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The relationship between audit committee and CEO compensation and equity incentives of employees-take technological firms in Taiwan as exampleShao, Lian-An 15 June 2012 (has links)
Nowadays financial fraud scheme become more and more prevalent in public-traded companies in western and oriental countries. Many finance-related literatures realize and put stress on the importance of corporate governance. In this study, we would like to explore the relationship between audit committee and CEO compensation and equity incentives. We use multiple regression as methodology, take the public companies in technological field in Taiwan as sample from 2005 to 2010. We discover that, there is a positive relationship between the ratio of the number of independent directors divided by the audit committee members and the CEO compensation; there is no significant relationship between the ratio of the number of independent directors also serve as CEO directors in other firms divided by the audit committee members and the CEO compensation; there is a negative relationship between the ratio of the number of financial-accounting expertise divided by the audit committee members and the CEO compensation. And with regard to the equity incentives, there is no significant relationship between the ratio of the number of independent directors divided by the audit committee members, the ratio of the number of independent directors also serve as CEO directors in other firms divided by the audit committee members, the ratio of the number of financial-accounting expertise divided by the audit committee members and equity incentives.
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Tournament Incentives vs. Equity Incentives of CFOs: The Effect on Firms' Risk Taking and Earnings ManagementHan, Feng (Writer on business) 05 1900 (has links)
My dissertation consists of two essays on CFOs' promotion-based tournament incentives and performance-based equity incentives. The first essay examines the joint implications of CFOs' tournament incentives and equity incentives for firms' risk-taking. With the pay gap between the CEO and the CFO as the proxy for the CFO's tournament incentives, I find that the relationship between a firm's risk taking and the CFO's tournament incentives is non-monotonic. In particular, I show that below a certain level, increase in pay gap is associated with increase in firm risk taking (e.g., higher leverage, lower cash holding balance and higher R&D intensity). However, after reaching a certain level, the CEO-CFO pay gap negatively impacts risk-taking, as increase in pay gap is associated with lower leverage, higher cash holding balance and lower R&D intensity. With the CFO's pay-performance sensitivity as the proxy for the CFO's equity incentives, I find that the CFO's equity incentives negatively impact firm's R&D intensity, but have no significant impact on broader financial decisions such as capital structure and cash policy. Collectively, my findings indicate that CFO incentives play an important role in firm's risk-taking behaviors, and the effect of the CFO's tournament incentives is more pronounced. The second essay studies the impact of tournament incentives and equity incentives for CFOs on firms' earnings management, including accrual-based earnings management (e.g., total accruals, abnormal accruals) and real activities manipulation (e.g., abnormal discretionary expenditures, abnormal production costs). Measuring the CFO's tournament incentives as the pay gap between the CEO and the CFO, I show that the CFO's tournament incentives positively influence total accruals and abnormal accruals. Meanwhile, the CFO's equity incentives, measured as the CFO's pay-performance sensitivity, are found positively related to real activities manipulation proxies and total accruals. My findings show a consistent pattern before and after the passage of SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002), but the incentives' effects on earnings management have become less significant in the post-SOX period. Overall, the CFOs' tournament and equity incentives both play an important role in earnings management, but their relative importance lies in different earnings management techniques.
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Issues in executive compensationChen, Yuhui 16 July 2013 (has links)
Diese Dissertation stellt empirische Evidenz zu den Fragen der Verguetung von Fuehrungskraeften. Analyse der Daten der US-Firmen auflistet, finde ich eine umgekehrte U-foermige Beziehung zwischen Management Ownership und Unternehmensperformance, aber diese Beziehung verschwindet, wenn Unternehmensperformance von den letzten Jahr kontrolliert wird. Ich finde auch, dass die Executive Option Awards positiv auf Unternehmensperformance bezogen, während Executive Stock Awards hat keinen statistischen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Unternehmensperformance. Statistische Evidenz zeigt auch, dass die Struktur der Verguetung von Fuehrungskraeften Vertraege zu Unternehmen Eigenschaften und Executive persoenlichen Merkmalen zusammenhaengt. / This dissertation provides empirical evidence on the issues of executive compensation. Analyzing data of U.S. listing firms, I find an inverted U-shaped relation between managerial ownership and firm performance, but this relation vanishes when firm performance from last period is controlled. I also find that executive option awards is positively related to firm performance, while executive stock awards has no statistically significant impact on firm performance. Evidence also indicates that the structure of executive compensation contracts is related with observable and unobservable firm attributes and executive personal characteristics.
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Essays on the Corporate Implications of Compensation IncentivesAmadeus, Musa January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Ronnie Sadka / This dissertation is comprised of three essays which examine the ramifications of executive compensation incentive structures on corporate outcomes. In the first essay, I present evidence which suggests that executive compensation convexity, measured as the sensitivity of managerial equity compensation portfolios to stock volatility, predicts firm-specific crashes. I find that a bottom-to-top decile change in compensation convexity results in a 21% increase in a firm's unconditional ex-post idiosyncratic crash risk. In contrast, I do not find robust evidence of a symmetric relation between compensation convexity and a firm's idiosyncratic positive jump risk. Finally, I exploit exogenous variation in compensation convexity, arising from a change in the expensing treatment of executive stock options, in buttressing my interpretations within a natural experiment setting. My results suggest that managerial equity compensation portfolios do not augment a firm's future idiosyncratic crash risk because they link managerial wealth to equity prices, but rather because they tie managerial wealth to the volatility of a firm's equity. In the second essay, I exploit an exogenous negative shock to CEO compensation convexity in examining the differential ramifications of option pay and risk-taking incentives on the systematic and idiosyncratic volatility of the firm. I find new evidence that is largely consistent with the notion that compensation convexity, stemming from option convexity, predominantly incentivizes under-diversified risk-averse CEOs to increase the value of their option portfolios by increasing the systematic volatility of the firms they manage. I hypothesize that this effect manifests as systematic volatility is readily more hedgeable than idiosyncratic volatility from the perspective of risk-averse executives who are overexposed to the idiosyncratic risk of their firms. If managers use options as a conduit through which they can gamble with shareholder wealth by overexposing them to suboptimal systematic volatility, options are not serving their intended contracting function. Instead of decreasing agency costs of risk, by encouraging CEOs to adopt innovative positive NPV projects that may be primarily characterized by idiosyncratic risk, option pay may have contributed to the same frictions it was intended to reduce. In the third essay, I present evidence that is consistent with the notion that certain managerial debt-like remuneration structures decrease the likelihood of firm-specific positive stock-price jumps. Namely, I find that a bottom-to-top decile increase in the present value of CEO pension pay leads to a roughly 25\% decrease in a firm's unconditional ex-post jump probability. However, I do not find that CEO deferred compensation decreases firm jump risk. Finally, I find that information in option-implied volatility smirks does not appear to reflect these dynamics. Together, these results suggest that not all debt-like compensation mechanisms decrease managerial risk-taking equally. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Carroll School of Management. / Discipline: Finance.
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Financování podnikových činností formou rizikového kapitálu / Venture Capital FinancingZapletal, Václav January 2010 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na financování podnikových činností pomocí rizikového kapitálu v České republice. Práce identifikuje způsoby a prostředky, díky kterým prospívají společnosti, do nichž byl rizikový kapitál investován. Způsoby zvyšování hodnoty podniku, prospěch rizikového kapitálu a další determinanty spolupráce managementu podniku s rizikovými kapitalisty jsou analyzovány pomocí čtyř případových studií z České republiky a Velké Británie. Diplomová práce se také zaměřuje na možnosti zlepšení daňového a právního prostředí České republiky z pohledu institucionálních investorů, jakožto významného zdroje rizikového kapitálu. Výstupem této práce je doporučení na zavedení speciální daňové sazby pro malé a střední společnosti, umožnění penzijním fondům a pojišťovnám investování do fondů rizikového kapitálu a dále zvýšení možnosti daňového odečtu nákladů na výzkum a vývoj. Co se týče výkonnosti managementu po investici rizikového kapitálu, zdůrazněna je důležitost funkce dozorčí rady, neustálé přehodnocování motivačního balíčku pro management a další možnosti, které umožní dosáhnutí zvýšené výkonnosti managementu podniku.
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Resultatjustering genom goodwill / Profit adjustment through goodwillAlvarsson, Isabelle, Izetovski, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
När IFRS 3 gavs ut 2005 innebar detta att företag årligen skall pröva nedskrivningsbehovet enligt IAS 36 och överge den gamla avskrivningsmetoden. Detta innebar att företagsledare nu skulle bedöma huruvida det fanns ett nedskrivningsbehov för företagets goodwill, och bedömningen företagsledare skall utföra enligt IAS 36 medför subjektivitet och således även godtycke. Det subjektiva utrymmet kan användas av företagsledare för att manipulera resultatet opportunistiskt, något som kan påverkas av företagsledares löneincitamen, b.la. från aktier, och karaktärsdrag. Resultaten i tidigare forskning är inte enhetliga gällande sambandet mellan aktieinnehav hos verkställande direktörer och goodwillnedskrivning, samtidigt som könet ser ut att spelar roll då tidigare studier visar att kvinnor tenderar att använda mer konservativ redovisning och justerar resultatet i lägre omfattning. Studiens syfte är således att undersöka om vd:ns aktierelaterade löneincitament påverkar goodwillnedskrivning, samt huruvida vd:ns kön har en modererande effekt på sambandet. En kvantitativ metod tillämpas i studien, där data inhämtas manuellt från företags årsredovisningar och genom Refinitiv under perioden 2016–2021. Studiens resultat visar ett positivt samband mellan aktieinnehavet hos verkställande direktörer och goodwillnedskrivningar. Vidare påvisar resultatet i studien dessutom ett förstärkande positivt samband när vd:ns kön inkluderas som modererande variabel för storleken på goodwillnedskrivningen, däremot visar studien ett insignifikant resultat gällande beslutet att skriva ned goodwill när vd:ns kön inkluderas som modererande variabel. / When IFRS 3 was issued in 2005, this meant that companies must annually test the need for impairment according to IAS 36 and abandon the old depreciation method. This meant that company managers would now assess whether there was a need to write down the company's goodwill, and the assessment that company managers must perform according to IAS 36 entails subjectivity and thus also discretion. The subjective space can be used by company managers to manipulate the result opportunistically, something that can be influenced by company managers' salary incentives, i.a. from stocks, and character traits. The results in previous research are not uniform regarding the relationship between shareholdings of managing directors and goodwill write-downs, while gender appears to play a role as previous studies show that women tend to use more conservative accounting and adjust the results to a lesser extent. The purpose of the study is thus to investigate whether the CEO's share-related incentives affect goodwill impairment, and whether the CEO's gender has a moderating effect on the relationship. A quantitative method is applied in the study, where data is collected manually from companies' annual reports and through Refinitiv during the period 2016–2021. The results of the study show a positive relationship between the shareholding of CEOs and goodwill write-downs. Furthermore, the results in the study also demonstrate a reinforcing positive relationship when the CEO's gender is included as a moderating variable for the size of the goodwill write-down, in contrast, the study shows an insignificant result regarding the decision to write down goodwill when the CEO's gender is included as a moderating variable.
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