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Produção do espaço urbano e impactos socioambientais na cidade de Manacapuru-AM - o bairro de Biribiri / Production of urban space and social and environmental impacts in the city of Manacapuru-AM - neighborhood of BiribiriMaria Eliane Feitosa Lima 14 February 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho de Geografia Urbana trata dos principais problemas socioambientais ocorridos no Bairro do Biribiri, na cidade de Manacapuru, no estado do Amazonas. Objetiva analisar como ocorreu a produção do espaço geradora dos impactos socioambientais existentes no Bairro do Biribiri; analisar os tipos de impactos que há; discutir a produção do espaço urbano pelos agentes produtores do espaço de Manacapuru e verificar quem são e como esses agentes constroem o espaço, com destaque para o Bairro do Biribiri. Para tanto, foi selecionada a área mais crítica do referido Bairro, o trecho do Igarapé do Areal, no rio Miriti, por possuir ocupação residencial tipo palafita adensada na área de várzea. O referencial teórico pautou-se na utilização de autores que tratam da questão urbana em geral, como Carlos (1994, 2003, 2008), Corrêa (1994, 2004) e Santos (1989, 1993, 1994, 1999), assim como autores que tratam especificamente da realidade das cidades da Amazônia, por exemplo, Becker (1990), Trindade Jr. (1997) e Oliveira (2000, 2003). Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para o estabelecimento de políticas públicas urbanas para a área de estudo e para outras áreas semelhantes do município de Manacapuru. / This dissertation in Urban Geography deals with the major socio-environmental problems occurred in Biribiri neighborhood, in city of Manacapuru, in Amazonas state. It aims to analyze how the production of space generate socio-environmental impacts in Biribiri neighborhood; analyze the types of impacts; discuss the production of urban space by the spaces agents of Manacapuru, and verify who are and how these agents build the space, highlighting the district of Biribiri. To this end, it was selected the most critical area of that district, the part of affluent Areal of Miriti River, as it has dense occupation of stilt houses in the floodplain area. The theoretical framework was based on the use of authors dealing with urban issues in general, as Carlos (1994, 2003, 2008), Correa (1994, 2004), and Santos (1989, 1993, 1994, 1999), as well as authors who attend specifically with the reality of the Amazon cities, for example, Becker (1990), Trinidad Jr. (1997) and Oliveira (2000, 2003). It is hoped that this work can contribute to the establishment of urban public policies to the studied area and other similar areas of the city of Manacapuru
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Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia: importância e impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais segundo a percepção dos agentes econômicos locais. / Tocantins-Araguaia waterway: importance and economic, social and environmental impacts, according to the perception of the local economic agents.Alivinio de Almeida 30 September 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo avalia a percepção de potenciais usuários da Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia sobre seus possíveis impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais em 7 municípios, no Estado do Tocantins. Foram entrevistados 24 indivíduos representantes do poder público, da iniciativa privada, de entidades de classe e de organizações não-governamentais ambientalistas. Como evidência de campo, verificou-se que, no rio Araguaia, a limitada infra-estrutura operacional, instalada em 1998, está completamente deteriorada e que as embarcações estão sem uso desde 2000. No rio Tocantins, verificou-se a inexistência de eclusas que permitam vencer os desníveis naturais mais agressivos, aumentando a navegabilidade e possibilitando o tráfego dos comboios. Diante disso, pode-se afirmar que a Hidrovia ainda está longe de se consolidar como um modal de transporte alternativo para o Estado. Quanto à opinião dos entrevistados, de modo geral,consideram interessante, oportuna e estratégica a presença da Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia em seus municípios, principalmente para o transporte de insumos e produtos. A despeito da pouca nformação de que dispunham sobre sua dimensão, potencial e impactos, manifestaram expectativas positivas quanto aos aspectos econômicos e sociais e negativas quanto aos ambientais. Vários assinalaram que o lento processo de implantação compromete sua inserção nos projetos institucionais ou empresariais e causa descrença sobre sua consolidação. A análise estatística dos dados de campo, realizada através de uma regressão do tipo stepwise, revela que os agentes econômicos relacionam a importância da Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia para seus municípios aos impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais que ela possa causar. Os resultados individuais mostraram-se significativos, segundo o nível de probabilidade p, para as variáveis selecionadas pelo modelo, sob α = 0,20(erro tipo I) estabelecido à priori. Foram significativos e positivos os coeficientes das variáveis geração de emprego e renda, oferta de serviços estruturais municipais e valor das propriedades ribeirinhas e, negativos, os coeficientes das variáveis conhecimento e informação sobre a hidrovia, atividades de indústria e comércio, atividades de turismo e oferta de serviços sociais municipais. A variável atividades de agricultura não foi significativa. O grupo focal, realizado com a finalidade de ampliar a discussão qualitativa sobre a Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia, foi consensual em relação aos benefícios econômicos e sociais proporcionados ao Estado do Tocantins e aos circunvizinhos. Porém, alertou sobre os possíveis impactos negativos no meio ambiente, especialmente no Rio Araguaia. Em linhas gerais, o estudo permitiu concluir pela necessidade e benefícios de serem consideradas as impressões qualitativas dos potenciais usuários na avaliação de viabilidade econômica de projetos de infra-estrutura de transporte. Tais impressões serviriam como parâmetros de ponderação dos aspectos quantitativos levantados pelo empreendedor, favorecendo a escolha do empreendimento mais adequado sob o ponto de vista econômico, social e ambiental. Sobre a implantação efetiva da Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia, no Estado do Tocantins, alerta-se para os impactos que ela possa causar. Ainda que sob o ponto de vista comum sejam esperados benefícios econômicos e sociais, sob o ponto de vista ambiental a sensação é de perda de qualidade. O Rio Araguaia, pela sua juventude e fragilidade dos ecossistemas que congrega,exige tratamento especial, baseado num cuidadoso plano de intervenções, que respeite suas características naturais, bem como as das espécies e populações que o habitam, inclusive a humana. O Rio Tocantins, ainda que menos indefeso pela sua maior idade, precisa de tratamento adequado, uma vez que dele depende não só a Hidrovia Tocantins e o projeto multimodal de transporte mas,também, todo o projeto de geração de energia hidrelétrica do Estado. / The present study aims to evaluate the perception of potential users of the Tocantins-Araguaia Waterway concerning the possibility of economic, social and environmental impacts in 7 municipalities, in the State of Tocantins. For this purpose, 24 individuals representing the government, private sector and non-government environmental organizations, have been interviewed. Field evidences shows that in the Araguaia River the limited operational infrastructure, installed in 1998, is completely deteriorated and that the ships have not been used since the year 2000. It has been, in the Tocantins River, noticed the nonexistence of dams, which allow to regulate the more aggressive natural differences in the river levels, increasing the navigability of the convoys. Therefore, it can be stated that the waterway is still far from its consolidation as a transportation alternative for this State. As for the opinion of those who have been interviewed, in general, the presence of the Tocantins- Araguaia Waterway in their municipalities is considered interesting and strategic, mainly for the transportation of inputs and finished goods. Despite the little information available as to its dimension, potential and impacts, positive expectation have been manifested as to economic and social aspects, and negative as to environmental aspects. Several of them stated that the slow process of implantation difficult its introduction in the projects or enterprises and causes the incredibility over its consolidation. The statistical analysis of the field data, made through a stepwise regression reveals that the economic agents relates the importance of the Tocantins-Araguaia Waterway for their municipalities to the economic, social and environmental impacts that it might cause. The individual results are significant, according to the confidence level p , for the variables selected by the model, under α = 0,20 (tipe I error) à priori determined. The coefficients of the variables job creation and income improvement, municipal social service offer and the value of the water side properties were significant and positive and the coefficients of the variables knowledge and information on waterway, commercial and industrial activities, tourism activities, and the municipal social service offer, were negative. The variable agricultural activities was not significant. The focal group about Tocantins-Araguaia Waterway was consensual over the economic and social benefits for the State of Tocantins. However, the group warned about possible negative impacts in the environment, especially in the Araguaia River. In general, the study permitted to conclude for the necessity and benefits to consider the qualitative impressions of the potential users in the evaluation of the economic viability of transportation infrastructure projects. Such impressions would serve as parameters of the qualitative aspects brought forward by the entrepreneur, improving the choice of the most adequate enterprise under the economic, social and environmental aspects. As for the effective implantation of the Tocantins-Araguaia Waterway, in the State of Tocantins, the impacts that it may cause should be brought forward. Although economic and social benefits are expected, the perception is of loss of the environmental quality. The Araguaia River, because of its youth and ecosystems fragility, demands a special treatment, based on a careful plan of interventions, that respects its natural characteristics, as well as the species and populations that inhabit it, including the human. The Tocantins River also needs a proper treatment due to the Tocantins Waterway, the multimodal transportation and the hydroelectric generation projects of the State, which depends on it.
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Da Fartura à Escassez: a agroindústria de celulose e o fim dos territórios comunais no extremo norte do Espirito Santo / From plenty to scarcity: the pulp\'s agrarian-industry and the end of customers territories in the Espírito Santo\'s border northSimone Raquel Batista Ferreira 28 May 2002 (has links)
Até meados do século XX, a região fronteiriça entre o Espírito Santo e a Bahia era predominantemente ocupada por comunidades camponesas, caboclas, pescadoras e quilombolas que tiravam seu sustento do uso extrativista do meio natural. Aqui, a rica floresta tropical atlântica, agrupando mata densa nos terrenos sedimentares terciários e áreas alagadiças nas planícies de inundação dos rios, apresentava a fartura suficiente para suprir estas comunidades de água, peixe, carne, frutos, madeira, ervas e raízes medicinais. A fartura estendia-se à terra: no \"sertão\" de Itaúnas, a \"terra era a rola\" e apropriada pelas posses que passavam de pai para filho. Esta situação favorecia o uso comunal dos recursos oferecidos pela floresta e assim concretizava o território das comunidades. A partir da década de 1950, as áreas da floresta passam a adquirir valor comercial. O crescimento urbano-industrial do centro-sul do país tem fome de madeira, que começa a ser saciada pela exuberância da Mata Atlântica do norte capixaba. Em meados da década de 1970, as terras que ainda apresentavam exemplares da floresta concentravam-se no município litorâneo de Conceição da Barra e, a partir de então, passam a ser inseridas no projeto estatal de plantio de eucalipto para produção de celulose do II Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento (1974). A implantação das monoculturas da Aracruz Celulose nesta região a partir de 1974 traz a transformação no uso da terra, incentivada e legitimada pelo Estado através de legislações específicas, e impõe uma nova lógica de apropriação do espaço, ditada pela propriedade privada, pelo uso restrito, pela acumulação e pelo lucro. Junto dela, o manejo extremamente impactante, com o plantio em nascentes e zonas de recarga hídrica, a retirada de matas ciliares, a exploração da areia e argila encontradas no fundo das antigas lagoas e agora utilizadas na manutenção das estradas, a capina e o controle químico de pragas com elevadas doses de agrotóxicos e herbicidas. Danificando o meio natural, a nova situação passa a desestruturar o modo de vida das comunidades locais, outrora estruturado numa forma de manejo que mantinha os ciclos reprodutivos da vida. A investigação destas histórias de vida tomou corpo coletivo no Movimento Alerta contra o Deserto Verde, formado por entidades e ONGs do Espírito Santo e sul da Bahia em meados de 1999 e que tem como prática o questionamento político do projeto celulósico aí implantado. O Deserto Verde vem estimulando a discussão dos problemas trazidos pela agroindústria de celulose às comunidades locais e tem contribuído com algumas conquistas, como a lei estadual que determina o zoneamento agroecológico do Espírito Santo e outras recentes leis municipais que proíbem o plantio do eucalipto para a produção de celulose. / In the beginning twenty century, the frontier\'s region between Espírito Santo and Bahia was taken of peasants, natives, fishermen and antique slaves communities that took your maintenance from the use of natural environment. Here, the fruitful tropical forest, counting compact wood in the sedimentaries soils and inundate zones in the flood\'s plains of rivers, had the sufficient abundance to provide these communities with water, fish, meat, fruits, wood, herbs and medicinal roots. The plenty extended to land: in the Itaúnas hinterland, the \"land was glutted\" and suitable by hereditaries tenures. This situation fomented the customary use of resorts presented to forest and then make concrete the communities territories. Since 1950, the forest\'s zones start to acquire commercial value. The profuse Mata Atlântica of Espírito Santo\'s north was used in the urbane-industrial increase of centre-south\'s country. In the middle of 1970, the lands of still had forest\'s exemplars group was in the coast town of Conceição da Barra. Then, this lands was inserteds in the Brazilian\'s project of eucalyptus\' plantation to pulp\'s production of II Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento de 1974 (National Environment Plane). The monocultures consolidation of Aracruz Celulose since 1974 produce the transformation in the land\'s use, incentived and legitimised to Brazilian country through of specifies laws, and impose a new logic of spaces appropriation, dictated for private propriety, restricted use, accumulation and profit. The destroyed management, with the plantation in the sources, the retreat of vegetation around the rivers, the exploration of sand and clay placed in the olds lakes bottom and in this moment utilised in the roads\' maintenance, the clearing woodland and the chemical\'s control of pests with large parts of poisons. The new situation damage the natural environment, and change the life\'s mode of local communities, formerly structured in the management that sustained the life\'s reproductives cycles. The participant search\'s character in the investigation of these life\'s histories increased collectively of the Movimento Alerta contra o Deserto Verde (Alert against Green Wilderness Movement), established for entities and ONG\'s of Espírito Santo and Bahia\'s south in the middle of 1999. This movement quarrels the project of eucalyptus pulp\'s production there consolidated, encourage the discussion of the problems produced for pulp agrarian-industry to local communities and had contributed with some conquests like the state law that determine the agrarian-ecological plan of Espírito Santo and others municipal laws that prohibit the eucalyptus plantation to pulp\'s production.
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Éco-conception par une Approche Multicritère d’un Système Polymère/Traceurs/Détecteur pour le tri automatisé par spectrométrie de fluorescence UV-VIS en vue d’augmenter la recyclabilité des produits / Ecodesign by a Multicriteria approach of polymer/tracers/ detector systems to make product recyclable by automated sorting process in UV fluorescence spectrometry .Maris, Elisabeth 16 July 2014 (has links)
Le recyclage des matériaux issus de produits en fin de vie est un enjeu important pour préserver nos ressources de matières premières qui sont de plus en plus rares et dont l'extraction est de plus en plus impactante pour l'environnement. Pourtant certains matériaux sont peu recyclés. C'est le cas des polymères de couleur sombre.L'originalité de ce travail est d'avoir intégré dans le processus de conception deux stratégies de l'écoconception : les limites des procédés de tri actuel et les limites sur les ressources. Cette démarche a abouti à concevoir un matériau et son procédé de recyclage. Ce système apporte potentiellement un bonus écologique en permettant de produire plus de matières recyclées sur le marché en satisfaisant les consommateurs en apportant une traçabilité de ces matières et une technologie nouvelle validée par la mise au point d'un démonstrateur couplé à un convoyeur industriel. / The recycling of materials from end of life products is a important issue to preserve our resources of raw materials which are more and more rare and the extraction of which is more and more impactant for the environment. Nevertheless certain materials are little recycled. It is the case of dark colored polymers.The originality of this work is to have integrated into the process of design two strategies of ecodesign: the limits of current sorting processes and the limits on the resources. This approach succeeded to design a material and its process of recycling. This system brings potentially an environmental bonus by allowing producing more recycled materials on the market, satisfying the consumers by bringing a traceability of these materials and a new technology validated by the development of a demonstrator coupled with an industrial conveyor.
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Identificação e avaliação de impactos ambientais associados a aterros sanitários / Identification and assessment of the environmental impacts associated to landfillsPorciuncula, Luciana 16 July 2014 (has links)
This study was developed with the aim of identifying as well as assessing the environmental impacts associated to the construction of Municipal Landfills, according to technical standards. The research is classified as qualitative, carrying out documentary analysis, bibliographic research and data collection. The environmental impacts associated to the main activities related to Municipal Landfills, which were proposed by Sánchez (2008), were evaluated making use of an Interaction Matrix and the Ad hoc method. With the collected data, the activities in the Landfills which represented greater impact potential were identified under the negative aspect, so as to verify, with the use of Interaction Networks, the probable negative chain environmental impacts as well as the proposal of mitigating measures for these impacts. The activity which presented more negative impacts on the environmental compartments was the Implementation of the construction site, followed by the vegetation Removal activity. Both activities are part of the Implementation phase: Preparatory activities for a Landfill, confirming the obtained result in the assessment of environmental impacts in the Interaction Matrix, where this phase presented the greatest possibility of negative environmental impacts on the environmental compartments. For all the probable negative environmental impacts, at least one mitigating measure was selected, and the most recurrent ones were the Implementation of a vegetation curtain, planting of grass and curbs on the slopes, covering the garbage with earth and, the installation of draining systems and waterproof coating. This study works as a tool for the municipal government agents, especially due to the importance of implementing the mitigating measures which were proposed, minding the negative environmental impacts. / Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de identificar e avaliar os impactos ambientais associados à construção de Aterros Sanitários Municipais, de conformidade com as normas técnicas. A pesquisa classifica-se como qualitativa, com a realização de análise documental, pesquisa bibliográfica e de levantamento. Foram avaliados os impactos ambientais associados às principais atividades relacionadas a Aterros Sanitários Municipais, propostas por Sánchez (2008), utilizando-se de uma Matriz de Interação e do método Ad hoc . Com os dados gerados, foram identificadas as atividades dos Aterros Sanitários de maior potencial impactante sob o aspecto negativo, para então, com o emprego de Redes de Interação, serem averiguados os prováveis impactos ambientais negativos em cadeia, bem como, propostas medidas mitigadoras a estes impactos. A atividade que mais apresentou impactos de caráter negativo sobre os compartimentos ambientais foi a Implantação do canteiro de obras, seguida da atividade de Remoção da vegetação. Ambas as atividades fazem parte da fase de Implantação: Atividades preparatórias de um Aterro Sanitário, confirmando o resultado obtido na avaliação de impactos ambientais da Matriz de Interação, onde esta fase apresentou a maior possibilidade de impactos ambientais negativos sobre os compartimentos ambientais. Para todos os prováveis impactos ambientais negativos foram elencadas, pelo menos, uma medida mitigadora, sendo que as mais recorrentes foram a Implantação da cortina vegetal, o Plantio de gramíneas e bermas nos taludes, o Recobrimento do lixo com terra e, a Instalação de sistemas de drenagem e manta impermeável. Este estudo serve como ferramenta para os gestores públicos municipais, especialmente pela importância de se implantar as medidas mitigadoras que foram propostas, atendendo aos impactos ambientais negativos.
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Compensação ambiental de canteiros de obras em ambientes urbanos: um foco no meio antrópico. / Building sites environmental compensations in urban areas: focusing the anthropic environment.Viviane Miranda Araujo Fiorani 21 June 2016 (has links)
O alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável, envolvendo as dimensões ambiental, social e econômica, é um desafio reconhecido mundialmente, sendo a construção sustentável uma condição essencial para o seu cumprimento. Dessa forma, uma importante ação é a diminuição dos impactos ambientais da construção civil, com a implantação de políticas voltadas à redução na sua própria geração. Observa-se, porém, que nem sempre os impactos podem ser reduzidos na origem. Sugere-se, assim, a adoção de medidas compensatórias que contrabalanceiem os prejuízos gerados, de modo a restabelecer as condições ambientais existentes antes dos impactos. O objetivo desta pesquisa, portanto, é a elaboração de uma proposta para a compensação dos impactos ambientais de canteiros de obras de edifícios em áreas urbanas, observando o meio antrópico. O estudo é conduzido em duas etapas: embasamento teórico, que envolve revisão bibliográfica nacional e internacional; e elaboração da proposta para a compensação ambiental. Esta tese apresenta um método de cálculo composto por quatro indicadores: ruídos, emissão de material particulado, danos a bens edificados e ocupação da via pública. Esses, por meio da adoção de Fatores de Ponderação, têm sua relevância graduada de acordo com o meio ambiente em que o canteiro está inserido. Tais fatores são calculados com o auxílio de questionários formulados para identificar as necessidades locais e aplicados à vizinhança da obra. Por fim, o cálculo resulta em um valor que, variando de 0 a 10, determina o grau de compensação necessário para cada obra. Discute-se, então, as maneiras de transformar o valor calculado em uma compensação efetiva, assim como formas de realizar a fiscalização de sua implantação. / The success of sustainable development, universally recognized regarding the economic, environmental and social limitations it incorporates, is primarily dependent on sustainable construction. Being so, the reduction of environmental impacts by implementing effective policies during initial construction operations becomes all important, although not always possible. Compensatory measures are therefore proposed to minimize and counterbalance the losses incurred and restore the environmental conditions existing prior to impact. In concurrence, this research aims to elaborate a course of action which will compensate for impacts produced at building construction sites in urban areas by strict observance of the anthropic environment. This study comprises two phases: a theoretical basis covering a review of national and international references; and the elaboration of a proposal for environmental compensation. Also presented is a method of calculation using four indicators: noises, particulate matter emissions, damage to buildings and the utilization of public streets. Weighed factors, considering building site location, are used to give a graduated relevance to each indicator. These factors are calculated with the aid of questionnaires that seek to identify local necessities and applied to the neighborhood surrounding the site. As a result, the method produces a value ranging from 0 to 10 which determines the degree of compensation each project warrants. This calculated value is then discussed, with the objective of transforming it into effective compensation and discovering ways of supervising its implementation.
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Monitoramento e avaliação dos riscos causados por diclofenaco em efluentes e água de abastecimento de um município da região metropolitana de São Paulo / Monitoring and evaluation of the risks caused by diclofenac in effluent and water supply in a municipality in the metropolitan region of São PauloPrazeres, Kelly Cristina dos 21 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-08-24T17:18:29Z
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Kelly Cristina dos Prazeres.pdf: 1201762 bytes, checksum: e5056054c75d07998a8d444b84358bcb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-24T17:18:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Kelly Cristina dos Prazeres.pdf: 1201762 bytes, checksum: e5056054c75d07998a8d444b84358bcb (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-21 / Diclofenac and its metabolites are frequently reported in the literature and have already
been detected in surface water from several countries, such as Germany, Sweden, Greece,
Taiwan, Switzerland and Spain. Their damage to the environment to human health is
causing concern, as they can increase bacterial resistance, feminization of fish and
reduction of human sperm production, etc. Thus, this work aimed at monitoring the
presence of diclofenac in drinking water and effluent in a city in the Greater São Paulo
Region, evaluating the risks of soil contamination, aquatic environments and human health.
A questionnaire was developed in order to measure the level of population knowledge
about the impacts caused by the irregular disposal of diclofenac. During the application of
the questionnaires were collected water supply samples. Samples of sanitary sewage
effluents were also collected in the ETEs exit channel of the same city. Analyzes were
performed by UV/vis spectrophotometry using potassium permanganate as to oxidize
diclofenac in acidic medium. A risk matrix has been developed to verify what danger
situation the city is in. The results presented in the tabulation of the questionnaire data
showed that 72% of the interviewees practiced incorrect disposal of the drugs (garbage,
toilet and sink). And, the analyzes in the samples detected the presence of diclofenac in
effluent water (5.0 mg.L-1) and in the supply water (between 2.5 and 3.1 mg.L-1). This may
be a consequence of these incorrect discards. In this way, the risk analysis showed that
under current conditions the water bodies can lead to catastrophic or serious consequences
with very high probability of occurrence of resistant bacteria, death of aquatic species,
anticipated hatching of animal eggs, cell mutation and liver inflammation In animals and
delayed growth and decreased reproduction due to sperm reduction in humans. Thus, this
work was able to identify the presence of diclofenac in samples of water supply and
sanitary effluent; Serving as an alert for Public Bodies to make decisions in order to
minimize their effects on the environment and the human being. / O diclofenaco e seus metabólitos são relatados com frequência na literatura e já foram
detectados em água superficiais de diversos países, como: Alemanha, Suécia, Grécia,
Taiwan, Suíça e Espanha. Os seus danos ao meio ambiente a à saúde humana estão
causando preocupação, pois podem aumentar a resistência de bactérias, a feminilização de
peixes e a redução da produção de esperma humano, etc. Assim, este trabalho objetivou o
monitoramento da presença do fármaco diclofenaco em água de abastecimento e efluente
em uma cidade da Região da Grande São Paulo, avaliando os riscos de contaminação do
solo, de ambientes aquáticos e para a saúde humana. Um questionário foi elaborado de
forma a se mensurar o grau de conhecimento de população sobre os impactos causados
pelo descarte irregular do diclofenaco. Durante a aplicação dos questionários foram
coletadas amostras de água de abastecimento. Coletou-se também, amostras de efluentes
de esgoto sanitário, no canal de saída de ETEs da mesma cidade. As análises foram
realizadas por espectrofotometria UV/vis usando o permanganato de potássio como para
oxidar o diclofenaco em meio ácido. Uma matriz de risco foi elaborada para verificar a que
situação de perigo a cidade se encontra. Os resultados apresentados na tabulação dos dados
do questionário mostraram que 72% dos entrevistados praticam o descarte incorreto dos
fármacos (lixo, vaso sanitário e pia). As análises nas amostras detectaram a presença do
diclofenaco em água de efluente (5,0 mg.L-1) e na água de abastecimento (entre 2,5 e
3,1 mg.L-1). O que pode ser uma consequência destes descartes incorretos. Desta forma,
a análise de riscos mostrou que nas condições atuais os corpos hídricos podem levar a
consequências catastróficas ou graves com probabilidade muito alta de ocorrência de
bactéria resistentes, morte de espécies aquáticas, eclosão antecipada de ovos de animais,
mutação celular e inflamação de fígado em animais e retardo no crescimento e diminuição
da reprodução devida redução de esperma no ser humano. Assim, este trabalho conseguiu
identificar a presença do diclofenaco em amostras de água de abastecimento e de efluente
sanitário; servindo de alerta para que os Órgãos Públicos tomem decisões de forma a
minimizar os seus efeitos ao meio ambiente e ao ser humano.
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Demolish or Refurbish an Existing Building? : A bachelor thesis on the climate impact of different methods of renewing a buildingLennermark, Desirée, Bjellerup, Victoria, Bäckström, Lisa, Wedman, Lisen January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate different alternatives of renewal regarding an already existing building. The case study building is located in the Ulleråker area in Uppsala, Sweden and is an old mental hospital building from the 1950’s which Uppsala Municipality wishes to restore as part of a bigger investment in the neighborhood. The different alternatives that will be investigated are refurbishment, with different insulation thickness, and a complete demolition and reconstruction of a new building with either wood or concrete. Carbon dioxide emissions connected to buildings will be calculated and analyzed as two elements, one being embodied carbon dioxide, and one being energy usage. Other aspects of interest, the economy and cultural values of the area, will be discussed. To estimate the amount of CO2 emissions, several life cycle assessments will be executed through the software One Click LCA (2015). Calculations will be done by hand in order to estimate the energy usage. Information and data are partly obtained from Uppsala Municipality, partly from literature and available resources. The results show that each option has a different advantage, the refurbishment resulting in considerably lower embodied carbon (114 kg CO2e/m2) but higher energy usage (95 kWh/m2 per year) as compared to the new concrete construction with larger amount of embodied carbon (279 kg CO2e/m2) but lower energy usage (44 kWh/m2 per year). This leads to a conclusion showing that a deep refurbishment is the best option regarding both embodied carbon and energy usage.
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Analyse de cycle de vie conséquentielle appliquée aux ensembles bâtis / Consequential life cycle assessment applied to buildingsRoux, Charlotte 26 September 2016 (has links)
La construction et la réhabilitation des bâtiments et des quartiers induisent des dommages environnementaux de nature diverse (consommation de ressources, émissions de substances toxiques, atteintes aux écosystèmes). De plus, ces impacts peuvent être générés de manière indirecte (déchets radioactifs produits par la consommation d’électricité par exemple). D’où l’importance d’une approche d’évaluation environnementale holistique et multicritère. L’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) correspond à ce cahier des charges. Cette méthode a été appliquée pour évaluer la contribution d’un bâtiment ou d’un quartier à un ensemble de thématiques environnementales (au contraire d’un outil monocritère comme le bilan carbone) et ce sur l’intégralité du cycle de vie : fabrication des matériaux, construction, utilisation, rénovation, démolition et traitement des déchets. Cette méthode peut être utilisée à différente étapes d’un projet : définition d’objectifs de programme, aide à la conception, aide à la gestion, aide à la rénovation, aide à la stratégie de déconstruction.Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’application de l’ACV à l’éco-conception des ensembles bâtis, de la maison individuelle jusqu’au quartier multifonctionnel. L’objectif est d’améliorer la qualité de l’aide à la décision fournie par les outils d’éco-conception en matière de réalisme et de précision des études.Trois axes de travail en interaction ont été explorés :- Conséquentiel : Quels apports conceptuels et pratiques peut-on mettre en œuvre sur la base des recherches sur l’ACV conséquentielle ?- Dynamique : Comment intégrer les interactions dynamiques entre le parc bâti et son système d’arrière plan, en particulier le système électrique?- Prospectif : Comment tenir compte de la longue durée de vie des ensembles bâtis ?La thèse propose premièrement un nouveau cadre conceptuel pour l’évaluation des projets de conception et de réhabilitation s’inspirant des récents travaux méthodologiques sur l’ACV conséquentielle. L’application pratique de cette nouvelle approche « conséquentielle-projet » nécessite la production de connaissances mobilisant l’ACV dynamique et l’ACV prospective.Concrètement, la thèse propose une modélisation dynamique du fonctionnement du système électrique dans un cadre « type » affranchi des aléas climatiques et économiques. Le modèle sert de base au développement de méthodes d’évaluation originales des impacts de l’électricité : une méthode dynamique moyenne et une méthode marginale. Ces méthodes améliorent la précision d’une étude d’analyse de cycle de vie, quel que soit l’objectif (certification ou écoconception) et l’approche méthodologique associée (attributionnelle ou conséquentielle-projet).La thèse propose ensuite l’intégration de scénarios prospectifs adaptés à l’étude des bâtiments et des quartiers. Celle-ci associe les recherches en prospective énergétique menées à l’échelle nationale et les recherches concernant l’impact du changement climatique sur le comportement thermique des bâtiments. Les effets conjoints de ces deux déterminants sont évalués au sein d’une approche originale et intégrée.La thèse explore également la question du changement d’échelle du bâtiment vers le quartier. Les cas du transport des occupants et du traitement des déchets sont analysés au prisme de l’approche « conséquentielle-projet ». Une méthodologie de couplage des outils de simulation transport au niveau local et de l’ACV est notamment proposée. Elle constitue un premier pas vers un couplage interdisciplinaire des outils d’analyse des projets urbains.Les différents développements méthodologiques sont finalement appliqués à une étude de cas afin d’analyser et d’interpréter l’effet des nouvelles approches sur l’aide à la décision fournie par les outils d’écoconception. / Environmental impacts induced by urban projects concern various topics (resources, health, biodiversity). Some are indirect impacts (for instance radioactive waste generated by electricity consumption). This calls for a holistic and multicriteria approach such as Life-Cycle-Analysis (LCA) in order to evaluate environmental performance of construction or retrofitting projects. Considering cradle to grave impacts this method is used at different project phases: program objectives, design aid, management strategies evaluation, retrofitting project, dismantling, and waste management.The thesis lies in the framework of life-cycle analysis applied to urban project design, from individual houses up to multifunctional neighborhoods. The underlying objective is to improve relevance and accuracy of the decision aid provided by LCA-based design tools.Three interacting topics have been investigated:- Consequential assessment: How can the results of current research on consequential LCA be implemented in Building LCA?- Dynamic: How to integrate dynamic interaction between buildings and the background system, mainly the electricity grid?- Prospective: How to take into account the long life span of buildings and urban districts?The dissertation firstly suggests a new framework for evaluating construction or retrofitting project, grounded in consequential LCA. The practical application of this consequential-project approach requires knowledge generation on dynamic and prospective LCA.A dynamic model of the electricity system has been developed. From this model, a reference operation year of the electricity system has been determined, mitigating climatic and economical hazards of real years. Based on this model, a dynamic average approach and a marginal approach are defined to assess life-cycle impacts of electricity consumption. These developments improve the accuracy of LCA independently of the chosen modeling approach, consequential or attributional.The prospective dimension is explored, through scenarios development. The suggested scenarios bring together national energy prospective research and global warming effects on buildings thermal behavior. The combined effects are evaluated using a novel and integrated approach.The thesis then addresses the scale issue when moving from building to district projects. Following the consequential-project approach principles, the focus is made on integrating daily transport and domestic waste models in LCA of urban projects. A method to combine local transport simulation models and building LCA is suggested. It establishes a first step towards integrated multidisciplinary assessment of urban projects.The developed approaches and methodologies are finally tested on a case study.
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Leveling Up & Closing the Gap! : Sustainable Fashion Consumers’ Journeys to New Levels of SustainabilityAhmed, Tanvir, Ali, Waqar January 2021 (has links)
Fashion democratization over the last few decades made fashion products available at lower costs to everyone in society. It alarmingly increased consumption, leaving drastic impacts on the world's sustainability both on the social and environmental fronts, thereby leading to water and land pollution, dangerous working conditions, sweatshops, wage exploitation, and gender discrimination. Our study, therefore, sheds some light on addressing this core problem of fashion sustainability by focusing on the problem from the consumers’ perspectives because researchers conclude that consumers hold power to mitigate this issue to a greater extent by becoming sustainable. However, in many cases, consumers show the attitude-behavior gap when it comes to consuming sustainable fashion. The area of actual sustainable fashion consumers is also under-researched. Therefore, we conducted our research in this area and used qualitative methods for it. We identified a small group of 16 sustainable transitional fashion consumers who have started their sustainable fashion consumption journey. We performed an inductive process study of these transitional consumers' journeys and developed a Conceptual ‘Consumer Journey Map’ from unsustainability towards sustainability. We used semi-structured interviews for data collection. By studying their entire process of transition, we identified a number of constraints that retained them from making the transition towards sustainable fashion consumption, such as Social Influence, Trend and Newness, Unaesthetic Appearance and Lack of Variety, Lacking Sizes and Fitting, Low price, and Lower Income, Lack of Knowledge and Information and Greenwashing by the brands. However, the enablers that pushed them to become sustainable were Influence from Sustainable social circles, Tangible Experiences, Quality and Longevity, and Feelings of guilt and remorse which are presented in ourconceptual ‘C-E Framework.' Our research also identified conceptual ‘Levels of Sustainability,’ where consumers reuse or reduceor reject to pass Level one. To reach Level two, a consumer has to begin combining any two of these behaviors. However, to reach the final Level X, a consumer needs to reuse, reduce, and reject simultaneously. A consumer passes through these different levels from being a ‘self’ consumer to be a ‘social’ one and finally converting into a ‘sacrifice’ consumer in their journey.
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