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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trajetórias ocupacionais de engenheiros jovens no Brasil. / Occupational trajectories of young engineers in Brazil.

Araujo, Bruno César Pino Oliveira de 24 February 2016 (has links)
Esta tese analisa 9.041 trajetórias ocupacionais de jovens engenheiros como empregados formais no Brasil entre 2003-2012, a partir da técnica de Optimal Matching Analysis (OMA). Estas trajetórias foram comparadas às de uma geração anterior de jovens engenheiros, tanto em seu período-base (1995-2002) como entre 2003-2012, a fim de identificar efeitos de idade e período. Os principais resultados são: (i) conforme esperado, trajetórias ocupacionais ligadas à gestão (em áreas correlatas à engenharia ou não) são as que oferecem remuneração mais alta em todos os períodos analisados; (ii) nos anos 2000, o terceiro padrão mais atrativo para os jovens daquela geração foi permanecer como engenheiro típico, caminho perseguido por praticamente metade deles, enquanto tal atratividade não foi verificada nos anos 1990; (iii) o salário de entrada dos jovens engenheiros subiu 24% em termos reais entre 1995 e 2003; (iv) há pouca mobilidade de trajetória ocupacional por parte da geração dos engenheiros de 1995 após 2003; (v) os jovens engenheiros de 1995 que permaneceram como engenheiros típicos durante os anos 2000 chegaram a 2012 ganhando apenas 14% a mais do que os jovens engenheiros de 2003 (com 8 anos a menos de experiência); para comparação, os gestores da geração 90 ganhavam em torno de 50% a mais do que os da geração 2000; (vi) há dois momentos de definição de trajetória ocupacional: um primeiro ocorre até 3 anos após o primeiro emprego, mas promoções a cargos de gestão podem ocorrer entre 8 e 10 anos. Estes resultados indicam que, se por um lado houve uma revalorização dos profissionais de engenharia na última década, por outro lado esta revalorização não trouxe engenheiros anteriormente formados a carreiras típicas em engenharia. Isto, aliado à baixa demanda pelos cursos de engenharia durante os anos 80 e 90, corrobora a hipótese de um hiato geracional entre os engenheiros, documentado em artigos anteriores. / This PhD dissertation analyzes 9,041 occupational trajectories of young engineers as formal employees in Brazil in 2003-2012, using Optimal Matching Analysis (OMA). These trajectories were compared to those of a previous generation of young engineers, both in its base period (1995-2002) and in 2003-2012, to identify age and period effects. The main results are: (i) as expected, management occupational trajectories (in areas related to engineering or not) pay higher wages, in all periods; (ii) in the 2000s, the third most attractive trajectory was to remain as typical engineer, path pursued by nearly half of young engineers, however, this was not verified in the 1990s; (iii) entry wages of young engineers rose 24% in real terms between 1995 and 2003; (iv) there is little occupational mobility by the generation of 1995 engineers after 2003; (v) young engineers of 1995 who remained as typical engineers during the 2000s earned only 14% more in 2012 than young engineers of 2003; for comparison, in 2012 managers from the 90s earned about 50% more those from the 2000s; (vi) there are two defining moments of occupational trajectory: a first occurs until three years after the first job, but promotions to management positions can take place between 8 and 10 years. These results indicate that, on the one hand, there was a revaluation of engineers over the past decade; on the other hand, this did not attracted former bachelors back to typical careers in Engineering. This, combined with low demand for engineering courses during the 80s and 90s, supports the hypothesis of a generational gap among engineers, documented in previous articles.

Tecnoburocracia e pensamento desenvolvimentista em Minas Gerais (1903-1969) / Technical bureaucracy and developmentalist thought in Minas Gerais (1903-1969)

Barbosa, Daniel Henrique Diniz 13 July 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a abordar a construção de um conjunto de estratégias voltadas ao desenvolvimento econômico do estado de Minas Gerais a partir, especialmente, do início do século XX e sobretudo da atuação de uma elite tecno-burocrata que, originalmente, foi composta pelos engenheiros formados pela Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto e, posteriormente, por engenheiros formados principalmente pela Escola de Engenharia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e, por fim, pelos economistas graduados pela Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Econômicas da mesma universidade. Procura, neste sentido, discutir a possibilidade de ter surgido, em Minas, agenda dedicada ao planejamento da economia e à intervenção por parte do poder público já desde o princípio do século XX. Nela, elementos como a modernização agrícola, a diversificação produtiva, o ensino técnico e profissionalizante, a exploração mineral e a implantação da grande siderurgia forjaram uma consciência regional que percebia, no Estado, seu formulador, organizador e financiador primordial e, notadamente no corpo técnico, seu mais perfeito executor. O trabalho também procura abordar como essa consciência regional se constrói na oposição estabelecida com países ou regiões desenvolvidas, pautando as estratégias regionais sempre por constante e reafirmada avaliação de atraso relativo da economia mineira. Discorre sobre os mecanismos de mobilização desta agenda, por meio da análise de planos regionais de desenvolvimento que se sucedem entre as décadas de 1930 e 1960, bem como sobre as estratégias estabelecidas pelo corpo técnico encetam transformações no percurso da construção política do desenvolvimento econômico regional. Aborda, por conseguinte, as próprias nervuras deste corpo técnico, intentando percebê-lo em suas contradições e, sobretudo, nas articulações institucionais que sustentam suas atuações e suas leituras sobre o desenvolvimento regional. Para tanto, baseia o trabalho em pesquisa bibliográfica atinente ao tema estudado e no aparato documental compilado e analisado referências apresentadas ao final deste volume. / This work discusses the construction of a set of strategies focused on economic development of the state of Minas Gerais, especially after the start of the 20th century, and above all, the work of a techno-bureaucratic elite that was originally composed of engineers with degrees from Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto (Ouro Preto School of Mines), and later, of engineers mainly from the Engineering School at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, and finally, of economists with degrees from the Business Management and Accounting College of that same university. The work examines the possibility that an agenda dedicated to economic planning and to government intervention since the beginning of the 20th century may have arisen in Minas. In it, elements like agricultural modernization, diversification of production, technical and professional teaching, mineral exploration and the implementation of a major steelmaking industry forged a regional consciousness that saw, in the State, its primary formulator, organizer and financier, and notably in its technical corps, it most perfect executor. This study also examines how this regional awareness is built in the opposition established with developed counties or regions, guiding regional strategies by a constant and reaffirmed evaluation of the relative backwardness of the economy in Minas. It discusses the mechanisms for mobilization of this agenda, through the analysis of successive regional development plans between the 1930s and 1960s, and how the strategies established by the technical corps inaugurating transformations into the path of political construction of the regional economic development. Finally, it examines the very nerves of this technical corps, attempting to see their contradictions, and above, all, their institutional articulations that serve as the basis for their activity and their reading on regional development. To achieve this, the work is based on bibliographic research of the topic studied and on the documents compiled and analyzed, with references presented at the end of this volume.

Engenheiros, mulheres, matemáticos: interesses e disputas na profissionalização da matemática na Bahia (1896-1968). / Engineers, women, mathematicians: interests and disputes in profissionalization of mathematics in Bahia (1896-1968).

Dias, Andre Luis Mattedi 12 April 2002 (has links)
Apresento aqui o resultado da pesquisa que realizei sobre a história da matemática na Bahia no período demarcado pela fundação da Escola Polytechnica da Bahia (EP) em 1896; pela fundação da Faculdade de Filosofia da Bahia (FF), em 1941; pela fundação Instituto de Matemática e Física da Universidade da Bahia (IMF) em 1960; e pelo desmembramento desse último nos dois atuais Instituto de Matemática (IM) e Instituto de Física (IF) da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) em 1968, por ocasião da implantação da Reforma Universitária. Essa pesquisa vem juntar-se a outras também dedicadas aos problemas da difusão, recepção, apropriação e institucionalização da matemática moderna de raízes européias no contexto sociocultural brasileiro. Estava interessado em contribuir para a análise histórica da institucionalização das atividades matemáticas no Brasil, em particular, daqueles processos resultantes da implantação no país das primeiras universidades e das suas respectivas faculdades de filosofia a partir da terceira décadas do século XX. Como ocorreu a transição da matemática dos engenheiros da EP para a matemática da FF? Como foi o processo de implantação do IMF, primeiro instituto de matemática autônomo no âmbito da Universidade da Bahia (UBa)? Quando e como os matemáticos ocuparam o lugar dos engenheiros no exercício da matemática? Quais estratégias, quais alianças, quais interesses foram mobilizados para que conseguissem ocupar um território até então exclusivo dos engenheiros? Quais as contribuições da UBa e da FF nesse processo? Como se deu a conquista, pelos matemáticos baianos, dos novos espaços institucionais onde puderem implantar um novo modo de fazer matemática, atendendo a seus interesses e objetivos, organizados segundo suas normas e valores? Inicialmente, tentei mostrar que a inserção das atividades matemáticas no âmbito profissional dos engenheiros baianos não era algo ocasional ou assistemático, mas tratava-se de uma prática social bem instituída, academicamente estruturada e eticamente normatizada. Isto é, já existia uma atividade matemática bem estabelecida no âmbito das EP. A localização da Revista Brasileira de Matemática Elementar foi considerada um bom indicador disso, pois foi a primeira revista brasileira dedicada especificamente à matemática, publicada na Bahia, por estudantes da EP e, em pouco tempo de circulação, arregimentou uma numerosa rede de representantes e correspondentes espalhados pelos quatro cantos do país. Estudantes, professores e catedráticos de ginásios, colégios, escolas normais e de engenharia receberam regularmente, durante aproximadamente três anos, artigos sobre 'matemáticas elementares', mas também sobre 'matemáticas superiores', inicialmente traduzidos de revistas européias, de autores de diversas nacionalidades, de matemáticos em plena atividade de vanguarda científica, como também de matemáticos interessados por questões pedagógicas, históricas ou filosóficas. A partir de um determinado momento, os números da revista passaram a ser preenchidos pelos escritos dos próprios engenheiros/matemáticos brasileiros, inclusive os próprios catedráticos da EP. Depois, destaquei a presença majoritária das mulheres no curso de matemática da FF e tentei mostrar como algumas delas desenvolveram certas expectativas profissionais e se posicionaram na vanguarda que projetou e tentou implementar uma mudança nos rumos institucionais da matemática na UBa. Enfatizei o intercâmbio dessas mulheres com lideranças científicas de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro, que resultou numa tentativa de institucionalização de novos padrões de exercíco da matemática na Bahia. O IMF foi enfocado como o momento culminante desse processo, quando foi alvo dos interesses de alguns grupos científicos e acadêmicos, que ora se associaram, ora se defrontaram na disputa pelo poder de implantar os seus próprios projetos e fazer valer os seus interesses. / I present the result of the research that I accomplished on the history of the mathematics in Bahia in the period demarcated by the foundation of Escola Polytechnica da Bahia (EP) in 1896; Faculdade de Filosofia da Bahia (FF), in 1941; and the Intituto de Matemática e Física da Universiadade da Bahia (IMF) in 1960, that would be shared in the Intituto de Matemática (IM) and the Instituto de Física (IF) of the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) in 1968, after the university reform. This research deals with the problems of the diffusion, reception, appropriation and institucionalização of the modern European mathematics in the Brazilian cultural context. My ambition was contributing for the historical analysis of the institutionalization of mathematical activities in Brazil, in particular, of those processes which resulted of the implantation of the first universities and its respective philosophy faculties in the country after the third decades of the 20th century. How did it happen the transition of mathematics of the EP's engineers for the FF's mathematics? How was the process of implantation of IMF, first autonomous mathematics institute in the ambit of the Universidade da Bahia (UBa)? When and how did the mathematicians occupy the engineers' place in the exercise of the mathematics? Which strategies, which alliances, which interests were mobilized so that they got to occupy a territory until then exclusive of the engineers? Which the contributions of UBa and of FF in that process? How did mathematicians from Bahia conquered new institutional spaces where they could implant a new way of doing mathematics, assisting its interests and objectives, its norms and values? Initially, I tried to show that professional engineers' mathematical activities in Bahia was not something occasional or asystematic, but it was an instituted social practice, academically structured and ethically established. That is, a mathematical activity already existed very established in the ambit of EP. Revista Brasileira de Matemática Elementar Mathematics was considered a good indicator of that, because it was the first Brazilian magazine specifically dedicated to the mathematics, published in Bahia, for students of EP and, in little time of circulation, it regimented a numerous net of representatives and corresponding spread by the the country. Students, teachers and professors of gyms, schools, normal and engineering schools received this magazine regularly, during approximately three years, that issued articles on 'elementary' mathematics, but also on 'superior' mathematics, initially translated of European magazines, of authors of several nationalities, of mathematicians in full activity of scientific vanguard, as well as of mathematicians interested by pedagogic, historical or philosophical subjects. After some issues, the magazine became filled by the Brazilian engineer's mathematical writings, including professors of EP. Then, I highlighted the women's majority presence in mathematics undergraduate course of FF and I tried to show how some of them developed certain professional expectations and how they positioned themselves in the vanguard that projected and tried to implement a change in the institutional directions of mathematics in UBa. I emphasized those women's exchange with scientific leaderships of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, that resulted an attempt of institutionalization of new patterns mathematics activities in Bahia. IMF was focused as the culminating moment of that process, when it was the focus of the interests of some scientific and academic groups, that some times associated themselves, other times confronted in the dispute by the power for implant its own projects in benefit its proper interests.

Arquitetura e educação superior: projetos e realizações dos engenheiros-arquitetos da Poli / Architecture and higher education: projects and achievements of the architectural-engineers of the Poli

Caram, Andre Luis Balsante 25 April 2014 (has links)
Ligada ao contexto de institucionalização dos cursos de engenharia na cidade de São Paulo, a fundação da Escola Politécnica de São Paulo proporcionou a formação de profissionais e técnicos necessários para atenderem às demandas sociais e aos desafios de uma cidade em rápido processo de urbanização, na primeira metade do século XX. Em 1896, a Escola Politécnica passou a oferecer o curso de engenheiro-arquiteto que perdurou até 1954. Entre os 119 profissionais formados neste curso, muitos se destacaram no campo profissional público e privado, produzindo obras que contribuíram para a transformação da paisagem urbana de São Paulo. Desta vasta produção, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar os projetos e obras destinados ao ensino superior que foram desenvolvidos pelos engenheiros-arquitetos formados pela Escola Politécnica de São Paulo, e trazer à tona contribuições que são pouco conhecidas na historiografia urbanística e arquitetônica brasileira. Abordando a evolução da instituição universitária até a criação do conceito de campus e os impactos da Segunda Revolução Industrial na transformação do ensino superior, a pesquisa também analisa as propostas pedagógicas e espaciais para o planejamento e a implantação do espaço universitário brasileiro, principalmente, na criação da Universidade do Rio de Janeiro (1920), e da Universidade de São Paulo (1934), duas instituições que receberam estudos dos engenheiros-arquitetos da Poli. Percorrendo mais de sete décadas, foram identificados projetos e obras que contribuíram para a construção dos espaços da Escola Politécnica de São Paulo, quando estava instalada no bairro da Luz; para o planejamento e o desenho da Cidade Universitária \"Armando de Salles Oliveira\" da Universidade de São Paulo; e para o planejamento de outros centros acadêmicos em diversos locais do país. Várias questões cercaram esta produção, entre elas os debates em torno do ensino e da regulamentação profissional, e do crescimento da influência da arquitetura moderna no cenário eclético da cidade e na formação e na prática destes profissionais. / The foundation of The Polytechnic School of São Paulo (also referred to as \"The Poli\") institutionalized engineering courses in the city of São Paulo, enabling the formation of professionals and technicians to meet the social needs and challenges of a city undergoing rapid urbanization during the first half of the 20th century. The Polytechnic School offered a course in architectural-engineering from 1896 to 1954. Many of the 119 students who graduated during this time came to occupy major positions in the public and private sectors, making great contributions to the transformation of the urban landscape of São Paulo. The aim of this research was to study the projects and works for the buildings of institutions of higher education that were designed and carried out by the architectural-engineers that graduated from The Polytechnic School of São Paulo, drawing attention to their contributions, which are little recognized in urban historiography and Brazilian architecture. Considering the evolution of the university as an institution until the advent of the campus and the impact of the Second Industrial Revolution on the transformation of higher education, this study also analyzes the pedagogical and spatial proposals for the planning and implantation of universities in Brazil, principally in the creation of the universities of Rio de Janeiro (1920) and São Paulo (1934), both of which involved studies by architectural engineers of the Poli. Projects and works spanning more than seven decades that contributed to the construction of The Polytechnic School of São Paulo were identified, following its establishment in the urban district of Luz; these include the planning and design of the so-called University City \"Armando de Salles Oliveira\" of the University of São Paulo and of other academic centers in various locations in Brazil. A number of issues impinged on the development of these projects, including debates concerning education and professional regulation, as well as the burgeoning influence of modern architecture not only on the eclectic city environment but also on the training and practices of these professional.

Engenheiros, mulheres, matemáticos: interesses e disputas na profissionalização da matemática na Bahia (1896-1968). / Engineers, women, mathematicians: interests and disputes in profissionalization of mathematics in Bahia (1896-1968).

Andre Luis Mattedi Dias 12 April 2002 (has links)
Apresento aqui o resultado da pesquisa que realizei sobre a história da matemática na Bahia no período demarcado pela fundação da Escola Polytechnica da Bahia (EP) em 1896; pela fundação da Faculdade de Filosofia da Bahia (FF), em 1941; pela fundação Instituto de Matemática e Física da Universidade da Bahia (IMF) em 1960; e pelo desmembramento desse último nos dois atuais Instituto de Matemática (IM) e Instituto de Física (IF) da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) em 1968, por ocasião da implantação da Reforma Universitária. Essa pesquisa vem juntar-se a outras também dedicadas aos problemas da difusão, recepção, apropriação e institucionalização da matemática moderna de raízes européias no contexto sociocultural brasileiro. Estava interessado em contribuir para a análise histórica da institucionalização das atividades matemáticas no Brasil, em particular, daqueles processos resultantes da implantação no país das primeiras universidades e das suas respectivas faculdades de filosofia a partir da terceira décadas do século XX. Como ocorreu a transição da matemática dos engenheiros da EP para a matemática da FF? Como foi o processo de implantação do IMF, primeiro instituto de matemática autônomo no âmbito da Universidade da Bahia (UBa)? Quando e como os matemáticos ocuparam o lugar dos engenheiros no exercício da matemática? Quais estratégias, quais alianças, quais interesses foram mobilizados para que conseguissem ocupar um território até então exclusivo dos engenheiros? Quais as contribuições da UBa e da FF nesse processo? Como se deu a conquista, pelos matemáticos baianos, dos novos espaços institucionais onde puderem implantar um novo modo de fazer matemática, atendendo a seus interesses e objetivos, organizados segundo suas normas e valores? Inicialmente, tentei mostrar que a inserção das atividades matemáticas no âmbito profissional dos engenheiros baianos não era algo ocasional ou assistemático, mas tratava-se de uma prática social bem instituída, academicamente estruturada e eticamente normatizada. Isto é, já existia uma atividade matemática bem estabelecida no âmbito das EP. A localização da Revista Brasileira de Matemática Elementar foi considerada um bom indicador disso, pois foi a primeira revista brasileira dedicada especificamente à matemática, publicada na Bahia, por estudantes da EP e, em pouco tempo de circulação, arregimentou uma numerosa rede de representantes e correspondentes espalhados pelos quatro cantos do país. Estudantes, professores e catedráticos de ginásios, colégios, escolas normais e de engenharia receberam regularmente, durante aproximadamente três anos, artigos sobre 'matemáticas elementares', mas também sobre 'matemáticas superiores', inicialmente traduzidos de revistas européias, de autores de diversas nacionalidades, de matemáticos em plena atividade de vanguarda científica, como também de matemáticos interessados por questões pedagógicas, históricas ou filosóficas. A partir de um determinado momento, os números da revista passaram a ser preenchidos pelos escritos dos próprios engenheiros/matemáticos brasileiros, inclusive os próprios catedráticos da EP. Depois, destaquei a presença majoritária das mulheres no curso de matemática da FF e tentei mostrar como algumas delas desenvolveram certas expectativas profissionais e se posicionaram na vanguarda que projetou e tentou implementar uma mudança nos rumos institucionais da matemática na UBa. Enfatizei o intercâmbio dessas mulheres com lideranças científicas de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro, que resultou numa tentativa de institucionalização de novos padrões de exercíco da matemática na Bahia. O IMF foi enfocado como o momento culminante desse processo, quando foi alvo dos interesses de alguns grupos científicos e acadêmicos, que ora se associaram, ora se defrontaram na disputa pelo poder de implantar os seus próprios projetos e fazer valer os seus interesses. / I present the result of the research that I accomplished on the history of the mathematics in Bahia in the period demarcated by the foundation of Escola Polytechnica da Bahia (EP) in 1896; Faculdade de Filosofia da Bahia (FF), in 1941; and the Intituto de Matemática e Física da Universiadade da Bahia (IMF) in 1960, that would be shared in the Intituto de Matemática (IM) and the Instituto de Física (IF) of the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) in 1968, after the university reform. This research deals with the problems of the diffusion, reception, appropriation and institucionalização of the modern European mathematics in the Brazilian cultural context. My ambition was contributing for the historical analysis of the institutionalization of mathematical activities in Brazil, in particular, of those processes which resulted of the implantation of the first universities and its respective philosophy faculties in the country after the third decades of the 20th century. How did it happen the transition of mathematics of the EP's engineers for the FF's mathematics? How was the process of implantation of IMF, first autonomous mathematics institute in the ambit of the Universidade da Bahia (UBa)? When and how did the mathematicians occupy the engineers' place in the exercise of the mathematics? Which strategies, which alliances, which interests were mobilized so that they got to occupy a territory until then exclusive of the engineers? Which the contributions of UBa and of FF in that process? How did mathematicians from Bahia conquered new institutional spaces where they could implant a new way of doing mathematics, assisting its interests and objectives, its norms and values? Initially, I tried to show that professional engineers' mathematical activities in Bahia was not something occasional or asystematic, but it was an instituted social practice, academically structured and ethically established. That is, a mathematical activity already existed very established in the ambit of EP. Revista Brasileira de Matemática Elementar Mathematics was considered a good indicator of that, because it was the first Brazilian magazine specifically dedicated to the mathematics, published in Bahia, for students of EP and, in little time of circulation, it regimented a numerous net of representatives and corresponding spread by the the country. Students, teachers and professors of gyms, schools, normal and engineering schools received this magazine regularly, during approximately three years, that issued articles on 'elementary' mathematics, but also on 'superior' mathematics, initially translated of European magazines, of authors of several nationalities, of mathematicians in full activity of scientific vanguard, as well as of mathematicians interested by pedagogic, historical or philosophical subjects. After some issues, the magazine became filled by the Brazilian engineer's mathematical writings, including professors of EP. Then, I highlighted the women's majority presence in mathematics undergraduate course of FF and I tried to show how some of them developed certain professional expectations and how they positioned themselves in the vanguard that projected and tried to implement a change in the institutional directions of mathematics in UBa. I emphasized those women's exchange with scientific leaderships of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, that resulted an attempt of institutionalization of new patterns mathematics activities in Bahia. IMF was focused as the culminating moment of that process, when it was the focus of the interests of some scientific and academic groups, that some times associated themselves, other times confronted in the dispute by the power for implant its own projects in benefit its proper interests.

Improving Vehicle Trip Generation Estimations for Urban Contexts: A Method Using Household Travel Surveys to Adjust ITE Trip Generation Rates

Currans, Kristina Marie 25 July 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to develop and test a widely available, ready-to-use method for adjusting the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook vehicle trip generation estimates for urban context using regional household travel survey data. The ITE Handbook has become the predominant method for estimating vehicle trips generated by different land uses or establishment, providing a method for data collection and vehicle trip estimation based on the size of the development (e.g. gross square footage, number of employees, number of dwelling units). These estimates are used in traffic impact analysis to assess the amount of impact the development will have on nearby transportation facilities and, the corresponding charges for mitigating the development's negative impacts, with roadway expansions, added turning bays, additional parking or traffic signalization, for example. The Handbook is often criticized, however, for its inability to account for variations in travel modes across urban contexts. For more than fifty years, ITE has collected suburban, vehicle-oriented data on trip generation for automobiles only. Despite the provision of warnings against application in urban areas, local governments continue to require the use of the ITE Handbook across all area-types. By over predicting vehicle traffic to developments in urban developments, developments may be overcharged to mitigate these developments locating in urban environments despite the lower automobile mode shares, discouraging infill development or densification. When ITE's Trip Generation Handbook overestimates the vehicle impact of a development, facilities are also overbuilt for the automobile traffic and diminishing the use of alternative modes. When ITE's TGH underestimates this impact, adjacent facilities may become oversaturated with traffic, pushing cars onto smaller facilities nearby. Currently, there is momentum amongst practitioners to improve these estimation techniques in urban contexts to help support smart growth and better plan for multiple modes. This research developed and tested a method to adjust ITE's Handbook vehicle trip generation estimates for changes in transportation mode shares in more urban contexts using information from household travel surveys. Mode share adjustments provide direct reductions to ITE's Handbook vehicle trip estimations. Household travel survey (HTS) data from three regions were collected: Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; and Baltimore, Maryland. These data were used to estimate the automobile mode share rates across urban context using three different adjustment methodologies: (A) a descriptive table of mode shares across activity density ranges, (B) a binary logistic regression that includes a built environment description of urban context with the best predictive power, and (C) a binary logistic regression that includes a built environment description of urban context with high predictive power and land use policy-sensitivity. Each of these three methods for estimating the automobile mode share across urban context were estimated for each of nine land use categories, resulting in nine descriptive tables (Adjustment A) and eighteen regressions (Adjustments B and C). Additionally, a linear regression was estimated to predict vehicle occupancy rates across urban contexts for each of nine land use categories. 195 independently collected establishment-level vehicle trip generation data were collected in accordance with the ITE Handbook to validate and compare the performance of the three adjustment methods and estimations from the Handbook. Six land use categories (out of the nine estimated) were able to be tested. Out of all of the land uses tested and verified, ITE's Trip Generation Handbook appeared to have more accurate estimations for land uses that included residential condominiums/townhouses (LUC 230), supermarkets (LUC 850) and quality (sit-down) restaurants (LUC 931). Moderate or small improvements were observed when applying urban context adjustments to mid-rise apartments (LUC 223), high-turnover (sit-down) restaurants (LUC 932). The most substantial improvements occurred at high-rise apartments (LUC 222) and condominiums/townhouses (LUC 232), shopping centers (LUC 820), or coffee/donut (LUC 936) or bread/donut/bagel shops (LUC 939) without drive-through windows. The three methods proposed to estimate automobile mode share provides improvements to the Handbook rates for most infill developments in urban environments. For the land uses analyzed, it appeared a descriptive table of mode shares across activity density provided results with comparable improvements to the results from the more sophisticated binary logistic model estimations. Additional independently collected establishment-level data collections representing more land uses, time periods and time of days are necessary to determine how ITE's Handbook performs in other circumstances, including assessing the transferability of the vehicle trip end rates or mode share reductions across regions.

U.S. Military Intelligence in Mexico, 1917-1927: An Analysis

Gottfried, Corbett S. 24 October 1995 (has links)
The Military Intelligence Division (MID) was the U.S. Army's intelligence agency that reported to the Chief of Staff within the War Department. During the years 1917- 1927, the MID routinely conducted surveillance of Mexico, including: espionage, mail censorship, radio intercepts, intelligence gathering, and development of plans for the invasion of Mexico. This study utilizes a tripartite model to evaluate the production and analysis of military "intelligence" by the MID in Mexico during the period 1917-1927. First, the organization and development of the Military Intelligence Division from its origins in 1885 through the year 1927 is explored with sections on institutional history and objects of investigation. Second, a quantitative analysis of intelligence documents identifies the focus and priorities of the MID in Mexico. Third, a textual analysis of intelligence documents makes use of a cross-cultural framework to demonstrate the prevailing attitudes, perspectives and world views of the MID toward the Mexican state and its peoples. The thesis question as to whether the U.S. Military Intelligence Division created an accurate and complete picture of "reality" of Mexico is answered in the negative. The MID perspective was colored by cultural bias, ignorance, and misunderstanding. Ultimately, the MID failed to grasp the reality of Mexico because it failed to ask the right questions. It seriously misunderstood the nature of Mexico and its peoples, especially in its relationship with the United States .. The particular model developed for this study lends itself to the possibility of further research in the area of international history and cross-cultural studies. The use of multiple analysis techniques provides a more comprehensive picture of the various factors involved that influence historical events.

Tacit Knowledge Capture and the Brain-Drain at Electrical Utilities

Perjanik, Nicholas Steven 01 January 2016 (has links)
As a consequence of an aging workforce, electric utilities are at risk of losing their most experienced and knowledgeable electrical engineers. In this research, the problem was a lack of understanding of what electric utilities were doing to capture the tacit knowledge or know-how of these engineers. The purpose of this qualitative research study was to explore the tacit knowledge capture strategies currently used in the industry by conducting a case study of 7 U.S. electrical utilities that have demonstrated an industry commitment to improving operational standards. The research question addressed the implemented strategies to capture the tacit knowledge of retiring electrical engineers and technical personnel. The research methodology involved a qualitative embedded case study. The theories used in this study included knowledge creation theory, resource-based theory, and organizational learning theory. Data were collected through one time interviews of a senior electrical engineer or technician within each utility and a workforce planning or training professional within 2 of the 7 utilities. The analysis included the use of triangulation and content analysis strategies. Ten tacit knowledge capture strategies were identified: (a) formal and informal on-boarding mentorship and apprenticeship programs, (b) formal and informal off-boarding mentorship programs, (c) formal and informal training programs, (d) using lessons learned during training sessions, (e) communities of practice, (f) technology enabled tools, (g) storytelling, (h) exit interviews, (i) rehiring of retirees as consultants, and (j) knowledge risk assessments. This research contributes to social change by offering strategies to capture the know-how needed to ensure operational continuity in the delivery of safe, reliable, and sustainable power.

A Web-based Database For Experimental Structural Engineering Research

Turer, Oncel Umut 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study presents a web-based database application for storing experimental data and related documents at a single location and sharing them among researchers and engineers from all over the world. The database application, accessible from a website was developed for experimental structural engineering researches, and initially tested at Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department, METU. The application is composed of two parts. The first part is the database that stores information about projects, specimens, experiments, experimental data, documentation, site members, and member groups at the server side. The second part is the website that provides a functional user interface for easy use of application and providing accessibility from everywhere via internet. After the development of the database and the website, these two parts were attached to each other and application functionalities that enabled users to create, modify, search, and delete projects, specimens and experiments / allowed users to upload/download documentation and experimental data / provided abilities to users to plot test data and share their opinions were ensured. ASP.NET framework and C# programming language was utilized for the web application development. Functionality and usability of the database application was then tested by uploading and sharing various experimental results.

Bottlenecks and constraints within the local labour market for engineers in the petrochemical industry sector : a case study of Engen Refinery, Wentworth.

Rowe, Kelley. January 2009 (has links)
This research investigates the specific labour market dynamics that underline the shortage of engineers in the Petrochemical Industry in South Africa. The central argument of this dissertation is that an understanding of a skills shortage requires a distinct knowledge of the internal and external nature of each labour market in which the shortage is being experienced. This dissertation develops a critique of the neoclassical perspective which dominates current analysis of skill shortages. While it is important to understand the external labour market, it is equally important to consider the internal labour market to better identify and understand the specific dynamics that underline a skills shortage in an organisation and industry. Using Engen Refinery as a case study, this dissertation focuses on an in depth examination of the experiences of engineers working at the Refinery. The findings reveal that the dynamics that underline the skill shortage of engineers in the Petrochemical Industry in the South African context are manifold. Skill shortages are a consequence of dynamics in both the external and internal labour market; these I argue are interrelated. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2009.

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