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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LEED - Hur har projekt Gruset 1 påverkats av en miljöcertifiering enligt LEED, "New Construction and Major Renovations"

Isaksson, Karl, Petrén, Lars January 2013 (has links)
Innan årsskiftet 2011-2012 blev Sveriges första lager som är miljöcertifierat enligt LEED färdigställt. LEED står för Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design och är en miljöcertifiering som har funnits sedan år 2000. LEED finns i fyra olika nivåer - certified, silver, gold och platinum. Vilken nivå som projektet når baseras på ett poängsystem som bedömer byggnaden i sju kategorier och projektet som avser vår fallstudie är certifierad i nivå gold. LEED växer ständigt och är idag en internationellt väletablerad miljöcertifiering. Till dagens datum (2012-03-27) finns 31450 projekt (560 miljoner m2 lokalyta) certifierade enligt LEED. Examensarbetet görs för Skanska Hus Sydost och har som syfte och mål att få svar på hur LEED-certifiering påverkat projektering och produktion, hur mycket merkostnad certifieringen har inneburit för projekt Gruset 1 samt hur det påverkat byggnadens mervärde, det vill säga åtgärder som ökar fastighetens marknadsvärde. Utifrån tillgängliga data har vi utifrån fakturor relaterade till miljöcertifieringen beräknat att LEED-certifieringen har resulterat i en tilläggskostnad på 2,11 %. För att nå målet i examensarbetet som nämns i ovanstående stycke har det gjorts intervjuer med följande respondenter: Byggherre/beställare, entreprenörer, konsulter och hyresgäst. LEED har utifrån respondenternas svar framstått som ett bra alternativ även om det har inneburit vissa problem under projektets gång. / Before the end of 2011 the first warehouse that is certified under LEED was completed. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is a environmental certification that was first launched the year of 2000. LEED is available in four levels - certified, silver, gold and platinum. What level the project will be certified with is based on a point-system that assesses the building in seven categories. This case study was certified with the level of gold. LEED is growing steadily and is now a well-established international environmental certification. At the time of writing (2012-03-27) more than 560 million m2 of commercial (which primarily serves the interests of profit) facilities are certified under LEED and are distributed over more than 31450 projects. This bachelor thesis is done on the behalf of Skanska Region Hus Sydost and includes how a LEED-certification affects the planning and production, how much additional cost the certification has brought to this project and how it affects the buildings value (measures that increase the property's market value) and how the certification is used by involved parties. For this case study it has been estimated that the LEED-certification has resulted in an additional cost of 2.11 %. To achieve the goal of the thesis mentioned in the paragraph above, there have been interviews with the following respondents: developer / clients, contractors, consultants and tenants. LEED is based on respondents' answers appeared to be a good alternative even if it meant some problems during the project.

Miljöbyggnad, GULD värt? : En undersökning av fastighetsägares erfarenheter och tankar kring ett nytt certifieringssystem / Miljöbyggnad, a value of GOLD?

Berggren, Jonathan January 2014 (has links)
During the past few years an increased attention has been paid to environmental issues in the construction and property sector in Sweden. In order to simplify the work with these issues a Swedish environmental certification system for buildings called Miljöbyggnad has been developed. This thesis aims to investigate the opinion of a selected number of selected property owners of Miljöbyggnad. From that basis recommendations and actions for the future work with the system will be presented. The investigation has been conducted through personal interviews with five property owners. The main issues that the interviews have been based on are their purpose, experiences, perceived complications and future prospects in terms of certification using Miljöbyggnad. The system intends to be cost-effective, simple and to offer a relevant environmental assessment of buildings and the result from the report indicates that this is largely fulfilled. All respondents believe that Miljöbyggnad offers a relevant environmental assessment. All of them also believe that the system is simple except for some complications and 80 % believe that the system is cost-effective. In terms of the future, all interviewed property owners will most likely certify buildings under Miljöbyggnad, some to a greater extent than others. The conclusion from this investigation is that the system needs to be dynamic. Adaption to the social, environmental, technical, economical and legal conditions that prevail is vital. However, it is recommended that Miljöbyggnad retains its simplicity and avoid growing to become too comprehensive.

Hur kan arkitekturen påverkas av miljöcertifieringssystemet Miljöbyggnad? / How can the environmental certification system Miljöbyggnad affect architecture?

Persson, Victoria, Andersson Hjelm, Nora January 2016 (has links)
Klimatförändringarna på jorden är idag ett faktum. En metod som uppmanar att bygga miljövänligt är miljöcertifieringssystem. I början av 1990-talet började miljöcertifieringssystem att etableras och intresset för miljöcertifieringssystem blev då väldigt stort. Miljöcertifieringssystemet Miljöbyggnad utgår från svenska regler och svensk byggpraxis. I detta examensarbete skall det undersökas hur arkitekturen påverkas av miljöcertifieringssystemet Miljöbyggnad. Därför har även studien om arkitektonisk kvalitet beaktas. Detta examensarbete utgår från ett referensobjekt, en sjukhusbyggnad, som skall uppnå nivå GULD inom Miljöbyggnad. Region Örebro län anordnade en arkitekttävling för den nya vårdbyggnaden, H-huset, som skall byggas intill det nuvarande universitetssjukhuset i Örebro. Det var Sweco arkitekter i Örebro som tillsammans med danska AART Architets vann tävlingen.

En studie om miljöklassningssystemet CEEQUAL : Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Award Scheme / A study on the environmental classification system CEEQUAL : Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Award Scheme

El Masry, Seham, Hoang, My Ngoc January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att främja den hållbara utvecklingen i anläggningssektorn. Målet med rapporten är att visa hur miljöklassningssystemet CEEQUAL kan förbättras samt hur användningen kan främja hållbar utveckling i mark och anläggningsprojekt i Sverige. CEEQUAL är ett miljöklassningssystem inom infrastruktur och anläggning som har utvecklats i Storbritannien av Institution of Civil Engineers.  I examensarbetet har följande frågeställningar undersökts:  Hur fungerar CEEQUAL i praktiken?  Vad är den svenska erfarenheten från användningen av CEEQUAL?  Hur kan anläggningssektorn förbättra miljö/hållbarhetsarbetet genom miljöklassning med CEEQUAL?  Hur kan man förbättra miljöklassningssystemet CEEQUAL?  Frågorna har besvarats genom metoderna litteraturstudie och dokumentanalys men även genom intervjuer med olika aktörer inom anläggningsbranschen.  Denna rapport innehåller en kort sammanfattning av vad hållbar utveckling betyder och en fördjupning inom miljöklasscertifieringssystemet CEEQUAL samt dess användning inom anläggnings- och infrastrukturprojekt.  En jämförelse mellan CEEQUAL, de 16 nationella miljömålen och Kretsloppsrådets mål har också utförts för att se om de behandlar samma miljöområden.  En certifiering sker i flera olika steg. En certifiering genomförs av en utbildad assessor som bedömer och ger poäng på svaren av frågorna som återfinns i CEEQUAL:s manual. Betyget beror på hur väl projektet uppfyllt de krav som CEEQUAL efterfrågar. Det kontrolleras sedan av en oberoende granskare och godkänns till sist av CEEQUAL som ger ett slutbetyg.  Certifieringssystemet CEEQUAL har både har för- och nackdelar. En av de största nackdelarna är det inte finns någon svenskanpassad version. Frågorna i manualen är på engelska och svårtolkade vilket leder till att det tar tid att förstå dem samt att det med tiden ökar risken till att CEEQUAL tappar sin trovärdighet.  TGOJ-porten (TGOJ står för Trafikaktiebolaget Grängesberg-Oxelösunds Järnvägar) är ett anläggningsprojekt där syftet var att byta ut en järnvägsbro till en betongbro som gjuts i krossmaterial. Resultatet visar att de stora förbättringsåtgärderna som exempelvis återanvändning av material samt inköp av krossmaterial var redan identifierade innan CEEQUAL beslutades att användas. / The purpose of this work is to promote sustainable development in the construction sector. The goal of this rapport is to show how environmental classification system CEEQUAL can be improved and how their use may promote the sustainable development of land and construction projects in Sweden. CEEQUAL is an environmental classification system for infrastructure that has been developed in the UK by the Institution of Civil Engineers.  The following questions were investigated in the thesis:  How does CEEQUAL work in practice?  What is the Swedish experience from the use of CEEQUAL?  How can the contruction sector improve the environmental work through an environmental classification with CEEQUAL?  How can the environmental classification system CEEQUAL be improved?  The questions were answered by the methods literature studies and document analysis but also interviews with various actors in the construction market.  This report contains a brief summary of what sustainable development means, a specialization in environmental classification system CEEQUAL and its use in the construction and infrastructure projects.  A comparison between CEEQUAL, the sixteen environmental quality objectives and The Ecocycle Council objectives has also been done to see to see if they deal with similar environmental areas.  A certification is done in several steps. The certification is carried out by a trained assessor who assesses and gives points for the answers of the questions found in CEEQUAL's manual. The score depends on how well the project met the requirements that CEEQUAL demand. It is then checked by an independent verifier and approved finally by CEEQUAL giving a final grade.  The certification system CEEQUAL have both advantages and disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is that there is no Swedish adapted version. The questions in the manual are in English and difficult to interpret which leads to that it takes time to understand them and also that it over time increases the risk that CEEQUAL loses its trustworthiness.  TGOJ-port (TGOJ stands for Trafikaktiebolaget Grängesberg-Oxelösunds Järnvägar) is a construction project where the aim was to replace a railway bridge to a concrete casted in crushed aggregate. The results shows that the major improvement measures such as recycling of materials and the purchase of aggregate materials were already identified before CEEQUAL was decided to be used.

Certificação ambiental e habitação no Brasil: agentes e requisitos urbanísticos e arquitetônicos / Green building labels and housing in Brazil: agents and urban and architectural requirements

Figueiredo, Ana Carolina Carvalho 16 August 2018 (has links)
A definição mais comumente utilizada de desenvolvimento sustentável foi apresentada em 1987 no Relatório Brundtland como sendo a capacidade das gerações atuais se desenvolverem sem comprometer a capacidade de gerações futuras fazê-lo também. Atualmente, está ancorada em seis pilares - ambiental, social, econômico, cultural, tecnológico e espacial e seu debate tem sido incorporado pelos diversos setores produtivos. Na construção civil, as certificações ambientais tornaram-se uma das ferramentas para conceber edificações mais sustentáveis e no Brasil, desde 2007, destacam-se as atuações do LEED, AQUA-HQE e Selo Casa Azul. Sob tal panorama, esta dissertação objetiva investigar o uso dos instrumentos de certificação na produção habitacional brasileira; bem como identificar quem são os agentes responsáveis por ela, seus vínculos internacionais e operacionalização; analisar os requisitos propostos na avaliação de edificações dos pontos de vista da qualidade urbanística e arquitetônica; e, ainda, avaliar os Condomínios E e G do Complexo Paraisópolis que foram certificados pelo Selo Casa Azul. Para tal, utiliza ferramentas metodológicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, entrevistas e estudo de caso. A discussão final verifica que é possível certificar projetos de habitação social e que, embora seus requisitos não possam garantir a melhoria da qualidade urbanística e arquitetônica dos projetos, os Selos atuam como coadjuvantes e incentivam a construção de moradia adequada às necessidades de seus usuários e à cidade. / The most commonly used definition of sustainable development was presented in the Brundtland Report in 1987 as \"the ability of current generations to develop without compromising the ability of future generations to do so.\" Currently, it is anchored in six pillars - environmental, social, economic, cultural, technological and spatial - and its debate has been incorporated by the various productive sectors. In civil construction, environmental certifications have become one of the tools to design more sustainable buildings and in Brazil, since 2007, the LEED, AQUA-HQE and Selo Casa Azul actions stand out. Under this scenario, this dissertation aims to investigate the use of certification instruments in Brazilian housing production; as well as to identify the agents responsible for it, its international links and operationalization; to analyze the requirements proposed in the evaluation of buildings from the point of view of urban and architectural quality; and to evaluate the Condos E and G of the Paraisópolis Complex, which were certified by the Selo Casa Azul. For this, it uses methodological tools of bibliographical and documentary research, interviews and case study. The final discussion verifies that it is possible to certify social housing projects and that, although their requirements can not guarantee the improvement of the urban and architectural quality of the projects, the Stamps act as coadjuvants and encourage the construction of housing adequate to the needs of its users and the City.

Sistemas de certificação ambiental de edificações habitacionais e possibilidades de aplicação da avaliação do ciclo de vida / Sistemas de Certificação Ambiental de Edificações habitacionais e possibilidades de aplicação da Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida

Cardoso, Poliana Figueira 24 March 2015 (has links)
Dada a complexidade da interação entre o construído e o ambiente natural, a ACV (Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida) representa uma abordagem de máxima precisão para analisar os impactos ambientais de todo o edifício. Esta técnica além de considerar os materiais e consumo de energia, deve incluir em sua avaliação a produção e transporte de materiais de construção, e até mesmo o material de reciclagem e gestão de resíduos na fase de desativação. A ACV é a técnica que melhor se enquadra na avaliação de medidas de desempenho ambiental, pois tem a possibilidade de ser integrada aos sistemas de certificação ambiental. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a aplicabilidade da técnica de ACV para os sistemas de CAE (Certificação Ambiental de Edificações) habitacionais no Brasil. Para alcançar este objetivo, utiliza-se a pesquisa exploratória por meio de revisão bibliográfica e documental. Observou-se que a utilização da técnica de ACV nas CAE ocorre em passos iniciais. Todas as CAE já iniciaram pelo menos o pensamento de ciclo de vida como base para conhecimento por parte dos agentes interessados. Algumas CAE possuem iniciativas com propósitos mais adequados ao uso da técnica, como é o caso do BREEAM e do LEED. O BREEAM classifica os materiais escolhidos por meio de abordagem de ACV e o LEED faz a ponderação dos créditos das categorias utilizando o método de caracterização de impacto TRACI. Outra questão relevante é o uso da tecnologia BIM para realizar avaliações de ciclo de vida, o sistema Casa Azul faz menção para no futuro a integração nas fases de projeto. Aponta-se projeções de aplicabilidade da técnica de ACV estar inserida nas categorias relacionadas aos materiais, categoria esta considerada como padrão para avaliação por todas as CAE. / Given the complexity of the interaction between the built and the natural environment, the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) is a maximum precision approach to analyze the environmental impacts of the entire building. Besides considering the materials and energy consumption, this technique must include in its assessment the production and transport of building materials, and even the material recycling and waste management in the decommissioning phase. LCA is the technique that best fits the evaluation of environmental performance measures, it has able to be integrate with environmental certification systems. In this context, this study aims at analyzing the applicability of LCA technique for ECB systems (Environmental Certification of Buildings) housing in Brazil. To accomplish this, we use the exploratory research through literature and document review. It was observed that use of the CAE technique LCA showed up in the initial steps. All CAE have started at least the thought of life cycle as a basis for knowledge on the part of stakeholders. Some efforts have CAE more suitable for use in technical purposes, such as the BREEAM and LEED. BREEAM classifies chosen materials through LCA approach and LEED is the balance of credits in categories using the method of characterization TRACI impact. Another relevant issue is the use of BIM to perform life cycle assessments, which Casa Azul system makes reference to the future integration into project phases. It points applicability projections of LCA technique is inserted in the categories related to materials, a category regarded as a standard for evaluation by all CAE.

Análise do impacto da certificação LEED nos canteiros de obra de uma empresa de grande porte na cidade de Porto Alegre e propostas de adequação

Sinovetz, Henrique Duarte 10 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2017-05-08T17:20:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Henrique Duarte Sinovetz_.pdf: 3453504 bytes, checksum: feabd65a853f4f0b849fffbbb5011c49 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-08T17:20:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Henrique Duarte Sinovetz_.pdf: 3453504 bytes, checksum: feabd65a853f4f0b849fffbbb5011c49 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-10 / Nenhuma / A indústria da construção civil é uma das maiores responsáveis pelos significativos e danosos impactos ambientais, seja pelo consumo de matéria prima, seja pela contaminação do solo, pela geração de resíduos, ou ainda, pela contaminação do ar. Portanto, o tema da sustentabilidade vem sendo abordado com mais frequência no mercado imobiliário. Esse tema se demonstra na construção civil através de projetos que utilizam métodos construtivos que reduzem o impacto ambiental, como por exemplo, reutilização de água, uso de energia solar e redução de resíduos. Para o período de construção deve-se pensar em um planejamento e controle de canteiro de obras adequado, com planos ambientais e ações claras para cada situação. Em diversos países, inclusive no Brasil, a sustentabilidade tem sido aplicada unida a selos de certificação ambiental para construções, o que passa a ser um diferencial de venda, dada a alta competitividade do mercado atual. Nesse contexto e partindo de um objeto de estudo de uma empresa de grande porte, da cidade de Porto Alegre, que decidiu pela certificação de suas futuras incorporações, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar quatro canteiros de obra como estudo de caso, quanto ao atendimento dos requisitos da certificação LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) no momento de construção. A partir desse diagnóstico foi possível sugerir adequações aos canteiros futuros. E depois disso criar diretrizes para os planos ambientais, tais como: erosão e sedimentação, gestão de resíduos e qualidade do ar interior. Demonstrando, assim, que com planejamento de ações pode-se reduzir os danos e produzir impactos positivos à sustentabilidade. / The construction industry is one of the main responsible for the significant and damaging environmental impacts, either by the consumption of raw material, by the contamination of the soil, by the generation of combings, either by the contamination of the air. Therefore, the sustainability theme has been approached more frequently in the real estate market. This theme is demonstrated in the civil construction through projects that use constructive methods that reduce the environmental issues, such as reuse of water, use of solar energy and reduction of wasting. During the construction period should be think about planning and controlling of adequate construction site, with environmental plans and clear actions for each situation. In several countries, including Brazil, sustainability has been applied together with environmental certification seals for buildings, which becomes a selling differential, given the high competitiveness of the current market. In this context and with a study object of a large company, of the city of Porto Alegre, which decided for the certification of its future incorporations, the present work has the objective of analysing four construction sites as a study case, regarding the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification requirements at the time of construction. From this diagnosis it was possible to suggest adjustments to the future beds. And after that create guidelines for environmental plans, such as: erosion and sedimentation, waste management and indoor air quality. Demonstrating, therefore, that with planning actions can reduce damages and produce positive impacts to sustainability.

Certificação ambiental e habitação no Brasil: agentes e requisitos urbanísticos e arquitetônicos / Green building labels and housing in Brazil: agents and urban and architectural requirements

Ana Carolina Carvalho Figueiredo 16 August 2018 (has links)
A definição mais comumente utilizada de desenvolvimento sustentável foi apresentada em 1987 no Relatório Brundtland como sendo a capacidade das gerações atuais se desenvolverem sem comprometer a capacidade de gerações futuras fazê-lo também. Atualmente, está ancorada em seis pilares - ambiental, social, econômico, cultural, tecnológico e espacial e seu debate tem sido incorporado pelos diversos setores produtivos. Na construção civil, as certificações ambientais tornaram-se uma das ferramentas para conceber edificações mais sustentáveis e no Brasil, desde 2007, destacam-se as atuações do LEED, AQUA-HQE e Selo Casa Azul. Sob tal panorama, esta dissertação objetiva investigar o uso dos instrumentos de certificação na produção habitacional brasileira; bem como identificar quem são os agentes responsáveis por ela, seus vínculos internacionais e operacionalização; analisar os requisitos propostos na avaliação de edificações dos pontos de vista da qualidade urbanística e arquitetônica; e, ainda, avaliar os Condomínios E e G do Complexo Paraisópolis que foram certificados pelo Selo Casa Azul. Para tal, utiliza ferramentas metodológicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, entrevistas e estudo de caso. A discussão final verifica que é possível certificar projetos de habitação social e que, embora seus requisitos não possam garantir a melhoria da qualidade urbanística e arquitetônica dos projetos, os Selos atuam como coadjuvantes e incentivam a construção de moradia adequada às necessidades de seus usuários e à cidade. / The most commonly used definition of sustainable development was presented in the Brundtland Report in 1987 as \"the ability of current generations to develop without compromising the ability of future generations to do so.\" Currently, it is anchored in six pillars - environmental, social, economic, cultural, technological and spatial - and its debate has been incorporated by the various productive sectors. In civil construction, environmental certifications have become one of the tools to design more sustainable buildings and in Brazil, since 2007, the LEED, AQUA-HQE and Selo Casa Azul actions stand out. Under this scenario, this dissertation aims to investigate the use of certification instruments in Brazilian housing production; as well as to identify the agents responsible for it, its international links and operationalization; to analyze the requirements proposed in the evaluation of buildings from the point of view of urban and architectural quality; and to evaluate the Condos E and G of the Paraisópolis Complex, which were certified by the Selo Casa Azul. For this, it uses methodological tools of bibliographical and documentary research, interviews and case study. The final discussion verifies that it is possible to certify social housing projects and that, although their requirements can not guarantee the improvement of the urban and architectural quality of the projects, the Stamps act as coadjuvants and encourage the construction of housing adequate to the needs of its users and the City.

Environmental certification - why do companies seek it? : A comparative case study of ISO 14001 certified companies in Umeå

Blackestam, Andreas, Olofsson, Anton January 2013 (has links)
In modern times environmental matters have increased in importance and are being discussed more frequently, and especially in relation with company activity. One way of complying with modern standards for companies is to work with environmental management systems, and it has become quite normal for companies to certify their environmental management systems to a recognized environmental certification. Continuing on this, the purpose of our thesis is to gain a deeper understanding regarding and ultimately assess why it is that companies seek environmental certification. Additionally, we have developed a sub-purpose which is designed to help us gain a deeper understanding regarding the main purpose in a practical context. We will look at 5 production companies in Umeå that have implemented an environmental certification, specifically ISO 14001, and try to understand the reasoning behind choosing to become certified. We will also examine the environmental effectiveness of an ISO 14001 certified environmental management system. We have conducted a comparative case study with these 5 companies in Umeå. Our method of collecting primary data was to interview the companies with a qualitative semi-structured interviewing technique. In the empirical part of the thesis we focused on practically testing the theoretical material. Furthermore, we also analyzed secondary data received from the companies' websites and directly from the interviewees in order to assess the effectiveness of an ISO 14001 certified environmental management system in financial and environmental terms. Regarding the theoretical framework, we focus on two theories referred to as the legitimacy theory and the stakeholder theory, and these theories are used to explain organizational behavior. We also have theoretical material explaining the positives and negatives of environmental management systems, and also ISO 14001 certification and the reasons why companies can benefit from such certification. Our findings suggest that the matter of legitimacy, in combination with the stakeholder theory, affected all of the companies in one way or another when choosing to seek environmental certification. In what ways the companies were affected differed even though there were many similarities across the companies regarding their reasoning to become ISO 14001 certified. We also found that, despite collecting a lot of hard data illustrating the companies' environmental performance over recent years, it was difficult to directly link any improvements to ISO 14001. It was, however, stated that ISO 14001 certification for the environmental management systems did improve the overall quality and environmental focus and performance, but it is still difficult to assess this with much accuracy and certainty due to many contributing factors.

Greening the Restaurant Industry: Exploring Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) motives of certified organic food service businesses in Sweden

Finlayson, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
With growing levels of organic food consumption in the retail sector and government municipality goals to increase consumption of organic foods at public schools and institutions, private, independant food service businesses in Sweden risk slipping under the radar when it comes to understanding how they are responding to the global problem of industrialised, fossil fuel intensive and highly unsustainable agriculture. In Sweden, KRAV, an incorporaed association that develops standards for organic agriculture, governs certification for a range of industry actors, including restaurants. From the perspective of corporate social responsibilty (CSR) in small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), independant, owner-managed food-service businesses become the subjects of a study into motives for engaging in CSR through environmental certification. Guided by an explorative case study research approach, qualitative data in the form of semi-structured interviews were conducted with management representatives of a number of food service businesses in Uppsala and Stockholm, Sweden. Supported by a thorough literature review, the motives of these persons were identified and explored with the help of a conceptual framewrk based on profitability, legitimacy and sustainability motives. Additionally, the political view of CSR, using the concept of global corporate citizenship, was considered with regard to these commincated motives. Lastly the findings were reflected upon with respect to previous research specifically related to CSR in SMEs. As it turns out, it was found that the motivating factors for certifying with the KRAV restaurant certification were difficult to demarcate from broader ethical guiding principles related to supporting the organic movement. However, it was clear that legitimacy, specifically moral legitimacy, as well as profitabilty are critical elements to consider in understanding what motives restarant owner-managers to obtain KRAV restaurant certification. Finally, it was also concluded that in reacting to globalisation, the behaviour of the restaurants can be considered as global corporate citizenship inasmuch as they are providing a channelling role with regard to citizens’ political rights to actively participate in the global space and collective will formation.

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