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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


El Sanadi, Caroline Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Microsphères lipidiques obtenues par prilling : du polymorphisme des constituants à la compréhension du mécanisme de libération d'un principe actif hydrosoluble / Lipidic microspheres obtained by a prilling process : from constituents polymorphism to the understanding of the release mechanism of a water soluble drug

Pivette, Perrine 17 June 2011 (has links)
Le travail de recherche mené au cours de cette thèse a été effectué dans le cadre d’une collaboration industrielle et a porté sur l’étude des caractéristiques physico-chimiques d’une matrice lipidique à libération prolongée. L’originalité de cette dernière tient à sa forme galénique, des microsphères calibrées d’environ 400 µm de diamètre, fabriquées par procédé de prilling puis conditionnées en sachets.Les caractérisations entreprises au cours de cette thèse ont été menées progressivement en partant de l’étude du comportement thermique individuel des constituants (excipients lipidiques et principe actif), puis de leurs mélanges pour définir les conditions d’existence et les caractéristiques structurales des phases solides qu’ils engendrent, notamment lors du prilling. Plusieurs diagrammes d’état partiels ont été construits pour permettre de cerner l’organisation de la matrice formant le produit fini et disposer de leviers fiables pour corriger d’éventuelles déviations du procédé de fabrication. Cette analyse était également indispensable pour décrire précisément le processus de libération du principe actif et en déterminer les paramètres cinétiques. / The research conducted in this thesis, during an industrial collaboration, is focused on the study of physicochemical characteristics of a sustained release lipid matrix. The originality of this matrix is its dosage form, microspheres of 400 microns in diameter, manufactured by a prilling process and packaged in stick-packs.The characterizations conducted during this thesis have been carried out gradually starting from the study of the thermal behavior of individual components (lipidic excipients and drug) and their mixtures to define the phase formation conditions and the structural characteristics of the solid phases generated, especially during the prilling process. Partial phase diagrams were constructed to understand the final product matrix organization and to identify actions to correct any deviations in the process. This analysis was also needed to accurately describe the drug release mechanism and to determine the kinetic parameters.

Etude des phénomènes liés à la conception de mini-comprimés orodispersibles par compression directe / Study of the phenomena related to the design of orodispersible mini tablets by direct compression

Soulairol, Ian 05 October 2017 (has links)
La possibilité d’administrer des formes sèches orales est encore de nos jours un enjeu dans certaines spécialités médicales telles que la pédiatrie, la neurologie ou la gériatrie. Les mini-comprimés orodispersibles présentent un intérêt majeur pour répondre à cette problématique.L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier les différents phénomènes qui régissent la conception de cette forme pharmaceutique par compression directe.Trois axes de recherche ont été fixés pour la réalisation de ce travail : - Premièrement, étudier les paramètres de formulation et de fabrication des mini-comprimés orodispersibles.- Deuxièmement, améliorer notre compréhension des phénomènes qui régissent la désintégration de ces comprimés au travers de l’étude du comportement de l’excipient clé de la désintégration : le super-désintégrant.- Enfin, développer un matériau à base d’acide alginique et d’alginate de calcium ayant pour fonction d’accélérer la désintégration des mini-comprimés orodispersibles.Les résultats obtenus permettent d’orienter les choix des différents excipients et les paramètres techniques pour la fabrication de cette forme. D’autre part, ils mettent en évidence le besoin de définir des spécifications et des techniques de caractérisation qui lui sont dédiées. Les résultats obtenus lors de l’étude du comportement des super-désintégrants au moment de leur hydratation, soulignent l’importance de la capacité de conduction de l’eau des super-désintégrants dans le mécanisme de désintégration des mini-comprimés orodispersibles. Enfin, les résultats des travaux réalisés pour l’obtention de matériaux super-désintégrants à base d’acide alginique permettent d’établir de premières orientations à suivre dans leurs modes de production.Les différentes conclusions issues des travaux menés lors de cette thèse permettront de valoriser cette forme pharmaceutique innovante et d’en favoriser de nouveaux développements. / Patient acceptability of a medical product is a key aspect in the development of medicines. Oral administration of dry forms presents still several limitations in some medical specialties such as pediatrics, neurology or geriatrics. Orodispersible Mini Tablets (ODMTs) have been described as a potential solution to these drawbacks.In this thesis, the different parameters governing the design of these pharmaceutical forms by direct compression have been studied.Three main lines of research have been followed to carry out this work:- Firstly, the different parameters of formulation and manufacture of orodispersible mini tablets were evaluated.- Secondly, the behavior of different commercial super disintegrants, key excipents in the disintegrating action, was studied in order to improve our understanding of the phenomena governing the disintegration mechanisms of the ODMTs.- Finally, various alginate-based materials were developed and its function as super disintegrants in orodispersible mini tablets was tested.The obtained results can be used as indicatives in the choice of excipient and the technical parameters for an effective manufacture of OMDTs. Moreover, they have highlighted the need to continue defining specifications and characterization techniques dedicated to further development of OMDTs. The results obtained during the hydration studies (swelling ratio, swelling force and water uptake) of the super disintegrants underline the importance of wicking in the disintegration mechanism of the ODMT.Finally, the prepared alginate-based materials have shown to present interesting mechanical properties for the development of effective and available super disintegrants for direct compression.The choice of suitable super disintegrants for ODMTs formulation requires extensive knowledge of their properties for promoting the breakout of the tablet and of their interaction with both, water and the various materials constituting the tablet. Thus, the knowledge gained in this thesis on super disintegrant functionality will promote the appropriate development of this innovative pharmaceutical form.

Aplicação de métodos termo-analíticos e espectroscóspicos na avaliação do comportamento do fármaco isoniazida frente a adjuvantes tecnológicos / Application of thermo-analytical and spectroscopical methods on the evaluation of the behavior of isoniazid and pharmaceutical excipients

Velásquez Armijo, Cristián Jesús January 2003 (has links)
Os métodos termo-analíticos são ferramentas úteis na avaliação da compatibilidade entre fármacos e adjuvantes, com destaque à calorimetria exploratória diferencial. Neste trabalho foram avaliados a compatibilidade e o comportamento térmico entre a isoniazida e adjuvantes tecnológicos primários usualmente empregados em formas farmacêuticas sólidas. A compatibilidade foi examinada por meio da preparação de misturas físicas binárias do tipo fármaco/adjuvante. Foi investigada também a influência da granulação por via úmida e do processo de compactação para as misturas de isoniazida e adjuvantes com função de material de enchimento e carga e deslizante. A isoniazida apresentou um comportamento térmico não encontrado na literatura. Os adjuvantes avaliados foram: ácido esteárico, amido, celulose microcristalina, crospovidona, croscarmelose sódica, dióxido de silício coloidal estearato de magnésio, glicolato de amido sódico, hipromelose, lactose, manitol, polidona e talco. Para as misturas físicas, a maioria dos adjuvantes mostrou-se compatível com o fármaco em questão. Foram verificadas interações com o ácido esteárico, o glicolato de amido sódico, a lactose, o manitol e a povidona. A isoniazida mostrou a formação de uma mistura eutética com o manitol e de interação química com a lactose. A agregação por via úmida e o processo de compactação não mostraram influências adicionais na compatibilidade das misturas avaliadas. Os resultados observados foram confirmados por métodos não-térmicos como difratometria de raios X, espectroscopia de infravermelho e ressonância nuclear magnética. / Thermo-analytical methods, and specially Differential Scanning Calorimetry, are useful support for the evaluation of compatibility between drug substances and pharmaceutical excipients. In this work were studied the compatibility and the thermal behavior of isoniazid and pharmaceutical excipients, commonly used for the formulation of solid dosage forms. Colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, crospovidone, hypromellose, lactose, magnesium stearate, mannitol, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium croscarmellose, sodium starch glycolate, stearic acid and talc were the excipients employed in these experiments. The compatibility was analyzed testing binary physical drug/excipient admixtures. The effect of wet granulation and compression was also investigated, in this case especially between isoniazid, fillers and lubricant. For almost all excipients no incompatibilities with isoniazid were observed. Interactions were detected when the drug substance was added to stearic acid, sodium starch glycolate, lactose, mannitol and povidone. Isoniazid formed a euthetic mixture with mannitol, whereas a possible chemical reaction occurred between isoniazid and lactose. Wet granulation and compaction of the tested admixtures did not affect the results observed above. These observations were confirmed by non-thermal techniques, such as X-Ray diffractometry, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance.


Gupta Patel, Salin 01 January 2019 (has links)
Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems (NDDS) such as nanocrystals, nanosuspensions, solid-lipid nanoparticles often formulated for the bioavailability enhancement of poorly soluble drug candidates are stabilized by a mixture of excipients including surfactants and polymers. Most literature studies have focused on the interaction of excipients with the NDDS surfaces while ignoring the interaction of excipients in solution and the extent to which the solution-state interactions influence the affinity and capacity of adsorption. Mechanisms by which excipients stabilize NDDS and how this information can be utilized by formulators a priori to make a rational selection of excipients is not known. The goals of this dissertation work were (a) to determine the energetics of interactions between HPMC and model surfactants and the extent to which these solution-state interactions modulate the adsorption of these excipients onto solid surfaces, (b) to determine and characterize the structures of various aggregate species formed by the interaction between hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and model surfactants (nonionic and ionic) in solution-state, and (c) to extend these quantitative relationships to interpret probable mechanisms of mixed adsorption of excipients onto the model NDDS surface. A unique approach utilizing fluorescence, solution calorimetry and adsorption isotherms was applied to tease apart the effect of solution state interactions of polymer and surfactant on the extent of simultaneous adsorption of the two excipients on a model surface. The onset of aggregation and changes in aggregate structures were quantified by a fluorescence probe approach with successive addition of surfactant. In the presence of HPMC, the structures of the aggregates formed were much smaller with an aggregation number (Nagg) of 34 as compared to micelles (Nagg ~ 68) formed in the absence of HPMC. The strength of polymer-surfactant interactions was determined to be a function of ionic strength and hydrophobicity of surfactant. The nature of these structures was characterized using their solubilization power for a hydrophobic probe molecule. This was determined to be approximately 35% higher in the polymer-surfactant aggregates as compared to micelles alone and was attributed to a significant increase in the number of aggregates formed and the increased hydrophobic microenvironment within these aggregates at a given concentration of surfactant. The energetics of the adsorption of SDS, HPMC, and SDS-HPMC aggregate onto nanosuspensions of silica, which is the model solid surface were quantified. A strong adsorption enthalpy of 1.25 kJ/mol was determined for SDS adsorption onto silica in the presence of HPMC as compared to the negligible adsorption enthalpy of 0.1 kJ/mol for SDS alone on the silica surface. The solution depletion and HPMC/ELSD methods showed a marked increase in the adsorption of SDS onto silica in the presence of HPMC. However, at high SDS concentrations, a significant decrease in the adsorbed amount of HPMC onto silica was determined. This was further corroborated by the adsorption enthalpy that showed that the silica-HPMC-SDS aggregation process became less endothermic upon addition of SDS. This suggested that the decrease in adsorption of HPMC onto silica at high SDS concentrations was due to competitive adsorption of SDS-HPMC aggregates wherein SDS is displaced/desorbed from silica in the presence of HPMC. At low SDS concentrations, an increase in adsorption of SDS was due to cooperative adsorption wherein SDS is preferentially adsorbed onto silica in the presence of HPMC. This adsorption behavior confirmed the hypothesis that the solution-state interactions between pharmaceutical excipients such as polymers and surfactants would significantly impact the affinity and capacity of adsorption of these excipients on NDDS surfaces.

Development of High Efficiency Dry Powder Inhalers for Use with Spray Dried Formulations

Farkas, Dale 01 January 2017 (has links)
Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) are advantageous for delivering medication to the lungs for the treatment of respiratory diseases because of the stability of the powders, relative low cost, synchronization of inhalation and dose delivery, and many design options that can be used for optimization. However, currently marketed DPIs are very inefficient in delivering medications to the lungs. This study has developed multiple new high efficiency DPIs for use with spray dried excipient enhanced growth (EEG) powder formulations based on the following platforms: capsule-based for oral inhalation, high-dose for oral inhalation, inline with 3D rod array dispersion, and inline with capillary jet dispersion. The capsule-based DPIs for oral inhalation implemented a 3D rod array for aerosol dispersion with optimal designs producing mass median aerodynamic diameters (MMADs) in the range of 1.3-1.5 µm and emitted doses in the range of 79-81%. Keys to inhaler success were the orientation of the capsule and inclusion of the 3D rod array. For the high-dose oral inhaler, performance was similar to the optimized capsule-based devices, while aerosolizing a much larger mass of powder. Surprisingly, removal of the fluidized bed of spheres improved performance producing a simple high dose device containing only a single dose sphere. The inline device using the 3D rod array was effective in producing particles of approximately 1.5 µm, at flow rates consistent with high flow therapy using a 1 L ventilation bag as the delivery mechanism. Using a capillary jet as the dispersion mechanism, further advances were made to allow for both delivery using a low volume (LV) of air and delivery in low flow therapy. This easily adaptable platform was able to produce a high quality aerosol out of a nasal cannula with an ED greater than 60% and a size (~2 µm) that should produce minimal extrathoracic losses. In conclusion, this study demonstrates (i) the design and optimization of DPIs capable of delivering EEG aerosols to the lungs using oral inhalation, (ii) the ability to deliver EEG aerosols using N2L aerosol administration, and (iii) the design of a new flexible LV-DPI device that is easily adaptable to multiple patients and delivery platforms, which are greatly needed in clinical environments.

Aplicação de métodos termo-analíticos e espectroscóspicos na avaliação do comportamento do fármaco isoniazida frente a adjuvantes tecnológicos / Application of thermo-analytical and spectroscopical methods on the evaluation of the behavior of isoniazid and pharmaceutical excipients

Velásquez Armijo, Cristián Jesús January 2003 (has links)
Os métodos termo-analíticos são ferramentas úteis na avaliação da compatibilidade entre fármacos e adjuvantes, com destaque à calorimetria exploratória diferencial. Neste trabalho foram avaliados a compatibilidade e o comportamento térmico entre a isoniazida e adjuvantes tecnológicos primários usualmente empregados em formas farmacêuticas sólidas. A compatibilidade foi examinada por meio da preparação de misturas físicas binárias do tipo fármaco/adjuvante. Foi investigada também a influência da granulação por via úmida e do processo de compactação para as misturas de isoniazida e adjuvantes com função de material de enchimento e carga e deslizante. A isoniazida apresentou um comportamento térmico não encontrado na literatura. Os adjuvantes avaliados foram: ácido esteárico, amido, celulose microcristalina, crospovidona, croscarmelose sódica, dióxido de silício coloidal estearato de magnésio, glicolato de amido sódico, hipromelose, lactose, manitol, polidona e talco. Para as misturas físicas, a maioria dos adjuvantes mostrou-se compatível com o fármaco em questão. Foram verificadas interações com o ácido esteárico, o glicolato de amido sódico, a lactose, o manitol e a povidona. A isoniazida mostrou a formação de uma mistura eutética com o manitol e de interação química com a lactose. A agregação por via úmida e o processo de compactação não mostraram influências adicionais na compatibilidade das misturas avaliadas. Os resultados observados foram confirmados por métodos não-térmicos como difratometria de raios X, espectroscopia de infravermelho e ressonância nuclear magnética. / Thermo-analytical methods, and specially Differential Scanning Calorimetry, are useful support for the evaluation of compatibility between drug substances and pharmaceutical excipients. In this work were studied the compatibility and the thermal behavior of isoniazid and pharmaceutical excipients, commonly used for the formulation of solid dosage forms. Colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, crospovidone, hypromellose, lactose, magnesium stearate, mannitol, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium croscarmellose, sodium starch glycolate, stearic acid and talc were the excipients employed in these experiments. The compatibility was analyzed testing binary physical drug/excipient admixtures. The effect of wet granulation and compression was also investigated, in this case especially between isoniazid, fillers and lubricant. For almost all excipients no incompatibilities with isoniazid were observed. Interactions were detected when the drug substance was added to stearic acid, sodium starch glycolate, lactose, mannitol and povidone. Isoniazid formed a euthetic mixture with mannitol, whereas a possible chemical reaction occurred between isoniazid and lactose. Wet granulation and compaction of the tested admixtures did not affect the results observed above. These observations were confirmed by non-thermal techniques, such as X-Ray diffractometry, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance.

Evaluation de la chitine comme nouvelle source d’excipients multifonctionnels pour la formulation et la mise en œuvre par compression directe de comprimés à désintégration rapide / Evaluation of chitin as a novel source of multifunctional excipients for fast disintegrating tablets produced by direct compression

Chaheen, Mohammad 06 September 2018 (has links)
La demande actuelle croissante d’excipients multifonctionnels par les laboratoires pharmaceutiques, amène les fabricants de matières premières à développer de nouveaux matériaux pouvant répondre à ces critères de performance. Parmi les différents procédés disponibles pour de telles productions, les techniques de co-traitement sont les plus sollicitées. Considérant l’évaluation de la fonctionnalité de différents excipients désintégrants, l’objectif de cette thèse a été de développer un tel excipient, original, économiquement intéressant et pouvant être utilisé dans la fabrication de comprimés par compression directe.Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes tout d’abord intéressés à étudier et à comparer la fonctionnalité de différents désintégrants commerciaux, en évaluant notamment l’influence des milieux réactionnels sur cette fonctionnalité.La chitine, deuxième polysaccharide naturel le plus abondant au monde, et présentant des propriétés physico-chimiques et pharmacotechniques pertinentes, a retenu notre intérêt. Un mélange co-processé, de chitine et de carbonate de calcium (CC) a été développée, et sa préparation optimisée afin de pouvoir disposer d’un matériau aux propriétés maîtrisées. Par des études conduites sur simulateur de compression, nous avons pu, d’une part, établir un profil complet de compression du CC, d’autre part, évaluer ses performances en compression directe en le formulant avec des proportions variables de composants actifs pharmaceutiques retenus comme traceurs modèles. Des études de stabilité ont enfin été réalisées, afin de déterminer ses meilleures conditions d’utilisation.Les résultats les plus marquants ont montré que la chitine présente une comprimabilité satisfaisante et des propriétés de désintégration qui ne sont pas influencées par l’environnement physico-chimique de la formulation. L’excipient co-processé CC a révélé des propriétés très intéressantes et notamment, une densité vraie et une coulabilité améliorées, par rapport à la chitine seule. Ses propriétés désintégrantes sont également particulièrement notables (comprises entre 2 et 5 s.). Son comportement en compression est par ailleurs très satisfaisant avec, une comprimabilité, une compressibilité et une compactibilité performantes; il est également à noter, que dans nos conditions de formulations, il n’a pas nécessité l'addition de lubrifiant. Les comprimés élaborés avec les composants actifs modèles ont fourni des profils de compression également performants et des aptitudes à la désintégration très satisfaisantes. Quant aux profils de dissolution pharmaceutique, ils ont révélé que, avec une teneur en CC égale à 30% m/m, la libération des actifs était rapide. Les études de stabilité conduites afin de définir les conditions optimales de conservation, ont montré que des précautions de température et d'humidité doivent être prises pour les produits formulés avec CC.L’excipient CC co-traité développé dans cette Etude présente toutes les caractéristiques d’un excellent excipient multifonctionnel (diluant, désintégrant, liant). Valorisant l’usage d’une matière première de base naturelle et très abondante (la chitine), facile à produire et économiquement rentable, il devrait pouvoir trouver un intérêt dans la formulation et la production de comprimés à dissolution rapide par compression directe. / Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for multifunctional excipients that replaces the need and use of multiple excipients. Pharmaceutical excipients coprocessing techniques represent important methods for new excipients development with enhanced functionalities. The objective of this thesis is to develop a cost-effective multifunctional excipient (filler-disintegrant-binder) used in tablet manufacturing by direct compression.In this thesis, we’ve studied and compared disintegrants functionality for different materials and evaluated the effect of media on their disintegrant’s functionality. In addition, chitin was chosen as a base to develop a multifunctional excipient used in direct compression as it showed a good and promising physicochemical and pharmaceutical properties. Chitin-Calcium carbonate (CC) coprocessed excipient was developed and its production was further optimized to ensure better powder properties and functionality. In addition, CC compression profile was established by studying its compression behavior under different conditions and formulating with active pharmaceutical ingredients to determine how it affects the formulation at different percentages. Finally, stability study was carried out to determine best conditions for the excipient handling.Results showed that chitin has good tabletability and disintegration properties that were not influenced by the physicochemical environment of the formulation. CC showed an enhancement in true density and flowability (that are considered as drawbacks for raw chitin use as an excipient) and fast disintegration (2-5s). The excipient had good tabletability, compressibility, compactibility, and it doesn’t need the use of a lubricant. CC showed a good compression profile at different manufacturing conditions (multiple lubrication levels, compression speeds and dwell times) while maintaining fast disintegration. It causes rapid disintegration and dissolution when formulated with active pharmaceutical ingredients starting from 30% w/w, and its inclusion was reflected positively on tablets strength. Stability studies showed that precautions on temperature and humidity conditions would need to be taken on CC formulated products. The results showed that the excipient serves as an excellent multifunctional excipient (filler, disintegrant, binder) used for fast disintegrating tablets produced by direct compression. It represents a cost-effective product that is efficient and easily produced at pilot plant and upon scale-up.

Aplicação de métodos termo-analíticos e espectroscóspicos na avaliação do comportamento do fármaco isoniazida frente a adjuvantes tecnológicos / Application of thermo-analytical and spectroscopical methods on the evaluation of the behavior of isoniazid and pharmaceutical excipients

Velásquez Armijo, Cristián Jesús January 2003 (has links)
Os métodos termo-analíticos são ferramentas úteis na avaliação da compatibilidade entre fármacos e adjuvantes, com destaque à calorimetria exploratória diferencial. Neste trabalho foram avaliados a compatibilidade e o comportamento térmico entre a isoniazida e adjuvantes tecnológicos primários usualmente empregados em formas farmacêuticas sólidas. A compatibilidade foi examinada por meio da preparação de misturas físicas binárias do tipo fármaco/adjuvante. Foi investigada também a influência da granulação por via úmida e do processo de compactação para as misturas de isoniazida e adjuvantes com função de material de enchimento e carga e deslizante. A isoniazida apresentou um comportamento térmico não encontrado na literatura. Os adjuvantes avaliados foram: ácido esteárico, amido, celulose microcristalina, crospovidona, croscarmelose sódica, dióxido de silício coloidal estearato de magnésio, glicolato de amido sódico, hipromelose, lactose, manitol, polidona e talco. Para as misturas físicas, a maioria dos adjuvantes mostrou-se compatível com o fármaco em questão. Foram verificadas interações com o ácido esteárico, o glicolato de amido sódico, a lactose, o manitol e a povidona. A isoniazida mostrou a formação de uma mistura eutética com o manitol e de interação química com a lactose. A agregação por via úmida e o processo de compactação não mostraram influências adicionais na compatibilidade das misturas avaliadas. Os resultados observados foram confirmados por métodos não-térmicos como difratometria de raios X, espectroscopia de infravermelho e ressonância nuclear magnética. / Thermo-analytical methods, and specially Differential Scanning Calorimetry, are useful support for the evaluation of compatibility between drug substances and pharmaceutical excipients. In this work were studied the compatibility and the thermal behavior of isoniazid and pharmaceutical excipients, commonly used for the formulation of solid dosage forms. Colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, crospovidone, hypromellose, lactose, magnesium stearate, mannitol, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium croscarmellose, sodium starch glycolate, stearic acid and talc were the excipients employed in these experiments. The compatibility was analyzed testing binary physical drug/excipient admixtures. The effect of wet granulation and compression was also investigated, in this case especially between isoniazid, fillers and lubricant. For almost all excipients no incompatibilities with isoniazid were observed. Interactions were detected when the drug substance was added to stearic acid, sodium starch glycolate, lactose, mannitol and povidone. Isoniazid formed a euthetic mixture with mannitol, whereas a possible chemical reaction occurred between isoniazid and lactose. Wet granulation and compaction of the tested admixtures did not affect the results observed above. These observations were confirmed by non-thermal techniques, such as X-Ray diffractometry, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance.

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