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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miljöcertifieringar av kommersiella fastigheter : En marknadsbild / Environmental certifications of commercial real estate : A market analysis

Hofstrand, Carl, Valdenström, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
Denna rapport har till syfte att belysa varför förvaltande fastighetsbolag, med en långsiktig ägarstrategi på sitt fastighetsbestånd, väljer att miljöcertifiera sina lokaler. Samt hur de upplever investeringskostnaden som en certifiering medför, om de ser några problem eller brister i systemen och vad de tror om framtiden för miljöcertifieringar. Rapporten är avgränsad till miljöcertifieringssystemen GreenBuilding, LEED, BREEAM och Miljöbyggnad. Metoden som använts för att uppfylla rapportens syfte är semi-strukturerade expertintervjuer. Nyckelpersoner inom hållbarhetsarbete på åtta av de större fastighetsbolagen i Stockholmsområdet har intervjuats. Svaren från dessa intervjuer har sedan analyserats mot tidigare forskning på området och slutsatser har frammanställts utifrån denna analys.  Av rapporten framkommer att det idag finns många anledningar för en fastighetsägare att certifiera sina kommersiella lokaler. Certifierade lokaler är efterfrågade av hyresgäster, certifieringen medför en kvalitetssäkring för byggnaden samt upplevs ge en bra miljöstyrning vid såväl projekt som vid förvaltning. Utöver detta uppenbaras att det även finns ekonomiska incitament. Certifieringen medför lägre driftkostnader och förmånligare finansiering; både i form av tillgång till mer kapital och fördelaktiga lånevillkor. Företag som emitterar obligationer öronmärkta för gröna projekt (gröna obligationer), kan även se prisskillnader på dessa gentemot vanliga obligationer.  Fastighetsbolagen upplever likväl att det finns brister och förbättringsmöjligheter för certifieringssystemen. Att certifiera en byggnad är resurskrävande, både i form av tid och pengar, och den allmänna kännedomen kring miljöcertifieringar är fortfarande relativt låg. Ett införande av färdiga systemstöd för certifieringsprocessen efterfrågas och vi anser att marknadsföringen av systemen bör bli bättre. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att framtiden ändå ser ljus ut för miljöcertifieringssystemen. I Stockholmsområdet anser fastighetsbolagen att det för nyproduktion av kommersiella lokaler numera nästan är en hygienfaktor. De incitament som finns för att certifiera tycks överstiga de brister som uppmärksammats, och att det numera även går att certifiera med en ekonomisk vinning indikerar att certifierandet av kommersiella lokaler enbart kommer öka. / The objective behind this thesis is to clarify why real estate companies choose to environmentally certify their commercial buildings, how they feel about the investment cost of a certification and if they are experiencing any flaws with the certification systems. The report is delimited to the systems GreenBuilding, LEED, BREEAM as well as the Swedish system Miljöbyggnad; the future of these systems is also studied and discussed. The method used to carry out this objective is semi-structured expert interviews. Key persons in sustainability work at eight of the larger real estate companies in the Stockholm area has been interviewed. The answers from these interviews has then been analyzed and compared with previous research in the field, from this analysis conclusions have been made.  The results from the report shows that there are a lot of reasons for a real estate owner to environmentally certify their commercial buildings. Certified buildings are in demand from tenants, the certifications entail a quality reassurance for the buildings as well as provides a good instrument for environmental work both for projects and for asset management. In addition to this it is revealed that there are economic incentives to certify. It results in lower operating costs and advantageous financing; both in terms of access to more capital and more profitable loan conditions. Companies that emit bonds earmarked for green projects (green bonds), can also see differences in price on these compared to regular bonds.  Despite this, the real estate companies in Stockholm are experiencing some issues with the certification systems. To certify a building is demanding in resources; both time and money. The general population seem to have little understanding of the certification systems and what they entail. An implementation of complete system support for the certification process is requested and we believe that there is room for improvement when it comes to marketing the certification systems. In conclusion, the future of the environmental certification systems seems bright. In the Stockholm area, the real estate companies consider certifications on newly produced commercial buildings almost a requirement. The incentives to certify seems to be greater than the issues that has been brought up; and the fact that an economic profit can now be made by certifying indicates that the number of certifications carried out should increase.

En studie om hållbarhetsarbete & miljövänliga byggnader : Ur ett investeringsperspektiv / A study on sustainability work & environmentally friendly buildings : From an investment perspective

Grbic, Hasse, Khammeeseenon, Panpasa January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur det kan bli lönsamt för fastighetsägare och fastighetsinvesterare att investera i miljövänliga och hållbara byggnader. Dessutom fokuserar arbetet på hållbara byggnader och vad som sker i fastighetsbranschen som gynnar hållbarheten. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ ansats. Resultatet och analysen grundas på semistrukturerade intervjuer med kunniga aktörer inom fastighetsbranschen. De som har blivit intervjuade har kunskaper inom hållbarhet och representerar fastighetsföretag i både den privata och publika sektorn. Med hjälp av svaren från respondenterna, det teoretiska ramverket och analysen, har det kunnat framställs ett svar för frågeställningen.  Resultatet visar att det finns fördelar med att investera i hållbara byggnader. Är byggnaderna miljöcertifierade kan fastighetsbolag erhålla gröna lån, bättre finansiella villkor, förbättrad företagsbild och kontroll över byggnaden. Det finns även ekonomiska fördelar med att investera i hållbara byggnader, vilket kan vara flera konkurrensfördelar. Fastighetsbolag kan reducera energiförbrukningen med hållbara byggnader och som ett resultat spara stora summor kapital. Dessutom leder detta till minskning av driftkostnader och underhållskostnader. Förutom fördelarna som hållbara byggnader kan tillföra, visar resultatet att strategier har en viktig roll för att uppnå hållbarhet och framgång. Strategic fit och CSR är även värdefulla koncept som beaktas för att kunna uppnå mål som företag har. / This study explores how investing in environmental and sustainable buildings can be profitable for real estate owners and investors. In addition, it focuses on sustainable buildings and what is happening in the real estate sector to promote sustainability. The study has been conducted using a qualitative approach. The results and analysis are based on semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable actors in the real estate sector. The interviewees have knowledge of sustainability and represent real estate companies in both the private and public sectors. With the help of the answers from the respondents, the theoretical framework and the analysis, it has been possible to produce an answer to the question. The results show that there are benefits to investing in sustainable buildings. If the buildings are environmentally certified, real estate companies can obtain green loans, better financial conditions, improved corporate image and control over the building. There are also economic benefits to investing in sustainable buildings, which can be a competitive advantage. Real estate companies can reduce energy consumption with sustainable buildings and as a result save large amounts of capital. This can also lead to a reduction in operating and maintenance costs. In addition to the benefits that sustainable buildings can bring, the results show that strategies play an important role in achieving sustainability and success. Strategic fit and CSR are also valuable concepts that are considered in order to achieve the goals of companies.

Ger miljöcertifierade fastigheter fördel på den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden?

Abdulrahman, Ahmed, El Hage, Fadi January 2016 (has links)
Titel: En undersökning av hur vidare miljöcertifierade fastigheter ger fördel på denkommersiella fastighetsmarknaden.Ämne, kurs: Fastighetsvetenskap, Kandidatuppsats 15 hpFörfattare: Ahmed Abdulrahman & Fadi El HageHandledare: Peter PalmNyckelord: Miljöcertifiering, Marknadsfördel, Signaler, Kommersiella fastigheterAtt miljöcertifiera innebär att man höjer standarden av den tekniska installationen ifastigheten. Fastigheter som miljöcertifieras ger en lägre energiförbrukning då certifieringeninnebär att man bygger med bra kvalitet och med god miljöhänsyn. Studiens syfte är attundersöka om miljöcertifierade fastigheter ger en fördel på den kommersiellafastighetsmarknaden samt tydliggöra företagens avsikt med att miljöcertifiera sittfastighetsbestånd.Studiens syfte har angripits genom en kvalitativ undersökning där fem personer från femolika fastighetsbolag intervjuats i Malmö samt att ett studiebesök med Jenny Hartwig påVasakronan ägdes rum med syfte att komplettera Denell men också för att få en ökadförståelse för miljöcertifiering. Det har dessutom gjorts en granskning av fastighetsföretagenshemsidor för att få en helhetsbild av hur företagen arbetar med miljöcertifiering. I denteoretiska referensramen har signaleringsteorin av Milgrom och Roberts används ikombination med tidigare studier inom samma ämneskategori.Den insamlade informationen i studien grundar sig på fem olika respondenters kunskaper ocherfarenheter inom arbetet med miljöcertifiering. Det har observerats vara av samtligaintressenters intresse att jobba för ett miljövänligare Sverige där alla är med och bidrar till eneffektivare resursanvändning av jordens resurser. Fastighetsägarna som bidrar med 40 procent av den totala energianvändningen i Sverige vill vara med och effektiviseraenergiförbrukningen då det bidrar till ett positivt rykte samt att det på sikt är ekonomisktlönsamt då det ger en lägre drift -och underhållskostnader. Respondenterna är enliga om attmiljöcertifieringen utgör ett kvitto på att byggnaden är uppförd med bra materialval och hargod miljöhänsyn. Fördelarna det medför att miljöcertifiera sitt fastighetsbestånd är blandannat att det attraherar de hyresgäster som har det som krav på sig att endast lokalisera sig imiljöcertifierade lokaler. Miljöcertifieringen stärker och skapar bättre relationer medintressenter samtidigt som man sänder kvalitativa signaler som direkt är kopplade tillvarumärket. / Title: A study on whether environmentally certified offices are an advantage on the propertymarket.Subject, Course: Building Science, Bachelor Thesis 15 creditsAuthors: Ahmed Abdulrahman and Fadi El HageAdvisor: Peter PalmKeywords: Environmental Certification, Market Advantage, Signals, Commercial Real EstateThe meaning of the environmental certification is that the standard of the technicalinstallation rises in the property. A property that has environmental certification generateslower energy consumption where the certification means that you build with good quality andas well good environmental stewardship. The study aims to investigate whetherenvironmentally certified buildings provide a benefit to the commercial property market andto clarify the companies intend to environmental certification for its property portfolio.The study's purpose has been attacked by a qualitative study in which five respondents ondifferent real estate companies were interviewed in Malmo. There has also been a review ofthe property companies' websites to get an overall picture of how companies work withenvironmental certification. In the theoretical framework the signaling theory of Milgrom andRoberts has been used in combination with previous studies and other studies on how marketvalue is affected by the certification.The emphasis of the information collected in the study is based on five different respondentsknowledge and experience in working with environmental certification. It has been observedto be of interest to all stakeholders to work for a greener Sweden where everyone iscontributing to a more efficient use of resources of the earth's resources. Property owners who contribute with 40 percent of the total energy consumption in Sweden want to join andstreamline consumption as it contributes to a positive reputation and that the term iseconomically viable as it provides a lower operating and maintenance costs. The respondentsagree upon that the environmental certification is an acknowledgment that the building wasbuilt with good material and is environmental. The benefits of offering environmentallycertified offices are among other things, tenants who have certified facilities as a requirement.Environmental certification strengthens and creates better relationships with stakeholders andsimultaneously sends qualitative signals directly linked to the brand.

Undersökning av en industrifastighets material och resurshantering enligt miljöcertifieringssystemet LEED

Persson, Martin, Ekstrand, John January 2009 (has links)
Miljöcertifieringssystemet för byggnader, LEED (Leadership in Energy &Environmental Design) lanserades 1998 i USA av USGBC (United States GreenBuilding Council). USGBC är en icke vinstdrivande organisation, vars mål är attbidra till utökat hållbart byggande. Skanskas första byggnad som certifieradesenligt LEED färdigställdes 2001 i den amerikanska delstaten North Carolina. Islutet av februari 2009 offentliggjordes det att Skanska skall införa systemet i sinNordiska organisation.Undersökningen som genomförts handlar om ett av LEED New Constructions sexdelområden, Materials & Resources. Materialhanteringen för ett byggprojekt somSkanska uppfört har analyserats för att avgöra huruvida det skulle kunna erhållapoäng vid en certifiering enligt LEED. Metoden för undersökningen har varitsamtal med materialleverantörer och medarbetare från Skanskas organisation somvarit delaktiga i byggprojektet. Material som använts för undersökningen är LEEDfor New Construction Version 2.2 och projektdokumentation av olika slag. Enligtvår undersökning skulle det byggprojekt som vi analyserat kunnat erhålla tre avtotalt 13 poäng vid en certifiering. / The environmental certification system for buildings, LEED (Leadership inEnergy & Environmental Design) was launched in 1998 by USGBC (UnitedStates Green Building Council). USGBC is a non-profit organization aiming foran expansion of sustainable building practices and education. The first ofSkanska’s buildings to be certified according to LEED standards was finished inNorth Carolina in 2001. By the end of February 2009 Skanska made public thatthe system was to be adopted in their Nordic organization.This study examines one of LEED New Construction’s six subcategories,Materials & Resources. The materials handling of a Skanska construction projecthas been analyzed to determine whether it could receive credits if certifiedaccording to LEED. The method used has been verbal contact with materialsuppliers and Skanska staff involved in the construction project. The theoreticalbasis has mainly been LEED for New Construction Version 2.2 and several kindsof project documentation. It is concluded in this study that the construction projectanalyzed could have received three of a total of 13 credits if certified.

Segmentation of the market for labeled ornamental plants by environmental preferences: A latent class analysis

D'Alessio, Nicole Marie 09 July 2015 (has links)
Labeling is a product differentiation mechanism which has increased in prevalence across many markets. This study investigated the potential for a labeling program applied in ornamental plant sales, given key ongoing issues affecting ornamental plant producers: irrigation water use and plant disease. Our research investigated how to better understand the market for plants certified as disease free and/or produced using water conservation techniques through segmenting the market by consumers' environmental preferences. Latent class analysis was conducted using choice modeling survey results and respondent scores on the New Environmental Paradigm scale. The results show that when accounting for environmental preferences, consumers can be grouped into two market segments. Relative to each other, these segments are considered: price sensitive and attribute sensitive. Our research also investigated market segments' preferences for multiple certifying authorities. The results strongly suggest that consumers of either segment do not have a preference for any particular certifying authority. / Master of Science

Análise das alterações no processo de construção decorrente da aplicação de sistema de certificação ambiental de edificações

Piccoli, Rossana 22 June 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-03-18T17:38:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 analise_alteracoes.pdf: 1522461 bytes, checksum: 497ad40d5cc688eb8bd63be6400e9183 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-18T17:38:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 analise_alteracoes.pdf: 1522461 bytes, checksum: 497ad40d5cc688eb8bd63be6400e9183 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06 / Nenhuma / O setor da construção civil é responsável por diferentes e significativos impactos ambientais, quer seja pelo expressivo consumo de recursos naturais, pela significativa quantidade de resíduos e perdas gerados, ou ainda, pela ocupação e uso inadequado do solo. Em alguns países, um conceito que vem sendo desenvolvido e pesquisado é o da avaliação ambiental de edifícios. No Brasil, a importância e a necessidade deste tipo de avaliação já são percebidas pelos diversos agentes do setor da construção civil e o interesse pelo tema está se consolidando, sendo que alguns empreendedores já buscam algum tipo de certificação, ainda que estrangeira. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar as principais alterações no processo de construção decorrentes de sistema de certificação ambiental de edificações, com ênfase nos processos de projeto e produção. Como objetivos específicos, a realização do trabalho prevê: (i) analisar o interesse dos profissionais da região no tema da construção sustentável e sistema de certificação ambiental de prédios; (ii) identificar as principais alterações a serem realizadas nos processos de projeto e produção de empreendimentos que buscam a certificação ambiental; (iii) identificar os principais envolvidos e respectivos papéis na execução de um empreendimento que busca a certificação ambiental; e (iv) identificar principais dificuldades na etapa de preparação para a certificação de empreendimentos de construção. De uma forma geral, os resultados apontaram que os profissionais da Região do Vale do Sinos desconhecem os sistemas de avaliação ambiental, ainda que tenham interesse no tema, e que na prática, a implementação e aplicabilidade dos quesitos exigidos pelo método de certificação provoca modificações substanciais nos processos de projeto e produção, além de exigirem uma mudança cultural que atinge canteiros de obras, projetistas,profissionais da área e fornecedores. / The civil construction sector is responsible for differents and significants environmental impacts, e.g. the high natural resources consumption, the high amount of losses and waste generated, the inadequade soil ocupance. In some contries, a concept that has been enveloped and applied is the environmental evaluation of buildings. In Brazil, the importance of those type of evaluation has been perceived by different construction agents, and the interest about this topic is growing, and some projects have already searched some kind of certification, even from other countries. However, the certification process requires significant changes in design and production processes, also cultural changes in the sites and suppliers. In this context, this work has as general objective to analyse the main changes in the buildings construction process due to the environmental evaluation system, with focus on design and production processes. As specífic objectives, this works searches: (i) to analyse the interest of regional professionals in the topic of sustaintability in constructiona and environmental evaluation systems; (ii) to identify the main changes needed in the desing and production phases of projects that are willing to be certified; (iii) to identify the main agents and its roles in the production of a building that are being certified; and (iv) to identify main difficulties in the preparation phase for certification. In general, the results obtained point that the professional from Região do vale do Sinos do not properly know the environmental evaluation systems, although they show interest in the subject, and that actualy, the implementation and application of the requirements of the certification method results in substancial changes in design and production processes, besiades a cultural change that occurs in the production sites and in the supply chain.

Diretrizes para projetos de pontos de venda baseadas em sistemas de avaliação ambiental de varejo

Pozzatti, Gabriela Valente Caçola 25 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-11-17T11:38:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Gabriela Valente Caçola Pozzatti_.pdf: 6045962 bytes, checksum: e8f73e6cd8a0a02db3132f3d0d3708f8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-17T11:38:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gabriela Valente Caçola Pozzatti_.pdf: 6045962 bytes, checksum: e8f73e6cd8a0a02db3132f3d0d3708f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-25 / Nenhuma / A evolução do mundo pode ser sentida em vários aspectos do nosso dia a dia. A forma como a venda de mercadorias acontece hoje exigiu que a arquitetura acompanhasse essa transformação. Este trabalho aborda a sustentabilidade nos pontos de venda varejistas, tendo sido necessário buscar conhecimento para compreender a transformação que a arquitetura teve ao longo dos anos junto às formas de comércio. Fez-se necessário tomar conhecimento sobre a atual situação, no Brasil e no mundo, em relação à arquitetura comercial sustentável e, em seguida, agrupar conceitos de sustentabilidade e características de um projeto sustentável. Além disso, o trabalho busca identificar os sistemas de avaliação ambiental para varejo mais utilizados e assim analisar como a metodologia, a aplicabilidade, os critérios avaliados e a forma de pontuação dos mesmos são empregadas. A partir desse apanhado de informações, foi necessário comparar e analisar os diferentes parâmetros usados nos sistemas de certificação, buscando entender aqueles que têm maior relevância e popularidade. Como resultado final, foi possível gerar 35 diretrizes sustentáveis divididas em 5 grupos que são: energia, conforto do usuário, água, materiais e manutenção. Essas diretrizes auxiliam os lojistas a aplicarem estratégias menos prejudiciais ao meio ambiente nos pontos de venda. Foi realizado um estudo de caso de dois empreendimentos varejistas já certificados no Brasil, tendo sido observado e comparado como as diretrizes propostas pelo trabalho se comportam em projetos reais. Foi possível perceber que a maioria das diretrizes propostas no trabalho foi pontuada e auxiliaram os empreendimentos analisados a conseguirem suas certificações. Assim percebe-se que é exigido muito conhecimento e responsabilidade para se conseguir uma certificação, mas também foi possível perceber que muitos pontos são atingidos com pequenas estratégias durante a fase de projeto ou até mesmo após a loja em funcionamento. Por fim, como forma de repassar aos lojistas as diretrizes desenvolvidas no trabalho, uma cartilha foi montada para ser entregue nos pontos de venda. / The evolution of the world can be felt in many aspects of our day to day life. The way merchandise sales happen today has required architecture to accompany this transformation. This work deals with sustainability in retail outlets, and it was necessary to seek knowledge to understand the transformation that architecture has had over the years along with the forms of commerce. It was necessary to learn about the current situation in Brazil and the world in relation to sustainable commercial architecture and then to group concepts of sustainability and characteristics of a sustainable project. In addition, the paper seeks to identify the most used environmental assessment systems for retail and thus to analyze how the methodology, the applicability, the evaluated criteria and the way of scoring of them are employed. From this information collection, it was necessary to compare and analyze the different parameters used in the certification systems, seeking to understand those that have greater relevance and popularity. As a final result, it was possible to generate 35 sustainable guidelines divided into 5 groups: energy, user comfort, water, materials and maintenance. These guidelines help tenants to apply less environmentally harmful strategies at points of sale. A case study of two retail enterprises already certified in Brazil was carried out, and it was observed and compared how the guidelines proposed by the work behave in real projects. It was possible to notice that most of the directives proposed in the study were scored and helped the ventures analyzed to obtain their certifications. Thus it is realized that a lot of knowledge and responsibility is required to obtain a certification, but it was also possible to realize that many points are reached with small strategies during the design phase or even after the shop in operation. Finally, as a way of passing on to the shopkeepers the guidelines developed at work, a booklet was set up to be delivered at points of sale.

Análise do uso racional da água em edifícios de escritórios na cidade de São Paulo: métodos, práticas e certificação ambiental / Analysis of rational water use in office buildings in Sao Paulo: methods, practices, and environmental certificate

Barbosa, Janaina Gabriela 13 May 2013 (has links)
A racionalização do uso da água é necessária para contribuir com a redução do desperdício e com o uso consciente. A cidade de São Paulo se encontra em nível crítico de escassez de água, devido ao aumento da população, da demanda e da falta de tratamento dos efluentes, realizando a captação de água para abastecimento em bacias hídricas cada vez mais distantes. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o uso racional da água em edifícios de escritórios, verificando os procedimentos, métodos, técnicas, tecnologias e práticas adotadas para a racionalização do recurso. Descreve alguns conceitos sobre conservação da água; qualidade da água; uso potável e não potável; consumo; medidas de economia; substituição de fontes: aproveitamento de água pluvial; lençol freático; poço artesiano; reúso de água; certificação ambiental. O processo de certificação ambiental em edifícios tem contribuído com medidas de incentivo e conscientização do uso racional da água. Entre os selos certificadores ambientais observados estão o LEED; AQUA; SELO CASA AZUL CAIXA; e o processo de etiquetagem PROCEL EDIFICA na bonificação para a redução de consumo de água. Estudos de casos foram realizados, comparando o uso racional da água em um edifício de escritórios certificado pelo selo LEED com nove casos de edifícios de escritórios não certificados, situados em uma mesma região na cidade de São Paulo. Foram observadas as técnicas, procedimentos e tecnologias utilizadas em cada caso, e avaliados os benefícios da certificação ambiental para o uso racional da água, com objetivo de realização de análises comparativas qualitativas e quantitativas entre os casos. Por fim, a conclusão do trabalho destaca procedimentos que auxiliam no desenvolvimento de projetos de edifícios de escritórios para o uso racional da água. / In order to reduce water waste and encourage consumption awareness it is necessary to develop a rational use of water supply. The city of São Paulo currently faces a critical level of water, with scarcity due to population and demand growth, and lack of wastewater treatment, capturing a getting water from increasingly distant supply watersheds. This research aims at analyzing the rational water use in office buildings, checking procedures, methods, techniques, technologies and practices adopted for resource rationalization. Some the concepts of water conservation, water quality, potable and non potable water consumption, saving measures; font substitution: use of rainwater, groundwater, artesian well, reclaimed water, environmental certification are herein included. The environmental certification process for buildings has contributed with incentives and awareness of water conservation. Among the environmental certification seals we have the LEED, AQUA, CASA AZUL CAIXA SEAL, and the labeling process PROCEL EDIFICA to rebate water consumption. Case studies were conducted, comparing the rational use of water in an office building certified by the LEED, with nine cases of non-certified office buildings located in the same region in the city of São Paulo. Techniques, procedures and technologies used in each case were observed and were assessed the benefits of the environmental certification for the rational use of water, with objective of carrying out comparative the qualitative and quantitative analysis between cases. This paper finally presents procedures have been described to assist projects development of projects of office buildings seeking a more rational use of water.

Análise do uso racional da água em edifícios de escritórios na cidade de São Paulo: métodos, práticas e certificação ambiental / Analysis of rational water use in office buildings in Sao Paulo: methods, practices, and environmental certificate

Janaina Gabriela Barbosa 13 May 2013 (has links)
A racionalização do uso da água é necessária para contribuir com a redução do desperdício e com o uso consciente. A cidade de São Paulo se encontra em nível crítico de escassez de água, devido ao aumento da população, da demanda e da falta de tratamento dos efluentes, realizando a captação de água para abastecimento em bacias hídricas cada vez mais distantes. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o uso racional da água em edifícios de escritórios, verificando os procedimentos, métodos, técnicas, tecnologias e práticas adotadas para a racionalização do recurso. Descreve alguns conceitos sobre conservação da água; qualidade da água; uso potável e não potável; consumo; medidas de economia; substituição de fontes: aproveitamento de água pluvial; lençol freático; poço artesiano; reúso de água; certificação ambiental. O processo de certificação ambiental em edifícios tem contribuído com medidas de incentivo e conscientização do uso racional da água. Entre os selos certificadores ambientais observados estão o LEED; AQUA; SELO CASA AZUL CAIXA; e o processo de etiquetagem PROCEL EDIFICA na bonificação para a redução de consumo de água. Estudos de casos foram realizados, comparando o uso racional da água em um edifício de escritórios certificado pelo selo LEED com nove casos de edifícios de escritórios não certificados, situados em uma mesma região na cidade de São Paulo. Foram observadas as técnicas, procedimentos e tecnologias utilizadas em cada caso, e avaliados os benefícios da certificação ambiental para o uso racional da água, com objetivo de realização de análises comparativas qualitativas e quantitativas entre os casos. Por fim, a conclusão do trabalho destaca procedimentos que auxiliam no desenvolvimento de projetos de edifícios de escritórios para o uso racional da água. / In order to reduce water waste and encourage consumption awareness it is necessary to develop a rational use of water supply. The city of São Paulo currently faces a critical level of water, with scarcity due to population and demand growth, and lack of wastewater treatment, capturing a getting water from increasingly distant supply watersheds. This research aims at analyzing the rational water use in office buildings, checking procedures, methods, techniques, technologies and practices adopted for resource rationalization. Some the concepts of water conservation, water quality, potable and non potable water consumption, saving measures; font substitution: use of rainwater, groundwater, artesian well, reclaimed water, environmental certification are herein included. The environmental certification process for buildings has contributed with incentives and awareness of water conservation. Among the environmental certification seals we have the LEED, AQUA, CASA AZUL CAIXA SEAL, and the labeling process PROCEL EDIFICA to rebate water consumption. Case studies were conducted, comparing the rational use of water in an office building certified by the LEED, with nine cases of non-certified office buildings located in the same region in the city of São Paulo. Techniques, procedures and technologies used in each case were observed and were assessed the benefits of the environmental certification for the rational use of water, with objective of carrying out comparative the qualitative and quantitative analysis between cases. This paper finally presents procedures have been described to assist projects development of projects of office buildings seeking a more rational use of water.


BIANCA MARINHO QUINTELLA 18 May 2018 (has links)
[pt] Enquanto aumenta o uso da sustentabilidade nos projetos urbanos, cresce a necessidade de se elaborar indicadores de sustentabilidade que sirvam como referência para avaliar as políticas urbanas implantadas na cidade. Com isso surgem novos sistemas de avaliação que levam em consideração o entorno, a localização, a mobilidade urbana, a infraestrutura e a gestão ambiental, colocando em prática conceitos do novo urbanismo e desenvolvimento sustentável. Através de indicadores qualitativos de sustentabilidade, mostra-se como as cidades poderiam ser pensadas para absorver o crescimento urbano, sem deixarem de ser autossustentáveis, oferecendo oportunidades sem colocar em risco as gerações futuras. Após um levantamento dos parâmetros conceituais urbanos de sustentabilidade, foi elaborado um estudo de caso do loteamento Centro Metropolitano, localizado na Barra da Tijuca, indicando a sua possibilidade de certificação de acordo com os padrões exigidos pela certificação LEED ND (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Neighborhood Development). / [en] The terms Sustainable Neighborhoods or Green Neighborhoods have been increasingly used by society as a positive way to occupy new areas. This concern for the sustainable development of cities has meant that developers across the country to adhere to this thought, seeking certification as a way to classify their projects at different levels of sustainability and add value to their works (FARR, 2013). Currently there are numerous enterprises certified and in process of certification in the country. However, environmental certification for neighborhoods has not been much discussed and used in Brazil. While the use of sustainability increases in urban projects, it grows the need to develop sustainability indicators that serve as a reference for assessing urban policies implemented in the city. What can be seen nowadays is an urban legislation where the indices for construction differ from the indices required by environmental certifications, and therefore require a compatibility of urban laws with environmental certifications, enabling thus a sustainable urban growth of neighborhoods (FARR, 2013). The main problem of this research is: what would be the best way to measure sustainability in urban settlements. The indicators are fully applicable to the Brazilian urban environment? The construction is major cause of degradation in the environment. Thus it justifies the choice of this subject, as an attempt to gather information and data to encourage the construction of neighborhoods that cause less environmental impacts. The overall objective of this research consist of listing sustainability indicators for urban neighborhoods and housing developments, which are in accordance with the law of Rio de Janeiro and the local reality. The methodology adopted for this study consist of the following stages of research: conceptualize the term urban sustainability; describe indicators with essential importance to enable sustainable urban development; list the most used and recognized environmental certifications for neighborhoods; analyze the LEED ND certification; analyze and apply the concepts of LEED ND in the study subdivision.

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