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Report on the first international workshop on energy data management (EnDM 2012)Pedersen, Torben Bach, Lehner, Wolfgang, Hackenbroich, Gregor 13 December 2022 (has links)
The energy sector is one of the most active application domains being forced to re-think the current practice and apply data-management based IT solutions to provide a scalable and sustainable supply and distribution of energy. Challenges range from energy production by seamlessly incorporating renewable energy resources over energy distribution and monitoring to controlling energy consumption. Decisions are based on huge amounts of empirically collected data from smart meters, new energy sources (increasingly RES - renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro, thermal, etc), new distributions mechanisms (Smart Grid), and new types of consumers and devices, e.g., electric cars.
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Report on the second international workshop on energy data management (EnDM 2013)Pedersen, Torben Bach, Lehner, Wolfgang 13 December 2022 (has links)
The energy sector is in transition–being forced to rethink the current practice and apply data-management based IT solutions to provide a scalable and sustainable supply and distribution of energy. Novel challenges range from renewable energy production over energy distribution and monitoring to controlling and moving energy consumption. Huge amounts of “Big Energy Data,” i.e., data from smart meters, new renewable energy sources (RES–such as wind, solar, hydro, thermal, etc), novel distributions mechanisms (Smart Grid), and novel types of consumers and devices, e.g., electric cars, are being collected and must be managed and analyzed to yield their potential.
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Integration av BESS för förstärkt elnätsstabilitet på Ekerö / Integration of BESS for enhanced electricity grid stability in EkeröAhmad, Mohemmad January 2024 (has links)
Denna rapport undersöker implementeringen av batterienergilagringssystem (BESS) som en strategisk åtgärd för att hantera de återkommande instabiliteterna i elnätet i Ekerö kommun. Den lokala elkraftsinfrastrukturen drabbas ofta av frekventa och långvariga avbrott, huvudsakligen på grund av sitt beroende av sårbara luftledningar. Integrationen av BESS erbjuder en dubbel fördel: förbättrad nätstabilitet och tillhandahållande av nödvändiga stödtjänster under perioder med hög efterfrågan. Studien inleds med en analys av de nuvarande förhållandena i Ekerös elnät, där de ekonomiska och operativa utmaningarna med den befintliga infrastrukturen belyses. Luftledningarna är särskilt utsatta för miljöpåfrestningar, vilket resulterar i betydande tjänsteavbrott som påverkar både hushåll och kommersiella konsumenter. De ekonomiska konsekvenserna är betydligt viktiga, inte bara på grund av de direkta kostnaderna för reparationer, utan också på grund av de ersättningar som krävs enligt regulatoriska standarder vid tjänstefel. Som en lösning på dessa utmaningar föreslås en strategisk placering av BESS-enheter i kommunen. Dessa system kan lagra överskottsenergi som genereras under perioder med låg efterfrågan, såsom nattetid eller under perioder med låg belastning, och frigöra den under perioder med hög efterfrågan eller när nätet inte kan möta belastningskraven. Denna kapacitet bidrar inte bara till reservkraft och stabilisering av elnätet, utan säkerställer även en mer effektiv användning av genererad energi, vilket minskar spill och potentiellt sänker elkostnaderna för kommunen. För att besvara frågeställningarna kring den optimala kapaciteten och placeringen av BESS har HOMER Pro använts. HOMER Pro är en mjukvara för optimering av mikronät. Med HOMER Pro har olika scenarier simulerats för att hitta den mest effektiva lösningen baserat på Ekerös specifika energibehov och nätförhållanden. Simuleringarna har resulterat i en rekommendation om att implementera en total kapacitet av cirka 52 MWh batterilagring vid samtliga nätstationer för att tillgodose kommunens energibehov under avbrott och hög belastning. Vidare beskriver rapporten de tekniska specifikationerna och de operativa mekanismerna för BESS, inklusive de batterityper som övervägs (t.ex. litiumjon, bly-syra), deras förväntade livslängd, kapacitet och effektivitet. Den undersöker också potentiella platser för installation, bedömer deras inverkan på den övergripande nätstabiliteten och de logistiska övervägandena vid distribution och underhåll av dessa system. Slutligen förespråkar rapporten antagandet av BESS i Ekerö som ett kritiskt steg mot en mer motståndskraftig och ekonomiskt hållbar energiinfrastruktur. Genom att minska effekterna av strömavbrott och optimera användningen av elektrisk energi kan BESS avsevärt förbättra servicenivån för Ekerös invånare och företag, och sätta en standard för andra kommuner med liknande utmaningar. / This report investigates the implementation of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) as a strategic measure to address the recurring electrical grid instabilities in the municipality of Ekerö. The local power infrastructure frequently experiences outages due to its reliance on vulnerable overhead power lines. The integration of BESS offers dual benefits: improved grid stability and the provision of essential support services during periods of high demand. The study begins with an analysis of the current conditions of the electrical grid of Ekerö, highlighting the economic and operational challenges posed by the existing infrastructure. Overhead lines are particularly susceptible to weather conditions, which lead to significant service interruptions that impact both residential and commercial consumers. The economic implications are substantial, not only due to direct repair costs but also due to compensations required by regulatory standards for service failures. In response to these challenges, the report proposes the strategic placement of BESS units throughout the municipality. These systems can store excess energy generated during periods of low demand, such as nighttime or off-peak hours, and release it during periods of high demand or when the grid cannot meet the load requirements. This capability not only stabilizes the grid but also ensures more efficient use of generated power, reducing wastage and potentially lowering electricity costs for the municipality. To address questions regarding the optimal capacity and placement of BESS, the report utilizes HOMER Pro software for microgrid optimization. Various scenarios were simulated using HOMER Pro to determine the most effective solution based on Ekerö’s specific energy needs and grid conditions. The simulations resulted in a recommendation to implement a total capacity of approximately 52 MWh of battery storage across all substations to meet the municipality’s energy needs during outages and periods of high demand. Furthermore, the report details the technical specifications and operational mechanisms of BESS, including the types of batteries considered (e.g., lithium-ion, lead-acid), their expected lifespan, capacity, and efficiency levels. It also examines potential installation sites, assessing their impact on overall grid stability and the logistical considerations involved in deploying and maintaining these systems. In conclusion, the report advocates for the adoption of BESS in Ekerö as a critical step towards a more resilient and economically sustainable energy framework. By mitigating the impact of power outages and optimizing the use of electrical energy, BESS can significantly enhance the quality of service provided to Ekerö’s residents and businesses, setting a precedent for other municipalities facing similar challenges.
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Political and Economic Reasons for Energy Cooperation between the EU and RussiaEvgrafova, Elena January 2014 (has links)
In this paper I investigate the energy cooperation between the EU and Russia from the political and economic points of view. The relevance of the issue is due to the growing role of energy sector, the need for security of energy supply and demand and for political and economic balance of power in the region, and closer economic integration. Two theoretical approaches, geopolitical and bureaucratic, guiding the research, explain the behavior of protagonists. To better understand the present level of cooperation I analyze the background and dynamics of EU - Russia energy trade relations. As a case study, I investigate the Nord Stream project as an example of successful cooperation of Germany as an EU member state and Russia in this field. I discuss challenges for the healthy mutual partnership in the energy sector, namely, high politicization of the issue, monopolization of Russian energy sector and low sustainability of Russian economic development, and mistrust between the protagonists. I attempt to identify possible policy changes aimed to improve this cooperation and achieve fruitful partnership, security and stability. Key words: Russia, EU, energy, cooperation, Realpolitik, international relations, oil, gas, energy dialogue, ECT, security, balance of power, geopolitics, interest groups,...
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Les collectivités territoriales et le secteur énergétique / Local authorities and the energy sectorHersant, Emilie 30 June 2010 (has links)
Les collectivités territoriales s’affichent comme des acteurs majeurs du secteur énergétique.Cependant, leur relation est empreinte d’une certaine ambiguïté du fait du caractère éminemmentstratégique du second. S’il apparaît qu’au début du XXe siècle les collectivités territoriales assumaient,à travers la distribution d’énergie, un véritable service public local, la réalité d’un tel caractère estaujourd’hui contestable. La nationalisation de 1946 a en effet eu pour conséquence de remettreprofondément en cause l’exercice de cette compétence, lui faisant perdre son caractère effectivementlocal. Malgré la récente libéralisation du marché de l’énergie, les collectivités territoriales ne se sontpas réapproprié ce rôle. Elles semblent toutefois trouver progressivement une nouvelle légitimité dansce domaine à la faveur des préoccupations occupant des places de plus en plus importantes que sontla sécurité d’approvisionnement et la protection de l’environnement. Ce travail se propose d’étudier lesinteractions entre les collectivités territoriales et l’énergie à travers la problématique de ladécentralisation. Le secteur énergétique, aussi stratégique soit-il n’empêche pas la mise en placed’une certaine forme de décentralisation. Les collectivités territoriales ont un rôle important à y jouermême s’il ne saurait concerner ce secteur dans sa globalité. Elles sont ainsi passées de la prise encharge d’une activité industrielle et commerciale à une implication grandissante dans le domaine del’énergie à travers le prisme environnemental. / Local authorities present themselves as key players in the energy sector. However, the relationshipbetween energy and local authorities is quite ambiguous due to the eminently strategic nature ofenergy. If, at the beginning oh the XXth century, local authorities were in charge of a real local publicservice through energy supply, the reality of such a trait is today disputable. The 1946 nationalizationled to question the real local nature of energy supply. In spite of recent energy market liberalization,local authorities could not recapture their traditional function. However, they gradually seem to find anew energy legitimacy by owing to more and more important concerns : environmental protection andenergy supply safety. This study intends to analyze interactions between local authorities and energythrough a decentralization problematic. Energy sector, as strategic as it is, does not prevent fromintroducing a certain form of decentralization. Local authorities have a key role to play, even if it doesnot concern the global energy sector. Thus, from an industrial and commercial taking on, localauthorities are becoming more and more involved in energy sector through the environmental prism.
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Contribuição dos créditos de carbono na viabilidade de projetos de eficiência energética térmica e de troca de combustíveis em cervejarias / Contribution of carbon credits to the viability of energy efficiency and fuel switch projects in breweriesBarbosa, Renato Mariano 25 February 2010 (has links)
Atualmente é de complexa equalização o problema advindo da elevação da demanda energética e das ações antrópicas que corroboram para o aquecimento global e, neste sentido, apesar de o Brasil ser abundante em hidroeletricidade, há ainda um grande espaço para o uso de outras fontes renováveis de energia, como a biomassa residual. Na indústria, projetos de adoção de novos e eficientes processos para a redução da carga térmica, bem como o uso de biomassa e de biogás das estações de tratamentos de efluentes podem ser um diferencial no conjunto de soluções para o dilema energético-ambiental, uma vez vão ao encontro dos objetivos das políticas energéticas globais em vigência, as quais pregam a segurança e sustentabilidade. Porém, verifica-se que tais medidas ainda têm sido desprezadas por muitas empresas, pois os investimentos são ainda muito elevados, ressaltando-se ainda que, talvez por não se entender como esses projetos podem internalizar as externalidades positivas que os acompanham, essas empresas seguem alheias aos benefícios socioambientais e econômicos advindos dos créditos de carbono, que podem compensar os altos investimentos realizados em racionalização energética. Desta maneira, essa dissertação analisa a viabilidade econômica da implantação de projetos de substituição de combustíveis fósseis por biomassa renovável para geração de vapor de processos; de uso de biogás de ETEs para geração de eletricidade e de implementação de tecnologias para a redução do consumo de vapor industrial, com foco em cervejarias, considerando-se nas análises econômico-financeiras os créditos de carbono recebidos pelas reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Pelas análises de cenários, verificou-se que quando as medidas de eficiência energética reduzirem pelo menos 5% da demanda energética, com um custo de energia de pelo menos R$ 187,50/MWh, bem como reduções de consumo de energia acima de 10%, com custo energético mínimo de R$ 122,50/MWh, e preço de das RCE acima de 5,00, os projetos mencionados são viáveis, e as receitas dos créditos podem internalizar as externalidades positivas desses projetos, compensando os investimentos. / Nowadays it´s quite complex to solve the problem between energy demand growth and the human activities, which have negative, widespread effects on the global climate. In this sense, apart from the fact that Brazil adopts massivelythe hydropower, there is a large potential for the use of renewable energy sources, as biomass. In process industries, techologies for reducing thermal energy consumption associated with the use of the sustainable biomass and biogas from wastewater treatment systems can be one among other solutions for equalizing the energy-environment dilemma, also targeting the prorrogatives of the current global policies on safety and sustainable energy sypply. Anyway, such measures have still been left aside by many industries, because it´s still not properly understood regarding the way these projects can internilize their positive externalities, some enterprises keep distant from the social, economic and environmental beneffits that carbon credit projects can bring up to help them in succeeding and rationalizing energy consumption. This dissertation evaluates and assesses the economic viablitity of projects of fuel switch (from fossil fuels to renewable biomass); use of biogas from industrial wastewater treatment systems and also the implementation of technologies and processes for reducing steam comsumption, focusing on breweries. By means of economic sceneries, it´s shown that the revenues from carbon credits can significantly have positive impacts, while financial incentives, on the decision making process towards the carrying and dissemination of such projects. As demonstrated in this work, the RCE, if required in the sceneries analysed, can bring the cash flows whithin brewery IRR expectations. Hence, the model showed that when measures of energy afficiency achieve at least 5,0% with the price of energy saved is of at least R$187,50/MWh, and for measures above 10% and energy is bought at prices higher then R$ 122,50/MWh, all projects with CER prices above 5,00 viable, and can be conducted. Also, the revenues from carbon credits can make industries wake up for the fact that they can internalize the positive externalities of these projects, once the high investiments can be compensated by their carbon offsets.
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Suspensão do fornecimento de energia elétrica pela ótica do Código de Defesa do Consumidor / The disconnection of the energy supply from the point of view of consumer protection lawPassos, Daniel de Lima 20 May 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-05-20 / The subject of this paper is to study the disconnection of the energy supply from the point of view of Consumer Protection Law and to discuss the possibility of the disconnection of this type of public service when faced with an individual customer's failure to pay. Although judicial precedent for this matter has already been agreed, to a certain extent, before the Superior Justice Tribunal, the subject is still the source of heated debate, especially as it deals with the denial of the customer's right to maintain the availability of this resource (electric energy). Such an initiative stemmed from our concern about the applicability of the norm in favor of the consumer, which at times is unconditional and doesn t evaluate the real case. The fulfillment of the contract is necessary for its continuity. Failure to comply could result in the reversal of the current legal order and clear social harm not just individual harm. Thus it was attempted to put into context the legal possibility of disconnection according to the sector's legislation and consumer law. As such, to start with, the proposal of this paper is to outline the history of electric energy in Brazil, its legal structure and the players in the market. Finally, without forgetting the social benefit of this necessary public resource, the conclusion is that as long as legal procedures are followed an individual costumer's failure to pay should result in the disconnection of the energy supply as this is for the social good / Este trabalho apresenta como temática de estudo a suspensão do fornecimento de
energia pela ótica do Código de Defesa do Consumidor e discute a possibilidade de
suspensão deste tipo de serviço público ante a inadimplência do consumidor
singular. Embora já exista jurisprudência sobre essa questão, de certa forma
pacificada, perante o Superior Tribunal de Justiça, o tema ainda é objeto de
acalorados debates, sobretudo por se tratar de privação de um direito do consumidor
em permanecer com a disponibilidade desse insumo (energia elétrica). Tal iniciativa
derivou da preocupação com a aplicabilidade da norma protetiva, às vezes
incondicional, em favor do consumidor sem que fosse avaliado o caso concreto e
mesmo se olvidando de que a contraprestação do serviço é fundamental para sua
continuidade, sob pena de inversão da ordem legal atual e claro prejuízo social
não mais individual. Assim, procurou-se contextualizar a possibilidade legal de
suspensão face à disposição da legislação setorial e do Código de Defesa do
Consumidor. Para tanto, o trabalho se propôs a esboçar um histórico da energia
elétrica no Brasil, seu arcabouço legal, identificar quem são os players desse
mercado. Por fim, sem olvidar a função social desse bem público de primeira
necessidade e desde que respeitados os procedimentos previstos em lei, chegou-se
à conclusão de que suspensão do fornecimento de energia, como forma de maior
alcance social, é medida legal e necessária ao consumidor singular inadimplente
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Desenvolvimento e implementação de um sistema de monitoramento em tempo real da tensão da rede com acesso remotoColnago, Guilherme Piazentini 05 October 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-10-05 / No Brasil, até pouco tempo atrás, a qualidade da energia elétrica estava relacionada, basicamente, com interrupções do fornecimento de energia e a certas cargas especiais da
indústria. Porém, nos últimos anos, sob a direção da agência reguladora do setor, a ANEEL (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica), juntamente com especialistas, a área de qualidade da energia elétrica passou a receber uma atenção significativa, sendo legislada e adquirindo suas
regulamentações iniciais. A área de Qualidade da Energia Elétrica passou, então, a formalmente existir e abranger um conjunto maior de fenômenos e eventos da rede elétrica.
Em função dessa recente regulamentação, este trabalho apresenta o projeto de um medidor da qualidade da energia elétrica. Um dos focos do medidor é ser de baixo custo, tornando-o viável para o uso em grande escala. Este medidor é um sistema eletrônico que processa digitalmente os sinais de tensão da rede elétrica, extraindo os dados relacionados à qualidade da energia elétrica; tais dados são armazenados localmente e, posteriormente, acessados remotamente e enviados para um banco de dados, de forma que possam ser analisados. / Some years ago in Brazil the power quality was related, basically, with interruption of supplied energy and certain special loads of industry. In recent years, however, under controls of the regulating agency ANEEL (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica) and with specialists, the power quality area received the due attention and was legislated and acquired regulations. So, finally, the area of Power Quality was formally created and now it embraces several electrical phenomena and events. Because of the new regulations, this work presents a project of a power quality meter. One of meter s focuses is to be a low cost system and
becomes able to be used in large scale. This power quality meter is an electronic system that processes the voltage signal of electrical network and extracts data related to power quality; the data are locally stored and after they are remotely accessed and transmitted to a data base
to be analyzed.
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Les transitions énergétiques urbaines du XIXe au XXIe siècle : de la biomasse aux combustibles fossiles et fissiles à Paris (France) / Urban energy transition from 19th to 21th century : from biomass to fossil and fissil nergy in Paris (France)Kim, Eun Hye 23 April 2013 (has links)
La croissance de la consommation par les villes de ressources naturelles est un facteur déterminant dans l’altération de la biosphère. Pour comprendre le processus du changement du rapport entre la ville et la biosphère, transition socioécologique dans le cas particulier de la ville, nous avons caractérisé la ville comme étant tributaire de la ressource externe en termes matériel et écologique. On s'intéresse dans ce travail à la relation entre la demande en énergie de la ville, l'évolution du système d'approvisionnement urbain et extra urbain en énergie, et le bassin d'approvisionnement en ressource énergétique avec le cas de l'agglomération parisienne. Pour ce faire, nous avons d'une part tenté d'évaluer la pression environnementale effectuée pour la consommation énergétique urbaine, métabolisme urbain, en utilisant la méthode d'analyse de flux d'énergie et de matière (AFME). L'AFME s'intéresse à mesurer le métabolisme d'une société et inclut par conséquent la consommation énergétique technique (pour le chauffage, le transport, l'industrie) ainsi que l'alimentation humaine et animale consommée dans la ville. La consommation énergétique urbaine est évaluée par la demande énergétique totale (DET), indicateur de pression environnementale, dans le but de mesurer la consommation d'énergie primaire en amont pour l'approvisionnement en énergie finale du territoire. On essaie ensuite de mettre en parallèle l'évolution de la DET pour l'énergie technique et l'évolution du rayon d'approvisionnement de cette dernière au fur et à mesure de la croissance urbaine. / Increasing urban natural resource consumption and particularly fossil energy consumption is one of the important factors of global environment alteration. To understand the socioecological transition process for the city, we characterize it as a natural resource dependent system in material and ecological terms. Cities mobilize a technical system to draw the external natural resource. Therefore, externality is a fundamental character of urban metabolism. We focus in this work on the relationship between the energy demand of the city, the evolution of the urban and extraurban energy supply system, and the energy resource supply area of Paris. We used energy and material flow analysis (MEFA) to evaluate environmental pressure driven by city's energy consumption, urban metabolism. MEFA aims to evaluate social metabolism, therefore energy demand including both the energy for technical system and bioenergy for food and forage provision for a society. Particularly, total energy requirement (TER) refers ta primary energy consumption, an indicator to evaluate the environmental pressure. Furthermore, we try to view the energy demand for the technical energy increase of the city in parallel with its energy supply area tor three dates chosen during the 19th and 21th centuries.
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Contribuição dos créditos de carbono na viabilidade de projetos de eficiência energética térmica e de troca de combustíveis em cervejarias / Contribution of carbon credits to the viability of energy efficiency and fuel switch projects in breweriesRenato Mariano Barbosa 25 February 2010 (has links)
Atualmente é de complexa equalização o problema advindo da elevação da demanda energética e das ações antrópicas que corroboram para o aquecimento global e, neste sentido, apesar de o Brasil ser abundante em hidroeletricidade, há ainda um grande espaço para o uso de outras fontes renováveis de energia, como a biomassa residual. Na indústria, projetos de adoção de novos e eficientes processos para a redução da carga térmica, bem como o uso de biomassa e de biogás das estações de tratamentos de efluentes podem ser um diferencial no conjunto de soluções para o dilema energético-ambiental, uma vez vão ao encontro dos objetivos das políticas energéticas globais em vigência, as quais pregam a segurança e sustentabilidade. Porém, verifica-se que tais medidas ainda têm sido desprezadas por muitas empresas, pois os investimentos são ainda muito elevados, ressaltando-se ainda que, talvez por não se entender como esses projetos podem internalizar as externalidades positivas que os acompanham, essas empresas seguem alheias aos benefícios socioambientais e econômicos advindos dos créditos de carbono, que podem compensar os altos investimentos realizados em racionalização energética. Desta maneira, essa dissertação analisa a viabilidade econômica da implantação de projetos de substituição de combustíveis fósseis por biomassa renovável para geração de vapor de processos; de uso de biogás de ETEs para geração de eletricidade e de implementação de tecnologias para a redução do consumo de vapor industrial, com foco em cervejarias, considerando-se nas análises econômico-financeiras os créditos de carbono recebidos pelas reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Pelas análises de cenários, verificou-se que quando as medidas de eficiência energética reduzirem pelo menos 5% da demanda energética, com um custo de energia de pelo menos R$ 187,50/MWh, bem como reduções de consumo de energia acima de 10%, com custo energético mínimo de R$ 122,50/MWh, e preço de das RCE acima de 5,00, os projetos mencionados são viáveis, e as receitas dos créditos podem internalizar as externalidades positivas desses projetos, compensando os investimentos. / Nowadays it´s quite complex to solve the problem between energy demand growth and the human activities, which have negative, widespread effects on the global climate. In this sense, apart from the fact that Brazil adopts massivelythe hydropower, there is a large potential for the use of renewable energy sources, as biomass. In process industries, techologies for reducing thermal energy consumption associated with the use of the sustainable biomass and biogas from wastewater treatment systems can be one among other solutions for equalizing the energy-environment dilemma, also targeting the prorrogatives of the current global policies on safety and sustainable energy sypply. Anyway, such measures have still been left aside by many industries, because it´s still not properly understood regarding the way these projects can internilize their positive externalities, some enterprises keep distant from the social, economic and environmental beneffits that carbon credit projects can bring up to help them in succeeding and rationalizing energy consumption. This dissertation evaluates and assesses the economic viablitity of projects of fuel switch (from fossil fuels to renewable biomass); use of biogas from industrial wastewater treatment systems and also the implementation of technologies and processes for reducing steam comsumption, focusing on breweries. By means of economic sceneries, it´s shown that the revenues from carbon credits can significantly have positive impacts, while financial incentives, on the decision making process towards the carrying and dissemination of such projects. As demonstrated in this work, the RCE, if required in the sceneries analysed, can bring the cash flows whithin brewery IRR expectations. Hence, the model showed that when measures of energy afficiency achieve at least 5,0% with the price of energy saved is of at least R$187,50/MWh, and for measures above 10% and energy is bought at prices higher then R$ 122,50/MWh, all projects with CER prices above 5,00 viable, and can be conducted. Also, the revenues from carbon credits can make industries wake up for the fact that they can internalize the positive externalities of these projects, once the high investiments can be compensated by their carbon offsets.
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