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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Pomerantz, Evan D 01 January 2015 (has links)
This is a series of daily writings. Each day consists of a new topic and is closed at the end of the day. The ideas presented are philosophical, humorous, rambling, lamentations, incantations, doubt-ridden, aesthetic pep talks which combine into an affective representation of my studio practice’s becoming. There will be little congruency, some stories, and a lot of parallels because that is who I am.

Overbite Correction and Smile Esthetics

Kelleher, Kevin Erick 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this prospective clinical study was to investigate differences in outcomes from two common treatment modalities used to reduce deep overbite: maxillary incisor intrusion using an intrusion arch and posterior tooth eruption using an anterior bite plate. Pre-treatment, post-overbite correction and post-treatment records were gathered from 32 patients who presented with deep overbite malocclusions to the Virginia Commonwealth University orthodontic clinic. Both groups of patients experienced reductions in overbite and maxillary incisor display as well as maxillary and mandibular incisor proclination and mandibular incisor occlusal movement during treatment. In the intrusion arch group, the center of resistance of the maxillary incisor was significantly intruded during overbite correction. The maxillary incisor incisal edge was significantly more intruded at the end of treatment in the intrusion arch group. Both groups experienced flattening of the smile arc in agreement with previous studies showing similar changes in orthodontically treated individuals.

Avaliação da estabilidade de cor e capacidade de mascaramento de facetas com cerâmicas reforçadas por dissilicato de lítio e cerâmicas híbridas / Evaluation of color stability and masking ability of ceramics reinforced by lithium disilicate and hybrid ceramics veneers

Rodrigues, Raphaela Farias 29 June 2017 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a estabilidade de cor e capacidade de mascaramento até 1.000.000 de ciclos termomecânicos das facetas de cerâmica híbrida e cerâmica reforçada com dissilicato de lítio processadas pelo método de fresagem CAD/CAM; verificar a influência da cor do cimento em relação a cor final das facetas e a correspondência entre as pastas try-in; e as respectivas cores dos cimentos. Foram confeccionadas 60 facetas cerâmicas, pelo método de fresagem, que foram cimentadas com cimento fotopolimerizável (Variolink Esthetic LC), seguindo as orientações dos fabricantes, em réplicas de incisivos centrais escurecidos (C4) e não escurecidos (A2) e distribuídas nos grupos experimentais (n=10) DA2N, DC4N, DC4L, HA2N, HC4N, HC4L de acordo com o tipo de cerâmica dissilicato de lítio (D) e híbrida (H), cor do substrato A2 e C4, e cor do cimento neutral (N) e ligth (L). As leituras com espectrofotômetro foram realizadas previamente à cimentação das facetas, facetas + pastas Try-In, imediatamente após cimentação da faceta, após 48h, 72h e após ciclos termomecânicos (250.000, 500.000, 750.000 e 1.000.000) em máquina de ciclagem. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste ANOVA-2 medidas repetidas e teste Tukey (5%). Observou-se que ambas as cerâmicas apresentaram estabilidade de cor e capacidade de mascaramento, pois apesar de ocorrer diferença estatística em alguns grupos, todos os valores de E apresentaram-se abaixo de 1,7, ou seja, não são perceptíveis. Da mesma forma, verificou-se que a cor dos cimentos (neutral e light) não influenciou na cor final das restaurações, pois não houve diferença estatística significante comparando-se os grupos DC4N e DC4L como também entre HC4N e HC4L. Correlacionando-se as pastas try-in com as cores dos respectivos cimentos todos os valores obtidos para E ficaram abaixo de 3,3 que é considerado o limite como perceptível por observadores não treinados. Concluiu-se que as facetas de cerâmica híbrida e dissilicato de lítio apresentam muito boa estabilidade de cor ao longo do tempo e capacidade de mascaramento. Assim como, as diferentes cores de cimento não influenciam a cor final das facetas e as pastas try-in apresentam fidelidade em relação às respectivas cores dos cimentos. / The objectives of this work were to evaluate the color stability and masking ability up to 1,000,000 thermomechanical cycles of hybrid and reinforced with lithium disilicate ceramics processed by the CAD/CAM method; to verify the influence of cement color in relation to the final color of the veneers; and the correspondence between try-in and respective colors of the cements. 60 ceramic veneers were prepared using the milling method, which were cemented by light-curing cement (Variolink Esthetic LC) according to the manufacturer\'s instructions on replicates of darkened (C4) and nondarkened central incisors (A2) and distributed in the experimental groups (n=10) - DA2N, DC4N (D), DC4L, HA2N, HC4N, HC4L according to ceramic - lithium disilicate (D) and hybrid (H), substrate color - A2 and C4, and cement color - neutral (N) and ligth (L). The spectrophotometer measurements were performed prior to veneers cementation, veneers + try-In, immediately after cementing, after 48h, 72h and after thermomechanical cycles (250,000, 500,000, 750,000 and 1,000,000) in a cycling machine. Data were analyzed by ANOVA-2 repeated measures and Tukey test (5%). It was observed that both ceramics presented color stability and masking ability, because although there was a statistical difference in some groups, all values of E were below 1.7, ie, they are not perceptible. Likewise, it was found that the color of the cements (neutral and light) did not influence the final color of the restorations, since there was no significant statistical difference comparing the groups DC4N and DC4L as well as between HC4N and HC4L. By correlating the tryin with the colors of the respective cements all values obtained for E were below 3.3 which is considered the limit as perceived by untrained observers. It was concluded that hybrid ceramics and lithium disilicate veneers exhibit very good color stability over time and masking ability. As well as, the different cement colors do not influence the final color of the veneers and try-in pastes show similarity to the respective colors of the cements.

Imaginários da linguagem de Alice Vieira e Lygia Bojunga Nunes: a modernidade em diálogo na literatura para crianças e jovens / Imaginaries in the language of Alice Vieira and Lygia Bojunga Nunes: Modernity in dialog in the literature intended to children and youngsters.

Santos, Daniela Yuri Uchino 07 May 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação inicia-se com uma pesquisa sobre o conceito de modernidade, e suas denominações: Modernidade/Pós-modernidade; a seguir, recorremos à Arte Moderna, para depois adentrarmos a Estética literária no projeto da modernidade, foco da pesquisa e, para tanto, apresentamos valores literários de alguns escritores-críticos modernos. Assim, expostas as idéias em diálogo na modernidade, procedemos a formatação de um paradigma a que chamamos de paradigma Projeto da Modernidade. Discorremos sobre a crítica literária atual, e as autoras pesquisadas: a portuguesa Alice Vieira e a brasileira Lygia Bojunga Nunes. Selecionamos e realizamos um estudo paradigmático analíticocrítico em duas obras literárias para crianças e jovens, a saber: Flor de Mel de Alice Vieira e Corda bamba de Lygia Bojunga Nunes. Fizemos uma aproximação do paradigma PM formatado para este estudo ao final de cada análise, assim como uma aproximação entre Flor de Mel e Corda bamba. Dessa forma, pudemos constatar o quanto a qualidade estética do texto narrativo; desconsiderando se a obra pode ser endereçada ao receptor adulto ou criança, ou seja, se é chamada de literatura para crianças e jovens, ou não; comprova a estética literária da modernidade a que nos propusemos investigar neste estudo. / This thesis starts by researching the concept of Modernity and its denominations. Modernity/Post-modernity; then, we approach Modern Art, and, later, we enter the literary esthetics in the project of Modernity, which is the focus of the research and, for that purpose, we present literary values of some modern critic-writers. So, once the ideas in Modernity dialog have been exposed, we proceed to the formatting of a paradigm which we call Project of Modernity Paradigm. We go about the current literary criticism, and the researched writers: Portuguese Alice Vieira and Brazilian Lygia Bojunga Nunes. We selected and performed an analytical-critical paradigm study in two literary works for children and youngsters, namely: Flor de Mel, by Alice Vieira and Corda bamba, by Lygia Bojunga Nunes. We did an approximation of the PM paradigm, for this study, in the end of each analysis, as well as an approximation between Flor de Mel and Corda bamba, so that we could find how much the esthetic quality of the narrative text, disregarding whether the work can be addressed to the adult or children receptors, in other words, if the literature mentioned is for children and youngsters, or not, does evidence the literary esthetics of Modernity which we proposed to investigate in this study.

Avaliação de nova técnica não cirúrgica para tratamento de deficiência de papila em área estética: estudo clínico randomizado controlado / New evaluation technique non-surgical for papilla deficiency treatment in cosmetic area: randomized controlled trial

Ribeiro, Mônica Garcia 08 April 2016 (has links)
A ausência ou perda da papila interdental cria deficiência estética, problemas fonéticos, impactação alimentar e gera muita expectativa ao paciente. Até o momento, o tratamento da ausência ou perda da papila interdental tem sido mal sucedido e não há estudos que indiquem que a regeneração da papila é um resultado previsível. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade da injeção de gel de ácido hialurônico de origem não animal na redução ou eliminação da deficiência de papila entre dentes naturais comparativamente ao tratamento por meio de enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial. Foram avaliados neste estudo 20 sítios de 6 pacientes de ambos os sexos, com idade variável de 29 a 62 anos, apresentando deficiência de papila entre dentes naturais, na região anterior superior, em pelo menos dois dentes. Os 20 sítios tratados foram aleatoriamente divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com o tratamento para correção da deficiência de papila por meio de enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial (grupo controle) ou por meio de injeção de gel de ácido hialurônico (grupo teste). Um examinador único, calibrado, avaliou a distância da ponta da papila ao ponto de contato com auxílio de sonda periodontal milimetrada antes e aos 1, 3 e 6 meses após o tratamento. Além disso, foram investigados, nos sítios tratados, as medidas de profundidade de sondagem, nível de inserção, índice de sangramento do sulco, índice de placa, distância do ponto de contato à crista óssea alveolar, distância da ponta da papila à crista óssea alveolar e largura da papila. Os resultados demonstraram que aos 6 meses de pósoperatório o percentual de mudança na altura da papila foi maior no grupo teste (14,94% ± 21,35%) do que no grupo controle (-1,39% ± 31,46%), entretanto sem diferenças significantes entre os grupos (p> 0.05). Não houve variação estatisticamente significante na largura da papila antes e aos 4 meses após o tratamento nos grupos teste (p= 0.09) e controle (p= 0.16), assim como não houve variação significativa na distância entre a ponta da papila e a crista óssea alveolar. Houve melhora significativa do Índice de Estética Rosa (IER) observado aos 6 meses de acompanhamento em comparação com a condição inicial no grupo teste (p= 0.0078; Wilcoxon), enquanto que não houve mudança significativa no IER observado no grupo controle aos 6 meses de acompanhamento (p= 0.35). Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o tratamento da deficiência de papila por meio de injeção de gel de ácido hialurônico promove melhora da deficiência de papila, similar aos resultados obtidos com o tratamento por meio de enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial, porém com melhora estética significativa relacionada especialmente às características de cor e textura do tecido relativamente aos tecidos moles adjacentes. / The absence or loss of interdental papilla creates an esthetic deficiency, phonetic problems and food impaction and generates a lot of expectation for the patient. Until now, the treatment for absence or loss of interdental papilla is unsuccessful e and there are no researches that show that the papilla regeneration is a predictable outcome. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectivity of a non-animal originated hyaluronic acid injection in the reduction or elimination of papilla deficiency between natural teeth in comparison to a sub epithelial connective tissue graft treatment. The analysis was made on 20 sites in 6 patients, both genders, 29 - 62 years, showing deficiency in the papilla between natural teeth in the upper anterior region in at least two teeth. The 20 sites treated were randomly divided into two groups, according to the treatment by subepithelial connective tissue graft (control group) or by hyaluronic acid injection (test group). A single calibrated examiner evaluated the distance between the tip of the papilla to the contact point using a graduated periodontal probe before the treatment and 1, 3 and 6 months after it. Besides, it were investigated probing pocket depth, clinical attachment level, gingival bleeding index, plaque index, distance from papilla to alveolar crest, distance from contact point to alveolar crest and width of the papilla. The results showed that 6 months after the procedure, the percentage of change in the papilla level was higher in the test group (14,94% ± 21,35%) than in the control group (-1,39% ± 31,46%), though not statistically significant (p>0.05). There was no significant difference variation in the width of the papilla before and 4 months after the treatment in test group (p=0.09) and control group (p=0.16), and there was no significant difference variation in the distance between the tip of the papilla and the alveolar bone crest. There was significant improvement of the Pink Esthetic Score (PES) after 6 months in comparison to the initial condition in test group (p=0.0078; Wilcoxon), while there was no significant difference in the PES in control group 6 months after treatment (p=0.35). The results allow to conclude that the treatment for of the papilla deficiency using hyaluronic acid injection promotes improvement, similar to the results of the sub epithelial connective tissue graft treatment, but with significant esthetic improvement related specially to the color and texture characteristics of the adjacent soft tissues.

Using monuments

Houlton, Thomas January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Religious orientations, storytelling and the uncanny : a reading of The Adventures of Amir Hamza

Zia, Mariam January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Luminol theory and the excavation of narrative, &, The dead girl scrolls : unearthed apocalyptic fictions

Joyce, Laura Ellen January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with developing a new approach to reading and thinking about culture (especially US culture), which I am proposing to call Luminol Theory. Luminol Theory is a textual reading strategy that draws on both psychoanalysis and depth reading. It reveals what has been occulted and it illuminates the contemporary United States as a crime scene. I argue for the singular importance of Luminol Theory as it provides a dystopian account of contemporary culture in the US. A culture that is haunted, that is characterised by injustice and brutality, and that reads bodies as disposable. I introduce luminol as an agent of forensic enquiry that excavates and illuminates narratives, particularly crime narratives, which have been erased. This interdisciplinary intersection of theory, forensic science, and literary criticism offers a specific, contemporary textual reading strategy. I situate Luminol Theory within its origins in feminism (with particular reference to Tiqqun's theory of the ‘Young-Girl'), psychoanalysis (with particular reference to Kristevan abject-analysis, queer theory, and the field of death studies), and depth reading strategies (working through Paul Ricoeur's ‘hermeneutics of suspicion' and Michel Foucault's ‘genealogy' and ‘archaeology'). Though it draws on each of these fields, Luminol Theory is a new contribution to contemporary literary criticism. The three critical chapters investigate the contemporary Unites States as a crime scene, moving through the exploratory steps that a forensic investigation might take. The first chapter opens with a reading of the crime scene itself by embedding Colorado crime fictions within the violent history of the state. The second chapter discovers artefacts at the scene, reading textual objects for hidden meanings and reading contemporary experimental fiction from the United States as apocalyptic material, through the lens of the Book of Revelation. Just as Revelation literally reveals the cultural anxieties of first millennium Christians and their fears of impending apocalypse so too Skin Horse by Olivia Cronk and Entrance to a Pageant where we all begin to Intricate by Johannes Göransson are apocalyptic texts for the third millennium. The final critical chapter approaches the body of the dead girl at the heart of the crime scene in order to discover the aesthetic coherence between death and femininity and the violence wrought interchangeably by sexual violence and capital. The fourth section of the thesis demonstrates Luminol Theory in practice. This collection of short fictions The Dead Girl Scrolls: Unearthed Apocalyptic Fictions is modelled on the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found serendipitously by shepherds in 1946 in the Qumran caves, West Bank. These scrolls contain a key to ancient languages, cultures, and narratives that were previously hidden. Later forensic analysis of the papyrus scrolls involved using UV light, a blue chemical glow that excavated layers of hidden narrative. By offering a secular version of these sacred texts, The Dead Girl Scrolls operates within a forensic imaginary; that is, it performs an empathetic and creative response to the secular aporia. It does this through offering dead women a central position that refuses to reify, objectify, or fetishise them or their bodies.

Comparação de dois tipos de retalho para enxerto de tecido conjuntivo no tratamento de recessões gengivais: estudo clínico controlado randomizado /

Neves, Felipe Lucas da Silva. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Mauro Pedrine Santamaria / Banca: Michel Reis Messora / Banca: Maria Aparecida Neves Jardini / Resumo: A recessão gengival é um problema altamente prevalente, podendo atingir até 100% dos indivíduos com mais de 50 anos de idade. A presença da recessão pode implicar no aparecimento de outros problemas, como hipersensibilidade dentinária, queixas estéticas, acúmulo de biofilme, cáries radiculares, lesões cervicais não-cariosas entre outros. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar, do ponto de vista clínico, estético e de parâmetros centrados no paciente, dois tipos diferentes de retalho para o enxerto de tecido conjuntivo no tratamento de recessões gengivais. Foram selecionados 42 pacientes apresentando recessão gengival, divididos nos grupos teste: cirurgia periodontal para recobrimento radicular por meio de retalho em túnel e enxerto de tecido conjuntivo e grupo controle: cirurgia periodontal para recobrimento radicular por meio de retalho trapezoidal e enxerto de tecido conjuntivo. Foram avaliadas a taxa de recobrimento, estética e conforto dos pacientes aos baseline, 3 e 6 meses após o procedimento. Após 6 meses, o grupo controle apresentou uma média de recobrimento de 87,2±27,1 % enquanto o grupo teste alcançou uma média de 77,3±20,4 % com diferença significante entre os grupos. O recobrimento radicular completo foi alcançado em 71.42 % das recessões tratadas com o retalho trapezoidal e em 28,57 % das recessões tratadas com retalho em túnel, com diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos. A média da RES foi 8,42±1,5 para o grupo controle e 7,81±1,91 para o grupo teste após o tratamento sem diferença entre os grupos. A análise da escala VAS mostrou uma menor morbidade associada ao retalho em túnel (p= 0,04). Pode-se concluir que o a técnica de retalho trapezoidal foi mais eficaz que a técnica de túnel em alcançar o recobrimento radicular. Entretanto a técnica de túnel foi associada a uma melhor textura gengival e maior conforto do paciente sendo uma valiosa opção de tratamento / Abstract: Gingival recession is a highly prevalent problem and can reach up to 100% of individuals over 50 years of age. The presence of the recession may result in the occurrence of other problems such as dentin hypersensitivity, esthetic complaints, biofilm accumulation, root caries, non-carious cervical lesions among others. The aim of this study was to compare clinically, esthetically and patient-centered parameters, two types of flap designs for connective tissue graft in the treatment of gingival recession. Were selected forty two patients presenting with gingival recession divided in the test group: periodontal surgery for root coverage using the tunnel flap and graft of connective tissue and control group: trapezoidal flap and graft of connective tissue. Clinical, esthetics, and comfort of patients parameters were assessed at 45 days, 2, 3 and 6 months after the procedure. After six months, the control group presented mean root coverage of 87.2±27.1 % while the test group presented a mean of 77.3±20,4 % with significant difference between groups. The complete root coverage was achieved in 71.42 % of recessions treated with trapezoidal flap and 28.57 % of recessions treated with tunnel flap, with a statistically significant difference between groups. The average of RES was 8.42 ± 1.5 for the T + CTG group and 7.81 ± 1.91 for the E + CTG group after treatment with no difference between groups. The VAS scale analysis showed a lower morbidity associated to tunnel technique (p = 0.04). It can be concluded that the trapezoidal flap technique was more effective than the tunnel flap technique in achieve the root coverage. However tunnel technique was associated with better gingival texture and patient comfort being a valuable treatment option / Mestre

In praise of peasants : ways of seeing the rural poor in the work of James Agee, Walker Evans, John Berger, and Jean Mohr

Crooke, Andrew 01 December 2013 (has links)
In Praise of Peasants focuses on two sets of collaborators whose photo-textual depictions of the rural poor have been widely hailed on either side of the Atlantic but rarely discussed together. The British writer John Berger has acknowledged that the key inspiration for his projects with Swiss photographer Jean Mohr was Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (1941/1960) by James Agee and Walker Evans. As in that encomium to Alabama tenant farmers, Berger and Mohr straddle a line between social documentation and artistic expression in their own unclassifiable books: A Fortunate Man (1967), about a doctor's relationship with his patients in an English forest; A Seventh Man (1975), about the experience of migrant workers across Europe; and Another Way of Telling (1982), about the lives of Alpine peasants. All four of these cooperative endeavors brim with unresolved conflicts between ethics and esthetics, as well as authorial ambivalences toward rusticity and poverty. Manifold affinities in the two creative partnerships demand a transatlantic assessment that might view Agee and Evans as "unpaid agitators" for other artists and witnesses beyond an American ambit. From among the many sensitive portrayals, including Berger's Into Their Labours trilogy, that constitute a rich literature of rural poverty, these collaborative enterprises are set apart not only by their interdisciplinary nature and fierce solidarities but by the equal weight they accord to images and words. Both pairs of authors develop innovative means for conjoining photography and writing. Both worry over the effects of their pictures and text on their subjects in addition to pondering how their distinct yet coordinated mediums might affect their viewers and readers. The enduring relevance of their representational techniques and motifs emerges from a productive dialectic between witness and artistry. Agee, Evans, Berger, and Mohr ingeniously explore how an ethical responsibility to bear witness for the exploited without inflicting further exploitation is enhanced or subverted by an esthetic impulse to translate, verbally and visually, such marginalized lives into art. Their multifaceted ways of seeing the rural poor ultimately engender a means of praising their protagonists, transforming moments of witness into monuments of artistry. Following a comparative analysis of these authors' attitudes, consistencies, and contradictions over the span of their careers, I offer chapters on their likeminded works. "Abashed Ambition" scrutinizes the contest deliberately staged between intentions and performance in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men , while "A Continuous Center" examines how Agee's effusive text and Evans's austere photographs suspend instead of synthesize a pivotal tension between centripetal and centrifugal forces. "A Sense of Measure" looks at why Berger and Mohr increasingly empathize with the rural poor, and how their three ventures generate "imaginative documentaries" or "narrative dialogues" between images and words. My epilogue knits together Agee, Evans, Berger, and Mohr by concentrating on a handful of their creative peers or heirs who have been inspired or agitated by their collaborations and whose own books similarly probe the ethical jeopardies and esthetic challenges of representing rural life or poverty through both prose and pictures.

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