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Comparative Study of Methodologies for Onshore Wind Power Project Economic AnalysisSargsyan, Grisha January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the methodological differences of wind power project economic analysis and to indicate the preferred methodology among the considered cases. The study compares the economic appraisals of onshore wind power projects. The economic appraisals of wind power projects are for evaluating wind power projects' impact on an economy. Economic appraisals of wind power projects include economic justifications of projects in comparison with the next best alternative projects, consider negative and positive externalities but exclude transfer payments such as taxes and subsidies. Also, in wind power project economic appraisals, the valuations of costs and benefits are at shadow prices and discounting of future costs and benefits at a social discount rate. There are methodological guidelines from different institutions on how to conduct project economic analysis. This study compares methodologies of three onshore wind power project economic appraisals conducted by the European Investment Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the Mott MacDonald and discusses methodological differences for each case study in comparison with each other. The results of this study are for any investors, institutions and government authorities involve in wind power projects and seek not only corporate profits but also social benefits. They may consider the methodological differences identified in this study to improve the assessment of wind power project economic impacts. The results indicate that the identified methodological differences complement each other rather than substitute. The preferred methodology for onshore wind power projects economic analysis would be the methodology that considers the identified differences for the comprehensive evaluations.
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Vztah bilaterálních investičních dohod a práva EU / The Interaction between Bilateral Investment Treaties and EU LawHrabčáková, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
Interaction between Bilateral Investment Treaties and EU law A major change in the regulation of foreign investments is underway in the European Union involving a transfer of (certain) competences within the field from Member States to the EU, all being a part of a wider initiative with the ultimate goal of establishing a common European investment policy, which, it is argued, might eventually replace the network of bilateral investment treaties concluded between Member States and third countries. Starting with the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU is exclusively competent to regulate extra-EU foreign direct investments since the term "foreign direct investment" was introduced in Article 207 (1) TFEU dealing with the common commercial policy, in which, in accordance with Article 3 (1) (e) TFEU, the EU shall have exclusive competence. Even though the wording is seemingly simple, certain issues, especially concerning the scope of the new EU competence, have been raised and are still not settled. First, the issue of the scope of forms of foreign investments which are to be covered by the EU regulation is unclear. It has been argued that the exclusive competence extends only over direct investments, while other forms, if they are to be covered, would fall under shared competence. This would result...
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The Catalysing Effect of Public Fund-of-Fund InvestmentsTollén, Louise January 1900 (has links)
The amount of public money invested in the venture capital industry has increased sub-stantially over the last few decades. The goal is, in general, to facilitate growth in highly in-novative small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) by securing their supply of capital in early stages. Hence, an important aspect of the effectiveness of public investment is wheth-er it increases the investees’ ability to attract additional funding. The process through which public investments can contribute to a better supply of capital to SMEs by more than just their own investment is commonly known as the catalysing or leverage effect of public in-vestment. In order to increase understanding of how this effect can be maximized, this study com-pares the amount of capital attracted to Swedish SMEs as a result of public fund-of-fund (FoF) investment to that of direct public investments. This study shows that: - FoFs are more effective in increasing the capital supply to SMEs in the market. - Public investments have a higher catalysing effect on the fund level than on the enterprise level. Hence, EUR 1 invested at the fund level has a larger positive impact for SMEs than EUR 1 invested at the enterprise level. - The investment quality of private venture capital (VC) investments is generally higher than that of direct public investments. Hence, FoFs allows public inves-tors to "free ride" on the skills of private VCs rather than setting up own struc-tures. / Masters Thesis
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Evropská investiční politika jako výlučná kompetence EU / European investment policy as an exclusive competence of the EUFořtová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores a new competence of the investment policy Union conferred upon the European Union by the Lisbon treaty. The reform of the primary legislation in 2009 incorporated foreign direct investment among the components of the Common Commercial Policy. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse this new component, to describe the means of its execution and to discuss the European investment policy in the context of European law. This research aims to be an introduction to this topic in the Czech academia as it is a very topical issue due to the ongoing negotiations with the United States on a free trade agreement including an investment chapter. The thesis is composed of three chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the European investment policy. The first two parts are more of a theoretical nature, whereas the last part is a practical demonstration of the policy results in the form of negotiated agreements. Chapter One is introductory and acquaints the reader with the systematics of the Common Commercial Policy in the section of External action in the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, its aims and principles and the scope of the newly conferred exclusive competence. It also defines basic terminology used in the thesis - the term foreign direct investment. Finally the last...
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Financování MSP (malých a středních podniků) a veřejného sektoru prostřednictvím programu Globální úvěr z Evropské investiční banky / Financing of Small and Medium-Size Businesses and of the Public Sector by means of the programme entitled Global Credit from the European Investment BankKoubek, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The Thesis describes effects of the Global loan programme of the European Investment Bank on the economy of the Czech Republic. There is a general characteristic of the European Investment Bank and its financing possibilities in the first part. In the second part, there is a description of Ceska sporitelna as an intermediator of the Global loan programme. In the third part, the analysis of the European investment bank's Global loan programme from the view of the sub-conditions determined by European commission is made and also includes their comparison with conditions specified by European investment bank. In the last part the evaluation of the effects on the GDP of the Czech Republic and on the clients the ultimate receiver of the support is performed.
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Optimal Portfolio Allocation in the Middle East Real Estate Market: A Comparative Study of the UAE and Qatar : Why could UAE or Qatar be an opportunity for European businesses and portfolio investors in the Middle East?Bazerbashi, Ayman, Nguyen, Erik January 2023 (has links)
This research compares the real estate markets of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar, focusing on opportunities and challenges for European businesses and portfolio investors. The study integrates theoretical frameworks, empirical findings from interviews, and analysis of official reports. The theoretical insights highlight the importance of economic factors, cultural understanding, and risk management. The empirical findings reinforce these concepts, revealing varying risk tolerance levels among investors. The analysis indicates that the UAE offers more significant investment opportunities than Qatar due to sustained economic growth and infrastructure development. The research provides practical implications for investors and sets the foundation for future studies.
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Learning within and between public-private partnerships /Jüriado, Rein, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2008.
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Au cœur de l'Europe en construction : la banque européenne d'investissement, la France et l'intégration économique de l'Europe, des années 1950 au début des années 1980 / Inside Europe in construction : the European Investment Bank, France and the European Economic Integration, from the 50's to the early 80'sWillaert, Émilie 03 December 2009 (has links)
La banque européenne d’investissement (BEI) a été créée par le traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne (CEE), le 25 mars 1957, afin de contribuer au développement équilibré et sans heurt du marché commun. Ses interventions répondent à trois missions principales : contribuer à la mise en valeur des régions les moins développées de la Communauté, aider à la modernisation, à la conversion d’entreprises et à la création d’activités nouvelles, et enfin favoriser des projets qui présentent un intérêt commun aux États membres. L’exemple français montre comment son action s’inscrit dans l’ensemble des efforts destinés à l’intégration des économies européennes, pour la période s’étendant des débats relatifs à sa création, dans les années 1950, au début des années 1980 qui marque l’entrée de la Grèce dans le marché commun. L’analyse du cas de la France contribue a éclairer sur de nombreux points les conceptions et la politique européennes de la France durant cette période. / European investment bank (EIB) was created by EEC treaty, march 25th 1957, in order to contribute to the balanced and steady development of the common market in the interest of the Community. Its loans target tree main goals : financing projects for developing less-developed regions; projects for modernising or converting undertakings or for developing fresh activities; projects of common interest to several member States.French example shows how it action take place in all the efforts made for integrate european economy, for ranging from debats regarding it creation, in 1950’s, to the biginning of 1980’s when Greece became a member state of EEC. The analysis of french exemple contribute to show, on several aspects, on french conception and european policy, during this period.
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La société privée européenne : un projet de société contractuelle et supranationale / The european private company : a contractual and supranational companyGergis, Maryline 13 June 2015 (has links)
Les entrepreneurs n’ont pas manqué de soulever l’importance et la nécessité d’une structure européenne flexible pour répondre aux besoins des PME. En effet l'introduction d'une société à conception contractuelle dans le droit européen revêt de multiples intérêts. D'une part, elle intègre les PME dans la continuité du processus de construction du marché intérieur. D’autre part, elle offre une liberté d’action appréciée par les entrepreneurs qui évoluent dans un marché fortement concurrentiel. Enfin, le caractère contractuel permet au législateur européen de revenir sur la définition des libertés d'établissement et de circulation des capitaux.Aussi encourageant que soit ce projet, il n'en demeure pas moins source d'interrogations et d'inquiétudes. La liberté contractuelle comporte des risques si elle n'évolue pas dans un cadre juridique adapté et protecteur. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’analyser les effets de la transposition de la liberté contractuelle dans le droit européen des sociétés. Pour comprendre la portée de l’adoption du texte relatif à la SPE, cette thèse tentera de définir la liberté contractuelle au sens communautaire, de souligner ses avantages et d’analyser ses inconvénients. / Entrepreneurs consider flexible structures are important to meet European SMES needs. Indeed, the transposition of a contractual company in the European law are very valuable. On the one hand, it includes SMES in the process of construction of internal market. On the other hand, it offers to entrepreneurs a freedom to manage their companies in order to be more competitive. Finally the contractual aspect of the company allows the European parliament to reconsider the definition of freedom of establishment and free movement of capital. As encouraging as this project is, it remains a source of questions and concerns. Contractual freedom could involve risks if it doesn’t evolve in a suitable protective legal framework. This thesis aims to analyze the effects of the transposition of contractual freedom in the European company law. To understand the scope of the adoption of the text relating to the SPE, this thesis will try to define the contractual freedom in EU terms, to emphasize its advantages and disadvantages analyzed
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Regionální a strukturální politika EU - ekonomické a právní aspekty / Regional and Structural EU Policy - Economic and Legislative AspectsChytka, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my thesis on the topic „Regional and structural EU policy – economic and legislative aspect“ is a description of all important aspects of Regional policy EU and the performance of regional policy in the context of a specific project.
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