analytic methods, MAS are able to generate forms of language and consequently abstraction and intelligence. This way, language is seen as a complex and multicausal system that may be better understood from computing modelling based in complex systems. The competence of the agents to transform their environment makes them active in creating and changings of their own system, forming a functional and intelligent group. Based on cognitive linguistics and pragmatism, we conclude that artificial semantics exist from interaction processes, since it is possible to notice the emergence of language and autonomous forms of high level representations.

Particle Trajectory Simulations for SCIENA-N : Conversion surface design for an ENA sensor head

Möslinger, Anja January 2021 (has links)
This thesis serves as a preliminary design study for the combination of a flight-proven ion optics system (SWIM) with a conversion surface to create a small energetic neutral atom (ENA) sensor. It is planned to use this sensor as ENA sensor for the DFP-SCIENA instrument on Comet Interceptor. Due to the nature of the Comet Interceptor mission (ESA F-class mission with a maximum launch mass of 1000 kg) the development time for a new sensor that meets the size and weight restrictions is limited. The proposed combination of SWIM with a conversion surface is based on a proven ion optics design and should result in a compact sensor design. The main goal of this thesis was to simulate different conversion surface designs and evaluate their compatibility with the SWIM instrument. During this process the different designs were optimised based on the intermediate simulation results. The simulation process was performed by using SIMION to calculate particle trajectories.  In the end, two different conversion surface designs yielded promising results. With both designs detailed simulations and data analysis were conducted to determine the different properties of the two designs. One of these designs was chosen to be further investigated for use on the Comet Interceptor mission.

Sergančiųjų sisteminėmis jungiamojo audinio ligomis antikūnų prieš branduolio antigenus paplitimas / The prevalence of antibodies against nuclear antigens in patients with systemic connective tissue diseases

Korenkovaitė, Margarita 25 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Sergančiųjų sisteminėmis jungiamojo audinio ligomis antikūnų prieš branduolio antigenus paplitimas Darbo tikslas - įvertinti antikūnų prieš branduolio antigenus (ANA/ENA) paplitimą bei diagnostinę vertę pacientams, sergantiems autoimunine sistemine jungiamojo audinio liga, bei įvertinti ANA/ENA sąsają su uždegiminiais rodikliais (ENG, CRB ir RF). Tyrimai atlikti Vilniaus Universiteto Santariškių klinikų, Laboratorinės diagnostikos centro, klinikinės imunologijos laboratorijoje, 2008-2009 metais. Tiriamąją grupę sudarė 50 pacientų, kuriems buvo patvirtintos 7 skirtingos diagnozės: mišri jungiamojo audinio liga (6%), dermatomiozitas/polimiozitas (6%), sisteminė sklerodermija (16%), sisteminė raudonoji vilkligė (16%), Sjogreno sindromas (16%), nediferencijuota jungiamojo audinio liga (20%) ir artropatijos (20%) ir besigydžiusių Vilniaus Universiteto Santariškių klinikų reumatologijos skyriuje, ir kuriems buvo nustatytas bent vienas ANA ir/ar ENA žymuo. Tiriamoji medžiaga - kraujo serumas. Pagal tai, koks antigenas įeina į antigeno - antikūno kompleksą, netiesioginės imunofluorescencijos (NIF) metodu, buvo nustatyti skirtingi ANA švytėjimo tipai: 60% (n=30) pacientų nustatytas grūdėtasis švytėjimo tipas, 36% (n=18) pacientų – homogeninis švytėjimo tipas, 2% (n=1) sergančiųjų – centromerinis švytėjimo tipas, bei 2% (n=1) pacientų – grudėtasis/homogeninis švytėjimo tipas. Imunobloto metodu buvo patikslinta 13 skirtingų antikūnų prieš branduolio antigenines struktūras: Ro-... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY The prevalence of antibodies agaisnt nuclear antigens in patients in systemic connective tissue diseases The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic value and to determine the frequency of ENA/ANA in systemic connective tissue diseases (SCTD) and to compare the association of these antibodies with following inflammatory markers ESR, CRP and rheumatoid factor (RF). The analysis involved 50 patiens with seven different diagnosis of connective tissue diseases: mixed connective tissue disease (MITD), systemic lupus eritromatosus (SLE), Sjogren syndrome, systemic sclerodermia, nondifferential connective tissue disease, dermatomiositis/ polimiositis and arthropaties. Sera from each patient was tested for ANA by indirect immunofluoresce (NIF), we assigned, that speckled pattern is appropriate for 60% and homogenous pattern is appropriate for 36% SCTD patients. The result was confirmed by immunoblot method, we estimated, that the prevalence of ENA is as follows anti-Ro-52 (56%), anti-SS-A (44%), anti-SS-B (26%), ds-DNR and nukleosomal antibodies (24%), nRNP/Sm, Scl-70 and hystonic antibodies (14%). Anti-Jo-1 (10%), anti-CENP-B (8%) anti-PCNA (4%). Antibodies to ribosomal and P- Prot antigens (2%). Antibodies to Ku antigens were not detected. Assessing the value of ENA antibodies in differentiation of SCTD, we defined that antibodies against Ro-52 antigens are the only markers detectable in all disease groups, so it could be appraised as a markers of autoimunic systemic... [to full text]

Toca-1 driven actin polymerisation at membranes

Fox, Helen Mary January 2018 (has links)
Regulation of the actin cytoskeleton is key to cellular function and underlies processes including cell migration, mitosis and endocytosis. Motile cells send out dynamic actin protrusions that enable them to sense and interact with their environment, as well as generating physical forces. Linking of the actin cytoskeleton to the cell membrane is essential for the formation of these protrusions. The proteins that are thought to fulfil such a role have a membrane interacting domain (such as the PH domain in lamellipodin, or I-BAR protein in IRSp53) and a domain which interacts with actin regulatory proteins (such as the SH3 domain of IRSp53, which binds Ena and VASP). I investigated the contribution of the F-BAR protein Toca-1 in linking actin polymerisation to membranes, by characterising a new protein-protein interaction and the interaction of Toca-1 with giant unilamellar vesicles. FBP17, a homologue of Toca-1, can oligomerise to form 2D flat lattices and 3D tubules on membranes. Proteins of the Toca-1 family have previously been implicated in actin polymerisation in cell-free systems and during endocytosis. However, there is emerging evidence that Toca-1 family proteins could also be involved in the formation of outward facing protrusions, lamellipodia and filopodia. In an in vitro system that recapitulates the formation of filopodia-like structures (FLS) on supported lipid bilayers, Toca-1 is recruited early, suggesting a Toca-1 scaffolding mechanism could precede the recruitment of other actin regulators. One prediction of this model is that Toca-1 would bind proteins previously implicated in filopodia formation, such as formins. I found that extracts depleted of Toca-1 binding partners no longer forms filopodia-like structures and subsequently optimised pull-down assays to identify Toca-1 binding partners by mass-spectrometry. I identified four formins, Diaph1, Diaph3, FHOD1 and INF2, and as well as the actin elongation factors and filopodia proteins, Ena and VASP. I further characterised these interactions and found that Toca-1 binds Ena and VASP via its SH3 domain. The interaction is direct and is strongly reduced if the proline-rich region in Ena is deleted. VASP was still able to bind without its proline rich region, suggesting there could be additional binding sites. I discovered that the binding of Ena and VASP was dependent on the clustering state of Toca-1, whilst the binding of the previously identified Toca-1 binding partner N-WASP was not. This further supports the importance of Toca-1 oligomerisation in actin polymerisation. I tested these interactions in the FLS system and found that increasing Toca-1 concentration leads to increased recruitment of N-WASP, as well as the novel binding partner Ena to the structures, whereas an increase in VASP was not observed. SH3-domain mediated interactions are required for Toca-1 recruitment to FLS, suggesting that its membrane and protein binding activities act cooperatively. I showed that unlike N-WASP, which promotes the formation of branched actin, Ena and VASP are not required for actin polymerisation on supported lipid bilayers, suggesting that they are redundant with other factors in the elongation step of FLS formation. Ena and VASP are known to be important for the formation of neuronal filopodia and so I began to further test the role of these interactions in a cellular context using a neuronal cell culture system. As well as recruiting protein binding partners, F-BAR family proteins are implicated in stabilising lipid microdomains and can induce the clustering of phosphoinositides. I investigated the role of Toca-1 in actin polymerisation on PI(4,5)P2-rich giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). Actin-rich tails formed on the GUVs only when excess Toca-1 was supplemented into the extracts, and I propose that this is due to lipid organisation by Toca-1. In summary, my work suggests a model in which Toca-1 clusters, stabilises the membrane lipids and recruits regulators of actin polymerisation, such as Ena. This mechanism could be used to link actin polymerisation to the membrane in cellular protrusions, such as filopodia.

El cuerpo que se repite: el cuerpo en la narrativa nómade de Mayra Santos-Febres, Ena Lucía Portela y Ángela Hernández Núñez

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT This dissertation focuses on the narrative fiction of three women writers from the Spanish-speaking Caribbean who have been publishing since the nineteen-nineties. The short stories and novels of Mayra Santos-Febres from Puerto Rico, Ena Lucía Portela from Cuba, and Ángela Hernández Núñez from the Dominican Republic, have been analyzed within a theoretical framework composed of Antonio Benítez Rojo and Édouard Glissant’s ideas about Caribbean cultural expression and Rosi Braidotti and Elizabeth Groz’s writings about the body in current feminist studies. In doing so this study has sought to demonstrate how contemporary Caribbean women writers employ a nomadic aesthetic that opens up a multitude of possibilities of meanings for bodies, and by extension subjects, that have traditionally been obscured by the Cartesian binary that separates the body from the mind. In spite of being culturally, sexually and racially specific bodies, the bodies that appear in the work of Santos-Febres, Portela and Hernández Núñez are in constant movement and metamorphoses. Therefore, special attention is paid to the ways in which these bodies are open to social completion making them favorable locations for negotiations of power, resistance to normative identities, and the production of new systems of knowledge that not only recognize the importance of the body but also acknowledge the value of the affects. RESUMEN Esta tesis trata la narrativa de tres escritoras del Caribe hispano-hablante que comenzaron a publicar a partir de los años noventa. Los cuentos y novelas de Mayra Santos-Febres de Puerto Rico, Ena Lucía Portela de Cuba, y Ángela Hernández Núñez de la República Dominicana, han sido analizados a través de un marco teórico compuesto de las ideas sobre la expresión cultural caribeña de Antonio Benítez Rojo y Édouard Glissant y los escritos sobre el cuerpo en los estudios feministas actuales de Rosi Braidotti y Elizabeth Grosz. Al hacerlo, este estudio se ha propuesto demostrar cómo las escritoras caribeñas contemporáneas emplean una estética nómade que abre las posibilidades de significado para los cuerpos y sujetos que han sido ocultados tras el binario cartesiano que separa el cuerpo de la mente. A pesar de ser cuerpos cultural, sexual y racialmente específicos, los cuerpos que aparecen en los textos de Santos-Febres, Portela y Hernández Núñez están en continuo movimiento y metamorfosis. Por lo tanto, se presta especial atención a los modos en los cuales estos cuerpos permanecen abiertos hacia la terminación social lo que los hace espacios propicios para las negociaciones de poder, la resistencia a las identidades normativas y la producción de nuevos sistemas epistemológicos que no solo reconocen la importancia del cuerpo sino que también el valor de los afectos. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2015

Professionalism of enrolled nursing auxiliary learners in a private nursing education institution in Potchefstroom, North West : a case study / Beatrix Adriana van Wyk

Van Wyk, Beatrix Adriana January 2014 (has links)
When people hear the word "nurse," they often think of qualities such as compassion and patience. While these are essential characteristics, nurses must go even further when striving for professionalism. Nurses also need strong morals and ethics and the commitment to always act in the best interests of their patients. The term professionalism embraces a set of attitudes, skills and behaviours, attributes and values which are expected from those to whom society has extended the privilege of being considered a professional. The core values of professionalism include: honesty, integrity, altruism, respect, responsibility, accountability, compassion, empathy, dedication, self-improvement, competency of clinical skills and knowledge. Professional nursing practice is a commitment to compassion, caring and strong ethical values, continuous development of self and others, accountability and responsibility for insightful practice, demonstrating a spirit of collaboration and flexibility. Rapid changes in the nursing sector have recently occurred across all areas and settings, making for a chaotic and seldom unstable work environment. All of these changes have impacted the ability of ENA learners to maintain high levels of professionalism and collaboration. In particular, the researcher, as an educator within a private NEI responsible for teaching ENA learners, experienced a lack of professionalism amongst ENA learners during the course of their training, as well as after their enrolment with the South African Nursing Council (SANC). Currently, there seems to be a difference between the professionalism portrayed by ENA learners and that which is expected of them. The overall aim of this research is to enhance the professionalism of ENA learners in a private NEI in Potchefstroom, North West. The following objectives have been identified in order to reach this aim: * To explore and describe professionalism amongst ENA learners in a private NEI in Potchefstroom, North West, and * To formulate recommendations to advance professionalism amongst ENA learners in a private NEI in Potchefstroom, North West. This study was conducted by means of a case study approach as the selected topic focuses only on a private nursing education institution situated in Potchefstroom, North West. From the qualitative instrumental case study approach, a qualitative, explorative, contextual research design was followed. The population in the study was all the ENA learners of a private NEI in Potchefstroom, North West. A sample was selected through non-probable, purposive sampling according to inclusion criteria (n=25). Data collection was conducted by means of a ―World Café‖ method and a focus group. The data collected through the World Café method was recorded and transcribed and reconstructed by means of thematic analysis. The main theme that crystallised from data analysis was that ENA learners viewed professionalism as a set of behaviours that are displayed in their external environment. The behaviours are grouped into the following five subgroups, namely punctuality versus absenteeism, adhering to scheduling and duty hours, responsibility of observations and awareness, the role of dress code and the image of nursing and finally obedience to organisational rules and regulations and tolerance towards others. The World Café and focus group results were integrated with case records according to repetitive themes. From the results and conclusions, recommendations were formulated for nursing practice, nursing education and nursing research to enhance professionalism amongst ENA learners in general. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Professionalism of enrolled nursing auxiliary learners in a private nursing education institution in Potchefstroom, North West : a case study / Beatrix Adriana van Wyk

Van Wyk, Beatrix Adriana January 2014 (has links)
When people hear the word "nurse," they often think of qualities such as compassion and patience. While these are essential characteristics, nurses must go even further when striving for professionalism. Nurses also need strong morals and ethics and the commitment to always act in the best interests of their patients. The term professionalism embraces a set of attitudes, skills and behaviours, attributes and values which are expected from those to whom society has extended the privilege of being considered a professional. The core values of professionalism include: honesty, integrity, altruism, respect, responsibility, accountability, compassion, empathy, dedication, self-improvement, competency of clinical skills and knowledge. Professional nursing practice is a commitment to compassion, caring and strong ethical values, continuous development of self and others, accountability and responsibility for insightful practice, demonstrating a spirit of collaboration and flexibility. Rapid changes in the nursing sector have recently occurred across all areas and settings, making for a chaotic and seldom unstable work environment. All of these changes have impacted the ability of ENA learners to maintain high levels of professionalism and collaboration. In particular, the researcher, as an educator within a private NEI responsible for teaching ENA learners, experienced a lack of professionalism amongst ENA learners during the course of their training, as well as after their enrolment with the South African Nursing Council (SANC). Currently, there seems to be a difference between the professionalism portrayed by ENA learners and that which is expected of them. The overall aim of this research is to enhance the professionalism of ENA learners in a private NEI in Potchefstroom, North West. The following objectives have been identified in order to reach this aim: * To explore and describe professionalism amongst ENA learners in a private NEI in Potchefstroom, North West, and * To formulate recommendations to advance professionalism amongst ENA learners in a private NEI in Potchefstroom, North West. This study was conducted by means of a case study approach as the selected topic focuses only on a private nursing education institution situated in Potchefstroom, North West. From the qualitative instrumental case study approach, a qualitative, explorative, contextual research design was followed. The population in the study was all the ENA learners of a private NEI in Potchefstroom, North West. A sample was selected through non-probable, purposive sampling according to inclusion criteria (n=25). Data collection was conducted by means of a ―World Café‖ method and a focus group. The data collected through the World Café method was recorded and transcribed and reconstructed by means of thematic analysis. The main theme that crystallised from data analysis was that ENA learners viewed professionalism as a set of behaviours that are displayed in their external environment. The behaviours are grouped into the following five subgroups, namely punctuality versus absenteeism, adhering to scheduling and duty hours, responsibility of observations and awareness, the role of dress code and the image of nursing and finally obedience to organisational rules and regulations and tolerance towards others. The World Café and focus group results were integrated with case records according to repetitive themes. From the results and conclusions, recommendations were formulated for nursing practice, nursing education and nursing research to enhance professionalism amongst ENA learners in general. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Percursos de leitura em FLE a distância

Kaspary, Cíntia Voos January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe uma análise do uso de ferramentas digitais, em especial do mapa mental, através de uma abordagem sócio-interacionista da leitura em FLE - Francês como língua estrangeira - como alternativa diferenciada de ensino- aprendizado. A partir deste preceito, foram discutidos aspectos do sócio-interacionismo, o conceito de letramentos e os gêneros do discurso para refletir sobre a aprendizagem da leitura em FLE através de tarefas que favoreçam situações de letramentos em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. A instrumentalização do processo interativo se deu através da criação de um curso de leitura em FLE dentro de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem baseado em tarefas e procedimentos pedagógicos que envolveram os conceitos do sócio-interacionismo vygotskyano, assim como os critérios para desenvolvimento das tarefas que visem a letramentos em FLE. Os dados obtidos para esta investigação originaram-se das interações ocorridas durante o desenvolvimento do curso “Percursos de leitura em FLE” na modalidade EAD no Núcleo de Ensino de Línguas em Extensão da UFRGS que teve a duração de quarenta e oito horas. Além da análise das interações, foram produzidos dois questionários a fim de contextualizar os aprendizes participantes e identificar suas expectativas e objetivos relacionados à realização do curso. Ao final desta pesquisa, foi possível observar que as interações entre os aprendizes e o seu envolvimento na realização das tarefas favoreceram sua autonomia e interação, pois negociaram situações e ideias sem necessariamente a intervenção do professor. Além disso, pode-se observar que uma preparação pedagógica consistente, com base nos princípios teóricos estudados, oportunizou aos aprendizes condições de desenvolvimento de sua compreensão leitora em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. / Cette recherche se propose de réaliser une analyse concernant l'usage des outils numériques, spécialement de la carte mentale, à travers l'approche sociointeractioniste de la lecture en FLE comme une alternative distinguée d'enseignement-apprentissage.À partir des contributions du sociointeractionisme, de l'idée de littératies et de genres du discours, ce travail a proposé des alternatives qui favorisent la réflexion à propos de l'enseignement-apprentissage de FLE en utilisant des tâches en ENA ( Environemment Numérique d’ Apprentissage) qui favorisent des littératies.Le projet s’ est produit à travers des tâches et des procédures pédagogiques qui ont utilisé les concepts du sociointeractionisme vygotskyen et des critères pour l’ organisation des tâches qui visent à la construction des littératies en FLE . Les données obtenues dans cette recherche proviennent des interactions dans le cours, « Percursos de Leitura en FLE », à distance, soutenu par le Núcleo de Ensino de Línguas em Extensão/ UFRGS ayant une durée de quarante-huit heures. En plus d'analyses d'interaction, deux questionnaires ont été réalisés afin de connaître les apprenants, leurs souhaits et leurs objectifs par rapport au cours. À la fin de cette recherche, il est possible d'observer que les interactions entre les apprenants et leurs investissements dans la réalisation des tâches ont démontré de l’ autonomie et une intense interaction. Ils étaient toujours près à négocier et à échanger des idées, leurs expériences sans nécessairement l’ intervention du professeur. Finalement, il est possible d’observer que la planification adéquate des tâches inspirées des principes théoriques a favorisé le développement des capacités de compréhension lectrice dans un environnement d'apprentissage qui intègre des outils numériques.

Percursos de leitura em FLE a distância

Kaspary, Cíntia Voos January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe uma análise do uso de ferramentas digitais, em especial do mapa mental, através de uma abordagem sócio-interacionista da leitura em FLE - Francês como língua estrangeira - como alternativa diferenciada de ensino- aprendizado. A partir deste preceito, foram discutidos aspectos do sócio-interacionismo, o conceito de letramentos e os gêneros do discurso para refletir sobre a aprendizagem da leitura em FLE através de tarefas que favoreçam situações de letramentos em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. A instrumentalização do processo interativo se deu através da criação de um curso de leitura em FLE dentro de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem baseado em tarefas e procedimentos pedagógicos que envolveram os conceitos do sócio-interacionismo vygotskyano, assim como os critérios para desenvolvimento das tarefas que visem a letramentos em FLE. Os dados obtidos para esta investigação originaram-se das interações ocorridas durante o desenvolvimento do curso “Percursos de leitura em FLE” na modalidade EAD no Núcleo de Ensino de Línguas em Extensão da UFRGS que teve a duração de quarenta e oito horas. Além da análise das interações, foram produzidos dois questionários a fim de contextualizar os aprendizes participantes e identificar suas expectativas e objetivos relacionados à realização do curso. Ao final desta pesquisa, foi possível observar que as interações entre os aprendizes e o seu envolvimento na realização das tarefas favoreceram sua autonomia e interação, pois negociaram situações e ideias sem necessariamente a intervenção do professor. Além disso, pode-se observar que uma preparação pedagógica consistente, com base nos princípios teóricos estudados, oportunizou aos aprendizes condições de desenvolvimento de sua compreensão leitora em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. / Cette recherche se propose de réaliser une analyse concernant l'usage des outils numériques, spécialement de la carte mentale, à travers l'approche sociointeractioniste de la lecture en FLE comme une alternative distinguée d'enseignement-apprentissage.À partir des contributions du sociointeractionisme, de l'idée de littératies et de genres du discours, ce travail a proposé des alternatives qui favorisent la réflexion à propos de l'enseignement-apprentissage de FLE en utilisant des tâches en ENA ( Environemment Numérique d’ Apprentissage) qui favorisent des littératies.Le projet s’ est produit à travers des tâches et des procédures pédagogiques qui ont utilisé les concepts du sociointeractionisme vygotskyen et des critères pour l’ organisation des tâches qui visent à la construction des littératies en FLE . Les données obtenues dans cette recherche proviennent des interactions dans le cours, « Percursos de Leitura en FLE », à distance, soutenu par le Núcleo de Ensino de Línguas em Extensão/ UFRGS ayant une durée de quarante-huit heures. En plus d'analyses d'interaction, deux questionnaires ont été réalisés afin de connaître les apprenants, leurs souhaits et leurs objectifs par rapport au cours. À la fin de cette recherche, il est possible d'observer que les interactions entre les apprenants et leurs investissements dans la réalisation des tâches ont démontré de l’ autonomie et une intense interaction. Ils étaient toujours près à négocier et à échanger des idées, leurs expériences sans nécessairement l’ intervention du professeur. Finalement, il est possible d’observer que la planification adéquate des tâches inspirées des principes théoriques a favorisé le développement des capacités de compréhension lectrice dans un environnement d'apprentissage qui intègre des outils numériques.

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