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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementación de un plan ergonómico para incrementar la rentabilidad en la Empresa Grupo Consorcio Ángel J.L. EIRL

Chiroque Ramirez, Herbert Abel January 2023 (has links)
El presente estudio tuvo como fin dar solución a la variabilidad en las ventas generadas por el ausentismo laboral relacionado con las actividades de trabajo en las que se desempeñan. Ante esto se empezó realizando un diagnóstico de la situación actual ergonómica de la empresa, lo cual permitió identificar la existencia de riesgos en los procesos de aprovisionamiento, empaquetado y distribución, los cuales necesitaban intervención de manera inmediata ya qué el causante de esta problemática está relacionado con las formas, posiciones y condiciones en las que trabajan. Inicialmente se aplicó un CHECK LIST DE LA R.M. 375-2008-TR CRITERIO DE RIESGOS DISERGONOMICOS, la cual tiene como fin determinar que riesgos se encuentran presentes en la empresa, la cual después de su aplicación arrojo que de los 5 incisos que se consideran, 3 resultaron no cumpliendo, indicando que existen problemas ergonómicos en dichos procesos y que necesitan una evaluación. Para esta evaluación inmediata se empleó la metodología para la identificación de riesgos, dejando como resultado que el proceso de aprovisionamiento junto al de distribución presentan un riesgo alto en el criterio de levantamiento manual de carga y deben ser evaluados y cambiado de manera inmediata. A fin de dar solución al problema encontrado se plantea la implementación de un programa ergonómico, el cual contiene controles que van desde la entrega de un manual ergonómico, programa de capacitaciones, programa de pausas activas, diseño de una estación de trabajo en el proceso de empaquetado y la de implementar carros transportadores para las etapas de aprovisionamiento y distribución. Finalmente se realizó un flujo de caja pre y post para evidenciar si la implementación generará mayor rentabilidad en la empresa, determinando que al comparar un determinado periodo de tiempo del año 2018, nos arroja un VAN de $14,604.10 y un TIR de 13%, mientras que la del año 2020 nos arroja un VAN de $46,788.68 y un TIR de 80%, lo cual demuestra un incremento favorable en la parte financiera de la empresa, haciendo que este estudio cumpla con la hipótesis planteada. / The present study aimed to provide a solution to the variability in sales generated by absenteeism related to the working conditions in which they work. In view of this, we began by making a diagnosis of the current ergonomic situation of the company, which allowed us to identify the existence of risks in the processes (supply, packaging and distribution) which need intervention quickly and what the cause of this problem is related to the forms and conditions in which they work, initially applying a CHECK LIST FOR R. M. 375-2008-TR CRITERIA FOR DYGONOMIC RISKS, which showed that, of the 5 points it considers, 3 were not fulfilled, indicating that there are ergonomic problems in these processes and that they need an immediate evaluation. For this immediate evaluation the methodology for the identification of risks was used, leaving as a result that the process of provisioning together with the distribution process present a high risk in the criterion of manual lifting of the load and must be evaluated and changed immediately. In order to solve the problem found, an ergonomic program was implemented, which contains controls that range from the delivery of an ergonomic manual, training program, active break program, design of the workstation in the packaging process and the implementation of conveyor carts for the supply and distribution stages. Finally, a pre and post cash flow was carried out to show if the implementation will generate greater profitability in the company, determining that when comparing a certain period of time in 2018, it gives us a NPV of $ 14,604.10 and an IRR of 13%, while that of the year 2020 gives us a NPV of $ 46,788.68 and an IRR of 80%, which shows a favorable increase in the financial part of the company, making this study comply with the hypothesis raised

The IKEA Industry way of ergonomic risk assessment : Development of a global standard for ergonomic risk assessment

Sroka, Angelica January 2019 (has links)
In 2018 IKEA Industry, the largest producer of wood-based furniture for IKEA customers presented their sustainability strategy for Financial Year 2025. In Health & Safety, they want to minimize ergonomic risks at their factories. To be able to understand what risks the factories contain, the first step is a common ergonomic risk assessment methodology. Because of a lack of knowledge in ergonomics at IKEA Industry, the responsibility was laid on this master thesis project. This project has with the help of interviews, surveys and observations found what needs the factories have in ergonomic risk assessment. A literature review also found things that the factories should have but haven´t asked for. Using benchmarking, several common methods used on the market has been summarized and analyzed by the requirements. Three methods, KIM, RAMP and HARM were chosen to be tested by the factories. In a user test, it was clear that KIM was easiest to use. HARM was eliminated because of the lack of evaluating lifting and pushing movements. To choose between KIM and RAMP they were evaluated in terms of the requirements. The results showed that KIM was the best method for IKEA Industry factories. At some places RAMP had good assessment methods. In order to not ignore these, they have been implemented into KIM to make it suit the factories even better. The result ended up in a document called Global standard of ergonomic risk assessment. The method is divided into three different methods depending on if you have lifting/ carrying work, pushing work or repetitive work. The results are then summarized in a chart that shows what needs to be investigated. This project has also with the help of the literature and the analysis of the factory, decided which roles that will participate in the assessment. The suggestions are manager, ergonomist and a production co-worker. With the help of this method, the factories will be able to understand what ergonomic risks they have. They will only need to evaluate the work tasks with the help of this method and will then be presented all high, medium or low ergonomic risks in the factories to minimize these before FY2025. / 2018 presenterade IKEA Industry, världens största möbeltillverkare, deras hållbarhetsstrategi inför finansiella året 2025. Inom Hälsa & säkerhet vill dem minska sina ergonomiska risker på fabrikerna. För att förstå vilka risker som finns har dem kommit fram till att skapa en bedömningsmetod som är gemensam bland fabrikerna. Då företaget har en brist i kunskap inom ergonomi har företaget valt att lägga över ansvaret på detta exjobb. Detta projekt har med hjälp av intervjuer, enkäter och observationer kommit fram till vad för behov fabrikerna har vad gäller ergonomisk riskbedömning. Med litteratur har även andra behov hittats som anses behövs men fabrikerna har inte insett behovet. För att hitta metoder har det genomförts en benchmarking där flera av de mest vanliga och erkända ergonomiska riskbedömningsmetoder har sammanfattats. Dessa metoder har sedan analyserats med hjälp av behoven och KIM, RAMP och HARM blev utvalda. Dessa har sedan testats av fabrikerna med hjälp av ett användartest. Resultatet visade på att KIM var enklast att användas. HARM valdes även bort på grund av dess brist i bedömning av lyft och drag. För att kunna välja vilken metod som passar IKEA Industry bäst bedömdes KIM och RAMP med avseende på de olika krav som sattes upp. Här visade det sig att KIM var den mest lämpade metoden för IKEA Industry. Då KIM ibland hade brister i bedömningen som RAMP var bättre på valdes det att lägga in vissa delar från RAMP för att komplettera KIM. Resultatet blev ett dokument vid namn ”Global standard inom ergonomisk riskbedömning”. Metoden är uppdelad i tre olika metoder beroende på om lyftarbete, drag/skjutande arbete eller repetitivt arbete skall bedömas. Resultaten är sedan sammanfattade i en tabell som visar vilka områden som behövs undersökas. Projektet har även med hjälp av teori och analys av fabrikerna kommit fram till vilka roller som skall deltaga i ett bedömningsarbete. Förslaget blev slutligen, ansvarig chef, ergonom och en produktionsarbetare. Med hjälp av denna metod skall fabrikerna kunna förstå vad för risker dem har i fabrikerna. Dem kommer endast behöva använda dokumentet, utvärdera och sedan få information om alla höga, medium och låga risker för att minimera dessa innan FY2025.

Ergonomisk Värdeflödesanalys Inom Tillverkningsindustrin

Mohamed, Abas Adan, Wallsten, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
In today's market, many companies find themselves in a situation where customers place higher demands on companies. This is a challenge for companies to meet these demands effectively, one way to do it is to implement Lean which can lead to increased productivity, lower costs and better quality. One of the most effective and important tools for streamlining production within Lean is value stream mapping, which identifies the most important activities where they are categorized as value-creating, non-value-creating and waste. There is a clear trend for companies to implement new ways of working that focus on reducing non-value-creating activities. However this can lead to an increased workload, where repetitive tasks are performed at a higher rate without break or variations. However, there is still lack of a knowledge addressed in research and studies on manufacturing organizations, which have contributed to the development of various models for conducting value stream mapping that take ergonomic factors into account.  The purpose of this study is to investigate how an ergonomic value stream mapping can contribute to creating a future production flow with reduced waste and a reduced ergonomic strain in the manufacturing industry. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate how the ergonomic value stream mapping can be used as a basis for a machine investment. The study's primary information has been collected through interviews and observations. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three respondents as well as structured and unstructured observations.  The results and conclusions of the study show that the proposed changes in the production flow will be able to contribute to a more efficient future production flow with reduced ergonomic load. The ergonomic strain is reduced both at the activity level and for the entire production process. The study confirms that ergonomic value stream mapping can be used as a basis for a machine investment by identifying how changes affect the ergonomic strain and production efficiency.

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