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A STYLISTIC COMPARISON OF TWO SHORT STORIES BY ERNEST HEMINGWAY : "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" and "Hills Like White Elephants"Hietanen, Marko January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this essay is to investigate how Ernest Hemingway uses his style of writing in his short stories “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” and “Hills Like White Elephants”. The questions at issue are: What is characteristic of Hemingway's style when looking at the use of adjectives and sentence complexity? How is the Iceberg Technique used? What stylistic differences and similarities are there between the stories?</p><p>In my investigation I used a stylistic approach, in which adjectives are counted and sentence length is measured (creating mainly a quantitative analysis). The frequency of adjectives is calculated and compared against the norm in imaginative prose. Sentence length is compared against the norm for modern English. Previous research has provided a foundation for further analysis of the Iceberg Technique.</p><p>The analysis shows that the frequency of adjectives is very low compared with the norm and that many adjectives are used repeatedly. The sentences are very short, not even reaching half the length of the norm presented. Hemingway’s Iceberg Technique shows in the scarce use of dialogue tags and a plot that does not reveal much about the characters or the setting. The real plot is often hidden, leaving it to the reader to interpret and “feel” what the story is really about.</p><p>In conclusion: it may be said that both short stories are told in a minimalistic style, using only what is necessary to tell the story. They have a simple plot and simple characters, just like the Hemingway style we know.</p>
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Svensson, Jessica, Johansson, Josefin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur engelskundervisning kan bedrivas i år 4, 5 och 6. Vi är intresserade av att se hur olika lärare i olika skolor arbetar och vilka undervisningsmetoder de använder sig av samt hur förutsättningarna i elevgruppen inverkar på valet av metod. Vi vill också undersöka hur valet av undervisningsmetod påverkar elevernas intresse och motivation i ämnet. Frågeställningarna är följande:</p><p>• Vilka metoder använder engelsklärare i sin undervisning och hur kan detta se ut i praktiken?</p><p>• Hur tar engelsklärarna hänsyn till elevgruppen och varje elevs individuella behov när det gäller val av undervisningsmetod?</p><p>• Vilken påverkan har valet av undervisningsmetod på eleverna vad gäller deras intresse och motivation i engelskämnet? Skiljer sig lärarnas uppfattningar om elevernas inställning från elevernas egna?</p><p>För att kunna genomföra studien har vi valt att intervjua fem engelsklärare i år 4-6 i en och samma kommun i Sverige. För att få reda på elevernas motivation och intresse i ämnet har vi gjort en enkätundersökning i de klasser där intervjurespondenterna undervisar.</p><p>Resultatet visar att lärarna är ganska lika då det gäller val av undervisningsmetod. Samtliga lärare är kommunikativt inriktade men är inte särskilt insatta i olika undervisningsmetoder utan grundar sig istället på styrdokumentens syn. Vi kan dock se att de har influenser av metoden Communicative Language Teaching i sin undervisning. Eftersom lärarna inte medvetet använder sig av någon specifik metod blev vår andra frågeställning svår att besvara och vi fick istället inrikta oss på hur de gör för att individualisera undervisningen. Lärarna och eleverna har inte alltid samma uppfattning om elevernas motivation. Vi upptäckte att ett bra klassrumsklimat, höga men rimliga krav samt användandet av flera material än läromedlet har en positiv inverkan på motivationen.</p> / <p>The aim with this study is to see how English education can be practiced in the Swedish grades 4, 5 and 6. We are interested in seeing how different teachers in different schools work and what teaching methods they use. At the same time we want to see how the pupils’ needs and interests affect the choice of teaching method. We also want to study how the choice of method influences the pupils’ motivation in the English subject. Our question formulations are:</p><p>• What methods do English teachers use in their teaching and how can they be practiced?</p><p>• How do English teachers take every pupil’s individual needs in consideration when it comes to the choice of teaching method?</p><p>• What effect does the choice of teaching method have on the pupils when it comes to their interest and motivation in the English subject? Do the teachers’ opinions about the pupils’ attitudes differ from the pupils’?</p><p>To implement this study we have chosen to interview five English teachers in the Swedish grades 4-6 in the same commune in Sweden. To find out about the pupils’ motivation and interest in the subject we have done a questionnaire study in the classes where the respondents in the interview are teaching.</p><p>The result shows that the teachers are similar when it comes to the choice of teaching method. All teachers have a communicative approach but are not particularly conversant in different methods. Instead they base their thoughts on the view of the curriculum and the syllabus. However, we can see that they in their teaching, have influences from the method Communicative Language Teaching. Due to the fact that the teachers do not use a specific method, our second question formulation was difficult to answer and instead we had to focus on how they implement individualization. The teachers and the pupils do not always have they same opinion about the motivation of the pupils. We discovered that a good classroom climate, high but reasonable demands and the use of more materials than the teaching aid have positive affects on the motivation.</p>
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Ljungberg, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of the essay is to investigate the style of the dialogue in the movie Pulp Fiction and also to see if and how it changes depending on the context of the movie. The intention is to do this within a sociopragmatic theoretical framework. The manuscript has been used, along with the DVD with the movie itself.</p>
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The challenge of mixed-ability classes : How should upper secondary English teachers work in order to help the weaker students?Svärd, Ann-Christin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to find out how upper secondary English teachers should work in order to reach the weaker students. I am interested in what has been written about mixed-ability classes, the challenges they present and most of all how teachers of English need to work in such classes to reach all students, especially the weaker ones.</p><p>I have also interviewed three upper secondary teachers about how they work to reach the weaker students in their classes.</p><p>My findings are that, according to the teachers interviewed, the best way to deal with the problem is to bring back ability grouping. The literature I read mostly had negative views on this method and stressed the importance of differentiation and motivation instead. Both the literature and the teachers claimed that a good atmosphere, clear instructions, structure and setting routines were the most important factors when working with mixed ability classes.</p>
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Swedish problems with English prepositionsBlom, Liane January 2007 (has links)
<p>English prepositions cause problems for learners of English. The way prepositions are taught has impact on how students learn. Using corpora in teaching makes it possible for teachers and pupils to explore language together and is a good alternative to filling in missing prepositions on worksheets. Sometimes linguistic errors are caused by mother tongue interference. Little research has been made earlier with a Swedish contrastive approach to prepositions but a great deal of literature concern language transfer and mother tongue interference. This essay is written on the assumption that Swedish as a first language interferes with English and causes prepositional mistakes.</p><p>Two classes of ninth graders participated in my investigation. I wanted to find out if students performed better when they had given answers to choose from or when they had to produce the preposition themselves. My study proved that pupils had a better knowledge of prepositions perceptively than productively. It also proved that learners resorted to Swedish when they did not know the correct answer. Many learners fail to recognise prepositions as parts of multiword expressions. By teaching students how to notice grammatical collocations and lexical chunks we can help them to achieve acceptable levels of language proficiency and accuracy.</p>
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Grammar : A Study of Opinions on Using Fiction in Grammar TeachingSandell, Li-Sandra January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this essay is to investigate teachers’, students’ and researchers’ opinions on the idea of using literature to motivate students into learning grammar. How is and how could authentic texts be used in grammar teaching?</p><p>My research is based on a questionnaire given to 23 students at an upper secondary school after participating in a lesson constructed to try out the essay thesis. The essay is also based on literature on the subject and three personal interviews.</p><p>The students were very positive towards the idea and stated that it would feel more real to be taught grammar from real texts. The teachers did not want to teach grammar sections as before. Instead they choose to use a more individual response strategy which they feel gives better results. The idea of giving individual response as a way of grammar teaching is also advocated in the background. The idea of using real texts instead of a textbook is given both positive and negative credit.</p>
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Verbaspekt i engelska språket : En undersökning av verbaspekt i engelska skönlitterära texter från tre århundraden / Verb Aspect in the English Language : A study of Three English Texts Regarding Verb AspectDrätting Ahlm, Ewa January 2002 (has links)
<p> Med detta arbete har jag försökt besvara frågan om progressiv form har ökat eller minskat i engelska skönlitterära romaner sedan 1813 till 1913 och vidare till 2001. Arbetet omfattar litteraturstudier avseende progressiv form och olika tempus i engelska språket. Mitt syfte var förutom att studera texter för att besvara frågan om frekvensen av progressiv form att klargöra vad progressiv form är och vilka tempus som finns, samt att besvara frågan om när man som språkstuderande bör vara medveten om vilken betydelseskillnad som föreligger då man använder enkel respektive progressiv form. Den tendens jag har funnit är att progressiv form har ökat från år 1813 till år 1913 och ytterligare till år 2001.</p> / <p>A study of three extracts from three English novels from three centuries regarding verb aspect, i.e. the progressive form. The tendency is that the progressive form has increased from 1813 to 1913 and further to 2001.</p>
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Teaching Strategies : Teachers’ views and attitudes towards reading problemsStagova, Emine January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract:</p><p>The aim with this study is to discuss teachers’ individual views and thoughts regarding working with pupils with reading problems in foreign language learning. The study is based on qualitative research and includes interviews with four working teachers at the upper secondary level at one school. The main focus is to illustrate strategies expressed by the teachers involved in this study concerning pupils and reading problems in foreign language learning. Some of the earlier studies done regarding this subject emphasize motivation as a good strategy to use in school in order to pay more attention to pupils and encourage them to do better. Furthermore, teachers should work with literature in a new way, thus making use of the new technology available such as computers and projectors. New technology would make education more appealing and allow pupils to be involved with literature in a new way, familiar to the pupils’ daily life activities.</p><p>This study is done accordingly to the approach of two theories, namely phenomenography and reader-response theory. This study does not aim to show any right or wrong strategies from the teachers, it only assumes to show their own thoughts and views regarding this issue. Hopefully this study would help and bring new ideas to forthcoming teachers about reading disabilities and teaching strategies.</p>
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She likes doing what he likes to do - A corpus study of like and its complementationEriksson, Louise January 2006 (has links)
<p>The following paper has been dedicated to the verb like, which is one of the verbs in the English language that can take either a to-infinitive or an -ing participle as a complement. The purpose of the paper is to examine if there are any differences in distribution and meaning between the two complements. The focus also lies on the different verbs occurring as complements, and the contrast between the verbs occurring as to-infinitives and as -ing participles. There are many theories which have been proposed on the subject that lie as a basis for the investigation.</p><p>The analysis was carried out by means of an investigation of sentences taken from the COBUILDDIRECT corpus, and includes both spoken and written British and American English. The outcome of the analysis has demonstrated that there is usually agreement between the theories and the results; however, there is not always a difference of meaning between the two complements. Moreover, the analysis suggests that there is a difference of verbs occurring as to-infinitives and -ing participles; the would like to construction represents a fixed expression and often occurs together with performative verbs. Finally, the conclusion has been drawn that there is a small but visible difference between the occurrences of the spoken and the written subcorpora when discussing both meaning and verbs occurring as complements. Since the to-infinitive complement is more common than the -ing participle in newspapers, books, and spoken English, the difference includes both detached and involved style as well as a regional difference between British and American English.</p>
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The Swedish translation of concessive conjuncts in Dan Brown’s Angels and DemonsPoltan, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to present and analyze the translation of seven selected concessive conjuncts – anyway, however, although, though, still, nonetheless and yet – in Dan Brown’s novel Angels and Demons translated by Ola Klingberg, by means of a comparative method combined with a qualitative analysis. Background and theory are mainly based on Altenberg (1999, 2002) for the conjuncts and Ingo (1991) for translation strategies. The aim is fulfilled by answering the three research questions: 1. How does Klingberg translate the seven selected concessive conjuncts into Swedish? 2. What factors influence the choice of translation alternative? 3. What kinds of strategies does Klingberg use? The main result is that the conjuncts translate into many different alternatives, although most frequently into the Swedish adversative men, followed by a Swedish concessive like ändå. However, the analysis of anyway is inconclusive because there were not enough tokens. The main conclusion is that translation is a difficult area to be involved in since numerous aspects affect the choice of translation alternative, even though it is shown that it is definitely possible to translate more or less ‘correctly’. A second conclusion is that some words are more likely to be translated with a particular word than others.</p>
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