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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JORGE VINICIUS VARGAS MACHADO 20 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] O protestantismo brasileiro conheceu ao longo dos tempos alguns movimentos artísticos que foram relevantes e que influenciaram sua forma de ser e de entender sua fé em contato direto com a cultura. Um dos movimentos mais interessantes, embora pouco pesquisado, foi a iniciativa de jovens cristãos que a partir da década de 1970 começaram a usar o Rock and roll como uma linguagem para expressar sua fé e para comunicar a mensagem querigmática do Evangelho. Ao longo dos anos, temas diversos como conflitos internos do protestantismo, política e questões sociais se tornaram pauta das bandas que dialogavam com as juventudes através do rock. Há no rock feito por jovens cristãos no Brasil o impulso à evangelização e ao protesto profético, sem deixar de lado um embasamento bíblico e teológico, que pode passar despercebido por aqueles que não estão habituados à linguagem das guitarras, baixos e baterias, mas que tem falado às mentes e aos corações de várias gerações de jovens que podem entender a mensagem cristã a partir da sua própria linguagem característica. Há na poesia e na melodia um capricho para que a mensagem tenha conteúdo e forma, qualidade técnica e a medida exata que combine letra e música para que sua mensagem seja adequadamente transmitida. Esta pesquisa pretende afirmar a obra das bandas de rock gospel como eficiente elemento de evangelização, sobretudo dos jovens, explorando as perspectivas teológica e artística das canções das bandas de rock gospel a partir da Teologia da Cultura. / [en] Over time, Brazilian Protestantism has known some relevant artistic movements that have influenced its way of being and understanding its faith in direct contact with culture. One of the most interesting, though little-researched, movements was the initiative of young Christians who from the 1970s onwards began to use rock and roll as a language to express their faith and to communicate the kerygmatic message of the Gospel. Over the years, diverse themes such as internal conflicts of Protestantism, politics and social issues have become the agenda of bands that dialogue with youth through rock. There is in rock made by young Christians in Brazil the impulse to evangelization and prophetic protest, without leaving aside a biblical and theological basis, which can go unnoticed by those who are not used to the language of guitars, basses, and drums, but who have spoken to the minds and hearts of several generations of young people who can understand the Christian message in their own distinctive language. There is in poetry and melody a whim so that the message has content and form, technical quality and the exact measure that combines lyrics and music so that your message is properly transmitted. This research intends to affirm the work of gospel rock bands as an efficient element of evangelization, especially for young people, exploring the theological and artistic dimension of the songs of evangelical rock bands in the light of the Theology of Culture.


MARCUS VINICIUS ANDRADE SANTOS 23 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese apresenta a relevância da mística teresiana e sua relação e contribuição para com a nova evangelização em sua atual estação evangelizadora, que é a transformação missionária da Igreja nos tempos atuais. A pesquisa indica que a mística teresiana atua como um forte critério de discernimento e formação para os evangelizadores com espírito. A conversão espiritual, humana e pastoral vivida por Santa Teresa de Jesus permite verificar em sua vida e obras um frescor, uma jovialidade e uma resistência de seu testemunho no tempo. Em Teresa de Jesus convergem uma sagacidade potencializada pelo Espírito Santo, assim como a presença de uma obediência filial à Igreja, contudo aberta a uma parresia que faz a missão da Igreja progredir, tornando desta forma a mística teresiana não apenas oportuna, mas necessária para a nova evangelização no atual momento da vida da Igreja. / [en] This present work developed in this thesis presents the Theresian Mystic Relevance and its contribution to the new evangelization in its contemporary evangelizing matter which is the Church s missionary transformation in our days. With the Theresian Mystic we express how it works with a great discernment criteria and as a formation to the Spirit-filled evangelizer.The human, spiritual and pastor al conversion lived by Saint Therese of Jesus allows us to verify in her life and her works a refresh, a youth spirit and a resistence which is common from her time. It converges to Therese of Jesus a sagacity potentialized by the Holy Spirit, as well as a filial obedience to the Church, in her it can be seen a parrhesia that makes the Church s mission progresses in a way it not only permits the Theresian Mystic to become so necessary but it also a more certain form of evangelization in the life of the Church today.


LUCIENE DOS SANTOS 18 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação pretende desenvolver uma análise teológica sobre o papel da música sacra no cenário atual de evangelização no Brasil: elementos para o entendimento do estado da questão. Inicialmente, fizemos um percurso em busca do conceito de música sacra e sua importância para a vida humana em Israel, nas primeiras comunidades cristãs, para mostrar seu papel essencial para a manifestação da fé. A seguir, focamos no esforço de projetar uma perspectiva antropológica em relação à música sacra que contribuísse para sua participação harmônica na integração social de pessoas, grupos, comunidades. É inegável, então, que a Igreja desde a sua fundação canta e celebra o amor de Deus. Assim sendo, o Concílio Vaticano II contribuiu para a efetiva participação das pessoas nas celebrações e para o surgimento na realidade brasileira de uma gama, até difícil de ser documentada, de cantos, de músicos, de músicas. Entretanto, diante das exigências da atualidade, podemos inferir que a música ao ser inserida em uma determinada cultura se apropria de elementos que são parte integrante dela. Por conseguinte, evidenciamos a importância da música como um instrumento de evangelização no Brasil. / [en] This dissertation intends to carry out a theological analysis about the role of sacred music in today’s evangelism scenario in Brazil: elements to understand the state of the art. First, we set out on a journey in search of the concept of sacred music and its importance in human life, in Israel, in the first Cristian communities, in order to show that this type of music is an essential element for people to proclaim their faith in worship. Then we focused on the effort to project an anthropological perspective towards sacred music that would contribute to the realization of its harmonic participation in the social integration of people, groups and communities. We also pointed out that the Second Vatican Council contributed to the effective participation of people in the celebrations and to the appearance of a great number of songs and musicians. However, faced by today s demands, we must acknowledge that music when introduced into a certain culture takes over elements that are an integral part of that culture. Therefore, we have been able to present the importance of music as an instrument of evangelism in Brazil.

Kerygma and the Liturgy: Encountering the Risen Christ in Dom Odo Casel's Mystery Theology

Rosselli, Anthony 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.


JULIO CEZAR DE PAULA BROTTO 16 August 2016 (has links)
[pt] Neste momento que a humanidade atravessa uma mudança de época, diagnosticada de formas diferentes e até antagônicas, com diferentes cosmovisões que advogam sua verdade muitas vezes de forma absoluta, não raras vezes fundamentalista, as Igrejas Cristãs precisam responder ao desafio de falar de Deus, entendido esse falar de Deus , como anunciar o Deus revelado por Jesus Cristo, para o ser humano que vive em contexto urbano. A Pastoral Urbana é desafiadora na medida em que os agentes pastorais enfrentam uma diversidade cultural aguda. O confuso processo de globalização que procura produzir uma sociedade culturalmente homogênea, contraditoriamente tem produzido identidades múltiplas, com matrizes multiculturais. O horizonte cultural dos receptores da Palavra de Deus em ambiente urbano é cada vez mais complexo, afetado por um multiculturalismo agudo. Neste contexto urbano os agentes pastorais defrontam-se na contemporaneidade com pessoas vinculadas às tribos urbanas de rosto underground. O horizonte cultural destes receptores é a cultura underground. Anunciar a Boa Nova de Jesus Cristo para essas pessoas vinculadas às tribos urbanas de rosto underground implica que os agentes evangelizadores saibam distinguir claramente entre Fé e Cultura buscando discernir entre o que efetivamente pertence ao núcleo da Revelação e o que é marca histórico cultural. Sendo assim a questão de fundo desta tese está relacionada à sua proposta de construção de uma matriz evangelizadora de linha inculturada e a partir da mesma a construção de um projeto evangelístico-missionário para que as Igrejas Cristãs apresentem a Boa Nova de Jesus para a Cultura Underground. É fundamental que as Igrejas Cristãs abandonem a matriz evangelizadora de dominação e exclusão construída ao longo da história do Cristianismo. A organização da tese estruturou-se a partir de três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo, que corresponde ao enfoque sociocultural, propõe uma análise dos referenciais socioculturais com o auxílio multidisciplinar das Ciências Sociais. O segundo capítulo, correspondente ao enfoque teológico, analisa os referenciais teológicos em busca de uma elaboração dos conceitos de evangelização, missão e inculturação voltados para a construção de uma matriz evangelizadora inculturada. O terceiro capítulo refere-se ao enfoque pastoral. Propõe um projeto evangelístico-missionário junto às tribos urbanas de rosto underground. / [en] At the moment that humanity is going through a change of time, diagnosed in different ways and even antagonistic, with different worldviews that advocate its truth often absolutely, not rarely fundamentalist, Christian churches must respond to the challenge of presenting God, revealed by Jesus Christ, to the human being who lives in the urban context. Urban Ministry is challenging because the pastoral workers face an acute cultural diversity. The confusing process of globalization that seeks to produce a culturally homogenous society, paradoxically has produced multiple identities, with multicultural aspects. The cultural horizon of receivers of the Word of God in the urban environment is increasingly complex, affected by a sharp multiculturalism. In this urban context the pastoral workers face in contemporary times with people linked to underground urban tribes. The cultural horizon of these receptors is the underground culture. Announce the Good News of Jesus Christ to those people linked to underground urban tribes implies that pastoral agents know how to distinguish clearly between Faith and Culture seeking to discern between what actually belongs to the core of the Revelation and it s historical cultural brand. So the bottom line of this thesis is related to its propose to construct a inculturated evangelistic matrix and based in this matrix offer an evangelistic project that enable Christian Churches to present the Good News of Jesus to the Underground Culture. It is essential that the Christian churches leave the evangelistic matrix of domination and exclusion built throughout the history of Christianity. The thesis organisation was built around three chapters. The first chapter, nominated as the social-cultural approach, proposes an analysis of the socio-cultural references with the aid of multidisciplinary social sciences. The second chapter, corresponding to the theological approach, analyses the theological references in search of an elaboration of the concepts of evangelism, mission and inculturation meant for the construction of an evangelistic inculturated matrix. The third chapter refers to the pastoral approach. Proposes an evangelistic-missionary project in underground urban environments.

Mission der mennoniten Brüdergemeinde in Karaganda/Kasachstan

Friesen, Andreas 30 November 2002 (has links)
The dissertation in hand is about the theological researches about the mission of the German Mennonite - Brethren - Church in Karaganda I Kasachstan from 1956 to 2000. The existing socialism with its atheistical values affected adversely the lives of the Christians and prevented them from missionary work. In spite of that mission was able to be practised. Experienced preachers and teachers in the church prepared the missionary work by instructing the Christians to be effective witnesses for the Lord. This was achieved by the training of young preachers. regular pronouncements of the Gospel and the work with children and young persons. The Christians retained this method until the middle of the 70ies when the regid laws concerning the missionary work were mitigated. Commited brothers. young persons, preachers and singers visited lonely Christians and churches in remote villages, had personal conversations with unbelievers and organized evangelizations. Members ofthe church were sent out as missionaries to erect parishes and carry out evangelizations / Missiology / M.Th.

Ganze Evangelium für eine heilsbedürftige Welt: zur Missionstheologie der radikalen Evangelikalen

Hardmeier, Roland 30 June 2008 (has links)
Text in German / The present work deals with the historical and theological foundations of radical evangelicalism and places it within the context of theologies which influenced it and are similar to it. Radical evangelicalism integrates insights from various theological roots into a evangelical basal concept. Radical theology succeeded, through its contextual outworking, in overcoming the narrow focus of European evangelical theology and yet it remains genuinely evangelical. It is in the position of breaking through the sterility of academic theology and the dualistic worldview which is peculiar to wide parts of the evangelical movement by a world view that is turned towards the world. Thus it is proving itself to be a highly relevant theology for the needs of a divided world. The work develops in three steps. First of all the historical development of radical evangelicalism will be traced, from its beginning at the Congress for world evangelism in Lausanne in 1974 to the present day. Thus it will become clear that in the 30 years since Lausanne radical theology has entered the mainstream of evangelicalism. There follows in a detailed section a setting out of the theology of radical evangelicalism by means of several chosen themes. It will deal with radical hermeneutics, eschatology, salvation, the meaning of mission and evangelism and the relationship between Gospel and culture. Finally the social action of radical evangelicalism will be set out and it will be demonstrated that its energetic theology is at its basic level in fact a driving sprituality. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

The educational endeavours of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa in historical perspective

Ravhudzulo, Mbulaheni Aaron 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Since its inception in 1833 the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa has been a missionary church and has always had its own missionary work. It started to organise the Christianization, Evangelization and Westernization endeavours to take place inside the territories of South Africa. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church Missionaries founded, financed, maintained, controlled and administered their educational endeavours without any moral or financial support from the Government. The main purpose of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church Missionaries in founding and supporting schools has been to use education as an auxiliary to the evangelization of the indigenous people of South Africa. Elementary schools served as instruments of direct evangelization rather than secular education. Pupils were taught the 3 R's, namely, reading, writing and arithmetic. Education was a useful tool that enabled the converts to read the Bible and other religious material on their own and preferably in their own language. Converts who demonstrated the ability to read, write and do simple arithmetic were trained to become missionaries' helpers. As these earliest converts became proficient and competent, they were posted out into the interior with the instructions to start new church centres and schools. Although the teaching which took place inside these schools was not of high quality, it was definitely better than nothing. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church Missionaries together with missionaries of other denominations provided virtually all the education which was available for the Blacks in South Africa. Through missionary endeavours the South African Government have realized that Western education and civilization has been important forces which helped the indigenous people to advance individually and collectively in the social, political and economic fields. Western technology and culture successfully won the indigenous people of South Africa to Western civilization. The acceptance of Christianity and the introduction of the White man's rule in the interior of South Africa effectively stopped the inter-tribal wars. The missionaries have made a noteworthy contribution to the education of the indigenous people of South Africa. They empowered the Blacks to play a worthy part side by side with members of other races (Whites, Coloureds and Indians) in the development of the country they shared. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (History of Education)

Evangelicals encountering Muslims : a pre-evangelistic approach to the Qu'ran

Johnson, Wesley Irvin 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis looks at the development of Protestant and Evangelical encounter with Muslims from the earliest days of the Modern missions movement. Special attention is given to the dynamic equivalence model (DEM), which resulted in a new method for interpreting the Qur’an called the Christian Qur’anic hermeneutic (CQH). I begin with the early Protestant ministers among Muslims, such as Martyn and Muir. Pfander’s (1910) book, The balance of truth, embodies the view that the Qur’an teaches an irrevocable status of inspiration for the Old and New Testaments. The early and mid-twentieth century saw a movement away from usage of the Qur’an during Evangelical encounter with Muslims. Direct model advocates bypass the Qur’an and other religious questions for an immediate presentation of the gospel. The 1970s saw the development of the DEM, which produced significant changes in how Evangelicals encountered Muslims. Pioneers like Nida, Tabor, and Kraft implemented dynamic equivalence as a model in Evangelical ministry. Concurrently, Accad and Cragg laid groundwork for the CQH. The DEM creates obscurity in anthropology by promoting an evaluation of cultural forms as essentially neutral. This is extended to religious forms, even the Qur’an. Such a simple, asocial value for symbols is not sufficient to account for all of human life. Cultural forms, especially those intrinsically religious, are parts of a complex system. Meaning cannot be transferred or equivocated with integrity from one context to another without a corresponding re-evaluation of the entire system. Theological difficulties are also produced by the DEM and the CQH, and include the assigning a quasi-inspirational status to the Qur’an and a denial of unique inspirational status to the Christian Scriptures. If the gospel is communicated through the Qur’an, then it is difficult to deny some level of God-given status to it. Further, the Christian Scriptures are not unique as inspired literature. My proposal for how to use the Qur’an responsibly looks to Bavinck’s elenctics and is presented as Qur’anic pre-evangelism. Rather than communicating Biblical meaning through the Qur’an, Evangelicals can focus on areas of the Qur’an that coincide with a lack of assurance felt by Muslims in anthropology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

A survey of social involvement by the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (Zambia)

Phiri, Elisha Francis 30 November 2012 (has links)
The subject of social involvement though, still under debate and being pursued by the Church of Jesus Christ even this time around has not wholly been appreciated by most Pentecostals. This is despite the fact that some of the early Pentecostals, including the early Church as seen from the ‘Acts of the Apostles’ chose to pursue social dimension of the gospel in addition to the Church’s mandate of ‘pure evangelism.’ Although social involvement has been at the very heart of Pentecostal theology, traditionally speaking, PAOG (Z), being one of the Pentecostal groupings has been seen to place much emphasis on ‘pure evangelism’, rather than ‘embracing’ both forms of missional dimensions. However, this trend is slowly changing as observed from the social involvements that some of its congregations and institutions are currently undertaking. This study views that part of the reason for the lack of an all-round social involvement’ by all the PAOG (Z) congregations lies in its theology of mission and thus critically examines it. The other aspect is the non-utilization or recognition of known professions of clergies that could normally enhance social involvement in most of its congregations. Next it makes an in-depth study of one PAOG (Z) - PAOC run projects and few congregations for the purpose of doing a social impact assessment, which has shown positive impacts in the communities that these projects are being undertaken. The study also reveals that the lack of clear constitutional guidelines concerning this has contributed to the absence of social programs in most of its churches resulting in not having a strong ‘social’ voice compared to the Catholic Church. The thesis uses a modified “praxis cycle” to structure its theoretical framework and research methodology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

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