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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Traveller's sense of place in the city

Howarth, Anthony Leroyd January 2019 (has links)
It is widely assumed in both popular and scholarly imaginaries that Travellers, due to their 'nomadic mind-set' and non-sedentary uses of land, do not have a sense of place. This thesis presents an ethnographic account of an extra-legal camp in Southeast London, to argue that its Traveller inhabitants do have a sense of place, which is founded in the camp's environment and experientially significant sites throughout the city. The main suggestion is that the camp, its inhabitants, and their activities, along with significant parts of the city, are co-constitutionally involved in making a Travellers' sense of place. However, this is not self-contained or produced by them alone, as their place-making activities are embroiled in the political, economic and legal environment of the city. This includes the threat and implementation of eviction by a local council, the re-development of the camp's environs, and other manifestations of the spatial-temporalities of late-liberal urban regeneration. The thesis makes this argument through focusing on the ways that place is made, sensed, and lived by the camp's Traveller inhabitants. It builds on practice-based approaches to place, centred on the notion of dwelling, but also critically departs from previous uses of this notion by demonstrating that 'dwelling' can occur in an intensely politicised and insalubrious environment. Therefore, I consider dwelling in the context of the power asymmetries of place and urban precarity, as well as how it is crucial to making a home-in-the-world. Depicting a family fiercely and desperately striving to hold onto place in the time-space of the late-liberal city, a situation that affords them little promise of a future, the thesis destabilises established understandings and analysis of Travellers' experience, in a contemporary context. Chapter one considers how men's skilled activity, building materials and machinery are involved in creative acts of correspondence, which coalesce to make the camp a liveable place for its inhabitants. The central suggestion is that, through making and inhabiting the camp, it also comes to make and inhabit those involved in such activities. However, the family's ability to structure their own world, by building themselves a place to live, is contingent on a range of socio-political constraints that subject them to infrastructural violence. Chapter two turns from the camp's built environment to examine women's caregiving and home-making practices. It considers women's haptic involvements with their caravans, suggesting that these activities are not simply practices of creative homemaking but, due to the central role they play in raising families, they position women as world-formers. It also examines the ways that women's caregiving activities are intensified by the camp's insalubrious environmental conditions, and how these are involved in the unmaking of the family's matriarch. Chapter three considers the relationship between men's economic activity and the city. It draws correspondences between men's economic transactions with non-Travellers, and hunting, suggesting that each practice consists of the skilled capacity to procure resources from particular environments. Chapters four and five turn from Travellers' own place-making activities, to examine how a sense of place is produced from, and fractured by, the threat of eviction. In the first of these, I consider the role that state-administered documents, definitions and imaginaries play in shaping the spatial parameters of place for the Cashes. In the second I examine the ways that eviction, and the broader spatial-temporalities of late-liberal urban redevelopment, coalesce in the camp to produce a sense of place and time that is charged with affect and uncertainty.

Indigenous issues : written statement /

8 March 2005 (has links)
Concerns the situation of indigenous people in Argentina. / UN Job no.: G0511710 E. Material type: NGO written statements. Issued under agenda item 15, agenda document E/CN.4/2005/1.

”Men i realiteten vete fan hur äre me det” : - en studie om barnperspektivet i den process som föreligger en vräkning eller en exekutiv försäljning. / ”But in reality I don’t know” : - a study about the best interest of the child in the eviction- and in the compulsory auction process.

Sävenvall, Cecilia, Straihamer, Doris January 2011 (has links)
Sverige ratificerade FN: s konvention om barnets rättigheter i juni 1990 och blev därmed bundet att respektera principerna och bestämmelserna i konventionen. I december 2010 godkände riksdagen den av regeringen föreslagna strategi som ska stärka barnets rättigheter i Sverige och som därmed ersätter den strategi som gällt sedan 1999. Strategin innehåller ett antal principer som bland annat syftar till att ett barnperspektiv ska införlivas i alla beslut och åtgärder som rör barn. Att ha ett barnperspektiv i sin yrkesutövning innebär bland annat att ha barnet i fokus samt att ta reda på hur barnet uppfattar sin situation. Därtill handlar det även om att göra barnkonsekvensanalyser vid beslut som rör barn. I strategin omnämns förutom kommuner och landsting också riksdag, regering och statliga myndigheter som viktiga för genomförandet av konventionen. Socialtjänsten är dessutom den myndighet som ytterst ska bevaka barnets rättigheter genom att utifrån lagstiftning agera till ett barns skydd. Tidigare forskning visar att risken för social och ekonomisk marginalisering ökar avsevärt när människor vräks och att det inte tas någon särskild hänsyn till barn vid vräkningar, vidare talas det inte alls om de barn som riskerar att vara med om att deras hem säljs vid en exekutiv auktion. En vräkning påverkar barnets hela livssituation och kan innebära att barnet måste bryta upp från sitt liv så som det känner det. Innan en vräkning verkställs föreligger en vräkningsprocess där flera aktörer är inblandade, vilka enligt ovan nämnda resonemang är ålagda att ha ett barnperspektiv i sitt yrkesutövande. Vi anser därför att det är viktigt att öka kunskap om hur dessa myndigheter har implementerat barnperspektivet i sitt arbete med vräkningshotade barnfamiljer. Vårt resultat visar att implementeringen av ett barnperspektiv inom socialtjänst, hyresnämnd och kronofogdemyndighet gällande vräkningshotade barnfamiljer av olika anledningar inte har fungerat, något som kan finna sin förklaring i de lagar och riktlinjer som dessa myndigheter främst har att förhålla sig till. Något som också försvårar praktiken är begreppets komplexa och ibland svårtydda innebörd. Vidare pekar resultatet också på att det finns motstridiga intressen gällande vems intressen man främst ska företräda.

La cura e lo sgombero : etnografia dell’intervento sanitario nei campi rom di Roma / Healing and eviction : an ethnography of sanitary interventions in the roma camps of Rome / Le soin et le démantèlement : ethnographie des interventions sanitaires dans les campi rom de Rome

Alunni, Lorenzo 24 February 2012 (has links)
Ce travail aborde la question des interventions sanitaires dans les espaces urbains dits « campi nomadi », où vivent les communautés roms, dans la ville de Rome.Dans la première partie, les données de type démographique sont abordées sous l’angle d’une problématisation de leurs formes de collecte des données et des enjeux politiques qui les déterminent. Leur analyse est mise en relation avec le constat que la majorité des études de type médical sur les Roms concernent des questions génétiques, comme c’est aussi le cas des nouvelles formes de fichage et d’identification. Dans la deuxième et troisième partie, l’attention se concentre sur l’ethnographie qui a été menée dans les « campi nomadi » de Rome, en suivant l’activité quotidienne d’une unité médicale mobile (dite « Camper sanitario ») dédiée au soin dans ces espaces urbains. La rencontre médicale dans les espaces d’exception où ces patients résident devient l’occasion d’observer les dynamiques de leurs relations avec la société majoritaire et les institutions qui la réglementent. L’enquête vise à identifier les éléments de l’économie morale des gestes des interventions médicales. Le but est de les restituer à leur dimension biopolitique de pacification de sujets qui font l’objet de strictes politiques de sécurité et de rejet de la part du gouvernement soit national soit local. / This work deals with the sanitary interventions in the urban spaces called “campi nomadi” that can be found around the city of Rome, where Roma communities live. The first part of this research deals with the demographic data, from the point of view of the problematization of the ways it had been collected and the political stakes which determine it. Its analysis is related to the acknowledgement of the fact that the grand majority of the medical studies on Roma population engage on genetic data, in the same way the new forms of profiling and identification. The second and third part of this work concentrate on the ethnographic research pursued in the nomad camps of Rome, following the daily activity of a mobile medical unit (also called “sanitary camper”) who’s main activity was offering medical support in this urban spaces. The medical encounter that takes place in this spaces of exception, where the patients live, becomes the occasion for observing the dynamics of their relations with the dominant society and the institutions which rule it. This research aims to identify those elements which relate to the moral economy of the acts of medical intervention by underlying their bio-political dimension related to the pacification of the subjects which are otherwise object of strict security policies and of rejection from local and national administrations.

A propriedade fundiária arcaica: nova interpretação da regra do usus auctoritas fundi  da Lei das XII tábuas / Archaic land ownership: new reading of the usus auctoritas rule of the twelve tables.

Julio Cesar Lazzarini Lemos 13 May 2011 (has links)
A chamada regra do usus auctoritas, presente na Lei das XII tábuas, é apontada, desde Cujácio (séc. XVI), e daí em diante por muitos juristas, como sendo uma antiga norma sobre a garantia do vendedor por meio de negócio formal, mancipatio em caso de evicção; o próprio sentido do vocábulo auctoritas seria «garantia», ou mesmo «dever de prestar garantia», neste caso particular inseparável da mancipatio. Mas o fragmento que traz essa regra USUS AUCTORITAS FUNDI BIENNIUM EST[O] nos foi transmitido por Cícero e (embora de forma já interpretada) Gaio; e estes a consideram uma espécie de antiga norma a respeito do usucapião (inicialmente apenas de imóveis). Outros juristas antigos e contemporâneos seguiram, em parte, essa interpretação original. O trabalho pretende trazer novos argumentos em favor dessa exegese natural de Cícero e Gaio no sentido de que a dita regra versa sobre usucapião, mais especificamente sobre uma sua forma arcaica e bastante peculiar. Investiga-se o surgimento da propriedade imobiliária em Roma e suas peculiaridades: o sistema augural, quase religioso, de limitação do solo destinado, no início, a todo cidadão romano, conferido por meio de atos de adsignatio (concessão) pelo «estado» em formação, que detinha a auctoritas ou poder; a passagem da soberania das gentes pré-romanas aos Quirites; a gradual privatização a atribuição dessa auctoritas coletiva e diretamente quiritária ao proprietário dessas parcelas de terra e a fragmentação do solo pelo direito privado regulado pela Lei das XII tábuas, que confere autonomia (a auctoritas ou título) aos indíviduos e suas famílias. Acrescenta-se uma breve análise lógica da regra e uma tentativa de a inserir no esquema geral do usucapião moderno. / The usus auctoritas rule from the Twelve Tables was conceived by Jacques Cujas (16th century AD), and many authors thereafter, as an ancient norm that established a warranty against eviction granted by the seller when transferring the ownership of the thing to the buyer through the performance of mancipatio. According to this view, the very word auctoritas is taken to mean warranty, or else to imply an obligation to give warranty, and is intrinsically associated with mancipatio. But the fragment of the sources that state this rule USUS AUCTORITAS FUNDI BIENNIUM EST[O] were brough to us by Cicero and Gaius (the latter in the form of an interpretation of the norm), and both consider it to be an ancient Roman disposition that originally dealt with usucaption of immovable property only. To a certain extent, various ancient and modern jurists accept the latter interpretation. The object of this thesis is to provide new arguments to support the more natural interpretation adopted by Cicero and Gaius, i.e., that the rule in question deals specifically with an archaic and peculiar form of usucapio. The present work analyzes the emergence of private ownership of immovable property in Rome and its peculiarities: the quasi-religious augural system of land apportionment adopted by the fledging Roman state to assign a lot of land to every Roman citizen through the performance of acts of adsignatio (allotment); the sovereignty transferred by the pre-Roman gentes to the Quirites; the process by which land plots were gradually privatized and landowners acquired this once collective and quiritarian auctoritas, and the resulting land apportionment caused by the application of rules of private law based on the Twelve Tables conferring autonomy (auctoritas or title) to individuals and their families. In the final lines, an attempt is made to provide a logical analysis of the rule and to place it within the general conceptual framework of modern usucaption.

Modernização e desenvolvimentismo: formação das primeiras favelas de São Paulo e a favela do Vergueiro / Modernization and development: formation of the first of São Paulo\'s favelas and the Vergueiro favela

Fernão Lopes Ginez de Lara 16 January 2013 (has links)
Nessa dissertação tratamos da formação das primeiras favelas paulistanas e em especial da favela do Vergueiro (~1949-1969), como particularidade de um estudo sobre a constituição do capitalismo no Brasil em seu momento desenvolvimentista. Tomando o capitalismo como uma socialização crítica, considera-se a realização da acumulação como momento conceitual que nega a si mesmo, expresso pelo movimento de expulsão da fonte originadora do capital - o trabalho - através do desenvolvimento das forças produtivas. No Brasil, teria se dado uma industrialização sem ruptura completa da forma social, refletindo-se num processo posto em grande parte pelas necessidades de venda de mercadorias do departamento de bens de capital global. A periferia capitalista se expressaria por uma formação negativa do trabalho, expropriando trabalhadores/as e forçando sua mobilização para o trabalho, sem sua necessária incorporação como polo negativo do capital. Sem dispor de base de valorização produtiva, muitos investimentos capitalistas concentram-se na propriedade da terra através do mercado imobiliário, expresso na retenção de terras na cidade de São Paulo. No período analisado - meados de 1930 a 1970 - as favelas não eram tão significativas comparativamente à magnitude que o fenômeno viria a assumir a partir dos anos 1970; entretanto, são igualmente representativas das particularidades das contradições postas pela modernização brasileira. A contradição entre expropriação, industrialização periférica e mercado imobiliário culminaria na profusão de favelas, identificando a princípio o próprio Estado como agente formador de favelas, vindo o processo a assumir maior expressão face aos movimentos migratórios e dificuldades do acesso à terra para moradia. Por último, analisamos as políticas de desfavelamento, aqui entendidas como formadoras para o trabalho e para garantir a liberação da propriedade privada. / The object of this dissertation is the Vergueiro favela (shantytown), ~1949-1969, one among the first of São Paulo\'s favelas. At the time covered by the study, they had not yet grown to their later large sizes, but they are nevertheless representatives of the phenomena yilding from Brazilian modernisation. Capitalism is taken as critical socialisation, whose conceptual carrying out is its own negation, expressed by the eviction of capital\'s originating source (labour) by means of the development of the productive forces. Industrialisation in Brazil has taken place largely as posed by the need for the sale of goods from the global capital assets department. The periphery of capitalism is expressed by the negative formation of labour, expropriating workers and forcing their mobilisation, without its incorporation as the negative pole of capital. As a basis of productive valorisation was unavailable, many capitalist investments concentrated in land tenure within the real estate market, expressed by the holding of land in the city of São Paulo. The contradiction between expropriation, peripheral industrialisation and real estate market culminated in the profusion of favelas throughout the city. Such favelas had to face removal policies (defavelisation) aiming at the formation of labour and the liberation of private property.

In or out of court? Strategies for resolving farm tenure disputes in Limpopo province, South Africa

Shirinda, Shirhami Eddie January 2011 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae (Land and Agrarian Studies) - MPhil(LAS) / In this thesis I explore dispute resolution mechanisms within the context of the Extension of Security of Tenure Act, 62 of 1997 (ESTA) and more generally the extent to which the law and the court can be used to effect social change. I examine dispute resolution processes that parties to farm tenure utilise towards exercising their land rights. I give practical demonstrations of how parties on farms utilised processes to resolve eviction and burial disputes on farms in Limpopo province, South Africa. I focus on four case studies from farm dweller cases from Vhembe district, two evictions and two burials. The thesis compares and contrasts the cases settled through out of court settlements with those decided through the court processes. It is based on case files kept at the Nkuzi Development Association (Nkuzi) Elim office and follow up interviews with farm occupiers as well as court judgments on cases that were decided in court. I argue that decisions on choosing appropriate dispute resolution processes are determined by the parties’ economic position and the availability of land reform support Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and lawyers. The findings drawn from the case studies show that ESTA dispute resolution mechanisms do not give choices to the parties in deciding how best to resolve tenure disputes they face, rather, they are forced to approach the courts. Parties to farm tenure disputes face challenges in using mediation and arbitration processes due to a lack of support from the relevant government agencies. These challenges ultimately deprive parties in disputes from making effective choices when deciding on a dispute resolution process that is appropriate for the dispute they are confronted with. This study concludes that ESTA is limited when offering necessary choices to the farm parties in disputes. The findings of this study point to the need for amendment of ESTA to provide parties in farm disputes with a choice of using mediation or arbitration processes directly as an alternative for those who do not want to resolve the dispute in court. In addition, an amendment should include the negotiation process and make the use of negotiation, mediation and arbitration compulsory for parties to first exhaust their use before approaching the court.

Authority and dispossession in medieval Irish literature

Phillips, Veronica Middleton January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamic Eviction Set Algorithms and Their Applicability to Cache Characterisation

Lindqvist, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Eviction sets are groups of memory addresses that map to the same cache set. They can be used to perform efficient information-leaking attacks against the cache memory, so-called cache side channel attacks. In this project, two different algorithms that find such sets are implemented and compared. The second of the algorithms improves on the first by using a concept called group testing. It is also evaluated if these algorithms can be used to analyse or reverse engineer the cache characteristics, which is a new area of application for this type of algorithms. The results show that the optimised algorithm performs significantly better than the previous state-of-the-art algorithm. This means that countermeasures developed against this type of attacks need to be designed with the possibility of faster attacks in mind. The results also shows, as a proof-of-concept, that it is possible to use these algorithms to create a tool for cache analysis.

Vräkningsförebyggande arbete : Socialtjänstens insats att motverka hemlöshet / Eviction Prevention : The Social Services Actions to Counteract Homelessness

Palm Hörman, Nils January 2022 (has links)
One of the most basic human needs is access to a home, but the Swedish welfare state can not guarantee all of its citizens roof above their heads, and homelessness is – as it's always been –one of our major societal problems. An essential part of society's effort to counteract homelessness is to work with preventing evictions, which is something the municipal social services have main responsibility over. But despite great efforts evictions are a problem, and especially vulnerable are affected children. In 2021, the amount of children who were evicted was the highest in ten years. The purpose of this study has been to examine how social services can work successfully to prevent evictions. Through a qualitative text analysis based on reports, guidelines and statistics from Socialstyrelsen and Kronofogden, among others, working methods and success factors within the social services were identified. The results show among other things that organization, cooperation, knowledge and information, and identification of risk factors were elements that lead to success in preventing evictions.

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