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Evaluation of Paleo-climate for the Boise Area, Idaho, from the last Glacial Maximum to the Present Based on delta 2H and delta 18O Groundwater CompositionSchlegel, Melissa Eileen 18 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
There are four distinguishable groundwater systems in the Boise area, Idaho, U.S.A., identified as modern batholith, thermal batholith, Boise frontal fault, and Nampa-Caldwell systems (Figure 1). Modern batholith and thermal batholith groundwaters are located in Tertiary to Cretaceous aged granites and granodiorites of the Atlanta lobe of the Idaho Batholith. The frontal fault system near Boise, ID defines the southeastern edge of the Idaho Batholith, and divides the batholith from the western Snake River Plain. The Nampa-Caldwell system is in the volcanic, fluvial and pluvial sediments of the western Snake River Plain. Groundwater ages for these systems are modern, 5-15 ka, 10-20 ka, and 20-40 ka respectively. Local meteoric water lines (LMWL) using the delta 2H and delta 18O composition of the groundwater were defined for each system using linear regression techniques. LMWL had variable and defined single slopes of 6.94 and 8. Deuterium excess values (d) were found for each system for each linear regression method. Relative differences of the deuterium excess value assuming the two single slope methods were similar. Changes in moisture source humidity and temperature, and Boise area recharge temperatures calculated from stable isotopic data and the deuterium excess factor agree with other published data. At the moisture source there was a 9% humidity increase and a 7-6 °C decrease of sea surface temperature between the present and the last glacial maximum (LGM). The local temperature decreased 4-5 °C from the present to the LGM for the Boise area.
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Alternativa energisystem : Ett sammarbete mellan KTH och Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB / Alternative Sources of EnergyBjörkquist, Willand, Liberg, Lukas January 2018 (has links)
Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB är ett företag som utför takarbeten såsom takskyddsanordningar och takunderhållsarbete. Idag värmer de en av sina lokaler med fjärrvärme och är intresserade av att införskaffa ett system för produktion av egen energi för drivning av uppvärmningssystemet. Vilket system som lämpar sig bäst för detta ändamål, med hänsyn till ekonomi och miljö kommer behandlas i denna rapport. Även system som kan komma att bli lämpliga för denna typ av problem i framtiden behandlas. De olika systemen av intresse i denna rapport är: solceller, multi-junctionsolceller, bränsleceller och aeroturbiner. Även system för energilagring har behandlats då flera av energisystemen ibland ger överskott och ibland underskott. Beräkningar för dimensionering av de olika energisystemen har utförts vilket tydligt har visat vilket system som lämpar sig bäst. Vi anser att solceller är det bästa valet idag trots den begränsade mängden solstrålning i Sverige. Olika dimensioneringar för den aktuella arbetsplatsen har där efter utförts för att ge olika intressanta alternativ för Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB. I dagsläget är någon av de olika dimensioneringarna vår rekommendation för att lösa problemet. I framtiden där emot rekommenderar vi att hålla utkik efter aeroturbinerna. Det som måste ske för att aeroturbinerna ska bli intressanta i framtiden är markant prissänkning. / Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB is a company that specializes in roof operations such as rooftop protection apparatures and roof maintenance work. Today they use district heating to warm up one of their properties and are now interested in solar cells to replace their current heating system. Which system that is the most suitable for this task, with consideration for economy and environment, will be covered in this report. Also systems that can be considered as suitable for this type of problem in the future will be covered. The systems that are considered as interesting in this report are: solar cells, multi-junction solar cells, fuel cells and aeroturbines. Also systems for energy storage have been of interest since some of the energy systems sometimes generate excess and sometimes deficit. Calculations for dimensioning of the different energy systems have been covered, which clearly shows which system that is the most suitable. We believe that solar cells are the best option today, despite the limited amount of sun radiation in Sweden. Different dimensioning for the current working area has been covered in order to give interesting alternatives for Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB. In the present situation we recommend one of the three dimensions we have established in order to solve the energy costs problem. In the future on the other hand we recommend keeping an eye out for the aeroturbines. What is missing from the aerourbines today in order for them to be more interesting is a more affordable price.
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Causes of and solutions to reduce excess material in production processes : A study of electrical motors and generators at ABB Machines / Orsaker och lösningar för att minska överblivet material i produktonsprocessen av elektriska motorer och generatorerFager, Wilma, Engberg, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
This thesis focus on the investigation of material usage in the production processes of electrical motors and generators at ABB Machines, a company based in Västerås, Sweden. The study aims to understand the reasons for the occurrence of excess material after the assembly of a motor or generator and explore possible solutions to minimize its occurrence. In this study, excess material is defined as the components which was intended to be used in the final assembly of a machine but that has for some reason not been used. The components which qualifies as being defined as excess materials are components which are in the same functioning state as when they were delivered from the supplier, in other words components which has not been processed nor damaged. Further, the components defined as excess materials are only the components, after a machine has been fully assembled, which has been gathered by the production personnel working at the final assembly in pallets. For example, this can be components like screws, tube fittings and cap nuts. The research method employed in this study was a mix of different methodologies. Five methods, a literature review, registration of materials, interviews, observations and focus groups were used to collect information and data. Thereafter, the observations, interviews and focus groups results were processed through a thematic analysis. The collected quantitative data was analysed through a quantitative analysis. With the collected and summarized information, discussions were held and conclusions were drawn regarding the research questions. The study reveals several reasons for the occurrence of excess material in manufacturing and these include: Substitution of material in production: Material substitutions during the production process contribute to the generation of excess material. Errors in drawing material and deficiencies in concept generation: Mistakes in the design phase and concept generation lead to the generation of excess material. Least possible order quantity exceeds the actual need: Ordering minimum quantities that exceed the actual requirements result in excess material. Problems with steering in the ERP system: Issues with the Enterprise Resource Planning system affect material management and contribute to excess material. Excess material is not a prioritized area: The management’s lack of focus on minimizing excess material leads to its occurrence. Uncertainties in stock level: Lack of accurate stock level information causes overstocking and results in excess material. The potential solutions to address excess material in the manufacturing of electrical motors and generators can be grouped into the following categories: storage, order quantity, goods arrival structure, preparations, and general routines. Storage: Include stocking frequently used materials, reducing the variety of items in stock to minimize substitutions, introducing specific storage locations for large projects, and implementing flexible warehousing. Order quantity: Involve trimming order quantities, improving the handling of "Dummy purchases", and splitting materials upon arrival for multiple machines in a project. Goods arrival structure: Focus on reviewing pick order sizes, establishing clearer loading systems, controlling material allocation, and synchronizing the release of pick orders. Preparations: This solution include facilitating engineering changes in production groups, streamlining part number reduction, and limiting construction items within categories. General routines: Involves checking the usability of remaining materials, collaborating with fitters and production staff to optimize processes and material choices, reporting material substitutions, and systematically tracing excess material in a database. Uncertainties in stock level: Lack of accurate stock level information causes overstocking and results in excess material.
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Les lithalses : étude d’un pergélisol marginal en dégradation dans la vallée A’ą̈y Chù, au Sud-Ouest du YukonThévenin, Eva 06 1900 (has links)
La vallée A’ą̈y Chù est située au Sud-Ouest du Yukon dans le Parc National Kluane. Le pergélisol y est isolé et présent sous forme de lithalses, retrouvées dans les milieux humides. La présente étude s’intéresse à ces formes périglaciaires afin de comprendre les conditions et processus de formation et conservation des lithalses. Nous avons effectué huit forages sur deux sites, à l’est et à l’ouest de la vallée.
Notre étude cryostratigraphique des lithalses incorpore des analyses sédimentaires, de cryostructure, de contenu en glace, d’ions majeurs et d’isotopes d’eau. Les lithalses se sont développées sous le climat froid du Petit Âge Glaciaire, avec des conditions écosystémiques tel qu’un substrat gélif (silt, sable fin) couplé d’une forte disponibilité en eau. La végétation était composée de mousses, d’herbacées (Carex spp.) et de buissons (Salix spp.), formant un couvert organique poreux et isolant. Le pergélisol était d’une faible épaisseur jusqu’à 2,2 m de profondeur. Sept forages comportaient un talik de 21 à 48 cm d’épaisseur, et débutant dans le premier mètre de sol. Les cryostructures principales étaient lenticulaire et microlenticulaire. Aux sites 1 et 2, le contenu volumétrique en glace moyen était 66,7 % ±9,1 et 63,9 % ±13,7, la glace en excès était responsable jusqu’à 61,3 % et 45,6 % de la hauteur des lithalses. Plusieurs signes de dégradation (talik, ravinement, mares de thermokarst, remparts) indiquent un état mécanique et thermique instable. Une succession d’étés et d’hivers chauds pourraient d’abord faire balancer les lithalses vers un état relique, puis vers un dégel final. / The A’ą̈y Chù valley in southwestern Yukon, Kluane National Park features isolated permafrost occurring in lithalsas formed in wetlands. We investigate these persistent permafrost features to understand the specific conditions and processes that allowed their formation and conservation. We drilled and sampled eight boreholes at two different sites, on the east and west sides of the valley.
The lithalsas were studied with a cryostratigraphic approach, with analyses of cryostructure, ice content, sediment characteristics, major ions, and water isotopes. Lithalsas developed during the colder climate of Little Ice Age due to ecosystem conditions that include a frost susceptible substrate composed of silt and fine sand coupled with high water availability. The vegetation cover was mainly moss, herbs (Carex spp.) and shrubs (Salix spp.) which formed a porous insulating cover. The permafrost body was thin with a maximum depth of 2,2 m. Seven boreholes had a talik 21 to 48 cm thick, starting within the first meter of soil. The cryostructures were mainly lenticular and microlenticular. The average volumetric ice content was 66,7 % ±9,1 at Site 1 and 63,9 % ±13,7 at Site 2. The average excess ice content accounts for up to 61,3% and 45,6% of the height of lithalsas, at Site 1 and 2. Many signs of permafrost degradation (talik, gullies, thermokarst ponds, ramparts) indicate an unstable thermal and mechanical state. A succession of warm summers and winters could make the lithalsas balance towards a relic state first then to final thaw.
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A case study on the integration of excess heat from Data Centres in the Stockholm district heating systemTofani, Arianna January 2022 (has links)
The data centre industry is becoming more and more important due to the rapid increase of digitalisation in our society. However, data centres are large electricity consumers since electricity is needed for both the Information Technology (IT) equipment and the cooling systems, as a certain temperature must be maintained in the server rooms in order to guarantee service operations. Thus, it is important to make data centres less energy intensive and implement a circular economy approach in the sector. One possible way to implement circularity is to reuse the waste heat generated in data centres in district heating networks. However, the potential of using waste heat from low-temperature sources, such as data centres, is mainly unexploited; therefore, more studies are needed in order to inform such use. In particular, it is essential to understand how this potential could be assessed. The main purpose of this study is to identify the barriers to more heat recovery utilisation and the opportunities that heat recovery contracts can bring from the perspective of key stakeholders linked to DCs’ systems operation and service use, such as DC operators, DH operators, and municipalities. The study also aims at understanding how municipalities can enhance a greater integration of waste heat from data centres in district heating systems. To reach the objectives, this study is constructed as an explorative case study on the use of excess heat from data centres in the Stockholm district heating system. Eight stakeholders belonging to those categories were interviewed and the data collected were analysed with a Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis. The study concludes that the main barriers preventing the implementation of heat recovery investments, in the explorative analysis for the Stockholm county, seem to be more business related than technical. For example, not having a clear business model in place. In terms of main opportunities, these are related to an improvement in sustainability, such as saving resources by replacing them with excess heat and exploiting an inevitable product instead of wasting it. Moreover, this study also concludes that municipalities can help find suitable places for data centres near the district heating grids both through initiatives like Stockholm Data Parks and city planning. / Datacenterbranschen blir allt viktigare på grund av den snabba ökningen av digitaliseringen i vårt samhälle. Datacenter är dock stora elkonsumenter eftersom el behövs både för IT-utrustningen och för kylsystemen, eftersom en viss temperatur måste hållas i serverrummen för att garantera serviceverksamheten. Det är därför viktigt att göra datacenter mindre energikrävande och införa en cirkulär ekonomi inom sektorn. Ett möjligt sätt att genomföra cirkulär ekonomi är att återanvända den spillvärme som genereras i datacentren i fjärrvärmenäten. Potentialen för att använda spillvärme från källor med låg temperatur, t.ex. datacenter, är dock i huvudsak outnyttjad, och därför behövs fler studier för att informera om sådan användning. I synnerhet är det viktigt att förstå hur denna potential kan bedömas. Huvudsyftet med den här studien är att identifiera hindren för ett ökat utnyttjande av värmeåtervinning och de möjligheter som avtal om värmeåtervinning kan ge ur de viktigaste intressenternas perspektiv när det gäller drift av DC-system och användning av tjänster, t.ex. DC-operatörer, DH-operatörer och kommuner. Studien syftar också till att förstå hur kommunerna kan främja en ökad integrering av spillvärme från datacenter i fjärrvärmesystemen. För att nå målen är denna studie uppbyggd som en explorativ fallstudie om användningen av överskottsvärme från datacenter i Stockholms fjärrvärmesystem. Åtta intressenter som tillhörde dessa kategorier intervjuades och de insamlade uppgifterna analyserades med en SWOT-analys (Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities and Threats). I studien dras slutsatsen att de främsta hindren för investeringar i värmeåtervinning, i den explorativa analysen för Stockholms län, verkar vara mer affärsrelaterade än tekniska. Till exempel att man inte har en tydlig affärsmodell på plats. När det gäller de viktigaste möjligheterna är dessa relaterade till en förbättring av hållbarheten, t.ex. att spara resurser genom att ersätta dem med överskottsvärme och utnyttja en oundviklig produkt i stället för att slösa bort den. I studien dras dessutom slutsatsen att kommunerna kan hjälpa till att hitta lämpliga platser för datacenter nära fjärrvärmenäten, både genom initiativ som Stockholm Data Parks och stadsplanering.
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Surface area determination of porous materials using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method: limitations and improvementSinha, Priya 30 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Överavkastning hos svenska aktiva kapitalförvaltare : En studie om hur svenska kapitalförvaltare arbetar för att skapa och mäta överavkastningBörjesson, Marcus, Holm, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
Få studier är genomförda på området om hur kapitalförvaltare skapar och mäter överavkastning i praktiken, och ännu färre avseende svenska kapitalförvaltare. Det finns främst kvantitativa studier inom detta område vilket har lett till ett forskningsgap avseende kvalitativt inriktad forskning. Vidare är oroligt börsklimat en stor faktor för kapitalförvaltare att hantera, vilket innebär att de fortfarande behöver prestera under dessa perioder för att behålla sina kunder. Detta har lett till forskningsfrågan “Hur arbetar svenska kapitalförvaltare i praktiken för att skapa överavkastning och skiljer sig detta vid oroligt börsklimat?”. Kapitalförvaltare behöver också mäta prestationen för att kunna analysera den, men även för att visa befintliga och potentiella kunder tidigare resultat. Detta har resulterat i studiens andra forskningsfråga “Vilka prestationsmått används för att mäta överavkastning av svenska kapitalförvaltare och varför har de valt att använda dem?”. Denna studie är på grund av de två forskningsfrågorna både kvalitativ och kvantitativ. Detta åstadkoms genom att intervjua kapitalförvaltare men även genom en enkätundersökning för att besvara båda forskningsfrågorna. Sex kapitalförvaltare har deltagit i intervjuundersökningen och 37 kapitalförvaltare har svarat på enkätundersökningen. För enkätundersökningen motsvarar detta en svarsfrekvens om 38,5 % av de företag som kontaktats. Respondenterna i studien är anonyma och har tilldelats fiktiva namn, deras deltagande har dessutom varit frivilligt. Resultatet av denna studie visar att svenska kapitalförvaltare använder olika investeringsstrategier för att skapa överavkastning. Både fundamental och kvantitativ analys används, även om de används i kombination med varandra i olika utsträckning. Gällande ett oroligt börsklimat fokuserar respondenterna på att minska den tagna risken och att se till att vara väl diversifierad. För att mäta överavkastning är Sharpekvot och Informationskvot de mest frekvent använda prestationsmåtten i praktiken, i absoluta respektive relativa termer. Dessa har valts på grund av de är enkla och generellt sätt lätta att förstå även för mindre kunniga kunder. / Few studies have been made on the subject of how asset managers in practice create and measure performance and even fewer regarding Swedish asset managers. There are mainly quantitative studies made in this area, which has left a qualitative gap to research. Furthermore, a troubled stock market climate is a big factor for asset managers to deal with, which means that they still need to perform during these periods of time to keep their customers. This has led to the research question “How do Swedish asset managers work in practice to create excess return and does it differ during a troubled stock market climate?”. Asset managers also need to measure their performance to be able to analyze it, but also show existing and potential customers past results. This resulted in the study's second research question “Which performance measures are used to measure excess return by Swedish asset managers and why are they chosen?”. This study is as a result of the two research questions both qualitative and quantitative. This is accomplished by having interviews with asset managers and also by performing a survey to answer both research questions. Six asset managers have participated in the interview survey and 37 asset managers have answered the survey. The survey has had a participation rate of 38,5 % of the companies that were contacted. The respondents in this study are anonymous and have been given fictional names, their participation have in addition been voluntarily. The result of this study shows that Swedish asset managers are using different investment strategies to create excess return. Both fundamental and quantitative analysis are used, though these strategies are commonly used combined to varying extent. Regarding a troubled stock market climate, the respondents focus on lowering the risk taken and to make sure they are well diversified. To measure excess return Sharpe ratio and Information ratio are the most commonly used performance measures in practice, in terms of absolute and relative performance. These are chosen due to their simplicity and are overall easy to grasp even for less knowledgeable customers.
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The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Effects on Swedish MortalityVoghera, Siri, Tepe, Özlem January 2021 (has links)
This thesis analyses the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on Swedish mortality during 2020 by investigating whether it has resulted in excess mortality. This is done using a stochastic mortality projection model from the Lee-Carter framework and by assuming the number of deaths follows a Poisson distribution. Due to the few confirmed COVID-19 deaths at younger ages, the decision is made to only include 50-to-100-year-olds in the analysis. Models in the Lee-Carter framework are fitted on historical data from 1993–2019 collected from Human Mortality Database and Statistiska Centralbyrån. After evaluating the models, inter alia using residual analysis and backtesting, we ascertain that the classical Lee-Carter model accomplishes a wanted level of fit and forecast accuracy. During the morality projection with the Lee-Carter model, three different sources of uncertainty are accounted for by constructing prediction intervals using bootstrap. The results show that the large age group 67–94-year-olds have suffered from statistically significant excess mortality during 2020. The level of excess mortality differs between ages, with the ages 70–90-year-olds having the highest number of excess deaths. Comparing the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths to our forecasted number of excess deaths indicates the COVID-19 virus likely caused the surge in deaths.
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[pt] Este estudo objetiva investigar se existe uma relação entre posições agregadas de fundos de investimento brasileiros e o desempenho passado, presente e futuro das ações. Utilizando dados mensais das carteiras de 30.416 fundos entre 2006 e 2018 e dados de mercado de 84 ações, diversas regressões com dados em painel
foram feitas para testar a correlação entre retornos totais das ações e o nível e a mudança de posições compradas e vendidas. Além disso, os dados foram utilizados para testar uma estratégia long-short de investimento segundo a qual as ações que ocupam posições altas nos fundos são compradas e as ações com baixas posições são vendidas. / [en] This study aims to investigate whether there is a relationship between aggregate Brazilian mutual fund positions and past, concurrent, and future stock performance. Using monthly fund portfolio data for 30.416 funds between 2006 and 2018 and market data for 84 stocks, several panel data regressions were ran to
test the correlation between stock total returns and both the level and change in mutual fund aggregate long and short positions. In addition, the data was used in testing a long-short investing strategy in which stocks with high fund ownership indicators are purchased and stocks with low fund ownership indicators are sold.
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