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Environmentální kritéria veřejných zakázek / environmental criteria for public procurementBartošová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with green public procurement as an instrument for integrating environmental considerations info public procurment. It focuses on legislative framework for public procurement in Czech republic and in the world, the assessment of environmental and economic effectiveness of green public procurement. It deals with the history of green public procurement and potential benefits of the environmental performance of public administration on the environment. The practical part is based on interviews with qualified primarily purchasing department selected organizations, which should follow the Government Resolution of 14 June 2010 Rules for application of the requirements for the award of public contracts and purchases of state and local governments, as described in the theoretical part.
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Environmental Criteria to Aid Developers in Site Evaluation for Small Scale Residential Developments in Cache County, UtahFickes, Roger P. 01 May 1973 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is the prep1ration of environmental criteria to be used to aid future developers, county planning board, and county commissioners in the evaluation of sites for proposed small scale residential developments, and whether that development will have an irreparable environmental impact. The criteria are intended to fill the gap between standards for housing developments and finished design and that of environmental impact of small scale housing developments in Cache County, Utah.
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Strategic Supplier Evaluation - Considering environmental aspectsEgeröd, Jens, Nordling, Emma January 2010 (has links)
This study aims at presenting a strategic supplier evaluation model that can assist Cederroth in strategic supplier selection and give indications on potential areas for strategic supplier development. The evaluation model aims at assessing supplier performance also with respect to environmental aspects. The final model has been developed through five steps, five models, with starting point in a theoretical review and basic empirical data. Following the model was developed through four iterations of workshops, interviews, weighting and case studies. The final model includes 7 criteria categories and 41 criteria whereas one category including 7 criteria assesses a supplier’s environmental performance.
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Žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje / The implementation of green procurement policy in LithuaniaGražinskaitė, Indrė 03 July 2012 (has links)
Žalieji pirkimai, kurių metu atsižvelgiama ne tik į galutinę produkto kainą, bet taip pat ir produktų aplinkosauginius kriterijus, palaipsniui turės sudaryti didžiąją dalį vykdomų viešųjų pirkimų. Šių pirkimų skatinimu ypač suinteresuota ES, todėl kuriama ir įgyvendinama savita ES žaliųjų pirkimų skatinimo politika, leidžiami privalomi šalims narėms teisės aktai bei rekomendacinio pobūdžio metodinė žaliųjų pirkimo skatinimo medžiaga. Vis dėlto, už žaliųjų pirkimų skatinimą šalies viduje atsakinga kiekviena valstybė atskirai, todėl žaliųjų pirkimų įgyvendinimo mastas šalyje priklausys nuo to, kiek pati valstybė bus suinteresuota skatinti šiuos pirkimus.
Rengiant darbą buvo nagrinėjami tokie klausimai: pirmoje dalyje analizuojama žaliųjų pirkimų samprata, raida, teoriniai šių pirkimų organizavimo aspektai. Antroje dalyje analizuojama ES žaliųjų pirkimų politika bei stebima kaip šie pirkimai įgyvendinami konkrečiose ES šalyse. Trečioje dalyje analizuojama Lietuvos žaliųjų pirkimų įgyvendinimo politika, stebima kaip šie pirkimai skatinami, koks realus jų įgyvendinimo mastas, taip pat atliekamas tyrimas su perkančiųjų organizacijų viešųjų pirkimų organizavimo specialistais siekiant išskirti praktines žaliųjų pirkimų organizavimo problemas bei susisteminti siūlymus kaip būtų galima skatinti šių pirkimų įgyvendinimą Lietuvoje.
Atlikus perkančiųjų organizacijų tyrimą paaiškėjo, jog nors Lietuvoje žaliesiems pirkimams organizuoti sudarytos visos teisinės bei techninės galimybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / While implementing the green procurement, organizations must also take environmental criteria into account. Gradually these procurements will have to make a big part of all the public procurements. EU is very concerned in stimulating green procurements and this is the reason why EU institutions create and implement its own green procurement policy. Compulsory legislation and methodical recomendations of education are being promulgated as well. Anyway, every country is responsible for its own implementation of green purchasing, so the implementation of green procurements will be as significant as the main governmental institutions will be concerned about the stimulation of these procurements.
While preparing this Paper, the following tasks were investigated: in the first part of the Paper the conception, the evolution and theorethical aspects of the green purchasing were analysed; the second part of this Paper includes the analysis of the EU green procurement policy and the the observation of an implementation of these procurement in EU countries; in the third part of this Paper, green procurement policy in Lithuania was analysed. The main task was to observe how procurements are being simulated and what is the scale of the implementation of these procurements. Also the survey with workers who are responsible for organizing public procurements was conducted in order to find out the main problems in organizing green procurements and to get the suggestions how could the... [to full text]
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Análise de práticas de compras sustentáveis aplicada à indústria química brasileira. / Analysis of sustainable procurement practices applied to brazilian chemical industry.Ide, Mayara Sayuri 28 March 2016 (has links)
No contexto organizacional, o departamento de suprimentos exerce papel fundamental na melhoria dos desempenhos sociais e ambientais de uma cadeia. Dentre as atividades desempenhadas pela função de suprimentos está a seleção de fornecedores na qual são definidos os critérios utilizados para a escolha de um fornecedor. Sendo assim, pode-se afirmar que a função de suprimentos é capaz de estender a sua cadeia requerimentos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. Como objeto desse trabalho foi selecionada a indústria química, uma vez que trata-se de uma indústria base para diversas outras atividades econômicas e com grande importância na economia brasileira. Além disso, é um segmento marcado por acidentes ambientais bem como programas de apoio ambiental e social mundialmente reconhecidos como o Responsible Care. Diante desse contexto, esse trabalho buscou propor um modelo conceitual de seleção de fornecedores que incorpore critérios sociais e ambientais para a indústria química. A partir da revisão de literatura, elaborou-se a proposta de um modelo conceitual capaz de abranger organizações compradoras em diferentes níveis de maturidade para incorporação de critérios sociais e ambientais em seu processo de seleção de fornecedores. A primeira etapa proposta no modelo consiste na utilização de ferramentas simples como listagens, nessa primeira etapa o objetivo é proteger a organização compradora de um comportamento não adequado por parte do fornecedor à legislação pertinente. A segunda etapa do modelo consiste no desenvolvimento de uma base gerencial, estabelecimento de critérios sociais e ambientais e utilização de certificações para seleção de fornecedores. Através do método survey, por correio eletrônico, entre abril a setembro do ano de 2015, objetivou-se compreender as atitudes dos responsáveis por formular e implementar as estratégias de compras em direção às compras sustentáveis. A pesquisa demonstrou que há descompasso entre estratégia e execução no sentido de incorporar as perspectivas sociais e ambientais em um processo de seleção de fornecedores. O estudo indicou que as organizações ainda se encontram em estágios iniciais de seleção do fornecedor e compras em se tratando da inclusão de uma perspectiva socioambiental. As ações apresentam-se mais em termos de políticas e documentações, do que em nível operacional. / In the business environment, purchasing department plays a fundamental role in improving social and environmental performance of a chain. Among the activities carried out by the procurement function is the supplier selection in which the criteria are set used for choosing a supplier. Thus, the supply function is able to extend its chain economic, social and environmental requirements. The focus of this work was chemical industry, since it is a key industry for many other economic activities and with high importance in the Brazilian economy. In addition, a segment is marked by environmental accidents as well as environmental and social support programs globally recognized as Responsible Care. In this context, this study aimed to propose a conceptual model of selecting suppliers that incorporates social and environmental criteria for the chemical industry. From the literature review, a conceptual model was elaborated. The model was able to absorb purchasing organizations at different levels of maturity for incorporating social and environmental criteria in their supplier selection process. The first step in the proposed model is the use of simple tools such as listings. The goal is to protect the purchasing organization unsuitable by the supplier to the relevant legislation behavior. The second step of the model is the development of a management base, establishment of social and environmental criteria and use of certifications for selecting suppliers. Through the survey by email, from April to September/2015, the author aimed to understand the attitudes of those responsible for formulating and implementing purchasing strategies toward sustainable procurement. Finally, we proceeded to a comparison between the proposed conceptual model and the results obtained in the survey. The research identified organizations are still in the early stages of supplier selection containing social and environmental criterias. Actions are more related to policies and documentation than operational level.
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Enhancing Environmental Performance by Green Procurement : A study of environmental procurement preferences in the construction industryVarnäs, Annika January 2008 (has links)
<p>In recent years, the general awareness of the environmental impacts that industrial production gives rise to has radically increased throughout the world. Finding ways to minimise these impacts has become a major concern of the authorities in many countries. In order to promote a more sustainable industrial production, different incentives can be used. Among these incentives, the consideration of environmental issues in public procurement is increasingly being emphasised.</p><p>While much attention regarding sustainable procurement has centred on the purchase of products, this thesis focuses on green procurement of construction contracts. The construction industry is a major contributor to environmental pollution. It consumes about half of all resources humans take from nature and accounts for about 25 – 40 per cent of all energy used and about 30 – 50 per cent of all waste generated in OECD countries.</p><p>In the procurement of products, the environmental impacts of the available products can be estimated and compared, for example by using tools such as life cycle assessments. When construction contracts are procured, assessing the suppliers’ environmental capabilities can be more challenging, as the contract to be procured has not yet been performed. However, at the same time, there are considerably more opportunities to steer the construction towards more environmentally friendly alternatives.</p><p>In the thesis, it is suggested that the environmental requirements and the environmental criteria for tender evaluation should be used in combination, in order to safeguard environmental performance in the construction project and at the same time stimulate a green development within the industrial sector. In addition, the role of the client in ensuring that the environmental requirements are fulfilled during construction work is emphasised.</p>
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Žalieji pirkimai. Aplinkosaugos kriterijų įtraukimas į viešuosius pirkimus / Green purchasing. Integration of environmental criteria into public procurementSasnauskaitė, Inesa 22 January 2008 (has links)
Žalieji pirkimai yra požiūris, kuris stengiasi integruoti aplinkosauginius reikalavimus į visas viešųjų pirkimų stadijas, tikslu sumažinti poveikį gamtai ir žmonių sveikatai. Žalieji pirkimai dar vadinami subalansuotais pirkimai, ekologiniais pirkimais, teisingaisiais pirkimais. Jie paremti tokiomis prielaidomis kaip vartotojų sąmoningumas, tik reikalingas pirkimas, viso gyvavimo ciklo perspektyva. Žalieji pirkimai nėra nauja koncepcija – tai jau įgyvendinama daugelyje pirmaujančių aplinkosaugos srityje Europos Sąjungos šalių ir konstatuojama gaunama nauda. Daugelis viešojo sektoriaus perkančiųjų organizacijų, vykdančių žaliuosius pirkimus ir skatinančių aplinkosaugines inovacijas, patiria realių pokyčių rinkoje. Pasirinktos efektyvios įgyvendinimo strategijos padeda pasiekti viešųjų pirkimų efektyvumo padidinimą, pagerina vietinės bendruomenės gyvenimo kokybę, padidina aplinkosauginį sąmoningumą, pagerina esamos valdžios politinį įvaizdį, padeda pasiekti aukštesnį darnaus vystymosi lygį tomis pačiomis kainomis. / Green purchasing is an approach which integrates environmental consid¬erations into all stages of the purchasing process with the goal of reducing impacts on the environment. It involves a number of considerations, including buying only what is needed, taking a life-cycle perspective of the costs and impacts of products and services.
Green purchasing is not a new concept, and has been implemented by pioneer public authorities across Europe for many years. A great number of public authorities have positive experiences in this area. The implementation of green procurement by public author¬ities is effective in achieving real changes on the marketplace — support¬ing greener alternatives and promoting innovation. Effective strategies help to improve the efficiency of procurement, raise the quality of life in the local community and improve the political image of the administration. Green procurement, should not involve addi¬tional costs for a public authority — indeed money may often be saved. Although some greener products have a higher purchase price, if the whole life-cycle costs are considered, including use and disposal costs, even savings may often be achieved. There are a number of other factors which can help to keep costs down, includ¬ing a careful consideration of whether a product is really needed at all, and changes to the way procurement is organized and carried out (in some cases, greater centralization of procurement, the use of e-procurement and joint-purchasing... [to full text]
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Análise de práticas de compras sustentáveis aplicada à indústria química brasileira. / Analysis of sustainable procurement practices applied to brazilian chemical industry.Mayara Sayuri Ide 28 March 2016 (has links)
No contexto organizacional, o departamento de suprimentos exerce papel fundamental na melhoria dos desempenhos sociais e ambientais de uma cadeia. Dentre as atividades desempenhadas pela função de suprimentos está a seleção de fornecedores na qual são definidos os critérios utilizados para a escolha de um fornecedor. Sendo assim, pode-se afirmar que a função de suprimentos é capaz de estender a sua cadeia requerimentos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. Como objeto desse trabalho foi selecionada a indústria química, uma vez que trata-se de uma indústria base para diversas outras atividades econômicas e com grande importância na economia brasileira. Além disso, é um segmento marcado por acidentes ambientais bem como programas de apoio ambiental e social mundialmente reconhecidos como o Responsible Care. Diante desse contexto, esse trabalho buscou propor um modelo conceitual de seleção de fornecedores que incorpore critérios sociais e ambientais para a indústria química. A partir da revisão de literatura, elaborou-se a proposta de um modelo conceitual capaz de abranger organizações compradoras em diferentes níveis de maturidade para incorporação de critérios sociais e ambientais em seu processo de seleção de fornecedores. A primeira etapa proposta no modelo consiste na utilização de ferramentas simples como listagens, nessa primeira etapa o objetivo é proteger a organização compradora de um comportamento não adequado por parte do fornecedor à legislação pertinente. A segunda etapa do modelo consiste no desenvolvimento de uma base gerencial, estabelecimento de critérios sociais e ambientais e utilização de certificações para seleção de fornecedores. Através do método survey, por correio eletrônico, entre abril a setembro do ano de 2015, objetivou-se compreender as atitudes dos responsáveis por formular e implementar as estratégias de compras em direção às compras sustentáveis. A pesquisa demonstrou que há descompasso entre estratégia e execução no sentido de incorporar as perspectivas sociais e ambientais em um processo de seleção de fornecedores. O estudo indicou que as organizações ainda se encontram em estágios iniciais de seleção do fornecedor e compras em se tratando da inclusão de uma perspectiva socioambiental. As ações apresentam-se mais em termos de políticas e documentações, do que em nível operacional. / In the business environment, purchasing department plays a fundamental role in improving social and environmental performance of a chain. Among the activities carried out by the procurement function is the supplier selection in which the criteria are set used for choosing a supplier. Thus, the supply function is able to extend its chain economic, social and environmental requirements. The focus of this work was chemical industry, since it is a key industry for many other economic activities and with high importance in the Brazilian economy. In addition, a segment is marked by environmental accidents as well as environmental and social support programs globally recognized as Responsible Care. In this context, this study aimed to propose a conceptual model of selecting suppliers that incorporates social and environmental criteria for the chemical industry. From the literature review, a conceptual model was elaborated. The model was able to absorb purchasing organizations at different levels of maturity for incorporating social and environmental criteria in their supplier selection process. The first step in the proposed model is the use of simple tools such as listings. The goal is to protect the purchasing organization unsuitable by the supplier to the relevant legislation behavior. The second step of the model is the development of a management base, establishment of social and environmental criteria and use of certifications for selecting suppliers. Through the survey by email, from April to September/2015, the author aimed to understand the attitudes of those responsible for formulating and implementing purchasing strategies toward sustainable procurement. Finally, we proceeded to a comparison between the proposed conceptual model and the results obtained in the survey. The research identified organizations are still in the early stages of supplier selection containing social and environmental criterias. Actions are more related to policies and documentation than operational level.
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Marketing ambiental e certificações socioambientais: uma análise no contexto do etanol brasileiro / Marketing environmental and socio-environmental certifications: an analysis of brazilian ethanol contextMolina, Natália Sanchez 27 August 2010 (has links)
O aumento da demanda mundial por fontes alternativas de energia tem evidenciado o Brasil como ator relevante no mercado internacional, em função de seu histórico e capacidade produtiva de etanol. Porém, apesar de ser um mercado promissor e de alto interesse, também é um mercado bastante exigente em relação às questões ambientais que englobam seu sistema produtivo. O marketing ambiental se apresenta como uma ferramenta importante para garantir ao mercado consumidor de que essas questões ambientais estão sendo bem geridas. Entretanto, muitos são os questionamentos quanto ao que está sendo comunicado. Entre as principais formas de se aumentar credibilidade do processo de marketing ambiental, apresenta-se a utilização de certificações socioambientais. Assim, esta pesquisa se propôs a analisar as principais iniciativas de certificações socioambientais para o etanol brasileiro à luz do marketing ambiental. Por meio de entrevistas com 14 especialistas envolvidos com a questão do mercado internacional de biocombustíveis, produção de etanol e sustentabilidade, foi possível formar um padrão de análise das certificações, composto pelos: princípios de boas práticas para certificações socioambientais, demandas ambientais do mercado consumidor e critérios ambientais intrínsecos do sistema produtivo de etanol. A partir desse padrão, foram analisadas as principais iniciativas de certificação, que apontaram um melhor desempenho das iniciativas Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels e Better Sugarcane Initiative para dar credibilidade para o processo de marketing ambiental do etanol brasileiro. / The increase of global demand for alternative energy sources has made Brazil an important player in the international market, due to its history and ethanol´s production capacity. However, despite being a promising and highly interesting market, it is also a very demanding market in consideration to the environmental issues that include their production system. The environmental marketing presents itself as an important tool to ensure the consumer market that these environmental issues are being well managed. Meanwhile, there are many questions about what is being communicated. Among the main ways for increasing environmental marketing´s process credibility, there is a social environmental certification. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the main social environmental certification initiatives for the Brazilian ethanol through the eyes of environmental marketing. Through interviews with 14 experts involved with the international market for biofuels, ethanol production and sustainability, it was possible to form an analysis\' standard of certifications, formed by: principles of good practices for social environmental certification, environmental demands of the consumer market and environmental criteria intrinsic ethanol production system. According to this standard, we analyzed the main certification initiatives that pointed to a better performance of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels initiatives and Better Sugarcane Initiative to provide credibility to the process of environmental marketing of Brazilian ethanol.
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Aspectos ambientais na contratação de obras públicasSiqueira, Aretusa dos Santos de 08 November 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-05-27T13:42:05Z
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Aretusa dos Santos de Siqueira.pdf: 9009635 bytes, checksum: 9c422ba9f7391ce8c701689aa216bf26 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-27T13:42:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Aretusa dos Santos de Siqueira.pdf: 9009635 bytes, checksum: 9c422ba9f7391ce8c701689aa216bf26 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-11-08 / The present work aims to analyze the environmental aspects in public works contracts conducted through the bidding process, including the bulge in his quest for sustainability, establishing as State obligation to include environmental criteria for economy of natural resources. With its enormous power purchases and hires the State went on to act as a potential economic engine, assuming the responsibility for the formation of new markets more sustainable and ecologically correct, seeking alternatives ranging from recycling, saving water and energy, to the decrease of harmful gases to the environment. Apart from this contribution to the environment through public signings, this research will also analyze the issue of environmental liability in the State about the environmental damage arising from their employment under the auspices of the triple responsibility (civil, administrative and criminal law) provided for in our Magna Carta. / O presente trabalho tem a finalidade de analisar os aspectos ambientais nas contratações de obras públicas realizadas através do procedimento licitatório, incluindo em seu bojo a busca pela sustentabilidade, estabelecendo como obrigação Estatal a inclusão de critérios ambientais para economia dos recursos naturais. Com seu enorme poder de compras e contratações o Estado passou a atuar como um potencial agente econômico, assumindo consequentemente a responsabilidade pela formação de novos mercados mais sustentáveis e ecologicamente corretos, buscando alternativas que vão desde a reciclagem, economia de água e energia, até a diminuição de gases nocivos ao meio ambiente. Além dessa contribuição com o meio ambiente através das contratações públicas, a presente pesquisa também analisará a questão da responsabilidade ambiental do Estado sobre os danos ambientais decorrente de suas contratações, sob a égide da tríplice responsabilização (cível, administrativa e penal) prevista em nossa Carta Magna.
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