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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Padrão da atividade locomotora e expressão de EAAC1 e GLT1 no córtex pré-frontal e entorrinal de ratos criados em isolamento a partir do desmame / Pattern of locomotor activity and expression of EAAC1 and GLT1 in prefrontal and entorhinal cortex of rats reared in isolation from weaning

Nayanne Beckmann Bosaipo 20 July 2012 (has links)
O estresse por isolamento social aplicado em ratos a partir do desmame e mantido durante o desenvolvimento encefálico tem sido utilizado como um modelo experimental de desordens psiquiátricas como a esquizofrenia. Tem sido demonstrado que o isolamento induz alterações morfológicas, comportamentais (como hiperatividade em um novo ambiente) e neuroquímicas semelhantes àquelas que ocorrem em humanos esquizofrênicos. Evidências sugerem que as sinapses glutamatérgicas sejam o sitio primário das anormalidades que ocorrem na esquizofrenia, sendo as alterações dopaminérgicas secundárias às glutamatérgicas. Nesse sentido, alterações nos mecanismos de regulação desta neurotransmissão pelos transportadores de glutamato podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento e/ou manutenção da esquizofrenia. Neste estudo analisamos o padrão de atividade locomotora e a expressão de transportadores de glutamato (EAAC1 e GLT1) no córtex pré-frontal e córtex entorrinal de ratos criados em isolamento a partir do desmame. Ratos Wistar machos (PND21) foram aleatoriamente alocados em 2 grupos (n=11-12): controle (agrupados, 3 animais/caixa) ou isolados (1 animal/caixa) por 10 semanas. Os animais foram testados no campo aberto (arena) durante 20 min. e registrados: números de cruzamentos (exploração horizontal), número de levantamentos (exploração vertical) e tempo despendido, tanto no centro como na periferia da arena. Os grupos foram comparados utilizando ANOVA ou teste t de Student (significante quando p 0.05). Os animais foram anestesiados (uretana-Sigma, 25%, 5ml/kg), perfundidos e os encéfalos retirados, congelados e posteriormente utilizados nos experimentos de imunoistoquímica. Secções (40m) do córtex pré-frontal (CPF) e córtex entorrinal (CE) foram utilizadas para o estudo da expressão de EAAC1 e GLT1. A criação em isolamento induziu hiperatividade, com um aumento no número total de cruzamentos em relação aos animais agrupados (F1,22=0,38; p<0,05), sendo mais consistente na periferia da arena e após 5 minutos de teste (73%, (F1,22=14,08; p<0,001). Em contraste, o isolamento induziu redução no número total de levantamentos (F1,22=0,27; p=0,05), principalmente no centro da arena (58%, F1,22=12,48; p<0,01), nos primeiros 15 minutos de teste e significante no 1° e 3° blocos de tempo (BT1 e BT3). Na periferia o isolamento induziu aumento significante no número de levantamentos em BT2 e BT3. O tempo despendido no centro e na periferia da arena pelos animais criados em isolamento foi, respectivamente, reduzido (54%; F1,22=11,11; p<0,001) e aumentado (65%; F1,22=11,20; p<0,01) quando comparados aos animais agrupados. A expressão de EAAC1 foi significantemente aumentada pelo isolamento no CPF (38%, t= 2,730, p=0,017). Em contraste, nenhuma diferença foi encontrada no CE (t= 1,892; p= 0,081). O isolamento não induziu alteração no número de células imunopositivas para GLT1 no CPF (t=-1,28; p=0,21). Entretanto, marcação fluorescente de GLT1 foi observada associada a células gliais e neuroniais do CPF e CE. Os resultados comportamentais sugerem: i) ratos Wistar criados em isolamento social apresentam hiperatividade em novo ambiente; ii) a hiperatividade locomotora somente é detectável após períodos maiores que cinco minutos de exposição a um novo ambiente; iii) o padrão de exploração apresentado pelos animais demonstra clara preferência pela periferia da arena. Os resultados moleculares fornecem evidências para a participação dos transportadores de glutamato na redução da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica no CPF de ratos criados em isolamento a partir do desmame. / Isolation rearing of rats from weaning has been used as an experimental model of psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia. It has been demonstrated that isolation induces morphological, behavioral (like hyperactivity in a novel environment) and neurochemical changes similar to those reported for humans with schizophrenia. Evidence suggest that glutamatergic synapses might be the site of primary abnormalities in this disorder with the dopaminergic changes being secundary to the glutamatergic ones. In this context, changes on the mechanisms of regulation of the glutamatergic neurotransmission through glutamate transporters may contribute to the development and/or maintenance of schizophrenia. In this study we analyzed the pattern of locomotor activity and the expression of glutamate transporters (EAAC1 and GLT1) in prefrontal cortex and entorhinal cortex of rats reared in social isolation from weaning. Male Wistar rats (PND 21) were randomly allocated in 2 groups (n=11-12): control (grouped, 3 animals/cage) or isolated (1 animal/cage) for 10 weeks. The animals were tested in the open field (arena) for 20min. and recorded: number of crossings (horizontal exploration), number of rearings (vertical exploration) and time spent either at the center or at the periphery of the arena. The groups were compared using ANOVA or Sudents \"t\" test (significance level was set at p 0.05). The animals were anesthetized (urethane-Sigma, 25%, 5ml/kg), perfused and the brains removed, frozen and further used on the experiments of immunohistochemistry. Sections (40m) of the prefrontal córtex (PFC) and entorhinal córtex (EC) were used for studying the expression of EAAC1 and GLT1. Isolation rearing induced hyperactivity, with an increase in the number of crossings related to grouped animals (F1,22=0,38; p<0,05), being more consistent at the periphery of the arena and after 5 minutes of test (F1,22=14,08; p<0,001). In contrast, isolation induced a decrease in the total number of rearings (F1,22=0,27; p=0,05), mainly in the center of the arena (58%, F1,22=12,48; p<0,01), in the first 15 minutes of test and significant on the 1st and 3rd blocks of time (BT1 e BT3). In the periphery isolation induced a significant increase in the number of rearings in BT2 and BT3. The time spent in both center and periphery of the arena by the rats reared in isolation was, respectively, decreased (54%; F1,22=11,11; p<0,01) and increased (65%; F1,22=11,20; p<0,01) when compared to grouped rats. The expression of EAAC1 was significantly increased by isolation in PFC (38%, t = 2,730, p = 0,017). In contrast, no change was found in EC (t = 1,892, p = 0,081). Isolation rearing did not induce alterations in the number of immunopositive cells for GLT1 in PFC (t= -1,28; p = 0,21). However, fluorescent labeling of GLT1 was seen associated to both glial cells and neuronal cells. The behavioral results suggest: i) Wistar rats reared in social isolation present hyperactivity in a novel environment; ii) the hyperactivity is only detectable after periods longer than 5 minutes; iii) the pattern of exploration showed by the animals demonstrate clear preference for the periphery of the arena. The molecular results provide evidence for the involvement of glutamate transporters on the reduction of glutamatergic neurotranmission in PFC of rats reared in isolation from weaning.

L'effet de l'entraînement olfactif sur les capacités olfactives et l'épaisseur corticale de patients avec un trouble de l'odorat post-viral

Nuckle, Geneviève January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Molekulare Analyse der Nogo Expression und der Myelinisierung im Hippocampus während der Entwicklung und nach Läsion

Meier, Susan 21 February 2006 (has links)
Im Gegensatz zum peripheren Nervensystem (PNS) ist die Regenerationsfähigkeit im adulten zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS) von Vertebraten sehr eingeschränkt. Diese eingeschrängte Regenerationsfähigkeit wird im Wesentlichen durch das Vorhandensein von Myelin im adulten ZNS determiniert. Einerseits ist dieses Lipid für die Stabilisierung und Ernährung von Axonen sowie für die schnelle Reizweiterleitung unbedingt notwendig, andererseits stellt es den größten Inhibitor axonaler Regeneration dar. Myelin ist außerdem Zielstruktur diverser ZNS Pathologien, wie z.B. der Multiplen Sklerose. Für das Verständnis dieser Pathologien sowie der auswachsinhibitorischen Wirkung von Myelin wurde der Hippocampus als eine der plastischten ZNS Regionen gewählt. Dazu waren genaue Kenntnisse der Myeloarchitektur dieses Gebietes notwendig. Nach Etablierung einer zuverlässigen Detektierung für Myelin konnten in der vorliegenden Arbeit detailliert Myelinisierungsvorgänge im sich entwickelnden, im adulten und im deafferenzierten Hippocampus der Ratte analysiert werden. Während der Entwicklung erreichen die ersten entorhinale Axone den Hippocampus bereits am embryonal Tag 17 (E17); Myelin kann jedoch erst am postnatal Tag 17 (P17) lichtmikrokopisch nachgewiesen werden. Die Anzahl myelinisierter Fasern erreicht um den P25 ein Verteilungsmuster, welches dem von adulten Tieren gleicht. Nach Entorhinaler Cortex Läsion (ECL), bei der die Durchtrennung des Tractus perforans (PP) eine Denervation des Hippocampus bewirkt, kommt es zu einem langanhaltenden Verlust von Myelin. Zehn Tage nach Läsion (10 dal), also zum Zeitpunkt maximaler Aussprossung (Sprouting), kommt es zu einem Wiederkehren myelinisierter Fasern. Mehrere myelin-assoziierte Proteine, mit wachstumshemmenden Eigenschaften sind bekannt, wie z.B. die Familie der Nogo Gene (Nogo; englisch, kein Durchkommen). Diese werden ganz entschieden für den Verlust der Regenerationsfähigkeit des adulten ZNS verantwortlich gemacht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Expression der drei Nogo Gene (Nogo-A, -B, - C) und deren Rezeptor (Ng66R) während der postnatalen Entwicklung, im adulten ZNS sowie nach Läsion beschrieben. Ein erster überraschender Befund war die neuronale Expression der Nogos, die bisher nur in Oligodendrocyten nachgewiesen worden war. Zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem entorhinale Fasern bereits in den Hippocampus eingewachsen, aber noch nicht myelinisiert sind (P0), wird Nogo-A, -B und Ng66R mRNA mit Ausnahme der Körnerzellschicht des Gyrus dentatus in allen Zellschichten des sich entwickelnden Hippocampus detektiert. Nogo-C und myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA, werden erst am P15 expremiert, zu einem Zeitpunkt also, an dem myelinisierte Fasern erstmalig im Hippocampus auftreten. MBP wird ausschließlich in glialen, Nogo-C hingegen hauptsächlich in neuronalen Zellen exprimiert. Nach Deafferenzierung zeigt sich eine dynamische und Isoform- spezifische Regulation aller Nogo Transkripte. So zeigen die als erste von der Deafferenzierung betroffenen Körnerzellen zu Beginn der Waller`schen Degeneration sowie der neuronalen und glialen Antwort, eine starke Erhöhung aller Nogo Transkripte. Zum Zeitpunkt der maximalen Aussprossung kam es zu einem signifikanten Abfall der Nogo-C und Ng66R mRNA Expression, währendessen Nogo-A und Nogo-B bereits wieder das Kontrollniveau erreicht hatten. Vor allem im contralateralen Hippocampus, dem Hauptquellgebiet sproutender Fasern, imponierte die Runterregulation von Ng66R mRNA und zeigte erst nach Abschluß von axonalen Sproutingprozessen und der Synapsenformation wieder vergleichbare Werte mit den Kontrolltieren. Diese Korrelation der erniedrigten Ng66R Expression im contralateralen Hippocampus und dem axonalen Einwachsen in den deafferenzierten Hippocampus, läßt eine reduzierte axonale Ansprechbarkeit auf den Neuriten-Auswachshemmer Nogo-A vermuten, da bekannt ist, dass Axone, die kein Ng66R exprimieren, nicht durch die Nogo Gene im Wachstum gehemmt werden. Zusammenfassend kommt es während der Entwicklung und in der Reorganisationsphase zu einer spezifischen und geordneten Myelinisierung im Hippocampus. Die neuronale Expression von Nogo- A, -B und -C in einer so plastischen ZNS- Region unterstützt die Hypothese, dass den Nogo- Genen neben der reinen Hemmung von axonalen Auswachsen weitere Funktionen zuzuordnen sind. So scheinen sie vor allem während der Entwicklung und während der Stabilisierungsphase der hippocampalen Reorganisation eine wichtige Rolle einzunehmen. Die hier dargestellten Daten zeigen auf, dass vor einem therapeutischen Einsatz von Nogo- Antagonisten nach Schädigung deren Verträglichkeit bzw. unerwünschte Nebeneffekte ausgeschlossen werden müssen. / Compared to the peripheral neuronal system (PNS) the reorganisation capacity in the adult central neuronal system (CNS) is highly restricted. One important reason for the lack of reorganisation is the existence of myelin in the CNS. Myelin is crucial for the stabilization of axonal projections in the developing and adult mammalian brain. However, myelin components also act as a non-permissive and repellent substrate of outgrowing axons. In these thesis the appearance of mature, fully myelinated axons during hippocampal development and following entorhinal cortex lesion with the myelin-specific marker Black Gold is reported. Althrough entorhinal axons enter the hippocampal formation at the embryonic day 17, light and ultrastructural analysis revealed that mature myelinated fibres in the hippocampus occur in the second postnatal week. During postnatal development, increasing numbers of myelinated fibers appear and the distribution of myelinated fibers at postnatal day 25 was similar to that found in the adult. After entorhinal cortex lesion, a specific anterograde denervation in the hippocampus takes place, accompanied by a long- lasting loss of myelin. Quantitative analysis of myelin and myelin breakdown products at different time points after lesion revealed a temporally close correlation to the degeneration and reorganisation phases in the hippocampus. In conclusion, it could be shown that the appearance of mature axons in the hippocampus is temporally regulated during development. Reappearing mature axons were found in the hippocampus following axonal sprouting. Various myelin-associated proteins, with neurite inhibition properties are known. One is the family of Nogo genes (no go). They are distinctly responsible for the lack of reorganisation. In these thesis the expression pattern of Nogo-A, Nogo-B, Nogo-C and Nogo-66 receptor (Ng66R) mRNA during hippocampal development and lesion induced axonal sprouting is reported. The first surprising result was the neuronal expression of all Nogos, who were supposed to be only expressed by oligodendrocytes. Nogo-A, Nogo-B and Ng66R transcrips preceded the process of myelination and were highly expressed at postnatal day zero (P0) in all principal hippocampal cell layers, with the exception of dentate granule cells. Only a slight Nogo-C expression was found at P0 in the principal cell layers of the hippocampus. During adulthood, all Nogo splice variants and their receptor were expressed in the neuronal cell layers of the hippocampus, in contrast to the myelin basic protein mRNA expression pattern, which revealed a neuronal source of Nogo gene expression in addition to oligodendrocytes. After hippocampal denervation, the Nogo genes showed an isoform-specific temporal regulation. All Nogo genes were strongly regulated in the hippocampal cell layers, wheras the Ng66R transcrips showed a significant increase in the contralateral cortex. These data could be confirmed on protein levels. Futhermore, Nogo-A expression was up-regulated after kainat- induced seizure. These data show that neurons express Nogo genes with a clearly distinguishable pattern during development. This expression is further dynamically and isoform-specifically altered after lesioning during the early phase of structural rearrangements. Thus, these results indicate a role for Nogo-A, -B and –C during development and during stabilisation phase of hippocampal reorganization. Taken together with these data, the findings that neurons in a highly plastic brain region express Nogo genes supports the hypothesis that Nogo may function beyond its known neuronal growth inhibition activity in shaping neuronal circuits.

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