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The Theoretical Model of the Christological Massage Communication in Lithuanian Youth Evangelization / Kristologinės žinios perteikimo teorinis modelis Lietuvos jaunimo evangelizacijojePalaimaitė, Rasa 29 April 2013 (has links)
After the Restoration of Independence the Catholic Church in Lithuania can freely proclaim the word of God and perform ministry in any sphere. Lithuanian youth ministry lacks research and theoretical substantiation of how the pastoral process could be organized practically and could help a young person to develop Christian identity, which would be the foundation of their everyday life. Christian identity comprises a number of topics and aspects; therefore, this study focuses on the effective proclamation of the person and activity of Jesus Christ to Lithuanian youth. The pastoral-hermeneutic method was used to create the theoretical model of the conveyance of Christological message. The model was created in three stages: 1) youth situation survey which encompassed the review of sociocultural situation of Lithuanian youths and their openness to Christological message, measured using qualitative research; 2) method of biblical contextual analysis of Christology was used to identify what Christological message and which aspects of it can be conveyed for the youth in a particular sociocultural context; 3) the assumptions of the conveyance of Christological message as well as certain steps, ministerial attitudes and activities are offered. Christological message is presented from the point of view of the disciples, how they understood the message of Jesus. The young people are motivated to make a personal choice to follow Jesus Christ in their everyday life, join in the community... [to full text] / Atgavus Lietuvos Nepriklausomybę Katalikų Bažnyčia turi galimybę nevaržomai skelbti Dievo žodį ir visose srityse vykdyti pastoracinę veiklą. Lietuvoje jaunimo pastoracijos srityje stinga tyrimų apie jaunimo sielovadą ir teorinio jos pagrindimo, kaip praktikoje galėtų būti organizuojamas pastoracinis procesas, galintis padėti jaunuoliams ugdytis krikščioniškąjį tapatumą, kuriuo jie remtųsi kasdienybėje. Krikščioniškasis tapatumas apima daug temų ir aspektų, todėl šiame tyrime problema sutelkiama į Jėzaus Kristaus asmens ir įvykio veiksmingą skelbimą Lietuvos jaunimui. Todėl, naudojantis pastoraciniu-hermeneutiniu metodu, sukuriamas kristologinės žinios perteikimo teorinis modelis. Modelis kuriamas trimis etapais: 1) jaunimo situacijos ištyrimas, kuris apima sociokultūrinę Lietuvos jaunimo situacijos apžvalgą ir kokybiniu tyrimu nustatytą jaunimo atvirumą kristologinei žiniai 2) biblinės kontekstinės kristologinės analizės būdu formuluojama, kokia kristologinė žinia ir kokiais aspektais gali būti perteikiama jaunimui, atitinkant nustatytą jaunimo sociokultūrinę situaciją; 3) kristologinės žinios perteikimo prielaidos ir etapai siūlo konkrečius žingsnius, pastoracines nuostatas ir veiklas. Kristologinė žinia pristatoma atsižvelgiant į tai, kaip Jėzaus žinią suvokė jo mokiniai, skatinant jaunuolius asmeniškai rinktis sekti Jėzumi Kristumi savo kasdienybėje, jungiantis į bendruomenę ir prisiimant atsakomybę Bažnyčioje ir pasaulyje. Modelį, sudarytą iš penkių pakopų, galima taikyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Réalité et imaginaire, le Japon vu par le XVIIIème siècle français / Reality and imagination, Japan as viewed by 18th century FranceDubois, Bruno 23 November 2012 (has links)
A partir de la mi-XVIe siècle et pendant près de cent ans, les lettres et témoignages offerts à l’attention des lecteurs européens contribuent à créer un « Japon textuel » où viennent s’entrelacer deux histoires : d’une part, celle d’un pays féodal et instable mais accueillant aux influences extérieures ; d’autre part, celle d’âpres rivalités européennes à la fois religieuses et économiques. Mais à partir de 1639, date de la fermeture du Japon aux pays occidentaux, et plus encore au XVIIIe siècle, cet entrelacs prend, par la force des choses, une autre forme, purement intertextuelle cette fois. Objet de la thèse, cette présence du Japon dans les écrits de langue française au XVIIIe siècle témoigne de l’élaboration progressive d’une topique qui tient lieu de connaissance en même temps que de support à un imaginaire « japonisant ». C’est également sur fond de cette méconnaissance que sont parfois développés les thèmes chers à la réflexion philosophique des Lumières - la tolérance, la liberté religieuse, la justice, l’obscurantisme et le despotisme -. Révélateurs du fossé sans cesse grandissant qui se creuse entre la réalité historique japonaise et la représentation qui en est faite par les lettrés français, les documents pris en considération se révèlent également riches en enseignements sur les pratiques d’écriture - et en l’occurrence de réécriture - des auteurs français, sur leur volonté de raisonner à l’échelle du monde mais aussi sur la résistance que la pensée des Lumières opposait aux autres formes de pensée. / With an interest in the origins of various representations of Japan during the Enlightenment, we have studied three centuries of Japanese history as they relate to the West. Even though in the eighteenth century China was of primary interest, some French authors refer to the Land of the Rising Sun in their texts. This was true even though there was no contact between Japan and the West at that time. Therefore, in order to write about Japan, they had to rely on older texts to obtain information. Because of the particular history of Japan, whose highlights we present, the first reports written by Europeans emanated from the pens of authors from different worlds. First of all Jesuits from Iberian countries (1549-1620) who were mainly concerned with evangelical activities in Japan, wrote about these activities and the difficulties of carrying out their mission. Then, once these missionaries were expelled from the country, Dutch Reformed Church traders, the only ones to live in Japan, offered information on the country. The various paraphrased texts of these authors, copied by the authors of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, religious and laity, were used to draw an imaginary Land of the Rising Sun according to the latter group's personal and religious opinions. Japan notably appears in the Encyclopedia of Diderot, and we also noticed that the French writers of the Enlightenment who speak of Japan offer a vision consistent with their way of thinking and their philosophy. They use some subjects about Japan to illustrate a particular theme related to their own philosophical interest.Somehow, whenever they expound on Japan, in the end they are expounding equally on France. Indeed, the issues they raise have a direct relationship with questions such as justice, tolerance, religious freedom, etc.
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Converting the living, contesting the dead: evangelization, identity, and the Ancestors / Convirtiendo a los vivos, disputando a los muertos: evangelización, identidad y los ancestrosMurphy, Melissa S., Boza Cuadros, María Fernanda 10 April 2018 (has links)
Christian mortuary rites and practices were considered an important component of the successful evangelization of native Andeans, but historical documents account long-term campaigns to eradicate native mortuary practices and the persistence of the ancestor cult and idolatrous practices long after the first efforts of Christianization. In this presentation, we discuss different interpretations of natives buried as Christians from different regions of the Americas, as well as the various native responses to evangelization efforts from the perspective of bioarchaeology. Drawing from postcolonial theory and interpretive archaeology, we investigate different native and Spanish strategies, including accommodation, mimicry, ambivalence, and hybridity. / Los ritos y prácticas funerarias fueron considerados un componente importante del éxito de la evangelización de las poblaciones nativas andinas. Los documentos históricos describen campañas a largo plazo para erradicar las costumbres funerarias locales, el persistente culto a los ancestros y las prácticas idólatras tras los primeros esfuerzos de Cristianización. En este capítulo, discutimos las diferentes interpretaciones que se pueden dar de los nativos que fueron enterrados como cristianos en diferentes regiones de las Américas, así como las diferentes respuestas indígenas a los esfuerzos evangelizadores, desde una perspectiva bioarqueológica. Investigamos diferentes estrategias, españolas e indígenas, desde la perspectiva de la teoría poscolonial y la arqueología interpretativa, como acomodación, imitación, ambivalencia e hibridación. Además, exploramos las diferentes dimensiones de identidad en este contexto colonial.
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Preevangelizační a evangelizační rozměr projektu Noc kostelů / Preevangelizational and evangelizational aspect of the project Night of ChurchesŠatánková, Radana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis investigates the Night of Churches schedules in selected parishes of the Prague Archdiocese in years 2011-2013. It also deals with the principles, procedures and methods of evangelization. The terms related to the above mentioned are defined. Additionally, part of the thesis aims to introduce the objectives and developments of the Night of Churches project not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad. The practical part of the work classifies three consecutive years of the event according to their characteristics and the outcome is subsequently compared and analysed with regard to the challenges that arise in front of the Church during pre-evangelization and evangelization. Keywords Night of Churches, church, preevangelization, evangelization
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Referenciais do querigma lucano no documento de Puebla: compreensão de evangelizaçãoLima, José Bartolomeu Felix de 05 July 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-07-05 / The following search has as object of analysis the theme: “References of the kerygma lucano at the Puebla’s document: Understanding of evangelization”. The object of this research is relevant because it is a part of the Christianity’s central nucleus. And also because it appears in the New Testament’s Theology. Mainly at the gospels and at the Apostles’ Acts that are texts of the gender historical-kerygmatic.In the first chapter I am going to reflect about the term kerygma using the evangelist Lucas’ Theology. The texts that reference the kerygmatic statement of the lucana narrative are going to be studied using the historical critic methodology. It helps to understand the meaning of the message contributing for an authentic understanding and interpretation of the theme. In the second chapter I am going to reflect about the understanding of evangelization by the perspective of Puebla’s III Latin-American Conference. In the third chapter I am going to identify and correlate the understanding of evangelization of the Puebla’s III Latin-American Conference and the characteristics of the lucana theology. / A presente pesquisa de mestrado tem como objetivo analisar o tema: “Referenciais do querigma lucano no documento de Puebla: compreensão de evangelização”. O objeto desta pesquisa, o querígma, tem a sua relevância por constituir o núcleo central do cristianismo e ter sido, por diferentes modos, trabalhado pela Teologia do Novo-Testamento, especialmente nos evangelhos e nos Atos dos Apóstolos que são composições que pertencem ao gênero literário histórico-querigmático. No primeiro capítulo, refletirei sobre o termo “querigma” a partir da teologia do evangelista Lucas. Os textos que referenciam o enunciado querigmático da narrativa lucana serão trabalhados seguindo a metodologia da crítica histórica, que auxilia na descoberta da identificação do sentido da mensagem, contribuindo para uma autêntica compreensão e interpretação atual do objeto de estudo. No segundo capítulo, irei refletir sobre a compreensão de evangelização a partir da perspectiva da III Conferencia Latino Americana de Puebla. No terceiro capítulo, irei identificar e correlacionar a compreensão de evangelização da III Conferência Latino-americana de Puebla com as características querigmáticas da teologia lucana.
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Evangelizace v pojetí posledních papežů / The evangelization in concept of the last popesBouška, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
Evangelization is the most important mission and responsibility of the Church and the main characteristic of her very existence. The church evangelizes because it is her duty to proclaim and to testify for the Gospel. The new evangelization is necessary most of all in such places where the Christian tradition has lost its living sense of faith, where people have lost their feeling of being members of the Church, or they have retreated from Jesus Christ. This topic has proved to be very important and pressing. Since the times of the Second Vatican Council, the Popes, namely Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis, have been expressing their opinions on this subject. They have been searching for new language, new ways, new forms of evangelization. This thesis aims to show that there is a noticeable development of approaches of individual pontiffs to evangelization. Keywords The new evangelization; The evangelization; John Paul II.; Benedikt XVI.; Francis; The church.
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L'éducation, un aspect des relations culturelles Cameroun -Canada (1948-2008) / Non communiquéBivina, Guillaume 27 June 2013 (has links)
En 2010, le Cameroun a fêté le centenaire de l’éducation moderne et le cinquantenaire de son indépendance. Pour les générations adultes, le niveau scolaire a dangereusement baissé. Selon eux, les élèves étaient jadis plus consciencieux et plus performants. À ce titre, les établissements scolaires BONNEAU, SACRÉ-COEUR, SAINT-COEUR, VOGT, STOLL, évoquent tout ce qu’il y a de sérieux. Les personnalités de premier rangdu Cameroun à l’exemple du Chef de l’État actuel, y ont été formées par des missionnaires canadiens. Voulant savoir ce qui faisait la particularité de cette éducation, nous avons émis l’hypothèse générale qu’elle reposait sur une approche didactique particulière. Cette hypothèse nous a permis de consulter des archives pour examiner les aspects éthiques, socioprofessionnels, psychopédagogiques et technologiques des éducateurs canadiens. Il en ressort que les valeurs éthiques et morales étaient au coeur de leur approche éducative. Le profil des enseignants de ces établissements était moins important que les valeurs chrétiennes qu’ils incarnaient. Aussi avons-nous proposé que les éducateurs camerounais actuels s’inspirent de ce modèle pour améliorer leur pratique. En somme, il nous est apparu hautement souhaitable que les professeurs d’histoire, s’appuyant sur l’approche éthique canadienne, présentent des valeurs authentiquement africaines aux jeunes Camerounais. / In 2010, Cameroon celebrated the centenary of modern education and the fiftieth anniversary of its independence. For adult generations, school level dropped alarmingly. According to this thesis, the students were once more conscientious and more efficient. As such, schools like BONNEAU, SACRED HEART, SAINT-HEART, VOGT, STOLL, evoke everything that is serious. Great personalities of Cameroon of the example of the current head of State were being trained by Canadian missionaries. Wanting to know what the peculiarity of this education was, we issued the general assumption that it was based on a particular educational approach. This assumption allowed us to develop a questionnaire to examine the ethical, socio-professional, pedagogical and technological aspects of Canadian educators. After counting the questionnaire, it appears that the ethical and moral values were at the heart of their educational approach. The profile of the teachers appeared less important than the Christian values they embodied. We therefore proposed that the current Cameroonian educators get inspired by this model to improve their practice. In short, it became highly desirable that history teachers, based on the Canadian ethical approach, have authentically African values to young Cameroonians.
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Novodobá medializace Boha ve světle teologické reflexe / Modern medialization of God in light of theological reflexionMácha, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
Modern medialization of God in light of theological reflexion Viktor Mácha The core of this work is focused on christian values and persons of the Trinity communication by means of modern mass-medias. It's structure is based on the most explicit model - singapure project God's Campaing from 2001, which is disassembled step by step by marketing management methodology and extended with related cases of "God's medializations" throughout the most influential communication channels of twentieth and twenty-first century at the same time, e.g. radio and television broadcasting, internet and entertainment industry. From stated in advance concept of medialization as an evangelization method the author concludes that more than a mission effort these communication channels are accomplishing certain form of pre-evangelization, pre-catechesis and pre-kerygmatic announcements in wider terms of inculturation.
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[pt] A Mensagem Cristã, expressa nas Sagradas Escrituras, é portadora de uma concepção unitária e integral da pessoa humana, como também da relação fé e vida. O dualismo pastoral, entendido como a dicotomia entre fé e vida, que penetrou na ação evangelizadora da Igreja, permanece nela até nossos dias. Na América Latina e Caribe foram grandes e profundas as consequências desse dualismo para a vida do povo e das culturas. As Conferências Episcopais realizadas neste Continente, fiéis à Mensagem Cristã, são garantidoras da concepção integral e unitária do ser humano e da ação evangelizadora da Igreja. A evangelização integral é a resposta a questão do dualismo pastoral. A Nova Evangelização para a América Latina e Caribe só poderá ser entendida na perspectiva de uma evangelização integral, imperativo para a Igreja e todos os seus Seguimentos Pastorais. / [en] The Christian message, expressed in Sacred Scriptures, is the bearer of a unitary and integral conception of the human person, but also of faith and life. Pastoral dualism, understood as the dichotomy between faith and life, they penetrated the Church s evangelising activity, remains in it until our days. In the Latin America and Caribbean were large and deep the consequences of this dualism to the life of the people and cultures. The Episcopal Conferences held on this continent, faithful to the Christian message, are guaranteed full and unitary conception of the human being and of the Church s evangelizing action. The integral evangelization is to answer the question of pastoral dualism. The new evangelization for the Latin America and Caribbean can only be understood from the perspective of a integral evangelization, imperative for the Church and all its Pastoral Segments.
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Poder e palavra: discursos, contendas e direito de padroado em Mariana (1748-1764) / Power and word: speeches, strife and law of patronate in Mariana (1748-1764)Santos, Patricia Ferreira dos 06 December 2007 (has links)
Após a publicação dos decretos do Concílio de Trento, realizado entre 1545 e 1563, a Igreja Católica se esforçaria por demonstrar, na ação pastoral, as respostas conciliares às contestações heréticas e protestantes. De forma paradoxal, nos domínios lusos no Ultramar, a promoção do culto católico e tridentino, que norteou o trabalho de evangelização controlado pelo católico Reino de Portugal, foi bastante abalada pelo ambiente político daquela época e pelos efeitos do Padroado Régio. Estas contradições serão analisadas, neste estudo, a partir da análise das cartas pastorais emitidas pelo Bispo Dom Frei Manoel da Cruz, bem como das correspondências administrativas de autoridades régias. Elas evidenciam que nas freguesias setecentistas das Minas Gerais, contendas e discursos inflamados marcariam com o signo do conflito a ação pastoral. / After the publication of the Council of Trento, made between 1545 and 1563, the Catholic Church made an effort to demonstrate, in the pastoral practices, the council answers to the heretical and protestant theories. Paradoxically, in the Portugal domains, the endorsement of the catholic and tridentino worship, which guided the evangelization work controlled by the Kingdom of Portugal, was very affected by the political atmosphere of that time and by the effects of the Royal Patronate. These contradictions are analyzed by studying the pastoral letters emitted by Bishop Dom Frei Manoel da Cruz, as well as the administrative correspondence of royal authorities. They show that in the 1700\'s Minas Gerais, contentions and inflamed discourses marked the pastoral action with the conflict sign.
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