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Algebraic approaches to resource conservation via process integrationAlmutlaq, Abdulaziz M. 01 November 2005 (has links)
The primary objective of this dissertation is to introduce several algebraic
procedures to the targeting of material recycle networks. The problem involves the
allocation of process streams and fresh sources to process units (sinks) with the objective
of minimizing fresh purchase and waste discharge. In the case of composition-limited
sinks, allocation to process sinks is governed by feasibility constraints on flowrates and
compositions. A systematic non-iterative algebraic approach is developed to identify
rigorous targets for minimum usage of fresh resources, maximum recycle of process
resources and minimum discharge of waste. These targets are identified a priori and
without commitment to the detailed design of the recycle/reuse network. The approach is
valid for both pure and impure fresh resources. The devised procedures also identifies the
location of the material recycle pinch point and addresses its significance in managing
process sources, fresh usage, and waste discharge. The dissertation also addresses the
targeting of material-recycle networks when the constraints on the process units are
described through flowrates and properties. This property-integration problem is solvedusing a non-iterative cascade-based algebraic procedure. Finally, for more complex cases
with multiple fresh sources and with interception networks, a mathematical-programming
approach is developed. Because of the nonlinear non-convex characteristics of the
problem, the mathematical model is reformulated to enable the global solution of the
problem. Several case studies are solved to illustrate the ease, rigor, and applicability of
the developed targeting technique.
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Grecs et phéniciens en Méditerranée orientale. Les céramiques grecques, témoins des échanges entre la Grèce, Chypre et la côte levantine (Xe-IVe s. av. J-C.)Chirpanlieva, Iva 04 June 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche représente une synthèse sur la question des échanges entre la Méditerranée orientale (le monde phénicien) et le monde égéen ; une synthèse inscrite dans la longue durée, à savoir dès le début des contacts à l'Âge du Fer jusqu'à la fin de l'époque perse (fin XIe – fin IVe s. av. J.-C.). Elle envisage ces échanges en dehors des contextes de conflits et d'opposition ethnique, en dépassant la ligne de séparation tracée entre la culture classique et les cultures sémitiques, mettant en évidence les relations suivies qui ont existé entre la Grèce et le monde oriental. Deux questions fondamentales ont pu être précisées dans ce travail. Tout d'abord si la céramique fine grecque ne peut être interprétée en termes de « grand commerce international » et qu'elle ne justifie pas en soi la création d'un réseau, elle peut néanmoins être exploitée comme « marqueur archéologique de réseaux », car sa commercialisation se glisse dans des courants d'échanges établis de produits fondamentaux. On propose une nouvelle reconstitution des réseaux ancrée dans une périodisation qui a pour point de départ la culture matérielle et tout changement significatif qu'on peut observer du point de vue de la « performance économique ». Elle tient compte des changements politiques globaux dans ces régions, en essayant de se détacher de la simple histoire événementielle. D'autre part, les principales séries de céramiques importées ont pu être cernées et nous proposons une nouvelle réflexion sur les ateliers de production, en confrontant nos résultats au cadre méditerranéen global. / This research looks at trade between the eastern Mediterranean (Phoenician world) and the Aegean world. It provides a long-term-perspective, namely spanning the early Iron Age contacts to the end of the Persian period (late eleventh to late fourth century BC). It envisages these exchanges outside the contexts of conflict and ethnic opposition, and beyond the dividing line drawn between classical culture and Semitic cultures, elucidating the ongoing relationships that existed between Greece and the eastern world. Two key issues have been identified in this work. Firstly, if Greek fine pottery cannot be interpreted in terms of "international trade" and does not by itself justify the creation of a network, they can still be used as "archaeological markers of networks" because their marketing fits into established trade flows for basic products. We propose a new reconstruction of networks rooted in a periodization whose starting point is material culture and in which any significant change can be observed in terms of "economic performance". It reflects the overall political changes in these areas, trying to break away from the simple narrative history. On the other hand, the main series of imported ceramics have been identified and we provide new insights into the production centres, by comparing our results to the wider Mediterranean setting. Then, to understand the true meaning of the "marketing" of these ceramics, this research takes into account the contexts of reception by addressing consumer choice and reception of these products in the Phoenician cultural context.
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The Landscape of the Lion: Economies of Religion and Politics in the Nemean Countryside (800 B.C. to A.D. 700)Cloke, Christian F. 26 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Mötesplatser i fångstmarken : en rumslig studie av praktiker och kontaktnätverk i norra Mellanskandinavien under järnåldern / Meeting places in the outland : a spatial study of practices and exchange networks in North Middle Scandinavia during the Iron AgeLindgren, Sakarias January 2019 (has links)
Outlying forest and mountain areas in the inland of middle and north Scandinavia have for a long time been seen as marginal areas of little importance to the main Scandinavian historical narrative. However, in recent time, the importance of the outland has increasingly been in the focus of archaeological research. It has been suggested by several scholars that the emergence of centralized power structures in various parts of Scandinavia during the mid Iron Age can be explained by an extensive trade of resources like antler, bone, and iron. However, much is still unknown about the broader context of these activities and the people that performed them. The aim of this study is to analyse the character of these activities and exchange networks in a study area consisting of areas on both sides of the present Swedish-Norwegian border. This is done by analysing the pattern of archaeological remains in the outland and how they relate to landscape characteristics like topography, water courses and sediment types. The main archaeological remains studied are graves, pitfalls for moose and reindeer hunting and iron working sites. The results show the use of graves as territorial markers in the landscape and the existence of central places in the outland, possibly used for trade and social activities. The study also suggests that the relations between people from the hunter-gatherer and the agrarian communities changed during the late Iron Age, which is indicated by a dislocation of graves further up in the valleys to the north.
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Minimização do uso de água e efluentes com considerações econômicas e operacionais via programação matemáticaValle, Edson Cordeiro do January 2005 (has links)
A água é uma matéria-prima estratégica na indústria química, petroquímica e de alimentos, sendo utilizada em diversas etapas dos processos. Devido à importância econômica e ao impacto ambiental resultante do consumo da água na indústria, o uso racional da água vem sendo amplamente enfatizado. Nas últimas décadas, diversas metodologias foram propostas para a minimização do consumo de água e emissão de efluentes líquidos na indústria, baseadas em conceitos de integração mássica como reuso, reciclo e regeneração das correntes que conectam os processos. As metodologias propostas na literatura para a integração mássica dividem-se em dois grandes grupos: o primeiro utiliza a abordagem termodinâmica-heurística-evolutiva, enquanto que o segundo faz uso da programação matemática e otimização. Ambas as metodologias apresentam dificuldades para tratar do caso de múltiplos poluentes, sendo que na primeira, é necessário uma série de aproximações para tratar deste tipo de problema e na segunda estão presentes limitações relativas aos métodos de otimização. Além disso, sistemas integrados massicamente podem apresentar dificuldades operacionais devido ao maior número de reciclos e reusos de correntes. O presente trabalho através do uso de ferramentas de programação matemática e, baseado no problema padrão de síntese de redes proposto por Fontana (2002), propõe métodos para a redução da complexidade do problema de síntese e obtenção de redes integradas massicamente, considerando aspectos econômicos e operacionais. Inicialmente foi proposta a eliminação de variáveis inteiras do problema de otimização, transformando o problema de programação nãolinear inteira-mista (MINLP) em um problema de programação não-linear (NLP). Em seguida, foi proposta uma metodologia para a redução da complexidade do problema baseada na utilização das restrições de igualdade, reduzindo o número de variáveis de decisão. As formulações propostas apresentaram bons resultados, diminuindo consideravelmente o tempo computacional em relação ao problema MINLP original. Baseada nas metodologias desenvolvidas para redução da complexidade do problema, foi implementado ainda um gerador de estimativas iniciais viáveis utilizando números aleatórios. Também foram propostas três implementações para a síntese de redes com considerações econômicas e operacionais, resolvendo o problema de otimização em dois níveis: um externo para avaliação de critérios econômicos e um interno de onde é obtido o índice operacional. Das três formulações com considerações operacionais propostas, duas apresentaram redes com melhor desempenho operacional quando comparadas com os problemas somente com considerações econômicas. Tais resultados foram avaliados através de simulações dinâmicas com modelos linearizados, sendo observado, nestas duas implementações, aumento da robustez do sistema (redução da ação de controle sobre as variáveis manipuladas) frente a distúrbios positivos nas cargas de poluentes e mudanças nos set-points das variáveis controladas. / Water is an important raw material in the chemical, petrochemical, and food industry, being used in several stages of a process. Based on the economic importance of the water and the environmental impact through its employment in the industry, its rational consume has been receiving special attention. In the past decades, several methodologies have been proposed for the minimization of industrial water consume and wastewater emissions based on concepts of mass integration such as reuse, recycle, and regeneration of process streams. The methodologies proposed in the literature for the mass integration can be classified in two main groups: the first uses the themodynamic-heuristic-evolutive approach while the second uses mathematical programming and optimization. Both methodologies show difficulties to deal with the case of multiple pollutants: on the first one it is necessary to make some assumptions to solve this problem while the second, limitations relative to optimization methods are present. Another problem is the operational limitations due to streams recycle and reuse, that integrated processes can present. The present study, through the use of mathematical programming tools, based on the synthesis problem proposed by Fontana (2002), proposes methods to reduce the problem complexity and also for the synthesis of mass integration networks regarding economical and operational aspects. Initially it was proposed the elimination of the integer variables from the optimization problem, changing the problem from mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) to nonlinear programming (NLP). In the following, a methodology for the reduction of the problems complexity, based on the equality constraints, was applied to reduce the number of decision variables. The proposed formulations showed good results, reducing the computational time comparing to the MINLP problem. Based on the proposed methodologies for the reduction of the problem complexity described above, it was implemented a feasible initial guess generator based on random numbers. It was also proposed three formulations for the network synthesis with economic and operational considerations, solving the synthesis problem in two levels: an external level for the evaluation of economical criteria and an internal level where the operational index is obtained. Two out of the three implementations presented networks with better operational results comparing with problems only with economical aspects. These results were evaluated by dynamic simulations with linearized models and it was observed an increase in the systems robustness (reduction of the control action over the manipulated variables) when the system was subjected to positive disturbances in the pollutants loads and set-points changes.
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Minimização do uso de água e efluentes com considerações econômicas e operacionais via programação matemáticaValle, Edson Cordeiro do January 2005 (has links)
A água é uma matéria-prima estratégica na indústria química, petroquímica e de alimentos, sendo utilizada em diversas etapas dos processos. Devido à importância econômica e ao impacto ambiental resultante do consumo da água na indústria, o uso racional da água vem sendo amplamente enfatizado. Nas últimas décadas, diversas metodologias foram propostas para a minimização do consumo de água e emissão de efluentes líquidos na indústria, baseadas em conceitos de integração mássica como reuso, reciclo e regeneração das correntes que conectam os processos. As metodologias propostas na literatura para a integração mássica dividem-se em dois grandes grupos: o primeiro utiliza a abordagem termodinâmica-heurística-evolutiva, enquanto que o segundo faz uso da programação matemática e otimização. Ambas as metodologias apresentam dificuldades para tratar do caso de múltiplos poluentes, sendo que na primeira, é necessário uma série de aproximações para tratar deste tipo de problema e na segunda estão presentes limitações relativas aos métodos de otimização. Além disso, sistemas integrados massicamente podem apresentar dificuldades operacionais devido ao maior número de reciclos e reusos de correntes. O presente trabalho através do uso de ferramentas de programação matemática e, baseado no problema padrão de síntese de redes proposto por Fontana (2002), propõe métodos para a redução da complexidade do problema de síntese e obtenção de redes integradas massicamente, considerando aspectos econômicos e operacionais. Inicialmente foi proposta a eliminação de variáveis inteiras do problema de otimização, transformando o problema de programação nãolinear inteira-mista (MINLP) em um problema de programação não-linear (NLP). Em seguida, foi proposta uma metodologia para a redução da complexidade do problema baseada na utilização das restrições de igualdade, reduzindo o número de variáveis de decisão. As formulações propostas apresentaram bons resultados, diminuindo consideravelmente o tempo computacional em relação ao problema MINLP original. Baseada nas metodologias desenvolvidas para redução da complexidade do problema, foi implementado ainda um gerador de estimativas iniciais viáveis utilizando números aleatórios. Também foram propostas três implementações para a síntese de redes com considerações econômicas e operacionais, resolvendo o problema de otimização em dois níveis: um externo para avaliação de critérios econômicos e um interno de onde é obtido o índice operacional. Das três formulações com considerações operacionais propostas, duas apresentaram redes com melhor desempenho operacional quando comparadas com os problemas somente com considerações econômicas. Tais resultados foram avaliados através de simulações dinâmicas com modelos linearizados, sendo observado, nestas duas implementações, aumento da robustez do sistema (redução da ação de controle sobre as variáveis manipuladas) frente a distúrbios positivos nas cargas de poluentes e mudanças nos set-points das variáveis controladas. / Water is an important raw material in the chemical, petrochemical, and food industry, being used in several stages of a process. Based on the economic importance of the water and the environmental impact through its employment in the industry, its rational consume has been receiving special attention. In the past decades, several methodologies have been proposed for the minimization of industrial water consume and wastewater emissions based on concepts of mass integration such as reuse, recycle, and regeneration of process streams. The methodologies proposed in the literature for the mass integration can be classified in two main groups: the first uses the themodynamic-heuristic-evolutive approach while the second uses mathematical programming and optimization. Both methodologies show difficulties to deal with the case of multiple pollutants: on the first one it is necessary to make some assumptions to solve this problem while the second, limitations relative to optimization methods are present. Another problem is the operational limitations due to streams recycle and reuse, that integrated processes can present. The present study, through the use of mathematical programming tools, based on the synthesis problem proposed by Fontana (2002), proposes methods to reduce the problem complexity and also for the synthesis of mass integration networks regarding economical and operational aspects. Initially it was proposed the elimination of the integer variables from the optimization problem, changing the problem from mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) to nonlinear programming (NLP). In the following, a methodology for the reduction of the problems complexity, based on the equality constraints, was applied to reduce the number of decision variables. The proposed formulations showed good results, reducing the computational time comparing to the MINLP problem. Based on the proposed methodologies for the reduction of the problem complexity described above, it was implemented a feasible initial guess generator based on random numbers. It was also proposed three formulations for the network synthesis with economic and operational considerations, solving the synthesis problem in two levels: an external level for the evaluation of economical criteria and an internal level where the operational index is obtained. Two out of the three implementations presented networks with better operational results comparing with problems only with economical aspects. These results were evaluated by dynamic simulations with linearized models and it was observed an increase in the systems robustness (reduction of the control action over the manipulated variables) when the system was subjected to positive disturbances in the pollutants loads and set-points changes.
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Minimização do uso de água e efluentes com considerações econômicas e operacionais via programação matemáticaValle, Edson Cordeiro do January 2005 (has links)
A água é uma matéria-prima estratégica na indústria química, petroquímica e de alimentos, sendo utilizada em diversas etapas dos processos. Devido à importância econômica e ao impacto ambiental resultante do consumo da água na indústria, o uso racional da água vem sendo amplamente enfatizado. Nas últimas décadas, diversas metodologias foram propostas para a minimização do consumo de água e emissão de efluentes líquidos na indústria, baseadas em conceitos de integração mássica como reuso, reciclo e regeneração das correntes que conectam os processos. As metodologias propostas na literatura para a integração mássica dividem-se em dois grandes grupos: o primeiro utiliza a abordagem termodinâmica-heurística-evolutiva, enquanto que o segundo faz uso da programação matemática e otimização. Ambas as metodologias apresentam dificuldades para tratar do caso de múltiplos poluentes, sendo que na primeira, é necessário uma série de aproximações para tratar deste tipo de problema e na segunda estão presentes limitações relativas aos métodos de otimização. Além disso, sistemas integrados massicamente podem apresentar dificuldades operacionais devido ao maior número de reciclos e reusos de correntes. O presente trabalho através do uso de ferramentas de programação matemática e, baseado no problema padrão de síntese de redes proposto por Fontana (2002), propõe métodos para a redução da complexidade do problema de síntese e obtenção de redes integradas massicamente, considerando aspectos econômicos e operacionais. Inicialmente foi proposta a eliminação de variáveis inteiras do problema de otimização, transformando o problema de programação nãolinear inteira-mista (MINLP) em um problema de programação não-linear (NLP). Em seguida, foi proposta uma metodologia para a redução da complexidade do problema baseada na utilização das restrições de igualdade, reduzindo o número de variáveis de decisão. As formulações propostas apresentaram bons resultados, diminuindo consideravelmente o tempo computacional em relação ao problema MINLP original. Baseada nas metodologias desenvolvidas para redução da complexidade do problema, foi implementado ainda um gerador de estimativas iniciais viáveis utilizando números aleatórios. Também foram propostas três implementações para a síntese de redes com considerações econômicas e operacionais, resolvendo o problema de otimização em dois níveis: um externo para avaliação de critérios econômicos e um interno de onde é obtido o índice operacional. Das três formulações com considerações operacionais propostas, duas apresentaram redes com melhor desempenho operacional quando comparadas com os problemas somente com considerações econômicas. Tais resultados foram avaliados através de simulações dinâmicas com modelos linearizados, sendo observado, nestas duas implementações, aumento da robustez do sistema (redução da ação de controle sobre as variáveis manipuladas) frente a distúrbios positivos nas cargas de poluentes e mudanças nos set-points das variáveis controladas. / Water is an important raw material in the chemical, petrochemical, and food industry, being used in several stages of a process. Based on the economic importance of the water and the environmental impact through its employment in the industry, its rational consume has been receiving special attention. In the past decades, several methodologies have been proposed for the minimization of industrial water consume and wastewater emissions based on concepts of mass integration such as reuse, recycle, and regeneration of process streams. The methodologies proposed in the literature for the mass integration can be classified in two main groups: the first uses the themodynamic-heuristic-evolutive approach while the second uses mathematical programming and optimization. Both methodologies show difficulties to deal with the case of multiple pollutants: on the first one it is necessary to make some assumptions to solve this problem while the second, limitations relative to optimization methods are present. Another problem is the operational limitations due to streams recycle and reuse, that integrated processes can present. The present study, through the use of mathematical programming tools, based on the synthesis problem proposed by Fontana (2002), proposes methods to reduce the problem complexity and also for the synthesis of mass integration networks regarding economical and operational aspects. Initially it was proposed the elimination of the integer variables from the optimization problem, changing the problem from mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) to nonlinear programming (NLP). In the following, a methodology for the reduction of the problems complexity, based on the equality constraints, was applied to reduce the number of decision variables. The proposed formulations showed good results, reducing the computational time comparing to the MINLP problem. Based on the proposed methodologies for the reduction of the problem complexity described above, it was implemented a feasible initial guess generator based on random numbers. It was also proposed three formulations for the network synthesis with economic and operational considerations, solving the synthesis problem in two levels: an external level for the evaluation of economical criteria and an internal level where the operational index is obtained. Two out of the three implementations presented networks with better operational results comparing with problems only with economical aspects. These results were evaluated by dynamic simulations with linearized models and it was observed an increase in the systems robustness (reduction of the control action over the manipulated variables) when the system was subjected to positive disturbances in the pollutants loads and set-points changes.
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Analýza rozsahu služeb zdarma v současném turismu a jejich implikace / Evaluation of a tourism services range provided for free and its implicationsJeřichová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to create a certain overview of tourism services provided currently for free. The theoretical part enlightens the theory of price, its marketing mix functions, price tactics, strategies and its impact on a company image. Furthermore, the benefits of tourism are described as well as the satellite travel account and the unofficial account of WTTC. In connection with this the multiplying effect, grey and shared economy are introduced. In the practical part an overview of services provided for free is created and the implications are also stated. Those were found out via academic studies, interviews and e-mail communication with respondents. The result of this thesis is a summary of implications connected with each type of free tourism services.
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Interactions culturelles entre l’Asie du Sud-Est et l’Inde aux 4e-2e s. av. J.-C. : étude technologique des céramiques de Khao Sam Kaeo (Thaïlande péninsulaire, province de Chumphon) / Cultural interactions between Southeast Asia and India during the 4th-2nd c. BC : technological analysis of Khao sam Kaeo’s ceramics (Peninsular Thailand, Chumphon province)Bouvet, Phaedra 11 June 2012 (has links)
Longtemps, l’indianisation a été considérée comme un phénomène historique de transfert d’éléments artistiques, politiques et religieux de l’Inde vers l’Asie du Sud-Est. Or, de plus en plus, la protohistoire de l’Asie du Sud-Est apparaît comme une période clef du processus d’acculturation. C’est ce que suggère l’interprétation sociale des transferts techno-morpho-stylistiques d’origine indienne identifiés au sein de l’assemblage céramique de Khao Sam Kaeo. En effet, elle conduit à penser que le passage de traits culturels indiens a résulté d’une assimilation sélective de la part des autochtones. Elle suggère également que ces traits étaient réinterprétés afin d’être mis au service de représentations locales : à Khao Sam Kaeo, les formes de la transculturation, non fondées sur des rapports de domination, pourraient s’être exercées comme une appropriation identitaire des traits de culture indienne. Si notre travail semble montrer que les élites ont été les vecteurs majeurs des emprunts faits à l’Inde, il témoignerait également du rôle primordial joué par les artisans, dont certains, d’origine indienne, auraient travaillé sous le patronat d’élites locales. Le travail sur place d’artisans exogènes implique une réponse importante de l’Inde dans les échanges, ce qui contrecarre la vision unilatérale de ces derniers, laquelle ne tient pas compte de l’impact des sociétés sud-est asiatiques sur celles du sous-continent indien. Au cours de la protohistoire, les réseaux tournés vers le Golfe du Bengale se sont entremêlés avec ceux de la mer de Chine Méridionale. L’étude des céramiques de Khao Sam Kaeo suggère que ces échanges ont induit le déplacement de certains groupes sociaux (migrants, marchands, artisans) : l’analyse de la distribution interne des différentes traditions céramiques montre que les acteurs étrangers étaient cantonnés à certaines zones du site et témoigne du rôle résolument actif des populations locales, qui se sont adaptées à la présence d’étrangers en structurant l’espace proto-urbain / For a long time, indianisation was considered as a historical phenomenon involving the transfer of artistic, political, and religious elements from India to Southeast Asia. But increasingly, Southeast Asian protohistory appears to be a key period in the acculturation process. This is suggested by the social interpretation of techno-morpho-stylistic transfers of Indian origin that have been identified at the heart of the ceramic assemblage of Khao Sam Kaeo. Indeed, it shows that the transfer of Indian cultural traits may result from selective assimilation by the indigenous peoples. It also reveals that these cultural traits were probably reinterpreted in order to be placed at the service of local representations: at Khao Sam Kaeo, the forms of transculturation were not based on relations of domination. If this study shows that the elites were probably the major vectors of cultural borrowings from India, it also suggests the primordial role played by craftsmen, some of whom were probably Indian and would have worked under the patronage of local elites. The work of exogenous potters at Khao Sam Kaeo indicates that India played an important role in trade, a contention that challenges the unilateral view of trade, which ignores the impact of Southeast Asian societies on those of the Indian subcontinent. During the protohistory, trade networks oriented towards the Bay of Bengal intermingled with those of the South China Sea. The study of Khao Sam Kaeo’s ceramics seems to show that these exchanges induced the movement of certain social groups (migrants, merchants, craftsmen): analysis of the internal distribution of different ceramic traditions shows that foreign people were confined to certain areas of the site and may testifies to the resolutely active role of the local populations, which structured the proto-urban space adapting to the presence of foreigners in trans-Asiatic exchanges
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Puerto Nuevo: Long distance exchange networks during the first half of the first Millenium B.C.E / Puerto Nuevo: redes de intercambio a larga distancia durante la primera mitad del primer mileno antes de nuestra eraDulanto, Jalh 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article we present the results of the first season of excavations undertaken by the Paracas Archaeological Project at the Puerto Nuevo Archaeological Site. We focus on the stratigraphy and occupational history of the site, the radiocarbon dating ofthese occupations we have been able to identify this point, the pottery styles associated to these occupations, and the remains ofplants and animals consumed at the site. We finish with some ideas about the importance of our findings to the reconstructionof the long distance exchange networks of the first half of the first millennium B.C.E, and the role these networks played in the important political and economic changes that took place in the Central Andes during that time. / En este artículo, presentamos los resultados de la primera temporada de excavaciones del Proyecto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas Paracas, llevada a cabo en el sitio arqueológico de Puerto Nuevo. Nos concentramos en la estratigrafía e historia ocupacional delsitio, el fechado radiocarbónico de las ocupaciones definidas hasta el momento, los estilos de vasijas de cerámica asociada a dichas ocupaciones, y los restos de fauna y flora explotada y consumida en el sitio. Finalmente, terminaremos con algunas reflexiones yespeculaciones sobre la importancia de nuestros hallazgos en la reconstrucción de las redes de intercambio a larga distancia de laprimera mitad del primer milenio antes de nuestra era, y el rol que estas jugaron en los cambios políticos y económicos tan importantes que ocurrieron en los Andes Centrales durante este período.
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