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Fundamental Properties and Processes of Energetic MaterialsOjeda Mota, Oscar Ulises 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Energetic materials comprise a set of systems of tremendous technological importance. Besides helping shape landscapes to establish communications, they have been used to reach fuel reservoirs, deploy safety bags and prevent heart strokes. Understanding its behavior can help in attaining strategic and tactical superiority, and importantly, preserve lives of people who handle these materials.
The large discrepancy in length and time scales at which characteristic processes of energetic materials are of relevance pose a major challenge for current simulation techniques. We present a systematic study of crystalline energetic materials of different sensitivity and analyze their properties at different theoretical levels. Equilibrium structures, vibrational frequencies, conformational rearrangement and mechanical properties can be calculated within the density functional theory and molecular dynamics at finite temperatures. We have found marked differences in the calculated properties in systems with ranging sensitivities. Reactions at elevated temperatures have been studied using ab initio molecular dynamics method for crystals of nitroethane.
Furthermore, while presenting the state of the art of energetic materials modeling, the limitations of each methodology are also discussed. Prospective systems and an elasticity driven approach that can be applied to other type of materials is also presented.
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Processing and Characterization of Energetic and Structural Behavior of Nickel Aluminum with Polymer BindersMartin, Morgana 21 April 2005 (has links)
A polymer-based composite reinforced with a mixture of Ni and Al powders was investigated as an example of a multifunctional structural energetic material. Micron-sized Ni powder, nano/micron-sized Al powders, and Teflon or epoxy were fabricated as bulk materials by pressing or casting. The thermally initiated reaction response of these materials was evaluated using differential thermal analysis coupled with x-ray diffraction. The analyses showed evidence of thermally initiated reactions between Ni and Al powders, as well as between Ni+Al and Teflon. Nano-sized Al powder showed a preference for reaction with Teflon over Ni, while micron-sized Al reacted strongly with Ni regardless of the presence of a binder. Teflon was shown to be very reactive with the Ni+Al/nano Al mixture, whereas epoxy was not reactive with the metallic powders, and also inhibited reaction between Ni and nano Al. The structural/mechanical behavior of these materials was evaluated using elastic and plastic property measurements via static and dynamic compression tests. Dynamic mechanical testing using reverse Taylor anvil-on-rod impact tests combined with velocity interferometry gave qualitative and quantitative information about the transient deformation and failure response of the composites. The material containing 20wt% epoxy and nano-sized Al powder showed the most superior mechanical properties in terms of elastic modulus and static and dynamic compressive strength. The addition of Ni and Al powders to the epoxy matrix increased the strength of the composites, and their tendency toward brittle fracture, as evidenced by Ni particle pullout in SEM analysis.
The results illustrate that nano-sized Al particles provide significant enhancement to strength of epoxy composites, but at the expense of reactivity. The nano-Al particles get dissociated from the Ni and Al mixture and swept into the epoxy, generating a nano-Al containing epoxy matrix with embedded Ni particles. The chemical reactivity of the system is thus sacrificed as contacts between Ni and Al powders are minimized. A mixture of nano-sized Ni and Al particles may however provide the best combination of high strength and reactivity.
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Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Chemical ReactivityWang, Qingsheng 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Reactive chemicals are presented widely in the chemical and petrochemical
process industry. Their chemical reactivity hazards have posed a significant challenge to
the industries of manufacturing, storage and transportation. The accidents due to reactive
chemicals have caused tremendous loss of properties and lives, and damages to the
environment. In this research, three classes of reactive chemicals (unsaturated
hydrocarbons, self-reacting chemicals, energetic materials) were evaluated through
theoretical and experimental methods.
Methylcyclopentadiene (MCP) and Hydroxylamine (HA) are selected as
representatives of unsaturated hydrocarbons and self-reacting chemicals, respectively.
Chemical reactivity of MCP, including isomerization, dimerization, and oxidation, is
investigated by computational chemistry methods and empirical thermodynamic–energy
correlation. Density functional and ab initio methods are used to search the initial
thermal decomposition steps of HA, including unimolecular and bimolecular pathways.
In addition, solvent effects are also examined using water cluster methods and
Polarizable Continuum Models (PCM) for aqueous solution of HA.
The thermal stability of a basic energetic material, Nitroethane, is investigated
through both theoretical and experimental methods. Density functional methods are
employed to explore the initial decomposition pathways, followed by developing
detailed reaction networks. Experiments with a batch reactor and in situ GC are designed
to analyze the distribution of reaction products and verify reaction mechanisms. Overall
kinetic model is also built from calorimetric experiments using an Automated Pressure
Tracking Adiabatic Calorimeter (APTAC).
Finally, a general evaluation approach is developed for a wide range of reactive
chemicals. An index of thermal risk is proposed as a preliminary risk assessment to
screen reactive chemicals. Correlations are also developed between reactivity parameters,
such as onset temperature, activation energy, and adiabatic time to maximum rate based
on a limited number, 37 sets, of Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) data. The
research shows broad applications in developing reaction mechanisms at the molecular
level. The methodology of reaction modeling in combination with molecular modeling
can also be used to study other reactive chemical systems.
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Ilgalapio gluosnio (Salix dasyclados Wimm.) klonų morfobiologinės savybės ir produktyvumo įvertinimas trumpos apyvartos želdiniuose / Morphobiological charakteristics and evoliution of productivity of Salix dasyclados Wimm. clones in planatation of short rotationVasiliauskas, Donatas 24 September 2008 (has links)
Pagal sudarytus kloninės atrankos kriterijus 2003 metais iš Lietuvos natūralių augaviečių, gamybinių plantacijų ir lauko kolekcijų atrinkti 4 Salix dasyclados klonai (04120, 04122, 04123, 04124), vienas klonas atrinktas iš auginamų trumpos apyvartos želdinių (9977) bei 1 veislė (‘Gudrun‘) gauta iš Švedijos. Alytaus AB „Vilda" gamybinėse plantacijose įrengtas lauko kolekcinis sklypas. Tyrimai atlikti 2004 - 2007 metais. Darbe pateikiama S. dasyclados klonų krūmų morfobiologinių savybių ir produktyvumo tyrimų duomenys. Apibendrinus S.dasyclados klonų morfometrinius ir dendrometrinius tyrimus nustatyta, kad tirtieji klonai skiriasi pagal krūmų aukštį, stiebų skaičių krūme, jų vidutinį ilgį bei skersmenį, nulaibėjimo pobūdį, medienos ir šerdies skersmenį, lapų morfologija ir kitus požymius. Didžiausią stiebų biomasę IV - aisiais auginimo metais išaugino S. dasyclados kl. 04122 – 112,4 t/ha, nuo jo nedaug atsiliko ir S. dasyclados x S. viminalis kl. 04120 – 108,9 t/ha. Didžiausiu šiluminiu kaloringumu išsiskyrė S. dasyclados kl. 04122 – 18,72 MJ/kg, ir S. dasyclados kl. 04123 – 18,16 MJ/kg. Pagal išauginamų atžalinių ūglių ir stiebų biomasės kiekį ir jų kokybę bei energetinę vertę, gamybinėse plantacijose auginti tinkamiausi yra S. dasyclados kl. 9977 ir S. dasyclados kl. 04122. / According to clone selection criteria in the year of 2003 out of 4 natural Salix dasyclados clones (04120, 04122, 04123, 04124) growing in Lithuania, one clone was selected in short crops species (9977) as well as one Gudrun sort (Sweden) received form habitat productions plantations and field collections. In plantation of Alytus joint-stock company “Vilda” was establish collection lot. They research was conducted in 2004 – 2007. In this paper the research data about clone S. dasyclados brushes morfobiological and characteristics and productivity evaluation. Summarizing the research results of S. dasyclados clone morfometric and dandrometric characteristics in was stated that the investigation clones differ according the high of the brush and number of stems in the brushes, their average length and diameter, thinning character timber and core diameter, morphological of leaves and other indicates. The biggest biomass of the stems S. dasyclados 04122 – 112,4t/ha in the fourth year of vegetation was produced. S. dasyclados x S. viminalis 04120 didn’t lag much behind, it’s biomass was 108,9 t/ha. S. dasyclados 04122 (18,72 MJ/kg) and S. dasyclados 04123 (18,16MJ/kg) were characterized by the biggest heat calorific content. According to the amount of biomass of sprouts and stems as well as their quality and energetic value the most suitable to be grown in production plantation are Salix dasyclados 04122.
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Energetinių augalų laikymo ir džiovinimo technologijų įvertinimas / Evaluation Of Energy Plants Storage And Drying TechnologiesStuogys, Vytautas 09 June 2009 (has links)
Informacijos šaltinių analizėje apžvelgti energetiniai augalai, jų fizinės – mechaninės savybės, nuėmimo bei ruošimo kurui technologijos. Apžvelgtos energetiniams augalams tinkamos ir skirtos saugyklos . Eksperimentiniais tyrimais nustatytos pagrindinės gluosnių stiebų pjaustinio biometrinės ir fizinės – mechaninės savybės: trinties savybės ir birumo kampai. Nustatyti pjaustinio laikymo ir džiovinimo technologiniai parametrai. Ištyrus trinties savybes nustatyta, kad gluosnių pjaustiniui slystant plastmasiniu paviršiumi trinties koeficientas yra mažesnis nei slystant metaliniu paviršiumi. Įvertinti pjaustinio laikymo ir džiovinimo parametrai. Nustatyta, kad pjaustinį neventiliuojamoje saugykloje kaista ir supelija. Nustatyta, kad 650±15 m3/(th) oro srautas yra per mažas, nes taip pat prasidėjo pjaustinio gedimas, tai rodo, kad šis srautas yra per silpnas, jis neužkerta kelio pelėsių atsiradimui. Todėl tikslinga naudoti 1300±20 m3/(th) ir didesnį oro srautą. Pasiūlyta saugykla saugoti 3 mėnesių kuro atsargas, kuriomis šildomas 800 m2 ploto gyvenamasis namas (saugykla bus pildoma 3 kartus per šildymo sezoną). / This work consists of 58 pages including 25th picture and 13 tables. There are 23 sources in the information sources‘ list. The work was begun 01 09 2007 and finished 19 05 2009. In the analysis of information sources the energetic plants were overlooked – their physical-mechanical characteristics, gathering and preparing for using as a fuel technologies. Also stores suitable and designed for energetic plants were overlooked. The basic biometric and physical-mechanical characteristics of willow stem chaff like frictional attributes and angle of powderiness were observed by experimental investigation. Technological parameters of chaffs‘ storage and desiccation were appointed. It was appointed while investigating that friction coefficient is lower when willow chaff is sliding through plastic surface than through metal surface. Parameters of chaffs‘ storage and desiccation were evaluated. It was appointed that chaff heats up and gets musty in the unventilated stores. 650±15 m3/(th) windblast is too weak as it also caused spoilage of chaff. It does not prevent uprise of must. It is purposeful to use 1300±20 m3/(th) and higher windblast for ventilation. The store for holding fuel resources for 800 m2 dwelling-house during three months was offered. (The store will be supported three times during the heating season).
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Improving the Effectiveness of Laying Hens for Use in Value-Added Egg Production.Nain, Sandeep Unknown Date
No description available.
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Underwater Pressure Pulses Generated by Mechanically Alloyed Intermolecular CompositesMaines, Geoffrey C. 25 March 2014 (has links)
Recently, the use of thermite-based pressure waves for applications in cellular transfection and drug delivery have shown significant improvements over previous technologies. In the present study, a new technique for producing thermite-generated pressure pulses using fully-dense nano-scale thermite mixtures was evaluated. This was accomplished by evaluation of a stoichiometric mixture of aluminium (Al) and copper(II)-oxide (CuO) prepared by mechanical alloying. Flame propagation speeds, constant-volume pressure characteristics and underwater pressure characteristics of both a micron-scale and mechanically alloyed mixture were measured experimentally and compared with conventional nano-scale thermites. It was determined that mechanically alloyed mixtures are capable of attaining flame propagation speeds on the same order as nano-scale mixtures, with flame speeds reaching as high as approximately 100 m/s. Constant-volume pressure experiments indicated that mechanically alloyed mixtures result in lower pressurization rates compared with conventional nano-scale mixtures, however, an improvement by as much as an order of magnitude was achieved compared with micron-scale mixtures. Thermochemical equilibrium predictions for pressures observed in constant-volume reactions were found to capture relatively well the equilibrium pressure for both low and high values of relative density. Generally, the predictions over-estimated the measured pressures by approximately 60%.
Results from underwater experiments indicated that the mechanically alloyed samples produced peak shock pressures and waveforms similar to those for a nano-scale Al-Bi2O3 mixture reported by Apperson et al. (2008). In an effort to model the pressure signal obtained from the underwater reaction, calculations were performed based on the rate of expansion of the high pressure gas sphere. Predicted pressures were found to agree fairly well in terms of both the peak pressure and pressurization rate.
The present study has thus identified the ability for mechanically alloyed thermite mixtures to produce underwater pressure profiles that may be conducive for applications in cellular transfection and drug delivery.
Récemment, l'utilisation d'ondes de pression produite par des mélanges de thermite pour des applications dans la transfection cellulaire et l'administration de médicaments ont démontré des améliorations importantes par rapport aux technologies précédentes. Dans l'étude ci jointe, une nouvelle technique pour produire des impulsions de pression générée par un mélange thermite, soumit a de l'alliage mécanique, a été évaluée. Ceci a été accompli par l'évaluation d'un mélange stoechiométrique d' aluminium (Al) et de l'oxyde de cuivre(II) (CuO), préparé par mécanosynthèse. Les vitesses de propagation de la flamme, les caractéristiques de pression pour la combustion à volume constant et les caractéristiques de pression pour la combustion sous l'eau ont été mesurées expérimentalement et comparés avec les thermites conventionnel à l'échelle nano. Nous avons déterminé que les mélanges alliés mécaniquement sont capables d'atteindre des vitesses de propagation de flamme du même ordre que les mélanges à l'échelle nanométrique, atteignant jusqu'à environ 100 m/s. Les expériences de combusition à volume constant, indique que les mélanges alliés mécaniquement induit des taux de pressurisation inférieures à celles des mélanges de nano-échelle conventionnel, cependant, une amélioration de près d'un ordre de grandeur a été atteint par rapport aux mélanges d'échelle micronique. Prédictions thermochimiques des pression de compbustion se sont révélés capable de relativement bien saisir les valeurs observées dans les expériences à volume constant. En règle générale, les prévisions sur-estimé les pressions mesurées par environ 60%.
Les résultats des expériences sous-marines ont indiqué que les échantillons alliés mécaniquement ont produit des pressions et des profils d'onde similaires à celles produit par un mélange de Al-Bi2O3 de nano-échelle, comme indiqué par Apperson et al. (2008). Pour modéliser les pressions obtenues dans les expériences sous-marines, des calculs basés sur le taux d'expansion de la bulle de gaz à haute pression ont été obtenus. Les pressions prédites ont été trouvés d'être relativement en accord avec la pression maximale et le taux de pressurisation observé.
Cette étude a ainsi identifié la possibilité pour l'utilisation des mélanges de thermites alliés mécaniquement pour produire des profils de pression sous l'eau propices pour des applications de transfection cellulaire et l'administration de médicaments.
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Potencial energético do caldo de cana-de-açúcar como substrato em reator UASB /Colen, Fernando, 1969- January 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Antenor Pasqual / Resumo: O estudo do potencial energético do caldo de cana-de-açúcar foi conduzido em laboratório, num reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e leito de lodo (UASB) de volume total de 9,72 litros e volume útil de 7,78 litros. A temperatura de funcionamento do reator foi de 35oC ± 1oC. A cana utilizada no experimento era cortada uma vez por semana, moída e armazenada em geladeira à temperatura de 4oC pelo mesmo período. O substrato ou afluente foi caracterizado como o caldo de cana fermentado naturalmente (azedado) por 24 horas, no qual eram acrescentados bicarbonato de sódio, uréia e fosfato diácido de potássio para correção do pH e das relações carbono/nitrogênio e carbono/fósforo, respectivamente, o pH do afluente ficou fixado na faixa de 6,00 a 6,60. O inóculo utilizado no estudo foi cedido por uma cervejaria e o reator recebeu 4,5 litros de lodo granulado. Os parâmetros analisados foram: demanda química de oxigênio, sólidos totais e voláteis, alcalinidade total, acidez volátil, pH, composição química do caldo, açúcar redutor e redutor total, volume e composição do biogás. Na partida do reator colocou-se o lodo e completou-se o volume restante com uma solução de água destilada e caldo de cana com uma DQO aproximada de 200 mg.L-1 e esperou-se 48 horas; após este período começou-se a bombear 5 mL diariamente até que se chegou a um volume de 510 mL por dia, distribuídos em três períodos: primeiro das 12:00 às 12:30 horas; segundo das 18:00 às 18:30 horas e o terceiro das 00:00 às 00:30 horas, sendo que para isto utilizou-se um temporizador... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo). / The studies on the sugar cane juice energetic potential were carried out in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) of 9,72 liters of total volume and 7,78 liters of useful volume, in a laboratory. The reactor functioning temperature was 35oC ± 1oC. The sugar cane used in the experiment was cut once a week, ground and stored in refrigerator at a temperature of 4oC for the same period. The substrate or affluent was characterized as sugar cane juice naturally fermented (soured) for 24 hours, to which was added sodium bicarbonate, urea and potassium phosphate to correct pH and carbon/nitrogen and carbon/phosphorus relations respectively; the pH of the affluent was set in a range of 6,00 to 6,60. The inoculum used in the study was provided by a brewery and the reactor received 4,5 liters of granulated sludge. The analyzed parameters were: chemical oxygen demand, total and volatile solids, total alkalinity, volatile acidity, pH, sugar cane juice chemical composition, reductor sugar and total reductor, biogas volume and composition. When starting-up the reactor, the sludge was placed and the remaining volume was completed with a solution of distilled water and sugar cane juice with an approximate COD of 200 mg.L-1 and a pause of 48 hours was made, after that period, 5 ml of the solution started being pumped on a daily basis until it reached a volume of 510 ml a day, distributed along three periods: first, from 12:00 to 12:30, second from 18:00 to 18:30 and third from 00:00 to 00:30, having a timer been used for that. The hydraulic retention time used were 20, 18,78 and 15,30 days. For the HRT of 20 days, working with average values, the affluent COD was of 260304 mg.L-1, the efficiency reached 93,47% of average. The value of the effluent COD was of 16991,40 mg.L-1. The total and volatile solids reduction was of 83,96% and 88,43% respectively... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below). / Doutor
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Impacto da altura de aerogeradores sobre a velocidade do vento, energia, efeito de esteira e intensidade de turbulência : estudos de caso em três projetos eólicos localizados no BrasilPereira, Maurício Vieira da Rocha January 2016 (has links)
O setor eólico está em processo de consolidação no Brasil desde o início dos anos 2000, e oportunidades de pesquisas e desenvolvimento estão presentes em todas as etapas do processo. Este trabalho apresenta uma relação entre os parâmetros de velocidade do vento, energia, efeito de esteira e intensidade de turbulência com diferentes alturas de turbinas existentes no mercado brasileiro, em três regiões distintas, Triunfo/PE, São João do Cariri/PB e São Martinho da Serra/RS. A finalidade do trabalho é auxiliar os desenvolvedores e os investidores de parques eólicos na tomada de decisão sobre as alturas de aerogeradores a serem consideradas em seus projetos eólicos, antecipando a avaliação criteriosa do recurso eólico local. Para tal, primeiramente são citadas referências de trabalhos similares disponíveis na literatura bem como é realizada a fundamentação teórica do estudo com as principais equações e modelos utilizados na área. A metodologia do cálculo é teórica e aplicada às ferramentas computacionais do WAsP para a modelagem do vento e do WindFarmer para avaliar a produção de energia elétrica, com adaptações específicas para cada projeto. Procedimentos estatísticos são efetuados a fim de se garantir que as análises contenham o menor nível possível de incerteza na identificação do recurso eólico de cada região. Os resultados do trabalho são apresentados comparativamente entre os sete modelos de aerogerador testados e também entre as três áreas estudadas. O comportamento das turbinas é consideravelmente diferente em todas as opções estudadas. Os modelos de aerogerador A e D são os que apresentam o maior ganho energético percentual com o incremento da altura da turbina com valores médios de 0,42% e 0,44% a cada metro. Já os modelos C e D apresentam as melhorias mais consideráveis em termos de redução de intensidade de turbulência e diminuição de perdas por efeito de esteira, conforme se aumenta a altura das turbinas. As áreas apresentam, também, recursos eólicos distintos entre elas. O projeto eólico de Triunfo é o que apresenta a maior geração de energia dentre os estudados, sendo 24,2% maior que em São Martinho da Serra e 45,0% maior que em São João do Cariri. Verifica-se, também, que caso a velocidade média do vento de longo prazo fosse dobrada em Triunfo, a energia líquida teria um acréscimo de 88%. Já em São Martinho da Serra este valor chegaria em 170% e em São João do Cariri em 220%. / The wind energy sector has been under consolidation in Brazil since the early 2000s. Opportunities for researches and developments are present at all stages of the process. This paper presents a link among wind speed, energy, wake effect and turbulence intensity parameters and the height of existing wind turbine models in Brazil, considering three distinct regions as Triunfo/PE, São João do Cariri/PB and São Martinho da Serra/RS. This paper also aims to support developers and investors in the decision making process in the wind turbines height that should be considered in its wind farms. To this end, the references of similar studies as well as the theoretical basis for the study, including the main equations and models, are presented. The calculation methodology is theoretical and it has been applied to the computational tools WAsP (wind modeling) and WindFarmer (evaluate the energy production), considering specific adaptations for each project. Statistical procedures are performed in order to ensure that the analyses contain the lowest possible level of uncertainty in the characterization of the wind resources in each region. The results are presented comparatively among the seven tested turbine models and also among the three studied areas. The turbine models behavior is considerably different for all options. The wind turbine models A and D are those with the highest percentage energy increase with increasing the turbine height. Their average values are 0.42% and 0.44% per meter height. The models C and D present the most considerable improvements in terms of turbulence intensity and wake effect reductions with increasing the turbine height. The different locations also present distinguished wind resources among them. Triunfo wind farm is the one with the highest energy generation, 24.2% higher than in São Martinho da Serra and 45.0% higher than in São João do Cariri. It is also noted that if the long term mean wind speed was doubled in the project locations, the energy would have an increase of 88% in Triunfo, 170% in São Martinho da Serra and 220% in São João do Cariri.
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Análise energética e ambiência de modelos arquitetônicos propostos pelo programa nacional de habitação rural / Energetic and ambience analysis of the architectonic model proposed by the national program of rural housingOrlando, Maria Beatriz Sartor [UNESP] 03 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by MARIA BEATRIZ SARTOR ORLANDO null (biasartor@hotmail.com) on 2016-03-29T02:03:57Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O crescente aumento dos custos energéticos e ambientais no setor da construção civil tem levado ao surgimento e à adoção de materiais e soluções construtivas que ofereçam menor impacto ambiental e menores gastos na produção das edificações. Considerando-se a importância progressiva que sistemas construtivos não convencionais vêm adquirindo, frente aos elevados custos da energia e da produção, torna-se importante analisar a eficiência energética como mais um indicativo da eficácia dos sistemas de produção de edificações. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo mensurar os conteúdos energéticos dos materiais utilizados na construção de modelos arquitetônicos habitacionais propostos pelo Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural (PNHR) e implantados nos municípios de Itararé e São Miguel Arcanjo, interior do estado de São Paulo, para obter uma estimativa da energia empregada na construção de uma moradia que apresente condições adequadas de ambiência aos trabalhadores rurais e agricultores familiares. Para tal, a execução da unidade de habitação foi dividida em cinco etapas de construção a serem analisadas: fundação, piso, fechamento (alvenaria), revestimento e cobertura. Informações e dados sobre os projetos, técnicas construtivas e os materiais empregados na execução das unidades habitacionais foram obtidos em visitas realizadas a campo, diretamente com os técnicos responsáveis pelas obras e através de material disponibilizado pela Federação dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura Familiar do Estado de São Paulo (Fetaesp), entidade responsável pela implantação das unidades estudadas em Itararé e São Miguel Arcanjo. Ao realizar a avaliação energética dos materiais de construção utilizados, verificam-se os níveis de dependência energética das etapas construtivas e, assim, compreendem-se as necessidades de adequação do projeto do modelo arquitetônico habitacional proposto pelo PNHR. Para mensurar o consumo da energia dos materiais de construção foram empregados coeficientes energéticos encontrados na literatura, utilizados e calculados por autores que estimaram a energia empregada na construção de diferentes tipologias de edificação. Foram consideradas a energia embutida nos materiais de construção e o dispêndio energético do trabalho humano nos processos construtivos de execução da unidade de habitação. O trabalho analisou as condições da ambiência oferecidas pelo modelo habitacional sob o olhar da proposta do projeto arquitetônico em conformidade com as especificações e diretrizes mínimas exigidas pelo Programa. A unidade habitacional implantada em Itararé consumiu um total de 271.011,52 MJ, enquanto o modelo de São Miguel Arcanjo apresentou um consumo energético de 262.980,99 MJ. Da energia total empregada na construção das unidades os itens fundação, piso, fechamento, revestimento e cobertura representaram 32,47, 0,38, 20,29, 8,29 e 38,57%, respectivamente, no modelo de Itararé e, 37,46, 0,43, 19,85, 7,39 e 34,87% na unidade de São Miguel Arcanjo. O aço e o forro de PVC foram os materiais com os maiores índices energéticos. A análise da ambiência, realizada a partir das soluções adotadas no projeto arquitetônico, demonstrou que ambos os modelos habitacionais implantados foram desenvolvidos com preocupação em atender às expectativas quanto aos aspectos de ambiência, conforme diretrizes mínimas exigidas pelo Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural. Foram sugeridas algumas alterações no layout com o objetivo de melhorar o aproveitamento dos espaços das unidades habitacionais, aumentando a funcionalidade dos ambientes e o conforto e bem estar do usuário. / The ongoing increase of energetic and environmental costs of the civil construction sector has been promoting the development and use of environmentally friendly materials and constructive solutions that may yield lesser expenses during construction. Given the increase of importance that these alternative systems has been gaining, and taking into consideration the increase of energy and production costs, it becomes important to analyze the energetic efficiency as an indicator of effectiveness of the edification production system. Given this, this present work aims to measure the energetic content of the materials used in the construction of a housing architectonic model proposed by the National Program of Rural Housing (NPRH) implemented in the counties of Itararé and São Miguel Arcanjo, in the state of São Paulo, to obtain an estimative of energy used during the construction of a house that presents the adequate conditions of ambience to the rural employees and familiar farmers. For such, the execution of this housing unit was divided in five steps of construction to be analyzed: foundation, floor, finishing, coverings and coverage. Information and data of the project, constructive techniques and the materials used during the execution of the housing units were obtained during visits to the field, directly with the responsible technicians for the constructions and through materials supplied by the Federation of Workers in Family Farming of the state of São Paulo (Fetaesp), responsible entity for the NPRH implementations in Itararé and São Miguel Arcanjo. While carrying out energetic analysis of the materials used during the construction, the level of energetic dependence was analyzed during the constructive steps and, therefore, the need of a project adequacy of the architectonic housing model proposed by the National Program of Rural Housing is comprehended. To measure the energetic consumption of the materials used in the construction, energetic coefficients were used found in the literature, used and calculated by the authors that had estimated the used energy in the construction of different typology of edifications. The embedded energy of the materials used in the construction and the energetic cost of human labor in the constructive process were considered. This work has analyzed the ambience conditions offered by the housing model under the proposal of the architectonic project in accordance with the minimum specifications and guidelines demanded by the program. The housing unit located in Itararé consumed a total of 271,011.52 MJ while the model of São Miguel Arcanjo had an energy consumption of 262,980.99 MJ. Of the total energy used in the construction of the units, the items foundation, floor, masonry, finish coating and coverage represented 32,47, 0,38, 20,29, 8,29 e 38,57%, respectively, in the unit of Itararé, and 37,46, 0,43, 19,85, 7,39 e 34,87% in the unit of São Miguel Arcanjo. The steel and the PVC lining were the materials with the highest energy contents. The analysis of the ambience, held from the solutions adopted in architectural design, showed that both implanted housing models were developed with concern to meet the expectations of the ambience aspects, according to the minimum guidelines required by the National Program of Rural Housing. Some changes were suggested in the layout in order to improve the use of spaces housing units, increasing the functionality of the environments and the comfort and welfare of the user.
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